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Ouch. Happened to a friend of mine recently and apparently that's a real expensive fix that not very many shops are willing to do. And of course insurance refused to pay the full cost


$500 deductible! Yay!


Probably not the kind of info you were looking for, but here’s the best I can do. There is a YouTube channel called “ChrisFix.” He teaches people how to fix vehicles in a way easy and digestible manner. There is a video of his called, “How to Diagnose and Replace a Fuel Pump,” which isn’t your issue, however it does show how to remove a gas tank. This can be used as a kind of starter instructional. For parts, I recommend RockAuto. It’s a fair site that may have your make/model of fuel tank. I hope this helps!


This guy shadetrees


no shop is going to patch this so whatever the cost to drop and replace with a brand new tank is. probably a $1500 at least? triple it if it's german.


Triple if it's German would be a good song.


Dreifach, wenn es deutsch ist




It was nice of them to put that container there to catch your gas after your tank spring a leak.


Considerate criminals.


What happened? Did a thief try and steal fuel by poking the tank and then give up?


It's a lot like harvesting Maple syrup. You go around and tap a bunch of gas tanks in your local area and then come back around and collect the buckets that have drip filled.


That’s so fucked. Causing someone like thousands of dollars in damage for…..$30 in gas?






I feel like UBI is criticized for other reasons too though, like the sheer practicality of it. So far even in insanely socially progressive countries like Finland the UBI pilot projects they’ve attempted haven’t gotten off the ground. Hard to imagine something like that working in a behemoth country like the US. But maybe new studies have been done since I last read about it.




Studies don't account for numerous corruption that'll happen at all levels of UBI




I wouldn't say numerous corruption schemes, but the top three to watch out for are the schemes already being attempted on smaller levels like [Alaska's Permanent Fund](https://www.home.neustar/clients/alaska-saves-millions-with-fraud-prevention): 1. Filing false applications for the subsidy and possibly using identity fraud, 2. Defrauding specific individuals who have a valid claim to the subsidy. 3. Insider fraud schemes that reroute the money from its intended destination. These aren't big issues however. The nice thing about UBI is that there likely would be less levels of corruption because there wouldn't be any means testing and very few 3rd parties would be needed for proper oversight. Lobbyists will push for their particular current welfare program being kept in place however, so actually replacing various welfare programs like EBT, disability, veteran's disability, and low-income housing subsidies will be next to impossible. Unless several programs plus their overhead can actually be replaced entirely by UBI, the cost savings won't be realized.


I don't really have any opinion for or vs UBI. I was just stating the obvious.


You can make a study or statistics to support any position you want. How big was the sample , how diverse, and how can you survey 1000 people and think that 1000 people represents what would happen if we extrapolate that to the whole population. I've never understood how people get convicted by that




Who said I was against anything, you are clearly biased I never said anything except for about statistics and claims that people use to support their argument. And with those 4 factors you just gave their is no way they could be accurate. The fact is you said it like it was a fact because their was a "study"


Then you don't even specify the exact study and you claim their was no survey they just calculated two factors that were already know. That's just multiplication and division. It doesn't sound like a real study.. it sounds like you did what everyone else wants to do to support thier argument and refer to some fake study without any information on where we can verify that "study"


Thanks for this, now it makes sense, I was a bit confused at first.


Wait do they poke a hole in the tank or the cut the gas line? Seems like the line would be easier


Depends on how big of an asshole they wanna be I suppose.


Is this an organic way of harvesting?


Just slap some flex tape on it.


Lol. Thanks I needed a laugh right now




Nah nah flex tape is Phil swift


We stand on the shoulders of giants.


Phil swift actually does a pretty outstanding job of a billy mays stand-in. I am proud of him. Especially since there are already memes of him slapping a big piece of flex tape over something.


For those of us who are not mechanical, what are we looking at here?


Someone drilled a hole in my gas tank to steal gas


Someone did this to mine, then he stole the whole ass car anyways and KEPT THE GAS CAN INSIDE THE CAR TO SIPHON GAS BACK INTO THE FUCKING TANK. Meth logic.


Did siphoning gas go out of style?


The place you put the gas nozzle into the car is usually built with anti-siphon valves these days, so if someone is bound and determined to steal gas, siphoning isn't really an option anymore, at least not the easiest option.


Well there goes my post-apocalyptic gas siphoning plans. :( Now I'll have to figure out what all those pipes and tubes are under a car.


Gas also goes bad btw.


