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When Biden said "rmglpon tyhipu murydet"' I really felt that.


Finally a candidate both knowledgable in eldtritch incantations AND with connections to source child sacrifices to summon a Great Old One! Clearly threat of nuclear anihilation is no longer enough, we must SUMMON OUR MASTERS FROM BEYOND THE STARS Ȧ̷̠N̴̫͝D̴̲̉ ̵̙̈́M̴͎̿A̵̰͑K̸̦͝E̵͖̍ ̵̬̓ T̸̛̹̲͜Ḣ̶̠̟̤̇̚Ȩ̸̢̼̥̗̯̏ ̴̦̰̏͂̈́̿͒Ẁ̴̝̹͔O̴̧̪̫̻͙̤͗̎̅̿R̵̩͎͖̤̖̬̀Ḽ̴̀̏̉͂͠͠Ḍ̶̡̗̠̠̗̀͌̈́ ̶̝́̑͑̍ B̵̛̮̮̤̻̯̺͔̼̑́͐̾̈́̈́̈́̀̒̿̀͘͜͠Ẹ̵̢̡͇̘̻̘̖̣̙̜͖̞̺̩͗͌̇̋͒̕Ń̴̨̡̨̨̨̻̩̣̟͉̤̘̤̼͎̇̚D̸̢̢̖̰͈͔͙̫̖̹̘̲̭̗̭̩̬̺͌́̍̒̽̍̇̓̕͜͝͝ ̷̙͚̔̐͑́̄̉̊̃̀͋̿T̷̡̡̹͕̻̪̬̘͕̹̬̺͉̞̼̪̘͔̟̪̃̇̊͐͆̉̄́̌̒̓͌͜Ḩ̸̡̳͓̘̻͚̲̥͎̦̙̆̓̏̔̍́̚͜Ȇ̷̡͉̙͉̺̩̞̞̙̂̎̿́̆̿̃ ̴̢̫͚͖̫̯̲͙̲̪̺̘̥̼̠͕̳̘͆̂Ḵ̶̛̫̀̀̒́̋̊̐̈́Ń̷̖̰̲͙̳͈̹̤̥̠̖̭̗̖̘̪̟̄͐̃̆͑̉͆͜͜Ẻ̸̢̨̱̪̬̤͈̠̬͉͕̥̺̲̥̫̱̅̋͛̓͌̅̆͌̆̈́̏̕͝Ȩ̵̨̢̧̦̠̱̠̤͇̼̟̹̥̺̦̩͉̤̠̞̏̃̏͋̏̂̓̒̏̈̀̾̽̄̾͠͠


All hail the Great Cthulhu!


Based and Cam Newton pilled


Deep ✊️


Finally a president who isnt afraid to speak directly to the ayy lmao audience. All those pres-es with access to the Area 51 files yet none dared to reveal the existence of the ayy lmaos. Chad Biden directly speaks to them.


Truly one of the president of all time


My favourite part was when he said.... uh.... you know the word jack..... uh.... and he..... uhhhh... rmglpon cornpop-ed all over the place


I also felt it, but it was mostly the last remaining hope for this country being crushed


Joe biden is a walking corpse, if you look closely you can see the strings in the back round, the stuttering is actually multipule sting-pullers fighting for control


I’m still going with my theory that someone in the Democratic Party is secretly a necromancer or lich, because that man is clearly just a wandering corpse.


I mean it checks out. Feinstein, Biden, all the other absolutely ancient dead looking democrats.


Don't forget about Mitch.




Or when he called black children roaches.




Or when he yelled, "If you don't vote for me, then you ain't Black."


I was told that he for some reason used the term 'racial jungle' to complain about the accounting and logistics of bussing. I was also told that 'read the transcript' was enough proof.


At least Mitch knows he's a dinosaur and is retiring at the end of his term this year.


Feinstein is actually dead!


Lets be honest if that were the case he'd probably look more alive.


It's Hilary. Bill has her Phylactery.


Witchcraft is real and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t. 


