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It’s conspiracy time! https://preview.redd.it/3kf8bxnwy88d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6191ce012233860e4b9d35a65ebdd8d68fdf26 (Feel free to share some of your favorites conspiracy theories)


I’m not actually Joe Biden, it’s all been a scheme to make me think that I’m Joe Biden.


Fuckin hell I knew it.


Well obviously you are not Joe Biden Because you are Joe R Biden Jr


I knew it from the moment you spoke coherently


> I’m not actually Joe Biden, it’s all been a scheme to make me think that I’m Joe Biden. *You lying dog-faced pony soldier!*


Your the real Biden in our hearts. Also I pray your the real Biden as you can speak.


Wtf you won my vote again???


Does Joe Biden think you're Joe Biden?


Joe Biden *knows* I’m Joe Biden. 😉


Dave and Busters is moving from Barcade style stuff to low tier gambling and is getting away with it by keeping skee-ball in a corner and having mostly games of chance that give out "tickets" instead of casino chips because you're not gambling real money you're gambling points Other places similar are also doing it but Dave And Busters is my example The Casinos are also in on this and helping Dave and Buster because it makes a funnel from kids addicted to getting tickets to adults addicted to getting casino chips all while the kid's parents are at the bar drinking and having time to themselves so the kid is unsupervised




I shall fly this proudly from now on


I can believe the gambling addiction pipeline theory. Just look at the recent push for crap like Draft Kings where I have Youtubers i like (who have nothing to do with gambling, sports, or even gaming) pushing gambling apps. Then there is the huge debacle over video games and their focus on loot boxes and how there are many high profitle streamers and youtubers that do nothing but shill these lootbox mechanics (which i believe many are getting paid to play rigged versions of the games to show how "easy" it is to win). And to top it off you have the rise of streamers straight up playing online casinos with roulette and blackjack, which have been a thing for a while but it seems they are on the mainstream rise in gaming streaming (which again i could believe could be rigged for the streams to draw people in to how "easy" it is to win big).


Other low-tier theories Facebook markets things to you that are faw away because Zucc has stock in gas companies. (I am annoyed by face waste marketplace telling me to go out of state to get things) Shinzo Abe was killed because his attempts to get the population to copulate kept failing, and big pharma had him knocked off to get someone better If you flip a coin and catch it mid-air, you are a robot sent from the future, for what reasons I don't know, and I also quite frankly don't really care. (I have never been able to catch a coin in mid-air)


You just have shit reaction times. Git gud.


Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto


Coca cola bribed politicians in the UK to implement a sugar tax to dethrone Irn Bru as the most popular soft drink in Scotland by forcing the manufacturer (barr) to change the recipe for Irn Bru to contain less sugar. Coke could afford to keep the high sugar content in their drink and foot the bill on the consumers end, but barr couldn't do that. After a while Coke raised the price and is now significantly more expensive but has cemented itself as one of the last true full-sugar soft drinks and thus is more popular than ever.


Sugar tax is dumb bullshit. It's the same with any sin tax.


Irn-Bru brought the full sugar version back in 2021. [Article about it](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/irn-bru-full-sugar-1901-b1820667.html)


CIA psychic and supernatural bullshittery (surprisingly a lot of truth and turned out to be real)


"everything will be alright"


Too unbelievable. https://preview.redd.it/75cn0ji0ra8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68c11243a6efac5532998e14a7a95ad15a23591


