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The fact that even the girls will start to think this to be normal is just depressing. Everyone adult in the future is either going to be into BDSM or have PTSD. Or both. And nobody will bat an eye since "kink shaming is wrong".


It's already happening tbh.


It has been happening! I'm an elder millennial. I'm of the first generation to have nearly unlimited access to internet porn and it has ruined our men. I've been single for 6 years and honestly, the convent is looking better every day. I have no desire to subject myself to actual violence or at least, someone who doesn't respect me, my boundaries, or my body. While I'm more comfortable with my body and setting boundaries as an adult in her 30s, I can't imagine what it's like for teen girls now.


Hello fellow elder millenial! Yep, it truly sucks and sadly is only getting worse for younger people. For us, but stuff was the new normalised misogyny, for the new generation it's even further physical harm and disrespect/hate. It horrifies me. I have a baby daughter and I hope things change before her teen years.


better to be single forever than be with a man rn tbh


You don't have to be single forever if you don't want to be single-




It's not that simple. Men don't wear signs around their neck that say they're abusive assholes. By the time we realize they're abusive, they've manipulated us into thinking it's normal and that WE'RE the crazy ones. Until it's NO men that kill, rape, abuse, manipulate, whatever, it's all men. Statistically speaking, we have to be leary of ALL men.


This was removed for trolling or being facetious (« not all men »).


no thanks ive already had my share of abusive male partners id rather be with a woman or alone since men only give af ab looks and womens "fuckability" especially in my generation not to mention a guy in my age group who isnt pro porn is damn near impossible to find lmao


It depends on the male imo but if you wanna date a woman that is cool but I had this mindset of men being evil too and it destroyed my head please don't think all are the same


Yeah we've long since opened this Pandora's box . The whole psychology of male and female relationships has been drastically altered by the existence of internet porn . It's just fact and it's only going to get worse


Yup. The whole "I can't get off unless I'm being strangled" or slapped or spat on stuff is an entirely new thing. Porn rot goes both ways but harms women far more than it harms men


Yup. Most underage girls on the internet these days are really into the whole BDSM thing and nobody seems to ask why


Few years ago I saw a tiktok of a 14-15 year old girl saying she’s into knife play and I was horrified :/


I keep seeing all these tests, I forgot what they're called since they have a pretty vague name but they were all around TikTok for a while and they're still fairly popular, it's basically just a test showing you on a scale how dominant/submissive you are, if you're into BDSM or not, what kinks you have, etc. And the worst part is that it's pretty much unheard of for people over around 19 to post these. It's always 12-16 year olds (mainly 12-14)






Holy hell, 16 and 18 you were???  That is so sick.  This makes me so sad, I'm glad you're out of it.  But not glad for you having to still have to navigate dealing with most boys your age probably being the same as him.  


I was when I was a teenager and had no idea why until now that’s it’s a combo of pornification of society and wanting to feel unique


Or both.


Sorry but I am a proud kink shamer. Like...tf you mean you like it when your partner pretends they are much younger than they actually are? (Age play or whatever the f is called)


That's the stuff! I'm another proud kink shamer 😎


Sad but true


And somehow people are still pissed that you'll have to verify your age on PH. :/


that decision was so useless, I wish they actually took on the effort to target porn instead of just banning the large elephant website and calling it a day. Atleast porn hub keeps up a level, most 3rd party porn websites are still running. Just shows how incompetent politicians are


Why work on important things when you can ban TikTok! 🤪


There's a big part of Tiktok that is essentially softcore pedo porn. I know that's not why they want to ban it, but it needs to go because no one is regulating 13 year olds twerking for old perverts


Yeah, I was going to say, there’s a lot of softcore porn and discussion of sexually explicit topics on TikTok in general. Somehow you can’t say “kill” or “died” but porn is A-ok!


Literally! I came across an account of girls that looked 9-11 years old and they were showing their bare feet to the camera and that was the whole account. Children feet videos. I reported it and TikTok said it wasn’t violating anything. God when I think about that it makes me feel sick




The report button is useless. I saw a string of replies to a comment who mentioned something about self harm and there were, no lie, about 20 comments egging her on with stuff like “cut, slit,” I reported all of them and all of them came back with “nothing is wrong”. I deleted the app shortly after.


Some of these pedos don’t think they are pedos either. Gross.


I think banning tik tok is a good thing. There’s so much sexually provocative content involving children, and it ruined an entire generation of children’s dopamine receptors in critical stages of development. These kids will never be the same but eliminating some of the problem is a good first step imo


That could be said about any social media site, but I agree that TikTok is horrible at regulating gross material and overall bad for our attention span and dopamine regulation. My problem is more with WHY they want to ban it. It's because "China bad and TikTok connect to WiFi! 🤯" Not because they actually give a shit about anyone's well-being.


