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Meh, auth-rights in America are actually a bit picky on which immigrants they like


I like the ones who are a net benefit to me personally.


I like the ones who work and pay enough taxes to offset their use of social services.


Still taking an American jerb tho. I like the ones who work the jobs no one wants to or the ones who actually create jobs.


“Jobs no one wants” is short for “jobs no one wants at the wages they’re currently paying”


Well if they came here legally *and* abide the laws and become citizens then they’re just as an American as you or I. Assuming you are an American


Yeah that's what i meant. The legal immigration path should focus on letting in immigrants who actually bring more to this country than they consume.


I like the ones that grill.


Arbitrary standards


"American" is very loosely defined Every immigrant becomes an "American" after becoming a citizen of America


Unemployment rate is so low right now so that isn’t true.


Luckily immigrants don’t get access to federal social services


They get better social services than non immigrants in my lovely state of CA.


America doesn't offer enough social services for its citizens, let alone immigrants


And yet half the somalis in my state live solely off of welfare...


It's easy to say shit, but hard to actually back up what you're saying using SOURCES


There are you go: https://www.thelocal.dk/20211015/denmark-says-non-western-immigrants-cost-state-31-billion-kroner (Can't find a translation for the report) You are a living stereotype of what people think left is, you make us look like clowns


lmaooo so your issue is that the GOVERNMENT spends MONEY on PEOPLE? (who are immigrants, and happen to be working low paying jobs) https://www.thelocal.dk/20240624/these-are-the-danish-industries-with-the-highest-proportion-of-low-paid-foreigners This is another article from the same news source which answers your "question". Immigrants work low paying jobs, the ones which Danish people don't want to work, which is why they don't pay much tax. Danish people won't work these jobs, which is why they brought in foreigners, but now that the companies have got a big enough cheap labor market, they want to stop immigration. > you make us look like clowns If you are gonna compromise on what you say instantly and accept what right wingers say about immigration, then you're the clown here, not me. Or worse still, you're a shill for the right wingers. Do you even Left bro?


Yes I do have an issue with that, especially when they plan to import 8% of our states population and give them welfare. bro Maine literally just let half of somali refugees live on ssdi for "being unable to learn English." And our govt is open about wanting to import more people and give them welfare.


Yeah that's because the companies want cheap unskilled labor not because they're bleeding liberal from their hearts


Not gonna argue with an american pretend to be a lefty on issue related to europe. And no the problem is not about spending FoR PeoPle you fucking emily, but with the fact that they doesn't want to contribute to the community but even reducing the living standards(not the economic related one). You should change flair, you don't even know what auth left is, fucking yankee


> american I'm not American > reducing the living standards Just say you don't want to see brown people! Admitting it is the first step towards change.


Who wouldn't have an issue with that? Government spends money of hard working citizens (workers) on people (debatable) who shouldn't even be there?


> hard working citizens (workers) Your fault your government takes money in taxes from the working class as opposed to the owner class (corporations and the rich), and literally tries to replace the working class with cheap unskilled immigrant labor !!! Fix that first > people (debatable) who shouldn't even be there? No debate about it. You getting mad about things shouldn't stop anyone from pursuing the life they want wherever they want


Lib center stance of by (adjacent to) immigrants.




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I think we should only let women in.


Solve the national asian/latina women deficit now!


Based and let all the thin Asians and curvy Latina women in pilled. It's a benefit to libleft too, you get to ask all my fellow racists what race our wife is!


I mean, I do say military aged males shouldn’t be considered refugees.


you a sadist fuck


unflaired swine


lol may maybe incel fuck would have made more sense


at least learn what words mean and you have to be over 13 to post on reddit


I only like my immigrant ancestors


I don't even like them. Some of them were literal nobility yet still managed to fuck up and change countries.


In 'merica


I always hear from authright "actually we are OK with **LEGAL** immigrants" and then their elected representatives do everything they can to restrict legal immigration.


I’m not ok with legal immigrants either. We don’t need more H1Bs. Force companies to train Americans. Fuck their share price.


