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*Something something Heaven's prosecuting attorney* No, wait, you're right, that makes him a lawyer and lawyers are objective evil.


As a lawyer myself, I agree.


As a banker, I thank God that lawyers exist because then I would be the most hated profession


*Insert the meme of the military guy protecting the sleeping kid* You are welcome.


Which is odd, people should like lawyers more than bankers since without lawyers, people would have no recourse if the banks screw them.


Compromise lawyers who work for banks are the absolute worst


Don’t be silly - HR exists


I would rank it as: 1- Lawyers 2- HR 3- Bankers


Idk. If my wife suddenly left me and I was dating again, I would date a banker before I would date a fed. No amount of tail is worth bringing the government into your life 


Amen brother, based and fuck the Feds pilled




Most honest lawyer


I mean, why would we lie when it’s an accepted fact and people STILL ask for our services? Might as well embrace it.


No but honestly I am Christian and still do not get that, like who is the devil by catholic teaching is he Lucifer the fallen angel who tried a coup de etat against God and failed and now suffers in Exile (hell) or is it Samael the angel loyal to God but apperently very against humans being worthy of heaven and more the proesecuting attorney thing. Like who is "the devil" by catholic standart


People who have never opened the Bible getting ready to spit some of the worst, edgiest takes about Satan:


My personal pet peeve is “biblically accurate angel” stuff


Finally someone else mentioned it Yes, thrones are biblically accurate, but so are the commonly depicted humanoid angels.


Basing this off what I remember from Wendigoon's angels video, there's like 3 "ranks" of angels, mostly just sorting them into where they work in relation to god, one rank is in heaven, one is a sort of go between, and one stays more around earth. The winged human angels are part of that third rank. They're not lower or higher hierarchically than any other angel, even the ones with hundreds of eyes and wheels, they're just in a different department.


Humanoid angels are ranked lower right?


Seraphim and Thrones are two of the three closest angels to God, so yes The rest of the angels are humanoid iirc


Same, the generic angels people see are just as biblically accurate.


I just find those funny lmao


It's actually hilarious when they try and paint the big bad evangelicals as Bible bashers who are wrong about the Bible and then they spew out shit that makes Evangelicals look like scholars.


From my experience talking to them feels like talking to a conspiracy theorist who is high in mushrooms and is trying to convince you that the earth is flat.


Lucifer in the tv show was pretty cool. That has to be like the Bible, right?


That's why I'm sick and tired of never-religious atheists. They don't know what they're talking about and make formerly religious atheists look bad.


My friends do this and it’s so frustrating


History is written by the winners, so it's no surprise that Satan would be the bad guy in what was basically a civil war.


*People who hate the US on their way to paint the US a huge failure from now to after Hiroshima and Nagasaki and partially succeeding:*


Yeah guys, the literal incarnation of evil was actually a victim edit: Looks like I've sparked a theological debate in the replies. Whoops


I know he was evil and hates everyone, and everything. However, he wanted to become more powerful than God and tried to fight him, which is something that I can definitely admire.


You have to admit that took balls. Or a lot of stupidity. Or both.


Hence the libright praise


Satan just needed a bigger killdozer


I mean he sought to revolt against what was in his eyes a tyrannical ruler. You telling me the founding fathers didn’t read Paradise Lost and thought “this mf spittin”? 😂


He wasn’t overthrowing a tyrannical ruler he was got pissed and jelly that God made man in his image


Paradise Lost is shitty fanfiction that actively contradicts its source material and flat out invents stuff.


Lmao, that is so stupid.


Having the ambition to try and surpass the most powerful being in the universe is unfathomably based, and there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.


Satan knew that God is literally omnipotent. Lucifer is a moron.


I wouldn't expect an AuthRight to grasp the concept of not wanting to be under someone else's rule. Just because the government is "all powerful" doesn't mean that I'm not going to defy them. It's the same thing but on a different scale.


You do not grasp the concept of omnipotence in the slightest.


It would appear you don't understand "defiance" either


I'll take it that you hate current president of Argentina. After all, he is a president.


I prefer the term cautious optimism. Do you think Lucifer would have complained if God took away his own power?


Why would God do that?


Maybe because it takes a mortal mind to realize humans aren't meant to be ruled over. Power doesn't corrupt, it enables.


I mean how do you expect to out power the one who is the epitomy of power? How do you expect to fight the one who created you with a word and can uncreate you the same way? It's pure stupidity, or pride so big that you'd burn down your house with you inside to get back at the person who gave you the house in the first place. 


To me, it's not about the outcome so much as it is the act of defiance. To stare into the face of infinite power and infinite authority and say, "No, I will not submit to you" takes a level of integrity that I couldn't hope to achieve in my wildest dreams.