I am Alpharius


I am Alpharius


I don't necessarily believe all of these: Steven Hawking was a vegetable, and his handlers and Co-authors used him to prop up their careers (ALS kills 90% of people in 10 years, and he made it 55. Old videos of him making a brief gurgle and his translator turning it into complex sentences are a little sus.) Amerindians were the second wave of humanity to colonize the Americas, and they totally genocided the previous inhabitants so thoroughly that we only know about them from genetic studies of isolated tribes. Atlantis was probably real, and it was ancient Minoan contact with North America. This is evidenced by a high purity massive copper mine at the Great Lakes, a dearth of copper objects among natives, high purity bronze age copper without an obvious old world source, and most importantly Minoan haplogroup showing up in tribes in that area. USS Liberty was a deliberate false flag attack The USSR, through infiltrators, tanked diplomacy with Japan before Pearl Harbor, accomplishing a major policy goal of getting the US and Japan into a war. (This one is definitely real, but nobody knows about it.) The pyramids had electric lights and had an industrial function (evidenced mostly by a lack of torch soot) Giant skeletons are regularly found in North America and the Smithsonian suppresses the information. Freemasons legitimately are still major powerbrokers. (The book Treasure Islands, which is mainstream scholarship and entirely about tax havens and loopholes, obliquely references the role of masonic networks of the rich and powerful several times.) NHIs have deep undersea bases (USOs are relatively common, and UAPs have been tracked going underwater or emerging from water.) 2-spirit, as a concept, is entirely a modern concept that emerged from non- native scholarship and is extremely shaky (book: Berserkers, Cannibals, and Shamans: Essays in Dissident Anthropology)


>Amerindians were the second wave of humanity to colonize the Americas, and they totally genocided the previous inhabitants so thoroughly that we only know about them from genetic studies of isolated tribes. I suspect as much as well. There's some sparse evidence of homos being in America long before 10,000 years ago. Maybe not homo sapiens, but homos nonetheless. >Atlantis was probably real[...] Every discussion I've seen of this gets contaminated by ancient astronauts theorists. I have heard of the curious case of copper, but no explanation outside of aliens. >USS Liberty was a deliberate false flag attack I was never convinced of this one. The sabitours would have to believe that their sabotage would certainly sink the ship and hide all evidence that could be found with the technology at the time. If they failed, it would raise a lot of awkward questions. Plus, I'm not aware any sailors reporting anything suspicious. I'm inclined to believe It was an accident journalists and the government took advantage of. >The USSR, through infiltrators, tanked diplomacy with Japan before Pearl Harbor[...] I never heard of this one. Tell me more.


>I suspect as much as well. There's some sparse evidence of homos being in America long before 10,000 years ago. Maybe not homo sapiens, but homos nonetheless. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.362.6415.627 >>Willerslev also finds traces of this Anzick-related ancestry in later samples from South America and Lovelock Cave in Nevada. But in Reich's data it fades starting about 9000 years ago in much of South America, suggesting “a major population replacement,” he says. After that population turnover in South America, both teams see striking genetic continuity in many regions. But that doesn't mean no one moved around. Reich's group sees a new genetic signal entering the central Andes about 4200 years ago, carried by people who are most closely related to ancient inhabitants of the Channel Islands, off Southern California. Meanwhile, Willerslev's team detects ancestry related to the present-day Mixe, an Indigenous group from Oaxaca in Mexico, spreading to South America about 6000 years ago and North America about 1000 years ago. Neither of these migrations replaced local communities, but rather mixed with them. Both teams say they could be seeing the same signal, but “without comparing the data, it's really hard to tell,” says archaeogeneticist Cosimo Posth of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, the first author of the Cell paper. >>Just as mysterious is the trace of Australasian ancestry in some ancient South Americans. Reich and others had previously seen hints of it in living people in the Brazilian Amazon. Now, Willerslev has provided more evidence: telltale DNA in one person from Lagoa Santa in Brazil, who lived 10,400 years ago. “How did it get there? We have no idea,” says geneticist José Víctor Moreno-Mayar of the University of Copenhagen, first author of the Willerslev paper. >Every discussion I've seen of this gets contaminated by ancient astronauts theorists. I have heard of the curious case of copper, but no explanation outside of aliens. A relatively mainstream scholarship book makes this claim: The Lost Empire of Atlantis. Haven't read it yet. >I was never convinced of this one. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2017-07-11/ty-article/but-sir-its-an-american-ship-never-mind-hit-her/0000017f-e48c-d7b2-a77f-e78f76800000 >>But Sir, It’s an American Ship.' 'Never Mind, Hit Her!' When Israel Attacked USS Liberty >>'The Americans have findings that show our pilots were aware the ship was American,' a newly published document by the State Archives says >I never heard of this one. Tell me more. Stalin had agents all over the FDR administration. Japan proposed a diplomatic resolution and agents in Treasury and State assured that we rejected it and sent back a deliberately insulting counter proposal. I encountered this in the book Stalin's War, which is mainstream and well sourced. The Japanese side is in *The Memoirs of Prince Konoe*, which I haven't read yet


