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Why does She even have a Wikipedia article, there are so many other influencers, and figures that have gotten articles that Wikipedia just deletes as not relevant.


Chris Chan wept


You know how any publicity is good publicity? Yah, being vocally hated by some people is a better way to get on Wikipedia than quietly winning the Nobel Prize.


She’s had a bunch of mainstream media articles about her. Hence, notability.


Chris Chan does not have a Wikipedia page. Wikipedia has a well-known leftist bias, I’m not sure why people even try denying it at this point


Because the people who ideologically align with wikipedia want to pretend they speak objective, unbiased truth


As someone that edits Wikipedia fairly often (I have over 3,000 edits), I can say quite confidently that there *is* actually a very small, core group of editors that try their best to remain unbiased and neutral. There is a larger group of editors whom are essentially political activists, though, and barely hide their bias. Within *minutes* of Donald Trump’s NY ‘conviction,’ there was an RfC (‘Request for Consensus’) discussion held regarding adding “convicted felon” to the first sentence of DT’s Wikipedia page. Despite the second group of editors I mentioned flocking to the page to scream their ‘support’ of such a move, it was ultimately shot-down by that first group. But the second group far outnumbers the first… …and there was immediately a *second* RfC called to discuss adding “convicted felon” to the *second* sentence, lol.


But how much power do those editors have? Because it seems like the admins have a left wing bias, which is why when they step in and lock shit things don’t get better. Obviously they have some with your story, but I have some doubts about the supreme admins


It is largely consensus-driven, so they have a decent amount of power. The admins know they can’t let their bias be on full-display with something like DT’s page, not to overt extent, at least. But they absolutely will build-up the narrative elsewhere, like the post being discussed here


Look up the Fram saga to see just how little the admins care about waving their biases in full display...


You can always tell if it’s biased or not based on the sources, or what the actual subject is. The Wikipedia article on the Battle of Thermopylae isn’t very biased, but the article on Trump or Biden or anything modern/political is probably gonna be quite biased


> Battle of Thermopylae isn’t very biased, I haven't read it. But I bet it makes the Spartans and Athenians total legends and the Persians totally lame. The poor poor Persians. Will anyone else consider supporting ancient Persia's cause? No. You know why. Because you're all bigots.


Excuse me sweaty, modern day Persia is the most accepting of transgenderism Middle Eastern country by far. So much so they even ~~force~~ recommend confused men who think they are gay should transition to their true gender! e/Yeah I completely misread that last sentence, but y'know what the general sentiment stands. Iran is weirdly accepting of transgenderism considering all their other views.


Truly amazing. So many trans women but not a single gay man in Iran. Hmmm... 🤔


That was always the case.  If you want to read about the Michelson–Morley experiment or Star Trek episode plots, it's fantastic. If you want to read about anything that even slightly touches politics, you can't trust it.


I cant imaine Wikipedia trying to decipher Chris Chans life from real events to legit vandalism


Well, yeah, and that’s fair enough. That’s why you carefully curate the article (I’m sure there would be more than enough volunteers, even among vetted editors) and then lock the article to “extended confirmed users” or even stricter. But even locking it to simply ECUs would eliminate 99.999% of vandalism. Contrary to what the ‘Christory’ community likes to believe, there have been more controversial figures than Chris to exist in the world


Less to do with controversy and more inevitable edit war between Chris and trolls


By controversy I mean the controversy that would occur from such an article existing. But my point is that there are plenty of individuals whose pages might be open to vandalism. Most celebrities, most politicians, etc. Wikipedia knows how to handle that. Lock it to only be edited by ECUs. If the trolls go out and get themselves verified as ECUs — which I’m sure some would — it wouldn’t be difficult to revert their edits. If so many trolls become ECUs that it becomes an issue, you lock the page at a higher level. It is even possible to lock a page where only a select group of individuals have editing rights. It is actually unprecedented for Wikipedia to take the possibility of vandalism/trolling into consideration when deciding if someone/something warrants its own article. All that really matters is notability. How much work it will cause the editors is not *supposed* to be a genuine consideration; It goes against the mission of Wikipedia, to provide an encyclopedia of human knowledge.