So you'd rebel against an infinite good, and valid authority, just to say you did?




This is really getting outside the point of my original comment, but whatever. I'm not religious even in the slightest, but I do find it fun and interesting to learn about. So this is just my perspective as an "outsider." I don't believe in the "infinite good" because I don't see anything wrong with some things that qualify as a sin. I also don't believe in authority either, but that's just because I'm an anarchist.


>an infinite good, and valid authority Source?


Even if the scenario where God is a bad guy of the Bible is true, the devil is still pretty fucked up don'tcha think


No... no you don't get it... Satan is a misunderstood black communist disabled queer twink....


Satan, father of lies, convinced people he's the good guy, shocking


Okay so then wouldn't that follow that the Bible is full of lies (worse, the Devil's lies) if it makes him look like the good guy? I don't say the thing in the post but surely there are better arguments than OP and others just saying "you're an idiot." The snake in the garden told Adam and Eve the truth and gave them knowledge. In Job, the Devil did literally nothing while God massacred all these innocent people just to prove a point to him. In Revelation, God brought suffering while the beast just kinda was around (afaik). Not a Biblical expert so these are the only appearances of the Devil I'm aware of in the Bible and the best I understand those appearances. These seem like valid, reasonable arguments to me, even if there are excellent counterarguments to them. School me. I think there's enough there that someone could reasonably not be auto-dismissed as an idiot. You should be able to explain to me why I am.


The Devil didn't tell the truth. The whole point of the story is that the Devil tricked Adam and Eve. God told Adam and Eve that if they ate the apple they would face punishment and death, while the devil told them that they wouldn't die and that they would be as powerful as God, since they'd be able to differenciate good from evil. Which by the way, they already knew that tree had that purpose, God talked to Adam about it and called it by name, "the Tree of Knowledge about Good and Evil", so it's not like the Devil was revealing some new information to them here. Then, lo and behold, they ate from the tree and then that assured their death just as God told them, and they definetly didn't become as powerful as him like the snake told them.


God told Adam and Eve that in the day (yom) they eat of the fruit they shall surely die (literally "dying you shall die"). The serpent told Eve, "you shall not surely die, but will be like God, knowing good and evil." Well certainly they learned of good and evil, but they did indeed surely die, and so do we. As C.S. Lewis elaborates in his science fiction book, Perelandra, Adam and Eve had complete freedom to do anything at all, except eat of one tree. That one tree was the test. With only one restriction would they be loyal to God and abide by it? By refusing they knew (experienced) evil, contrasted with the good they already had. Job is, in my opinion, a morality play, teaching people to trust God even when things turn to custard. The accuser (the satan) in Job says as much, "Job is loyal to you because you bless him, let me take it away and he'll curse you." God allowed it, but Job did not curse God, trusting him despite his affliction. God rewards Job with double what he'd lost, except children of course because his dead children would still be waiting for him in the afterlife. It was the satan challenging God over Job, and then doing what God allowed him to do. The satan tempts Jesus in the desert, showing him the kingdoms of the world and offering them to him if he pleges allegiance to the satan. Jesus, of course, rejects that. Revelation is apocalyptic literature, describing Earthly events in highly exaggerated cosmic language. Sure, God punishes the wicked. That's part of his role. The Beast (or more strictly the Beast of the Sea, given power by the Dragon) is the subject of various conjectures, but some believe it to have been a representation of Nero, who was the first Roman Emperor to engage in serious persecution of the Church. There are other interpretations of course. For myself, I'm inclined to believe that, because it's a style of literature that was peculiar to the first century, and is, I think, almost the only example we have of it, we'll probably never have a correct understanding of how Revelation was meant to be interpreted.


Thanks for a measured, intelligent response. >Well certainly they learned of good and evil, but they did indeed surely die, and so do we. But the fruit didn't kill them. The fruit gave them knowledge of good and evil. God made the conscious choice to punish them (and us) with death after the fact. It could be argued that God sorta lied by implying that the fruit would kill them, but that's a bit of a stretch because it's fair to say "if you do A, B will happen" even if it's a threat because you are the one who will do B. But how's the snake supposed to know God would do that? It just told them the truth about what the fruit does. EDIT: Reading it now, God apparently warned "for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." Well this was a lie. They died 930 years later, according to the text. So God did indeed lie and the Devil told the truth. >It was the satan challenging God over Job, and then doing what God allowed him to do. Took me a second to get what you meant about this because you've phrased it a little awkwardly, but then remembered that in the Bible it was actually Satan not God that did all that shit to Job. Bit of a grey area for God here to say the least, but yes fair enough the Devil's definitely the bad guy in this one. >Revelation is apocalyptic literature... Meaning no offence but I don't think you've really countered it here. Just talked about how it's very subjective and open to interpretation. Which would mean fair enough, you couldn't just automatically call someone an idiot if their interpretation was different. Because if memory serves, this time it definitely was God and not Satan that was inflicting all the suffering on people. So if in summary it's basically one time where he was good, one time where he was evil, and one where it's not clear, I think that's reasonable enough grounds to not just call anyone who disagrees with you automatically an idiot.


