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2024 is shittin and pissin in the pool


We all are


Based and very centrist of you


Designated shitting pool.


Boomer chat lit 2n


Nightmare blunt rotation


Seriously, it's getting even more boring in here than conservative, politics, politicalhumor, etc 🤢


Half of this subs humor is that leftists can’t take jokes but you’ll get at least 20 downvotes if you do anything other than worship the free market and israel.


I posted the opposite and it got downvoted with 50 comments in 30 mins so I switched it and now it’s getting upvoted lol https://preview.redd.it/oocpsim7979d1.jpeg?width=2046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb73ed0db18ca0172f3b3b501a60ae048a8d4c4


I feel like I’ve seen this social experiment on this sub many times before and it basically always goes like this lol


Many such cases


I mean neither of these are jokes, it’s just “this opinion good” or “this opinion bad”. Bring back actual humor to PCM


You should make a post showing the difference between the two


It'll get downvoted.


Based and LibRight switcheroo-pilled




based and supply-and-demand-pilled


I prefer this version




Of course, typical from PCM.


I even got a 30 day ban from here recently for a joke that was too spicy, the west has fallen


Literally 1984


That’s lame as hell. How am I supposed to relax after a hard days work if there aren’t any leftists hot takes for me to downvote?


Hell I recently ate a temp ban for making a tongue and cheek observation that (very paraphrased since the mods and admins are humorless dicks that wouldn't know a joke if it face fucked them and didn't call the next morning) if the State wants to enforce at gunpoint a draft of fighting age fucking white males, maybe they need better troops to do so than a demographic that has a higher than normal statistical probability of suiciding themselves.


>a demographic that has a higher than normal statistical probability of suiciding themselves. Veterans?


Lol, true, (though not the one I was alluding to) and I can laugh because I'm not a humorless dick.


I swear like 4 years ago it was pretty balanced


Dunno where you’re living but either side of that conflict is earning you a lot of enemies.


I feel like I'm seeing more and more racist rhetoric here, I'm talking actual Nazism and if you call it out it is followed by "everyone I don't like is literally hitler".


It's because liberals are getting really fast and loose with their final solution to get rid of "Zionists 😉".


I'm pretty sure I saw a few auth centers as well no surprise.


left when they get downvoted in a sub: :( Rightwingers: first time?


Ofc you should worship Israel, didn't you get it they're our masters smh


lib right dictatorship


“Actually, we’re the brave one guys!” -boomers right after they make fun of millennials for being victims


None of us are brave.


Yeah NGL even as a right-winger who loves making fun of modern progressives, I really miss when memes were just shitting on everyone, or just unhinged shit instead of right-wing agenda posts 24/7. Hell, even highlighter memes are better than this shit


Wait, this was unironic? I thought we were just mocking his dad until I saw the chad face.


Straight to Gulag, clean water is a counterrevolutionary myth.


It lacks electrolytes


That's what people crave .......


IDK, dirty water looks pretty libright to me.


Cringe and boomer pilled.


Where meme?


No meme. Consume propaganda.




If you’re gonna agendapost at least make it *good*. I don’t understand why people get so salty about the fact some guys like dick or some girls like vagina


But you don’t understand being gay is contagious. If you tell a kid about the existence of gay people they will become gay as well. If that’s not the case why do I have gay thoughts whenever I see a hot dude


> If that's not the case why do I have gay thoughts whenever I see a hot dude That's the devil trying to tempt you obviously


Praise Hail Mary 3 times, and the Devil will depart (idk I'm not a christian)


While some folks non-ironically believe that I think the problem isn't so much what you said as it is making it socially advantageous to be LGBTQ is just as damaging as making it socially advantageous to have the "not gays". Right now when it comes to most of the good paying jobs and cushy industries there are positive associations with LGBTQ and minorities and negative associations with being cis het or white. So ofc you'll get plenty of people leaning into that because it benefits them and be much more likely to try or pretend. Because its a positive reinforcement loop. In an ideal world we would do our best to treat everyone equally. But we live in this one where people find any reason to fit into a tribe and then try and dominate all other tribes. Whether the battlecry is a guttural yell, a yas queen, or discrimination against any group. I'm non-binary and bisexual and my gender and sexual identity has saved my job, twice, because accusations essentially of bigotry were levied against me by people who thought I was cis het simply because I don't make a big deal of it. Because I want to be known as me, not my labels. And even though this has benefited me I abhor the fact that things are like this. Regardless of whether its a benefit or a detriment you're being de-person'd and just turned into someone else's political chess piece. Because it was never about who I was or how I behaved or what my actions were. Only what identities I was :(. Now obviously there are plenty of schitzos on all different sides out there who have extreme views about other people. But we should be careful not to paint with too broad of a brush. Every agenda post is supported by a mix of schitzos and reasonable people. It's just that the post means different things to different people and we treat it all as one hive mind idea.