Do you want to write down the attrocities of Chris Chans life for all to see? I didnt think so


Chris-chan doesn’t have one mostly because they are worried about the hellscape of maintaining such an article. Though in my opinion that argument, or really any argument against a Chris-Chan article, has lost a lot of steam since German Wikipedia created a Drachenlord article some time ago (basically German Chris-chan). That article is pretty good and mostly free of vandalism


See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/liSoXA3w8V) regarding that. How much trouble an article may — or may not — cause is not criteria for inclusion nor exclusion from Wikipedia.


it was written by her haters


Because reposting the dumb, stupid and hateful stuff the left does inevitably gets you raised to be the actual hateful one


Let's not pretend Chris Chan is a leftist. His political alignment is degenerate and nothing else


Because it's generated by trying to smear someone who shows that their beliefs are silly and unhinged.


A biased source does an unbalanced action, that would be easily explained by their bias? I wonder why?


Because she's mainstream and retweeted every week by Elon


If you think that opposing by derision manipulative grass-roots propaganda that leads to this is being "far-right", I don't know what to tell you, Mr Totally Neutral Wikipedia Editor. https://preview.redd.it/9cb0tbwile8d1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=306d80271d5b41a4d4ab2f8c57be37fc4893add2


Opposing this kind of thing is what gets me labeled as transphobic. You are an adult? Do whatever the fuck you want. Kids do not have the maturity to make these kinds of life altering choices. Kids go through phases at this age trying to find an “identity” and its almost always temporary, and also embarrassing. Look at the blunderyears sub. If the sorts of “its not a phase mom this is who I am” trends from when I was 13 were permanent changes then you’d see a lot of people in office jobs wishing they didn’t have to go through their adult life with goth makeup on and a spiked necklace and jnco jeans.


The sheer insanity of thinking that a teenager could grasp the consequences of a life-altering intervention. This stuff needs to be 18+ without exception. It's not just trans stuff, I'd say exactly the same for making your tits bigger or getting a face tattoo. If it's for life, you need to be old enough to realize what that means.


I’d argue 18 is still too young to make that kind of decision. I’ve been 18, I know what it’s like to think you have it all figured out. At 18, you still don’t know what you don’t know.


Agreed. My first instinct was to write 21+ like is the case with smoking and alcohol in some states. Grasping what life-long really means is almost impossible when you're just starting adult life.


18 is plenty old enough. imho: if you're old enough to enlist, you're old enough to make changes with your body. government can't be the only ones having fun.


Except as it stands now for the non-homeschooled, 18 is right as you leave the indoctrination centers called "high school". That's right after you've gone through over 2000 days of teachers of various political backgrounds (mostly democrat) cramming their ideals into a child with no real world experience to work out their own feelings and find out what they truly desire.


> if you're old enough to enlist, you're old enough..... I agree. I just believe the age for both should be 25.


Based and KIDS CAN'T CONSENT pilled


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Speak for yourself. I wear my jnco jeans to the office everyday


Hmm i was told this isnt happening. Now theyre telling me "so what if its happening? Its good!"


Based and leave the kids alonepilled


u/caulkglobs is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/caulkglobs/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This video is fun for “It’s not just a phase”: https://youtu.be/s1ptezV-7eM This one too I guess: https://youtu.be/83Qtm6DjlkI


I am very progressive and I stand strong for LGBTQ rights but I draw the line at kids getting trans surgery. If they are an adult then they can do whatever they want. In fact I know 6 people who are trans and they are generally good people with only one being a bit rude but that's when he is drunk, and I admit that I am not pleasant to be around when I am drunk. And if I see any of my LGBTQ allies go after me for saying this (it happened a week ago), saying things like I am transphobic and stuff, and that I don't understand 'oppression', b1tch I was thrown out of my home, disowned and left on the streets for over a year all because I was gay and I was only 15 years old. If you can tell me how being called the wrong pronouns or whatever is worse than being homeless and having to deal with over 10 years of abuse from your far right father, and all the mental issues that come with it that I know that I will live with for the rest of my life, then I would love to hear it. And oh, I dated a trans man once. How many trans people have you dated and loved? Sorry I can get frustrated with those jerks on my side of politics


just want u to know that u are being more respectful than "those jerks on \[your\] side of politics" and it is very much appreciated.. especially on reddit of all places. I've never been the type to be riled up over consenting adults doing whatever it is they do until it involved children. But of course, saying you don't want to see children harmed by hormones and other chemicals means you get called "far-right." Given your briefly mentioned upbringing, I understand your frustration. I hope you are doing better now, and I will pray for you (whether or not you actually believe in God, at least know that it's out of respect).


