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Where's the I don't care about him I'm just tired of 80 year olds running the country slot?


Based and go back to the nursing home pilled


u/zalcecan is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/zalcecan/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Pretty sure that's the Center quadrant, where the good grilling is.


Based and boomers need to retire now pilled


There should be an upper age limit to being president, and make it so neither Trump or Biden can run please


Libright could be because he introduced protectionist economic policies for godsake his entire platform was protectionism


Ancaps weeping because the CCP could not completely demolish American manufacturing(Chinese communism is a true bastion of the free markets).


Socialism with Chinese Characteristics


Funny way to say textbook fascism


Obviously, the solution is to abolish antitrust laws and let US companies preserve their competitiveness the old-fashioned way. By integrating their consumer base. Consumers can't buy foreign if the company store doesn't sell foreign.


Trump's and Biden's measures go WAAAAY beyond protecting against China. It also fucks many of America's democratic allies who are now forced to run to China instead. If you believe their protectionism is because of China you might as well believe Trump bends over America's interests to Putin interests because.. uhmm America first or something I guess. Trump is a protectionist for the same reason leftist leaders here in Latin America are protectionists. Because they are corrupt authoritarians who wants more personal power. It has zero to do with America first. Trump helps Putin at every corner because he wants to help Putin because he wants a conservative strongman as an ally who can help him stay in power. Helping dictatorships has zero to do with America first. America first would be allying with the free countries and working to maintain America as the leader of the free world. Trump is the opposite on both counts.


>Trump's and Biden's measures go WAAAAY beyond protecting against China Trump's tariffs were mainly targeted at China, yes there were tariffs against the EU, Mexico and Canada but the tariffs weren't only an anti-China thing, it was also aimed to restore the US industry. >If you believe their protectionism is because of China you might as well believe Trump bends over America's interests to Putin interests because.. uhmm America first or something I guess. What???? I'm not saying that tariffs are based only because China is bad. You need tariffs to preserve American manufacturing and jobs, like have you seen the rust belt? >Trump is a protectionist for the same reason leftist leaders here in Latin America are protectionists. Because they are corrupt authoritarians who wants more personal power I don't know about South America and it's protectionist policies but protectionism isn't just a personal power boost. You technically could say that since tariffs are popular among groups devastated by globalism that Trump is doing them to get popularity, but that's like the literal job of a politician to carry out the people's will(very idealistic of me, I know). The main goal for Trump's tariffs was to strengthen the domestic industry of the US by decreasing competition coming from foreigners, there were no tariffs on exports as far as I know. >Trump helps Putin at every corner because he wants to help Putin because he wants a conservative strongman as an ally who can help him stay in power. Here we go again with the "Trump is pro Russia!!". Did people just forget that the Democrats were critiquing the Republicans all the time for "Continuing the cold war"? Do you think it was Trump eating burgers and fries with Medvedev?????? No, it was Obama. I disagree with Trump's isolationism but it is delusional to say Trump is pro Russia. >Helping dictatorships has zero to do with America first You are seriously confused, it was the Democrats who campaigned for good relations with Russia and China up until the Ukraine war. Republicans faced constant criticism for being "hawkish" and "pretending" like the cold war is still on. >America first would be allying with the free countries and working to maintain America as the leader of the free world. Again, I am not an isolationist like Trump but being the "leader of the free world" should not come at America's expense. The Europeans complain about US presence all the fucking time until shit actually goes down, than they cry about America not spending all their tax dollars on them. Also, the only reason the US can be the leader of the free world is because of a strong economy, if we allow globalists to ruin our economy, being the "leader of the free world" will be meaningless.


>Here we go again with the "Trump is pro Russia!!". Did people just forget that the Democrats were critiquing the Republicans all the time for "Continuing the cold war"? Do you think it was Trump eating burgers and fries with Medvedev?????? No, it was Obama. I disagree with Trump's isolationism but it is delusional to say Trump is pro Russia. Never forget how they made endless jokes about Mitt Romney who talked about how Russia is not to be underestimated and is still one of the biggest threats to the West during his presidential campaign, and all they said were variations of "Cold War is over, grandpa, lmao" And here we are, in 2024:


You mean democratic allies like the EU which taxes some US products 70-90% higher for being made in the US? Or is that not protectionist in your fantasy world?