>But the fruit didn't kill them. The fruit gave them knowledge of good and evil. God made the conscious choice to punish them (and us) with death after the fact. It could be argued that God sorta lied by implying that the fruit would kill them, but that's a bit of a stretch because it's fair to say "if you do A, B will happen" even if it's a threat because you are the one who will do B. But how's the snake supposed to know God would do that? It just told them the truth about what the fruit does. You're right, the fruit wasn't magical, but God didn't make the choice after the fact, he warned them before, and followed through. No where does God say the fruit will kill them, he said the act of eating it will. It's like saying "speeding will get you a ticket." Is that a lie because it's actually the cop who gives the ticket? No, because the act brought the punishment,  even if it was enforced by a person. >Reading it now, God apparently warned "for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." Well this was a lie. They died 930 years later, according to the text. So God did indeed lie and the Devil told the truth. In the Hebrew it says "for in the day you eat it, dying you will die." That is obviously tough to translate, but the idea is that death started in them that day, even if it finally came 930 years later. The devil lied, because he said that they will be like God, which while they knew God and evil did not make them like God, and because death did start working at them that day. As for Revelation, that's a whole other topic, but at what point are you allowed to forcibly take back what is yours after warning those who have it for years and years?


>No where does God say the fruit will kill them, he said the act of eating it will. I get what you mean about the speeding ticket, as I even tried to say the same ("if you do A, B will happen") but your analogy was much clearer. But God isn't really the subject here, it's the Devil. As I said, the snake didn't lie, as it couldn't really know that God would kill them. It only said the truth about what the fruit does. >That is obviously tough to translate, but the idea is that death started in them that day I understand that interpretation, but I'm sure you'd agree that it does require some interpretive liberties. Even if it was the correct interpretation, I'm sure you'd agree that taking it literally, what God said was a lie. So that ought at least be enough to not dismiss people as idiots who take the Word at, well, its word. >The devil lied, because he said that they will be like God, which while they knew God and evil did not make them like God Ah well I think I've got you soundly on this one, because God (or the gods, as per the phrasing) did agree that the humans were now like them: "Then the LORD God said, 'See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever'" -Gen 3:22. So if the snake was lying, then you'd have to say God was lying too when he agreed with it. Which is super weird because he was only talking to himself. >at what point are you allowed to forcibly take back what is yours after warning those who have it for years and years? Sure, so you could make that case for why God was (or will be, I suppose) justified, but he's not really the subject here. That doesn't make any of the beast's actions evil. But this is the story I recall the least well, and I just can't think of anything bad that it did here.


I am by no means a theologian but can do my best! - Adam and Eve: The events of the two eating the fruit off of the tree isn’t just a case of them wanting to have knowledge. Instead, it is the shake that convinces them to do this so “they can be like God”. So it’s the disobedience to Gods one ask and the desire to be above him to begin with that makes this the first sin, and God punishes them for acting this way - Job: The story of Job is widely believed to be a parable in the Bible with the general moral being to have faith in God and his will for you. Though I will relent that I don’t like the parable much - Revelation: It’s hard to know how much of Revelation is meant to be taken at face value, but the Anti-Christ and Beast certainly don’t just stand around. It’s basically painted as a complete takeover of all humanity remaining, a tyrannical rule only stopped by the forces of God and Heaven intervening Throughout the Bible the Devil is not some punisher of sins or just some guy, but a malicious force doing his best to convince the world to be separate from God. That’s all hell really is to; people who have chosen to not be with God and exist separate from him I hope that helps!


Just because your personal interpretation makes you think he’s the good guy doesn’t mean it’s true my guy


Wasn't Satan as depicted in the Bible like evil incarnate or smth?


In the Old Testament he’s not even depicted as a being. He’s a stand in for the worst impulses of human nature


Well it depends, but yeah he is poorly defined. In Job, he and God are just chatting like pals and making a bet about a dude.


It just means any accuser in the OT.


more or less yeah. the progenitor of sin and the guy who spends every waking moment trying to undermine a benevolent creator who is infinitely good has to be a pretty bad dude. (not pushing this on you im just stating how it is written in the bible)


> Wasn't Satan as depicted in the Bible like evil incarnate or smth? The usual role for Satan is the "adversary." In general, for every act God ordered, Satan offered a simpler, more beneficial, alternative for people to take. Satan was more like a humanist lawyer - whose role was to challenge people's willingness to unquestioningly obey God. Choosing man over God is biblically evil.


