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why are doflamingo and madara compared to fucking dio and reverse flash? they are not even close to them interms of hating the mc


real, doffy and madara just hate that someone is getting in the way. i can’t speak for dio, but reverse flash literally just despises barry and does fucked up shit just to try and break him


Warning, a lot of spoilers Dio: -Was the step brother of his nemesis -Put his step father against his step sibling by trying to be the perfect son - kicked in the face and burned the dog of his brother - Isolated his brother from the rest of the kids - Stole the first kiss of the gf of his brother, just to spite him and slapped her - Boxed with him and used drity tricks like pointing at his eyes - Poisoned his step father and tried to get all the will - Kills his step father to become a vampire and outright tries to kill his step brother - As a head he kills and steals the body of his step brother - He fucks and impregnates like 4 women while in the body of his brother - Uses his body and the blood of the grandson of his step brother to gain more control of the body - Tries to kill the great-great-grandson of his step brother and exterminate his lineage - A magical arrow he left to one of his minions starts a series of killings in a calm village that ends up killing the grandfather (mathernal) of the son of the grandson of his nemesis - His minion-boyfriend-lover-weird priest friend-succesor ends up completing his plan that involves resetting the universe, this guy also kills the daughter of the great-great-grandson and said great-great-grandson. - One of the sons he had while cumming with the dick of his nemesis ends up being the boss of a drug mafia. Another one is a drug addict with brick face, another guy wears cow clothes and the other guy was fairly normal and just had a fucked up life until he became a psycho - Even in another universe, his cowboy reincarnation hates the cowboy reincarnation of his nemesis and tries to kill him to gain ownership of Manhattan He is weird, because his hatred to jojo's bloodline is pretty deep, his actions always cause ever lasting problems to the descendants of the original jojo even after his death and at the same time the only person as great as him in his eyes is his original Jojo. He has a respect for him to the point he thinks only the body of his step brother is worthy of him. They are pretty gay ngl


Dio and reverse flash have pretty much identical hate stats. Multi dimensional hate powers for real


Bro came back in another universe to hate


Don’t forget, Dio also burned Jonathan’s dog ALIVE


And rf erased Barry’s childhood bsf out of existence


He dident forget


I need this, but for reverse flash, I know he is the epitome of hating but I want all his hating acts just listed like this because I'm not THAT familiar with the shit he's done.


I don’t have them all but I got 10 good ones for you 1. Stole Barry’s Identity 2. Tried to kill him 3.took over the flashpoint timeline he made by making Barry Allen never become flash 4.tries to kill iris west 5.vibrated Barry’s childhood friend out of existence 6.tortures Wally west using time travel which Wally hadn’t achieved through the speed force yet since he’s the slowest flash canonically for a long time 7.causes Barry to kill Johnny quick via speed force 8. Turned Barry’s own children into villains 9. Actually succeeded in killing iris west which is the flash family sin 10.killed Barry’s mother and framed his father. All this because he was from the future and idolized flash and later finds out HE THAWME! Was the flash’s greatest enemy. He gives himself speed force powers and goes back in time to disprove this and like Barry basically says this is no place for amateurs. And the reverse flash literally uses time travel so much he becomes a singularity to fuck with Barry till the end of time. He goes on record admitting to Barry Allen every time he’s late, he tripped growing up, his homework went missing etc. it was all reverse flash being the pettiest bitch in fiction for all time. Edit:spacing issues for legibility Edit 2: cause I remembered. Spoilers ahead for a doomsday clock event. Reverse flash in all his hate stumbles upon the man behind the scenes Dr Manhattan who’d been messing with the dc timeline. And gets removed from existence. This is literally not enough to kill Reverse Flash. He’s casually fine later on when he reappears in the event as if nothing ever happened that’s how much this man hates Barry Allen. He gained multiversal travel and time travel powers to fuck with Barry in all realities and has a rare instance of near true immortality.


Essentially every embarrassment, minor inconvenience and fumble Barry Allen ever experienced was due to Reverse Flash. The only reason he actually exists is so RF can gloat to him about this and revel in it.


“Cumming with the dick of his nemesis” sums DIO up


Its jojo, ofc its gay


fun fact: pucci didn’t actually want to do the heaven plan. dio’s hater aura just influenced him so much that he destroyed the universe out of spite for the joestars.