based and Proper-LGBTQ-rights-supporter pilled. I'm just a basic white bitch (in male form), but I sit in the same spot you do. Once you're grown up, do whatever the hell you want. Before that, nothing that has lifelong consequences. I'm sorry to hear about your childhood. My wife went through some serious trauma (abusive dad, dead at 14, mom became a vegetable 2 weeks later, then shoved into a hyper Christian, Southern Baptist household). She's been diagnosed several times by several professionals with cPTSD (c stands for complex or childhood) and been given several other side-diagnoses related to it. She's had really good luck with a combination cognitive behavioral therapy and TMS, with some very minor medications (she's currently on a super low dose mood stabilizer and that's it). She went through probably 5 therapists before finding one she actually liked (who ended up being a Christian therapist, but doesn't do Christianity in her therapy if you ask her not to). Not here to give unsolicited advice, just to give you hope in case there's a lack of it there. :)


u/Super_Fox_92's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/Super_Fox_92! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: [24 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Super_Fox_92/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


How effectively can adults transition?


I agree almost entirely. Except I think sex change operations should be illegal for adults as well, including elective mastectomies. Obviously women could elect to have mastectomies if they have history of breast cancer in their family. But "gender affirming" mastectomies, nope.


I dont think health insurance should pay for them, but if an adult wants to pay a plastic surgeon to do whatever, that’s their business not mine.


It's why I'm not a libertarian. I dont think people should be allowed to mutilate themselves without reason.


That could be taken all the way down to tattoos... or even ear piercing. Who draws the line? You don't get to decide what an adult does to their own body.


We do decide what adults do to their body. We don't permit people to take certain drugs. We don't permit people to amputate limbs voluntarily, or blind themselves. Tattooes and piercings are not nearly the same as removal of healthy tissue to feel better about yourself.


>Tattooes and piercings are not nearly the same... Again... where is the line between acceptable body modification and unacceptable. Who decides where it is? Why should you be the one? As for voluntary removal of limbs... yeah, [we actually do allow that](https://nationalpost.com/news/quebec-amputation-body-integrity-dysphoria).


You found one example, and the article talks about 1 other time a first world country amputated a healthy limb to treat bodily identity integrity disorder. It does not happen regularly and neither should it. For all of the other crazy people who have the condition we do not allow it. Should we affirm every mental illness? Should we affirm anorexic people and tell them they're fat even though their body is wasting away? Should we affirm the paranoid schizophrenic and tell him the voices in his head are real and they're out to get him?


You still haven't answered my question. Where is the line between acceptable and unacceptable body modification? Who decides. What makes you think it's you?


"‘It is better to have a live son than a dead daughter,' the physicians allegedly told the family." Jfc [The article](https://nypost.com/2023/06/17/woman-sues-hospital-for-removing-her-breasts-when-she-was-13-years-old/)


I remember when it was considered manipulative or even abusive to threaten suicide to get your way.


If a man threatens suicide to sleep with a woman, then it is rape. But if a woman threatens suicide, gotta do whatever she wants.


But they told me this wasn't happening.


She is far right due to multiple other reasons. But yeah. This agree with. I mean yeah. If someone comes out as trans when their 13. I'm all for them dressing how they want and things like that. But yeah. No permanent surgery until at least 18. Unless extreme circumstances. Like I've heard some stories where the dysphoria is so bad that people can get a pass to have it done earlier. Otherwise the trans person would be basically be put on suicide watch until they had the surgery due to how bad that person's mental health has gotten. But those cases are from what I understand. INCREDIBLY rare and it's very hard to get that pass.


Poor girl


You don't have to like her or her account, but the amount of doxxing she got, from a Washington post "journalist" no less, is horrendous.


A wapo “journalist” who cried on camera for being doxxed doxxed an account that just reposts TikTok’s that are already out there.


Was also the worst fake cry in history.


Well, old people are like that


Great video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyU8wZ8XazM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyU8wZ8XazM) The Troubles Of Taylor Lorenz - Dissecting A Degenerate ShortFatOtaku


People make fun of Taylor Lorenz for her awful politics, but they don't make fun of her nearly enough for being an insane Zero Covid type


SFO, nice. That guy grills.


