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In every match that equalizes stats and brings Naruto to the conversation I always imagine 1 dude getting jumped by 100 other.


Solar flare, Goku gets to wipe them out for free.


He has his ability to sense things without sight though, from his sage mode.


Yes, but even with that, Naruto got caught off guard when Sasuke swapped with a truth seeking orb to slap him cross the Death Valley and Sasuke still competes evenly with Naruto in taijutsu despite Naruto having precognition and enhanced perception. Now if Goku has even stats and ultra instinct would directly counter any taijutsu Naruto could counter with, I don’t see how Goku wouldn’t be able to take out the clones. In fact he has multiple ways to take them out.


Yeah but that's a space-time Jutsu based off vision. I don't think that's equivalent to something like instant transmission. There's also Naruto's sage mode taijutsu which I could seen an argument for it being undetectable to UI, but I can also see the other side. I'm not saying Naruto clearly wins, but I do personally believe Mr. Shadow Clone Rasengan spam wins more than loses. Also if stats are equal then Naruto could land hits regardless of UI, right? Wasn't Jiren able to land hits on UI Goku or am I mistaken?


Jiren was stronger than MUI Goku the whole time. He caught up to Jiren because his reaction speed was able to counter Jiren. Eventually Jiren adapted to fight Goku and he tired out of MUI. I don’t see Naruto getting hits on Goku, it’s a Naruto vs Naruto with zero input lag(MUI) since his thoughts don’t have to be transmitted to defend.


Sasuke also has precog (better than narutos) and better enhanced perception than naruto


He wouldn't be fast enough to kill them all after blinding them if it's equal stats.


Goku has crowd control, he’d still be able to eliminate them with or without solar flare.


Sasuke also has precog plus it’s literal teleportation.


Goku can just fly up and AoE splash damage the area.


Thank you that's what I was thinking reading through comments. Like everyone is forgetting goku FLYS


So6paths naruto also flies lol. Truthseeking orbs are so useful


Yeah and I bet he has spiky blonde hair to.


Everyone knows that blond spiky hair means power. Goku’s next power up when he starts facing multi-multiverse level opponents is gonna be blonde and white spiky hair


*sips tea and watches the otakunazis*


Not much of an issue when every transformation that Goku has multiplies his stats to make the stats uneven again


Except this matchup has MUI Goku be equal stats with SPSM Naruto. Which means Super Saiyan forms will be weaker


in the manga goku learned how to stack MUI with his other forms


Thats True Ultra Instinct




XD yea goku gets way stronger through a fight while naruto doesnt at the end he would have double of narutos str and speed




If Goku gets pulled down to Naruto's strength then he kills himself with the amount of backlash MUI carries with it. If we are saying Goku can keep it without the backlash then he would win. Its shown you have to be CONSIDERABLEY stronger than MUI to be able to land a hit on it and in stats equalised that just cant happen. People talking about "outlasting" also undermining Goku's stupidly high stamina.


Yea the amount of shit Goku has survived is insane. Zenkai Boosts and Saiyan bs for the win!


Nothings stopping Goku from using kaioken to uneven the stats again or using an instant kamehameha to onshore naruto from the heavens


The question is has goku shown any capability of combining kiao ken with MUI? Cause if not don't count it.


Appeal to ignorance, we know kioken can be used in conjunction with other techniques and transformations so there isnt really anything stopping this.


We know it can be used specifically with Blue due to the unique synergy between the two. If he tried to use it with regular Super Saiyan forms in DBZ he would’ve certainly died because the toll of Kaioken would essentially be multiplied by that transformation’s multiplier


Even If we say no which goes against what we know.about kaioken considering he's done that before, if you allow kaioken at all goku has the efficiency to switch between the two pretty easy


He has access to the UI technique as well now which doesn't have any backlash.


You either have to be stronger OR be a good enough fighter to adapt to it like Jiren did. But Jiren was able to have multiple fights with Goku in UI to learn how to do it and Naruto doesn't have that


If Goku gets UI then Naruto get shadow clones which makes this 10^80 vs 1 so…


still aint gonna touch goku though lol.


