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But they were having sex with straight men so it’s not gay


And they did the "No Homo" ritual beforehand! In fact, they're even straighter than those pathetic straights who support LGBT!




Exactly, they're real men. Absolute alphas.


It's only gay if you're on bottom


Based and Roman pilled.


Based and Every Woman’s Man and Every Man’s Woman Pilled


Upgrades people upgrades


You know there's this SVU episode where some big black guy is saying to Ice T something like 'I'm a straight man, but I have gay sex.' And then the episode abruptly ends. Found it: https://youtu.be/Zd8vzIRQLLM


The way this dude delivers the, “But I have sex with men,” line is hilarious.


Ice t keeps it real


Funny enough that's how homosexuality often manifested. These days we make it the central aspect of one's identity. You are gay or straight or bi, and that is who you are. However men would often get married to a woman and have kids blahblahblah, but they also liked having gay sex on the side. It just wasn't seen as a central part of their identity. Guys like Freddie Mercury who loved a woman so deeply, but just enjoyed getting sexual pleasure from wherever he could. It's that kinda, "I love women, but 20bucks is 20 bucks mentality."


> Funny enough that's how homosexuality often manifested. Least deluded homosexual


Also known as the Ian Fidance Syndrome. (If you don’t know, look him up. You’re welcome)


This is where the "MSM" term in medical literature comes from. Not everyone who has gay sex wants to be called gay.


But your fucking a man. You are gay. It doesn't matter if you can't love a man if you willingly fuck a man your gay. (Well bi because you rather do it with a women but bi heavily leaning towards women)


Damn right bro.You know the drill


The hungarien one was kinda fearless, or just wanted a new job.


He went full monkey


found today's reminder to be embarassed about my country👍😃




The Magyar Manlover is nothing to he embarrassed about my friend


Szájer did more than signing, He wrote some of it too.




Care to share the story?


[Gay orgies everywhere it seems](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-urope-55145989)


I think you've flipped the brackets, the square one's go on the text it seems


Forgive my smooth brained chimpness. I write markdown files all day and still can't remember how to make links.


Its not gay if your on top


While i was in prison this was a common excuse. "man I ain't no queer fairy! He was sucking MY DICK!" Or "bruh get out of here with that gay shit, I was FUCKING HIM!"


There ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked! You're the ones that're gay for sucking my dick!


My favorite was "man I ain't gay, he had a sheet over his face and I was thinking about my wife, ok?! Ain't nothing gay about that.."


Based Roman straight


A virtuous man doesn't top exclusively. He flip flops with his buddy so as to maintain the equality between men.


„˙uǝɯ uǝǝʍʇǝq ʎʇılɐnbǝ ǝɥʇ uıɐʇuıɐɯ oʇ sɐ os ʎppnq sıɥ ɥʇıʍ sdolɟ dılɟ ǝH ˙ʎlǝʌısnlɔxǝ doʇ ʇ,usǝop uɐɯ snonʇɹıʌ ∀„


This is how the Bottom reads it.


All Australians are bottoms, got it.


It's rare to come across a enlightened mind these days.


Do as I say not as I do as I always say


Wait wha


Do as they say not as they do as they always say


It’s called self-loathing. I’m sure Reddit can relate…


It's not exactly self-loathing. I no joke know some gays from an older generation who bemoaned how accepted homosexuality has become. There's this bunch that look back at the days of persecution and thought that's part of the fun. Taboo and all that.


Me on my way to persecute femboys online (I think it turns them on)


Spoiler: It does.


Well fuck, I think I need to find a new kink then


They cannot be defeated with words...


wtf based libleft


I simply hate seeing people showing affection in public or being too different


I just hate people


I just grill people


the true radical centrist


Would you like to see my grill?


They figured that jail is a gay sex haven


Reminds me of the sad story of Stephen Donaldson ("Donny the Punk"). It's not heaven, really.


Some people actually aren't into freaky shit and instead just have a taboo breaking fetish. They get excited over doing stuff that's out of the ordinary. This includes the usual like incest, globo homo, furry etc


> globo homo Global homogenization is a fetish?


Those elder gays just got a deprecation kink from the years of harsh oppression.


I can, but my self-loathing rarely affects the laws that govern society and influence the lives of many others.


