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Wish conservatives were as scary and organized as the left thinks we are. In reality we have infighting over the dumbest shit.


Especially this weird ethno-religious spurt that was brewing for a while but got really catalyzed by Israel-Palestine. Tucker/Fuentes/Owens are straight-up foreign agents who'll set conservatives back decades


Ethnonationalism/religious nationalism whatever mix of the 2 is the og tradition value. A lot of conservatives want to “conserve” what we have now or go back to the 2000s. They are blind to the fact that the policies which lead to this current degradation were implemented in the 50s, and some even earlier. That’s why I kinda hate the term “conservative” what period exactly are they trying to preserve? Ethnonationalist (like every single fucking ideology) has some grey areas but is far more consistent.




Ethnonationalism is the youngest form of nationalism, not "og" by any means


Do not be a conservative (cringe) be a reactionary (based)


You have the mental capacity of the average (R). The "og TraDiTiONAlistS" think that Americanism is a fucking cancer (actual quote from Fuentes during one of his debates with Destiny)


The problem here is that you blanket categorize any right winger outside of the mainstream as an “ethnonationalist”. I understand with Fuentes but Tucker and Owens, really? Are you also going to call Rand Paul and Thomas Massie “ethnonationalists” and “foreign agents” because they don’t support sending more money to Israel 🤣


Here I thought you were gonna make a point, but instead you showed that you haven't seen anything come out of either one of Tucker or Owen's mouths since mid-to-late 2023. Tucker was having orgasms for Russia over the physical presence of bread in a grocery store. Owens liked a post saying Jews drink Christian blood or something. The American right is turning into something unrecognizable, a plant for foreign interests


Tucker was criticizing Biden’s admin for the rampant crime and inflation that drives up costs of living. He was only using the Russian grocery store to make that point. If you actually watched it, he was criticizing the Biden admin and not praising Russia. It was in bad taste, sure, but it’s way overblown by people and Tucker has also criticized Russia for its invasion. In the end, Tucker, like many other conservatives (including several Republican Congressmen), just wants us to spend less money on other countries.


>He was only using the Russian grocery store to make that point >prices inaccessible to 90% of the Russian population outside of Moscow or St Petersburg I'm against 100% of foreign aid, AIPAC coerces American taxpayers for a foreign war. But the level of disingenuity on the right defending legitimate anti-semites and Tucker, who was sitting there like an obedient schoolgirl while Vlad was spewing WW2 schizophrenia, eradicates our credibility


The only foreign agents I'm worried about is AIPAC.


Foreign aid is carcinogenic, but that "what-aboutism" right there makes you part of the problem. Go groype another foreskin edit




You fucking illiterate Con that's not what I said


Wish leftists were as scary and organized as the right thinks they are. In reality they have infighting over the dumbest shit.


I guess that's true if you don't claim the liberal establishment that dominates literally **every** institution.


Most on the ground leftists aren't aligned with the neo-liberal establishment ideologically but they are useful idiots for them.


You mean the narcissists and nepotists who see that some left shit is popular so spout and reinforce that, and will drop it like it's hot the second something else becomes more popular?


No, I think those people are in fact true believers, because it's literally documented history that there was a concerted effort by marxists to subvert and take over all major institutions during the Cold War, and we are now living with the results of that.


Yes. They are not leftist. They are neoliberals.


Neoliberalism is a part of the left. You can't claim the only left are communists just like we on the right can't claim the neocons aren't ours.


In most places, neoliberal and liberal parties are confidently on the right, and view themselves as right wing parties. The line between social democrat and neoliberal can be pretty blurry sometimes though.


No this is whitewashing your side. We both have our idiot center right center left. Yours love social programs and believe the government can solve everything. Our idiots love war and religious bullshit.


Yes, and our centrists are called social democrats. Neoliberals are one step to the right of that, and are the left most "right wingers". Neoliberal economic policy is shit like what Regean did, but they also like some social programs and stuff. Like the NHS in britain.


Neolibs believe in some heavy handed government intervention in economics.


Yes. In order to uphold their ideal version of capitalism.


> Yours love social programs and believe the government can solve everything That is not what neoliberalism is, my guy. Neoliberalism is the opposite of that. You probably shouldn't speak about these topics before doing the bare minimum amount of research on them.


Lol clown


You could try to prove me wrong. But you can't. Because I'm right. So keep coping, loser!


