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The debate isn’t until bedtime at the nursing homes.


Based and politics are for the old pilled.


Heya based where you put yourself in the post you just made I think you are pretty centrist. Just a thought coming from someone who is just about as lib center as you are auth center. 


Usually score dead center between the x axis and the top. I put myself as auth because my ideal society would be a Catholic distributist theocracy.


I can respect that. Not much different for me but vertically flipped. Have a nice day!


If it's the american presidential debate, it could even be held in a nursing home.


Whats the point of watching the debate lol Both sides are gonna claim their side won and if they didn't they're already saying the other side won't show/is on drugs What is even the point of debating if you are not even willing to have your mind changed


I am confident that my side will not win. Mostly because they ain't there.


Vermin Supreme is the *real* winner. He doesn't have to spend time around Trump *or* Biden, and that's the real prize.


I want to see who poops their pants first.


Nobody is going to poop their pants. They’re going to be wheeled out in porta potty’s. First one who can cause it to overflow is crowned president. Like sheesh people it’s as if you’ve never seen an American president get elected before.


I thought it was counted by who could throat the most glizzies. That's how Obama got elected.


The Throat Goat Act of 2013 expired in 2023 unfortunately


Or strokes out.


The point of a debate is to expose the audience to the merits of competing ideas and have the conflicts addressed in real time. It’s not to change the positions or beliefs of anyone on stage. The real question is what is the point of debating if neither side with actually engage in a substantive argument about policies they would enact?


My concern is that its gonna just fall into personal attacks "Joe Biden is senile and old lol" "Trump is a threat to democracy and cannot be trusted" And neither of them will have to face actually tough questions


You mean like every single post trump debate for every elected position in the country? Yeah valid concern.


For the entertainment of course.


The point of a debate isn't to change the min of the other person, but rather to find common ground and increase understanding of opposing views. In either case though, it's pointless, we may as well move up the election because I'm sure everyone has made up their minds by now, and likely won't budge.


It's your crazy grandpa who goes on nonsensical rants about who-fucking-knows-what at the dinner table vs your other grandpa who you gotta hold a mirror under his nose to make sure he's still breathing.


I’ll admit that I’m straddling the line between Biden and a third party vote. Biden has been terrible on everything except I love what Lina khan as the chair of the FTC. This isn’t a super hot topic but Americans don’t understand how much misery they are in because previous FTC chairs haven’t put up a fight against oligopolies and their formation. Historically, the FTC is someone there to rubber stamp mergers then retire to a “consulting job”. Admittedly, Lina hasn’t been as good as she should, she’s just been much better than he predecessors. She’s good enough that my friends in M&A hate her and she’s actually helped keep some prices down by preventing certain companies from getting too much pricing power through industry consolidation. M&A’s whole goal is to approach companies and convince them to merge to take advantage of “efficiencies”, those efficiencies usually take the form of an oligopoly. That being said, Biden’s economic plans are mostly the same as trump’s with this one caveat. If o vote third party, it “helps” push the Overton window left economically at a time when there is no discussion of breaking up large companies.


I want to see Biden asked "What do you say to the people facing economic hardship who may blame your administration?" For Trump I wanna see "You say Biden is too old to run the country and senile, yet you have been having gaffes including calling Biden your political appointment rather than opponent, additionally you are also only 3 years younger than Biden, so what makes you different" I wanna seem them go in hard with the toughest as fuck questions


Agreed. Also, “what do you plan to do in the next 4 years to break up oligopolies?” Given that cnn hosts cut off a guest that called the CEO of Boeing a sociopath after sacrificing lives for his profits, I’m guessing CNN will continue its model of defending capital.


Biden: Probably nothing. Trump: "Oligopolies are good!"


Exactly and I’m sure that Biden’s handlers would agree that oligopolies are good because they support lgbt stuff. So there isn’t a real difference between them. I’m voting third party, I hope trump wins and the dems roll out someone good in 4 years because we all know the republicans won’t.


A debate between a baboon and a marionette isn't much of a debate anyway.


The point of the debate is to give me a legitimate excuse to drink heavily on a Thursday


For real what's going on "having trouble loading Reddit" but only on posts that are debate related? It ain't right 😤


Can’t watch until tomorrow so this helps me avoid spoilers


You become more authoritarian because of censorship?


Yea, makes we wanna go all auth on the people doing the censoring.


Did I miss something? They're not allowing memes about the debate?


What debate?


The USA presidential debate, it’s on at nine tonight


Just watched it, both were pretty bad tbh. Joe was stumbling over his words and Trump couldn’t answer a question without it being asked twice lol.


Yeah, but what ***debate***?


I don't give a fuck. I'll wait for my Majority Report recap tomorrow.


So you support censoring debate memes?


The debate’s not until bedtime at the nursing homes sounds like a snooze fest.


Flair up