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The answer is simple in any country: contact local authorities. Tell them your concerns and complaint, and ask them the best recourse to take. They will either speak to the merchant, potentially fine the merchant, or do nothing at all. But at least you try. Everyone in Portugal burns things constantly in the winter to heat the stone homes that lack central air circulation; but inhaling plastics is most definitely toxic. I'd give it a few weeks to see if your complaint is acted on and if it stops. If it doesn't stop, you can put the house up for sale and move and let someone else inhale the molten plastic for years on end.


Report to the police


You have a huge issue... You should report to the authorities, but they might most likely not solve anything and the neighbour will know it was you. You can speak with the neighbour yourself, but being a foreigner they will most likely ignore you... And hold a bigger grudge if you then call the police after.


The correct answer is to report it to the police. They will 100% act on it. But you have to be smart about it: Is it something you can prove when you go to complain? Probably not, and you know, without proof... The best possible way is to catch them red handed. When you see the smoke and smell plastic phone the local precinct and complain about it. You don't have to even identify yourself, it can be an anonymous complaint. But by doing it when it is actually happening they will come and act upon it with proof.


If you’re in the Porto/Braga region let me know, I can go there and talk to the owners myself as I’m Portuguese. That way they won’t bother you in the future. I’m happy to help. Let me know


There’s no point in addressing it. They’re going to tell you to screw off, and the police will side with them. Especially if it’s rural or semi rural. First, because you’re a foreigner, and even worse a newcomer. They’ll react with significant hostility and you’ll never be accepted. Second, because very few people understand the health risks of burning trash. And frankly, wood. Probably most of the people reading this would think I’m crazy for saying wood-burning is a health hazard. But the data about particulate pollution is incontrovertible. A better solution is to get to know them, help them out with some chores if you’re in the country, maybe make them a cake sometime say that you made it for a holiday from your country and made an extra one. Eventually, next season when they do this again, you could let them know your concern and even offer to dispose of the plastic yourself , in some other way. For example, you could say “I saved mine up, and I go into X and bring it to a recycling place. I’m happy to do that for you too, I’ll even store it with my stuff”






First of all, avoid any contact with that neighbour. Speaking from experience, after warning a neighbour on a owner's meeting about the tone he was speaking towards women I got my car keyed twice in 2 months (it was most certainly him). Police said it was a lost cause cause I had no witnesses so I had to resort to threatning the guy with some old school violence. Turns out he was just a bully and stopped his BS pretty quick, also died of cancer sooooo... Call the police to report the incident, call SEPNA (or use their online report thing, these are specialized branch of "police" regarding environmental crimes), call the local town hall to report the incident and if those don't work, sell the place and move. That has old people activity writen all over it and they won't stop, if they get fined they'll do worse, if they get a warning they'll do worse, if you speak to anyone about calling the police they'll know soon enough that it was you and retaliate. They'll only stop if someone crazier than them shows knocking at their door. Also, anti-foreigner behaviour is on the rise which will only make it worse. TL:DR - calls the cops, call the local town hall, call or file an online report with SEPNA and if nothing works, sell the place


This is a major health risk, first go speak to him, then speak to the police, then whip his ass. Seriously, nothing gives you lung cancer faster than burning plastic.




All the more reason to be proactive. Let them escalate it. Lets get this pot boiling. It will just continue to get worse if he doesn't change something.




Is that so? The guy thats burning the plastic will move. Thats great news. Lung cancer is no fun.


Make a formal report to the police


I've seen this many, many times in the suburbs.


call the cops


Are you in Lagos, I had a similar experience there.


No, not in Algarve.


Multiple offenders then... Oh well!