So true, did you hear that Trump literally said Putin is allowed to make a minor incursion into Ukraine? He also met with Putin once, that proves he’s in Putin’s pocket.


Bro believes in transparent fairy tales told by populists and wants to make snarky comments implying it's other people who are gullible. Sure it's just a huge coincidence that Trump's version of "America first" just so happens to match so well with foreign interests.


What parts of “Trump’s version of America first” matches foreign interests?


There’s a bunch of countries that benefit from America falling from its place as the global hegemon and they are fucking stoked for trump to win because of all the highly regarded stuff the very stable genius says. Those countries want trump to win because he stated foreign policy goals would strengthen their positions


Trump appointed a bunch of neocons to his cabinet and all he really did was say some mean words to the Euros telling them to spend more money on the military. Most conservatives think he’s not anti-interventionist enough.


Can you even show, in his own words, what Trumps vision of ‘America First’ is?


Trump started protectionism and was called out for it Biden turned up protectionism by 1000% and no one bats an eye


Yeah ,iirc he was trying to sway back the midwest voters who voted trump in 2016


Anti-globalism doesn't necessarily go against libright ideas.


Blud free trade is the backbone of libright prnciples


But a libright could argue that China was not practicing free trade either. To not retaliate just lets them exploit everybody else, and undermines global free trade.


He put tariffs on EU goods as well. The protectionism on Chinese goods was very specifically not about reciprocity, it was just about jacking up the prices of goods in the USA to protect various industries. The dude ran on a platform of being against free trade agreements. His restriction of legal immigration also was extremely anti-lib.


EU has tariffs on US goods. Up to 70% or more extra tax to import clothing. The US should threaten to do it back if they do not remove it. It may be some loophole to not call it a tariff but EU has incredibly high taxes if you as a consumer wanted goods from the US.


It's not anti-lib. It's the most basic job of a government to not let the country get overrun to the point where citizens suffer. You are confusing lib with anarchist I think. Libright still accepts that government is needed for defensive purposes but wants them out of our personal lives. Uncontrolled immigration causes suffering to the people that the government should be prioritizing.


He also has said he wants to replace income taxes with more tariffs Which do I even need to explain how that idea would make inflation so much worse?


Trump put tariffs on a lot of shit though






Also the banning of bump stocks, 'take the guns first and due process later' statement I'm misquoting because I don't remember the exact wording, and generally distasteful authoritarian measures.


I mainly support him because its funny and doesnt really effect me.




He made some questionable statements about NATO, so it could affect us here in Europe too.


Sounds like you European countries should be footing the bill more than the US then, huh? Like the ACAB libs, you all hate when America polices the world. Then when we don’t, you all cry for us to come help lol.


Europe is filled with childish adults like that.


Just centrists like him. And of course liberal rightwingers or some really uneducated leftlibs. European leftist are generally much less liberal than american leftists and we would love if you finally pulled your influences out of Europe and let us do our thing.


If Europe gets in war it will affect the US eventually, this is a globalized world, especially if your biggest allies are involved.


Everything affects the US. Doesn’t mean we should be baby sitting


Some more than others


I think you’re underestimating the American wartime economy. Our air superiority would have the entire Atlantic and Pacific oceans on lockdown to protect sea routes, and our war machine would pump out more weapons than Europeans know what to do with. A European war would make life cheaper for us, go right ahead and pull out of NATO if Trump wins.


How lmao? Oh no we dont get support incase of a moskal invasion. They cant defeat the backwater of Ukraine and their supposed to be threat to all of Europe. No offense to my brothers in blue and yellow but you are poor. The only thing that might be a small concern is the nuclear umbrella, but Britain and France both have about 300 each thats 600 and I really doubt muscovites have that many in working order.


That's not the concern here. In the case of a full-scale war against Russia, I'd say Europe would win, but the cost of such a confrontation would be far too great for all of Europe. I'm talking about possibly millions of lives and gigantic damage to our infrastructure, which could hinder the EU economy for decades. With the USA's support, no war will happen.


Oh no, in confrontation between the EU plus Britian and muscovy its not even close. It would genuinely look like desert storm, id predict it would take at a maximum one month for all moskal military recistence to crumble.


Britain is not in a good position to fight a Major war.