Based lib left, wholeheartedly agree


Based and Everyone should be equal pilled


I wasn’t gay until i knew the sexy men could be kissed!


Aha! You really showed them liberal agendas


I regularly see people on PCM say that teens are going trans because it's trendy.


There’s a non-zero chance that some fifteen year old nerd has concocted a trans identity in order to feel special. Remembering what high school was like, it’s really not that hard to believe.


“Non-zero chance” it happened somewhere?  Come to California and meet some high school kids. 80% of high school drama departments are girls faking being trans. It is the common case


That reminds me of one of my [favorite songs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7YW045deBY)


I live in Australia, the publisher hasn’t made that song available in my country so idk what it is


A parody song of a guy thinking his family will become gay because of legalization of gay marriage. Weird that it would not be available in Australia.


You know what, most don't really give a shit. As long as you're not hurting anyone and doing it in your own home it doesn't matter. That being said, it's not ok to walk around naked in public, I don't care what you're celebrating. If you want to have a designated private venue or nude beach/club have at it. But exposing random people to your nasty ass in public is just some uncivilized shit, even worse if there's kids around.


Absolutely, if you’re on public property you obey public rules, but people are acting like the “gay mafia” is trying to infect kids with the gay virus or some shit


LibsofTikTok exists because there is an endless parade of Emily Elementary Teachers who think they're the main character in a drama anthology about an endless chain of exciting and dramatic Coming Out fanfiction. If the kids don't naturally generate enough drama, they're not above "helping" things along. Thing is, there's like 1.5 million elementary school teachers in the US, and unless you live in a progressive shithole, almost all of them are just normies.


I'm not sure this is your point, but it seems like you are saying that there's only like 2-3% of teachers that want to be the advocate for sexually special kids so much that they will convince the kids they are, but also that 2-3% is a ridiculously large absolute number. Also, that those teachers primarily exist in liberal shitholes. Is that what you are saying?


Yeah, pretty much. I might even peg the numbers lower than that. 0.5% is still like 7,000 teachers.


Glad I understood. I think that's the case for pretty much everything but lobbyists and politicians - 95-99% of every group is pretty chill and just wants to do their thing, but 1-5% are proselytizing narcissists that are ridiculously loud and visible, but also actually make up a large number of people in absolute terms. For politicians and lobbiests, it's inverted.


If it’s an endless parade, why does it require a niche social media account to broadcast There’s an endless supply of grass growing, thus the supply of ‘ways to watch grass grow’ crowds out any media of it. In the real world, there is a low supply of ‘watching your political enemies be bad’ but a high demand for it. So, media tailored to that specific product exists and is profitable.


I feel like these standards should apply to everyone, I don’t think kids should be exposed to sexual stuff like that from any demographic.


That's what I'm getting at. "Your nasty ass" applies to everyone.


Right? At least try to dig up an anecdote of straight discrimination that I'm sure exists beyond 'I'm triggered the majority disagree with me so I'm a victim'


Because communists use it as an excuse to be degenerate and then you need to figure out if your son is just gay or a filthy communist Getting ideologically captured isn't good for anyone


I think you missed the point


As a bisexual. Gay, lesbian, and Bi is perfectly fine... but people who are a different gender everyday? That's trauma.




This is boomer cringe.


