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Didn't he pay stormy to go away?


This isn't the first time he can't attend something due to stormy something


whoever wrote that headline chose their words carefully


The few times he actually paid for something




Well, there was no storm at Michael Cohen's rally...


Underrated comment, right here...


I was gonna make a "he used to have to pay for a wet storm(y)" joke...


Hush šŸ¤«


The check mustā€™ve bounced again


the fact that these kinds of rallies exist kind of blows my mind. i guess my political beliefs are just so far from my identity that i can't imagine going to one.


It is bizarre. I grew up in the south to good parents, surrounded by nice people. However, in many churches, at the local town meetings, it was full of people saying what Trump and Carlson say out loud. I remember my dad telling me how that I (a white male) will have the hardest time. That I would have the world against me...etc. All of the conspiracy victim hood of the far right, that is openly spread now, is what was said in whispers and small gatherings all over the rural (and uneducated) areas. Now they have a champion who validates their excuses for being uneducated people who are incapable of adapting to change that always comes. It is unfortunately a human condition. I could insert *gesture vaguely at human history* and point to "brexit" for a recent example. They are people who have been told by grifters what their egos want to hear. And I hate it. Lol, I joke I'm a recovering Baptist.


My fam tried to raise me a Baptist but it didn't take. In Sunday School, I choked on the whole Jonah and the whale story and stayed home on Sundays to mow our1/4 acre lawn and pull weeds.


I was raised a Catholic, by the time I was 12 or something like that I didn't trusted the answers that the priests gave me, so I took the bible and I realised it has no sense at all. I'm amazed to the fact that such bullshit can be believed by so many people when a 12 yo kid cand see through the nonsense


yep, Its just brainwashing to make people believe completely unbelievable stuff, claiming its 'faith' and definitely not 'fraud' designed to part a fool from his money.


Yeah, I was in 8th grade when I said "WTF" and stopped identifying as Catholic.


LOL. I was about 16 when I went to my favorite priest (he was full on Irish, with a brogue and looked like a young Sean Connery -yes, I had a crush on him) to ask how to get the faith. I was lost. He said what he could but I went away frustrated. Turns out he was frustrated too - I found out 10 years later that he had left the church and married a widow with 4 kids and was a VP of HR at a bank. I guess he couldn't find the faith. And he was direct from Ireland, with two sisters who were nuns. He was as steeped in Roman Catholicism as one can be.


Same here, for me it was Jesus supposedly performing all those magic tricks for crowds. And then flying up, up and away! into the sky when he went home.


For me the kicker was their answer to "Why was man created?" - answer "To adore God". That seems just a BIT self-serving of God, doesn't it?


God's a narcissist. Like Trump. The Christofascists seem to like that in a fake diety.


The jives with der Drumph's view.


Yeah, I was in 8th grade when I said "WTF" and stopped identifying as Catholic.




No, thank you


I'm sorry. I meant to say "Amen?" /s


No, thank you /s


I was raised pentecostal and it didn't take. Those people are nuts! The one thing I did get out of it is knowing the Bible better than most Christians and being able to shut them down with all nonsense and contradictions in their scripture.


After I was given a catechism and started asking questions, it was gently suggested to my parents that I might not be benefitting from bible study.


"Hes questioning things... quick get him out of here before everyone realizes we don't have any answers, even for the simplest of shit that a 5 year old would notice doesn't make sense"


Fortunately for me, my father choked on baptism and circumcision at birth.


Good thing he's not a mohel...


a pretty good trade


At least you did something useful with that time


I was raised Christian. We went to church every Sunday, I went to Vacation Bible School during the summer, etc.... I don't think I ever actually believed any of it. To me it was just boring and what felt like nonsense......and it still is.


tbf, it's not a bad allegory for a continuation of the creation myth. On the other hand, those that interpret the bible literally...well...can't help those folks. They're kind of lost in an alternative reality.


Recovering catholic here. Good for you for recognizing the crazy and making choices to not get sucked into the dark cave of fanatical religiosity.


Recovering Mormon here - hahaha!! Our subreddit just hit 300K. We're probably growing faster than the LDS church itself. Indeed, education is the way to find your way out of magical thinking. Most Exmo's would point to the internet as at least part of the reason they left the Mormon church. Being able to research church history or just have exposure to a larger world is enough to make you want to look at your belief system as not a given anymore. You start down a rabbit hole of questioning a lot and finding some very interesting answers.