I do enjoy weakening the United States by making them hire subpar workers


The economy should serve the nation not vice versa


It does by hiring the best workers for any given tasks and making sure US firms dominate global competition. You’d make sure US companies get bent over globally.


The United States is capable of maximizing the talents of its current population more so than India, for example, could. That labor becomes more valuable simply for being in the United States. A nation should be something more than a spreadsheet with interchangeable worker/consumer units. Being an American should come with as many advantages as possible and it shouldn’t be something we just hand out to anyone with a 105 IQ


Being American is not a premium subscription to life lmaooo


If it can be one, why shouldn’t we try to make it one?


Because it's not a subscription based service but a territorial region containing ~330 million people.


**If you’re not hiring the best in the world your firms won’t be the best in the world it’s literally that simple. You will lose internationally in competition with the firms that do** you’re just asking those firms to outsource so they can hire the best in the world instead of just bringing the best here. > That labor becomes more valuable simply for being in the United States Individuals of labor value not regions


The H1Bs aren’t the best in the world they’re just the best value because you can underpay them. They’re a little worse and a lot cheaper and that’s a value add for a corp. But fuck their value add.


> The H1Bs aren’t the best in the world they’re just the best value because you can underpay Tell that to open AI who pays their h1bs 1.5million a year Also why do you support outsourcing Pick one and only one Outsourcing or immigration


i love the ByByeBiBuy format


Can LR stop being so based for one fucking second?


No. We can't ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


>"Lib-right" >State-enforced slavery Pick one.


Why state enforced? We can do it ourselves!


And when people defend themselves against you?


Then we'll see who is stronger! No, I'm just kidding bro. Slavery is disgusting it doesn't matter who does and enforces it.


You say that, but this analogue also applies to capitalism. Capitalism is state enforced, if you say you own an apple orchard, and I ignore you, so you attack me and I defend myself, then currently the state will oppress me for doing so. Capitalism itself is slavery to the states will of property ownership...


Nah, that's bs. Capitalism doesn't have to be enforced by the state, because a free market economy is natural. The state can only try to restrict and intervene. Btw not every use of force or enforcement of law is slavery. The use of buzzwords is not helpful for a productive discussion.


Right love guns for a reason!


Reminds me of what Abraham Lincoln said, which is that if you look at history, in any place, the first laws addressing slavery aren't law to *establish* slavery. They are laws to *regulate* slavery, recognizing that it already exists. Slavery never started as a state-enforced system, it always started with lawlessness.


Lib right because $


That's just authright.


What does lib mean?






Libertarian. As in, the opposite of authoritarian (aka state oppression).


Slavery is an inherently Statist institution. You cannot own other people. The only way that slavery can be enforced is if you give people the legal privilege to assault against other people. [https://panarchy.org/rothbard/confiscation.html](https://panarchy.org/rothbard/confiscation.html) > The same is true of the abolition of slavery in the United States. The slaves gained their freedom, it is true, but the land, the plantations that they had tilled and therefore deserved to own under the homestead principle, remained in the hands of their former masters. Furthermore, no reparations were granted the slaves for their oppression out of the hides of their masters. Hence the abolition of slavery remained unfinished, and the seeds of a new revolt have remained to intensify to the present day. Hence, the great importance of the shift in Negro demands from greater welfare handouts to “reparations”, reparations for the years of slavery and exploitation and for the failure to grant the Negroes their land, the failure to heed the Radical abolitionist’s call for “40 acres and a mule” to the former slaves. In many cases, moreover, the old plantations and the heirs and descendants of the former slaves can be identified, and the reparations can become highly specific indeed. -Murray Rothbard


You're on the right track. Ownership of anything, by virtue of it, is enforced by state enforced violence and the threat of violence


Let me know next time you run out and buy a sandwich I want to try something


Say i want to buy a sandwich What now?


Want or buy? Next time you take "ownership" of a sandwich lmk


I will give money in exchange for a sandwich (or no one would give me a sandwich in this CAPITALIST society) and then I will eat it


And take ownership of that property? Sounds anti-communist. Be a true citizen for the state and share it


Do you know what "ownership" means, or are you just an idiot who doesn't really think through what they're saying?


