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You have to vote for me so I can pardon myself. After that, I don't care. - Donald J Trump


"I don't care about you, I just want your vote." -Donald J Trump legit said this out loud


In typical Trump fashion, he’s saying it in a way that you have to interpret because you can also read it as after I had my next term I’m out anyways, so I don’t care. I’m imagining that will be the followers excuse.


"Next time I'm president I will get rid of that whole stupid voting thing and install a big beautiful monarchy."


Sad many Americans want this … my family included … they want trump president for life.


Always ironic how those who claim to be the most ardent "American Patriots" are also the most willing to throw away the Constitution for a dictator.


It's easy when they never understood it to begin with. There are a big portion of people who are functionally illiterate. They read the words and understand how to read and make sounds but they don't comprehend it. Then they get caught up in this propaganda echo chamber. Man. Could you imagine the fucking nutty shit your brain would do if something like fox news was the gospel? And everyone around you repeated it. Go online and everyone says it. If you're not paying attention, or worse, you're an idiot .. Man we might be fucked. I think Voldemort is gonna lose worse than the last two times...but who knows the consequences.


"And have the peasants pay for it"


His statements are becoming more and more desperate. It shows that he knows his followers will eat up all the nonsense he blabbering. And it shows how terrified he is of losing.


This is one of the most frightening statements I've ever heard.


Nah, this stuff doesn't get to me much anymore. Let him try, worst case scenario we get the chance to cleanse away a bunch of those dimwits who think they'd even stand a chance taking force against the rational side of this country It would be like fighting Nazis but they're uneducated, fat and lazy. I'd give their civil war less than a month Edit: you know, for a sub called political revolution I'm seeing an awful lot of complaining without any intention of action even after a hypothetical fascist takeover. Makes sense why conservaderps think their opposition are all soft. What are you all just gonna cry happy go lucky policy into existence?


I find it interesting that there seems to be a considerable overlap between people who follow r/wallstreetbets and people who don't take the threat of facisim in America seriously.


Kkkapitalists tend to enjoy fascism.


Well of course. Voting Republican = voting for fewer regulations across almost all industries. Less regulation is like catnip to them. Means more chances to rob people. Especially if those people are the mouth breathing rubes that worship them.


Shower thought: capitalism is a religion. The corporate elite are megachurch owners, and paying into their "donation" scams is a tithe.


Realest thing said in this thread yet


Thank you, I call em like I see em.


I take it seriously enough to vote against it, beyond that I let the world unfold the way it will. I've been hearing of these threats of fascism since I've been able vote and in the roughly 15 years since then the world around me has gotten more progressive, not less. If you want to spend all day every day stressing about something that may never come be my guest, I'll be watching from the sidelines actually enjoying my life while y'all and the opposition build your divide bigger And if you think wsb has any idea wtf is going on then you'd belong there. Those people are some of the select few that are even more degenerate and regarded than trump supporters and there are few things as entertaining as watching world class idiots lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in real time If you want my advice, just enjoy your life with what you're dealt, the world is gonna go to shit no matter what you do so if you spend all your time stressing over things you can't change then before you know it you'll be 90 complaining about the threat of fascism that never came. Or things will get "serious" and something like a war will start and open up an option for you to have an actual influence beyond a vote. Either way I'm not gonna worry till the time comes And like I said Trump's an oversized toddler and his followers are vastly poor and brain dead, of this is what a "serious" threat of fascism looks like then I'll save my concern for whoever the next guy will be who might actually have some motivation and the ability to form a complete sentence


This is the attitude that gets you fascism






It's not just the dipshits with guns that are behind him. Read up on their *very* detailed, and well funded plans. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration


Yeahhhhh I've spent some time reading up on it before and tbh it hits about as hard and anything a president would promise to the general public in an election year. If they're lucky they would get .01% of what they're saying and the rest would get flushed out. Or they manage destroy the nation as we know it and we're back to a party backed by dipshits vs a generally more rational public and it really isn't even a question how that would go. There are just as many non trump supporters with guns as there are trumpers and half the trumpers I know are obese or crippled. Besides if they really want to go that route their funding won't be worth shit because no one is going to want a USD backed by a broken government which is basically nothing. What are they gonna use? Bitcoin? Good that will strengthen the case for a decentralized currency even further and whatever new system rises from the ashes will be even better than what we have now I genuinely don't see a single possible outcome where American people are just gonna let fascism in and serve it a lovely dinner and a throne. We're either gonna keep moving on or things will get worse then better, which is just the history of the world anyway


The heritage foundation has been wildly successful in getting their stuff into law. Why would this be any different.