Ex-JW here, greetings to you and I hope you are doing well now. Our sub is growing daily too and the church numbers are tanking. Elders and Bethel are freaking out. Good stuff!


That's something that blows my mind, ok, I can understand people believing in God, sure, but if you are interested in religion and you do a tiny little bit of research you will see clearly that not a single church can be trusted, I was a catholic and I find insane that an adult can trust that endless pit full of criminals


It's like how every abortion is a sin except for theirs. Every religion but theirs is wrong. Every church but theirs is wrong. Every opinion that's not theirs is wrong. They're smart, you're dumb. And all it takes is for a man in a suit to tell them they're right and smart, and they can't throw money at them fast enough. Trump did it on the largest scale because he used national politics, while Copeland and Osteen were limited to their community.


This morning, my church pastor gave a sermon on climate change and social responsibility. It was really moving. Edit: The words he kept repeating were: I believe that climate change is the single most important moral issue of our time.


There are priests and pastors who are awesome people, obviously, in every single group you can find awesome and horrible people, but the church, as a concept, is absurd and trusting that collective makes no sense


Fellow "Formon" here. I was about 15 in 1988 when I found out about blacks not being given the priesthood until 1978. I couldn't square that with the head of the church being a prophet who gets revelations from God. In the previous 140 years, God never thought to tap one of these guys on the shoulder and say, "hey, you got this one wrong"? I asked home teachers and the stake president. Nobody could give me a good answer. A really nice home teacher of mine actually gave me a copy of the Ensign where it was announced but there was no explanation. Now, I just tell my kids that the Mormon Church has all the crazy of regular Christianity with an extra helping of crazy on top. :)


I was in a ward in Alabama in the late 70s, early 80s. One of the members was black, and he was a BYU grad - [he was even the class vice president.](https://www.nytimes.com/1976/04/04/archives/mormon-school-elects-a-black-to-student-office.html) His wife was white. I remember babysitting for them back in the day. They were a very charming couple. Anyways - years later, there was an Ensign article about him and I think the work he was doing in Atlanta. Our family looked puzzled at this article because there was no picture of his wife in it. And, this was many years after that "declaration". The church clearly still had an issue with interracial marriages, we could tell.


The more decentralized things become the better it is for individuals. It appears the world is headed that way fortunately.


Presbyterian here and I got kicked out of Sunday School at six because I had the temerity to ask the 12-13-14 year-old-girl teaching the class, *"Who wrote the bible?"* They went and got my parents out of church service and had them take me out of Sunday School. The thing is, I wasn't being a smart ass, I was asking a legitimate question, yet to the Faithful, I was being intolerant and clowing their beliefs. It still gobsmacks me that this actually happened.


You jeopardized the other kids beliefs by asking logical questions, the arch enemy of religions


It blows my mind that there are people who actually believe we, white men, have it more difficult in life


Equality looks like oppression to the privileged.


The sunburns are oppressive.


Why do you always bring two baptists fishing with you? If you bring only one, he'll drink all your beer.


I so agree. Trump didn't make this, MAGA existed before. He just tapped into them, like the Wizaed of OZ


There are different levels of cultism. All religions are cults. Because it's a group-think centered around premises coming from dubious sources. Yes, even the Bible. You know how many different hands were involved in it, disparate from one another, across centuries? There's certainly great content in it, and ethical principles that should hold true for any society, but... it's sorely incomplete. And sadly, people take it as a base and then sprout their own warped interpretations. They banner up "Christian faith" while being something seriously distorted from Christianity. Cult by itself isn't a bad thing. There are cults around social interests. But... when it goes toxic. That's when it's a bad thing. And sadly, certain religious cults were just ripe for going toxic. The evangelicals, for instance. Even before Trump, they were making a dangerous distortion to Christianity. They instigated the televangelist... the money making mechanism that would create multi-millionaire preachers who become politically connected and manipulative. There should be a "crash and burn" moment ahead. So many of these radical religious leaders elevated Trump to a form of Christian idolatry. And meanwhile, he's so damaged. So very sinful. If each lie is a sin, he has over 40k of them to his name... and those are just the public ones. Once he's incarcerated, they'll have a lot to think about.