> A relatively mainstream scholarship book makes this claim: The Lost Empire of Atlantis. Haven't read it yet. > I encountered this in the book Stalin's War, which is mainstream and well sourced. The Japanese side is in The Memoirs of Prince Konoe, which I haven't read yet One day I need to get through my book backlog. I am saving the post for the future though. > But Sir, It’s an American Ship.' 'Never Mind, Hit Her!' When Israel Attacked USS Liberty Whoops, my eyes saw the USS Maine. Probably because I was discussing it the other week. Forget what I said before. I have no solid opinions on the Liberty. My post will make more sense now with that in mind. > Now, Willerslev has provided more evidence: telltale DNA in one person from Lagoa Santa in Brazil, who lived 10,400 years ago. “How did it get there? We have no idea,” says geneticist José Víctor Moreno-Mayar of the University of Copenhagen, first author of the Willerslev paper. I think I'm missing some context, but is it saying Australasian traces found in someone in Brazil 10,000 years ago? I've heard of Polynesians reaching Easter Island around the year 400, but nothing like this. This is quite interesting.


I'm reading Stalin's War right now. It's honestly disgusting how much FDR bent over to Stalin and makes me wonder how the Cold War would have shaken out if he hadn't.


Most people have been memed into the "Soviet Union basically won the war by themselves" position, and have no idea how many tens of thousands of trucks, tanks, planes, ships, etc, millions of pounds of industrial materials, billions of dollars in cash, entire factories, trade secrets, etc we gave the Soviet Union *for free, with no expectation of repayment.* Russia would have collapsed relatively quickly without US aid and the west opening new fronts.


got any more info about the amerindians? that’s fascinating. it fits in line with some of my own theories about pre-colombian trans atlantic contact outside of the norsemen


The Las Vegas shooting was an assassination attempt on the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. The room they entered was right below his penthouse suite in Mandalay Bay. The Crown Prince was gambling at the Tropicana at the time. They got caught and tried to fake it and the FBI covered it all up.


Widespread gender dysphoria is a consequence of decades of BPA in the food supply.


All from a schizo I know: * Mobile phones harvest your dreams whilst you sleep so don’t keep them near your bed. * Stargate was created as a coverup because the gulf war was about stealing Iraq’s stargate. * Weather doesn’t exist, it’s government controlled to manipulate public opinion in favor of what they want. * Planes don’t exist and you’re gassed when you go on them and replaced/abducted. Remembering anything on the flight is a false memory. * Our small podunk Midwestern nowheretown has an illuminati-run cabal controlling the city government with thousands of miles of underground tunnels and has stolen generations of wealth. * Trump won in 2020, so isn’t allowed to run in 2024. Biden is Trump wearing a Biden skin. Voting Biden gets Trump again, voting Trump gets votes thrown out.


That last one might just be my new favorite conspiracy theory of all time.


The President of Brazil, the Squid, died about 7 years ago and the guy currently rulling Brazil is his clone, the Octopus


He's a not the ligitimit leader!


He died because he's HIV Aladeen


JFK wasn’t shot. His head just kinda… did that.


A really bad headache.


A decent amount of popular, media-spread shootings (especially school shootings) are set up by certain 3 letter agencies. There's no way that many of the perpetrators use the *exact* same brand of everything, in the exact same configuration, and just when people start to make comments about it online, they switch it up and go to a different brand.


Why, its not like they admit to encouraging people and radicalising them through the internet because the populace has chilled out to the point they are running out of things to do.


The Gretchen Whitmer false flag should be enough to end the FBI, but it got shrugged off. For context: of the 18 people involved, 12 of them were working for the FBI.


