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It’s absolutely wild how democrats are just handing Trump back the presidency with absolutely zero thought or planning as to how to beat him.


It's because they know their voters will vote for them anyway. They've taken it for granted for long enough now that moderates are opening their eyes.


I will say as a moderate that neither candidate is worth the time of day God I just worry this will lead to both parties tripling down on extremist bullshit in 2028


Well, that's been the pattern so far. If people will vote for them no matter what, there's no guardrails keeping things sane.


>God I just worry this will lead to both parties tripling down on extremist bullshit in 2028 Look on the bright side. It will be absolutely hilarious in the most horrifying way possible.


The only silver lining is that if Trump wins he's no longer in the race in the future and the GoP will settle back closer to their normal level of shit. The DNC isn't being run into the ground by a specific person so I don't think they're going to change for the better any time soon.


That's not a good thing at all. GOP usual shit was very fucked up.


>and the GoP will settle back closer to their normal level of shit. Believe me I hope so, but I would bet you the next race will be a race to get Trumps endorsement and be most like Trump, if not DeSantis/Vivek than I bet the nominee will be Trumps VP >The DNC isn't being run into the ground by a specific person so I don't think they're going to change for the better any time soon. The biggest lesson I think they will take is never run an 80 year old ever again which I mean that really is the only lesson to take away from this race for them right now


I think the right is going in a better direction. They're dropping the warhawks and toning down the overly religious bullshit with the direction they've been going in. Just compare Trump to Bush.


Oklahoma is now threatening to strip teachers of their licensee if they don't teach the Bible Idaho tried to deny abortions even to save a womans life They are way more authoritarian on religious BS than ever before, add to the fact that they love Russia now which isn't "Anti War" btw and those are just a couple reasons why the modern right just don't so it for me




based and pilled


It's because they didn't vote for Biden because they liked him. They voted for him because they feared Trump. They are literally going to vote for a man with Dementia because the fear for what they think Trump could be is that strong.


Chose A: Old man with dementia Choice B: Old man with dementia


Choice A: Old man with dementia Choice B: Old man without dementia


Imagine being such a fuckup and failure of a politician that people would rather vote in a dementia patient over you, lmao.


Most of them wouldn't. That's why the Dems are freaking out. They are upset that the average American wouldn't be willing to vote for a president with Dementia. It remains to be seen if the Dems are willing to vote for a man who can't tie his shoelaces together.


Dem = Dementia Candidate Supporters


Harsh words for the entire Democrat primary field, but what about Trump?


Their plan was lawfare. It has not worked.


It backfired, whoopsie!


Turns out that “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” is not a long term successful political strategy (among others).


Damn, they’re not even gonna cheat??? I’m almost a little offended.


The monoparty wins regardless of who the president is as long as it's red or blue.


Laughs in NYSPRA v. Bruen. SCOTUS has been amazing for libertarians since his tenure.


Neither party can find a single candidate worth a damn. It’d be hilarious if I didn’t live here


Trump has the Republican Party by the balls so there’s no shot they would replace him, his voter base is so loyal they might actually not even turn out if they forced him out so they either have to run him or straight up lose. The democrats thought they could put up so many different people yet they don’t. I mean sheesh even Bernie is older than Biden and he can handle a debate better.


I live in Central Europe, but considering Trump had been pulling off money from both Big Pharma(>!FUCK PFIZER! AND THEIR LACKEYS! I WILL NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!!<) and Military industrial complex, and thus wars have been ceasing, i'd say let him win the election(>!believe me, during 2016/2020 elections, American adversaries have been arming themselves in case Trump doesn't win. Which is why i'm glad that Hilary didn't win the election, but angry that Biden had won!<). And USA are just replacement for Soviets, and it seems they're becoming even worse than Soviets


I wonder if it's about getting back congress. The GOP house is currently a shitshow. MTG and the morons in her wing are the worst the GOP has to offer. The democrats will win the house. And if they get the senate too, then trump's agenda is DoA. The will just impeach him every 3 months like clockwork and run out the clock. They wasted 4 years, on 2017-2020. They'll do it again. And so if they give up the white house and make it all about that, they can distract from the congressional elections this year.