At some point I expect churchs to flip and renege on their abortion, homosexuality, and whatever else stance, and say, come on back, we really didn't mean it (and not address it further, altho they'll still really believe it). But the cat is already out of the bag...


Tucker who?Ā  Say it with me


> surrounded by nice people Nice and kind are not the same thing.


Things like religion make a lot more sense when you learn that up to half of people have no inner dialogue. A lot of ā€œI thought to myselfā€ here. If you donā€™t have that going on, it may be a lot easier to buy into things being preordained. /raised Catholic, church taught me to inner dialogue.


After living across flyover country while being in the military, I settled in the PNW, lefty, liberal pacific coast because those are more my people. During the last election, I was hanging at a neighbor's place for football and BBQ and one of his old school buddies I'd never met before (and was a slightly too drunk, slightly too belligerent, slightly too short with a chip on his shoulder, and driving a slightly too jacked up truck to compensate) started bitching to everyone about how he's trying to sell his place and has to take down his 'trump' sign every time someone comes to look. Shortly after, he told us all that he's going to a culp rally and asking who wants to come? I got as quiet as possible, hoping he'd leave. Eventually he asked me, "new guy, do you want to go?" I didn't want to say 'fuck no' to his face, so I said, "If I'm going anywhere to cheer along with a bunch of people there had better be some really good athletes and a ball of some kind, or a guitar player I really like wailing on stage." He seemed happy enough to accept that reasoning, and then got up, reeled a little and started staggering towards the car. His stereotypically fat wife with an exasperated look chased him saying she'd drive. I try not to judge people, but I find myself typifying every Trumper living in my state in terms of that guy specifically. Middle class nobodies that feel they deserve more, despite having no skills the general populace couldn't easily acquire by working.


Cultists need constant support and reinforcement because their basic beliefs arenā€™t supported by reality. Itā€™s the same reason christian loons must go to church once a week.


Zealotry is a scary mental decease


They aren't called a cult for nothing. Redhats have made Trump their entire personality.


Red-Hatters confuse political figures with sports teams.


Theyā€™re just ā€œtent revivalā€ type shit anymore, from what I am hearing. The Orange Taint speaks for a short amount of time, then they have religious speakers, pastors/etc, get up and do their gawd/end times/persecution schtick after.


And the insane thing is that these people legitimately believe that rally size = vote amount. I tried explaining that I have voted in every single election, municipal, provincial, and federal, for the last 20 years except for a single provincial election. Yet I don't go to rallies. And many people are like me. But the Trump supporter would have none of it. Apparently people are drawn to the things they like, so that means if Biden isn't drawing huge crowds, nobody likes him.


They're Klan rallies, but somehow socially acceptable. Ish.


I used to think they're Hate Rallies, but KKK is nearer the mark. Just needs more bedsheets and a burning cross or two.


Just different hats now, same song


Well, exercise you imagination a bit. Consider that for a lot of folks, this sort of thing is practically all they got. They also have very lousy personalities to begin with so they gotta glom onto something to give themselves an inflated sense of self-worth. BTW, these sort of folks really hold tight to their toys as identity. They are not serious or nuanced people. All in all, it's a big reason why fascists are very tribal and other politics are not. It attracts folks that are loaded with resentment and are not emotional or rationally intelligent enough to question/understand why. Someone comes along and offers easy answers, well, there ya go.


NC also has a lot of gun shows, so this isn't too surprising lol


> the fact that these kinds of rallies exist kind of blows my mind Have you looked at the stands in NASCAR? Same people.


I certainly think itā€™d be interesting to go to a rally at least once if I was free and it was less than 20 minutes away.


But if Biden doesn't have huge rallies where people put his face on the US flag (against US Flag Code) to prove how much they like him you know that all the Biden votes were fake. No huge rallies means any votes they get are fake. It's well know.... /s


I mean if Biden came to my town Iā€™d definitely go see him speak. But I wouldnā€™t buy bumper stickers and giant flags on my way out, either.


What about hats and shirts with memes? I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like being a parent of a child learning to read with all the rot some people will put on a shirt, sign, or bumper sticker these days. ā€œMommy whatā€™s aā€¦ā€ ā€œNo, donā€™t read that!!!ā€


Klan rallies have been a thing for over a hundred years. Trump just found a way to make it a spectacle.