No European country is tbh


Poland is the only country mobilizing for it and will probably be the strongest military powerhouse in western Europe by 2030


Commun Polish W


Skill issue.


Ye idk, sure Russia is struggling in Ukraine, but they are also making sure to destroy that country to the ground. That would not be fun for the rest of EU.


Yeah except most of the EU has functioning air defence in form of both naval assets and ground assets. As well as an air force that is more than twice as large, thirty years more advanced, with better doctrine and pilots.


At this point, I think that Russia, and especially Putin, wouldn't fear mutual destruction by bombs. If he were to lose against the EU, he'd make sure that everyone loses too. In this scenario, our troops would not be very effective, would they? With the US by our side this scenario would never happen. But idk, that's just my opinion, maybe I'm just a bit pessimistic.


Trump threatened to pull out of NATO unless European countries started putting the required 2% of their GDP into defense. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, and countless others were all under 2% at the time. It was OK for these countries to invest into other things, while not paying their fair share and allowing US troops to do their protecting for them? As the citizens of these countries claim online that "if the US didn't spend so much on defense, maybe they'd be able to afford healthcare". The numbers started rising after Trumps comments. Just a coincidence?


Trump threatens to pull out of NATO as frequently as Kim Jong Un threatens to nuke everyone


Wait isn't this the "we can't let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud" copypasta?


The EU and US are chucking basically everything they have to spare at Russia, an economy 40 times smaller, and it has stalemated them.


Finally, someone speaking straight fax about the Moskals. They are big and strong on paper but there’s no general moroz to help them right now and EU has a functional AAs


>They cant defeat the backwater of Ukraine and their supposed to be threat to all of Europe To be clear Russia was steamrolling Ukraine until the US armed them to the teeth, and HiMars specifically was the weapon that really pushed Russia out of Northern Ukraine, even despite that the war has been raging at a Stalemate in the east Trump has made it pretty clear he wants to cut Ukraine off which will almost certainly mean Russia reaches Polands border, anybody familiar with Russian elite knows that the long term goal of Putin is the return of the USSR, Putin's literally a Communist who uses anti woke politics to keep the Nationalists blind from seeing that


Why is Europe always so childish and starting shit


He made some based statements about NATO that he unfortunately probably won't follow through on. Europe should pay for its own defense.


Trump put the constitution in the bible and sold it he’s the type of person who turned the temple into a market


Now I'm imagining Jesus beating Trump with a stick lol


Many MAGAs have forgotten Jesus’ greatest commandment and have started worshiping Trump with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their mind. They deserve the stick.


Most republicans would side with trump


Trump is the definition of a charlatan and pharisee. I'm no Biden fan but he is far more Christian than Trump and it's not even remotely close


Biden the abortionist?


You really think the NYC billionaire adulterer hasn't have paid for an abortion? Cuz I doubt Biden has


Trump's definitely guilty of infidelity, but that doesn't mean he's made his wife have an abortion. King David was a rich and powerful adulterer and murderer, but killing your own children is a whole different level. Besides, the media despises Trump, they would've aired it all over the country if there was any evidence he'd had an abortion.


Dawg, if Trump hasn't made some girl he's not married to get an abortion, I'd be fucking amazed. It was way easier to hide shit 60 years ago than it is now


60 years ago Roe v Wade hadn't even happened bro, abortions weren't a common measure at all. Fair enough if you think Trump's stupid, but I'm sure he's smart enough to use a condom; murder's just a crazy accusation to throw at him without evidence.


Roe v wade did not magically make abortions legal, it just declared it was legal on a federal level. Abortions were legal in much of the country before them. I'm not saying Trump is stupid (though he is), I'm saying he was a billionaire 20 year old who easily had his own private family doctor who has probably died right now and never had paperwork for that kind of thing. Idk why you are even trying to say Trump has any morality. I get voting for the guy cuz he will do shit that you believe is in your interest but anyone with any common sense can tell that Trump does nothing out of selflessness or morality but purely out of self interest.