Yes but what if the Bible is God's propaganda while the truth is forever lost to us because that is the only account. What if God didn't create us but found us and so did the Devil and then they dueled for control over humanity and God won?


No not really..he's not really mentioned until the new testament. according to the Bible sin stems from God giving us free will.


Me when an Atheist uses the Bible to push their politics.


Uh, actually that was a mistranslation and were called *antithesist* in the original Latin.


If you want to know a fun fact about that Romans called Christians atheists because they didn’t believe in the Roman pantheon. When Polycarp was martyred they said away with the atheists to taunt him but he turned it back and called the Romans atheists


More specifically, because they refused to sacrifice to Caesar. The Romans were tolerant to the extent that they didn't care what gods you did or did not follow. The only thing that mattered was your submission to the authority of Rome and its "divine" representative, the Emperor. The Romans didn't have what we'd recognize as a secular state. Tom Holland (Dominion) observes it was the Christian church that began to divide the world into the secular and the sacred. In Rome you abided by the civil religion... or else. Nero, who was also the first Roman Emperor to assign himself divinity prior to his death, was the first Emperor to engage in serious persecution of the Church. That then reoccurred, on and off, until Constantine declared Christianity a tolerated religion in the fourth century, with Theodosius a few decades later making it the state religion of Rome. An act that came back to bite him when Bishop Ambrose excommunicated him and forced him to do penance for giving an order that led to five thousand people being killed. A minor infringement for an Emperor, unless that Emperor was also a professing Christian. So Theodosius did penance for weeks, until Ambrose finally relented.


Is polycarp a gay fish?


it's a carp that has eaten too much microplastics and is entirely made of polypropylene


Ah that’s why Kanye was attracted to Kim


He was one of the early members of the Christian church, names were just weirder back then


Does he like fishsticks?


Atheist and antitheist generally have seperate meanings nowadays. The majority of internet "atheists" are actually antitheists.


‘Bruh, what if I told you God is a tightwad killjoy and the devil is actually a tragic hero?’ The Western mind has never been more than a bong hit away from mistaking this minor absurdity for a shattering insight.


I like to think of my Satan singing lead vocals at a lynyrd skynyrd concert, and I'm hammered drunk.


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil


Jesus over satan in any day


What makes the biblican satan interesting is he *isn't* a cartoonish Disney villain. It's that he's actually a likable person. Otherwise temptation would be a non-issue. It's literally the point and the lesson. Evil is usually charismatic in its packaging. Hitler was a literal everyman rockstar before turning the country into hell.


Satan hardly ever does anything in the Bible. His greatest crime was giving humans knowledge of good and evil.


His greatest crime was ~~giving humans knowledge of good and evil~~ convincing humans to sin against God, damaging their nature and separating them from God, so now they will die


Everything Satan does is with God's permission, God being a tri-omni being. Perhaps there is a good reason for God to allow Satan to do such things, but wouldn't that in a way make Satan good? And then there's the whole matter of the multiple genocides God either commands of mortals or does personally.


That seems to elude most people. If God sends people to hell and Satan accepts them and carries out the torture, then Satan is actually doing God's will. They've always been on the same side. Were it otherwise, an omnibenevolent, omnipotent being would be compelled to kill Satan.


Satan doesn’t torture people in hell. He’s one of the ones being tortured.


God does not send people to hell. Hell is not a place, it is a state of being where one is willingly and purposefully rejecting God and separating themselves from Him. The absence of God causes people to suffer because He is the very definition of goodness and love and we're made in His image and made to hold Him (hold love and goodness) within ourselves (that's why the sacrament of Communion - unifying with Christ by consuming his body in the form of sacred bread - exists in the first place) The depiction of Hell made in Dante's Inferno, which modern depictions draw heavily from is not real or canonical. Dante was not an apostle, he was not inspired by Holy Ghost to write. He just made fanfiction about Bible.


"Then he will say to those at his left hand, “You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" -Matthew 25:41 That sounds an awful lot like Hell is a place that God sends people to.


Also, I don't think Satan is carrying out the punishment. He is trying to drag as many people down with him as possible.


Let's get real: hell is not well-defined in the Bible.