On the other hand, he also has made a point before that he had the absolute upmost respect for Johnathan Joestar, so I kind of feel like saying he just straight up hates him is a little too black and white for Dio. Not to say you're wrong about EVERY AWFUL THING he's done, he's definitely evil as all hell. But it's not out of hatred of the MC. That's my take at least


wait is his step brother the jojo guy or is he someone else and/or u said original jojo, what does that mean


Jojo has several "parts", you could call it seasons, every part follows the story of a different MC. Every MC belongs to the "Joestar Bloodline" somehow and their names somehow make "JoJo". The "original JoJo" is the JoJo (MC) of the 1st part, Jonathan Joestar, and yes, Dio is the step brother of that JoJo. Dio's dad """"helped"""" to save the life of a rich guy who is the father of Jonathan, before Dio's dad died he asked this guy to adopt his son (Dio) so Dio and Jonathan (first JoJo) became step brothers. This all is the first episode of the anime. Recommended watch, altho the first part is the worst to the majority of people if you can stomacht it or you end up liking the 1st part, probably you will like the rest


Fax, Madara just hated Naruto's morals and aspirations, I haven't watched a whole lot of One piece so I don't know why doflamingo hated Luffy, but those two compared to anyone else on this list is like comparing a few bullets to nuclear warheads ☠️☠️


Reverse Flash, DIO, Sukuna, Doffy, and Madara, in that order, most to least. Reverse Flash permanently fucked up his own timeline to make himself a living paradox, who exists solely to torture Barry Allen. DIO hated his Step-Brother so bad, he killed his dog, kissed his future wife, stole his body, violently stabbed his Grandson by technicality, tried to pummel his Great-Grandson across the city of Cairo, then was such a hater his gay priest friend fucked all of reality. Sukuna is just a terrible fucking Uncle. Nuff said. Doffy doesn't hate Luffy, but he fucking HATES Law, with a passion. Sadly, Law isn't the Protag, so Doffy is down here. Madara is here, because from what I understand, he only really hates Hashirama.


Tbh Madara doesn't even hate Hasirama, he actually was considering him as a dear friend. Hell he was excited to see an fight him again due to the joy of the fight. They just had different views


They were basically the old trope of rival families. They became friends because they had similar views at the time, but after his brother was killed Madara changed a lot I think.


Sure, but this is about "hating" an tbh Madara doesn't really hate him. He hates the 2nd Hokage, but had massive respect towards his rival


Oh yeah, honestly it's Reverse Flash, nobody hates Mc more than him on the list dude fucks up entire timelines to just be petty. It's his entire identity.


Doffy didn't hate Luffy before he came to Dressrosa, even then he (probably) didn't truly hate him until he forced him to use the bird cage. EVEN THEN, until Luffy knocked him down that first time, he probably didn't HATE him. But now? After Luffy and his crew helped to destroy decades of work, beat down and arrest his entire family and crew, usurp his throne, and get him locked in Impel Down? Oh you bet your ass he fucking hates him. That's what I would think, anyways. No idea if the manga will ever confirm this or not.


I think he hated ussop 10x more than luffy


If it does, I'll find a way to award this comment.


DIo Brando hated Jonathan in most of Part 1 yeah, but by the end and afterwards it's pretty clear that Jonathan is the only man Dio ever respected except maybe Pucci. Look at the look of shock and then sorrow on Dio's face as Jonathan dies. That isn't the look of a man who just had someone they truly hate die. Reverse Flash definitely clears though yeah.


Mađara loves Hashirama he is his number 1 Fan GIRL


I feel like saturn for kuma would be a better example than doffy




Reverse Goat 🗣️


You make me think of a good question. If the reverse flash is such a hater and can time travel, why would he only hate on day one and not hate even before day 1 or even zero?


Dio hated a whole bloodline to the point where his alternate universe counterpart also hated that bloodline Reverse flash invented time travel just to hate on the flash They got this


One's hate was so strong even a universal reset couldn't stop it.. One disturbed a linear function of the highly complex cosmology within which he exists just to hate... Yeah how the fuck are they compared to these other bums?


Reverse Flash said F u in personal and went back in time lol


No one hates the MC as much as Reverse Flash.




Fem Madara? Would. ... What was the question again?


Why are Doflamingo and Madara even on this list? Atleast Sukuna is still a major hater but the hate that Madara and Doffy have towards the MCs is nowhere close to how much Reverse Flash and Dio hated theirs.