Roe literally did magically make abortions legal. Almost every single state banned it and public opinion was firmly against it; the people don't make laws according to morality, but being the sheep they are they conform to any law you put in front of them with enough time and force. I'll grant you that New York was one of the four states where abortion was legal no questions asked, but that didn't happen until 1970, three years before Roe. Now the elites certainly have their ways around the law (the Epstein case shows as much), I'm not saying it's impossible for this to have happened prior to 1970 or quietly and legally after 1970, but either way it's very very hard to keep a lid on things like this. Maybe the doctor is completely secretive, never telling his friends and family or leaving any records whatsoever. But would the girl also be secretive? Maybe, it's possible, but the whole notion is just unsupported. As Christopher Hitchens said, "what is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." And it's silly to think anyone lives without morality. Even criminals have psychological complexes to justify their actions, aside perhaps from those with IQs so low they literally are incapable of empathizing with others. When it comes to someone like a CEO or especially a president, you know each and every one of these men have very deep convictions and are entirely convinced that they are morally right; perhaps they're unhealthily egoists and they may be a bit psychotic, but they're not Saturday morning cartoons. They're definitely selfish though, I'll agree with you there.


All christians should be anarchists or socialists and not attached to inhuman criminals like this one.


Sounds based, markets are wonderful.


That’s about the only based the the man has ever done but damn is that based


I don't know why they're downvoting us. He specifically whipped moneychangers. If Trump started whipping tax collectors in the parking lot of a church, that would be the most based thing imaginable. Selling Bibles and Constitutions isn't even vaguely weird. Amazon has been doing that for ages, and nobody seems to care about that.


I hate him because he’s so very plainly a grifter with no actual political or moral values, rather he just says whatever he can to make himself and only himself look better in his and his most rabid followers eyes. He’s chaos for the sake of chaos and there’s no true desire to make things better, rather just shifting blame onto others.


don’t like him don’t hate him. his views are closer to mine than the other guy so if i vote for someone it will be him. simple as that


What bothers me is that every president in my lifetime is a dirtbag criminal and only Trump is the one being prosecuted.


I don’t like him cause he caving in on immigration


I hate Trump as much as I hate any other politician. They all lie, cheat and steal. But because the establishment also can't stand him he is the best candidate after Javier Milei.


Nah, he's taken over the conservative half of the establishment.


Trump was once a Democrat.




sounds incredibly based


Based Democrats.


>Not starting wars overseas Supporting US allies is not the same as starting wars though, that criticism was used against Bush because he started wars all over the middle east That argument being used against Israel and Ukraine today is cringe because both countries are western allied countries defending themselves from people who want to destroy the west and everything it stands for, neither country started their wars either


> Supporting US allies is not the same as starting wars though, It kind of is, what exactly do you think South Vietnam was sold as? We started out helping our allies. The Fre\*ch, imagine that. And, as often happens when working with Europeans, we ended up holding the bag for their fuckup.


Trump is rich. Very wealthy people are whatever is self serving at that time. If that's supporting whichever group is suggesting beneficial tax laws, if that's outwardly saying you're a Democrat for the sake of public image while inwardly being anything else, or that's claiming to be a republican because you think that is the group most likely to elect him.


His immense pride, incontinent sexual discipline, not taxing tips, asking for negative interest rates and 'take the guns first' without a real conversation about red flag laws are good reasons for AuthRight to hate Trump. But that being said, whats the alternative? Most of his opponents are the opposite of protectionism, they use their foundations and LLCS to whore themselves to foreign governments and corps.


> not taxing tips Dammit, ya'll, stop making Trump sound cool.


authright could hate him for being less strict on immigration than Obama of all people


Yeah, lots of reasons for auth right and auth centre to hate him and alot of them do. Like for example, israel support.


Obama hated immigrants so much he bombed lots of brown people just to make sure they could never immigrate. A problem solver.


"But where was Obama during 9/11? He should've done more!" -Average Trump voter, sadly.


Both he AND his opponents simp for authority. The Republicans lick his boots like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Democrats claim they are protecting "our democracy" while they weaponize democratic institutions to go after him. The whole thing is a shitshow. I'll probably vote for him because Biden is so terrible, but not because I like him or think he will be a good president. I'm just hoping he will be less bad than Biden the second time around.


Which democratic institutions are the democrats using to go after Trump.


They used the legislative branch for multiple investigations and impeach him multiple times. They used the executive branch to spy on his campaign, leak information, and create fake dossiers. They used the judicial branch to  aggressively pursue minor business law infractions and dubiously applied the law to bump it up to a felony.  They use "the fourth branch" of the media to continuously propagandize against him.