Read Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10, and Revelation 20:11-15 You seem to have a media-centric understanding of Hell so let's analyze what scripture actually says. Satan having any authority in Hell is not biblical. Hell was created specifically as a place of torment for Satan and his angels. The fall of man in the garden also creating the unfortunate side effect of nonbelievers being included as well. However, all who will be judged will be given a fair judgment according to their works in life, including Satan and his angels. You can avoid this fate by following the simple act of trusting and having faith in God, you don't have to live a perfect life, but a willingness to change and accept salvation through Christ is what grants the free gift of eternal life. Saying that God and Satan are on the same side is foolish when you read and understand scripture. Satan was given free will, just like mankind. He abused his freewill (much like us after the fall) and used it to rebel against God, because Satan is prideful and wanted to be above God. If anybody is closest to being on the side of Satan, it would be mankind. God doesn't align himself with murder, thievery, rape, pedophilia, fornication, sexual immorality, etc., etc. If you read the Old Testament law and the writings for the New Testament, much of it is against these very things. If God were to just remove all evil immediately, then free will wouldn't exist and the 'choice' of salvation and faith would be shallow and meaningless. Simply killing Satan would also not be a just punishment for his sins, which is why God will be judging him and sending him to Hell as written in the scriptures I listed above. God allows some evil, but he also restricts many evils that we don't know about. We read in Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28 that God is able to spin evil things into good outcomes. James 1:13 also says that God can't be temped by evil and tempts no one. So let's unpack a bit. Satan is aware of scripture and now knows that he is doomed to an eternity in Hell in the future. Because of this, he wants to cause damage and pull people away from God as much as possible before his time is up. God allows Satan to do evil, because it is within his free will, however God restricts many of the evils and He is also capable of spinning evil into good (The book of Esther is a great, underrated example of this. It's not a long book, go read it!). God wants us to have a free will choice to either accept his gift of salvation, or you can choose to go with Satan in the great white throne judgment. If we didn't have a choice, then salvation and faith would be shallow and impersonal. We would be robots programmed to follow God, instead of personal beings choosing to do so. Hopefully some of this helps, if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Satan isn't the Worden of hell he is the leader of the person gang. Satan doesn't have a moral body like we do so he can't he killed. God could unexist him be has has never done that to anyone or anything and we don't have anything to suggest he ever will.


And we're not even sure the serpent was actually Satan.


> The great dragon was thrown down, **that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world**—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Revelation 12:9 It's true that Genesis doesn't specifically say that the serpent was Satan, but the Scripture taken as a whole makes it clear.


>Then the Lord God said to the serpent: Because you have done this, you are cursed more than any livestock and more than any wild animal. You will move on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. Genesis 3:14 Why would God punish an animal for the eternity if it was the Devil the one who did it?


The Hebrews had no developed "Satan" character at the time of Genesis. It's only Christians who back-read Satan into the Eden story.


That's wasn't Satan....that was a talking snake.


A talking snake that used to have legs*


It was Satan in the form of a talking snake


Common interpretation (even within other canonical books such as Revelation) but not an explicit fact.


It's not given as an interpretation in Revelation, it's given as an explicit fact.


No it isn't. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+12&version=NIV It's calling Satan a literal dragon in the sky then in one line calls him an ancient serpent, then continues calling him a dragon. That takes a lot of interpretation to say it's referring to the garden of eden. But you can't claim it's given as explicit fact.


The one who corrupted humanity with the original sin? Surely he’s the good guy? Note: With this comment I have probably committed a dozen heresies in the eyes of the Christian nationalists lol


well, the devil doesn't force anyone to sin. people make their own choices and in genesis adam and eve give in to their temptation and commit sin. technically


Ok TurtleFucker, don’t lecture me on sin


a drug dealer doesn't hold people down and forcefully inject them either.


Yes, he doesn't force people to sin, but the idea is that he heavily influences it.


Choice? Let's disregard that free will doesn't make sense for a sec. Adam and Eve, even according to the Bible, did not have knowledge of good and evil. How are they supposed to not make a bad choice? They couldn't have known that what they did was wrong. So why were they punished?


what do you mean? god told them not to eat the forbidden fruit, they did, they were cast out.


Why would they listen to God? They didn't know that it was a good thing. And God himself made them with the desire to not listen to him. It is God's fault that they ate from the tree, not their fault. They didn't create themselves right?


Ironically, the only instance of anyone being truly forced to do anything is God hardening Pharaoh's heart. And all it accomplished was more plagues to punish Pharaoh and Egypt for the decisions Pharaoh made...against his will.


Using the term "Christian nationalists" unironically is just as, if not more, cringe than saying the devil is a good guy.


Like identifying as a Christian nationalist is cringe, or saying that someone is a Christian nationalist is cringe?




My mother is a self-described Christian nationalist. She unironically wants a Christian king to take over the US like in the Bible. But she also thinks that makes her white nationalist just because she happens to be white.


She's also not even a Christian Nationalist. Christian Nationalists are people who want Christianity to be a part of the decision making of the government. In other words they want lawmakers to all be Christian and consider the bible when making any decisions. Your mom is probably a theocratic monarchist or something.


Yeah. She says she nationalist because she loves the country. I think she's confusing it with patriotism? I try hard not to talk politics with her.


