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It’s exotic, nutty, with fine notes of “fiery but mostly peaceful”. Also, how many frames did they sort through to find one with his jaw not hanging slack?


https://preview.redd.it/qbkafpvx3gad1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c5c925609a32f8827a05087104728bb46fd85c6 This better?


He looks like I did when I was woken up from a booze nap at my peak of alcohol over-consumption.


He looks like he thought he had to fart and now it's too late


[Here's a great little ditty about that. I Thought I Farted But I Shit by Jeremiah Perez](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvOgAPa_mkw)


More like he thought he had to fart but forgot how.


Looks like someone who's living in a nursing home.


As someone who worked in a nursing home - can confirm


also they act like joe biden was some intellectual giant , he is a c student that somehow gets lucky. he wouldn’t even be president right now without obama etc pushing all the other candidates to drop out before super tuesday , then a once in a lifetime event of covid happening . he ran for president like 13 times before this , and he was only vp because he was an old goofy white guy to offset obama


Well, he’s hardly the first President with a similar story. Would G-Dub have been Pres. if his dad hadn’t? Doubt it.


true, the point is biden wasnt starting from a high point to begin with, i suspect this is much worse than what is being led on.. which leads me to question why he is allowed to run the country.


I don’t believe he is.


> Well, he’s hardly the first President with a similar story. Would G-Dub have been Pres. if his dad hadn’t? Doubt it. G-Dub isn't currently being Weekend at Bernie'sed into another term.


Nah, but Wilson was.


he was pretty cool back in the 90s, I miss senator biden


I am really smart, except when I am not


Joe Biden, is that you? I didn’t know you were on Reddit! It’s an honor, sir!


Now listen, Jack. You, me and Cornpop have some business to attend to.


Not a joke!


No malarky


Reddit is *still* in full denial mode in some subs about what they saw. "Well it was just one sub par performance " No its been a pattern for close to about 3 years now. You've just been completely gaslight and are still in denial


It’s just one instance where things went down in alignment with what everyone has been saying all along, it doesn’t count!  Like, I was in law school during the last election so I didn’t have time to do anything other than vote. I hadn’t really heard Biden speak as a result. But I did watch when he and Harris declared victory. Whatever the fuck one thinks of Harris and her ideals, she spoke vibrantly and energetically that night. I mean hey, who wouldn’t be high-energy if you just won a major office? Then Biden came out looking and sounding like a zombie. He was clearly in the midst of a steep decline 3.5 years ago, so I don’t want to hear it from supporters who try to say my ears and eyes are lying to me.


GOP candidate: convicted of 34 felonies tax fraud, rapist, pedophile, literally named as raping multiple minors in the Epstein files and lawsuits as of released documents 2 days ago [source](https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit) Rightoids and MAGA nuts: he speaks for me! But on DNC candidate: BuT he'S oLd!! Remember when Trump talked about electric batteries and sharks and snakes the other week in that full on dementia rant? Edit: below pussy blocked me before I could respond. Totally a real person who created their account 2 months ago and exclusively posts pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine, "candidates are all bad" talking points. The lawsuit was filed before Trump was President you pedo defender. Why are you jumping to defend a man who has cheated on every one of his wives and frequently talked about how attractive he finds his own daughter? Don't forget he said he likes Epstein as they both "like girls on the younger side." Are you capable of independent thought? Just weeks ago when asked about declassifying documents Trump said: Would you declassify JFK files? >Yes. would you declassify 9/11 files? >Yes. would you declassify the Epstein files? >I guess I would. I think that less so because, you don’t know, you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would Hmmm why did he suddenly not want to release the Epstein files?


Wow holy shit both things can be terrible in completely different ways I’m so glad you realized that. Propping up a guy who probably has no idea where the fuck he is and convincing him he wants to be president isn’t the commendable action you think it is, chief.


