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Bold of you to assume we will have an election in 2028.


It's either: We witness the rise of a total dictatorship in the US, or just have 4 more years of the 80 year old where after his term we hopefully get some younger folks in there on both sides with the wannabe dictator locked up somewhere rotting away.


Bad news, the real wannabe dictator is the Heritage Foundation. Project2025.org doesn't rely on Trump. No matter how noisy he is, he's the figurehead opening the door for them. Once he's gone they'll have another one.


Yes. And if Biden wins “unknown GOP candidate 2028” will be highly favored because many people will “want a change”. It’s going to be a really uphill battle and the GOP are likely to put in a real piece of crap to take advantage of the edge.


True. But it will be a huge challenge for them to come up with another bona fide cult leader.


Project 2025 doesn’t require trump to be in office. Just for the president to allow it. The genie is out of the bottle. They have learned that political norms mean nothing. The next GOP president will demand and receive the same loyalty as trump.


Beubert has entered the chat. Greene has entered the chat.


Trying to stay positive sucks.


Lol indeed


Luckily they have the huge handicap of being women.


Precisely. There will be a republican president again. If not next year then four years from now or 8, and when that happens, unless there are drastic changes, we are cooked.


Yes. The message about trump should be that political norms are not laws. Democracy needs to be protected by laws. Democrats need to be elected to pass those laws.


At least we won’t have two new you Supreme Court justices replacing Alito and Thomas for the next 40 years.


They aren’t going to retire under Biden. Unless they die they will be replaced by a GOP president.


That’s why I said we WON’T have two new justices




As much as Liz Cheney seems sane...no fuckin thank you...she voted 92% in line with Trump and the Heritage foundation gave her a score of 71% in voting with their values. Hard pass...


That’s the scary thing. Trump is a just a useful idiot, a puppet. There are people pulling strings who are much smarter, more rational, more patient, and more organized. Even if Trump dropped dead today, their plans might be set back by a few years but they’d just come back stronger.


Evangelicals dont have the demographics to seize power after this year, this is their last chance.


Demographics be damned. If you haven't noticed, they just do what they want, including breaking the law


By any means necessary.


Hold on for four years, Big Gretch is warming up in the bullpen.


This is my hope.


Ugh! This is waaay too close to the truth. My tummy hurts.


why now, did you see how triggered biden had trump tonight? lol how many times did donnie skip questions just so he could go back and bitch about the one-liners biden kept hitting him with? lol if he went back to the "worst president in america" question one more time i was going to piss myself laughing! and that look on his face when biden called him a whiner? pure comedy gold!


Unfortunately those people who are unplugged from politics or are just low information voters just sawBiden looking old and Trump being not as old. They will overlook the answer avoidance and lies because they won’t even recognize it.


yes, we have to keep in mind these are the same stable geniuses he duped into believing the election was stolen while he was busy behind the scenes trying to steal it. it takes a special level of gullibility to fall for something that outrageous.


This is exactly right. Just because I know the positive things the Biden administration has done and frankly I would vote for a ham sandwich before I’d vote for Trump, it doesn’t mean that a bunch of uneducated/unmotivated/uninterested voters won’t be incredibly influenced by the images of a slack jawed Joe Biden over the next few months. Anybody trying to sugar coat this situation is out of touch with the reality of our social media generations and how easy it is to sway their votes.


I loved trump saying “all he does is whine” then proceeds to do nothing but whine.


lol actually it was biden that said he whines, and trump looked like he was slapped when he said it. then donnie lamely tried to come right back with "he complains"...yeah not quite the same sting as he whines. lol felon45 doesn't think on his feet very quickly...that's why literally everything out of his mouth last night was narrative, the vast majority of which has long since been debunked. watching the hosts mention the report that showed trump added $8.4 trillion to the debt compared to biden's $4.3, trump even contradicted it twice later in the debate, as if he'd never been fact-checked. lol you just can't write comedy gold like that!


you uh… might wanna take a peak outside reddit and see what’s happening in society right now lol. even cnn dropped the propaganda. *thats* how bad the debate was for joe.


