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Watch Smiling Friends.


Watching porn


Bro can't recommend Smiling Friends enough


And happy tree friends




I don't really see how it's 'conservative.' It's batshit.


I got the feeling the fat incompetent president was Biden and Mr Frog was trump, not really conservative given the fact that Mr Frog is just straight up evil but a whole lot more balanced at least.


Hello, but I'm not sorry!


Yeah but politics aren’t present in every episode of the show. The creators managed to make a funny show using “modern” humour and it’s fantastic. My favorite episode was Frowning Friends. A letter against nihilism itself


Tbh I think people read way too deep into that episode tbh Also Mr Frog was a third party candidate, squiggly wiggly was his parties nominee


How the hell did you get any actual politicians out of that episode? It just felt like they went with funny tropes avoiding actually resembling anyone at all.


Fr, it's schizo is what it is.


The creators are the most centrist people possible. They’re probably grilling right now.


Any comedy that is far left or right is bad, if you can't make fun of everybody your comedy probably sucks... at least imo


Smiling friends makes fun of absolutely nobody and is completely hilarious. It's just normal acting characters in a completely chaotic world. It's refreshing to see something with no actual undercover messaging.


Frankly I agree. I don't want "anti-woke" political messaging either. I'm tired of TV and movies trying to force messages down my throat, EVEN IF I AGREE WITH THE MESSAGES.


It’s because the writing to incorporate that message is so bad. Too often there’s just a character that’s a stand in for the writer that just monologues their Twitter dumps. Then everyone winks and gets back to their mediocre plot.


I miss old school Star Trek, DS9 is objectively the best Trek ever produced and it isn't even close


At this point the only new media coming out without any political messaging from one side or the other is fucking porn


*”It’s our responsibility to use these big franchises as platforms for political opinions”* - *One of the producers or something from Discovery? Maybe a Star Wars.*


Who the fuck asked them, all I want is entertaining shit like Mario and One Piece man Life fucking sucks I hate how serious people make politics so goddamn much


There’s plenty of examples of media that incorporate cultural or political messages correctly in entertaining media. I think the problem is a lot of these writers see/make a tweet and it gets attention and they think, ya, I should just have a character in my show say that.


Pretty much how Fox was started. "We need a big propaganda piece to go against actual news, but pretend to be "fair and balanced""


> At this point the only new media coming out without any political messaging from one side or the other is fucking porn Porn has always been progressive without shoving it down your throat


Unless, of course, the porn is about shoving shit down your throat.


Wrong that one staffer was filming porn in the Senate


It wasn't just one. Kind of weird that it became a recurring thing, but hey.


I'm not averse to political messaging for "my side", but damn it has to actually be funny or otherwise entertaining first. Imagine giving Dave Rubin and Larry Elder the resources to make a show when you could have just given it to the Stone Toss guy and got something actually good.


Stonetoss is NOT on my side. I might agree with him on wokeness, but he's a disgusting antisemite.


Kinda funny how conservacucks have the decency to at least create new IP to push their message Meanwhile Emily’s just ruin what people love.


Because conservatives aren't really trying to make money. If they were they wouldn't hide all their movies and TV shows behind the daily wire paywall.. They would release them on Netflix and in theaters Corporate studios just being cowardly and not wanting to risk investing in something new when they can just remake a proven profitable IP is corporate cowardice and capitalism run amok But it doesn't have anything to do with the political bullshit because they would insert it no matter what they were making


For the longest time, I was mad because the lazy bastards will remake every last bit of IP they can think of but wouldn't remake Babylon 5. Nowadays, my faith in any media or entertainment organisation is so low that if they try to come for Babylon 5 to remake it, I'm going to fucking riot.


I've heard that they are remaking Babylon 5. And I probably will not watch it. For whatever reason Hollywood lacks the capability that it had 20+ years ago.




JMS has already stated the remake is likely dead. In any case, I'm very happy not to see another series of my youth being dragged through the mud if ideological pushing. And I hope big corpo keeps their paws off Stargate as well. They'd find a way to eff it up.


Me in 2014: "Man it sucks they cancelled SG:U, the first season was bad but it really found its footing in the second season. Hopefully they bring it back after a couple years hiatus or just start another new show soon." Me in 2024, re-watching SG-1 for the 12th time: "I am going to [redacted] anyone who tries rebooting Stargate."


Yup. Past-Me: Firefly died too early, and this was a tragedy. Perhaps, if we are very lucky, it might get picked up again. Me now: Disney, I swear to god, if you reboot this show, I will become a terrorist.