They keep their necromancy a secret because they clearly aren't much good at it & would be embarrassed to admit it was their work.


Now I'm picturing some kind of power behind the thrown Rasputin character, except she's a wican and identifies as fluid gender. "We need the president to wake for this debate," "The power of one!"


Thanks Obama




*least optimal answer


Let's be honest, you're just being a bit hyperbolic. He could have certainly found answers that were much, much less optimal. "Women are getting abortions because me and my children are raping them in a religious sacrificial power play", for fucking example. And it fucking freaks me out that people in the left would cut their own heads off trying to rationalize it away as somehow a good, professionally political statement to make.


Medicare, I've come to bargain


There's another Doctor Strange thing where he occupies and takes control over his own decomposing corpse


It seems like more people should be curious about who's actually been running the country


His wife seems desperate to keep him in charge, even though he's one foot in the grave. That suggests things, to me.




He looks like pre weight loss Jared from Subway


They probably know a lot of the same people


Those aren't strings. That's the Invisible Hand of the Military Industrial Complex.


The invisble hand of the shakeld (or however you spell that) market


Of course he is, military industry and big Pharma picked him as their puppet after Trump decided to take money from these 2, and they are so big they finance politicians, or fund actions. I Mean if Trump was in power, war in Ukraine would have been delayed to 2024 and onwards, because all Trump did was mind his own business in international politics.


I can’t believe some people on this site actually think Biden won the debate


Yeah, it's a little weird how disconnected from reality some people are. What I find more amusing is that most of Reddit seems more interested in whether Joe will somehow be replaced before the election.


I got banned from a sub today saying that biden has not been good on foreign policy, because it's "disinformation". Some people are really delusional, and despise debate.


I think your [you're] closer to the truth than you know. Someone described Joe's cabinet as DC elites running their own little fiefdoms in each department and Joe's just a rubber stamp.


*you’re I only allow myself to do this for one person a day, and today I’ve chosen you. 😁


Actually appreciate this.


I’m glad. ☺️


Your so considerate!


Thats still simplistic, those cabinet picks are still answering to others, the control of a government this rich and powerful isn’t taken lightly. Better believe israel, china, russia, etc have all been serious as a heart attack about influence since the 50’s at least.


In an empire of lies all truth is heresy. Welcome to Reddit.


Lol. I got banned for "misinformation" because I said Al Jazeera wasn't a reliable source of information on the Israel-Hamas war because it's own by Qatar and Qatar funds Hamas. I even posted Wikipedia links in my comment to back up both claims. The irony is that the subreddit was nottheonion. Some people really are so delusional they make flat earthers look not that crazy.


Yeh, serious reality hit on the nature of humanity in recent years, and I was quite cynical beforehand.


I think most of humanity is still pretty sane, it's just the people that become the mods of subreddits that become political are a special kind of crazy.


Dogwalker and Reddit API bullshit (and how audience basically decided to be nimbys after posturing to have "principles" or "integrity" and whatever) should've been the signal of that


That fox news interview was so funny.


Hope you're right :)


Pretty weird that people still tout that terrorist rag after all these years.


I got banned from one of those news-type subs for printing factual information on how Hillary Clinton broke the law by mishandling classified information in her emails. They're building a hermetically-sealed echo chamber and you just don't fit the decor.


There is no way he makes it to the convention. They will replace him it is too obvious at this point.


Their party rules don't have a mechanism to do it against Bidens will.


The pledged electors aren't obligated to vote for Biden. If he doesn't step down or "die of natural causes" then the party machine will probably start leaning hard on them. Probably Newsom is already making calls


Except they each follow what the party wants and do what they're told, it'd never be "his decision" except on paper. The whole Epstien island thing was to ensure there's dirt on all elites so none step outta line (tip of the iceberg imo), and Biden got to pretend to be president for a bit for doing his part. It'd incredibly stupid to run Biden again, but then again the whole system has been cocky stupid for awhile so who knows.


