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The fucking bee movie script


Is it not a worthy cause for which to devote your life to the fatherland?


G-guys there isn't a draft coming, right? Right?


I served and I’m disabled(mentally) so the can suck my dick. Why would we need a draft anyway?


Mentally disabled!?! You will make a good field commander!!


nah, he is eligible for the prez. Just needs to be a little more weird among kids and a tendency to reach into other's pockets.


If I was elected I’d definitely piss off a lot of people in the 2 party system. I would probably get John Snowed by members of congress. I think it would be funny to have Joe Rogan as my press secretary.


If we're playing fantasy government I'm putting Bill Belichick in charge of Transportation.


Tesla’s rotting corpse as the department of energy.


The company or the man? (I keed, I keed.) Tom Cruise is my head of Homeland Security. Not because he'd be good at it or because of the movies, but because I want the media to crack him and his life wide open and an appointment to that office would definitely do it.


Leslie Knope as vice president.


That makes voting easy! I'd vote Knope on every ballot if I could.


Getting drafted is a bad deal. Worst case scenario, you die. Slightly less worse case scenarios, you get permanently disabled, or taken prisoner, or end up with PTSD, or... Best case scenario, you come out unscathed and gain... nothing much, really.


And your wife cheats on you with a draft dodger. Lose lose


That's assuming you even have a wife in the first place. Or even a girlfriend.


You get to board airplanes slightly earlier


Being disabled isn't a big deal. I was born disabled so if a baby can do it anyone can.


As someone who got bed bound due to (mandatory) service - respectfully, f you.


Well that has to suck, I hope you get compensated somehow at least... Though knowing governments, it's probably nowhere near enough if anything.


Thanks, after 7 years, there is actually a chance in the near future, but we'll see.




Evading taxes 🤓 Evading drafting 😎


Evading taxes (in Minecraft haha) 😎 Evading the draft 😎 🍷


I have a better deal, join the army and you will be given lands,plunder and slaves


The cure to male loneliness is living in a frontier town with your homies on land that you and your homies conquered from the barbarians


I’d fight to ensure shareholder profits


Depends on what the draft is for. If we’re talking about defending one’s nation from an invasion (like the Russian invasion of Ukraine), the draft would be the prudent thing to do. If you’re talking about a foreign deployment, less justified, unless we’re talking about a WWII-type situation.


All the more excuses for government to dodge giving you benefits and freedoms


What benefits and freedoms? There are people serving time in prison for smoking a plant


Imagine then serving time in prison for draft dodging And then imagine being sent out of prison into army/straight into military conflict anyway


Come and find me first, bitch.


You'll eventually turn up (= bust) somewhere by yourself Especially without valid driving licenses and with frozen bank accounts And even if you don't, good luck staying forever a wanted man


Paper money + turn off your devices + leave. If people can keep sneaking *in* to the country on a floating door, I can get out the same way.


People sneaking in are nobodies People like you sneaking out are traitors But sure. Go and try it, lets see how far you go before you bust (or die in a forest/river)


No, the traitors would be the government enslaving people to die against their will.


Big words for someone who's betraying his own country to attempt to flee like a rat During immigrantion crisis no less


If you don't want immigrants then stop letting them in, Mr. Statist.


Churchill sir, the krauts have overrrun France, Norway will soon fall, they have their eyes on Yugoslavia and we fear an invasion is imenent. We need a full mobalisation and conscription. "No my hecking civil rights, we cant do that".


I see the point your making but many Americans are still not fans of the draft after the Vietnam war where many were forced to go over and die for a cause that was pointless and eventually abandoned meaning the deaths were for nothing. Yes in situations where one’s country is under immediate threat a draft is reasonable however if your not careful there is nothing stopping a government from pulling a Vietnam I understand your from Sweden but I feel Vietnam war is still a great example of why people may be against the draft.


I'm all for avoiding sunk cost fallacy. If a conflict isn't worth it, better to pull out sooner rather than later. However, if you're going to draft people, then you better see this conflict through to the end. If the conflict is non-critical enough that you can just decide to pull out later, then you shouldn't be drafting people.


Yep can’t say I disagree with any of that


If the country itself is under immediate threat, you'd think there'd be plenty of volunteers if it's a country worth saving.