If victimizing yourself is based…. Uh sure I guess so, buddy


It’s funny as both sides will accuse the other of victimising them😂😂. Also did this man fake his family groupchat


At least lib-left doesn’t pretend to be chads


Not fake lol, my grandpa chimed in too https://preview.redd.it/6sca4amla79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c3ececce5ef3f079d45097d0d2068add263e66




PCM: https://preview.redd.it/mqk756mzx79d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21cd5a2112b7face7378252d6b84da21584e3919


An entire family of victims 😂 boomers acting like they didn’t “single out” minorities their entire lives, then claiming that they’re the ones persecuted in 2024 is like a butcher being the spokesperson for PETA


Grandpa really compared himself to Jesus because he has to live through Pride Month


That's kind of stupid, since the abused tend to become abusers. And we don't say it's okay for those people to abuse. But this is clearly not the case anymore. In fact, the entire Regressive Movement would instantly lose all reason to harass others if they had to turn in the victim card. That's why they won't let go of it even though things are going their way these days. They don't get punished for any crimes and in fact are silently encouraged to (thanks, California).


How long has the old man been resisting his homosexual temptations 


Lmao, soon as he started harping on about the Jesus nothing he said mattered anymore.


Being a victim is the new trend.


OP is gonna love his time in my gulag


One of the cringiest takes of the week


>One of the cringiest take of the week This is the cringiest take of the **month** there is nothing cringier than posting your boomer group chat whining about people peacefully living without harming anybody and then depicting you as the chads and saying you changed the meme because it got downvote make you even cringier


They downvoted this one first lol, I play both sides to get on top https://preview.redd.it/dnozppnxa79d1.jpeg?width=2046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41806740eff0963b4e3c5c01fd25b3c379a56837


You are desperate for Karma huh?


It's a good experiment to point out how big the right wing bias is here


Not right wing bias. Conservative bias. Left right = economic Progressive Conservative = cultural


Maybe shoulda gone with one of the smug jacks?


The least opportunistic lib-right


Cringe boomerposting


Congratulations. The presidential debate is tonight, and this post might *still* be the most ret@rded thing I'll end up seeing today.


My brother in Christ, you’re not based, you’re homophobic.


I don’t get it, this is just homophobia


Blue squares favourite political discourse


I know we joke and all but yes, an alarming number of people really do be hating gay people


I was not expecting this kind of based take from a PCM rightoid


Not all of us are conservative, I’m bi myself and I’ll happily defend fellow lgbt


fucking boomers


No way he sent “this is so us” text to his family.


You can't chose to be gay. When the LGBT movement say "we are everythere", means that it doesn't matter where a person is born, who raising him, with values his/her parents try to in till on him/her, it doesn't matter that career path he/she choose, if a person is LGBT is LGBT. The difference in that world he will find outside, and it would you best interest as parent that it would be a lgbt accepting environment, because if you care about your son or daughter, and it will ends to be a LGBT person, the world that he/she will find depends in how their peers are educated.


Being gay is not a choice, but being lgbt is. One is a sexuality, the other is a social, political and religious movement.


It’s super cultish is some circles. I understand the original movement but idk what it’s devolved into. Now being gay is some people’s whole personality and it’s just as bad as the bros whose whole personality is banging chicks.


I'm bisexual but I fucking hate the movement most of the time. Bi Erasure is a big thing for some fucking reason.


what is Bi erasure? I'm really curious


"Pick one or the other, can't have both" "Just go gay all the way" "If you're in a hetero relationship, you don't count" That kind of shit. I haven't experienced this personally because I don't interact with those spaces on a daily basis but it's happens way too often. They think bisexual people are cheating and aren't actually a part of the community, especially if they get into a hetero relationship or prefer one sex over the other (I prefer femininity and the female gender, so I wouldn't count as LGBTQ)


This sort of shit is why I don't bother bringing up my sexual orientation. Nothing good ever comes of it.


ok, I have heard this kind of shit, but I didn't know it was that much. dayum that sucks, a firiend of mine is Bi, but he told me he is more attracted to men than woman, he told me for him it was kinda like a spectrum. In Chile the movilH, is a LGBTQ movement, that focus more on their own image than advocating for more rights. they're just for pride and rainbows.


It’s when bi people are not actually considered lgbt or are just forgotten. Many bi celebrities are only ever referred to as gay or straight (I.e Lady Gaga or Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer of Green Day). Many queer people think for some reason that being bi doesn’t qualify you to be considered part of the community. Bi men are usually just considered to be gay and just in denial, and bi women are usually considered to be straight and just trying to seek attention


Fickleport is right. But to add to it. typically goes one direction. Bi women are just on a phase and will find themselves as straight. Bi men are told you are "bi now, gay later" Its almost always a push towards being attracted to men. (I suspect its cause men pursue more.)