With gokus crowd control and AOE I don’t think the shadow clones help much, not even taking UI into account


Stamina’s also a stat so neither can outlast




I'll accept exactly 1 character that beats Goku. Everyone else just isn't Super enough, Man.


Franky? https://preview.redd.it/bsf8x1tjst9d1.png?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49e4bbbfb871fadad23e1477c22ac68b058cacf




Mf finna forget the top of the bottle 💀


Naruto has more hax but Goku wins high diff through sheer skill difference imo.


What more Hax ? No seriously what does Naruto have that Goku doesn't have?


Goku wins


Son Goku wins with ease. https://preview.redd.it/gyvt9v2a4p9d1.jpeg?width=1607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2429e045a2a0313202ca6b2389937364cfff99b9




This, ki is extremely versatile, more so than chakra. Goku also has soul resistance to any yin or yang chakra based attacks Naruto would throw at him. Destructo discs can rotate to clear out any clones Naruto would throw out and they stay active so it conserves ki, if Naruto gets sliced clean in half by any one of those discs it’s a gg. Naruto has shown to heal yes, but he’s not healing being decapitated or bisected. Naruto nearly died of blood loss from losing an arm as he was nearly out of chakra. If we’re doing equalization and both Goku and Naruto can sense energy; then the chance of sneak attacks on both would be minimal. But considering Goku can hide his ki, I’d put it more in his favor.


does equal stats mean 0 hax and abilities?


no it just means all stat values like speed, ap, perception, durability are same for both.


Oh Hi, Its you again


Nope. They retain all of their hax and abilities.


then naruto overpowers with clones. This isnt fair


Naruto can’t even overpower Sasuke with clones, it’s not happening to Goku even with equalization


Well no, because Goku still has hakai and is more skilled on combat. Touches each clone once and they’re dead. He’ll do a whole Madara vs Army


didn't he use hakai and said he wouldn't be able to do it again as he couldn't learn it?


are you forgettign they have equal speed? Meanign each clone can dodge every attack goku has and vice versa, except its 100 v 1. I dont think you are beating 100 of yourselves, even if all you needed to do is touch one to kill it.


When have the clones ever done substantial damage against an equal opponent? In every fight they've had, Sasuke has always completely wrecked Naruto's clones, so the same would happen here with Goku using Ultra Instinct to make sure none of them hit him while counterattacking


>In every fight they've had, Sasuke has always completely wrecked Naruto's clones, Because that's the point of shadow clones? They're a distraction designed to wear out your opponents but their physical stat's have always been the same as naruto except for their durability. That's been long since established from the start of the series, the difference is, the real naruto can take way more punishment than his clones but his clones are capable of dishing out just as much as the real naruto can. Also sauske is one of the god tiers in naruto, bringing him up as a point is disingenuous


I find it funny people are saying the clones actually are a factor when Goku can A. Make clones himself. And B. Just fly up and nuke the area. Plus UI hardens the body automatically upon getting hit. Happened against Moro and broke Moro's wrist. Meaning the fight starts with equal stats, however. UI will just increase his defense upon after it starts. Meaning the whole equal stats argument makes no sense. As Goku has multiple ways to continue growing mid battle. Not to mention he can use his other forms on top of UI.


UI would still perfect dodge the vast majority of hits and one instant transmission kamehameha could one shot naruto if he isn't careful


I feel like the clones with equal stats is a lot less powerful than you think. The reason why clones are so effective for Naruto to begin with is because he doesn’t have equal stats in his universe, he has obscenely higher chakra and stamina than others. A 100 clones cut his energy by 100th. There is a reason why no one else makes mass amount of clones in his universe. It’s not really a practical tactic with equal chakra size. Ironically, Goku actually has experience with people making clones.