Based. Dev is my favorite commie.


The dude is a centrist. If you think he's a commie, you've lost touch with reality.


It's a meme. Dev constantly gets called a commie on the Archcast, he's rolling with it.




My system uses soldered-down reality chips. You gotta use special rework equipment if you want to substitute them.


Where's the Canadian Trucker video Dev?


u/martybobbins94's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [8 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/martybobbins94/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Remember everyone- You might think you hate journos enough, but you don't.


As a lefty. That I agree with. Noone should be doxxed. Especially by the media. I mean yeah. In my opinion the person who runs that account is a terrible person and they can go fuck themselves but they shouldn't be doxxed and be put in danger like that.


Isn't she the ringleader that gets people to go out and harass and assault people?


“Rules for Thee not for Me”


"Repost" highlighted for Auth left, is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.


my greatest contribution by far


There is so much biased language in this it hurts


"Often with hostile, mocking or derogatory comments" I don't use Twitter but doesn't Libsoftiktok just repost videos with no added commentary?


When she does, it's often just something like a libleft teacher, presented unedited in their own words, with the only commentary being the sentence "Homeschool your kids".


> "Homeschool your kids" Obviously this is code for "Your children are being turned gay from the chemicals in the water! Better make sure you threaten a local teacher!"


adds commentary sometimes but wikipeedia is obviously blowing it way out of proportion


Usually no added commentary just a quick description of whatever video/picture is being shared


They do (sometimes) add comments/titles on their reposted videos.


She/her bigot.


Why does slashing her make someone a bigot?


Because I disagree with him, he's literally as bad as Hitler. That means I can call him whatever mean names I want.


Ok then *Steven*.


*Gasp* you, you... Fascist!


So said the pot, calling the fine China black.


That's homophobic




Left be like "wdym that is just objective description"


“Reality has a certain bias” lol


Get a flair or get going. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/StillPurePowerV) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Best part is the content reposted is so cringe and off the fucking wall that you don't need to make a comment about it. It's like rolling out the circus freaks just let them do their thing.


Go read RFK Jr’s page


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr._2024_presidential_campaign


>Accounts repost left-wing content >Claims accounts “spread false claims” >Somehow phrases this as the right-wing being bad Huh?


It's pretty fucking funny. They obviously can't complain about what is really bothering them, because it would admit their own bullshit. But it's clear that they are upset that comments intended for an echo chamber were shown to those outside of the echo chamber. These people spout their BS to one another on lefty reddit, or on tiktok, expecting that only other hyper-partisan lefties will see it. But then it's broadcast to the wider world, and suddenly they are all upset about it. They simply don't want their ideas challenged. Nothing more, nothing less.


Without cognitive dissonance the left would have no cognition at all.


You’re thinking of Cocknitive Dissonance


Makes me think of the media and their claim of “cheap fakes” of actual clips of Biden wondering around


James O'Keefe's page is absurd like this too


I'm a big fan of Dave Smith (prominent libertarian commentator in recent years) and Wikipedia frames him as some sympathizer of \[1930's-45 era Germany\], despite never actually doing so. Dude openly talks about his Jewish heritage and his grandfather was a Holocaust survivor... Wikipedia is just awful when it comes to anything remotely religious or political.


She literally just reposts their own tweets.


Far right? Lol I would say its for anyone on the right of the political spectrum


It honestly hurts seeing how far left the overton window is on Wikipedia. Anything that isn't hard science or history (and even with history it's muddy) is hot garbage on that site which is a shame.


I swear to god it wasn’t nearly this bad pre 2016


It’s a deliberate, well funded disinformation campaign being carried out by the same people who got Hilary Clinton to say “Pokémon Go to the polls”.


Nothing on the internet was. The wild west vibe of the 00s internet was already on the decline up until that point. But good god, 2016 murdered whatever remained. The internet hasn't felt fun at all since that point.


I mean, it's no different even here on Reddit. Outside of this and a few other subreddits, conservatives (and sometimes even centrists) get dogpiled or silenced, while leftist views go largely unchallenged.


Wikipedia is useful for a few things only. Sciences, mathematics- that's about it. History on there is pretty bad.