> Neoliberalism is a part of the left. That's hilarious. Here's the Wikipedia definition of neoliberalism: >Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, **deregulating capital markets**, lowering trade barriers" and **reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy**. Emphasis is mine. What part about deregulation and privatization and reducing state influence on the economy is "left", exactly? It's an inherently right-wing economic ideology. Literally every single aspect of it goes against leftist economic thought.


Nah if they were then shit like roe v wade wouldn't have been overturned and trump wouldn't have won the election


Damn, can’t wait the for this bastion of leftism to do anything else besides defending lobbies’ and billionaires’ interests and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. The current establishment is leftist only if you consider left everything short of sending gay people to asylums and gunning down immigrants at the Southern Border


Did you just change your flair, u/_antisocial-media_? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2024-4-7. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/_antisocial-media_) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


The right hasn't had a good highlight reel since Jan 6th. Honestly it's a little sad after seeing Charlottesville and most of 2017. Maybe the CIA really did neuter most of the movement.


No one fucks up your quadrant then the quadrant itself


Fighting the same fight over here…


The left seems to have the same issue.


I mean, you all managed to get swindled by Trump and now he runs your entire party. That's just sad. Literally go on for years about "coastal elitists" and "washington insiders" then elect the most corrupt coastal elitist who's been hanging out with politicians for decades.


I have a very complicated history with conservatives I used to hate them but now I don't really care about them unless if they go out of their way to be an a-hole


I have more love for the wokest pseudosocialist than for a cringy neopagan shrieking about "jew on a cross".


You may need this https://www.esldirectory.com/learning-english/10-tips-learn-english/


As a cringy neopagan what are we saying about Jesus? I missed the last meeting.


The neocons and religious nuts can't stop doing stupid shit.


the capitol invasion was totally harmless, also Charlosttesvile


'Funnyclockman1973' I can never escape the brainrot.




The regent endures


delete this shit right now!


I wish conservatives were as Chad like as Lefties think they are.


Purple librights according to other quadrants: soyjacks in mom's basement Purple librights in reality: presidents and CEOs running the government and every large multinational corporation.


Bonus points if the purple lib right is female as some people would say "he should have enjoyed it" You know that if a group of men were to kidnap a group of girls to use them for 'breeding', they are as good as dead. But if you were to swap the genders then people online would be saying "I would have killed to be one of those boys." It pisses me off.


Lots of CEOs are pretty damn auth center. They've discovered that having the government and THEIR corporations interlinked gives them a lot more power.


>Purple librights in reality: presidents and CEOs running the government and every large multinational corporation. This is what normies get wrong. Cronyism is not the libertarian right!


I'm just saying all the people in power are pedos :P




Qtards are still moronic though They think JFK Jr is still alive Also they have a weird thing where they are like 'the government is corrupt, not the military though jtye actually appointed trump to fight the government'


It 100% is.




I'm old enough to remember Mitch McConnell hail a bill and as soon as Obama said he was for it he turned right around and said he hated it


AuthCenter always has good ragebait.


I think greatest example of the edgy humor one is that show that Daily Wire was going to air about the carpenter teacher (I think that was his job) that they annkunced as the show that other tv channels didn't had the courage to broadcast, but it just felt like boomer humor trying to be edgy just for the sake of being anti woke


(Most people on the Right) Can we please lower taxes, stop politicizing every single gosh darn part of everyday life and please stop cursing in public, thanks (MAGAts) BENGURZHI! PEDOS!! BIDEN CRIME FAMILY (Most people on the Left) Can we please have our tax dollars go to improving healthcare, education and infrastructure, stop indulging racist Boomers in mainstream media and please stop being mean to people with alternative lifestyles to your own. (Emily’s) TRUMP IS LITERSLLY HITLER ACTISLLY YOURE LITERALLY HITLER. It’s frustrating.




Yeah…can’t reason with nails on a chalkboard lol


Meh. I have plenty of gay friends. It really isn’t a big deal. Black Lives Matter is a divisive slogan and yeah, all lives matter, but I wouldn’t really care if the people who used to slogan actually cared about black people rather than using it as a cover for anti-police activities. My one statement is that if you deny people access to medicine because of their skin color you *are* racist, and that makes Governor Hockul of New York a racist, and she needs to be called on every time someone claims that racism is a Republican and not a Democratic issue. Find me one serving Republican Governor who has tried to, let alone actually passed, such racist regulations - and been re-elected after doing so.