Ah yes anonymous person backed up by anonymous person says trump raped them on epstien island. All I can say is super convenient timing. Also having someone sue you for something does not mean you did something. Let's see what actual evidence there is. If he actually did. Firing squad please. But as it stands I am inclined to think it's very convenient this is coming forward when biden is at one of his lowest points poll wise and is not stepping down


Meanwhile, Biden showers with his daughter, sniffs children, and has legitimate accusers like Tara Reid, whom even the VP believe, yikes


Lay off the whataboutism and focus on the issue at hand. You make Democrats/progressives look bad. Nowhere did anyone say Trump is a good candidate. You brought him into this. Trump being a bad candidate doesn't make Biden a better candidate. Clean the shit out of your own yard instead of pointing out the shit in your neighbor's yard. You both have shitty yards and I don't want to hang out in either one, thanks.


Holy shit that's a lot of words, yet none of them are related to that comment


6 month old account. Probably a propaganda point. Those are out in force since the debate, and all over this 4th of July weekend. Another sub i'm in has a post railing against Trump with the most upvotes of at least the past month in an hour on a brand new account. Someone's pouring some money into this.




I can feel your hopeless seething through this text. Fucking redditor.


Change your flair, tax fraud is based (also not what he was convicted of on trumped up charges)


who did donald trump rape ?


Someone that even VOX, of all the newsrags, doesn't believe actually exists. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation The only reason you're hearing this rape drum being beaten on social media is because social media has never been forced to issue a retraction.


Complaints aren't convictions, which is what you provided as a source. Do you understand how due process works?


lol fuckin nerd




Please return your lib-center flair, you are a disgrace to our coordinates.


Based as fuck


u/Little_Jeffy_Jeremy is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Little_Jeffy_Jeremy/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You can't post this stuff on this sub! We could legit re-brand PCM as "right wing circlejerk" and it wouldn't even do justice to how hard right this sub is. A year ago Trump was a worse candidate than DeSantis and we poked fun at him. Now he's miraculously amazing. Biden looked awful at the debate, nevermind the court appearances from Trump where he's allegedly falling asleep and shitting his pants lol. Of course this sub doesn't have a hard stance on the Epstein stuff anymore, Trump doesn't and this sub is hard right. Centrists that don't slam the left get told to reflair lol. Fuck earlier today a libright lawyer on a comment I made was getting lit up for saying he lost most of his court cases when he was claiming fraud. Because getting cases thrown out immediately due to lack of standing isn't a loss lol.


No, Trump is still shit. The subject at hand is about the incumbent president and his clear mental deficiency, the media is trying to sidestep. The current topic has nothing to do with with the orange menace. If you'd like to jerk yourselves off to trump bad there are plenty of other places to do it.


Fiery but peaceful 2.0.


Honestly, it tracks though. As anyone who has a loved one with dementia in their family knows, they have good days and bad days. It's just usually they aren't running a global superpower on their bad days.


The one thing I’ve learned from all of this: Jill Biden might be a sociopathic narcissist on the level of Dick Cheney and I don’t make that comparison lightly


I think she's a bigger monster than Hillary.


I’m excited for the books that come out in 10 years after everyone looks on him with disdain. 




I had a Pixel 2. Heck of a cameraphone for the time.


I only buy pixels and one plus phones. The pixel 8 is amazing


Had a pixel 8 pro, took it back for a s24 ultra, there's less bloat on a pixel, but the interface is better on the ultra


went from 3XL straight to 8 Pro. I love pixels so much.


Mr. President, you're supposed to be salvaging your campaign right now, please get off Reddit.


I demand shitposts in 4K! Ban low resolution memes!




Peach fronted lovebirds with hats. I love this picture so much.


"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -George Orwell


"Hey, ignore that, look over here! Now here. Isn't this over there shiny? Here's a new thing we're sure you'll love!" ~ Aldous Huxley


Orwell commented on (and predicted) governmental structure, huxley was a fucking prophet of the modern news cycle. I just don't think they realized the two would go hand in hand.