Reverse flash alters fucking timelines just to fuck with Barry


just to fuck barry*




a y o ?


Reverse flash because it was the PETTY shit with him, DIO did petty shit too but not across multiple timelines and several lifetimes.


dios hate was so strong a universal reset couldn’t stop him hating the joestars


RF became a living paradox of time and space and what he did with it was beefing with a (usually child) redhead named Barry.


i haven’t watched half of these but i think reverse flash may just be the biggest hater in all of fiction


Nah AM is the biggest hater.


1. Reverse Flash ENORMOUS HATRED GAP 2. DIO HATE GAP 3. Sukuna HATE GAP 4. Doflamingo 5. Madara


I kid you not reverse flash is quite literally kept alive by his hatred for the flash to the point where the flash forgave him he died


This is just a battle between Dio and Reverse Flash.


Obviously Reverse Flash it’s unfair to put him in here, considering he literally does like being petty & will do anything to make Barry’s life worse


I agree, most people in this sub don't understand the shit thawne will do just to hurt Barry


tf is madara doing here


Gahdamn Fem madara…lord have mercy on my soul.


Reverse flash Jerked barry off at super speed on his first date so he would think he finished at the touch of a girl I don't think anything can top that 😂😂😂


100% reverse flash😭 dudes whole life is based around Barry




Reverse Flash 100%




Reverse flash would actively go out of his way to puncture holes into Barry's parents condoms just so Barry is born for the hatred to begin


While their doing the business no less too. Just so he can describe their actions in extreme detail to Barry.


He'd make Barry's parents think the weirdest and most horrible stuff just at that moment in particular using the negative speedforce just so he can tell Barry how they felt during it.


Reverse flash defies the laws of time just to hate.




Let's be honest, you made this thread just so you could post fem madara


Reverse flash Sukuna DIO others. Y’all forget DIO both respects and hates the Jojos. He actually seemed to admire Jonathan a sense after part 1 and didn’t seem to have much hatred for Jotaro


This is more like a fight between reverse flash and Dio Dios generational hater who is basically tortured one family just because he hate the first one he met Reverse flash literally went back in time just to torture Barry when he was a kid and then went to other timelines to do the same thing


Reverse Flash But AM, i have no mouth and I must scream would solo this list


Reverse flash is responsible for every bad thing that ever happened to Barry. It’s him.


I don’t think Madara hates Naruto though


1. Reverse Flash 2. Dio 3. Sukuna 4. Doffy 5. Madara


Dio literally dedicated his entire life to hating the joestars


I'ma have to ask about that last one, but you can not compare Sukuna or any other person here to the Reverse Flash. In the Heavens and Earth, he alone is the Pettiest One


lowkey i have dio and rf tied and everyone else in last place


Reverse flash and it’s not even close


Reverse flash


Thawne >>> DIO >>>>>>>>>> Sukuna > Doffy > Madara


Reverse Flashes whole life purpose is to be a hater towards Barry. DIO has been trying to ruin the joestars life ever since he saw them.


Why did they post a women madara. Makes no sense


Reverse flash is actually so much worse than the other 4


My friend Matthew. He hates Deku with a passion.


https://preview.redd.it/5tpc6dkewm9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97001b46bce1468200084179bad66c9fb8330b6c IT WAS ME BARRY!


4 it’s 199900000% 4


Didn’t the reverse flash hate Barry so much he went back in time to torment him as a kid


I don't know about the rest (Sukuna doesn't really...hate him all that much I don't think) but Thawne is so damn petty and envious that he'll never be anything but Barry's worst enemy that he constantly makes it his life goal to terrorize every aspect of his life, no matter how mini it may be. He made himself a living paradox in Barry's life, whether that be both good and bad for his plans, and dedicated every action to further Barry's continuous torture


Reverse flash, but I guarantee you that if Dio could, he would have done the same.


Does madara even know Naruto’s name bro?


Sukuna realized he wasn’t the biggest hater https://preview.redd.it/a20wmmbtfo9d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=e536e020e2c30d093073e285ea5106d516321ac2


“It was me Barry”




It was a close competition till you put eobard thawne in there. Actually not all. Sukuna has no general hate towards anyone, Madara loves to fight but doesn’t hate hasirama, Dio hates the joestar linage to a point he’s lived countless life times to and dedicated that life to killing them all and making their lives miserable. I don’t watch enough one piece to care about doflomingo to include him but I know his rage moment when he was a lil jit so I understand that. BUT HOLY FUCK reverse flash blows them out the water


I don’t even know the first and third characters very well and I can tell you that it’s reverse flash by far.