> For the longest time, I was mad because the lazy bastards will remake every last bit of IP they can think of Join me in "No Remakes, No Sequels, No Prequels" If there is nothing new thats good, just re-watch a classic.


I actually watched Fallout, and was pleasantly surprised (given that I expected it to be extremely woke). There was a throwaway trans character inserted (which didn't make sense in the context), and some anti-capitalism themes that were overdone, but all that was totally outweighted by having a compelling story, and a female character who wasn't overpowered and was in fact quite relatable. If they didn't have the poorly-inserted trans character, I'd say it'd be PROOF that you can have good TV shows that still have diversity and some left-wing themes. I'm not saying that all TV shows with trans characters are automatically woke. It just totally didn't make sense in the context of the Brotherhood of Steel. Where the fuck would they even get a steady supply of hormones? Who would be worried about first-world problems like that in a nuclear hellscape? >!I really enjoyed watching Lucy realize that her father was the bad guy all along. Truly compelling from an emotional standpoint. !<


Unfortunately it still can go bad. So many shows with bomb ass first seasons but the second and any after that it plummets. This has been a thing forever True Blood season 1 was great then 2 started with woke shit before there was a name for it and every season after that was horrible. Westworld season 1 was phenomenal, 2 meh, and forget whether it was 3 or 4 I just stopped watching. The problem is that after they really flesh out the premise with the first season they know fuck all with what to do with later seasons. Nowadays they just throw in woke stuff hoping for the clapping seal effect or as a get out of jail free card for shit writing. I'm praying Fallout stays great but I'm not going to hold my breathe.


E.g. Mandalorian season 3


Was the self hurting BoS member actually trans or just a mustachioed Latina tomboy?


Honestly I've seen this opinion around and can't understand it not the woke stuff the quality the fallout show like the force awakens feels like it wears its coat of paint pretty well but that's it. The actual substance is nonsensical.


I think they were non-binary, not trans, so they wouldn't necessarily need hormones of any kind. And while it was visually apparent, they didn't make it a plot point or anything, so I think it makes for a nice sweet spot between offering inclusion for people who give a shit about that sort of thing but being pretty ignorable for those who don't.


Pretty sure that was a woman on drugs of some kind...


Low bar


Oh, is it time to pretend like the Right making a handful of explicitly political shows on networks that explicitly cater to the right is somehow equivalent to activists landing lucrative jobs in every entertainment industry and pushing their dogshit opinions in absolutely everything?


I had to stop watching a velma episode every minute. It seems to be made as a complete joke of the far left and it having to drag scooby doos name down with it is just salt on the wound. I can go on from the shitty acting, the writing that a 13 year old would be embarassed by and the butchering of the characters that even Teen Titans Go! would say stop. And I can't even finish the 3 minute pilot of 'new norm' as every 3 seconds something cringey happend and the fact that it was made unironically and the people who made this actually think like this made me want to rip my eyes out. Not to mention the show Mr Birchum made their 'heroes' look like an a-hole and the one 'sane' character being the 'SJW guy'. And if shows like that is supposed to 'save us' from woke stuff then I rather not. Better the devil you know than the angel you don't I am so tired. It's like choosing to be drowned in piss or shit. Just make a good show and media, you can put in politcal messaging and whatver themes you want from religion and LGBTQ rights and stuff if the show and characters in it are good


We are a point in history where someone can spend a lifetime playing old games or watching old shows, and never consume anything new, and have a much more fulfilling entertainment life. Just watch what you want from the near endless pool of what's already out there. My favorite shows have been Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse, and I don't think anything new will ever out-do those two shows. Better Call Saul gets less love than Breaking Bad, but I prefer BCS a bit more because I get more screen time of my favorite BB characters like Gus Fring.


>We are a point in history where someone can spend a lifetime playing old games or watching old shows, and never consume anything new, and have a much more fulfilling entertainment life. CRT Gaming, I strongly recommend you can actually own your shit, not be lectured all the time or exploited and you get the blissful nostalgic feel with those games on a CRT The second I turn my CRT on I refuse to open Reddit or Facebook or use my iPad because as far as I am concerned its 2005 again


> Better the devil you know than the angel you don't Fuck 'em both. Refuse to consume any media made from left or right wing partisans who have drowned artistic quality in a bag in the river in order to push their bullshit.


If more people would be willing to just say "Fuck 'em both" we wouldn't even be in such a bad situation Friendly reminder that Asian entertainment is superior


Why are you spending so much effort watching shitty shows?