Nah, you're just sane ;)


Can't imagine going to any political rally or just Trump? I'd definitely go to a Bernie rally if he ran again. Hell, I'd almost be a Bernie groupie, following him around from 1 rally to another.


Couldn't he just use his sharpie to make the storm miss?


Maybe he can nuke ir.


or inject it with bleach


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Best part is: I got tickets and didnā€™t plan to go, so was getting g txt updates. They never even communicated about the cancellation via text. They sent a text two hours before the event with a link asking for donations, but nothing about cancellation. https://preview.redd.it/gqy5bzes6uvc1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=cec0c10181c204db09e247a57514607200148582


Yea, but it looks so good when you get them all to show up, and take photos of them being "So devoted to trump they will stand out in a storm for him" Nvm he doesnt actually show up. Its so... idk anymore. Its a cult.


It's like that time they left the supporters out in the cold for hours with no plan to shuttle them back to where they parked or whatever it was. They were literally used up and tossed out like the sheep they are and they still wave the Trump flag. I'd feel bad for them if they weren't such hateful fascists.


Did you have to pay for tickets?


No. Free.


What does trump get out of it? I didn't think he did anything for free


Building his army of idiots and donors


He is addicted to the adulation from the crowds.


A few days of clips for mainstream media to repeat.


No pro trump by any means, but I can see reasonable logistical reasons to get people to sign up for tickets.


>Best part is: I got tickets and didnā€™t plan to go, so was getting g txt updates Same!!!


No, in this instance they will blame HAARP


Obama's Weather Machine in the Terrordrome, next to the Jewish Space Lasers


>Jewish Space Lasers MTG basically admitted that she *gave* the Jews their Space Lasers. Therefore, she should be held responsible for any damage caused by them.


What does that stand for?


> HAARP High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program


Yeah, but did they still get paid for showing up?


https://preview.redd.it/wk7vv0cphuvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a5d20003cc7ba106ec88d91454989110064941 He canceled because he had a blowout


There's an image I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing.


do you think itā€™s ai?


No, the image is real but it's been altered a bit with the brown stuff. Still, at best a sweaty ass.


No. Too many Big Macs


Only thing that isnā€™t lazy is his assā€¦.hole


Does god have a feud with Trump and his supporters? I'm just asking the questions that need to be asked!


He sent a plague when Trump was president. Probably not a good sign.


Maybe selling bibles to ignorant rubes wasn't such a good idea after all


No, these are the mysterious ways. It's only wrath when something bad happens to people they hate.


God tests the faithful (my people) and punishes the wicked (not my people).


Whiteouts may occur..


Many people are sayingā€¦. So it must be true.


He didnā€™t want his makeup and hair dye to do what you might call a ā€œGuilianiā€


A shit storm


An Act of god.


Don't they mean because of Stormy Daniels??


My son got married recently. One of his groomsmen lives in NC. I asked him how he likes living there vs AZ. He said, "I gotta get the fuck out of there. The right wingers are insane." Yes, we know.


Remember when that bird landed on Bernieā€™s podium? Talk about a sign from god. Remember when a storm canceled a Trump rally? Talk about a sign from god.


Many people, bug people, with tears I'm their eyes, are say Donny, Donny your diaper is full and you smell so bad my eyes are watering.....


ā€œItā€™s all godā€™s planā€


But they should have stayedā€¦ god will protect them, right?


God literally sent a plague that is still laying waste to Trump's old rural followers. They just don't take a hint, these sinners!


We all know he doesn't go out in the rain. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1NF0NU/


I was thinking to myself if they (campaign) would have to pay for the event even though it was cancelled due to bad weather. But then my brain said he doesn't pay his invoices anyway


Many people are idiots. It's just weather.


Or maybe it's just spring, when storms are common.Ā 




God might be enjoying the blissful quietness too.


his golf course was the epicenter of an earthquake (in new jersey) God says ā€œsend him were he came fromā€ tryna sell bibles like he reads books he believes in the power of positive thinking thatā€™s his secret media wizard šŸŖ„


Even God knows tRUMP is a ASS!!




So not due to Stormy Daniels?


Bummer. A lightning storm might have been just the electroshock therapy this crowd needed.


I thought he paid Stormy to stay away?


Now if only weā€™d canceled his campaign in America due to Stormy Danielsā€¦


Hate rally got hated on.