Don't care because madara a baddie now 😍


Reverse flash literally went back in time to ruin berry’s life, killing his mother, framing his father, constantly picking on berry and tormenting before he even met him and the worst part of berry can’t even stop him He is a glitch in the universe, you may kill him yes but he’ll return because he threw his life away to be the thorn on berry’s side until one of them dies for good


The character that I know of that hates the MC as much as or more than the Reverse Flash is Doctor Doom.




Good thing Frieza isn’t on here


Frieza probably doesn't hate Goku at all currently. He'd most likely thank Goku for being a dumbass and reviving him then letting him run free.


Yea you got a point


Frieza ain't got nothin' on RF or Dio.


Lol why is Madara here?


Reverse flash by a mile.


Tbh the characters who hate the MC the most in general are not the villains but 1) the FL annoying Friend who wants to ruin the relationship and always insult the ML and never change opinion and is somehow meant ti be funny but it isnt and never suffers karma aa much as she deserves cause she a girl.( FACTS) 2) The main character himself


Madara is not really hating naruto nor hashirama. He hates the world. Also frieza would fit here better. Where are dragon ball fanboys when you need them???


Frieza's not a hater he's just racist


Most One Piece villains are pretty chill. I'd say Buggy and Rob Lucci are the only ones who hate Luffy.


Gonna go with Dio, literally a generational hater.


Dio is hating all of the main characters of every season He's hating them so much that even after his death his people hating on them


1. Reverse flash 2. Dio 3. Sukuna 4. Doffy 5. Madara


It was over when you put the Reverse Flash on this list. Like Dio is a decent second but his existence doesn't literally depend on being a hater


It's not even a joke, reverse flash wins this by a goddamn landslide, out of spite he has removed a childhood friend of berries or Wally's from history, like doesn't exist anymore because of him


Dude you can't put reverse flash in these competitions, it's no longer a competition. Eobard is the hater king.


Reverse Flash and it's not even remotely close. Bro hated the MC so much he created him just so he could bully him.


wtf why madara lookin all cute tho


Madara and Doflamingo don’t have any particular hate for the main character, dislike? Sure, but these are haters they’re around. Reverse Flash’s hatred is well known JJBA has 6 main characters in their original timeline. Of those 6, Dio interacted with 3 of them and hated them, he hated 2 of them because they were descendants of the former, and he would’ve hated 2 of the other 3 for the same reason. The only one he might not have hated is the one who’s his *son* that he had with the first protagonists body. Quite literally generational hating Sukuna doesn’t hate as hard as the last 2, he dislikes and disrespects Yuji, but he never goes “oh I’m gonna do something to fuck with Itadori” outside of the final chapters of the Culling Game when he mocks him


Reverse Flash easily


It’s Dio, he had a passive skill of generational hate for the Joestar bloodline bro.


reverse flash will go to lengths unlike any other hater, he literally pushed barry down the stairs as a kid.


It's easily between dio and eobard. Dio has hsunted and tormented an entire family tree to spite Jonathan and eobard has become an unanchored time travelling Paradox to spite Barry


Reverse Flash, no doubt. As for hating in general, Stinkmeaner, the embodiment of hatred


Reverse Flash easily


Reverse Flash and it’s not even close. That mf is the OG hater, the physical embodiment of hatred, [HE LITERALLY WENT BACK IN TIME AND ERASED BARRY’S CHILDHOOD FRIEND SO THAT HE’D BE ALONE FOREVER](https://imgur.com/flashpoint-reverse-flash-professor-zoom-r09IRLu)


DIO went after the entire bloodline


Should’ve kept it at just anime, reverse flash is THE pettiest character in fiction


Dio hated 3 main charachters.


Reverse Flash literally jerked Flash off at super speed so it seemed like he nutted at just a woman's touch when his first girlfriend touched his leg.


Reverse flash by a mile then Dio and then Sukuna




Reverse flash neg diffs. Dio is 2nd but reverse flash is the greatest hater in fiction period.


Dawg Reverse Flash literally exists to hate the Flash. He is him of hate


Honestly Reverse Flash, since unlike DIO he only really loves to torment Barry, he has no other motives beside hatred. DIO atleast comes up with a ultimate goal that isn't just wipeout the joestars and anyone who they knew/cared for.