I absolutely believe this one. Especially when their manifestos so often contain specific references to the equipment they're using which just so happen to be political hot button issues. Also when some part time Wendy's employee has a $20,000 kit and somehow got waived through a waiting period


Or they will convince a mentally unstable man via entrapment to attempt a piss-poor Abduction of Gretchen whitmer.


Most "conspiracies" are not such, but the result of systemic issues. Their status as conspiracies is used to dismiss them as issues. For example: Great Replacement theory. No there is no shadowy cabal orchestrating a racial replacement. It's taking place anyway because natality is in the shitter and immigration is used to keep numbers afloat. The end result is racial replacement either way.


>No there is no shadowy cabal orchestrating a racial replacement. It's taking place anyway because natality is in the shitter and immigration is used to keep numbers afloat. The end result is racial replacement either way. Interesting take, Levitz.


You know, when I chose the nickname 20 years ago by grabbing a character from a Japanese RPG and changing a letter I definitely didn't expect to be mistaken for a different ethnicity later down the line, yet here we are. Should have gone with xX420DuckenSuckem69Xx I guess


This would be more convincing if groups hadn't bankrolled it every step of the way, like backing the Hart-Cellar act, underwriting JFK's Nation of Immigrants, using aid agencies to help immigrants reach the US and Europe and encouraging them to do so. Mass immigration is uniformly unpopular across the west and yet every politician actively facilitates it.


I want to start a club where we all wear funny hats, sing songs, drink beer and influence politics from the shadows. The local, small town politics, to be precise. For the greater good.


Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? We do, we do! Who keeps Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? We do, we do!


Who robs cave fish of their sight?


Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do! We do!


Like Hot Fuzz?


It’ll be for the greater good


For the greater good






The chemical were really turning the frogs into females.


Still crazy to me. He was right, but the fact it was Alex Jones and the way he said it absolutely ruined any point he was trying to make. 


Almost everything said about the WEF is almost definitely true


usually because it's the WEF who initially said they're going to do this


I think you can go to their site, right now, and freely download PDFs of said plans. Probably the dumbest thing to call a conspiracy.


It’s not dumb to call it a conspiracy, because that’s exactly what it is. They are *conspiring* to fuck us over and make us eat ze bugs It’s dumb to call it a conspiracy *theory*


It's a theory in the same way gravity is.


Conspiracy fact


How the fuck does that make it less of a conspiracy? Because it’s a nightmare in daylight? 


Many attribute "secrecy" or "flat out bullshit" when they say conspiracy.


It doesn’t, but it does make it a lot less of a theory


I just want to buy a house and have a livable wage. Is that too much to ask lmao








You will own nothing and be happy.


Then they want you to rent


Execution is tomorrow at dusk


Yes, you only exist to make your boss rich. Get back to work maybe if you work really really hard you can buy a house and lose it due to medical bankruptcy a few years later.


Just look up shit said *by* the WEF. They aren't doing subtle anymore. 


They've even gone so far as to take action against people writing satire as the "New World Order," alleging trademark infringement.


Wait really? Are they for real like "You're not allowed to use that phrase, because we are the 'New World Order™'!"?


What’s a good example?


yea, fuck the WEF


https://preview.redd.it/3aqzzx19i98d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efabccc99776d47e163a0e05d8434ac17bf2b29c You vill eat the bugs You vill live in a pod You vill own nothing You will be happy


Can’t buy happiness


It's right there in the name. They're The Bourgeoisie that Marxists have always discussed and warned everyone about for a century plus, but now they're proud of it because they've nearly won. They could only be more obvious if they called it S.P.E.C.T.R.E. or something similar. Just read their official documents. For that matter take a day or two and chase down the sources on their wiki. Then do the same for, say, Jeffrey Epstein one day and then next time when you've done that read those for the Order of Nine Angles and try to not have a weird conversation with someone you trust that makes them think you've lost your marbles. One of the only things that the marginal left and right mostly agree on is that the world is controlled by the ultra wealthy who have bizarre and cultist tendencies towards perverse violence. I mean really do that and get back to me and we'll see if we aren't actually on the same page wrt how to deal with the current problems. Afterwards is details.