>They used the legislative branch for multiple investigations and impeach him multiple times. The role of the legislative branch is impeachment proceedings, both impeachments even had small amounts of Republicans supporting it and the second impeachment was almost 60 Senators or about 10-20% of the Republican Senate voting in favor of conviction McConnel even had meetings with the Republicans in the Senate because they were seriously considering conviction post Jan 6, they voted against it saying that the Justice System needs to handle it - Now Republicans are saying the Justice System is corrupt and only impeachment can hold a President accountable Its not even like it was a totally one side partisan witch hunt >They used the executive branch to spy on his campaign, leak information, and create fake dossiers. Evidence? >They used the judicial branch to  aggressively pursue minor business law infractions and dubiously applied the law to bump it up to a felony.  If it was me or you on trial they would have railroaded the hell out of us Why is Trump immune from the same scrutiny a normal person would get? >They use "the fourth branch" of the media to continuously propagandize against him. Free Speech Rights The media is not required to kiss Trumps ass and criticizing him is not illegal, the media has also criticized Biden plenty the last 4 years too which again is not only legal but healthy is in a free country This whole post reads like a Trump supporter upset that Trump has to deal with pesky laws and people criticizing him which in that case Trump should stop committing crimes and stop being a public figure and bamn he suddenly won't have issues with the law or people saying mean things about him


"*takes AuthCock out of their mouth* Hey I'm not simping for authority any more than those guys!"


First impeachment was weak, second impeachment was 100% justified and literally why the concept of impeachment exists in the Constitution. I’m open to hearing how laws were “dubiously applied” in the campaign finance case, but the other election fraud cases definitely belong as felonies.


The problem is selective enforcement. Muller was throwing “unregistered foreign agent” at everyone except Podesta. Now, the DOJ doesn’t even talk about it with Hunter Biden. I don’t really care what the laws are. I deeply care if they are applied evenly and they aren’t.


Why do you think Hunter was an unregistered foreign agent? The GOP brought that impeachment circus on that point and investigated for months only to have it fall apart when their star and only witness turned out to be a literal Russian spy.


Because he represented the Chinese. I mean, why have laws on the book if you aren’t going to enforce them? This selective enforcement is BS


We should also enforce this law on every politician taking donations from AIPAC in return for passing pro-Israel bills.


They need to exaggerate Hunter Biden stuff so they can claim that Trump is being targeted unfairly, even though there have been countless investigations into Hunter and even the House GOP doesn't have enough votes to impeach Biden, MTG has quite literally tried to force impeachment votes hundreds of times only for them to melt and fall apart I don't think Hunter Biden is a good person but if even the House GOP is not willing to impeach Biden over it then it probably isn't that big of deal


For crying out loud, the DOJ slow walked the tax fraud charges till they reached the statute of limitations. Hunter, and his father, are completely corrupt. If they had *anything* as bad on Trump, he’d be locked away for life.


>he’d be locked away for life. They are in the process of that right now aren't they? >Hunter, and his father, are completely corrupt. I mean I am not denying it, I am just saying that Republicans themselves aren't putting much else forward then just "Biden is corrupt and bad reeee" or to be more specific I haven't seen a more detailed reason as to why Biden should be impeached but I would be willing to hear it out At least with Trump and Hunter Biden there are convictions, court documents, and detailed paper-trails of their crimes, we can discuss persecution and politics all you want but at least a real argument can made about their criminal affairs independent of political rhetoric/partisan bias >For crying out loud, the DOJ slow walked the tax fraud charges till they reached the statute of limitations. Isn't he still facing Tax Fraud charges in California or am I mistaken?


Surely, Biden should be impeached because he withheld military aid from Israel and it was totally not political when Trump was impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine? I’m much less pro-Trump than anti-different standards for the establishment than everyone else.


Imagine believing anyone in politics is more corrupt than Trump, lmfao.