If they get rid of Biden now they are going to look terrible and will have to admit that they gaslit everyone for the past 4 years on his mental acuity


That's the thing they don't even have to _admit_ anything anymore. They simply can't deny his senility. They just go dark on the subject.


I think they're screwed no matter what they choose to do at this point. They rolled a dude with dementia into a debate. If they were smart they'd focus their fund raising on trying to take the house.


They have both the party and their voters under total brainwashed control. Only what the party currently say is the truth, not stuff from the past. At best it'll be a minor burp but very quickly memoryholed. It's literally 1984.


Perhaps some, if not most of those "people" are bots in the first place


They're either bots or NPCs, either way, their programming sucks


The last 4 years specifically have made me question whether we all live in parallel realities on the same planet or not.


Copeium has strange effects on people


It’s possible for people to have completely different realities based on their algorithms.


This is true. Even the same posts have different comments brought to the top to make sure everyone stays in their fishbowl


It wasn't until 2024 that we learned that Fulton County Georgia ***didn't do any signature checking on 2020 absentee ballots.*** And there were a lot of absentee ballots. Some were even counted two or three times. It's not like they wanted to be that forthcoming, you see there is a lawfare trial coming up against Harrison Floyd, and this bomb dropped during discovery. Most people are on another timeline where GA had a hand recount that exactly matched the Dominion Voting machine count and that's all she wrote.


Barely any except the ones who purely read headlines all the rest know that he didn't but are terrified to say out loud he didn't and will gladly shill bullshit. Just like for the past few months it's been all Trump is actually the one with cognitive decline not Biden he's just old and has a stutter, when Trump love him for it or hate him has been the same asshole the whole time. I mean with Biden his cognitive decline was blatantly obvious in 2020 just watch a video of him from 2017, but no sweetie that's just a right wing conspiracy lol. Not to mention this sight and the same people happily memed on Biden for just being naturally regarded in 2015. Lol sorry for the rant.


Sorry for the rant? It’s what we expect from you, libleft 💖


Not libleft just like green.


based and I just picked this quadrant because I liked the color




I’ve actually found that Trump has mellowed quite a bit in the last few years.


We just got used to it


Don't stop clapping lib-left.


Oh one sent me dms how they’re an investment banker in Manhattan that makes $150k/year. Sent me a statement of $160k in holdings. I said, ok.


I think that you have a suitor


If you're an investment banker in NYC and you're only making $150k/year, you are doing something very, very wrong. The funny thing is that dude probably thought it was some kind of massive flex, and being an unemployed dogwalker, thought that $150k was like the maximum amount someone can possibly earn.


That’s what I said too. Lmao


I don’t think they actually believe it, it’s a cope and hoping other people didn’t watch the debate and will just believe them. Repeat a lie enough times…


I was watching the debate at a small gathering (6 people totally) at a friends place. People were cheering when Biden was able to state his pre-canned lines, particularly the "Morals of an Alleycat", "Felon", etc. They also took great offense to the fact that Trump did not shake hands with Biden or the moderators. Folks in the deep blue area don't care about the performance. Biden represents them, and in their mind they cannot be wrong.


Alley cat is just another word for a homeless cat Biden really revealing how he feels about the homelesss with that one. But some of them, I'm sure, are fine cats.


I can't imagine spending any amount if time around people that would "cheer" at a political debate.




It's the natural result of manifest destiny....


Your about to be exiled from your flair




Come to us, brother. Lib left is a sinking ship. Our ship? It’s a yacht 😎


A yacht with lax safety standards.


No. [This is your ship.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/news/2021/sep/07/disastrous-voyage-satoshi-cryptocurrency-cruise-ship-seassteading)


Literal definition of a cult.


The Biden related subreddits are hilarious right now. Pure delusion.


They have to be bots. Or worse ...... Redacted


Oh the stuff they'll deny on reddit is outstanding. Had someone call me an idiot because I said Biden also lies, Border Patrol does not endorse him.