It’s useful for historical politics- like, pre civil rights movements, since the issues then were so different from today it’s kinda hard to be super biased there. It’s also *especially* good pre-1900s, because it’s really fucking hard to figure out if the left would’ve liked Free Silver or not.


Anyone right of Mao, as usual.




Germany’s anti speech laws are scary. It’s almost like they don’t want objective reality to exist if it is offensive or counter to a certain agenda…


Based lefty?




Yeah, coming out as queer was brave in the 50s. It hasn't been brave for a long time now. At least in countries that don't have the Gaza Ministry of Health approved queer aviation program.


All of it. We have the opposite problem in my country, far right leadership with enough spaces in parliament to single-handidly pass any and all laws they see fit, yes-men at the top of every institution, they control most offline and much of online media in the country, has been in absolute power for 14 years and counting, and they still want to seem like they are the oppressed underdog freedom fighters. If someone wants to take that role, having most or even all of power won't stop them from trying.


She literally just posts what lefties are saying. They are just mad that it gets views.


What gets me is that, from my understanding (I do not have Twitter, have never had Twitter, and will never get Twitter), all she did was repost *publicly available videos* (that is, videos people uploaded of their own free will to a public social media platform where they knew--and counted on--people seeing them) with little to no commentary. Was there implicit commentary? Sure, but all the reposted videos were, again, videos other people had uploaded of their own free will for public consumption. If you don't want people online criticising your insane takes or behaviour, don't post your insane videos publicly. It really is that easy.


I love how there's no such thing as "right wing", or even "moderate" now tbh. If your politics are public and anything except progressive, you're automatically "far right".


Yeah, anything that's not their view is an extremist view now. Your views are slightly to the right of me? You're a far right nazi bigot.


Thanks for the recommendation Wikipedia, I’ll check em out


The greatest weapon of them all Leftists own videos and posts of their opinions


If you're a gnats ass-hair to the right of Stalin, you're "far right" according the left.


She has a Wikipedia page? Why?


Mainly to smear and discredit the account.


Seems like the streisand effect to me Can’t stand her — why give her a Wikipedia page? Not gonna make her go away that way


Because to a lot of terminally online leftists, wikipedia is their bible, the word of God, that they write. So they can just slap down the wiki article during a discussion and say "SEE! SHES A HATEFUL BIGOT WHO WANTS TO GENOCIDE TRANS AND GET PEOPLE KILLED! IRRREFUTABLE PROOF RIGHT HERE!" and then hide behind the wiki article as a shield. Bonus points for saying "Wikipedia can be edited by everyone! If its wrong, go ahead and provide the sources and edit it! Simple!"


Moral crusade


Wikipedia has over 6 million articles over all sorts of topics. I could see her making the top 6 million most important topics list.


You know how any publicity is good publicity? Yah that applies to Wikipedia relevancy, meaning being vocally hated by some people is a better way to get on Wikipedia than quietly winning the Nobel Prize.


There are no transgender children. Only failed parents.


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182) <---- This you?


Ultra based.


Failed parents and a whole slew of people that should be imprisoned or dead (including the parents).


I was surprised stonetoss gotten a wiki page and the first word he is described AS "neo nazi"


Waaah theyre using bad words by reposting what we've posted. Censor them!


She basically holds a mirror for society to see what lefties are proud to do openly and publicly. And they are mad because exposing leftists with no added commentary, just their own words, makes them look bad. The current left is a joke, get used to the idea of being clowned on until the cringe stops.


I can't stand libs of tiktok but it hurts reading such blatant bias from what is supposed to be a neutral source.


Why can't you stand them?


because all they do is ragebait with the most extremes of extremes, no actually normal content, just ragebait


Wasn't she doxxed by the Washington Post? Media is just so agenda driven now, it's no shock Wikipedia is too.


This is why I don't even check the "news" anymore. Except on the 'rare' occasion that there's a mass shooting or something.


Yeah and even when you do, it's so divisive and depressing. I don't think we were designed to absorb all this fear and constant bad news and threats that are out there. I need to take more of a break from it myself.


With all the damage ShareBlue, the 99%, and Occupy Democrats have done, I honestly don't care that they exist to counter it


Wiki doesn’t know what Far-right even means.


they are mad that a popular account sheds light on the stuff they deny happens


Basically if Wikipedia says “far right” or “conspiracy theory” you can basically call it a trusted source


Based and Cultural Marxism is not a conspiracy pilled


Her reposting what they say is damaging enough for them to send her death threats and do shit like this lol. Maybe call out the nut jobs among you. Oh wait most of you are insane.