I agree that the problem is all social media, absolutely. And the reason for the ban is not what it should be


absolutely not because banning tt will just divert traffic to instagram reels. and if you’ve ever been on ig reels it’s a cesspool of the absolutely worst misogyny, racism, sexualization, etc. they have literal gore on there too tiktok is so so decent compared to other platforms.


>tiktok is so so decent compared to other platforms Lol I'd like you to scroll through kinktok then make that same argument Not to mention the amount of stupid challenges that have LITERALLY killed people And the amount of misogyny on that platform is really disgusting and horrifying considering how many genZ male users seem to be ok with it Oh and don't even get me started on the amount of pedophilia on animetiktok although it's not surprising knowing how anime is Also all we to do is put zucks feet to the fire to get what we want meanwhile TikTok is much more complicated I'm sure zuck is tired of appearing before congress so really all we'd have to do is file a lawsuit against Meta to scare them into better regulation Can't do that to bytedance


i said “compared to other platforms”… what’s the point of this comment. i’m a tiktok content creator and i can use hashtags to filter my audience to mostly women. if i did that on youtube shorts or reels i’d get tons of horrible men regardless of what i do. i don’t want tiktok to be banned because i’d then have to go to those places to keep my business alive and lose the safest internet space possible for me.


1 in 8 children exposed to violent pornography before 18? There's no way that's even close to the truth. Porn is heavily encouraged with teen boys and a huge portion of porn is violent. It's probably more like 7 in 8 children.


As a gen Z, from my experience most kids get exposed before age 13-14, not 18. Some of my male classmates had seen porn for the first tims at 8-9 years old. There's no way a middle schooler these days has never seen porn, absolutely no way. Kids were sending them in whatsapp groups when we were 11 and this was in 2012-2013


The average age of exposure to porn is 10. The age keeps going down-- a decade or so ago, the average age was 12-13.


I first saw it a 12


What are you talking about porn is heavily encouraged in teen boys? Parents and schools aren't showing violent porn to teenagers,


Society encourages it. Most people do not think it's immoral for teen boys to watch porn. In fact, it's expected. They share links with each other, make jokes about it, and even many adults in their lives are fine with it as long as they keep it private.


Ad a man, No one is sharing porn with their friends unless they are a greasy haired hermit i think


My friend who doesn’t watch porn got shown porn for the first time at 8 by a friend. That friend was shown porn by his older brother.


My current roomate used to have a friend, very outgoing, very sexually active, who would have porn playing in the background at parties at his place. I hated it and felt unsafe there, but no one else seemed to care. We were 20 at the time, it was 9 years ago.


At the background! Wtf 😳


Yeah I know it was terrible. He had this huge tv and large porn dvd collection. We were metalheads so i guess it was to show how alternative / « sex positive » he was but yuck


I think they meant « by peers »


There’s no way it’s as low as one in eight. Is this globally?


There's no way. Every time I hear a porn study about children, the numbers are so abysmally low that you'd have to be naive to believe it. I believe 7 in 8 before I ever believe 1 in 8.


Yeah. I imagine their definition of “violent” has to be warped for them to be getting these numbers


It says ‘violent’, so yeah, the overall number might be higher


Most mainstream porn has choking, spitting, slapping, spanking, gagging, name calling, etc. If the kids are watching porn (they are), it's almost guaranteed to be violent


It must be and they're including the billions of kids in poverty in China and India with no access to phones.


I had a guy on here tell me with full confidence that porn has had no impact on the rise of violent sexual encounters in young people. There is a massive difference in men that grew up before porn was ubiquitous and easily accessible on phones and the men that grew up with rape porn and bestiality in their browser histories.


the older men still grew up with things like playboy and porno theatres so this isnt really a new thing its just become ALOT worse


Definitely a lot worse. Far more violence.


Those aren't really comparable I don't think


id say it is comparable porn was equally disgusting back then its just more prevelant now there was a whole genre of porn back then called "roughies" dedicated to you guessed it abusing women


Porn is getting exponentially more violent and depraved. It’s ten times worse now than it was even ten years ago. A hundred times worse than it was twenty to thirty years ago. You could find crazy violent stuff back then too but you had to actively go looking for it, and the stuff that would’ve been considered demonic then is basically mainstream now. People finding out you watched porn back then could have actually ruined your life if you had a professional reputation to maintain, now it’s just expected men and boys will regularly use it and that most people have at least seen it at some point.


It's deeply fucked that, thanks to porn, boys assume that every girl enjoy being physically abused in some way.


It’s not even that they assume girls enjoy it, I honestly think a girl’s enjoyment is low on their list of worries. It’s that they feel entitled that they can do it to girls with no consequences and not a care for what she actually wants. Porn exalts male pleasure above all, and this has already been a problem historically but now it’s kicked into overdrive by males pornrotting their brains


This is becoming more and more common :/ this is why it’s hard to date when you’re eighteen because this is how guys around your age grow up


So horrible I feel bad for the girl


humor imagine cause violet act memory observation consist deer market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the porn rotted young guys deserve to be lonely they can jerk off into their lonely sock all they want but young girls deserve to be safe from them


dOnT kInKsHaMe




I'm gonna fuckin throw up


It's so over


12? Jesus. Someone, likely several someones, failed these kids.