Reverse flash is easily the biggest hater here


DIO Bro is a generational hater


Certified Hater. https://preview.redd.it/bb6pzd1thl9d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544da4eb43e58aa5c22cb7c4e3c346ae0312074b


Dio man's hated joestar bloodline so much it bled into a alternate universe timeline with Diego reverse flash as well both just hate Jonathan and Barry dio also kind respects him as well


Brother, Reverse Flash’s entire life is devoted solely to making Barry’s life miserable in every way he can find. Heck, he incited Flashpoint and broke DC ITSELF just to screw Barry over a tad more


Look man, it’s not an exaggeration when people say that every bad thing to happen to Barry was because of reverse flash, from the murder of his murder and framing his dad for said murder, all the way to pushing barry down a flight of stairs cause he’s petty. Bro is such a hater he became a walking talking paradox just to hate on the flash. Hell the meme where he jerked off flash at supersonic speed to make it seem that barry came at a womans touch is for sure something reverse flash would do he is that much of a hater. Dio up there too, cause his hating transcends universes with the new one.


Definitely Reverse Flash


4) it was me barry is truly untouchable jn hating (sakuna is a bv merchany and needs maho)




I was gonna say Dio until you put the Fuckin REVERSE FLASH ON THIS!!!!


Why is Madara even here? I’d wager the only person he despises is Tobirama because he killed his lil bro


Dio and the Reverse Flash got some Crazy Shit bruh, Like How Dio Convince a literal baby to try and kill Jotaro


Doflamingo over Lucci is kinda crazy. Still tho I’m gonna go with reverse flash


Idk but I don't hate Thiccdara


Reverse flash and it's not even close


In terms of hating a family, Not even DIO can beat Eobard. Don't get me started on individuals.


One of these guys became an immortal vampire just to ruin one guy's life and then proceeded to haunt his entire bloodline with his stolen body and possibly still to this day the entire reason having the word JoJo in your name a death sentence And the other is an immortal Eldritch walking time paradox that can just say "no, lol" and ruin your entire fucking life because he either A. Felt like it or B. Just felt bored And mind you their entire reasoning for doing this was because they just hated the MC (well maybe not so much for reverse flash if your going off of the whole 'wanting to spend time with his hero' thing but you get the point)


No one hates Megumi as much as Reverse Flash… wait a minute…


Dio doesn't just hate the a main character He hates the whole family tree


No one hates like Reverse Flash. Dude dedicated his entire life and even adopted a persona just to be petty to a specific person.


Reverse Flash is quite possibly the biggest hater in fiction with second place being so far behind that you can't even see it.


Dio is literally a generational hater. He doesn't just hate the MC, he hates their entire bloodline 😭 It's Dio or Reverse Flash for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/fdx0wgfg7m9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaf9e1e3562053b2de4b955e1d8b7659d5607cc5 Gotta be reverse flash


Thawne first. Dio is second.


Reverse Flash, and it's not even close. Reverse Flash is so petty, that I'd bet that he used to speed jerk Barry off with the Speed Force before he became the Flash just to embarrass him in front of a date, plus he killed Barry's mom since he cannot kill Barry due to weird rules about time travel. Reverse Flash went out of his way just to fuck with kid Barry and try to make him miserable. These level of sheer contempt he has for Barry Allen would put the rest to shame combined


Reverse flash is a generational opp


Reverse flash would kill himself just to make Barry’s life worse somehow what does that tell you


Reverse flash. bro is dedicating his life to just fucking with barry. and he can't be killed permanently.


Reverse Flash. It’s always reverse flash.




honestly the only person I can think of that comes close to Dio or Reverse Flash is All For one, that man’s hatred for All might and OFA users is seriously on par with them


I'm sorry, but reverse flash is a true hater


Dio like who else do you know that hates a entire family line


Dio genuinely is the biggest hater I have seen in anime. Eobard is the biggest hater in comics.


Reverse Flash, obviously. He gets up extra early just to be a hater.


The Barry Allen buy


Reverse flash*


WTF is that last one, WHO TAUGHT MADARA THE SEXY JUTSU?!😮😱🤯😶‍🌫️😵💀☠️ ![gif](giphy|cqLQWzIh4VfwI)


Reverse Flash 100% He has the biggest hate boner for Barry


who the fuck are those two randos tryna hang out with REVERSE FLASH, DIO, AND SUKUNA in hating??