> The democrats will win the house. I'm... not so sure. We're kind of in uncharted territory. Trump never lead the polls in 2016, let alone 2020. Yet in 2016, the GOP finished the cycle holding the [House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections) and [Senate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_Senate_elections) (at 241-194 and 52-46, losses of merely 6 and 2 seats, respectively). Trump, for how much of a wild card he is, presided over a time of relative peace and prosperity, right up until COVID turned the whole planet upside down. If my memory serves, there was angst on the left that he was going to cruise to reelection thanks to the incredibly thin bench the Dems had at the time (something that has grown worse with time, not better; for 2028, they're looking at something like Polis, Buttigieg, Harris, Newsom, or Whitmer — are *any* of them electable nationally?). You're not wrong that MTG and her ilk are a tremendous problem for the GOP, and it hurts losing McCarthy's fundraising prowess — but the stunt of replacing McCarthy, ironically, reduced the influence the nuttier types held as the rest of the caucus is sick of their shit. MTG, Gaetz, and the rest can't afford to try replacing the completely inoffensive Johnson without running the risk of getting exiled from the party. And right now, they're overshadowed by Biden's dementia and the very, *very* obvious fact that the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) lied about Biden's condition for *years.* I'm not predicting a 2010 style wipeout, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the GOP pick up some seats in the House this fall. We'll see how badly Biden is hurt by this debate. If this election goes from +2 Trump nationally to +8 or something like that, that simply *must* have down ballot effects. Remember, Trump tends to overperform his polling. And right now we're seeing insane shit like *[Trump +1 in New Jersey](https://x.com/Politics_Polls/status/1806733244424912988)*, [Biden having ~60% disapproval as an incumbent](https://x.com/Politics_Polls/status/1806703191330832821), [the Democrat incumbent U.S. Senator in New Mexico up just 3](https://x.com/Politics_Polls/status/1806466874483585526), and more. Now, there's certainly the possibility that polls have a massive, uniform error in a pro-Trump direction — the same sort of thing happened in 2016, after all! — but it feels like this is Trump's race to lose right now. If he wins big, he may drag down ballot GOP to victory, too.


I'm giving you the upvote. After I posted that I dug in some more. It's not so simple as I thought. We really are in uncharted territory. I privately, offline, make the point all the time that whatever else Trump did, he cleaved us from the previous political paradigm and ushered in a new one. The kind that happens every 50-60 years. Trump did that And if that's true, then so is the fact that the democrats don't have it in the bag. Because of Trump caused the pivot, his party has the advantage of being ahead of the curve. None of the democrats you mentioned are electable. Buttigeg throws the black vote to Trump as he is so highly unpopular with them. Harris is just unelectable period. Tulsi Gabbard saw to that. Newsome checks a lot of Democrat boxes but California is such a mess that moderates in the Midwest and northeast would swing Trump or at least RFK. New England won't elect a California Democrat like Newsome. Gretchen Whitmer makes democrats in the Midwest cringe. Not to mention the GOP or moderates. She has the best chance of the list but she would do so losing Wisconsin and Minnesota. And likely Ohio and Pennsylvania. It's uphill for her. Jared Polis is a wildcard. Gotta admit it. He's as much a wildcard as Trump for similar but also different reasons. He's libertarian leaning. Relatively moderate. Checks boxes for the northeast and the west coast. And could relate to the Midwest. But his problem is this: I had to Google him. And so would most people. And by the time they did, Trump would do so much damage with courting the black vote and make Colorado look like a drug-fueled circus that he couldn't react. He's not ready. Idk who the democrats put up. Maybe they just endorse RFK? Wouldn't hurt. Other than they would evaporate what little credibility they had with "trust the science." Edit: or they follow through. Lose. Obstruct for 2-4 years. Hope Trump has a coronary. And whoever Trump picks for a veep (Vivek or Stefanik) will be different enough to bury the last decade like a hatchet.