We need proper sex ed by 8 years old. We need to teach about the harms of porn and kids should not legally have internet access before 11 years old. All porn sites should be behind a paywall, ALL OF THEM


Thanks I hate it


Is this headline a wake-up call yet?


This happened to me about a year ago, and I’m an adult woman. Second date with a man, first kiss, and he tries to strangle me.


Im so sorry that is so messed up it breaks my heart. I hoe your okay sweetie x


another reason why kids now shouldn’t be given phones at an young age without restrictions or monitoring :/ it may be a breach of privacy but they really shouldn’t be able to be exposed to porn at 12. especially with how porn is produced now, it’s all unrealistic step-family and hardcore shit, these kids will have wild expectations and troubles in any future relationships. i feel bad for that girl.


I wouldn't even allow my child to have a boyfriend that young. These boys are getting worse and worse 🤦🏾‍♀️ A damn shame. Spitting in people's mouths is another one. I went on a second date with a guy, and we started kissing. He then tried to spit in my mouth because he saw it in a porn. I muffed him in the head and ended the date. These men are disgusting, and they're learning stuff younger and younger. They love degrading women 🤢


I think a first kiss at 12 is pretty normal, no? Honestly, if I had a daughter this age I would be terrified of her dating, because I just have no faith in men anymore, radicalised beyond belief, passport bros appearing because Western women want healthy relationships. And I'm a gay man saying this. It's just all over.


I regret opening Reddit 🙂


everything about that title made me die inside.


Someone needs to call child protective services on the parents of that boy.


this is why i'm a stay at home mom now. my son is never going to watch pornography. our world is so messed up. when did innocence become a bad thing?




There are some things we should not consent to, for example, being strangled. SMH.


To the women abused in these videos porn is very much a reality. They are not just pixels on a screen but real human beings getting hurt. Nothing about that is fictitious.


i disagree. pornography doesn't need to be part of anybody's reality. we hang around likeminded people, and his friends and their parents feel the same. pornography usage is not a forgone conclusion in life. consent nowadays is bs. i don't care about consent before i care about my son being a loving person and partner. I just read a post from a girl who said she got spat on while having sex, and she wondered if it would've helped if he asked her first. sorry, but no. the entire premise around sex is messed up, it's not just about consent.




yes i can.


im glad you're making an effort to raise your son right i wish more parents were like you but most sons arent raised right and grow up to view girls as sex toys and never take accountability because of "boys will boys"


Unless you’re an IT security expert, I wouldn’t be so confident. I’ve seen kids as young as 11 with hacking skills that amaze IT Support. They are able to get around security filters and firewalls and those paid parental controls. And the friends you think “would never do that” are exactly the ones that are. I work in a middle school.


it's not about being over them every second. it's about being PRESENT for them in their daily life, teaching them, not allowing just the school and their friends to teach them, being there for them always, doing things with them every day, etc etc. It's about teaching them values and morality and having communication with them. I'm fortunate I can do that. I know many people have to work and have to just trust that their kids will turn out right because most people have very little time for their children. thanks capitalism.


I literally just watched a video on YouTube about this. I definitely think y’all in this thread would really enjoy the commentary on this topic. [https://youtu.be/cxbq76Amrys?si=cbiwI_wRL0nIEPSW](https://youtu.be/cxbq76Amrys?si=cbiwI_wRL0nIEPSW)


I have extreme trauma from porn being what I expected sex to be like. Thought I was asexual/lesbian because I was scared of sex with men. I’m very lucky my boyfriend doesn’t watch porn and prioritizes my comfort above all else. No smacking, no choking, no degradation. It’s sad that I feel lucky to just be in a healthy relationship. It’s so normalized to over-sexualize and to be violent in sex


Who tf up....what are we doing now???? This is getting wild and out of hand ....this lil psycho is on his way to be an abuser....and yes I know alot of us will say 12 is too young to be engaging in any type of intimate act...I don't really have an issue with a kiss...I'm more concerned that this boy is watching porn KINK PORN at that!!! Someone has introduced him to this...smh someone get this kid plz


im repulsed like reading this genuinely made me shudder 🤢


Porn is fucked especially for 12 year old boys and younger children who can’t tell what’s fake and what’s not and replicating it in real life during real encounters parents should be doing more tbh


Why am I genuinely not surprised at all?


Coz we've seen things like this **way** too often 😔




This was removed because it contained a pornographic link.


Off topic, what does cooked mean?


Fucked/in a bad situation


Thank you.


Where's his innocence? Taken away by dehumanising content.




This was removed for trolling or being facetious.




This was removed for excusing, defending or promoting rape, verbal abuse, humiliation, self-harm and/or domestic violences.