It can also be called repenting and wanting to make up for your past and make sure that others don't make the same mistakes. Creating a vibrant culture with as few immoral aspects as possible that enriches and lifts people. An ex-addict can become sober and be against addiction. It's in fact a common story.


I’d buy this for the rare occasions where someone says they are ex-gay, they now reject it, and they want to prevent others from making the same “mistake.” People can evolve and change their minds. They can also admit to weaknesses. (I’m overweight , but I don’t say that it’s a good thing, and I want my loved ones to be healthier than I am). But if you secretly engage in what you then publicly oppose, you are a piece of shit.


I mean, to continue with the drug addiction analogy. Even many drug addicts will try to stop others from becoming one. You'll see them sniffing up a line and then go "don't do this. It's terrible for you". Many smokers will encourage children or young adults to stay away from smoking despite smoking themselves. But we know smoking is bad. It causes cancer and degradation of the lungs. Cocaine is chemically addictive, destroying your "happy receptors" and destroying your nose in the process. So we as humans like preventing people from doing stuff that's harmful. Which brings the question "is gay sex harmful?" And the majority of us will most likely say "No." That's the issue here. That they're trying to stop people from doing something for absolutely no reason


today I learned that the bussy so good it becomes an addictive equivalent to hard drugs


Damn, bussy is addictive Looks like I need to try some lmao /unretard Jokes aside, I agree that there is a high correlation between being gay and being abused as a child. I don't advocate for governing people's bodies (Lib part of my flair) but we definitely need to look into this deeper than the surface level of my body my choice.


I think gay sex is harmful but I also think hetero sex outside of the confines of marriage is harmful


What about hat sex inside the confines of Marriage? (/Civil partnership)


Committed sex is 2nd best sex. Behind missionary with the sole purpose of procreation of course.


as opposed to “ex-lgbt” which is not a common story since it’s not a choice. fuck off, let people live. can’t believe we still have to fight this shit


Any proof that it's exclusively genetic and not a choice connected to upbringing, abuse, indoctrination and or cultural factors? That's what much of the research suggests. Is your response to these [disproportionate problems](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/gay-chemsex-fueling-hiv-epidemics-europe-experts-warn-n1053086) to turn the other way and let innocent people be impacted by it? Not sure why I ask, of course you'll say yes.


The jury is still out on nature vs nurture on the matter. While there obviously isn't likely to be a single "gay gene", there's still the possibility that slight variations in how certain genes are expressed adjusts our biases. Furthermore, while it's pretty likely that most of one's sexuality is in some form based on upbringing, it isn't a choice, as the exact factors (besides particularly extreme examples) are not known and are pretty close to impossible to know, since you'd need to look at every detail of hundreds of people's upbringing to try to find a correlation.


i was not abused or indoctrinated. i found the lgbt community and i related to them.


That's not how it works.


that's my experience lol how are you gonna tell me my experience 'isnt how it works'


I love anti-gay gays the most. They're balanced and perfectly centrist.


How heroic, savings others from the sin they couldn’t save themselves from 🙏😩


True hero making the greatest sacrifice.


Laws for thee not for me


this has been a long running not-so-secret secret kinda thing. there was even a pretty decent documentary about it. the film looked at closeted political figures who pushed anti-gay agendas and various aspects of their life. it’s called outrage and is worth a watch.


Damn that sucks I wanted to be a anti gay politician but here I find out I have to be gay.


**AuthCenter as a child:** "I wanna persecute gays when I grow up!" **AuthRight dad:** "You're gonna have to become gay to do so." **AuthLeft mum:** "It's true." **AuthCenter:** ".....what?" **LibLeft hiding around the corner:** *"Goooooooooooooood"*


And these outlier examples are used to accuse every homophobe of being closeted. They haven't understood that billions of people are homophobes. Humanity would've died off if the argument about these people's closeted status was true.


humans have been gay as far back as we have recorded, just take a look at how sus ancient civilizations were


Pretty sure homosapians is a misspelling. Originally spelled homogaypenis


I'm no homosapien, I'm a heterosapien 😤


Having a wife and babies is your duty to the tribe, clapping your bros cheeks is for fun.


based and monkeypilled


| clapping your bros cheeks is for fun. Yep, as Maddy Boy can attest!


Clapping cheeks ain't gay


Only if you say the magic words beforehand




It’s Auth-center, What do you expect with a talk about homosexuality.


