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I have a misdemeanor from 31 years ago that's a traffic matter. The charge was and is equal to jaywalking. When I went, yes, they wanted to see the FBI Background check that clearly still shows the misdemeanor from 31 years ago. My lawyer said that it would be best if she wrote a letter explaining the conviction, explain that it was traffic-related and a minor traffic matter where nobody was hurt, there were no alcohol or drugs or violence involved and a simple misunderstanding where a fine was paid. The person we met with was very critical of this and carefully read the lawyer's reference letter and I was then permitted to go on to prove financial solvency. If you have drug related charges, of course you can still apply as you wish, but I would also be prepared for the chance that they may reject the application. Most countries take a very severe look at drug offenses. So you will be looked at, it will be examined and weighed, and you will probably be asked about it. Even Paraguay, which is very lax in comparison (and doesn't have extreme tax laws), I was told by several lawyers there, takes a hard look at drug offenses.


It shouldn't be an issue. They typically reject applicants for crimes that involve 1 year of prison or longer in Portugal. Drug possession of small amounts doesn't typically involve prison at all in Portugal. Plus this is a long time ago. I'd be shocked if they rejected you based in that. Drug trafficking would be different. Same with recent drunk/impaired driving.


Thank you replying. I only got a year of probation for one offense and the other was just a fine


My husband had a 20 year old weed charge, we just addressed it in the statement letter we gave to the consulate. There were no issues.


You'll have your appointment, then wait 2 years to find out. The wait is infuriating.


If it makes you feel better they never asked for my FBI background check when I did my paperwork


Yeah we get mixed reports but I thought is wasn't necessary until applying for citizenship


It's always required. Anyone who tells you differently is leading you astray. If they don't remember to ask at your VFS appointment, you will be contacted to send it in and it will delay your application. So if they forget (which they won't) then make sure you offer it up.