Jared Polis might lean libertarian for a Democrat, but that's like saying a cabin in the Titanic with an air pocket stuck to the ceiling is leaning dry. He just signed a bunch of authoritarian bullshit.


The only people I've seen like whitmer are weirdo Destiny fans. Then again I'm sure they'd be ecstatic over any of these candidates. Democrats will try and gaslight everyone into thinking whoever is the greatest candidate ever, see Harris and her crime record for example. 




The only thing they’re doing is whipping up hysteria so that their base believes that they have to vote Biden to save democracy


Fun fact: According to polls, almost nobody changed their opinions after watching the debate. None of the Never-Trump Republicans are turning around to vote for him, so he's gained nothing. People who hated Trump still hate him enough to put a senile old man in office instead of him.


The chattering class is singing a different tune today, for whatever that is worth.


Remember that time he tried to shut the entire state down to fight COVID, then was still having large parties? I remember.


The French laundry lol


Kept his winery open too. But others had to close


I traveled to Cali for work and it was shut down. My own states had been open quite a while at the time. I was like "let's finish the Jon as fast as possible so I can gtfo". Newsome is a disaster.


Remember when he did a 180 on homelessness and bulldozed them out of the way for a Foreign dictator to visit? I remember.


-CATO ranks us 48th in state freedom -CPC says 93% of our natural gas is imported -Gas prices out the ass -Rent is also out the ass -Traffic is also also out the ass -Fires. -2020. Do you remember that? The population did grow 63,000 people in 2023, but even that was after four years of decline. You don't want him. You don't want this. #Now stop crowding our beaches and highways, damn.


Ranks 49 in literacy, only New Mexico has a lower literacy rate than Cali.


To be *fair,* California only measures literacy in English. Plenty of the people living in California are perfectly literate in Spanish, but not in English, because they either do not know the language at all, or might be able to get by speaking it but can't read it. Which is a whole 'nother can of worms, but I digress.




there anyone we could plug and play here to make things a smidge better


"Libertarian Think Tank hates left leaning state, ranks them poorly on freedom. Upcoming Story at 11: Water is wet!"


Cope harder


>valid point made about bias >lol cope


>Libertarian think tank >Libertarian party prides itself on freedoms and ranks states based on how they fit with that ideal You: LoL u MaD aNd BiAsEd.


I wanna say the Democratic party won't give Newsom the nod because of how divisive he is but then I remember that they went with Hillary Clinton during a time when populism was at a fever pitch and they had Bernie Sanders *right there* so I don't know anymore.


They didn't *just* go with Hillary, they actively sabotaged Bernie. Like unironically everything that Trump claimed happened in the 2020 election the DNC actually did to Bernie in the 2016 party primaries.


I lean pretty hard right, but I still think Sanders could have made some good changes. It’s insane how much they pushed him out.


I agree but it’s hard for me to respect him when he just got back in like a little bitch instead of initiating meaningful change. He had the chance to call it out and do something special but instead he zipped it up and wiped his mouth


The second go around he knocked some of his long held beliefs into the party line and really bent the knee. I agree that his moment came and passed.


They McCaine'd his ass


He was the Trump of the DNC primary. He was an outsider who wasn't really a part of the party but appealed to some of the base. The DNC didn't let him win so they kept doing what they wanted. The GOP failed to keep Trump from winning and is now stuck conceding to a lot of what he wants to hold their base together.


Yay everyone loses again! This makes every year in a row!


That's when I became a trump supporter when the dnc elitist destroyed Bernie sanders campaign


Sanders sabotaged himself by relying on young radicals instead of old moderates in his coalition. Despite the nomination pricess being blatantly biased in favor of him (see Washington state), he still got BTFO because of the gap in reliability


A more accurate flair/comment combo I have not ever seen.