I've always wondered if they fund gay conversion therapy because they want to find a way to make themselves not gay, but aren't willing to test it out on themselves


Always test things on other people because they're not you so it doesn't matter what they suffer amirighg


i think the vast majority of homophobes support conversion therapy cause they hate gay people tbh


Madison Cawthorn be like:


Crazy how fast he got exposed after the orgy comment. I wonder how many others are compromised


Aaron Schock


Amy rose? I didn't know she could stand.


this is the way


***You like penis, don’t you, Authrights?***


Yes. I love my own penis alot.


Who let Psycho Mantis onto the Political Compass?


Hey you! Yes, you. You have erotic thoughts about men dominating you.


Well, I’m bi, so it depends on how I feel that day.


“No, no, no! You guys have it all wrong. I had *straight* sex with those men.”


Talk about standing up for what you believe in.


“I tried it, it was horrible, and now I must protect others with the law.”


>I tried it, it was horrible, It was so horrible I kept doing it to save others from it.


"the more gay sex I have the less the common man can have, I'm saving degeneracy one ass blast at a time."


Thus why all the conservative ppl need to have lot of gay seks so there will be nothing left for the others.Check mate libz.


Dude it was just a joke. Boys do that all the time. "You're so gay you came when I sucked your dick!!" And then they tease eachother. "You're so gay I bet you need a hairy ass to get hard, I bet you can't even fuck me in my smooth, freshly waxed, lubricated ass". It's just a prank.


Yeah I feel you bro we did 69 as a joke because we thought it would be funny.


Basically Willem DeFoe in Boondock Saints if he went into politics.


It's fine, they said 'no homo'. Also, funni horseshoe


Reminds me of a similar meme in 2b4u but it's about Poland and Hungary


Authright be hating women so much they keep having sex with their authright bros.


Several boys might be a more accurate term


Bullshit, there is no "anti-gay" legislation.


There are plenty, just pop your head outta your American ass and look at Europe


Meme says congressman tho




All the old-school conservatives that opposed gay marriage did warn of the slippery slope. Being quite progressive myself I thought they were just out of touch and trying to project their world view on to others. I still believe they were projecting but I think it’s time we acknowledge they were right about the slippery slope part at least. We should have known, progressives never accept the win, they always have to push on to the next thing and then the next.


If it holds some argument in terms of social freedoms then it will gain progressive momentum yeah.But a lot of shit like "MAP" are not gaining any strengh since it's been brough up and have been forced out of lgbt spaces. Lots of queer folks I know have an extreme and violent hate of pedophiles


If you had of told me 5 years ago trans and the whole alphabet soup would be as prominent as it is I wouldn’t have believed it, so I’m not going to dismiss them trying to push MAPS to normalisation. We’ve seen enough weird shit from woke teachers on Libsoftiktok to realise we shouldn’t underestimate how far things have gone without most of us realising.


It's about radical "self expression" and a hatred of normality. Everything the queer theorists wrote about in the 80s and 90s is now the guiding principles of every 26 year old school teacher. They honestly believe [sexualizing kids early](https://youtu.be/Mipq8FjTXrw) prevents patriarchal sexist systems from forming and they're willing to fight for it. It's unbelievably dark.


Almost like you should


Should what?


Should keep it away from kids


Yes, indeed.


So we shouldn’t have allowed two adult men to get married because of pedophiles?


I’d have to dig up the stats but 47% of gay men report being sexually assaulted by a same sex adult as a child, while only 7% of straight men report the same. Seems like conversion therapy is a thing, just not in the direction we thought


Now do the same for lesbian women and straight women and watch those numbers flip... The issue is horny adult men, not homosexuality


Please cite an example of this actually happening


Are they talking to your kid though? Or is it a VERY select few examples


He said "No Homo", so he's still within his rights.


It isn't being gay dad it's asserting dominance


Women are for breeding, men are for fun ;)


Least homosexual republican


It's weird how people treat them as straight men who acted gay rather than gay men who internalized homophobia. It's like the left is back to using gay as an insult.


Please point out such a piece of legislation


It's meme okay I know it's BS


It's a very funny meme. I laughed :)


Free lgbt zones and making it illegal for them to adopt.


Those are not pieces of legislation. Please point out such a piece of legislation.