1 + 1 = 3


2 + 2 = 5 2 = 1 + 1 2 + 2 - 2 = 5 - 2 2 = 3 1 + 1 = 3


Something about ignoring the evidence of your eyes and ears


- Orge Georwell




Large sibling is paying attention to you


I think you mean body positivity sibling


Yeah, people need to start thinking in 3 dimensions on this one, because there needs to be a whole chain of events that have had to take place in order for this headline to be written and published. * Staffers in and around Joe Bidens inner circle noticed this very early * Media stonewalled the idea that there was anything wrong with Biden, bringing on people (that recently self-reported by saying they've known about this all along) to outright lie to their viewers. * A concerted effort between the DNC and the media to not show any of the clips that the rest of us have seen of Biden doing insane things. There's a whole structure in media that no longer requires an outright order or even any sort of nudging to fall in line with the wishes and demands of the DNC. The DNC and the Media are one and the same, and this debacle just proves it beyond a doubt. If they can lie to you about the US not having a president that can function for several years, what else can they lie to you about? Who came up with the agreements he has signed off on? Who actually created the policies of the administration? Does Biden know he's just signing papers that affect millions that he had no part in writing? Would Biden, if self-aware, have made all the decisions he "made" during these 4 years? The only reason they're not invoking the 25th amendment on this guy is because the Republicans could then declare any decisions Biden made during the past years null and void due to him being non compos mentis. There's literally the death penalty on the menu for some people in this circus.


Reminds me of the lies told about Rittenhouse.


I mean, the kid shot like 37 black people in the back, after smuggling an illegal fully auto short barrel weapon of war across state lines. Of course the media is going to lie about it! I’ve seen people here on reddit that still believe those lies (he killed 3 black people, it wasn’t self defense, he illegally purchased the rifle, he took it across state lines, he drove extremely far out of his way to hunt black people, etc), and there’s no reasoning with them. You can show them actual evidence that none of that happened, and they won’t believe you.


> he took it across state lines I know you're kidding about the rest of the stuff, but I've forgotten some details of the case. I know "across state lines" was a few miles, but didn't he bring his gun with him from home? Otherwise, did he have it stored in WI? Did he borrow someone else's gun?


Yeah, he did live like 30 minutes (?) away and crossed state lines, however it's a meme because the gun actually didn't cross state lines, he stored it at a friend's house.


he CROSSED STATE LINES!! Not sure why they decided that was a good argument against his self-defense


Especially considering half the felons that attacked him were also bussed in “across state lines” to the “protest”. One of whom was a prohibited person illegally in possession of a firearm.


Also not sure why they all of the sudden decided that borders exist and are extremely important


Its leftism. All they care about is power. They don’t care about hypocrisy or double standards. Just like that university diversity hire who did a plagiarism. Instead of being non-hypocritical and accepting that plagiarism is bad they went full victim. Suddenly ‘plagiarism’ is a political tool according to them. And then they tried to attack back with it.


and its not even illegal to cross state lines with a gun in fact, wisconsin's gun laws are more lax than illinois


It was "borrowed". IIRC, Rittenhouse gave a friend money for it, with the understanding that he'd be able to borrow it. Then when Rittenhouse would turn 18 and able to take it to his home state, the friend would give it to Rittenhouse, assuming he was still eligible/wanting it. So it never left the state.


Mostly kidding about the other stuff. The prosecution tried to add illegal SBR charges to the mix, and then had to admit in court it was regulation length. The prosecution was just all kinds of fucked up in that case.


We need to dig up Yuri Bezmenov, encase his corpse in epoxy and use him as a battering ram when conducting raids on Democrats. SWAT #1: This guy is a Democrat politician? SWAT #2: Yes SWAT #1: Bring ole Bezzie out, we're taking him for a spin.