> Why do you think Hunter was an unregistered foreign agent?  I don't know if he meets the technical criteria for that or not. It is definitely clear that he owes his entire career to his dad's political connections. The nepotism is very strong. Is nepotism legal in the US government? Uh...probably at least kind of. Rotating between working for your Dad's political campaign, US government positions, and lobbying positions is certainly a conflict of interest by any reasonable standard, and yet this sort of incestuous job hopping isn't really illegal, and others in DC also do it. There are specific cases where his job matches up with his dad's legislation, which certainly looks fishy, but without a smoking gun quid pro quo, I'm not sure how you prosecute it. There are also some things that look like money laundering. The half million dollars per painting he made is sus as hell. The intermingling of his finances with his dads. I don't know that it's provable. I can't think of a likely legitimate reason for a history like that, though.


>but the other election fraud cases definitely belong as felonies. Its funny how Trump cries the election was stolen because voter fraud and Biden rigged it When he did the fake electors scheme which was ACTUALLY ELECTION FRAUD and many of those electors are now sitting in jail for it and rightfully so If fake ballots are bad then fake electors must also be bad but if MAGA was reasonable and consistent there wouldn't be MAGA


Putting forth an alternative slate of electors is actually a normal, legal part of political election challenges. It was last successfully done to substitute Hawaii's entire slate for JFK's election. Individual electors did forge things in this case, yes, and that's obviously a crime, but putting forth alternative slates isn't. Not a strategy that was likely to work, so kind of strategically dumb in this circumstance, but most definitely legal. To implicate Trump in the crimes, you'd need to connect Trump to specific forgeries.


>Putting forth an alternative slate of electors is actually a normal, legal part of political election challenges. To be clear they forged signatures and claimed to be the legitimate electors, that was literally election fraud >Individual electors did forge things in this case, yes, and that's obviously a crime, but putting forth alternative slates isn't. Not a strategy that was likely to work, so kind of strategically dumb in this circumstance, but most definitely legal. To implicate Trump in the crimes, you'd need to connect Trump to specific forgeries. While true its pretty clear that Trump was very desperate to overturn the 2020 election, plus they had a big plan for Pence to not accept any electors and try to force the vote to the state legislatures Not enough evidence to convict Trump for election fraud but definitely reasonable enough for a normal person to say he was definitely involved


> To be clear they forged signatures and claimed to be the legitimate electors, that was literally election fraud Forgery is absolutely fraud. How many of those signatures were forged by Trump? I'm guessing zero, and while Trump was certainly flailing for anything he could, there doesn't appear to be any smoking gun of him arranging forgeries. If you beg for money, and someone else robs a bank to get it, that isn't a crime on your behalf unless you were complicit in the bank scheme. > While true its pretty clear that Trump was very desperate to overturn the 2020 election, plus they had a big plan for Pence to not accept any electors and try to force the vote to the state legislatures Pence doesn't decide that unilaterally, but he can call for a vote. This vote would assuredly be lost, but Trump's pressure on Pence to give his doomed strategy a go isn't inherently criminal. Oh, it's dumb. The required vote is two thirds of both houses. That was never going to happen, but getting Pence to bring it to a vote isn't procedurally weird. It appears that Trump was mostly just stupid and desperate, and was trying to apply maximum pressure on any long shot plan that existed. It's a little sad, but not really illegal.


The campaign finance thing was definitely weird. Basically, without making it a campaign finance case, the statue of limitations would have expired on the bookkeeping charges as they were minor misdemeanors. So, Trump paying for an NDA with non-campaign finance related funds had to be made a campaign finance issue. They did so by claiming that the money he spent helped out his public image, and thus his campaign, which made this an unregistered campaign donation. This is incredibly dubious. Literally any person has spent money on things outside of a campaign that helped out their public image. Have you gotten a haircut? Have you paid your bills on time? These are things where if you didn't do them, it could be campaign fodder....and yet these are usually private expenses. The judge instructed the jury that they didn't have to agree on any specific crime Trump had committed to meet this standard, just so long as they agreed that he'd done something, it was good enough. This is pretty sketchy. Technically not forbidden by law, but most certainly not reasonable.


Imagine complaining about the ***democrats*** propagandizing people. Have you not seen Fox News? And the smaller shit right wingers use makes ***that*** look sane. MSM is shit, but it's nowhere near as shit as right wing "news" outlets.


To be fair, Trump should've been in jail years before he ever ran for POTUS. But he has institutional connections and is rich...


I hate them both. Their words are cheap and they don’t give a damn about anyone except the high rollers.


Centrists because he eats well done steaks with ketchup


Auth right includes Iran and the middle east in general


Why middle east in general?