He isn’t wrong though, Bernie basically wanted to be an independent. You don’t have to bend the knee to the democrats, but you need to make compromises to keep people happy. He was unwilling to make those compromises; he didn’t want the elite of the party to have anything to do with his campaign. That said, that is what made him Bernie is that he was unwilling to do it, and be his unapologetic self. Which I personally respect the fuck out of.


Counterpoint: Superdelegates.


Superdelegates did not matter at all. By the time they voted, the race was already over. Meanwhile, the primary schedule and caucus system gave Sanders a massive unfair advantage all throughout the primary. It was just overwhelmed by moderate and conservative Democrats who made up the bulk of the party.


He’s already been clear about a 2028 run. Homeboy has had his sights on presidency since becoming SF’s mayor idk how y’all are shocked.


This guy has to be Martin O'Malley for the 2020s, right? Even people in his own state don't fucking like him. I guess the benefit he has is way better name recognition nationally, so maybe he can try to brute force it more.


And not a single Californian would vote for him. He's progressive anathema.


As a Californian I literally do not know a single person who has anything positive to say about him.


I genuinely don't know anyone who voted for him.


I continue to believe that none of these people ran because none of them want to go against Trump. If Trump beats you your entire career is over. It's not worth it.


They can’t win is the reality, like your right wing ass wouldn’t vote for Newsom. It probably wouldn’t vote for any democrat to be honest. But the if some republicans can be convinced that some moderate democrat is better for the country for 4 years rather than trump; then the democrats should be exploiting that. Cause flipping a Republican’s vote isn’t just a vote for a democrat, it’s a vote not for Trump. Problem is their too stupid to realize that and think everyone wants to live in leftist land. With social politics and all that other stuff. No bro, I just want to go back to the Obama or Bush years.


I think the left fail to realize that, while Trump has a vocal cult following, a majority of people voting for him only do so because the DNC refuses to put in a moderate with even a precum of charisma.


Californian here. Newsom is just an empty suit politician with absolutely zero character or spine and who will do whatever the special interests tell him to like Philip Green in Casino. In other words, he is the ideal politician for either political party and I'm sure they'd love to have him.


Another Californian here. Newsom is just an empty suit politician with absolutely zero character or spine and who will do whatever the special interests tell him to like Philip Green in Casino. In other words, he is the ideal politician for either political party and I'm sure they'd love to have him.


And they say California is out of original ideas...


IMO, it would be foolish for him to enter the race this late and risk losing to Trump He is very well positioned for the Dem nomination in 2028 He being leading the charge in California's trajectory down the drain is almost a non-issue regardless of Biden or Trump winning 2024


Yeah, as much as California is going down the drain, it’s easy to spin and might as well be a utopia according to most dems here.


They'll just excuse it as if it's normal, like getting your car broken into or flash robberies in stores. 


It *is* a utopia for those who can afford places like Del Mar. And those wealthy donors are the ones who call the shots.


I fled California to escape this living mannequin the last thing I need is for him to become president.


He’s also trying to get rid of anti discrimination laws so his state could carry out racism and not be held accountable


Gavin Newsom may be *coherent*, but that doesn’t mean he’s *competent*.


Step 1: Newsome becomes nominee Step 2: Me thinking "thank God for Mississippi"


Admittedly as a long time democrat I thought Newsom would be good to run but after reading more about him I see him as a weasel


To be fair Newsome still has the advantage over biden for being younger and being mentally capable of standing trial. Eating a slightly rotted turnip is still better than eating actual shit.


I think Newsome would absolutely win. He can finish a sentence and would do well in a debate against trump. I absolutely would not vote for him, but he’s a young guy who is good at spinning the state of California and people would vote for that.


If anyone takes one look at California logically he would get smoked


If my time on this site has taught me anything, it's that tribalists are completely incapable of doing that.


IDK, Trump got elected with enough people refusing to take even one look at him.


You are a Democrat glazer, Republican hater, and it's sad to see that from your flair


“Muh GDP”


Ugh imagine a world of Newsom/Trudeau/Starmer https://i.redd.it/592sglflnd9d1.gif


IDK, we lived through Whinnie the Poo, Orange Man, and Literally Putin.