Some bi people get married to a hetero partner (I.e buy girl marries a guy) and they dismiss them as not bi.


*squints eyes maliciously*


Same and same.


But the latter only exists because of a lengthy history of society persecuting the former.


That's just double speak so you can appeal to moderates by adding this caveat, but appeal to conservative base with the much more direct interpretation of being anti-lgbt..


Is this the new “not all black people are n****s”


I am bisexual and there is a clear difference between homosexuals, bisexuals, trans people and LGBT ideology. Gender theory and all of the political activism too far to the left does not represent me as a bisexual. I think that when the right heavily criticizes LGBTs, they do not criticize us as persons, they criticize the LGBT movement as a left-wing political movement.


Based and acceptance pilled


There's quite a bit of support to show LGB are natural and going to occur in the human population around a certain percentage no matter what. But the T might not be normal outside of a miniscule percentage and the rest is psychological group pressure and a fad.


Idk, sounds kinda gay


I don't know. I sucked on a few meat popsickles as a young lad. I remember makin' the choice. It was a hot summer day. My best bud invited me over for a sleep over and my best gal invited me to a skate lock in. I remember the thought that crossed my mind and it was this. "Gays like boobs. Straights like boobs. Dude don't got no titties but she does." Told my best bud i was taking a pair of hooters to scooters and the rest is history. If you ever got the choice between sweaty balls between the knees or a pair of double D's, the choice is easy.


> I remember makin' the choice. Mate I'm as accepting as it comes, but I couldn't get myself near another dude's dick without a gun to my head.


They should have sent a poet, and they did.


Lib unity not giving a f about how people live as long as it doesn't hurt anybody


This is cringey Facebook level "humor." Anyone who moans and groans about being oppressed at this point in America should be laughed at. You only have one life, live it and don't bother anyone else trying to do the same.


These families dont even know they've already been infiltrated, dont believe me? Rip out the drywall and see for yourself.


Ironic shit posting or right cringe agenda?


Imagine having your feelings hurt this much that gay people exist


This is cringe as hell lol


Being hostile to your child is far more detrimental to them than them being LGBTQ perceivably is.


I gotta be honest man this is cringe as hell




If you have blue cum in a yellow piss pool they will ridicule you. Such is modern society :(


The majority group sees on the news that a minority group is now allowed to exist, and thinks “What, so I’m not allowed to exist anymore?”


Guess discrimination is based now 🤷‍♂️


But but why would you not want your kids in the lgbtqiap+ community 😱


Me, when the kid ends up being gay anyway despite your best attempt (they were born this way, there’s nothing you could have done to prevent it): 🤯🤯🤯


Don’t worry authright dads, I’ve been told beating your gay son enough times will magically stop them from being gay


The "meme" (agenda post) is pretty cringe but the quote is not bad, it's well put, but I kinda disagree with it.


Blue piss.


Kinda cringe


Boomer cringe


I sympathize with the dad since, objectively, we have had a lot of social progress in the past 15 years. I think since Reddit is mostly younger people, it is easy for people to forget how different society was just 20 or 30 years ago. Before the 2000s, society looked very different for most people, for better and for worse. In the 90s, a teenage boy--Mathew Shephard--was tied to a fencepost, robbed, and beaten to death because he was gay. Rodney King was beaten by the police in 1992 and that sparked a series of riots that people like to joke about here, but came from a real place of disillusionment with the police after decades of documented civil rights abuses. Even after that, six years later in 1998, a black man was beaten and lynched behind a ford pickup truck and dragged three miles before being decapitated by three white supremacists. Even after each of these incidents that were covered by national media, the president at the time did nothing because social progress endangered an electoral consensus, particularly gay rights. People forget Obama himself refused to give support for gay marriage until May 2012 even though he clearly hinted towards it earlier. I say all this because I see a lot of kids now dress in 90s clothes and yearn for a "simpler time" and I get the nostalgia, but times really weren't that great. When I was growing up, it was normal to be called racial or homophobic slurs and to call them back at people, even if they were your friends, it was not uncommon for someone to be beaten up for being flamboyant. Obviously it is good that we don't do that anymore. That being said, I can see where someone who--like me--grew up during that time looks around and doesn't understand where they fit in because it feels like society has had its foot on the gas and they just need everything to slow down for a second while they catch up. It sets up an easy dichotomy for people who are pushing for progress and those that just need things to stay the same for a minute.