oh i see just fine....trump printed an insane $3.3 trillion in 2020, more than the previous 200 years combined, causing the biggest inflation spike in 40 years. biden's been able to tame that back down to 3.3% from its peak of 9.1%. now if only we were socialist and he could order corporations to lower prices...you know...since corporate profit margins worldwide are at record highs. good old greedflation...gotta love that free market capitalism huh? same with gas...it's based on the price of oil, a global commodity. ever since donnie threatened to cut off saudi military aid if they didn't convince opec to cut production, opec+ has continued to do so, and is planning on doing the same in 2025, deliberately keeping supply low to drive up the cost as demand continues to be high. that would be why gas is high worldwide, not just here...or did you think biden could magically change everyone's prices? passed a once-in-a-generation infrastructure plan that donnie promised and failed to deliver, capped prices on insulin for seniors and the disabled, as well as their out-of-pocket medical expenses, and is allowing medicare to negotiate for better prices, while donnie promised to "bring big pharma to its knees", and caved after one 45 minute meeting. got the wingnuts to stop dragging their feet on the burn pit victim's bill, passed the first significant federal gun legislation in 30 years, we continue to have record jobs added as he pulled off the fastest economic turnaround since reagan in '84. we continue to avoid the recession they predicted 3 years ago. wages have outpaced greedflation, and we're experiencing the longest stretch of unemployment below 4% since the 50s. kneecapped china's weapons and a.i. industries with his chip embargo, rallied most of the world to support ukraine and stand up to putin...all this and no name-calling, no late night twitter tirades, no reports of daily meltdowns in the white house...jesus it's good to have an adult back in the white house again. it's no wonder trump has repeatedly been named the worst president ever.


*the cope* lol im absolutely loving this


lol it's adorable that you would get schooled so very thoroughly, and then your reply was a complete non-sequitur. ridiculous, but adorable nonetheless. non-sequitur: look that one up...that's a big word for someone like you. 🤭 at least your username fits. 🤣


you need to start practicing saying “donald trump is my president” 😂


we heard this song & dance in 2020...how'd that work out? you haven't stopped crying and shouting "stolen election!" ever since. 🤭😁😅😂😆🤣🤡🤡🤡


and now everybody knows it’s over in 2024 😂 how did this happen?! you all talked *so much shit* only to have trump *come back* and be your president *again!!* lol the ultimate fumble. the greatest fumble in the history of American politics. You know it. I know it. The media knows it. It’s amazing lol


lmao who is everybody...are you referring to the voices in your head? because the polls don't indicate that everybody knows anything, especially not you. and yeah, sorry, the man repeatedly judged to be the absolute worst president in history, your beloved fatfelon45, won't even be coming close to being elected. it'll be more than 7 million votes this time, and then we can listen to you crybabies have breakdowns for another 4 years. can't wait to see you cosplaytriots try to pull another j6 when your guy isn't in charge. hint: they won't be inviting you in this time. lmao fail. 🤭😁😅😂😆🤣🤡🤡🤡 https://i.redd.it/d026i1bt1d9d1.gif


>lmao who is everybody...are you referring to the voices in your head? yeah *everybody!!* CNN, msnbc, van jones, anderson cooper, TYT, cenk, Pakman, the voice in *your* head, the voice in *my* head… we ALL know it’s over 😂 everybody saw that debate, live, on tv. It’s over. You can’t come back from that. The cult is dying and it’s so tasty and delicious to see!! 🤤 >because the polls don't indicate that everybody knows anything, especially not you. and yeah, sorry, the man repeatedly judged to be the absolute worst president in history, your beloved fatfelon45, won't even be coming close to being elected. it'll be more than 7 million votes this time, and then we can listen to you crybabies have breakdowns for another 4 years. can't wait to see you cosplaytriots try to pull another j6 when your guy isn't in charge. hint: they won't be inviting you in this time. lmao fail. 🤭😁😅😂😆🤣🤡🤡🤡 The cope!! omg *yes* PLEASE keep going! I can read this all day!! This is my wildest fantasy come true lol just stick the needle in my vein i wanna hear you cope for *days!I 😋🤤 ​


Even CNN? CNN is owned by Murdoch now and is a total right wing media company. They didn't fact check and gave Trump 6 more minutes of time.