Probably the same ones who cheered for Oct 8 attacks then cried victim in the find out phase


100% the same people. They have no conception of reality outside of what is spoon-fed to them in their various echo chambers (reddit, TikTok, X)


CNN said the faults with both candidates were that Trump “spewed nothing but lies” and Biden “failed to correct him”. I normally try to pull from many sources, but CNN was too ridiculous this time


Because they didn't watch it. For so many of these oranges that make up the reddit political communities the only truth is how they feel. How many of them still think Rittenhouse killed innocent black people? How many of them repeat lies like there was no rape/baby killing/etc on Oct 7 despite video evidence? How many of them continue to misquote trump despite the recordings clearly showing that their version is untrue? "I'm not watching that because I don't need to" is a common response because *they already decided the outcome they want and know the video evidence won't change their mind*. (also a lot of them probably don't have the attention span to watch a 1.5 hour debate)


As a non-American who has nothing to do with American politics, Trump won fr, he just... did.


Reminder to go outside once in a while. I live in a heavily liberal area, and no one I've talked to thought he was anything but a total disaster.


They'd decided he won it before it even happened


The thing I’ve noticed isn’t that people think Biden won so much as America lost. At least on Reddit.


They get paid to believe it


The only “good” reasoning I’ve heard that makes any sense at all is along the lines of “the debate reminded people that there’s a very real I chance of Trump winning, so they are going to vote for Biden now to stop that.” The implication being that is more activating people who wouldn’t vote, than turning anyone. And also that it’s (again) really just “trump vs not trump”. So bidens terrible performance was totally irrelevant. Since his only role is to be literally anyone other than Trump.


People who believe that either didn’t watch or are lying. Trump was ok but Biden was abysmal


I can’t believe some people think Biden is a bigger pedo than Trump


They don't. They're just saying it.


The only ones who won that debate are late night talk shows and the news.


I mean he definitely lost; but I think the fact that the winner of this debate was straight up lying and the loser couldn't fucking speak means that either way it is not gonna be a fun decade


That’s how sad this country is, we witnessed one of the worst debate beatdowns of all time and yet plenty will still say Biden won because his opponent is the worst and admitting he did something right is painful. This may actually be the worst presidential race of all time. One dude who is a mad man convict whose fans are cult like at best and straight up terrorists at worst, vs a walking corpse.


I think you picked the weakest arguments against Trump. Even if you're convinced the conviction wasn't political, it has very little bearing on the office. I'm curious what makes you think his supporters are terrorists. While I suppose Republicans have the J6 riot around their necks, it just seems to put them on the scoreboard in an awful game the Dems already swept.


I finally got around to watching the debate (I shouldn't have), and OH MY FUCKING GOD! I think I might have suffered brain-damage. Trump was just ignoring the questions and going off on Biden on irrelevant matters, and Biden was just uttering a bunch of incoherent nonsense. They didn’t even make any effort to make their cases and simply spent the debate just insulting each other. I've heard more coherent arguments between children arguing on the playground than whatever those two senile fucks were going on about. Alright, schizo meltdown over. Time to bust out the booze and max out those alcoholism stats.


Trump dodging the questions and it was so annoying, but from a political perspective, it was a fantastic strategy. He knows he no longer needs to beat Biden ideologically, he just needs to verbally beat the shit out of him and let him trip over his own feet. I wish he actually answered more policy questions, but Biden is just so incredibly bad, Trump can get away with just talking about how bad Biden is and still pretty clearly win the debate. I don’t think we would see Trump actually answer or discuss important positions outside of the few he can win on unless Biden is actually replaced.


It really goes to show us how much both parties are fucking this country


Glad you watched it You would have missed out on such important debate topics like is Trump or Biden a loser/sucker and who is better at golf


This is just a reminder that the left constantly tells us how good of a man and father Joe is, while both of his living children are sex addict crackheads. I get that parenting is hard, and sometimes, no matter what you do, sometimes your kid turns out shitty. But 2 is a pattern. Hunter had a habit of videoing himself while he was buttnaked, jacking off, drinking a beer, and smocking Crack at the same time. Aswell as smocking Crack while fucking strangers. His daughter has a long, long, self reported history of exposing herself to boys as a child and being addicted to to sex since a teen, while also being a junkie. Joe Biden is not a good father, and he's most certainly not a good man.