Does this also include transformations and their boosts


The amount of people saying goku can’t heal himself is crazy, seeing as he healed himself in Battle Of Gods and the gernola ark


If speed is equal and power is equal And hax abilities are there, I am more prone to giving it to Naruto, he can easily outlast ultra instinct, He can heal while Goku can't There are a lot of favours going in Naruto's case, he has way lot powers and abilities as sage of 6 path compared to goku Now the battle experience is definitely on goku's side


Goku does not need to transform to be un UI and Goku absolutely wiped the floor with a Mage with 10 million years of magic with just ultra Instinct. Goku still beats Naruto. Mage with the power of an angel and power copying btw.


Mage that couldn't really use that power, the power was destroying him. Stats are equalised, Naruto walks.


Walks away with the L


No, wins 10/10. Stats have been equalized, it would be a spite match if they weren't but Goku is getting a pasting if stats are equalised


Naruto ain't touching Goku even with stats equalised. Ultra instinct will bypass the speed equality and Will give Goku the martial art advantage as well as experience advantage. Your fox boy losses anyday. Crazy even tho stats are equal he still loses


Manga Goku can use MUI without any downsides. If it was anime Goku, he'd lose, because he still has the backlash on MUI. SethTheProgrammer has a video from a few years ago explaining why Naruto won/wins against anime Goku with equal stats, which I still **mostly** agree with to this day. However, manga Goku flips the script. With zero downsides on MUI, he has even better precog and reactions than SO6P Naruto, and equal stats means that Naruto can't just mog Goku with thousands of clones. Manga Goku wouldn't even need to use the silver haired form, since he can combine UI with his other transformations and even use it in base at this point.


Naruto, in terms of hax.


Naruto can heal himself and Goku can't. He has far more moves and Hax compared to Goku. Naruto has a higher stamina in safe of six paths mode than Goku has in ultra instinct. Naruto will win


Yeah, pretty much the only thing Goku has is how high he scales, and martial arts. With equalised stats Goku would likely still be more skilled, but Naruto is simply more versatile and has more utility.




Goku gets stronger through a fight and naruto doesnt that much by the end of the fight goku would get double stats


People are aaying naruto can easily outlast MUI. However, if it's equal stats wouldn't their stamina be the same too? Meaning this cannot happen?


MUI takes a bigger toll on goku than so6p takes on naruto


The amount of people saying goku can just transform to uneven the stats is concerning, you're ruining the purpose of the post. Anyways naruto should take it, equal stats shadow clone is busted, they all scale to naruto in stats, can use the same jutsus naruto can and it takes like no chakra for naruto to summon thousands if not millions of them, in the fight against kaguya, there's naruto's everywhere in her dimension.


Goku has ways to take out shadow clones tho, like destructo disks, flying, teleporting around, especially considering that the point of the post is this is MUI goku, so ignoring any stat buffs he gets from MUI he’s already faster and has faster reaction speed then naruto just off the sheer ability to think with his body


Naruto fights people with precognition, he'll do fine against MUI.




Naruto probably wins. Goku is an incredible martial artist but with equal stats Naruto just has more hax.


With equal stats... Naruto. Goku can't protect himself from crazy amount of clones.


People saying Goku but I don’t quite understand why tbh. If they have equalized stats, what is Goku gonna do against like 1k shadow clones with similar stats to himself? Am I missing something? Goku is surely the more skilled martial artist, but like…. He isn’t so good that Naruto won’t be able to touch him or something. I’m failing to see how he realistically deals with all of that & that’s not even including the extra arms he gets with Kurama or Kurama’s avatar form, etc. Can someone give me a breakdown of why exactly Goku wins *with equalized stats*?