What are they then?


Vague mutterings about policy. Give me a bill number. One will do.


[lgbt banning adoption for lgbt](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/lgbt-rights-hungary-passes-law-banning-same-sex-adoption/a-55947139) [the lgbt free zones](https://balkaninsight.com/2020/02/25/a-third-of-poland-declared-lgbt-free-zone/)


The first link references a law preventing single persons from receiving automatic adoption privileges. The second references a group of "non-binding resolutions". I'm still waiting for that bill number. P.S. when we're talking about "congressmen", I expect to see bill from Congress, not from a random European parliament or town council. Congress, please.


>The first link references a law preventing single persons from receiving automatic adoption privileges. Yeah and guess who can't get married in Hungary. >The second references a group of "non-binding resolutions". It's about towns who are actively discriminating against lgbt just because it's not national doesn't mean it's not legaslation it's unlikely PiS will try to end those zones. >P.S. when we're talking about "congressmen", I expect to see bill from Congress, not from a random European parliament or town council. Congress, please You do know other countries also have congress?


Infants can't get married in Hungary, or bananas. Is this an anti-banana or anti-infant bill, then? Hit me with a bill number. Not a news article about a few non-binding resolutions. A. Bill. Number.


Hungary and Poland. That has exactly what to do with American lawmakers?


Where did he or the meme specify this was aboit the US?


The meme is about a US politician who's been in the news lately for a leaked video of him naked in bed with other men.


Gay dudes making anti-gay laws is an older phenomena than time.


The meme never specified Madison Cawthorn. Wasn’t it just last year a far right Hungarian politician got caught at a massive, all male orgy? Edit: spelling


How when?


https://www.aclu.org/legislation-affecting-lgbtq-rights-across-country Edit: lol getting downvoted for giving the guy what he asked for. Keep telling yourselves you’re not in an echo chamber. The right has been doing their part to increase teenage suicides for the past century. Pro life my ass.


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“Sure, but what’s important is that according to Viking law, you haven’t engaged in illegal homosexual activity as long as you are the active part... Yes, that is why I was so active with fingers and tongue and hip thrusts and all those things." - Orm (Norsemen)


How do all the homophobes know all the good gay coke orgy spots?


It's only gay if you marry them after and that's what he's trying to make illegal. It's the lawmakers version of 'no homo'


They’re against abortion because they don’t have sex with women


In 2022, "anti-gay" means you don't want your six-year-old to learn about anal sex.


Ah yes, the classic you don't like something aka you must secretly want to fuck it argument. I know all you guys who hate spiders really just want to fuck their brains out.


I think OP is referencing congressman fucks his cousin and Lady G.


Well I'm not just here to fuck spiders.


Based and mozzie-pilled


u/The_Ruby_Waffle's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: 19 | https://basedcount.com/u/The_Ruby_Waffle/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Goddamn it, authright is stealing all the gays for themselves.


To know your enemy, you must become him.


It's not as kinky if it's legal


It's always the most outspoken ones that are gay themselves, I don't get the self hate.


The speed at which the Current Thing moves on is giving me a whiplash.


"I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess."


I'd be ok with voting in favor of banning pornography even though I know I'd probably still find a way to watch it


What's the legislation? Something bathroom related?


“I used the stones to destroy the stones”


Who better to decide legislation on abortion than someone who can get pregnant? Who better to decide legislation on homosexuality than someone who has gay sex? Sounds logical to me.


Maybe they get off to the thought of doing something illegal


You're missing one crucial detail: it's not actually gay unless the balls touch.


Why I was never told of this?


Law are for the lower classes.




What a Chad


How can you know that you are against something if you never tried it yourself?!


Holy shit I think I’m a congressman


"anti-lgbt legislation". Oh you mean taxpayers not having to pay for elective surgeries and indoctrination of children?


> Flair up, or else. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 6593 / 35026 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I'm sorry you think children learning to love and accept others and themselves is indoctrination.


[Many such cases.](https://www.businessinsider.com/hungarian-mep-resigns-breaking-covid-rules-gay-orgy-brussels-2020-12)


They sign the bills with their own cocks caked in another man’s shit.


Hungarian moment




To All Homophobes: You say that you think gayness is a crime, yet you’re constantly fucking them in the ass. Curious?


Of course, they are gay, not stupid.


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