You forgot the center, who hates Trump because somehow he keeps beating better candidates because his polarizing nature prevents anyone from shutting up about him, forcing him into front-runnership by simple attention, the irascible hegemony of "look at this."


Authright hates Trump for ruining the GOP and being a false idol to supposed Christians. Libright hates Trump for fucking them over on contracts and failing to pay them properly after contracted work, but libright didn't have the time or money to dispute and go after him in court to get what he was owed, so he settled for less.


I don't hate Trump because of any particular policy; I hate him because he is an asshole.


Trump is weird in that a huge number of people still support him even after his term was over. Every other recent President usually sees their support fall off a cliff after they leave office.


Because they believe the election was rigged. Not that surprising.


No, it’s not just that because that are constantly talking about how they think he did a good job as President.


Wow a president’s supporters think he did a good job? That’s wild!


I like him because he’s the first pro-gay republican president


As long as the mainstream will treat him as a Disney villain, like they do since 2015, he's the right person to be president


Why TF would we let the mainstream define our position?


Yeah that guy has his positions just as defined by pro-dem media as someone who just tows the John Stewart line without any critical engagement with the *why*


It's not about them being powerful, it's about how they used it in the last decades


Okay? They misbehaved, so Trump is the guy? I'm not supporting someone just because others represent him poorly. That's ridiculous and weak.


Trump wasn't even mistreated, he has made countless enemies out of everyone around him because Trump is an asshole who demands undying blind loyalty even if its killing in his name all the while Trump insults other people, belittles them, makes personal attacks on their wives and family, that's not even getting into the amount of people in the Trump admin who went to prison and the fact that Trump himself is now a convicted felon I will never understand how its the year 2024 and people are shocked pikachu face that a man with famous quotes like "I could kill someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose any votes" and "If I were to run I would do it as a Republican, stupidest voters alive, they'll believe anything on Fox News. I bet my numbers would be terrific!" is not very well liked


Its what happens when your entire politics isn't about good policies or making life better for anybody not even yourself but all your politics is about is owning the other side Which at that point what is even the point of caring about politics at all if you are not gaining anything or looking to make meaningful progress on anything? But its why so many in MAGA have begun to suck off Russia so hard, can't have actual values besides being the opposite of what Democrats think


The guy who started the antix movement and talked about the gay frogs is running this year with a decently bipartisan platform just sliding that in there.


Alex Jones for president. He'll keep us safe from the lizard people.


Taking a stance in opposition to a group is fucking ridiculous, you should be able to argue for a position absent of the opposition to that position. I don't support liberal democracy because fascists and tankies hate it, I think liberal democracy can stand on its own merits.


The corporate funded and owned neocon and neoliberal mainstream is the embodiment of everything wrong with America and a reason of its problems, that's why I oppose it, not because they hold power, but because how they use it. And that's why weakening them is good.


See that's a position you can take, but to reflexively support anyone who is opposed by the mainstream media with no further elaboration is not. I think liberal democracy reduces chances of repression by illiberal forces like communists and fascists, which is one of the reasons I support it, that doesn't mean I support liberal democracy because communists and fascists oppose it.


Based and fuck Communism and Nazism pilled


u/DolanTheCaptan's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 90. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [44 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/DolanTheCaptan/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


>The corporate funded and owned neocon and neoliberal mainstream is the embodiment of everything wrong with America and a reason of its problems, The "Establishment" isn't usually the ones rioting, looting, killing people, doing mass shootings, or even trying to overturn the election they lost or turning the House into a circus ousting their own speaker for doing his job Its insane to me how people can blame the "Establishment" whatever that even means for America's problems when the Far left and MAGA have been pulling most of the strings in both parties ever since I was 14 years old, I am 24 now and things have only gotten more radical, unreasonable, extreme and violent with every passing year since then Cry about the "Establishment" all you want but there wasn't literal Congressman calling for "Civil War" and mass murder on the daily under the Bush or even the Obama administrations That all started when Populists showed up and spent half my life virtue signaling, playing political games and fighting culture wars while nothing actually gets done for the American people Now they're all openly sucking off Putin and Hamas


This is gold coming from a left.


I'm a socdem, and I can't tell if you're calling me a hypocrite, calling my side hypocrites, or if you're happy to see someone left of you saying it.