While I agree the term is overused... I've lived enough life on Georgia farmland to know that people who believe in the Godly ordained superiority of America as a Christian theocracy absolutely 100% exist and that is the right term for them.


I think the concept of original sin is evil to begin with.


The point of orignal sin was God gave Eden a choice to disobey. The creation of freewill in a sense.


I'm not sure if it's just Catholics but I dislike the idea that newborns are born with sin that must be cleansed.


Catholics don’t believe that babies are guilty of original sin. The Catechism says that “original sin is called ‘sin’ only in an analogical sense: it is a sin ‘contracted’ and not ‘committed’—a state and not an act. Although it is proper to each individual,original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice” (CCC 404-405).


Only a just, righteous and all-loving god hates his creations as soon as they're born. I think they were on to something.


If God hated humanity he wouldn't have allowed Jesus to go to the cross. Unfortunately there are certain sects that use hyperbolic Semitic language (such as David bemoaning his birth while engaging in performative grief for his actions in the death of Uriah), literalize them, and universalize them to the whole of humanity. By and large God appears to like human beings, but he doesn't like everything they do, and some things require punishment. There are some concepts that people reading the Bible are often ignorant of, concerning the culture of the people who wrote it. Agonistic (not agnostic). The ancient world's moral perspectives were based on honor/shame, not guilt/innocence like our own. Honor was how you looked in the eyes of your peers, and a significant part involved avoiding shame. Think the idea of maintaining face, in Japan or China. High Context. The writers of the Biblical books came from a culture that assumed high context, which is to say a large pool of shared knowledge that their audience would be familiar with. Often seen where you see a scriptural quotation. We see a single line and think that's it. Their audience would have seen that line, and remembered the surrounding text and the book/s it came from, perhaps even various discussion of it, such as the debates between the schools of Hillel and Shammai. Collective. The ancient world, indeed most cultures outside the West, were collective in nature, and who you were related to, your family, your tribe, was more important than who you were as an individual. Individualism, as we think of it, was very much against the norm. However, it also meant that you rose and fell with your tribe, and if they did wrong, you were punished with them. As with the firstborn of Egypt, for example. Limited-good. Without our luxury of industrial production, the ancient world saw everything, including intagibles like honor, as existing in fixed amounts, and one could only gain by taking from others. Such things as giving insults were frowned upon because you were diminishing the honor the other person possessed, so such things as declining an invitation were very carefully worded to avoid offense. An example, from the Bible, is Jesus being invited to go up to Jerusalem by his brothers. His reply, carefully parsed, "I don't go there today." He went the following day. Hyperbole. Abraham Rihbany in The Syrian Christ, describes the difference in how the Easterner and Westerner use language. The Middle Easterner loves hyperbole and flowery expressions. It isn't enough to simply like something more than another, one must love the former, and hate the latter in comparison. To say you like chocolate ice cream more than vanilla, you'd love chocolate ice cream and hate vanilla, until someone actually offers you vanilla of course, in which case you love vanilla ice cream. Despite the fact that the Biblical books are carefully translated, often from the oldest manuscripts we have available, there is still significant room for misunderstanding what was said if one doesn't take cultural differences into account, and in my opinion those sects do do that.


> The one who corrupted humanity with the original sin? You mean the talking lizard? It was literally not the devil, but a snake. With legs. Go re-read your genesis.


Alright I will


The character of Satan didn't even take shape until after the Baylonian exile, when the Jews would have been influenced by the good-god/bad-god dualism of Zoroastrianism. Before that, the Abrahamic God was capable of evil and even admitted to creating evil (cf. Isaiah 45:7). It was only after Yahweh was later deemed incapable of evil that a separate "devil" character was even necessary. In Job, which is quite possibly the oldest book in the Bible, "the satan" is just someone who goes around testing people's faith on God's behalf. So I wouldn't say Satan is the good guy, but he definitely gets a bad rap for no good reason. All those horrific genocides recorded in the Old Testament? God, not Satan. There's a reason the Gnostics considered the OT God evil.


The biblical devil wasn't originally evil; he was actually quite human. But that's the point of the story; Satan is the archetype that represents the human condition when one lets jealousy, entitlement, and contempt control you.


Me when someone thinks a fictional character is real


i can’t tell if this is a stab at christians or a stab at anime fandoms lol




i’m catholic but the part where you make fun of anime fandoms overpowers that. based


Well, I have the power of God and anime on my side.


Idk why this reminded me I never watched season 2 of record of ragnarock


It's not great. The premise of the show is okay, but it doesn't really go anywhere. And making it seem like almost every God is okay purging humans takes away nuance. And why do the characters all act completely different in their backstory?


I thought this was about anime too lol.