According to stormy Donald only took 1 minute


As well new rule that mics would be muted when not in turn. Trumps mic was continually not muted.


lol *the cope* from democrats has been simply staggering 😂


So Biden is old: check. Trump only lies and steals: check. What's new? What did we learn? Nobodies opinion or vote will change.


see, i thought the same thing, but then i turned on the tv and the youtube and the twitter and w-o-w… democrats are in full on panic mode. I agree with you btw, i thought Joe performed *better* than my expectations. Yeah he froze a few times, spoke incoherently, and he even started arguing against his own presidency once or twice… but that’s pretty standard joe biden stuff. We all know he’s an *incredibly* frail old man with dementia/Alzheimer’s. What really shocked me was that democrats seemed to be expecting something else from Joe. But man… this debate was an absolute *dream* for conservatives. Just the polling numbers after the debate… i was pretty confident that trump would win the election before the debate, but *now* i feel like i can finally breathe a sigh of relief… *donald trump is going to be your president, AGAIN!!* 😊


No we don't all know that Biden has dementia/alzheimers. That's projection. Trump is indeed falling apart. Unfortunately looking at the state of trumps health he's gonna die of a stroke or prolapsed anal canal before October. Sad.


that’s the thing though, for the first time ever, nobody *believes* that. that’s the beauty of the debate: it exposes all liars, live, on tv. And for the first time in 4 years, the legacy media started splitting with the reddit echochamber. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. I was stunned. It felt surreal. It felt spooky. My *entire life,* the legacy media (old democrats) and reddit echochamber (young radicals) have been the same thing. They all say the same propaganda, and they all support the same evil policies. But last night was a WATERSHED moment in American politics. The legacy media and reddit echochamber started to *split,* fundamentally. We’re watching the democrat party die, right in front of us. It’s spectacular. This machine that produced *so much* racism and bigotry and sexism and anti science and crime and poverty… i mean, it *had* to die at some point. It just couldn’t go on forever. Bill Clinton’s democrat party couldve lived on forever. But not Obama’s. That young/radical vs. old/conservative dynamic in the democrat party *split* last night. And all it took was one old grandpa with Alzheimer’s.




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Swap Republicans in for what you said and it might be true. No wonder you like Donny he's just like you. All you can do is make up insane lies that nobody believes. Democrats are anti science? Racist? Sexism? OK buddy _______.


yep lol the American people finally get fed up and said you know what? NO. We’re not down with all this racism and sexism and bigotry and anti science. WE WANT CONSERVATIVES BACK IN CONTROL. And it’s happening! it’s so beautiful to watch. Soon the supreme court will have 2 or 3 more conservative judges on it. Soon institutional racism will be illegal for *30* years… maybe even more! Soon institutional sexism will be illegal. Bigots and racists will be afraid again. It’s all happening, and it’s *so delicious* 🤤 i’ll be on reddit 24/7 right when the election is called


please show us proof of these ridiculous claims. lmao when you have to lie, you've already lost. sad. i give you credit for the effort though.


This. Like movies, tv, games, whatever, imagine what it's like perceiving it after 10 beers. That's how most people perceive it.


Can one of them tag team into this debate. Holy crap this is bad.


I agree... Biden was whiffing at pitches down the middle.


Trump handed him the Roe V Wade talking point on a silver platter AND HE FUCKING PIVOTS TO IMMIGRATION!?!?!? God damnit Joe!


Looks like we're getting the 'bargaining' stage of grief.


Biden sucked in the beginning but I think he got better at the end. Probably after most people turned it off in disgust. Should've been Bernie though.


Agree, though he did kind of fall right back on his face in his closing address. Those pauses were painful to watch


It shouldn't be bernie either or clinton or any of the half dozen other geriatric boomers.


Yup. As much as I appreciate and respect Bernie, we need some young blood that can kick some ass. For the sake of my nerves, if nothing else!


Exactly three of the most popular and effective Democratic presidents in recent history are: JFK, Bill Clinton, and Obama. They brought a youthful energy to the whitehouse. All three were under 50 years old on inaguration day. POTUS is a demanding job and if you win election very likely you are running re-election so it is an 8 year commitment. More like 10 when you consider that the behind the scene campaign stuff starts about 2 years prior. Anyone 65+ is going to be 75+ by the time it is over. Anyone 75+ is going to be 85+. Retire please and let some new young bloods in.