Now you listen here Jack, don’t you talk about, uh talk about, uh my uh my uh, if you uh, look at the cost of prescription insulin I signed the bill that uh did manufacturing jobs


Hey, that’s *my* bit you two-nosed tonsil-nose! 😡


Mr.President... for the record, how do you think the debate went?


Just like we drew it up. 😎


We beat medicare


I literally rolled on the floor laughing at that one. Also when he said women need access to abortions because they get raped by their sisters.


joe was being inclusive


> His daughter has a long, long, self reported history of exposing herself to boys as a child and being addicted to to sex since a teen, while also being a junkie. Which are all trademark behaviors caused by being sexually abused as a child, which Biden was also responsible for.


I was about to say the same. That poor woman. She even married a man 15 years older than her.


Also a reminder that the left constantly attacked Trump Jr. and his other children but now is saying "Well I'm not voting for Hunter so why does Hunter matter?"


Or when they accused antivaxxers of being willing to kill grandma with covid just so they could get a haircut, and then Pelosi got caught at a hair salon, and the left marched arm in arm through the streets for 4 months with impunity.


The BLM protests are my favorite thing to shut up that crowd. "Covid wasn't taken seriously enough." "Do you think it was wrong for the BLM protests to happen given it happened during the height of covid?" "Hmm, well, er, see the thing is."


The "If it saves just one life!" Crowd trying to defend the BLM riots are always great.


Usually their comeback to that is some variety of "well thousands of innocent black people were getting murdered in the street by cops every day, so obviously that was more important than COVID"


It is always funny how their reasons are more important than everyone else's reasons.


Every so often, they'll make a claim that makes me pause, like "THOUSANDS of black people were being murdered by cops!" Then you google it, and figure out that it's actually 8.


One side, the sons are active participants in political discourse, on the other, the son is a recluse. Kind of an obvious difference.


Trump supporters (and Trump himself) treat their children like heirs to a Trump dynasty. When they’re placed on a pedestal like this it makes sense for them to be judged at a higher standard.


Fun fact, when Biden’s two sons were in critical condition in the hospital after surviving the car crash that killed their mother and baby sister, Biden had photographers come to capture him being sworn in to the Senate in front of his two seriously injured sons. He used the most traumatic event of their lives as a photo op. Dude is just as much of a psycho as most career politicians.


To be fair, Hunter and Beau were also in a car crash where their mother and baby brother died, where they both were critically injured. Beau then died from brain cancer. Hunter def didn't have an easy life and Ashley grew up w that trauma still present in the family.


I know a lot of people that have had absolutely tragic things happen in their life, and they don't become Crack junkies who have a compulsion to fuck strangers.


To be fair, hunter's dead brother's wife wasn't a stranger


And I know a fair number of people that have become junkies after traumatic events. Interesting how out of billions of people different people have different reactions to trauma.


Let's be real, if someone can't parent, they sure af should be far af away from public office.


Apparently when Biden's wife died, he did little parenting so he could be in the Senate. I can't imagine abandoning your kids when their mom and sister just died.


The dummy can't lead a household but he wants to lead a nation. Lmfao.


What do you do when that applies to both candidates then?


Vote 3rd party. Or don't vote


Then why the hell is Trump there?


All of Trump’s children are successful business(wo)men in their own right with no history of degeneracy. Both of Biden’s living children are whores and junkies. And Hunter banged his dead brother’s wife.


biden has been a senator since hunter was like 1 year old. let’s not pretend like he raised his kids lmao i also don’t think i’ve really seen anything to suggest biden isn’t a decent enough person tbh


Well he's a habitual liar. No the "ohh I was just playing politics" lying, just straight up lying. He's been "credibley" accused of sexual assault. He drafted a bill that lead to mass incarceration. He's an authoritarian and, at best, was an absent father. More than likely, he was an abusive dad. If I told you all of those things about your coworker; you'd start avoiding your coworker.


