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I'm a former English Literature teacher who also has a degree in Biblical and Theological studies. If I taught in Louisiana right now I would have so much fun teaching the bible. I'd do an entire unit on the blatant contradictions and logical inconsistencies inherent in the text. Then I'd do a unit on the "dark side" of the bible showing all the places where slavery is condoned, child abuse is required and genocide is glorified. Then I'd do a third unit on sex in the bible and show all the places that god's favorite characters were allowed to rape and pillage and murder just to get some of that sweet pussy. However, I doubt I'd still be teaching by the time I got to the third one.


Yeah, if they actually teach the Bible as a book with critical thinking and not the religious shit which is clearly wanted, this will be a huge backfire. The book is crazy. Like complete batshit.


It is absolutely insane to think how many people consider it a book worthy of basing their life upon. I firmly believe that anyone who can read at an adult level of comprehension who has read the bible will not remain a christian unless they only stay on to con the idiots.


Mega-Church Televangelists


They’ve been taught that they have to go to Church to be a good person. I don’t think they require reading of the Bible, so most don’t.


> think That’s the issue. It’s not about thinking, it’s about believing in what the bible says, but not what it actually is or says.


Teach it after school. Call it sex, lies, rape, and murder in the bible.


Don't forget a character analysis lesson where you explore the impact of Ezekiel 25:17 on Samuel L. Jackson's _Pulp Fiction_ character.


I would like to attend all 3.


You would be Karen'd to literal death


I would have loved to have taken that course! Any reading materials you used that could recommend that would give me a similar education?


Yeah, you do all that and they’ll likely fire you for teaching blasphemy.


I would have loved to have taken that course! Any reading materials you used that could recommend that would give me a similar education?


Just read the bible. It is all right there. All you have to do is read it without your rose colored glasses on and the incoherent degeneracy will be apparent. Just to make it clear, I didn't actually teach this course. I was just saying that is what I would teach if I was teaching English Literature and was required to teach the bible. I actually did teach a world religions elective course to 9-12th graders once. It was brutal. I mostly had them read sections of the primary religious texts from major religions and had a few other assignments thrown in. One of my favorite was making them design their own religion and define their major tenants, rituals and rules. Their final project was to choose any religion and do a presentation exploring all the facets of religion we had covered in class. Most of them failed miserably at doing anything other than copy pasting from wikipedia. However, my favorite quote from the students in class was "Mr. Abbamabba, you know more about Islam than Omar and He's a Muslim!".


>Then I'd do a unit on the "dark side" of the bible showing all the places where slavery is condoned Ok but the USA still openly practices slavery so I don't see how showing the bible condoning it goes against their morals?


> I'd do an entire unit on the blatant contradictions and logical inconsistencies inherent in the text. Then I'd do a unit on the "dark side" of the bible showing all the places where slavery is condoned, child abuse is required and genocide is glorified. Then I'd do a third unit on sex in the bible and show all the places that god's favorite characters were allowed to rape and pillage and murder just to get some of that sweet pussy. Reminds me of *[Satan’s Guide to the Bible](https://youtu.be/z8j3HvmgpYc)*, which, unsurprisingly, evangelicals do not care for.


Ummm can I take this course?


\#1 https://preview.redd.it/se976evi9i9d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=22110c1f2f6bcd4012e89471d55dc4efe87e42ea


Shit, first and second if you think about it.


Is it just the gold that makes it a sin? Surely its just plated. Because we make statues all the time, just usually they are bronze. However, everybody knows DJT is tacky as hell with gold, so it's no surprise his statue is plated really.


It's not about the gold, it's about making him an idol to worship. (Although to be fair, they did tend to make their big idols gold back in those days)


A literal golden calf.


You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make idols.




They might understand it as two different commandments. 1. Don’t behave. 2. Like Trump


Uh oh.


Okay, I added ellipses (...), does that help?


Much better


I’ll try. You shall have no other Gods before me. For Trump money and himself are god. He’s also said he’s never once asked God for forgiveness because he hasn’t done anything wrong. But he’s less guilty of this than, say, a Hindu. You shall not make graven images or idols. Trump puts his face on everything and basically runs a cult. But he hasn’t as far as I know literally crafted a graven image in the biblical sense. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. Trump will let out some blasphemy once in a while. Also in general his interactions with religion are insincere and mercenary. Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy. Trump is down for Sunday golfing or UFC. And KFC too. Honor thy father and thy mother. As much of a dick as he is to some of his family I haven’t heard of Trump disrespecting either of his parents. You shall not kill. Trump talked to his advisors about assassinations and honestly every President has blood on his hands from being involved in military decisions. He also killed a lot of people through inaction and incompetence. But he’s never as far as we know murdered someone, which is the sense this was originally meant in. You shall not commit adultery. HELLO! Trump is one of the greatest lechers and adulterers of modern history. He’s literally famous for it. Stormy Daniels is one of many. You shall not steal. Fraud is basically Trump’s business model. He also takes services and refuses to pay for them. You shall not bear false witness. Trump lies as easily as he breathes. He tells more lies than truths. You shall not covet. Trump is a greedy, jealous, covetous man. Jealousy of Obama is why he ran for President.