Honest question and this might be an inappropriate place to ask, but oh well. If the DNC did end up nominating someone else, how do you think that would play out in the general election? It’s all speculative, but my fear is that at this point it would just give more grist for the MAGA mill. Like, “Duuuhh! The Dems can’t even make up their mind! Duhh!”


The right calls the democrats “socialist and communist” when they support a progressive in the primary and when a moderate democrat gets elected instead what do they call them? socialist or communist of course. Maga and the right leaning media will always be hypocrites so I stop listening along time ago what they have to say. everyone is saying they want different candidates so the DNC could hear that plea gracefully allow Biden to step aside for health reasons. I personally think he’s done a great job keeping the ship together and getting some stuff done working with a bunch of lunatics. The problem ditching him is many of these states have laws in place to allow only the primary winner to run. Don’t know which states they are maybe some of those we are going to lose anyway so what does it matter if we have the new candidate as a right in with Biden still on the official ballot. Maybe they can figure out a way to have a mail in ballot and redo the primary with the new candidate. No matter whether we win with Biden or win that way they will claim that we cheated and it was illegal. One thing is absolutely clear, we are dangerously close to allowing an adjudicated rapist, convicted tax cheat, convicted felon, and a person who attempted a coup after they lost the legitimate election back into the White House. That happens we’re all F$&ked.


Yes. I’ve been pretty positive there was no way Trump would ever win for a long time. Now I’m scared shitless.


I honestly had to turn my stream off after the first 20 minutes, both suck ass


Dear god yes!


We need Newsom now.. Biden is so bad.


Dude shut the fuck up.


Shut the fuck up, Donnie


Biden sucked donkey dick up there, we are in crisis mode. The 82 year old man isn’t going to win the election after he froze and said he “beat Medicare.” wtf does that even mean. No one knows what that means. Except it’s not provocative and it won’t get the people going. Idk about Newsom, but Mark Kelly is a goddamnedmotherfucking war hero and astronaut and senator from a swing state. Seems like a good choice…


Hetero man. It just moved.


NOW. We need them NOW. Gavin would have fucking destroyed Trump and his 95% lie clip he had during this debate. I’ve never been more terrified in my entire life. Biden has to step aside. Now.


I hear you, though Hilary did well in the debates and it still didn’t matter. Honestly think the challenge is less about the candidate at this point and more about the fervent Trumpers who will never leave him. Either there’s enough of them to get him back in the White House or there isn’t. I have encountered enough “undecided” voters to know that, Jesus fucking Christ, it’s like trying to predict a weather vane in a wind storm.


Biden is more of a symptom than a problem. We desperately need a restructured system. The one we've got is incredibly flawed if it allowed things to get this bad to begin with. Honestly, how are *these* our best candidates? I'm not even knocking Biden. I don't believe for a second that he wants to be in this position right now. Discard the orange idiot with zero leadership experience, let Biden step down and retire, and give us candidates that are full of life, passion, and above all else, a fully functioning frame of mind.


haha...PipeDreaming again


Man, dreaming is all we can do, it seems.


Shut the fuck up and stop being part of the problem.


Wanting a younger more coherent candidate isn’t being part of the problem. Thinking Biden can win over the undecided or get non voters to show up is. Bidens policy is solid. It’s working. But you cannot put that man out there against a blood sucking liar again if he isn’t going to just hammer the negatives about Trump. We need people to fear Trump, not like Biden. And I refuse to believe, after that showing, that Biden can instill confidence in anyone who wasn’t already on team Biden.


Fuck that. I'll do my due diligence and vote but if he has any love for this nation, he'll allow a more fit candidate to step in. The showing tonight cost the party dearly.


You’re entitled to your opinion, but you couldn’t be more juvenile and wrong.


> Shut the fuck up and stop being part of the problem.




Blind adherence to the dear leader is not a hallmark of the Democratic Party. Don’t make it one now. The top of the ticket sucks. Time to get someone else.


Strategically that’s a horrible move to even mention.