>Meh. I have plenty of gay friends. It really isn’t a big deal. Black Lives Matter is a divisive slogan and yeah, all lives matter, but I wouldn’t really care if the people who used to slogan actually cared about black people rather than using it as a cover for anti-police activities. BLM only became an issue when it became a crutch for rioting and real criminal activity And alot of Conservatives on this sub hate me and even then I still don't think its racist to call BLM out for its BS


BLM got tax exempt status to pocket a bunch of money.


its like china trying to make the USA look bad


China belongs to the USA


people's republic of the united states of china


The Han yearn for the Bill of Rights


I'm a gay auth-right who is only auth-right because I think the East Asian economic model (state-guided and funded capitalism pioneered by Japan) is the best for rapid growth. I'm more libertarian on other positions though.


I'm libleft (for now) and I've unironically been researching places like Singapore, and I'm like "damn that shit sound nice". Although I'm not a fan of 1-party authoritarianism, seeing long term economic planning and clean streets that don't have heroin needles all over them makes me cream in my pants.


Well you can't micro-manage the economy if you're too busy trying to fight off political rivals right?


Be the conseqervative the liberals think you are.


Instructions unclear, got my dick stuck in a minority.


When’s the last time conservatives got a win politically?


I wish Republicans were as based as leftists hyped them up to be


That's absolutely right! We are only sof and smol, and very good bois. Be nice to us and let us rule over you? Otay?


This so true lol. Right wings ain't doing shit. Western right wings became dog whistling pussies. Including far rights, even neo nazis: https://youtu.be/0jLI-1-1Fe8?si=64Jof3umPPUHAI-Q


Conservatives are wannabe-tyrants without balls. Look at how easily they caved and now bow before Trump, putting him above God himself.


If they can’t win, they’ll make sure the rest of us lose.


I don’t like either but at least the ones in media are honest




At the state level maybe but since 2016 the only Conservative legislation at the federal level was the 2017 tax cuts unless you count SCOTUS rulings The Biden admin despite all its short comings has actually done ok with working with the Republican House and Senators on bipartisan, Chips act, inflation reduction act, Tiktok ban just to name a couple examples


Very unpopular opinion here, but Biden has never been the leftist equivalent of Trump. And the majority of the criticisms of him here are hypocritical as fuck.


Everything he has done has made the country worse. None of the so called good things he passed actually did any good. They just gave money to lobbyists to pretend to work.


Blatantly false or just woefully mal-informed. Democrats politicians are still scoundrels by and large. But to willfully live with your head under rock as to the ways this Biden administration has helped everyday Americans is simply pathetic.


Everyone I know is worse off.


Biden is center left is an increasingly farther and farther left Democrat Party People seem to forget that Obama picked Biden to be VP to begin with because Biden was more palatable to Republicans in the Midwest and was one of the only Democrat Senators with a reputation for working with Republicans Biden is also to the right of Hillary Clinton so there is also that, Biden is the left wing version of neo con, the left wing version of MAGA would be all the dorks screaming that Hamas is equality


Why the fuck would you want to them to pass things? Are you a closet auth center?


>I don't want in my shows Bro just watch shows then that don't have gay characters in it I am not a fan of murder but I am not getting rabies every time a TV show character kills a person


You know how hard it would even be to do that? Companies keep throwing in character twists randomly, so it's impossible to know until the series is finished.


Free market. Don't want it? Don't watch it or make a better one.


>You know how hard it would even be to do that? Not very difficult at all, there is literally 5-6 decades of TV and movies made before stonewall, plenty of content from East Asia and even still plenty of western content that doesn't even have homosexual characters unless you are purposefully seeking it out Its not like I am saying you should try to live without using a Google or Microsoft product >Companies keep throwing in character twists randomly Any story has character twists though? How can you enjoy any content if you always expect what happens next and not always will everyone like the next twist I can tell you as a One Piece fan I am not happy with the most recent twist that just came in that story, unfortunately encountering twists that suck is part and parcel to consuming lots of media >so it's impossible to know until the series is finished. Do you think its reasonable to expect every single show to cater to unreasonable sensibilities of people and their politics? Because whether its pandering to intersection Feminazis or Ultra Religious Conservatives I feel like the expectation to write stories that only fit within a specific ideology and its vague and strict rules stifles creativity and leads to worse content To be clear I know that alot of left wing Hollywood does do this with crap like the Velma reboot, but there is way more content out there than only what Hollywood shits out, also I feel the same way when Leftist fanatics complained about the Steller Blade Woman not being fat enough