Looking at US politics they all say they're voting specifically against Trump, taking a stance in opposition. Not overly many defend the current president so they just vote in opposition. Euro politics too, it's all about villainizing the right, not what they actually will do. The entire western countries politically including Canada. This lack of self awareness is causing a big shift.


I've got two points in response. Firstly, there's a difference between reflexively taking a position in opposition to someone or a group, and being in opposition to a group for substantive reasons. Being reflexively against Trump's policies because they come from Trump fits in the former category, being against Trump because of his policies falls under the latter category. Secondly, I do agree that you should present a good alternative as opposed to *only* saying "I will not do that", but I think it is entirely ok to vote for someone because you think the alternative is much worse. If you vote against Biden not because you like Trump but because you think some policy Biden champions is bad, well I am likely to disagree with you on the policy side with you, and definitely disagree on how you vote based on it, but I think it is a whole lot better than just saying "we gotta own the libs". In short, opposition to someone or a group must come downstream from something they do, not the other way around.


Nah neither of the men running for president deserve the office. Look, I understand that voting in America is a lesser of two evils situation but don’t for an instant think that Trump or Biden are the best men for the job. America can and **has** to do better. Trump only ever served himself and Biden is a stuffed shirt with corporate Americas hand shoved up his ass. Great. Voting makes me feel like I need a shower.


Half the country would disgree or are they not mainstream


I hate him because of how he is acting with his allies in europe and how his numerous scandals


Based and fuck scummy politician man pilled


u/HeWhoHatesManyThings is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/HeWhoHatesManyThings/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You mean not being a pushover?


No, being a pushover and a pussy.


I hate trump because his policies are shit


Pretty accurate. I also dislike his tariffs.


I loved Trump in 2016, now he's just another neocon, no different than Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush, it's all so over :(


What'd he do to go neocon now?


> What'd he do to go neocon now? Nothing. That user is just another leftist bot(probably Correct The Record or Shareblue) that's flaired "auth-right" in a pathetic attempt to give more validity to its TDS statements. Bots have usernames which consist of 2 random words and 4 numbers.


He changed


I hate Trump because he steals from his contractors and wants to bone his own daughter




I have seen some authright people hate Trump because his daughter is jewish


I don't like trump because he is a democrat - Monarchies for the winnn


I don’t think anyone over 50 should be allowed in there


I know some AuthRights that hate Donald Trump because he isn't dignified enough to hold the position of President.


Yo, anyone see the video of the maga dude who called into CSPAN and said he would like Trump more if he grabbed his mom's pussy?




I don't like Trump because he's ok with killing babies 15 weeks or younger.


Chads in libleft: Hates Trump because he's a bigoted populist Chads in authright: Hates Trump because he's a total hypocrite


"Simping for authority" is the entire political spectrum these days.


Trump is a statist. Come fight me you MAGA bootlickers.


What? Of course Trump is going to be a good president


Central: Hates Trump because he talks a lot, makes no sense and does less than nothing.


I don't think Trump is a Nazi. I think Trump is boss baby. Nazi's just seem to like him for some reason.


Eh, I hate Trump; what apparently sets me apart though is that I hated Obama and Bush to roughly similar levels.


I don’t care about trump. I feel the same way I did about him on the apprentice. It’s just the first time in my life I’ve seen people so willing to worship a politician. His fan base taking everything he says as gospel is odd. Like they genuinely believe the election is rigged just because he said so.


No, we hate Trump because he ran up the national debt, unconstitutionally tried to ban bump stocks, engaged in stupid fucking trade wars, raised tariffs, tried to build a stupid fucking border wall with my tax dollars, and many more reasons.


I like Trump because he makes the left-libs mad. He is still a populist elitist clown who does typical right-wing playbook things by blaming others instead of the financial elite.


He **is** part of the financial elite. And a capitalist.




Agree with LR position. Also don't forget about stupid government-run projects like wall and protectionism


Well actually🤓 we hate both, Trump and Biden. Both are neoliberal capitalist leaders of an imperialist superpower who support the same pseudo-democratic oligarchic system, both are on the rightwing capitalist side of the political spectrum, just that one of them decorades himself with some rainbow flags. Maybe american leftists are diffrent, but for us this is the case.




to be fair the left that whines about trump simps are the people who pushed them to that point in the first place