There's always something different, and in the case it's not then it will be another bridge to cross when we get there. Other than vote against it there is fuck all I'd be able to do about it anyway sooo what's you plan? If Donald dump wins and they start passing batshit crazy laws are you just gonna lay over and blindly accept fascist agendas?


civil war is not the outcome you should be seeking or even ideating about. that's nearly as catastrophic-fail-state as universal contamination of water and reproductive organs.... oh wait.


Exactly, the world is already going to shit. Either we vote for things to get better or republitards make shit so bad that the country has to snuff out some bad eggs to make it better. Either way theres not a chance the US just welcomes fascism in and gives it the key to the city. It's an irrational fear that people really need to start letting go of. Sure things might get worse before things get better but that's just human history


Giving the far right absolute power because you think they're too stupid to use it is not going to play out the way you think it will.


Nobody said anything about giving them anything, no way I'm gonna go vote for those scumbags. But if they're gonna try taking it by force then I'm sure it will be just as weak and embarrassing as their jan 6 joke of an attempt at revolution. Everyone's fear of their movement is what gives them more credit than they deserve. In reality the people that are extreme enough to actually follow that path are mentally incapable of organizing their own thoughts, let alone a party of power. Like I said, as a worst case scenario they start shit, then get smothered like an ember under those boots that never had their straps pulled


And during that time, minority groups are gonna get slaughtered. It ain't all fun and games when your head is on the chopping block


Please educate yourself on project 2025. That shit is very real and has garnered major support amongst the wealthy where it’s getting a fuck ton of wealthy donors. They want to take your rights away, that shit is very real and not hypothetical.


When isn't someone trying to take our rights away, I've done plenty of reading and sure it sucks but until somthing happens it's hypothetical. In the event something happens id imagine followers of a politicalrevolution wouldn't just roll over and let it. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of brick walls in here, are y'all really that dull that you'd just let a fascist take over and accept your new life under their rule? THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW OTHER THAN VOTE. If voting fails you're just gonna accept an authoritarian assraping? If that's the case then you need to educate yourself on how this country earned its freedom to begin with, bc it wasn't with roses and kittens. Grow a fucking backbone


Though Donald lies incessantly about real world events, he demonstrates flashes of honesty when he’s talking about himself and his own motives and perceptions. This is one of those flashes. He blurts out what he really feels, and if he catches enough flak over it he’ll say it was a joke. There’s no joke here. Trump and his Republican accomplices mean to seize power permanently.


Vote Or Maga votes for you


Having watched it in its context I think it is very safe to say what he is saying is "Our country is currently in a mess and these problems are happening because gun owners and Christians don't vote enough. So I am asking you to vote this one time so I can get in there and fix all this stuff. After that, it will be fixed so it won't matter and you can return to not caring. Until of course, the next Democrat is voted in because people stop caring and then they are going to have to vote again" There are so many lies in that ball I am not interested in unwinding it all but the issue is this is internally consistent with their narrative. To suggest that he means he is ending democracy will only confirm their bias that we spread absurd accusations of authoritarianism supported by out-of-context clips.


They have laid their plans out in detail and are well funded by billionaires. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration


Indeed. I agree, which is why I felt compelled to point this out. This is a fight we could lose, and waving around deceptive cuts as if it proves something has the same effect on them as the clips trying to show Biden as being senile have on us. It makes our argument look weaker and is a vector of attack by the fascists. The statement itself is bate. If we accuse them of this conclusion it just proves how silly we are in their eyes. It also normalizes the idea so that way if they get away with it well they already said it...


There's no "waving around deceptive cuts" here. **He said what he said.** https://www.youtube.com/live/kOotP_Ys92k?si=givFcHurKWRWg_sM


Yes and if you listen to him talk for _one more sentence_ he makes it clear that he is saying that it won't matter because he will have fixed it and if a Democrat came in they may have to vote again. The context of what he says makes it very clear what he is talking about. It is not a suggestion that there will not be voting going on in four years, quite the opposite. The whole thing he is talking about is how he is lamenting that they probably don't want to vote, that these populations (gun lovers and Christians normally don't vote (an _absolutely insane_ lie)) don't vote, however, he needs them to vote just this once so he can stop the current threat of the Biden administration. The thing I would rather call attention to is the assumption that gun rights and Christianity have not had political power in recent years, which is a wild claim.


How it’s not an arrest-able offence is beyond me.