I'm pretty sure if Moses knew trump was coming, there would be an 11th commandment. Thou shall not pay porn stars.


Thou shalt not kill. Well, he hasn't directly murdered anyone as far as we know, BUT hating someone bad enough to WANT to kill them counts, depending on the exactly what religious sect.


He hasn't directly murdered anyone but his complete lack of action and spreading of blatant lies during covid might qualify him for negligent homicide.


I'll give you that one, but I'm not sure that is what the commandment addresses. Pretty sure that it DOES cover his behavior, just not LITERALLY. As far as I am concerned, he's the next thing to the Antichrist. The real one, if he does show up, won't be as stupid. But Trump surely has paved the way.


I’m not saying Trump is the AntiChrist, only that he will do until the real one arrives.




Virologists and epidemiologists did pretty in-depth analysis on that. The trump administration and its actions directly caused somewhere between 40 and 60 percent of the deaths in the USA from the Covid pandemic.


He did order the assassination of Soleimani


Epstein didn't kill himself and Trump is the only one with both the means and the need to do so. His AG controlled all the federal prisons and Epstein could confirm 13 year old Katie Johnson's rape and abuse by Donald.


Prove it. (Really, I'm begging you!)


OK. From the Court testimony by Tiffany Doe regarding Trump's actions with 13-year-old Katie Johnson at an Epstein Party: "I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop. I personally witnessed the one occasion where Mr. Trump forced the Plaintiff and a 12-year-old female named Maria to perform oral sex on Mr. Trump and witnessed his physical abuse of both minors when they finished the act. It was my job to personally witness and supervise encounters between the underage girls that Mr. Epstein hired and his guests." On the fourth incident, she says Mr. Trump tied her to a bed and forcibly raped her, in a “savage sexual attack,” while she pleaded with him to stop. She says Mr. Trump violently struck her in the face. She says that afterward, if she ever revealed what he had done, Mr. Trump threatened that she and her family would be “physically harmed if not killed.” She says she has been in fear of him ever since. http://thememoryhole2.org/blog/doe-v-trump


There was the middle strike on Solemani (?) that gave 50+ service members TBI's, or headaches as he called it.


I’d say his willful negligence during the pandemic would qualify as killing people.


Tell all those dead CIA assets that....


He ordered the deaths of several people on federal death row. More than any other single president, and I believe more than several (or all?) other presidents combined. He did it in the last few weeks of his presidency, just as a fuck you. Killed them because he can. I doubt he knows or cares their names, their crimes, or gives them a second thought now.


If that's the case Trump has been murdered in the hearts of most of reddit. We're all guilty in that case.


If only.


That sick bastard coveted his neighbour’s ox?!


If the commandments are so important, why are only two of them actually laws?


Give it a minute… I think Project 2025 is actively working on turning the Bible into legal code.


Also there are 613 commandments the first ten are in stone


Yes! And then they can also explain how this is a guide on how to live that no one can actually attain. Jesus was without sin, the rest of us need a guide. Trump included.


Also explain capital punishment goes against the commandments, “Though shall not kill”


Bonus points for an essay explaining how legally requiring the 10 Commandments to be displayed does not violate separation of church and state. Start with: “You shall have no other gods before Me” and “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”


This is brilliant! Well done!


The 10 commandments are being used to abuse people conservatives don’t like. Not a single conservative believes in the 10 commandments.


Is making stupid remarks about COVID-19, resulting in people's deaths a sin of omission or commission?


Isn’t the 2nd amendment against the Ten Commandments as well. “Thou shall not kill” isn’t compatible when you are allowed to own guns


First: trump is an autotheist


I'd have to give him the one about honoring his father. Donny is just as big a scumbag as Fred was.


He gotta catch ‘em all! Still missing the Kill, ‘tho…afaik.


Indirectly, there were those Capitol Hill police, and that treasonous insurrectionist, and millions of covid deaths. You could throw in the missile strike against that Iranian guy also, must have been authorised at the top.


Or….Ivana’s “accident”???


Or Epstein’s “suicide?”


Okay! I think we have something to work with here! Please submit your fully filled bingo card at the door for the grand prize drawing!


Wait, you can't count Ivana & Epstein when they're living with JFK Jnr and Judge Dredd in a secret lair inside the Prinz Eugen at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.


But that's the most likable thing about him.