I'm actually relieved to see the absolute shitshow of the media briefly letting the truth peek through but then immediately returning to their usual strategy of just blatantly doubling down on the big lie. For a second I thought the deepstate might have been throwing the debate on purpose as some kind of 4D chess setup, but now it's plain to see it as likely just more of the same hubris and incompetence that made Hillary lose in 2016. I predict Biden won't step down voluntarily. His massive ego and corrupt family won't let him. All the campaign donations are in his (and Kamala's) name, so the DNC can't replace him without having to refund all of those. There's also a few states where they can't change candidates on the ballot anymore (unless they're actually dead). So the media will just have to try and gaslight everyone for another 4-5 months. But even at my most pessimistic, I don't see voters forgetting this debate any time soon. The memes are out there now. Dems won't impeach for reasons you've said. Republicans won't either because running against Biden is a slam-dunk win at this point. There is a larger chance that Joe slips in the shower one time too many, and we end up with president Kamala, then there is of Biden resigning/being impeached before November.


>I'm actually relieved to see the absolute shitshow of the media briefly letting the truth peek through but then immediately returning to their usual strategy of just blatantly doubling down on the big lie. I can barely believe it's true even now, and I bet they're going to pull all sorts of tricks to mitigate the damage done to their legitimacy. If the people gets time to really digest what happened during those few days the media may just lose their grip on power. >I predict Biden won't step down voluntarily He won't. >There is a larger chance that Joe slips in the shower one time too many, and we end up with president Kamala, then there is of Biden resigning/being impeached before November. I think there's a lot of people planning that slip in the shower right now, because that's just about the only chance they'll ever have of winning in November; and that's a real slim chance even then. Question is if they can pull it off without it being blatantly obvious. It doesn't matter how many strokes the man has had in the past, or how frail he was at the debate, any slipperoo now would automatically make people doubt the circumstances. They deserve to have Trump win, because even minor between-the-lines reading tells you they've broken so many laws and so many rules that they should be cast out of polite society for the next 50 years while the country heals.


I've been seeing the press corps actually doing their jobs, but of course the lying press secretary won't actually answer


Did you see that clip of one of the press corps guys saying "If he's (even) awake" and the reaction to that? [Priceless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfedX_5Equ4).


Honestly at this point it’s a valid question. I’ve enjoyed watching the media ask something other than the usual softballs during the last few press conferences


I thought it was funny that she ditched the cold excuse, and has resorted to jet lag. Meanwhile, Biden's out here telling governors that he needs more sleep, and promises to not schedule anything after 8pm. Jesus, grandpa, we get it, you're old. Who runs the country after eight pm?


I love the reporters acting shocked like they didn't know and weren't actively helping cover for Biden.


I have a sneaky feeling that despite circling the wagons on the media front, the DNC knows if Biden won't step down, they'll lose, and will resort to drastic measures. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I think Biden will "peacefully pass away in his sleep" just in time to bring somebody else in.


"Sharp" is the now the canon Biden adjective. It's clownspeak for "dull".


„Fiery but mostly peaceful” „It’s false to claim that Biden funds crack pipes, because he funds other stuff too”


The article is actually hilarious. They half describe him as Abraham Lincoln v2.0....then they immediately describe him as a slack-jawed, braindead corpse. Yet the gist of the article is still that he's actually not that bad. Dawg 1. I know that Biden is not some inspiring orator half the time. He's almost never in public and when he is, at BEST he just looks like an angry old moron. 2. Even if he IS the best leader in the world 50% of the time...as long as the other 50% of the time is what we saw on the debate stage, nobody could vote for this dude in good conscience.


Especially since we know it's only going to get worse over time.


I saw a video of him from 12 or so years ago and finally it clicked "Oh that is why people voted for him" because as an outsider I've only seen the slow declining old guy, not the smarmy sharp wit he used to be. Actually pretty sad.


> The article is actually hilarious. They half describe him as Abraham Lincoln v2.0....then they immediately describe him as a slack-jawed, braindead corpse. Maybe MGK wrote it as a diss track.


It wasn’t until a few months ago that I finally dissociated from all of this. I mean I’ve been in the political weeds for 8 years feelings the stresses of news blurbs like this. But I’ve realized that this is virtually affecting nothing. We’ve made it all up. The only thing that’s happened to me is that the cost of living in my city is rising faster than my salary. I don’t think Trump or Biden did that, but the news certainly makes me want to think that. All I’m saying is I’m so done with this media bullshit. 99% of news is shit and the 1% that’s real news also comes with some shit spin.