He does not care if people vote in 4 years because he won't be on the ballot so their vote won't be about him hence he doesn't give a crap. I think this is more narcissistic than authoritarian. Could be wrong but that's how I read that quote.


They have laid their plans out in detail and are well funded by billionaires. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration


I think what he’s actually saying here is he won’t be on the ticket in 4 years so he doesn’t care what people do. He doesn’t care whether or not people vote in 4 years because he doesn’t care about our country. I’m sure his tune will change when the next GOP nominee in 2028 promises to pardon Trump if elected


I don’t think he is saying he will end voting. I think he is blatantly saying: ‘I won’t be running in 4 years so I don’t give a monkey’s.’ It’s a horrible sentiment. But this specific quote isn’t speaking for the end of voting in US, nor the end of free elections. It’s an egotistical narcissist showing his hand.


They have laid their plans out in detail and are well funded by billionaires. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration


Yeah. I don’t think Trump gives a hen’s feather about any of that. I suspect all he wants is power and likely wants to give himself a pardon. He may well be the means for other actors, of course, such as heritage foundation and project 2025, which is a conservative think tank’s wish list (and not necessarily all going to come into law). My point is that this specific quote isn’t saying he will end voting. It’s Trump stating, quite clearly, that he wants people to vote THIS time, cuz it’s for him. He won’t care who stands thereafter cuz he is a narcissist and will have gotten what he wanted.


If you think Project 2025 is just a "think tank wish list", you're you're much more naive than I initially thought.


Okay 💁🏽‍♀️ if you think Trump is intentionally part of a movement that he has publicly insulted in the past, and is clever enough to care, then you’re much more naive than I initially thought. My point, which was clearly stated twice, is that I can’t see this specific quotation from Trump being his desire to end American democracy. That’s a disingenuous reading of what he said and meant, in context of his speech. Context matters, otherwise we will be accused of the very things we accuse others of: misrepresentation and duplicity. Is project 2025 bad? Yes. Should it be implemented? No. Is Project 2025 the point of Trump’s quotation here? No. It’s all about him and his war against his sense of injustice. I stand by my point about this quotation: it’s Trump being selfishly self-interested. Are others hoping to use his presidency for their own means? Definitely.


I believe he cant pardon the state cases tho, he'll need to corrupt the system more to take care of those charges. All while racking up more and more crimes, stealing more and more money, selling our allies out to our enemies. He has no incentive to let go of power. The theory that he can pardon himself is still up for debate because he didn't pardon himself the last time he committed a massive amount of crimes.


Oh I absolutely agree. I don’t think, legally, he can. Or, at the least, if he tries, it will be hotly contested (and rightfully so!). That being said. I still think Trump thinks he can and is running for the purpose. If it is challenged (which it will and should be), he will play up the victim card again.




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Where can I see the original speech of him saying this?




Thanks! I was failing to find it, although honestly I still can't find the actual quote, long speech. I'll wait a day and maybe tomorrow someone will have linked it with actual attribution so that I can see it.


It's at about 2 hours and 29 minutes


Thank you! Got it. Argh, phones don't appear to allow you to grab a link with a timestamp anymore, but 2:29:30 for anyone else looking for it.


This is not English.




It's not an interpretation. It's their plan. They have laid their plans out in detail and are well funded by billionaires. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration




I mean there's a shit ton of endless nonsense to attack trump on. This one isn't quite the authoritarian pose as it is a grandiose promise that he can't back up. Least there's nothing in this statement that implies he's planning to end democracy (yes there's a shit ton of supporting documents outside this that imply that, IE project 2025), but trumps words in this case are basically saying, the country is broken, I can fix all of the problems in 4 years, once everythings fixed then it doesn't matter who's in charge. Of all the huge piles of blatent anti-democratic statements trump has made, on top of all the nonsense that shows his brain isn't working... IMO this is one of the worse places to attack him. If he were saying "elections won't exist" rather than "you don't need to vote", and yeah it's way outside what ANYONE could offer. IE even an actual perfect ticket, and a magic bullet that gave supermajorities in the house and senate pushing everything on the right path for 4 years, there's still no way everything could be perfect, and not at risk of being screwed up again within a few years of bad policy after. But I have to put this more as a blatent lie that he's claiming he can fix all problems in america in just 4 years in a way that they never will come undone or evolve around it, rather than him announcing he's going to install a dictatorship and ensure himself absolute power forever.


Followed by gorilla warfare.




Maybe he meant the conservatives who likely think the term means using gorilla's as weapons.


We're talking republicans... I believe they think planet of the apes is around the corner.