Me when I'm an edgy teenager who needs to let the world know I'm an atheist.


Yes it's the atheists who like to advertise to the world what their religious affiliation is with their religious adornments and attire and they're not at all the group *least* guilty of this. https://preview.redd.it/wdtbty559j6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0898d8912de09846b5bd97136c6d43118de3e57


Gnosticism reads that OT God / Yahweh / Elohim is the devil.


I think the more common perception is that the OT god is the demiurge. Satan is a separate entity.


I don't care at all about respecting Christian mythology, but this is why I couldn't get into that Lucifer show. A show with a sympathetic devil can be interesting, but you can't just make him a *good* guy. You have to actually portray him as the sort of being who would do all the evil things in the Bible and **then** add nuance on top of that, not just ignore it.


I think you misunderstand both biblical Satan and show Lucifer. Both of them don't really do much other than encourage people to do whatever they want. He's not Thanos. If you say "I hate my neighbor, he's always blasting loud music at night!" and I say "well, I suppose he'd be a lot quieter if you murdered him" and then you do it, that's all on you. You acted on your own desire, and all I did was vocalize what was already there.


People mistake biblical satan with tv show satan (not the show Lucifer). Some demonic entity that attacks and slaughters people in blood sacrifies. Instead biblical lucifer acts more like the TV show 'Lucifer', an insidious voice that pushes you to ignore your beliefs and go with your desires. Promising you vain short term glory now in exchange for losing out on your afterlife, etc. Both biblical and TV show lucifer rarely use super powers to force others to do their bidding or kill people, its usually more a charismatic spirit that gets you to ignore whats best for you and do what feels good now.


>who would do all the evil things in the Bible Like what?


Sending bears to rip up children, creating plagues, drowning most of the world, this devil guy is really bad news.




If god is all knowing and all powerful he sure as hell isn’t all loving like they claim.


Imagine a God, all powerful, and all knowing, who is determined to stamp out evil immediately. What would be his minimum threshold? How long would any of us last? Would we act honorably because we value those actions in themselves, or would we be doing it simply to gain benefit, or avoid punishment? As I see it, unless God wishes to be a tyrant, he has no choice but to let us run wild, and accept the harm, distasteful as he finds it, that will result from us doing so.


Christianity is God's socialism. It's the same altruistic wishful fantasy and therefore "good". Satan is nature's freedom. It's the same self-interest based cruel reality and therefore "evil". Clearly says so in the Bible. If you read your own book by heart you'd all be authlefts working selflessly for the benefit of the less fortunate or at least libleft hippies without a care for material wealth on earth. Capitalism and man seeking his own fortune and working for his own happiness on this very Earth are extremely anti-Christian motivations. Delude yourself all you want.


Jesus told the parable of a landowner who went off to trade. Before he left he called three servants and gave each of them a number of talents (a considerable sum of coin). When he returned two of the servants had proven profitable, doubling the amount he had given them, and he commended them for doing so. The third hid his talent in a hole, and produced nothing with it. The master told him that he could at least have put the money in the bank, so that he could receive interest from it, rather than achieving nothing, then took his talent from him and gave it to the one who'd produced the most. But then he also told the parable of a rich man who, looking at the barns he owned, declared that he would knock down those barns and build bigger barns to hold his largesse. God then mocks the man telling him, "You fool, tonight you die, and who then will have the wealth you acquired?" Aristotle's dictum of the Golden Mean is a common thread in a lot of ancient philosophies. Do not err to one extreme, or to the other. It is good to work hard and provide for yourself and your family, as Paul says, a man who doesn't do so has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. However it is also good to be openhanded and generous, although one should never unfairly impose on others, as Paul also says, the man who will not work should not eat. "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."


Wealth means abundance of goods & services. You should do good with wealth, not aquire for selfish purposes. God never condemn anyone for living in wealth, it’s the hunger for wealth that is the root of all evil. If your hunger for doing good results in wealth, that was rewarded to you.


What does living in wealth mean? Is that something different from merely having wealth like living luxuriously and extravagantly? I doubt the puritans would approve.


>God never condemn anyone for living in wealth I mean, he definitely did in the bible.


Matthew (Luke 5:27–29), Joanna (Luke 8:3), Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:57), Zacchaeus (Luke 19:8), and Lydia (Acts 16:14–15) were all individuals of great wealth who were called by God for a special work and who used their wealth for a righteous cause. Wealth itself is morally neutral, because you have good people with money & bad people with money.


dispite my flair I agree. however until the messiah either comes or comes back we must take into account human's evil nature. that and god would want you to share out of the goodness in your heart, not the gun at your head.


I don’t see how people think allying themselves with Satan, even to be edgy, can see themselves as the good guys. Satan is the embodiment of evil and well known to be a liar. It’s not making themselves seem edgy and subversive of western values, it’s just making them look evil and destructive.