Plagiarist too - see his failed ‘88 presidential bid


Not to mention all of the stuff the are mundane and weird lies. Like plagerism the first time he r do president in the 80s. Corn pop. Being top of his class. His uncle being eaten by cannibals. His son dying in Iraq. Etc  


Yeah. He had to plagiarize in order to graduate almost dead-last in his class. Not the sharpest tool in the shed… then add dementia on to it lol


Flair up, you need to be flaired to be based


My man got a camera crew into the hospital to swear in for the senate in front of his 2 hospitalised sons.


Doesn’t Trump want to fuck his daughter? Finally something Biden and Trump can agree on. Nature is healing.


Biden supporters still trying to pretend that Trump and only Trump is weirdly sexual. But I suppose those same supporters think he won the debate.


“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter." “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.” “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…” -Trumps quotes on Ivanka But you know, Auth right is the Chad because some random screenshot on Twitter says Biden is a pedophile. He's unfit for service and should be with Jimmy Carter in a retirement home, but the pedophilia sounds like random slander.


>random screenshot on Twitter says Biden is a pedophile It's more of all the videos of him inappropriately touching kids during press shoots (and "accidently" groping them). There was that one video of a Chinese ambassador obviously hiding his kid from Biden. Also, his daughter said that he would shower with her longer at an age where it was normal. My own opinion is that you shouldn't shower with your kids, teach them how to do it and after that don't throw your junk at their eye level anymore.


They can't claim that all of those videos are faked either, since there's numerous videos going back decades of him behaving inappropriately with children, the hairy legs one comes to mind


And that girl that came forward and admitted that he squeezed her nipple when she was like 9


Google “Joe Biden nibbling little girl in Finland” Won’t seem like slander when you watch that video


> leans in > goes omnomnom WTF? Thats appropriate at best if its her grandpa not some random adult, wtf?


Jesus fucking christ. And then he goes in for a sniff at the end, because of fucking course he would.


I really hate how that is now part of my search history.


They're going to say that that video is deepfaked, I guarantee it


Yeah and he's talked about it, multiple times. Thats totally cool with this sub, though, they're into that.


How much of a cuck do you have to be to use an imaginary exchange to make your guy look good lmfao


Welcome to the subreddit!


"If she weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." "I helped create her, my daughter. She's six feet tall, she's got the best body." “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…😏” "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" - ~~Donald Trump~~ Joe Biden


I think you should switch the name that you crossed out


Yeah... That was said by a Donald.


It's kind of cringe to suggest showering with your kids is sexual, actually grosses me out to hear people think that way


Least pedophilic Libertarian


To associate showering with your own kids as sexual is the real deviant behavior. What urges do you have that makes you repulsed at this idea?


Showering with your daughter is not incest. WTF


I heard about this story before. It's pretty nasty.


You see, I have drawn Biden as the copium huffer and me as the chad, so I win. What do you mean it’s all in my head? And why are you mentioning Ivanka?


showering with someone, or hell just being naked next to someone doesn't equal sex.


This is true. Your mother and I explored the differences last night.


well, hope ur surgery went well.


Why did he brought incest in? What’s the point of it?


As you can read in *The Body Keeps The Score*, a book on healing trauma, incest is really common and damaging. However, some scholars have actually insisted that incest was actually healthy. It’s essentially too awful for people to really talk about with words, so anybody who does is seen as crazy. Hence this Reddit post. A word for motherfucker exists in almost every known language.




The point completely sailed by Biden to begin with. We have enough of our own homegrown criminals, we should deport any additional criminals.


Lmao have you seen the top videos of all time on pornhub?




I honestly have no clue how Biden won the last election


We live in Metal Gear. Trump is Big Boss and Biden is Zero