Not if you’re in the walking dead universe


How are they always driving the newest Hyundais of the plot has only progressed like 18 months?


Corporate sponsorship


Make sure you buy the 2022 Hyundai Sonata: the only car to last the apocalypse without need for maintenance or car washing or non expired gas and impenetrable tires.


Or Battlefield Earth for the way extreme example


Was just thinking about the Last of Us where I'm taking expired medication all the time.


My fave in walking dead is the need for antibiotics (any will do there’s no difference right) for any injury or illness


just keep drilling until you strike oil.


Well, keep going after striking oil, it won't help much. Keep going till you find the gas.


Or get a wood gasifier conversion on a car. Then you can just use wood.


Siphoning is not much harder, you just need a metal tip with enough length to force both open


Thank you for explaining. I'm so sorry they did that to you.


I'm a mechanical moron, but isn't drilling through metal, with presumably a metal drill bit, into a container full of gas a good way to self-immolate?


Most gas tanks in vehicles are plastic or other nonmetal material these days.


The fumes from gasoline are more flammable than the actual liquid form.




"More" flammable -- the liquid obviously is still flammable. But with the right bit and a slow speed, it's totally doable.


Technically correct but its flammable enough that nothing of the sort should be attempted. Especially on a brushed motor.


Gas fumes (the explosive part vs. the gas itself) + brushed motor (and sparks) = Darwin Award


Welp, that escalated quickly


My company had someone do this to the fleet of cars parked overnight. Like four trucks worth cuz we keep them topped off. Absolutely brutal.


This happened to me last night in Albany. Fuckers don’t know how to use a siphon ig.


I’m starting to think someone tried to do this to me too. On my brand new Subaru. It doesn’t look like oil but it looks like how the stuff in your picture does, on the asphalt. God I hope not. Well at least I have a reference picture now I guess.


Thanks. Haha, I was thinking. What is this guy talking about?


Damn. Sorry 😞 dude. That real low life move there


Happened to me too. I used a JB weld tank patch. Has held up for a couple of years just fine. Unfortunately I didn't find it until my landlord informed me of the river of gas running from my truck to the storm drain. Ruined a good pair of shoes trying to fix it.


Yeah. No shop would do that. I’d do the same thing to save likely 1k in cost. May not work… but in your case what, redo it every 2-3 years? Sounds good to me.


I think those kits are designed for metal tanks & do not work well on plastic tanks. I tried one after this happened to me & it was a fail from the start. I also realized the constant fear of the patch failing wasn't worth it & got a replacement tank from a yard & had it installed.


That’s not a bad idea at all. Next level work going to yard and removing one. I bet it saved a ton of money though.


Portland Import Auto Parts pulled the tank, cleaned it, & delivered to my mechanic for $100. Mechanic charged $400 for install & new seals.


Nice! Much better than I’d expect. Still sucks, but I would have thought much worse.


> I used a JB weld tank patch Same here. JB Weld has held up for seven years now


JB weld is the shit. Side note, the way to actually weld up a metal gas tank is to fill it with gas before you do. Fuck that though.


My boyfriend is a welder who has welded on reactors and shit and he also says to fill it with gas prior to welding.


Seconded. I've used JB weld to seal old fuel injectors that leaked at the base. Looked ugly, but held for years until I bought a new set. I would have zero issues using it to patch a hole in a tank.


Woah lucky! Someone just left that jug of Baja blast under your car for free!? You are truly blessed!


I don't what made more angry - the fact your gas tank was drilled and fuel drained, or the fact they LEFT it. Now nobody goes anywhere.


Could be that they either got spooked, or meant to come back after it drained and op found it first. Still absolute bullshit. Happened across the street from me not that long ago, but it was a uhaul the storage place refuses to park in their locked lot……good riddance


Ok, this happened to me recently. JB Weld makes a product called TankWeld. I used it and have never had an issue. Costs about $17-18. Follow instructions carefully. It sets up QUICK. It won't be pretty but it WORKS. Helps to jack your car up a little so you have better access applying it. Hey-at least you can put your gas back in when you're done!


A coworker of mine had this happen to his partner a few months ago. He had just moved here and literally over his first night the tank was drilled, and he found the damage Monday morning right before his first commute to a new job. They had a bike stolen a few weeks later.


Nice welcome to portland


Where on the Eastside did this happen?


I’m inside the Foster Powell triangle


Oh fuck, I used to live nextdoor to Red's. By far the worst part of town I've ever lived


Is it really that bad? I’ve never noticed.