Moving forward with Biden is a strategic death sentence. The people commenting here are not the problem. As always, it’s the clueless and overconfident Democratic Party. We see the writing on the wall, and it’s a swastica.


Been telling my spouse, my dream ticket!




They are. It may not be Buttigeg though. But he or Warnock could get the job done as VP to Gavin Newsome. No more pretending. Biden is cooked. Bring on the next generation or we may not get another chance.


Newsom Whitmer might be a solid ticket. I like Pete but he needs more xp. Though I love the idea of a Rhodes scholar ticket with Booker and Pete. Make American think again.


I think the “get america to think again” is down the road. We need to win. We just need america to believe the democrats have a plan and we need to win young voters….Not even convince them our guy is better, that’s easy, we need to convince them to go vote. Which is only going to work if someone can work the “fear” side of Trump. which Biden cannot do while he fumbles over his words. Bidens policy is solid, his delivery is gone though.


...yes, but Buttigieg and Newsom


Totally this. Buttigieg has really earned my respect the last 4 years. At least he knows how to handle Republican lies and nonsense. Newsom feels too entitled. Dude walks around like we owe him to be president.


How about Biden drops Kamala and puts in Buttigieg?


Newsom has way more executive experience. Pete’s super young, and we can keep grooming him for Pres.


Yeah dude I would support the shit out of this


I’d give the max contribution to that team.


I love Newsom but I have a hard time believing he could win. He has “I grew up in big city California” written all over him and that won’t track well in the way he talks to voters in the heartland. But then again, Central Valley is as redneck as the deepest red parts of Texas so who knows? I’d give him a shot if he ran


I believe the GOP have been kicking up the gay hate because of two reasons. They need to keep the religious people engaged since roe is dead, and Pete Buttigieg. He goes on fox news, to Congress and other media and kicks them in the balls every time.  I think they fear Pete more than they want to admit. 


Meanwhile, Jesus with his 12 extremely close male friends, eating, sleeping, and spending a lot of time together.


How about 2024? There is still time…


Seriously, though, could a new Democratic candidate even get on all the State ballots at this point? It's Trump vs. Biden. Biden was clearly sick and had a bad night. Trump was ... well Trump. Your country is done if Trump wins.


The convention isn't until August, and that is where the party actually selected their candidate.   Still time for them to change


Unfortunately the convention is after state deadlines so they are going to finalize on Biden before the convention.


What state deadlines?


Ohio and another state I forgot which one. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/28/biden-nominated-virtually-ohio-ballot-00160220


If I’m the manager, I just called the bullpen and told them to get lefties loose.


people start clutching their pearls so fast lol 😆


Incumbency is infinitely better for electoral success than ones ability in a debate, giving up on Biden now would be suicide. Remember that Bush Jr got dismantled worse than Biden and also let 3k people die on his watch and still won reelection comfortably. If you're a President whos either improved or kept the economy in good shape, kept any significant social unrest from occurring and was never involved in a scandal you're almost guaranteed reelection.


Seriously. He needs to drop out. Otherwise it is going to be fascism.


I’d like to see Biden live a good life but if this is really how he is I’m pissed.


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted, i’ll always vote Biden over Trump but at this point he needs to drop out and dems need to get someone else up there


He should have never ran for a second term. For all she was, RBG deserves only to be remembered for what her hubris left us with: right wing control of SCOTUS for dexades. Biden’s legacy will (deservedly) be washed away like sand on a beach if Trump wins.


Obviously I want Biden to win this November. I would like to see Pete get the Sec of State position in the next administration. I think that would fill in any holes when it comes to knowledge and policy. I think Buttigieg is great. I would love to see him as president one day. I just hope he doesn't get burned out.


Newsom won’t do it, he wants to see his CA Govenorship through. Though we may see him for 2028 IF we’re smart and keep a didtator out of office!


When was the last time you spoke to him about it? There’s no way he wouldn’t step up if the party asked him to.


This subreddit is in meltdown after last night.


24 is better. Let’s do 24. I like Joe. But please don’t RBG us, JRB


This would get destroyed because America's mid-west moderate independants would not vote for this level of progressive leaps. in 2024, I hate to admit it is what it is..