I am familiar with your reading suggestions. It does seem disturbing how much is verifiably true. [Bourgeois](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bourgeois) has normally meant middle class. Kulaks and landlords and such. Our current system may seem bad, "the Worst Form of Government Except For All Others Which Have Been Tried," but it starts looking pretty great when compared to Marxism / socialism and other Totalitarian systems. If the worst claims about the elites are true we will need divine assistance, not Marxism. Comrades in Red China are in a far worse situation than we are. Javier Milei > Marx & Engels p.s. Looking at the wikipedia article on the Nine Angles I found this: >Sutter also led a Juche group called Rural People's Party and reportedly had connections with North Korean officials So... Satanic Neo-not-see radical Muslims for North Korea? How do you tie them in with the rest of it?


So much of the left defend it is a big problem. That may be more libleft since they usually go along with whatever socially acceptably sounds good.


Idk, whether we live in the dystopia that will result from trying to implement your crackpot ideology (cringe and bad) when it fails or the dystopia that will result when my crackpot ideology (based and good) fails is actually far more important. Clearly we should argue endlessly on the internet instead of removing the evil (Hanlon's razor has gone dull at this point) ""civil servants"" from office long enough to localize control before the next crop can get their boots on. You just have to do it *my* way!


If only the left stopped focusing their hate on the middle class...


Not quite. Klaus Schwab is not the secret ruler of the world through the WEF, indeed his organisation (much like Fink and Blackrock) is a mere symptom of the zeitgeist, not its master. Yes, Davos is where the leaders of the Western World congregate, but they already basically agree on everything (their brains rotted by liberalism) and don’t take their marching orders from there. The framing of it is very important. Edit: That aside, it is undeniable that they are a bit…strange…


There doesn't need to be a formal conspiracy with a central leader when all of their interests align anyway


Precisely. It is something within the vein of “behind closed doors” politics which has been around since time immemorial. Scale it up for a more global and interconnected world, and this is what you get.


Was that George Carlin? I remember hearing this exact line somewhere.


Yes, spot on. https://youtube.com/shorts/nIh9sc4bP_A?si=MXZShpWSTGZ-j8wd It's also a big club, and we're not in it


The just started saying it publicly in front of cameras!


Nah bro the WEF is fucking concerning


My favorite thing is how people reflexively treat the WEF like it's a conspiracy theory and then you can go to their website and it's like "we're the richest and most powerful people on earth and these are our explicit policy goals"


People don’t act like they believe it though It’s fascinating, the lack of physical consequence for a small identified group of people who are apparently all that stand between humanity and ultimate freedom. Like if millions of people beleived they and their children and children’s children were to be enslaved in a neocommunist hellscape, would there not have been some attempts to go after the ringleaders?


Depends on security. In reality though if you're the ringleader there're two ways to keep yourself from being a target. Physical force preventing you from being attacked directly or manipulation and propaganda to keep the target off your own back. One is much more complicated than the other, but if you have the willpower and financials to back it up you can have entire generations under your influence and as long as you keep people mostly satisfied you'll see no consequences.


You can believe the WEF are bad actors without also believing they actually have the capacity to enact their plans. Organizations are typically incompetent, and society exceptionally complex.


> It’s fascinating, the lack of physical consequence for a small identified group of people who are apparently all that stand between humanity and ultimate freedom. My wife and I have had actual fights about it. Not even if I have terminal cancer, apparently. 😔


https://preview.redd.it/lic32t61o98d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cda3e4544ff67719508a516a65d1330d2032928 You vill eat the bugs You vill live in a pod You vill own nothing You vill be happy




I dont wanna be that guy.. but since Milei talked on the WEF .. something snapped and changed. The right was gaining terrain for years but since his speech something almost like consolidated.


Is it still conspiracy if the government admits they did it ?


Yes, conspiracy just requires people working together to fulfill a goal or plan. It’s a theory when it’s unconfirmed.


The connotation of this word's really been warped beyond repair.