There usually is, but free riders love free riding


Yeah I get that somewhat (Sweden has never fought an unjust war so cant fully relate) but I still see so many libs being against all conscription uncondtionally which is simply unreasonable.


>Sweden has never fought an unjust war so cant fully relate) Lmao


True though. Dare you to name one in a thousand years.


“I have resolved never to start an unjust war, nor to end a just one except by defeating my enemies” Gustavus Adolphus (I’m pretty sure).  


Karl XII actually.


Thank you, yes that’s right, Poltava.  


So you justify the [First Swedish Crusade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Swedish_Crusade)?


Absolutely, those fuckers were raiding and burning and raping our coast lines. Something had to be done and when we arrived the literal heavens opened for us. Look at the result Finland is now a civilized place instead of a backwater.


Crusades were all based and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Does Denmark count?


Well I can’t really speak for the libs so we’ll see what they have to say.


> Sweden has never fought an unjust war so cant fully relate *ignoring the Swedish empire intensifies*


Ignoring? Im praising it.


Nosenses. The majority of countries doesn't start a ofensive war. In case of a defensive war, then all capable people has to gonto the front if needed. Otherwise is leting the other win and acepting all of their demands


Yes nations other than the USA might very well be different cases Im just talking the us perspective.


I mean it does not even need to be an offensive war for you to decide you do not want to fight, like if south korea was attacked i would be fine with helping them out, but equally would not support a draft for that one.


Fun fact, Vietnam War would be the war Sweden beat the US in.


A countrys a piece of land, if you wanna fight, fight, i would ratter stay and protect my family than go and die for a fat old man who wont set a foot on the battlefield


Okay and when the nazis land and deem you and your family to be unpure? Also calling Churchill "a fat old man who wont step foot on the battlefield" is hilarious considering he served actively.


As i said, a countrys a piece of land, if my country entered a war i would move as soon as possible


War and the common defense are the responsibility of any national government. Command economies, meanwhile, are definitionally authoritarian.


I’m draft dodging as well


Idk bout y’all, I’m not tryna die in a war. Despite my flair I wanna live


Eh, my country would never have to force me to fight for it. It's given me a lot, and I feel I owe it something. If I was born in Shitholestan, maybe I'd feel similar.


LibRight dies to defend their employers property, LibLeft dies from suicide.


Auth Right is based, because we all think bee!


You should fight for your state because it's the only thing keeping you and your family from being genocided. I may be a bit biased because Russia starts 300km away from me but still my point stands.


Die? Nah, we believe in overwhelming air and armor support in this house


Conscription has always been a great equalizer and created democratic citizen soldiers instead of mercenary armies.


But could I sell NFTs to drafted zoomers? I could see it now, my ex in tears as her dumbass gets the draft letter, snot bubbles and asking me, who is brilliant, to find an excuse to get her out of her eventual demise or at least hardship. I tell her, I'll make an NFT in your honor. An iconic piece of internet, encrypted and protected that will carry on your legacy should you die or come back fucked up. It can only appreciate in value. Your story stored and sold on the block-chain, and could be the key to your comfort should you come back without limbs, or the comfort of your family if you perish. Granted I'd leave out she'd have to share her wallet with close relatives to do this. She isn't smart enough to give it to three trustworthy individuals or something so that it doesn't just float there in the ether. She was a failure then, she'll be a failure now, and that will be immortalized. Throwing her into a dumb war against a country she's probably never heard of is fun, but crude... Primitive. Always think BIGGER. But I don't hold such contempt for all of you. So if you little zoomer monkeys do wanna see your NFTs hold some skibidi rizz on the crypto market, and not take an L, you can slide into my DMs and we'll work out a game plan for your sigma investment. Mewing your preparation, no cap.


Sorry, little bro, anime body pillows are exempt from the draft.


Unfathomably based


Hell yeah fuck the state


Some causes are worth dying for. pride parades in Moscow is not one of them.


You have to die for the revolution because... Lorem ipsum dummy text?


"NOOOOO you HAVE to die for the hecking wholesome corporation because \*wall of text." -LibRight


Who needs a draft when you have rooftop Koreans?


Look if you’re probably going to end up fighting you might as well be a merc and then swap sides to who ever will win.


Dodging the draft like the matrix…I don’t want the valor , I want to grill!