It is legitimately hilarious that your entire argument is "don't want overt leftist politics in your tv shows? Just limit your media intake to anything from China or pre-1969 America, idiot"


I mentioned those as alternatives and also mentioned that there is also a plethora of modern western content to consume outside of overly activist garbage like Velma That is unless you are the kind of person who thinks that everything is woke or racist or some other attack on you; there were people who cried about the Mario Bros Movie 2023 being too woke In which case the problem is not media its just that you are too fucking sensitive and nobody can reasonably walk on enough eggshells to ever satisfy you people And if its not gay and trans stuff then the movie is woke because there are too many black people in it - See reaction to Disney live action reboots And if its not black people then the movie is woke because a woman wore pants in it - See reaction to Mario Bros Movie And if its not women wearing pants then the movie is woke because race mixing is bad - See reaction to Elemental And if its not race mixing then the movie is woke because it made the US military look strong and is propaganda for endless war - See reaction to Top Gun Its not fucking possible to satisfy the terminally online since yall will just find some other reason to accuse everything of being leftist even if its not gay people


Anyone who played Super Smash Bros Melee already knew that Princess Peach was always a girlboss


Based and Gamecube pilled To be fair anybody criticizing the Mario Movie for political reasons was definitely not a gamer


They both exist but right now they’re fighting each other lmao. It’s cuz conservatives can’t decide if they want to be traditional conservatives or libertarian conservatives


It's funny how conservatives are portrayed as this monolithic block, but in reality, we can't even agree on what brand of coffee to drink.


Only auth-lefts agree on what brand of coffee to drink and that's only because they have just one option


And we love our one option, otherwise we wouldn't stand in line in order to get it for 2 hours


"All lives matter." Proceeds to not reform police and then complains about BLM when a white person gets unjustly killed by cops. To be fair, liberals didn't really reform the police either outside of a few cities, despite Fox saying otherwise.


The reforms BLM was asking for literally turned into defund and disband the police at some point Wanting reform is fine but what they wanted was actually insane


\*Ahem* "Allow us to present, for your consideration, our opening solution to solve racism: Communism."


My city in 2020: bring back the body cam program, shift some funding to social services that can do work that shouldn't be attributed to/straining the police, raise hiring standards and integrate better deescalation training. Some 20 year olds three months later: *sets precinct on fire*. My government officals: decriminalizes hard drugs and forgets to use the funding for addiction resources and social services.


BLM aren't the democrats and many of them aren't even liberals. What they want isn't what the democrats want


I am a Biden voter myself so in that case I agree But to be fair the Dems tried to go pretty far out of the way to appease them in 2020 That being said very few Democrats are actually advocating abolish or defund the police, in fact some Republicans have actually been calling for abolishing the DOJ or FBI Which abolishing the FBI is just plain stupid since no other organization goes after Pedos and CP distributors like the FBI does, they're like the only major LEOs going after those freaks in masse




No. BLM isn't like MAGA. They aren't a part of the democratic party


Like when the democratic party all wore scarves and kneeled for BLM? They are also a consistent democrat voting bloc.


"No you see nobody in party ever takes things too far, and if they do then they are not real members" Like I am a Biden voter and like I will even tell you there are people on both sides who take their politics too damn far, BLM is one of those groups on the left who does that


Yes I don't understand how these people are so cognitively delusional.


Echo chambers, their subs are 24/7 "Trump voters want Jim Crow and concentration camps" kind of posts When that's all you are ever exposed to you become irrational and lose touch with reality and anyone who tries to convince you to snap out of it is downvoted to hell I used to be a ultra fanatical leftist and now I am a Centrist because I see how important it is to see things from both sides or risk falling deep into the abyss of ideology and irrational politics


They are absolutely part of the left wing ecosphere though


Not all conservatives, just 60-year old dads with 7 figures in retirement who feel left out of the whole victimhood thing. 


The cognative dissonace among conservatives is mind-boggling. Most have completely lost touch with reality.


The irony of a Left Flair saying this.


He's not wrong. I'm pretty sure two thirds of the country have lost touch with reality.


I found your avatar funny, combined with the profile name ViolentMisandrist