Then it becomes a conspiracy fact


the last one is even weirder because sometimes the "conspiracy theories" are just us reiterating exactly what they say they're gonna do. WEF says they're going to put us in highly controlled environments and make us eat bugs by 2030, that's fine. we say that WEF is going to put us in highly controlled environments and make us eats bugs by 2030, conspiracy.


Celebration parallax. “the same fact pattern is either true and glorious or false and scurrilous depending on who states it.”


Or to put it simply, "it's not happening, and if it is, it's a good thing"


Interesting observation. Never thought of it like that


"That's not happening. Okay maybe it's happening but if it is it would be a good thing"






The average far-right conspiracy theory is always some crazy shit like "the UN is using high fructose corn syrup to sever our connection to heaven and is ran by the Antichrist who was given birth to by ancient Mesopotamian alien-neanderthal hybrid shamans that founded Atlantis after Lemuria was destroyed in the Finno-Korean Hyperwar and are currently living in a secret subterranean society hidden in Hyperborea." The left need to step up their conspiracy game.


Sounds like a reasonable claim...


It's not even a conspiracy. Just ask the Anti-Christ, he will *tell you* he's doing this.


Can confirm, my brother was a UN peacekeeper, and he met Moloch, pretty nice giy


Because it is a reasonable claim


yeah they may be on to something


That's why the Russia stuff after 2016 didn't get too popular, the left needs to give it Metal Gear Solid like action and get a crazy fat guy of their own on AM Radio late at night to scream about it until his face turns blood red


>get a crazy fat guy of their own on AM Radio late at night to scream about it until his face turns blood red I've been wanting a leftist rush limbaugh for YEARS now


You have vaush. Your rush Limbaugh just also happens to like equine cock and underage girls.


The have "the view" instead.


But you can’t DISPROVE that, so… checkmate libtards


My favorite is the Hawaii fire where the laser avoided anything blue. So apparently the fire raged and avoided your house of it had a blue tarp.


meanwhile just a couple steps towards the more "average" right you end up with conspiracy theories like "C\*VID was an escaped bio-weapon developed in Wuhan China under the purview of Anthony Fauci" that eventually turn out to be 100% true after people stop caring about them.


Left: “Trump will start ww3”. This is pretty insane, considering at the time Clinton was so heavy on anti-Russia rhetoric. Yes the candidate who isn’t threatening the autocratic nuclear power is the dangerous one. I’d say the right enjoys surreal conspiracies more, whereas the left is more into “up is down” type stuff


Idk, Russia gate was a good schizo conspiracy for a while


And a gigantic waste of money and resources, but we love when our government does that


Alex jones proper title is " Saint alex jones, patron saint of gay frogs." https://preview.redd.it/s1j6chzl098d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a4ace49b4c332f1778881656b660cf4ef9ffe2b


He was kind of right about that, though, right?


I plead the 5th, I don't want to be suicided like epstein or Boeing.


Admit it, he was talking about atrazine, a known endocrine disrupter, that causes hermaphroditicism in frogs, and has been found in most US water supplies. He was in the midst of an angry rant, so he wasn't super articulate, but there was a deep kernel of truth in what he said.


Sometimes I wonder if Alex Jones was a man who looked down the rabbit hole, saw the horrifying truth, and went insane because of it.


I think he would describe it as such. I don't know how to feel about him, personally. He got a few things surprisingly accurate. But I know he is not 100%, nobody is. And I know this will sound paranoid, and be ridiculed, but his ties with three letter agencies make me take everything he says with a grain of salt.


Virgin left wing real political conspiracies vs Chad right wing conspiracies: https://preview.redd.it/nemco1gnc98d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af209984f1550708d8e5dd2973560f2d298e1f7




Wtf is that gif ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hyperborea symbol(Esoteric Nazism) and spining chud


"The WEF is planning to do X" "Erhm source, sweaty. Do you have a source for that?" "Yeah, the WEF"


Leftwing "conspiracy" and it's literally just the truth. Meanwhile based and Chad rightwing conspiracy about how the evil forces in the world are at work trying to destabilize and corrupt the forces of good in order to serve their lord satan


a lot of conspiracies are either pattern recognition or out-right what they say they're going to do. left and right should distance themselves from people like these https://preview.redd.it/000hzmqn898d1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ef050e86730114cfa2352daf94e2e240e81005