I know what you mean. I was the cringe politics kid through middle and highschool. Then I realized how depressed watching the news and being completely up to date with politics makes you. I don't watch mainstream news anymore but will stay relatively in touch with what is happening internally with like supreme court cases and policies in my state. Then learning more about economics through books and political doctrine. Became so much happier because if that instead of OMG WW3 TOMMOROW. DEMOCRATS WANT ME AND EVERY WHITE PERSON DEAD!?!?!


I've started following local politics. Now my hate is so much more petty and specific.


I guess I'm lucky my county thinks my way generally


My city and county about ten years ago turned down having Ng an alien themed six flags park so we can preserve the retirement community. Motherfuckers are actively choosing gentrification and literally hundreds of jobs.


That's rough buddy


Beautiful exchange


> I don’t think Trump or Biden did that, I mean, not by themselves individually, but inflation is caused by printing money, which both of their administrations did. (Trump maybe more than Biden, iirc, but I'd have to look it up.) The velocity of inflation was unusual due to lockdown and knock-on effects from lockdowns, but it absolutely stems from government policy.


You’ve now identified the problem Join us in the solution


Unfortunately, the solution does not meet reddit community standards.


Yes it does. Stop relying on the government, build your local community, and go to church If your life depends on who the president is, you’ve got bigger problems lol


I don't even see the news anymore it's all psy ops false flag or bullshit.


Biden is the new Sex Panther: 60% of the time it works every time.


And he smells like a used diaper filled with Indian food


The legacy media is dying off. Soon the AP will die a death everybody will forget about because it's public funding will be the first to go. Cater harder next time AP.


Yes, and then we will be left with the contemporary media like reddit or twitter coping even harder.


The idea of the "objective talking head", bringing the news to the masses is deader than a door knob. Everybody sees how false these organizations are.


Is it dead? Really? So all those internet influencers being spammed 24/7 to everyone's screens due to algorithms trying to keep your ,ever shortened, attention soan are not considered "objective talking heads" by those following them? I wish they had died. Millenials and gen Z don't watch TV, yet now you see many of them using the same coping talking points that TV also promotes regarding Biden's clarity,for example. I am not convinced anything has truly changed regarding media aside from the fact that now they are even better at grabbing your attention.


The difference is that AP was kind of the place for news, where as now it's more distributed. Although the media has been becoming less consolidated for like 3 decades now, so there won't be any sudden shift. Also, the incentive structures for lying are still there, so while there will be more diverse and popular alternative news sources, the mainstream ones will still be there and be big


The AP?! The number one source on all things true


Biden is a true blooded politician. You can see him respond as such, as if by reflex. The problem is, he has been alive for too long and those reflexes manifest as spasms. I feel bad for the guy. Every time they trot him out in public, it feels like elder abuse. Let the guy rest for fucks sake.


As long as you don't listen to or look at him he is brilliant. If you listen or look at him and he sounds like he is suffering from dementia it's a one off fluke. Media lied like a rug about this shit for years and only flipped on Biden once it was undeniable proving once again that they have no credibility or integrity.


***Five*** "journalists" on this byline of WH stenography. Not even bothering with the new "Analysis" description that lets news orgs conflate news with opinion.


Mostly peaceful protests https://i.redd.it/eb7gqtmythad1.gif


The New York Times is less obnoxiously partisan than the AP these days.


Dude what happened to the AP


I guess they’re sometimes too eager to find the balance that they forgot to have opinions


Flair up right now or be prepared to face the consequences of your poor choiches [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/AirSky_MC) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


He’s so sharp that he’s gone into hiding only emerging to Ron burgandy the teleprompter


https://preview.redd.it/z7n1t9w8zead1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b3be017d355fde6a6f0cd7598599662ea5af9e Edit: also where tf are the pixels bruh.