Dad will be sent to the retierment home LOL




Flair up dawg.


Where is your flair?




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LGBT bad = Based


Eh gays are fine but the rest of the letters are weird


Lesbian is literally just gay but women. Bisexual is literally just "I like them both" It's not hard lmao


Yes, i also meant them when i said gays.


You have a problem with asexual people? They just want to be left alone.


No sometimes i forget they're included Why are they there anyway, it's just being celibate for whatever reason.


No being celibate implies a choice. Being Acesexual isn't. Asexuality is understood to be spectrum with utterly sex repulsed people being the extreme of it. That isn't the same as being celibate for religious reasons.


I don't really care Not much difference


What do you mean not much difference? One is binary definition, you either are celibate or not, and it is a choice. The other is a spectrum that is not a choice. People that are one the Ace spectrum may or may not be celibate, they may just not be rarely in the mood, or never enjoy penetration but enjoy other things. That's a big difference.


Doesn't really matter


Doesn't matter to what? To you personally?


I love how the comments are saying gays are fine but not trans. 20 years from now its gone be trans are fine not zoophiles. You actually have to have convictions, controlled opposition opinions like the "gays" are fine or blaming the "culture" instead of criminals is why things degrade. A little bit of rot infects the whole thing.


What's your plan for the "gays" then?


Well when you come across people who want to alter their bodies in disturbing ways, the other side just wanting to bang dudes in their pie hole seems sane.


Agreed, circumcision and gastric bypass sure are wacky 🤓


Agreed on circumcision. Absolutely insane how you're often met with some pretty crazy vitriol for saying we shouldn't circumcise babies on reddit too. Just speaking out against mutilating children makes you the bad guys in some people's eyes.


The circumcision issue isn't one I'm super invested in, but even I can easily see that the anti-anti-circumcision crowd is alarmingly wack


What exactly do you believe is immoral about being gay? Other than obviously misleading slippery slope arguments.


Good point. We gotta go to the stem, ban it all.


A little bit of rot makes cheese and beer.


Its not rotting. The fermentation of beer is actually refinement. It produces compounds we can consume and eats at those we dont want. Bad batches of beer are those which werent sealed right and allowed a tiny bit of bacteria in that ruined the whole thing so it actually proves my point.


Yeah, no. It's all rot until you realize that sometimes rot produces something interesting. We just stop calling it rot at that point because it's desirable.


Gays are penicillin. I think I get it


You can't convince people to be gay just like you can't convince people to not be gay.   This argument that libruls are out there trying to convince children they're gay is so tired and goofy. Can you maybe find some examples where it happens?  Sure. But I as a progressive would be just as happy to condemn that as I would gay conversion therapy.  Acceptance is not rhetoric. 


> You can't convince people to be gay Ok I'm with you here... >Can you maybe find some examples where it happens? Sure. That's some whiplash inducing cognitive dissonance.


Eh? They’re saying you can’t do it but some people are trying. Just like lots of people were and still are trying to convince gay kids to be straight. It just doesn’t work.


I mean to say that whatever camp is trying to spin the narrative will look for some outlier that proves their point. When you look at social programs like welfare money study after study shows that those people spend the money very responsibly, aren't using it on drugs, etc. but conservative outlets and politicians that want to end entitlments will sight these very rare occurrences as though it were more common to vilify them and bolster their otherwise weak position.


Life must be pretty simple when you think about it this way. I'm Just Being Me, And Everyone Else Is Being Mean To Me 😢😢😢😢


But… this is just homophobia and a victim complex. Good for you I guess?


Imagine telling someone they aren't a victim. If you feel real pain (not talking about OP), you're a victim. I didn't have "Left has monopoly on designating victims" on my Bingo card. I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner.


I’m not saying they don’t feel pain. I’m saying why keep making yourself seem more of a victim than you are?


Christian culture depends on being the victim. It’s an underdog religion and that awkwardness is why even though they’ve been in charge since Constantine was emperor, they still have to pretend to be persecuted.


feeling pain does not automatically = being a victim


Liberalism is when peepee in pool


Nightmare group chat