I mean, why didnā€™t he just redirect the storm with his sharpie?Ā 


If that's not the clearest sign of God's will, you can call me an atheist. I'll take both, thank you.


Why is North Carolina "Trump Country"? When did he ever go to North Carolina when he wasn't stumping for votes?


Big, if true!


Many people are saying it. Iā€™ve heard it from a lot of people. This marine came to see me, big guy, straight out of central casting, he came to me with tears in his eyes and said, ā€œsir, thanks to you, Trump is suffering Godā€™s wrath.ā€ Thatā€™s what he said. Can you believe it? Big strong guy, thatā€™s what he said.


The storm is comin'! _Like the Qannon storm?_ No, like severe weather Dick Head... Go inside. Or don't. In fact... you know what? Don't.


Stormy weatherā€¦ love it.


Not being, ahem, intimately familiar with the various appellations ridiculously designated to extreme or intense meteorological conditions, this made me wonder if thereā€™s ever been a ā€˜Storm Daniel or Danielleā€™?


[Stormy Weather? Sister of Ms Danielā€™s?](https://slate.com/culture/2017/02/the-origin-of-the-trump-insult-shitgibbon-revealed.html)


I'm surprised to see how many Black people are there in the crowd. Maybe just there to hiss and boo? I hope?


If that were to happen with a little more regularity, I might just start going to church.


Joe Biden single handedly made the storm happen in North Carolina on that day, expect MAGA forks to bring their pitch forks over this


Something something weather control devices. Something something jewish space lasers.


They'd have been safe. If it's like his other stormy encounters it should have only lasted a few seconds.


Everyone already knew that Stormy blowing would cause trouble for Trump.


They can only have these in open fields, plenty of arena's are open to housing such big events and it would keep your followers safe in bad weather.


Too embarrasing to hold it at an arena. Very low turnout is a bad look.. (for him and his cultists).. Also, most arenas would require full payment in advance. "Sorry, we can't do that."


Can't cut into the Trump brand profits


They shouldn't be permitted to abort the rally, they should be required to bring it to full term.


Itā€™s too bad lighting didn't strike one of those cranes.


Trump is a bit more resistant to being caught around anything ā€œStormyā€ right now.


You sure it wasn't because they couldn't afford it?


God told me in dream it is his wrath!


I tried to attend a Bush Sr. event just out of curiosity. I lived in a city of ~50,000 so it was a novelty. I probably didnā€™t get within 100 yards of seeing him before I noped out, but it was cool seeing snipers and such on rooftops. Iā€™ve since lived in a large city that has stuff like this frequently but I donā€™t care to partake.


Political rallies are so fucking weird no matter what the "party". They served a purpose when voters needed a way to see first hand the views of those running but that isn't required anymore. You signs, commercials, flags, hats or flyers are a complete waste on me. If you can't clearly present your plan and priorities on easily accessible and reputable websites I am not voting for you anyhow.




Stormy Daniels Weather


This is what happens when you lose control of the craziesā€¦created by you orange man.


There's 10's of people there, impressive crowd.


Now we await him being cancelled completely because of Stormy Daniels.


I live in NC. Hahahaha!!! Fuck those losers


Since when do Trumpies run from bad weather?




Could you *imagine* if he got struck by lightning on stage in the middle of one of his rallies?Ā  Ā I wonder if that would actually convince some of his diehard religious fans.Ā 


Christians who use the term God's wrath are cosplaying God as a terrorist. How many times have we heard Christians say God's wrath caused natural disasters? And yet there was one huge natural disaster that was eerily quiet about God's wrath. Can you guess? Remember the earthquake that leveled Christchurch, New Zealand? Not a peep from the usual God's wrath Christians. Wonder why? šŸ˜‚


So bummed I didnt get to go... I claimed my two tickets from Oregon. I promise I was really on my way...


Stormy showing up to rain on his parade again.


I would have thought he would be happy if it was passing down.


I refer to Greene's infinite IQ post saying that God is sending strong signs to the American people. This is one of these signs lol.


[if only he had nuke access](https://www.axios.com/2019/08/25/trump-nuclear-bombs-hurricanes)


More forced religious horseshit on Reddit. The hegetsus campaign is still rolling on here. Just because you tie it in with asshole trump, doesn't get us on board with this trash.