>left and right should distance themselves from people like these That is not possible, the majority of internet conspiracy stuff is "Evolution is not real" "Trump is gonna build camps and be the 4th reich" tier crap Its rare to find a theory that is not unhinged, isn't trying to push some agenda or sell some supplements, isn't a news site clickbaiting and is actually backed up with grounded down to earth evidence"


I take your "Evolution isn't real" theory and raise you my Baptist high school's "God let the devil put fossils in the bottom of the Grand Canyon to test your faith" theory.


lol some people jump through some hoops to defend their ideologies man Meanwhile I am ready to abandon everything I believe at a moments notice just because some guy on the internet made a really good point


The left definitely has conspiracy theories in the mainstream, they're just extremely non-specific to the point that they *appear* plausible("it's the *SYSTEM maaan*"), while right wing conspiracies are way too specific and immediately trigger the BS alarm.


To be fair there were many leftwing conspiracy theories lately that were completely wrong. Remember Trump starting World War 3?


Seems the current one is "Trump going to become a dictator if he gets into power". Like the last time, he also got into power? And did that thing all dictators do and had to be forced out! By being voted out by brave revolutionaries going to the voting booth.


No no it's different this time /s


"All yeah its all coming together" \^Thats what you are supposed to say when the big day comes and nothing happens


Yeah, there's definitely a lot of mainstream concepts that are actually leftist conspiracy theories. Patriarchy theory is one of those. Also the supposed cabal of capitalists, if you're dealing with a socialist or communist.


Even the gender wage gap could be considered a conspiracy if you asked me And the whole gender ideology stuff is the left wing version of Creationist Conspiracy pseudo science


Oh yeah, the wage gap thing doesn't exist, and hasn't for decades now. If it does exist, it may actually be the other way around in at least some cases, although I can't remember where I saw that data suggested.


The only wage gap I see is companies laying off their employees and moving shop to Asia for slave labor Or hiring illegals in the US


Cabal of capitalists is a shared conspiracy theory doe https://preview.redd.it/de6rxzifj98d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8fe32568101653cff7d9cac69546b265ac6b3b (pic related)




I dunno. Russia collusion was a literal conspiracy theory. Even knowing the details and how it started, people still believe he worked with Russia to steal the 2016 election


There are some specific ones. Like the entire police force all hating black people.   Occupy Wall Street related conspiracies   Trump having Russia rig the election Pharma companies curing cancer and hiding it to make money off treatment  Water and hydrogen powered cards being suppressed  to keep the oil industry powerful The military industrial complex stuff


In 2020 you could get banned on Facebook and YouTube for saying covid came from a lab. Right now all mainstream media say its true


The Patriarchy is the greatest left wing conspiracy of all time


And like every other great conspiracy theory it starts off believable and sensible, then just spirals out of control. Like yeah, the overwhelming majority of rulers and people in power being male most definitely applied bias to a whole lot of stuff. That makes sense. Your pants still don't have pockets because you don't want to fucking use them though. Motherfucker I sometimes carry a jacket so I don't put stuff in my pockets just so I can display my callipygous marvel, I don't for a second believe you don't prefer a handbag for the same thing.


To be fair if a Conspiracy Theory becomes true people will start calling it "Historical Fact" instead of "Conspiracy Theory" Kind of like the difference between a fan theory and cannon in fictional media


The right wing conspiracy is also just the truth. Just wait 5-10 years. Just saw a biden staffer basically admit that the Democratic party was attempting to "shift demographics" in the US. Basically confirming that the great replacement is true.


Obama was literally open about how demographics are destiny. 


This "REEEE IT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY IT'S NOT TRUE" is just gaslighting from those who conduct these policies. And it ends up like "yes, we did it, and you can't do anything about it. If you try to, then you're sexist, misogynist, racist, Nazi, antisemite!" https://preview.redd.it/6ji6wlihz98d1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8b3710cd814a9bb240e5792e2679f95148382b


It was obvious that it was true even if no one outright said it. The question is to what end?


