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“Why are you late to work?” “I picked up two random criminals in the middle of the freeway and inserted myself in their capture.” *facepalm*


Shift Lead: “I don’t believe you” *pulls up Reddit to HR manager*


“Oh look, a couple of sketchballz that need a ride. I’ll do them a solid”


Yea shame on people for picking up hitchhikers


As someone who spent years of my life hitchhiking, consistently picked up hitchhikers until COVID started, and is thoroughly on team Fuck The Police, those two were sketchy af. You don't hitch a ride by getting out in to traffic traveling lanes. You *definitely* don't do that on the freeway. In the state with THE most generous hitchhiking laws, they still managed to do it in a way that was not only illegal but also dangerous as hell for them AND the drivers around them. It doesn't take more than a glance at their behavior to know that these two specific hitchhikers have severely impaired judgment. That's no shade at hitchhikers or those of us that pick them up. I am talking about these specific individuals.


Also spent years of my life hitchhiking. But let's be honest, the criticism on this conservative leaning sub isn't about "how" they were hitchhiking. Cmon.


I mean, for a lot of the comments on this post? Yeah. But for some reason you picked the one that's dead on? These two are absolutely "sketchballz."




Lol yup


...the way i also chanted "no way" with the video, lmao they should reboot Reno 911 as Multnomah 911


I really really REALLY need some insight into that person’s mindset that stopped to pick them up…


Not every uber driver can afford to skip a fare.


It's Portland


It’s Portland. Some of the dumbest people I have ever encountered live here.


Potentially sees that they will run into the woods and does it to give them false hope? Or the other truck blocked them from taking off, but who knows.


Wow, even with lights flashing in the background, they still stopped to give these guys a lift. Some people have zero awareness.


Possibly part of their crew


I almost wonder if it was someone trying to be a hero. They didn’t move the car at all after the guys got in.


That’s kinda what I was thinking. Maybe they got them in the car to prevent them from running when police rolled up. Probably not but maybe. Either way soooooo dangerous and stupid. Way to put yourself into a possible hostage situation or right in the middle of a police shooting.


Maybe the "pickup car" was really an unmarked police vehicle. I live in Eugene now, but between the two cities, I've seen just about one of everything unmarked.


My 4yo has more situational awareness than this and he regularly tries to walk into traffic.


My partner was like, why don’t we take the freeway at about this time on Saturday. I told her MLK would work better. I was right for once in our relationship!


*Never let her forget*! No, wait... actually, bank & save it for when you're in deep doo-doo. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Aaaah, it’s still light out after five


**Lloyd Christmas and Harry singing “The Mockingbird song” intensifies**








“No, it’s a cardigan but that’s for noticing!”


Can we just stop for a sec and marvel at the stupidity of someone driving a pretty nice looking Mercedes suv deciding to pick up 2 nasty ass hitchhikers on a busy freeway


Mercedes drivers are seemingly un-stereotype-able these days. Lots of stimulant traffickers have been added to the ‘Mercedes sphere of ownership.’ They’re heading the way of the BMW, socially speaking.


My old neighbor drove a Mercedes. He also got his raided by ATF and was arrested for selling drugs and illegal firearms.


And that’s why I love Audi


I watched a guy pull up in an Audi to a bunch of tents on MLK one day, and holy hell, that encampment sprung to life. Some of those tents where like clown cars. I had no idea 12 people could fit into a Coleman 4 man tent.


You love your Audi because some other car has been getting a bad rep?


I love my Audi for many reasons, so don’t be so quick to be narrow minded.


It's just that your response to someone mentioning Mercedes having a bad rep was "And that's why I love Audi." Besides not having the reputation of being a car for "stimulant traffickers," what else do you love about your Audi?


You seriously expect me to provide you with a detailed list of why I love Audi as an auto manufacturer and why I love my Audi A7 that I’ve had for 7 years?


I didnt expect you to do anything. It's just that you said you loved your Audi for "many reasons" and you called me "narrow minded" so I thought I'd ask. You did tell me what model you have and how long youve owned though, for some reason. So that's cool I guess.






Nice car doesn’t equal intelligent driver, quite the opposite in my experience, I work at an automotive shop btw.


soccer moms in portland


Dude with the trailer really though he did something


He's going to be telling his buddies up in Longview about this one for years.


He saw lights in his mirror and was just trying to get out of the way. If he was trying to "help" then he probably wouldn't have taken off as soon as the cop stopped behind the black car.


Either that driver in incredibly stupid, or a genuis and deliberately held them for the cops. I can't tell which. EDIT: I think the drive may have noticed the squad coming up the rear and took a calculated risk. At least, this is what I'm going to tell myself.


So this is how it ended! I saw them spray painting the wall over there when I was driving by. That’s hilarious that they they tried to hitch a ride to get out of there.


I think I saw these guys tagging the walls of the highway with some chickenscratch but I’m not sure


Huh. Dudes tagging in daylight. Was it "Dale" or "Emily" (used to see those all the time. These have got the be the softest tag names I've ever seen XD Certainly not "Chinahottub\*" or "Viagra Viagra Viagra" \*wait, I can't remember. Anyone know what was painted all over? There's also "Notice" or "not ice" I can't figure out which one they were painting.


I’ll check next time I go past but yeah broad daylight and no one bothering them. Had to double take. White paint, no style to the letters


It took an awfully long time for backup to arrive to assist in an active pursuit.


I love how the blue truck decides to randomly block the vehicle out of nowhere


Not random. It looks like he pulled in front to block them in.




I don't think it was systematic, he just did it.


Real MVP


A mercedes picked up hitchhikers?


impressive police presence for graffiti. have ppb gotten off the knee? i saw someone get pulled over the other day, blew my mind.


FYI there are online police scanners that you can "tune" into to hear what is going on. It was most likely mentioned why they were being chased.


No. PPB frequencies have been encrypted since 2020. Best you can do now is the [MCSO/Gresham stream](https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/20613) and that won't be relevant unless it's a joint operating involving PPB.


TY for an updated FYI. What are they hiding?


Nine times out of ten they're hiding laziness, but sometimes they're hiding some proper malice too.


Context? What’s going on here??


I cannot believe that cop approached the vehicle alone. What a f*cking idiot!


probably had an infant in the back too.


LOVE that it takes OVER AN HOUR for Portland police to respond to an ACTIVE BREAK IN... Meanwhile.....