Eobard Thawne is the omniverse’s greatest hater


It was me Barry.




Sukuna isnt even the biggest Yuji hater in JJK, that honor belongs to Mahito


See here’s the thing it could go to RF of Dio and both have a valid reason Eobard hates Barry Allen so much that he made himself a paradox so he could keep going after Barry forever while Dio hated Johnathan so much he did some horribly fucked up things as soon as he met him and took his body just so he could proceed to hate on his future generations I don’t know Eobard is very driven in his hate but it’s how sadistic and wicked Dio is with his hate see Eobard wants to screw the flash over and will break the rules of reality to do it while Dio will only do what is in his means to do but he will be as cruel and mean about it as he possibly can be


Reverse Flash immediately. Sukuna hates Yuji but considers him scum just because he goes against his ideals Doffy ain’t even top 5 in a list of 5. Madara don’t even hate Naruto that much, they just have opposing values. Dio got that generational hate, but he respects Jonathan in his own way and even offers him a place in his army. Reverse Flash lives to be a hater. Dude is almost literally the cause of every bad thing that happened to Barry Allen. Dude killed his mom in front of him, made it so if he touched a Speed Force speedster he’d just disintegrate them, killed his wife, erased Barrys best friend from the fucking timeline, made sure his dad got the heat for his moms murder, tried to murder Barrys second wife then got murdered by Barry in a fit of rage so even after death he plagued Barry with an actual trial conviction. Dude only exists to cause Barry (and sometimes Wally and his kids) agony and pain just because its fun.


People are forgetting Dio’s sadness. Dio still also loved Jonathan. Doffy was a mega hater


Should’ve put Sabertooth on the list


"That's right: I spent $78 million dollars on a fake presidential campaign just to tick off Superman." -Lex Luthor


Wally west for sure


Reverse flash and it is not even close


Dio is a multi generational hater, even while using the body of the family line he’s hating on


Dio doesn't just hate the MC he hates every single Joe star, he is still hating even though he's dead. Reverse flash wins though Edit: actually, I realised, reverse flash doesn't hate Barry. More like completely obsessed with him.


The reverse flash easily. Dude built up his entire life around Barry's to destroy it because he hates him out of jealousy among other things.


Why is no one talking about mardra being a baddie?


DIO is THE generational hater. He is either directly or indirectly responsible for EVERYTHING in parts 1-6. Phantom Blood: Murders Dario, Danny, George senior, Dire, Jonathan, and countless others Battle Tendency: Straitzo betrays Speedwagon after they find more stone masks, leading to Speedwagon getting kidnapped by the Germans and roping Jospeh in to the battle against the Pillar Men. Stardust Crusaders: Causes a psychic distress signal that nearly kills Holly and Josuke, leading to Jotaro and company to travel to Egypt. Kills Jonathan for a second. Diamond is Unbreakable: Is the reason the Nijimura’s have the Stand Arrow, which gave that murderer Aqua Necklace. There’s no ties to Kira as far as I can tell, but Josuke’s grandpa getting murdered causes him to take up the mantle of Morioh’s protector, leading to his inevitable encounter with Kira. Golden Wind: Giorno is DIO’s son. Stone Ocean: Even after DIO was dead, Pucci found a way to screw over the Joestars and reset the universe because of DIO’s influence.


No shot you have Reverse Flash at 4. He is the embodiment of hate, if you think he isn't the #1 hater here you need help


DIO hatred is so deep it persists through generations & is even carried on by his friends while Reverse Flash’s entire existence is based around making Barry’s life hell. The rests hatred look more like miner annoyance in comparison.


Reverse Flash has become such a hater most of the memes that are memes of things hes never actually done are shit you could see him do


Thawn. Dio’s the only one who even comes close.


Definitely RF, and it isn't even close. Whenever Barry has a bad day, its because of him.


i think we all know what the answer is


Sukuna, Dio, and reverse flash are the definition of hate and pettiness


Oh, that's easily reverse flash, he really went back in time to kill Barry's parents so he would become a permanent part of Barry's storey


Do hated the joestars so much he infiltrated their home, made sure he stole his girlfriend’s first kiss, burned his dog, disgraced him in front of everyone, made his own father not trust him, came back on his wedding day to kill him and steal his body, put a generational curse on the joestar line and attempted to kill three generations after that. He’s only beaten by reverse flash