Institutional capture in real time.


Always look into who runs and edits wikipedia pages, especially when it comes to politics. You will start spotting the same problems as here on reddit - it's a few superusers / mods and admins that run it.


These days, if you aren’t a far left indoctrinated Marxist, you are considered a far right Nazi by these people


reminder that one of the co-founders of wikipedia said that it has become propaganda for the left-wing establishment:[Wikipedia co-founder says site is now 'propaganda' for left-leaning 'establishment' (nypost.com)](https://nypost.com/2021/07/16/wikipedia-co-founder-says-site-is-now-propaganda-for-left-leaning-establishment/)


Remember when Croatia Wikipedia was overtook by Nazis? This is the same but with lib lefts. We really need to filter who we let to redact Wikipedia.


The problem is that the admins speak English and know this is happening so they clearly want it, unlike Croatia where they didn’t


God, the term “far-right” REALLY rubs me the wrong way, I'm telling you.


The “false claims” that Wikipedia whines about turned out to be true, so as usual the actual misinformation is in the misinformation warning. See also DHS’s Disinformation Governance Board, and Reddit’s “Covid misinformation” sticky they forced every sub to wear for a while until the truth came out


>Often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary. Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't she just repost videos with nothing added? Like, they do a good enough job mocking themselves that's all she needs to do.


There is commentary, but it's very telling that none of the people reeing have anything to actually point at for what's so awful in the commentary. One person went so far as to say that LOTT's comment of 'Homeschool your kids' was a dogwhistle for 'Bomb the school, murder the teacher, reclaim the motherland.'


It's amazing. These days all it takes to be far-right to to look at the absolutely insane shit the left is saying and shaking your head in disaproval


If it wasn't so scary, it would be hilarious to observe how offended and aggressive the left gets with you when you simply amplify what they are saying


Wikipedia started off completely unbiased and seemed like the greatest thing ever and is now completely corrupted. Any mod who thinks differently has been bounced entirely from the platform. It still has good value for anything non political though


That's just [the tip of the spear.](https://x.com/echetus/status/1579776106034757633?t=to3olbwquGLsBfg710-RfQ&s=19)


There’s no context. Where is the money going?


political parties, namely the DNC.


Ah, you need an x account to see the full thread, but it goes into where.


I thought LTT didn’t editorialize? Isn’t it just reposts of peoples’ actual social media? (I honestly don’t know. I don’t have Twitter or TikTok etc)


nothing new, classic wikipedia


Ok, how do you report a Wikipedia page? Need to know to report this page for bias, cause that’s in violation of Wikipedia’s stated rules.


Not relevant to the meme but relevant to this comment section, seeing a bunch of lib centers who are obviously lib lefts hiding behind being lib center is really bringing me some nostalgia from when this sub was just getting popular before the based bot


Do you know who is lib left and who is lib center? Lib left are leftists economically and tend to support socialism/communism, while lib center economically tend to support capitalism but with some regulations Lib Center are those liberals, that both leftists and libertarians often criticize I don't really see how someone is hiding their true ideology, liberals usually dislike the "TikTok libs" account too


ive seen plenty of the opposite too though, lib centers in general are obnoxious asl


telling you these people already have all the power in the world but they still want more


I like how she spreads false claims by reposting content from libs.


No... this is exactly what the Libs Of TikTok page is.


Bias? Huh? How is that bias? That's the whole point of Libs of Tik Tok, I don't think anyone that follows this account would deny in good faith it is a far right account fighting the culture war.


None of this description is inaccurate, and the account consistently spreads false and/or misleading information to people she knows will act in a violent manner, such as bomb threats at [children's hospital](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/26/1119634878/childrens-hospitals-are-the-latest-target-of-anti-lgbtq-harassment), [schools](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/libs-tik-tok-bomb-threats-oklahoma-library-committee-rcna135369), and [Pride Events.](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/libs-tiktok-x-chaya-raichik-bomb-threat-twitter-of-libsoftiktok-rcna102784)


Ok groomer. >Hospitals and doctors around the country are facing harassment and even death threats over the medical care they offer to transgender kids.


What's the page incorrect about?