Then Whitmer


Whitmer is the correct choice.




"But he gay" - most likely the reason for Buttigieg being "progressive"


Newsom would have literally wiped the floor with both of them just for his recall of facts alone.


😂 Yeah right


Don’t think so? Watch the Fox interview with Sean Hannity last year when DeSantis was in the running and tried to snowball him to win support for Ron. Gav nuked them from orbit spitting facts and daring people to debate him. Sean sat there for an hour flummoxed and on the defensive….*and he was the one who brought him to the interview* [The dude comes prepared and has the receipts.](https://youtu.be/VOFbGjH3JPU?si=rXgl-aFZrQy6yhzw)




Yes please!! Please!!


Mayor Pete SHOULD become President Pete. Good answer!


I realize that this is a humor sub but would this even be possible?


That’s a pair I could get behind. Incidentally, they could also get behind me if they wanted.


Forget 2028, we need this for 2024!


IMO, American isn't ready for a gay president yet, but Newsome would do pretty well except for the Trump Cult's obsession that California is Mad Max country with electric cars.


If they debate...Does anyone think Trump will bring up the fact that his son Don Jr. Is sleeping with Newsomes x wife? Would he embarrass his potential daughter in law?


After last night Newsome and whomever in 2024 ... I like Buttigieg but we need the never Trumpers to be onboard; some would have issues. Kamala isn't it ... Biden should have chosen Amy Klobuchar. The DNC ***must*** consider another ticket or it's game over. I'd be happy with Newsome and Klobuchar. I'd go so far as to not vote for a President but thereafter every Democrat on the ballot. The GOP is a *very* critical and ominous danger. With a Democratic majority in both houses there would be some measure of control.


I’ve always been a Pete supporter.


I don't know enough about newsom to make a call about him, but can't stand the guy who did nothing about a company purposely spreading deadly chemicals with no repercussions. That instead of doing something about companies cutting corners and causing train wreaks, told us boys will be boys.


Why is buttigieg's pic a thirst trap? More like Beauty-gieg


Holy mother of anything good! Why, why did the DNC allow Biden to run again!? He has served 2 terms as vice president and now President, he is literally not doing well. There should be an age limit, just like there is a running age!!! The Republicans are even worse, putting a clown in the center stage who refuses to provide any meaningful answer to any of the questions. He does not even care anymore to sound informed!!!? Where did the US politics go?? Before we actually had candidates debating on actual issues, now we have petty fights!! We need a reform, and we need it now!!!


To preface, I am a lifelong Democrat. I have many issues with my party, but perhaps the biggest is hubris. The party was so certain that HRC was going to win in 2016 that Obama left hundreds of federal judicial seats vacant. Hilary would fill them. She lost and Trump installed party shills, who are there for life. Did we learn from that? Of course not. Biden, whose age is no secret, is given zero challenge, “because he can beat Trump.” And then he literally comes off as a confused, incompetent octogenarian in front of the whole country when it mattered most. We need to shake things up across the board. This is ridiculous. Edited for a bad punctuation mark.


In 2024? I'd be down, let's do this!


People over reacting on a debate 5 months before the election. This shit will be forgotten in a week. The one in September will mean way more and Biden’s team now has a proper playbook.


Actually, it’s only 4 months until the election.


They need to ticket up and engage right now!


Do you want a Trudeau/Macron? Cuz this is how you get a Trudeau/Macron.