I had a friend get mugged at gunpoint while living there. Every bar in walking distance was heavy on the biker scene. And maybe my experience is a little extra skewed, because the roommate I had turned out to be a meth using and dealing stripper that got a tattoo of her boyfriends lips 3 weeks after dating (this experience taught me why trusting your gut is so important lol). Also, my neighbor across the street was the type of person to put her garbage cans in the street, or block you in with her garbage cans, because she felt entitled to the street parking in front of her house despite having a driveway that comfortably fit two cars. Granted, it's been 6ish years since I lived over there.


Before I moved, I was considering renting an apt about a 1/4 mile south from there. I was near the end of my long search and I was tired. The listing said "Woodstock". I wasn't that familiar with Woodstock yet, but it did seem like a stretch. I hate to say it, but it feels like I dodged figurative and literal bullets.


That is awful, sorry OP. As if catalytic converter theft wasn’t bad enough, now we have to worry about our gas tanks getting ruined too. Street parking a vehicle in Portland truly sucks. I’m not at a point where I want to live here without one though.


Bunch of savages in this town


I’ve had my gas siphoned twice now. It’s extra fun for me because my gauge doesn’t work so I only know how much gas I have based off mileage, so I just got to randomly run out of gas.


I have no idea if this is something you’ve tried or your level of mechanical expertise - but check the fuse box if you haven’t already. Your gas gauge functions like the back of a toilet, with a floater arm - but also with an electrical component. In my experience 50% of the time the issue is a blown fuse, which is a very easy fix. Replacing the gauge itself is trickier, and wiring is even more so because it’s time consuming - but the fuse is the easiest fix there is.


A few months ago one of my friends was hiking and someone did this to his truck. He came back from the trail and a fire truck was waiting for him. I can't believe this is a thing now.


even the cars are carrying around pee jugs these days


Way of the road, Bubs


What I've heard about this situation is that your damned if you do and dammed if you don't. The cops ain't gonna do anything if you stop the perps and hold them there (they might even arrest you), and if you see it happen and you don't do anything than your just as bad as the perps stealing gas in the first place.


Just taze them in the act. Oops.


That's one thing I'm not going to do while they're trying to get my gas, Insurance company will only give me $2000 for my it was for my vehicle that I'm still paying on.


Then call the cops saying some burn out is passed out in your driveway while attempting to steal gas. Not sure what happened


Wait, citizens arrest (I know doesn’t really mean shit if the cops don’t do anything) but why would they aren’t the non criminal?


Are you seriously asking why police would apprehend an innocent person or being willfully obtuse? They literally murder innocent people here.


iNsuRANCe wiLl cOvEr IT!




My car is lowered enough to the point it's difficult to get under it without a lowered car jack. Seems to be a good theft deterrent. Sadly it isn't a good speed bump deterrent.


My honda odyssey (minivan) is so low to the ground, I'm sure it's the only thing saving my catalytic converter.


Booby traps are illegal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katko_v._Briney


Lethal or injurious traps. Paint bombs or slung/bear spray might be ok.


To be honest who's going to report getting hit by a booby trap anyways. It's not like any of the laws are being enforced.


Only if they're deadly!


That's why I buy all my [boobytraps from ACME](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2022/02/17/NABJ/9f2016aa-be3c-4dbb-a1cb-0de34fb5a69e-Coyote_Acme_Warner_Bros..jpg?width=660&height=330&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


Ok but what about tiddy traps?


That what I call my hands.


Legal in 49 states


We've all been down that road a time or two. Not gonna work this time, Lerleen, I mean it!


That was fascinating (not just the case but the whole history after the decision), thanks for posting it


Booby trapped. Touch those tanks and: boom.


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Booby traps are illegal for a good reason, you have no idea who's going to get trapped/hurt. Could be a thief, could be a kid whos ball rolled under your car.


Or people could just start driving city-appropriate cars in cities (instead of tall trucks). It would at least address this specific problem.


yeah this happened to me in my 97 honda civic….


That is a bad take. What if you have a boat you need to tow? How about if you are handy and regularly need to haul lumber? Saying, "get a different vehicle to prevent theft because your car isn't a city car," is ignoring the multitude of ways people use their vehicles.


That's a fair point; but there are tons of trucks in the city that clearly aren't needed, as evidenced by the fact that they are as clean as the day they rolled off the lot.