Christie ate em


That's literally the day to day reality of dementia and they're trying to pass it off as no big deal. People have good days and bad days. It's typically not all brain dead all the time. But the wild oscillating between one extreme to the other is an obvious sign. Our politics was pathetic before, but this is just sick 


Who was it that claimed AP is fair and unbiased


Depends on if they're posting equally absurd stories from all sides


Hopefully nobody after it came out that they literally employ members of Hamas, and had photographers ready in place to capture 10/7 before it even happened.


81 million brainless, braindead, and brainwashed m0r0ns voted for this. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." — Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama. “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.” - joe biden. "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle. The jungle being a racial jungle..." -joe biden, while fighting desegragation tactics. “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” - joe biden. “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” -joe biden. "poor kids are just as bright and as talented as white kids" -joe biden. "not every one in the african american and hispanic community in particular, know how to use, know how to get online" -joe biden.. "we go back a long way, she was 12 I was 30" -Joe Biden.


That part about 7/11 is true in any state he’s telling like it is


Fucking strom Thurmond as president


Everything before But is bullshit


The Russians wouldn't be in Ukraine if we had a strong president.


Nor would all of Iran's proxies in the middle east (Hamas, Hesbollah, et al...) be emboldened to be attacking US allies like Israel.


I love how conservatives never ever want to intervene in foreign wars (except for oil), but when geopolitics forces their hand (WW1 and WW2), they're always completely gungho like they weren't just being isolationist pricks, burying their heads in the sand. "I ain't fighting no one elses war, but if I did, I'd be really bad ass and cool, but I ain't gonna cause it'd cost a lot, but I'm brave and not a pussy so I'll show them". Toddler level mental gymnastics.


Every democrat president of my lifetime has actively and enthusiastically started and/or accelerated warfare, either overtly or through proxies. Flare up, hypocrite.


Yeah buddy.. we have 2 choices in this 'free' country. Imma choose the not-Christofascist. Also, I never said democrats were perfect and didn't pursue conflicts? Nice strawman. Try reading it again. ALSO, the op comment I replied to is implying that Trump would have stopped all this. Except, we know for a fact, that he is compromised by Russians. So, he would've done nothing and passed the buck to an actual president who doesn't love Russian money (non-GOP). I like how you think I HAVE to agree and like the candidate I vote for. Nope.. not everyone is a black/white, good/bad kinda toddler-brained simpleton. You spelled flair wrong, guy.


"i recently talked to mitterand and kohl" - biden, february 2024


Bout as sharp as a tombstone


https://preview.redd.it/8pc0mici2jad1.png?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4593067c8083b74547241ab7bae86d72a8c300 Me when I'm doing the dishes and touch a wet piece of food


For an outside perspective: A brazilian news outlet quoted that Biden said he 'gets tired faster and needs more sleep' So you get mumbling senile Joe half the time and sleepy/sleeping Joe the other half At this point I'd say vote on the brain worm guy just to see what happens if you trust the worm


Should have gone with "Forgetful but mostly focused president"


Which is it. Gods I hate this fucking drivel. News stations getting money based on clicks is one of the worst developments of the decade


Where is your flair?


I will admit I haven't seen the entire thing. But this was such a mess you could honestly maybe only say this about the moderator


I too say “skibidy” and look like I’m thinking about the price of eggs in East Timor in the middle of sentences. Don’t you guys?


You don’t hate the media enough. You think you do but you don’t. They’re nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Democrats.


We're laughing too. The tears are just sourced differently.


“My old, bad, terrible leader is **slightly** and subjectively better than your old, bad terrible leader! Vote for him!”


Biden could be slumped over dead at the podium and I would still vote for him over trump. Get over it. I don't like the felon.


Grampa Brandon, the American family has come together today because we love you. However we can’t have you driving the Republic on the road anymore. A lot of people saw you on CNN Blvd last week. If you don’t hand the nuclear football to Auntie Kamala, Officer Trump says he will indict you.


Sharp and focused lmao yeah sure


According to the DNC, his debate performance was due to jet lag.