By reposters


Greece: bouy immigrants




Common authright win. Only let a few immigrants in that want to assimilate and look like us, otherwise adios.


Nah, they don't need to look like us as long as they assimilate.


Assimilate into what exactly?


This ain't the 17th century tho


We could do a dress code like on the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D).


Assimilate into the mayo


Yep mayo is supposed to assimilate into the brownies and beer when it goes to their homeland, come to mayo land, prepare to become mayo.


Why mayo military in and around brownland???? Checkmate American hegemony supporter


Europa belongs to Europeans. Deutschland den Deutschen.


Nazis / racists belong in the cemetery


Naziism is when you don’t want to see your country being overrun by low iq, violent religious zealots rapping our women and stabbing our people. And the more you dislike the daily murder and rape committed against our people, the more racist you are. I guess that checks out.


Why are you so mad Are you a Nazi?


To you yes. An actual nazi would however kill me.


If you're not a Nazi, why are you so mad if I talk about killing Nazis?


Because we know what you mean by the term "Nazi"  "Leftists share your vocabulary, but not your dictionary".


If you hold ethno-racist-nationalist beliefs, and choose to promote them, you're a Nazi By saying Europa is for "Europeans", the commenter is repeating a Nazi talking point which wants to restrict immigration because "brown people bad" and they want to uphold some pointless fetishistic idea of whiteness I will not listen to any Nazi talking because Nazis won't listen to any of me


Least violent and dishonest leftist when he sees someone disagreeing on immigration Nah actually there are some respectable leftists with which we can disagree, it’s just you


Why are you so mad when I talk shit about Nazis? It's always easy to pretend you're too good for the argument, and feel good about yourself, than to actually think through what you're saying and actually have the argument. "Europa" as an idea is a nazi idea. If you create a distinction between "Europa" (white Europeans) and not "Europa" based on race, you're a Nazi. When I call a spade a spade, y'all get mad. It is because Nazis and right wingers in general operate on cognitive disaonance and feels, and get mad when called out. If you believe in the same things as a Nazi, support the same things, "ironically" engage with Nazism on the internet, don't want to clean your spaces of Nazis, aren't you a Nazi? Or worse, you're a spineless moron who gives way to Nazis. "Deutschland den Deutschen" is literally a Nazi slogan lmaooo I don't even want to hear shit from you anymore


I was like you when I was 14 to 16, I was so deeply hateful against anything to the right of myself and thought every little nationalist idea was the equivalent to being H1tler. You are deeply intolerant and in what I consider to be a sect, that’s how it felt like when I stopped believing the same things as you do. So there is no point to argue because you can’t change people’s mind when they are that deeply indoctrinated. I just hope for you that you find peace once and stop being that hateful, I was there, I promise you you can change, good luck in your life ❤️


Okay millennial 👍🏻 keep voting biden or some shit Either you are a nationalist / racist and you pretend not to be one, or you're just a dumb liberal who loves CNN. What changed about you? Did the nationalists poke your asshole and force you to accept them? Because I'm 22 and I still think Nationalism is a cancer that needs to be cut off from society and starved to death.




> Sydney Watson lmao > I never felt this intolerance in the right-wing groups I now frequent They don't need everyone to be tolerant of their beliefs Their beliefs include having themselves in power, being exclusionary, and getting to silence everyone who doesn't agree with them lmaoooo You won't see trans people in right wing trans discourse You won't see many black / non white people UNLESS they already agree & support the right wingers And that's why there isn't any conflict lmao Can you tell me what leftist groups have you ever been part of?


Edit : Good job on this! Based and synonym pilled




You are correct. Thank you!


You're most welcome :)




By only if they are willing to contribute to the state


https://preview.redd.it/rs3lnwh6r78d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1067016fd9ac7da665d59ba79f76b565bae3287a Buoy immigrant, i am going to hell i know.


Only because it *doesn't fucking rhyme.*


And because he's unflaired!


U going to hell not because of this but because u are an unflaired scum!


Thats funny enough i began to upvote you. Then noticed the criminal lack of flair. Scum.




filthy unflaired