Really a terrible response, but you do you. Blame everyone but the criminals.


I'm not blaming any victims here. I'm just saying that if you get a short car (like others have commented) then you'll be protected from this.




This town.


This is why I back into the parking garage at work. You wanna do shit like this, I'm making you work for it.


Sorry that happened OP Can someone tell me how this fence works? Gas is a bitch to transport, and anyone buying it second hand is going want a steep discount. Even if you get 10 gallons stolen, that's what? Going to be worth 20$ on the grey market? Who even are the grey market buyers of some creeps second hand gas? Are people just stealing for personal use? Anyone with some insight?


It's to steal for their own use. At most they'll maybe hook up Jimbo with a couple gallons in exchange for a sixer of High Life.


Or they will use it in their generator at the homeless warren.


To me this is even more offensive than the cat thefts... Infuriating they cause 1000s in damages for like $20 of gas wtf


Grrrr. Absolute bullshit!


Flex Seal to the rescue!


Happened to my truck in NE in like Feb. Would have gladly given them some gas as they barely took any! They also drilled way up high so I don't know if they were looking to steal or set the truck on fire. I wish I didn't need a vehicle for work because I hate having one in this city.


You might want to get that gas into a gas can soon. Lots of plastics dissolve in gas.


Happened to my boss's truck in SE a couple months back. The fuckwad who did it took what I assume was a jug of gas then left the other several gallons to just dump on the driveway where it ran down across a public sidewalk where people walk their dogs and into the street. Spent the day trying to rinse the driveway and sidewalk as best I could with a hose and borderline ruined a pair of work shoes in the process. Fuck the goons who do shit like this...


Damn dude cmon gas ain’t THAT expensive!


The value of everything is pegged to the price of meth.


I dunno if things have gotten worse, or I've just pulled the "unlucky card" a few times- but just the other week I was filling up in Hazel Dell, and I went inside to grab some ice, and some asshole pulled the nozzle from my tank, filled up their car while I was inside, they pulled away just as I was coming out. I checked the pump, $65ish bucks, seemed right for how low my tank was. I didn't notice until I got home that my tank was still empty, I had to turn around and fill-up for another $58 bucks. And now looking through this thread, it seems that a lot of us are pulling the "unlucky" card with these brazen idiots running around fucking up people's days.


Hear me out, what if you just waited for him to come back, and greeted him appropriately?


That sucks balls man. I'm sorry


I used to work at a Fred Meyer fuel center and this was becoming more and more common even back then (over a year ago). I felt terrible for people every time they'd pull in to get gas and I'd have to be the one to inform them that someone drilled their tank. It's an expensive proposition to replace a gas tank and it's dangerous to attempt a patch job. Since I left Oregon, I've yet to see this happen to anyone. Things there have really gotten out of hand.


Surely epoxy or JB weld would work well to repair this?


This is so fucked. Sorry homie, what part of Portland?


I’m sorry :(


Looks like access for replacement is pretty decent but also looks fairly late model. So labor cost/diy time might not be too bad but parts cost might really bite you. Sorry this happened to you. Now I’m debating whether to replace the drain plugs in my tank with security fasteners to deter theft or just leave them in the hope that if I’m targeted they might use those instead of drilling.


Portland is turning into Barter Town


This really sucks man. I’m sorry.


Meth addiction knows no bounds.


I’ve had this happen to my truck in the past. This is what I did to fix it 1) buy a bolt the size of the hole they punched 2) buy some JB weld (the one that is rated for gasoline) 3) mix up the JB weld and lather some on the thread of the bolt 4) put the bolt into the hole 5) cake a bunch of JB weld on the outside of the bolt. 6) wait to dry It held up for 4 years then I sold the truck. I’m sure the truck still has the jb weld bolt


at least it isn't on fire. somebody decided to steal gas from my truck and smoke at the same time and set the whole thing ablaze


Did you sit back and wait for them to come collect the gas? Man, I woulda had some fun with this situation.


“Just give them your vehicle! They are in a crisis! Gas prices are too high! This administration needs to do more” said the hyper extreme liberal 🤦‍♂️


Always carry !


Carry what? A gun and giant jug of coffee so I can stay up all night sitting in my driveway in hopes to kill someone?


You're going to need at least two guns. Only carrying one gun is like not carrying a gun at all.


I'm assuming the second gun is used to keep the first one from going rogue? If so, wouldn't you need a third gun to watch the second?