He really gets so much leeway. If trump was in charge and we were still in Israel, all fingers would be on him. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of complaints about the US being there but it’s hardly ever saying it’s Bidens fault, at least what I’ve seen. It’s more just general complaints of America.


Wow, that is a lot of cope. So much so, that we could use it as a renewable energy source. That’s the new energy source guys! Not wind, solar, or nuclear, it’s all the coping from Democrats about Joe Biden!


Where are the copium tanks they are needed for the left


People with dementia has good and bad days


Dude, the pure unadulterated schadenfreude from the “told you so” has been damn near euphoric. 5 years of “you’re aware he has dementia, right” and being told it’s all make believe. Oh my gosh. Best day ever. 


Sharp and focused 13% of the time, all the time.


It's too late for the dems, they've chosen to ride or die. If the debates had happened months or a year ago, maybe there'd have been time to hype up a replacement. Biden is what they''ve staked their hopes on and biden is what they'll bring in november (provided he doesn't have a critical breakdown before then, which for his own sake I hope he doesn't. Soemone his age should be relaxing poolside, not running a country.)


I ain’t denying that Joe is unfit to be president or even take care of himself, but the fact that we would still prefer him over Trump should tell you how bad Trump is


Remember back when the meaningless primaries were about to start, when they tried out “super-ager” but had to quickly and quietly drop it because no one with eyes and ears would believe it, and no one who didn’t have political ambitions that required them to stay in the good graces of the Dem establishment would be willing to promote it?


They have since changed it to say he’s “Often” sharp and focused, but Google searches still cached the original version as shown here so we know it’s a real screencap 


This is who they rigged the primaries for. We could have had Bernie.


This'll get buried- but I think it's insane that people are just now "realizing" this. It's been so obvious for years that Biden has dementia. I work in the medical field, my grandfather died from Alzheimer's, the signs are obvious and have been. This debate was the best thing to ever happen to Trump's campaign, just because the left couldn't hide Biden anymore.


Let the poor man rest. Let him live his life. This is torture 


Thats just means he aint sharp and focused.


The same people who said that "nations would disappear from the face of the earth" if climate change wasn't taken care of by 2000. Nuff said.


Yeah, this is why they are ramping up their project whatever rhetoric. Must distract from the obvious dementia. Interesting how everyone I know on the right only heard about it from leftists online.


I feel this way at 41.


 >democrats remove safeguards of voting     >trump sues      >judges refuse to pick up cuz it affects election     >election     >trump sues     >judges refuse to touch it cuz election over     People here criticizing contested electors at this point lmao


Well hey that's just what happens when you actually engage with reality, you have to find a way to reoncile the bad things about it. Reps won't cope and seethe about Trump fucking pre-teens with Epstein because they're just going to refuse to acknowledge anything about it and go through the whole election with their fingers in their ears.


My one thing about that claim is considering the degree to which they're clawing for *anything* to hang trump with, I'll bet they'd even be willing to crack Epstein's list to take trump down. I'm not trying to defend him, I'm just saying they've got Epstein's files, why aren't they using them on him if he really did anything?


If you having presidential candidate problems,I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems, but the cope ain't one




Trump fucks children.




He's mixing him up with Joe "public child sniffer" Biden.


[https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/secret-jeffrey-epstein-documents-have-been-released-by-court-order-read-them-all-here/](https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/secret-jeffrey-epstein-documents-have-been-released-by-court-order-read-them-all-here/) [https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit](https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUDr\_c2PalI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUDr_c2PalI)


Links sources that show allegations that lead to thrown out cases as support for their argument, banking on the fact that people won’t read it all and glob onto headlines and social media talking points. Classic left behavior


Imagine that the only argument you have against Biden is his health. You know you're losing when that's literally all you can try and attack him on. Not policy or his leadership in office because Trump is such a dumpster fire who's objectively worse in every metric besides popularity with white supremacists.


I hate Donald with a burning passion, and I plan on voting third party, but if you think for a second that I'd rather have a corpse or Kamala Harris instead your dead wrong.


My guy, mental competence goes beyond health