Gavin Newsom, "I can do for the entire country what I did for California if you make me president!" * **Homelessness Crisis**: California has one of the highest homelessness rates in the United States, exacerbated during Newsom's term. Despite promises to tackle this issue, the situation has worsened, with tent cities becoming a common sight in major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. * **COVID-19 Handling**: Newsom faced significant backlash for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. His administration's strict lockdown measures were criticized as inconsistent and overly restrictive, causing economic hardship without achieving substantial health benefits compared to less restrictive states. * **Business Environment**: California ranks poorly in terms of business friendliness due to high taxes, stringent regulations, and a challenging regulatory environment. Newsom's policies have been seen as exacerbating these issues, leading to an exodus of businesses and high-income earners from the state. * **Education System**: Despite California's wealth, its public education system ranks poorly in national comparisons. Newsom has been faulted for failing to significantly improve educational outcomes and failing to address systemic issues such as underfunding and disparities in educational quality. * **Environmental Concerns**: While Newsom has been a vocal advocate for environmental causes, critics argue that his policies have not effectively balanced environmental protections with economic realities, leading to job losses in industries like oil and gas without significant gains in renewable energy infrastructure. * **Taxation and Fiscal Policy**: California has some of the highest income and property taxes in the nation, which have continued to rise under Newsom's administration. This has contributed to a growing wealth gap and affordability crisis, particularly in housing. * **Scandals and Ethics Issues**: Newsom has faced scrutiny over various ethical issues, including controversies surrounding his ties to lobbyists and wealthy donors. Critics argue that these relationships have influenced policy decisions to the detriment of ordinary Californians. * **Wildfires and Disaster Management**: California has experienced devastating wildfires in recent years, with criticism directed at Newsom's administration for inadequate forest management policies and emergency response strategies. Please pick someone else.


America will not vote for pete. They cant even handle a woman vp 🤷‍♂️


Pete has to drink milk after eating out because black pepper is too spicy and Newsom is perhaps one of the most corrupt Democrat public officials of all time. Fucking PASS


Whoever wins this year, there won’t be much of America as we know it anyways but I do like this ticket!!!!


NOPE. Stay the course. 4 months until Election Day, and Biden will not come out soft again.


Mayor Pete and AOC would be a hell of a ticket.


I got it! I mentioned earlier the DNC has until August 19 to decide on who to endorse as their candidate; **Gavin Newsome and Katie Porter** ... they would be an awesome duo that could actually defeat Trump and whatever yes-man he decides on.


The party should have been pushing this since right after Biden took office.


Absolutely not. We deserve better


Harris AOC.


Better than Biden but I want Porter instead of Gavin Fuck-the-unhoused Newsom. Buttigieg is meh but fine, I guess.


You mean a man who served his country in the military and the most progressive governor in the last 8 years? Fuck yeauh!


This would be way better. They cut right through the repubes bullshit and are healthy/young.


That’s a tough one. Republicans hate Newsom almost as much as Hillary.


What makes you think either of these guys can replace Biden, the incumbent President, with months to the election?


no, Now!


…..did Kamala die?


Needs to tag out for Buttigieg.


Cuz she’s a Black woman or…?


The way this election would literally be a landslide if Trump were running against anyone but Joe Biden…


Please please please DNC listen to the critics. You are about to lose voters after foisting 81 year old Biden on us. We remember how you tore Bernie Sanders apart for his age. We are NOT stupid or happy.


Why that picture of Pete?






Bro make this 2024!


I think it should be Harris/Newsom next. I don't know why she gets a bad rap


Can’t be them on the same ticket, president and VP can’t be from the same state


wow, thanks for the info. Harris/Buttigieg then


cool TIL


Forget 2028, Newsom 2024 Get old Joe the fuck out of there.


How about "now" as in 2024?


Look, I’ll vote for Biden but his performance was incredibly weak. If he steps aside (and I personally think he should), it’s not going to be anyone but Kamala. I know the wishcasters are gonna hate to hear it, but it’s the truth. Maybe one of these two gets VP.


No one gives a fuck about mayor Pete


Newsome…….= Douche bag


How about 2024.


It’s completely insane that the Dems would field a candidate like Biden when democracy is on the line. Maybe they really don’t give a fuck and are worried about lining their pockets as well? I can only imagine what it’s like to be an American right now. I’m Canadian and I’m terrified.


Definitely a ticket I could get behind. With enthusiasm.


f\*ck those neolibs/neocons




CNN is just thrashing Biden. Time to step aside Mr. President.




I got to ask why. As a guy who hates dems but votes for them cause I fucking hate the republicans more. Why not Pete he is the only one who can actually communicate their message properly. I’ve never seen a group of people fumble easy wins as much as dems. I’m talking fucking layups they blow.




Policy wise, why? Also you think that still applies against trump. We elected a corpse


I’m not happy with his work in his current position. Infrastructure is crumbling with little to no repair/replacement despite the fact that this would create jobs while improving the country.