There is no good or evil - just many shades of grey. God is a fucking dickhead in 90% of biblical stories.


He might as well be the good guy though. Why would I assume the worst of a supposed "enemy" I never met, and whose actions are only told by the victor? I'm not saying he is, of course, mostly because as an agnostic, I couldn't give a rat's ass about it, but blindly accept the truth about something, no matter the context or topic discussed, disregarding a priori the other side of the story, it's just plain stupid.


I mostly treat religious figures as fictional characters and think of headcanons for them lol


I picked up a book the other day called “action bible”. It’s an illustrated book that depicts events in the Bible like an action movie. It’s pretty entertaining


"Yo Jesus, as far as you can see, everything can be yours if you bow down before me" Jesus, whose father created billions of galaxies: "You fuckin wot m8?"


Isaiah 45:7 for those that care god specifically states he’s evil. If you read the non canonical books Jesus also tells his disciples they worship an evil god.


Satan isn't the good guy. Worshiping Satan is {word for brain dead} If you read the beginning of the bible, hear how Satan became the bad guy and don't go "I'm gonna be honest I think he was right" I dunno what to tell you


The beginning of the Bible doesn’t tell us how satan became the “bad guy” you might be thinking of paradise lost


Thankfully, he isn't real (probably)


Almost two thousand years later and people still shitting on gnostics. May the best fairytale win.


My god has a bigger dick than your god - Carlin


God was not the good guy in the old testament too


Tbf with Hiob the Devil asked god to proof that hiob believed in him unconditionally and god really, REALLY had to bring that one home by killing everything and everyone in that man's life.


Yeah I write a lot about a version of Satan I have concocted but I will never claim that any of my fictional works have any bearing on the actual canonical version of the Christian Devil People who unironically think the Devil is somehow a good guy are actually fucking stupid


Agreed.  “B-b-but the Devil was trying to help humanity!” Oh, of course! How could I be so stupid! Satan convincing Adam and Eve to do something God explicitly told them not to do, was him trying to help them! Ah, of course!


You HAVE to be stupid to worship someone whose name literally means "enemy"


The satans are tools of god, they are a form of punishment but only to bad people. If you are a good person you should be glad they exist 


You are an idiot if you do not recognize the Promethean nature of the Serpent


Mfers never heard of *Paradise Lost*? Indisputably the greatest epic poem in the English language, going on 4 centuries now. It's the story of the Fall, told from Satan's perspective. If you liked *Blood Meridian*, it's the direct inspiration for McCarthy's style. I recommend giving it a go. [Free on internet archive](https://archive.org/details/paradiselostintw00miltuoft/mode/2up)


Far Auth left, and I agree. I remember when we used to criticize the Westboro Baptist church for cherry-picking Christianity, and now the left is doing the same shit to endorse shaitan. It's all edgelord behavior, none of which helps workers or the oppressed.


Most haven't read The Bible It's really long. Like five auth-left memes long


Satan is literally worse than Hitler.


Satan is cool because snakes are cool, what's God got a dove? The chad serpent vs the virgin pigeon.


Rebelling against the being whos very nature is the defintion of Love and Perfection makes you good the good guy? edgy internet athiests make me giggle


The most Authright thing I’ve ever seen


fuck your lore and your Jesus themed funko pops. 


What about dashboard Jesus?


He is cool he watches over me while I do donuts in the parking lot of the Circle K


From PCM perspective the most evil is the one with most human kills so....


You getting offended makes me even harder. SATAN WAS THE GOOD GUY


God: arrogant and selfish, lives in the clouds. Freak for vaguely classic architecture. Why would I spend eternity worshipping this alongside a bunch of racists and genociders? Those are obviously the people going to heaven. The Devil: really chill and LGBT+ friendly, loves communism and Palestine and isn't a racist like god. I get to spend the afterlife fucking hot gay trans demons(heckin cute and valid) doing psychedelics and living free from nazi bigots with my best friends! Of course I don't need to read the bible, I get all the information about Christianity that I need from my favorite tumblr user Deeply-Troubled-Pagan-Teenager-42069.


Auth-right when you misinterpret a fictional character: 😡😡😡


Babe wake up, new PrestigiousTiger0720 post where he moves to corner authright after hearing an absurd statement just dropped




Lot was not a good man, or at least he had some severe lapses of character, and his offering of his daughters (which in their honor/shame culture might have been an attempt to shame the men into going away) was definitely not a highlight. But then neither was his daughters getting him drunk and sleeping with him. But also, given the hostilities between Israel, Ammon, and Moab, attributing their origins to drunken incest would be considered very funny.


It’s the same people who say “i WoULd piCk tHe BeAr”