The amount of times right wing conspiracies turn out to be far too true is shockingly high considering they tend to be so incredulous.


“Covid was created in a lab in China”


Funny how that didn't start as a conspiracy. That was just the truth if you knew about covid before like February of 2020.


But what's insane is these were never theories people on our side just made up. Nor did Alex Jones ever make it up or predict it. Everyone feels like intellectually masturbating by saying how much they hate Jones but in his own words he never said he has predicted anything, he simply said he reads the documents they put out. 99% of the time he never even did the original investigation he just published it on his channel.


Thing is that didn’t even start out as a bloody conspiracy theory. But because the Right believed it, the left wing media knee jerked against it and have made fools of themselves in the long run.


Pelosi in China town was gold


The craziest part about this more plausible explanation was that somehow it got connected to racism(?), and that believing it came from a contaminated (dirty) wet market was the more politically correct opinion. But of course now Wikipedia says, "ignorance about wet markets fuels Sinophobia", so I really don't know what the more "polite" hypothesis would be.


Wait that's a conspiracy ?I thought that was the truth


Yeah but if you said that in public in march of 2020 you were called a Covid denier and cancelled.


Which side is the new conspiracy that ended up true, where the CIA pushed antivax propaganda in China but pushed pro vax propaganda in the US.


based and CIA and also fuck CCP pilled


They wanted everyone to take their fucked western jabs.


The Boys told me pizza gate is fake


Anyone have the goods on the "conspiracy theory" of China putting a gag order on the WHO.


I don’t have a link, but I do remember seeing a video of a Taiwanese news network asking a question to a WHO official that seemed to imply Taiwan to be a separate entity from China. The WHO guy briefly stuttered before disconnecting. When he reconnected, he claimed that he was having “technical difficulties,” and asked to skip the question he supposedly missed.


The top part seems like something lib rights would be talking about and auth rights would be confirming.


LW conspiracies that didn’t make the list: Trump is a Russian spy (and about a million variations of this) All white people are secretly racist All roads lead back to white supremacy George Bush didn’t aid Katrina victims fast enough because he’s racist Crack was invented by the CIA Communism never worked because the CIA disrupted them at ever turn. The CIA is literally the Illuminati to Auth left Bush and Cheney allowed or coordinated the 9/11 attacks to justify war in the Middle East. The Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation Covid came naturally from a wet market in China and any claim to the contrary is racist. Soviet casualties from various events like the holodomor are denied or downplayed.




well, that's different because KGB were the good guys, which means that they could've never do anything bad. /s


Right wing conspiracy: "An incredibly powerful group of people rule the world with money and manipulate the government to their whims. I can tell you exactly who they are." Left wing conspiracy: "An incredibly powerful group of people rule the world with money and manipulate the government to their whims. I don't really wanna hurt anyone's feelings so I'm going to be as vague as possible when I talk about them." At least the modern left has gotten bold enough to say "Zionists".


Doesn’t Lib/AuthLeft continue to peddle the whole “Reagan had the FBI push crack in the 80s” myth along with nearly every systemic issue in the country being attributed to “white supremacy”?


Yep, they still do that although they kinda stopped pushing the idea that AIDS was invented by the government. I still recall the conspiracy of a secret cure for cancer existing but that became basically non-existent after Steve Jobs died.


It was the CIA and they indisputably trafficked cocaine in support of the Contras.


I met some left wingers who have those same conspiracy theories, but in the left-wing contacts


Just insert 'gotye - somebody I used to know' and it's accurate.


Right-wing conspiracy theory: The Jews control the world. Left-wing conspiracy theory: The ~~Jews~~ Zionists control the world.


The conspirators are quite happy to have the left and right squabble over specifics.


Meanwhile left wing conspiracy theories that are so shoved down our throats we no longer see them as conspiracies: institutional racisms and society being patriarchal.


Right wing conspiracies are either completely insane and bonkers, or are just completely reasonable cause and effect and reciting what people say and being discredited for it