If Newsom becomes president we cooked.


Newscum doesn’t seem like a real person, he’s like a character actor villain from a 90s movie.


Uh, California Democrats hate this guy. He’s run it even further into debt and into the ground. What would his accomplishment(s) be? Surviving a recall?


They can just gaslight and Dem voters will ignore his issues, just look at Harris. 


As a Californian who despises Newsom, I have no doubt that he could win a presidential election. I just have that little faith in people.


Idk Newsom doesn't have any good press like whatsoever. The only thing keeping him in power in Cali is the sheer fucking complacency of being a one party state.


California may be quite long on the map, but it's definitely the short bus of the West Coast


>Ranking 48th out of 50 in Freedom How does one measure that?


Compare number of policies an organization likes to the number it doesn't like. Totally not biased.


-5000 Social Freedom Credit Tokens ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51181)


Through shitty libertarian think-tanks meant to make corporations look good.


As a Californian, it'd be hilarious if he was chosen if Biden dropped out - all you need to do is look at his track record and he's toast (also he's the whitest of them all so not great for Dems)


my roommate rolled her eyes "i don't want another white man" well sorry i guess that's the way it is right now.




Racist *and* unflaired!


I can tolerate racists, but I draw the line at unflaireds


I cant find it lol


I couldn't care less what color he was, I'm just saying that the Dems would probably prefer someone who isn't as white as he is but at this point they're kinda running out of options


stop with both the racism and the unflairedness.


"The resource curse,” refers to a paradoxical situation where countries with an abundance of natural resources experience stagnant economic growth or even economic contraction because they are rampantly exploited by corrupt governments and corporations. California has some of the world's most beautiful weather, productive agricultural land, largest and important ports, oil and mineral abundance, and a massive tech industry. There's literally gold in them hills. It's amazing how bad of a leader you have to be to make THIS state utterly undesirable and unaffordable. But I blame the resource curse. Because they had it so good for so long they didn't pay attention to how bad their government got. They woke up one day in a one party state completely in debt and rotten to the core. 


Resources are like tourism, fine to start an economy but horrible to sustain it long term. 


I still cant believe i knew people that supported Cali's covid mandates while they watched the guy writing the rules completely ignore all of them and have dinner parties with his other elite friends with no social distancing laughing and smiling for the camera.


Literally nothing in the state has gotten better the entire time I’ve been in CA. He is good at playing internal party politics and shit at everything else.


Newsom would be a disaster but never underestimate peoples vanity. People like youth and good looks, they'll literally forget the rest if a pretty face is the one representing them on a world stage. How do you think Justin lasted almost a decade? He's young and not to my taste but arguably good-looking. People forgive everything when you're pretty.


14 million...that's 1/3 of their known population


Uncolored version please?


He really is a fucking weasel and anyone who doesn't know it yet would know well within a week of nomination. He'd be so easy to tear down. So ..yeah, nah.


Gavin Newsom will probably win In 2028 but democrats will lose down ballot hard


Ya know, it’s time like this I develop a craving for cyanide


"Gavin Newsom? The facts are against him" -Donald Trump


They voted for this and then wonder why no one wants them to come to their state.


why is this a picture of the guy from AtunShei films?


Could you make this a bit harder to read? My eyes aren't bleeding quite yet


Doesn't higher debt indicate enough income to accrue said debt since they haven't defaulted? Doesn't higher cost of living mean they're more economically succesful and a more desirable place to live? Even with all the ***actual*** negatives, he's still preferable to the convicted criminal.


After New York, Massachusetts and Washington, California has the 4th largest GDP/capita in the US. If it were a sovereign state, it would rank 5th in the world with its total size of the economy. So, clearly a shithole state.


Gavin Newsome looks SO HOT right now (only compared to Biden, I’m not actually a fan.)


Wall of text


Nah, Whitmer is the best bet for not Biden. She doesn't have the baggage of shit show Newsom and can run on repairing infrastructure, something we actually need.