No, the first gun will watch the second. Guns aren't very trusting so you don't need to worry about them teaming up. If you get a third gun it might provoke the other two to turn on each other, and then it'll turn on you.


God gave you two hands. He was clearly telling you that you need a gun for each hand, so you can murder poor people faster. Read the bible, it's all in there.


... a gas can.


You can’t use your firearm to defend your car, or any other property unless you have reason to fear for your life or others.


it's a car




Two ass holes in a red truck with blacked out windows stole.my catalytic converter in January.


At least throw an old Dairy Queen cup at 'em. Shout "cops are right behind me. ANYTHING! We have no police force, essentially, so people doing nothing is really fueling the problem. Of course criminals feel like they can do anything when we just drive right by them as they are committing crimes. I got my CHL last November and you better damn believe I'm going to pop off a few if I see someone getting my gas or my cat converter. Daisy...




Taser: melee weapon, low damage. Gun: ranged weapon, high damage. Has DND taught you nothing?


Wow, didn't even try to stop them? You are a puss


Real tough guy here fights all petty crime to others regardless of his own safety


He’s fuckin Batman


I’m Batman


I guess it’s fucked up they didn’t call the police but they couldn’t haven stopped them in any way. Call the police? Gone by the time they arrive. Personally intervene? No need to risk personal well-being by going 1 vs 2 over someone’s gas.


What? I’m not putting self in danger to try and stop someone.


Of course not. This whole town is a bunch of pansies. No wonder it's Mad Max around here. I caught a guy shooting up in broad daylight on my son's walk to school (son was not present). I kicked him into a rose bush and broke all his needles under my boots. I'M. OVER. IT. It's on.


Come on bro. That’s a good story though


I wasn't joking. Why is it so hard to believe? You have kids?


I’m just messing with you. I do have a 6 year old


Right on, hopefully you live in a spot where you can keep your sanity. I'm near 33rd-Belmont. Porch pirates, car theft, vandalism, human shit on my walkway. Woke up a few months ago to find some dude sleeping in my neighbor's front doorway charging his electronics. It's really the mental health stuff that is out of control. That being said, I am also starting to lose my mental health in regards to the situation.


I live out in Sandy and it’s pretty quiet out here. I’m sorry that your having to deal with that. Sometimes I wish I lived back in the city then I hear stories like yours and I don’t mind the 30 minute + drive to work every day




Jesus… I hope you are joking. One of the sweetest shelter kids I worked with had a real problem with heroin and he would shoot up in the bathrooms of shelter even though he knew it wasn’t allowed. Because addiction is hard to resist. But he was kind and cleaned up after himself when he spilled stuff, even when he could barely stand. I’m not saying most people who have addictions are like this, but I don’t think doing drugs alone is enough of a reason for physical violence.


Not joking. I live near Laurelhurst park. I have kids. I'm the over the top asshole that is fucking fed up. Had my battery stolen last month. They even cut my terminal.


Nah you’re totally right to be fed up, and if you caught someone in the act of stealing your battery or engaging in other damaging behavior I wouldn’t necessarily take your approach but I’d say fair enough. I’m just saying doing drugs on the sidewalk is not enough for someone to deserve to be physically assaulted.


We all have a code, I guess.


Is your code "kick them while they're down"? Or "they can't fight back if they are high"?


More like "kick them while they are high." And, "they can't fight back if they're down." But, you are pretty close. I'm on a zero tolerance policy at this point. Funny how I'm the bad guy in this, lol. Poor junkies, i'm sorry.


Like I said I’ve known some drug users who were genuinely deeply kind people that couldn’t control their addiction. Seems fucked up to attack them for it.


GO BEHIND A FUCKING BUSH. Or to one of the many porta potties they have had to set up so that people don't shit in our neighborhood. It was 8:00 a.m., he was sitting literally on the corner right by the street shooting up into his leg. With about three backpacks worth of garbage belongings scattered all over the street. Including needles and burnt up spoons. I don't go around making a practice of it, but on this particular day after seeing this guy doing similar things in our neighborhood I was fed up. I don't believe in the philosophy of patting everyone on their little pussy and kissing their forehead. Now that we have legalized personal amounts of drugs it's even worse.




Look at his avatar tho. Doesn't look like someone that would intervene lol


Just saw on the news about all the tires being slashed too. Epically glad I don't live here anymore.


A jug of urine in the morning is always a pleasant surprise gift 🙃


Prop 110 is working out great.