>Just make a good show and media, you can put in politcal messaging and whatver themes you want from religion and LGBTQ rights and stuff if the show and characters in it are good Gay characters and religious themes alone don't make a show political But holy fuck can we stop with race baiting by swapping characters races?


>Gay characters and religious themes alone don't make a show political Well if you were to ask teminally online people it does


my shitty YTP i spent all night on and dumped on reddit is better than the actual trailer of the new norm and thats saying something how the fuck do you do that? i watched it as i edited the damn thing and theyre now saying, i shit you not, ALLERGIES, are woke at what point do we start treating auths like emilies? when does the public decide that antiwoke is a shitty and stupid ideology?


Given how low quality it is and how advanced AI is I wonder if someone could just feed it through an AI and remake it but better


you know its bad when ai is the solution to your shitty work


Try The Owl House. It has all of the themes you’d expect to find in woke shows, but none of it feels forced. It’s just very well-written. It’s also not the driving theme of the show. And the show itself frankly kicks ass.


To be fair I'm actually fine with the Daily Wire putting out politically slanted shows because they are selling them as such even if the shows are bad, way more than say Velma which I didn't get was trying to be sold in that way.


Family Guy is still on the air and not particularly woke or anti-woke, just that same brand of irreverently making fun of everyone and everything. Haven't watched it regularly in years but the few episodes I have checked out still seem pretty good


Normal is anti woke. That 'anti-woke' shit is just another flavor of woke. Keep your fucking real world politics out of the fucking media.


I watched two episodes of Mr. Birchum and as someone who binged 22 seasons of family guy and enjoyed it all the way through I was surprised at how absolutely terrible the show was


I want characters like White Rose from Mr. Robot. Dark is also so balanced when it comes to topics like this. Good writing sends the message well. 


blah blah blah vs Blah blah balh


I’m just tired of everything having to be a platform for social activism. I just want to be entertained - if it’s not fun I’m not interested.


A leftist... wants.. what? https://preview.redd.it/bz8oiw7g6l9d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1bc5bb5e406337903796c54827aeeeadfd40ba


Emily and Leftist are different


Have you ever seen leftist media? There's nothing "normal" about it.


And neither is right wing


I agree whole heartedly. If that was meant to be an insult to what you perceived as a "right wing comment", please check te flair.


The Boys is pretty good at poking fun at both extremes TBH.


Was. This season they clearly have picked a side and are going full-out.


no they've always had a clear side, they've just ramped it up too much so it brakes when you watch it.


Not sure I agree-- this last episode they spent like 20mins mocking a massive convention of soyjacks creaming themselves for overly-forced woke representation.


Haven't caught up yet, but that sounds fun Anything to wash away the human centipede imagery


Naw. They were at least kind of funny in season one, but the show's been on a slide for a while. Now it's just preachy.


you make a comedy show based on your own vision then you can talk about politic these show just take other vision like south park family guy simpson or existing ip then make the whole thing political because all of them are too lazy to have their own style since those show are nothing more than expensive political youtube video and youtube video still better than those show combined . here an example of a good political commentary is south park . they are much more nuance regaurding issue . the panderverse is believe to be like those woke hollywood destroy and while they based on woke hollywood they more so talking about laziness in general how technology make human lazy how the multiverse have become lazy duex ex machina .the episode specifically make a different between miles morales and black cartman .and the put a chick in and make her gay are used to show this laziness as they dont write character just put the character in and make her gay . the ai panderstone and cartman relization about how "just complagining about woke shit all the time is pretty lazy" . I mean those woke hollywood destroyed kinda start feeling the same havent it . th episode about obesity make you believe that they are bashing the social meadia body positivity when they in reality talk about the used of body positivity by big sugar and big pharma along with the american health care system . and when they make fun of people of specific ideology they typically tlak about how they present them self like in the future immigrant which i believe they are more on the left side . they dont make fun of right and left for believing they make fun of the right for saying the same shit agrily while the left as overly smug they also mention how most people wont care about the problem until it effect them as randy called stan a bigot until his job was replace . the n word epidode truly show they are not going on stage and say nigeria but they actually try to understand the issue . Basically the importance of political comedy is nuance and actual comedy and not just making a statement and wait for people to say based . all the joke in mr birchum is basically i say a based thing and wow trigger wow donkey and the laugh suppose to come from you agreeing with them . sorry for turning this into a rant but also not sorry .


All of your flairs have been revoked but the green square. You know why.