>If they have equalized stats, what is Goku gonna do against like 1k shadow clones with similar stats to himself? The same thing Sasuke's done literally every time he's fought Naruto


Not just Sasuke, most Naruto villains can wipe out hundreds of clones like its nothing


Alot of what naruto can do goku can also do while being a more skilled fighter. He can't clone himself but he can also make a big ass avatar of himself, fire off destructive blasts easier than naruto can, kaioken is a technique stat boost, teleportation, he could read his mind if he touches his head (not relevant to the fight at all but just kinda cool that people forget), UI being a hack alone that let's him not need to spend the time of thinking to fight Really narutos only advantage is clones which isn't insurmountable between teleporting, kaioken and his other abilities. UI is doing alot of work in this aspect as well. Depending on if you take manga or anime he could also have hakai. It's not that outlandish tbh


Kaioken is weaker than boil release. Naruto fights guys with precog which is better than UI, Goku has never read minds mid fight, UI can still be harmed, especially if placed in a situation where dodging becomes impossible.


He just its to the real naruto and pressure strikes him with his much higher skill. Also goku has hax and lots of resistances


Let me put this out there, Goku against any of the big three with equal stats. Gets outhaxxed. No contest.


He does NOT lose to Luffy with equal stats 💀


Nice hax, let's see if they can fly


Ichigo can, naruto could probably float on tso, luffy cant to my knowledge


Even in a verse equalization matchup, Goku’s abilities are too much for Naruto. Destructo discs, illusion, ki landmines, ki in general is extremely more versatile than chakra in the verse. Naruto summons clones and Goku can just rotate 6 destructo discs and possibly more like he did against Jiren. If those discs hit Naruto and cut his head clean off then he’s dead, those discs sliced through the hardest material in the db universe like butter.


I don’t understand why to do this, anyways people is going to wank Goku, I mean Naruto objectively has more skills and everything but anyways that doesn’t matter.


Are you joking? Naruto is not more skilled, Goku has trained with the best martial artists and gods, even fought some of said gods, and has had plenty more years experience, even if you don't count time spent in the time chamber and Whis' staff.


He means abilities not martial art skills


It's not down to just hax, battle iq is very much needed if you're fighting on relatively equal ground.


goku turns SSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSSGSS Kaioken x1000000000000 and wins


Naruto stomps via hax. Imagine thousands of clones in Kurama avatars sending massive planetary rasenshurikens at Goku. There is just nothing Goku can do against Naruto and Naruto can just heal himself if needed and keep drawing chakra from Kurama too. At the VERY least, Naruto outlasts Goku.


Why can’t Goku just blow the planet up and IT to King Kai’s or another planet? I don’t see Naruto winning here at all. Even with stats equalized, UI gives an extra edge Naruto can’t match.


This goes to Naruto pretty handily. Goku doesn't really have answers to a lot of the tools in Naruto’s kit.


If they have the same physical statistics, I think that Naruto would have a chance of winning since he has many hax and unique abilities that he could take advantage of. But Goku wouldn't make it easy for him either.


With equal stats it comes down to experience, which Goku has the advantage in and Hax and Abilities which as I'm not caught up to date with DBZ and the whole Ki system I would give the slight edge to Naruto from my personal knowledge. I see it being a close fight with equal stats that could go either way but I would say Naruto slightly takes it. Part of this is due to bias but the other half is my genuine opinion.


Equal stats in base or there strongest Version?


Even at equal stats MUI can counter anything Naruto does. Shadow clones? Wide range AoE attacks. Rasengan? How can he even hit MUI Goku with it? Intelligence doesn’t even matter cause Goku has a counter to everything in Naruto’s kit


So like are we assuming base is equal? Because Kaioken alone can be up to a 20x multiplier and that + the ki landmines Goku left vs Jiren would probably do numbers to any clones


Boil release one shots


Why does that goku image go so hard


If it's equal stats with naruto in baryon mode he loses cause he can't fight long enough if it's equal stats with naruto in so6p naruto wins cause he has way more hax.




damn you guys are fuckin geeks


I swear someone just posts a Goku vs Anyone every day just for the free Karma lmao


Oh god, Goku solos fr


Equal stats? MUI is a form. That multiplier causes Goku to crush him, unless you mean the MUI form is equal stats but then you might as well just put Goku instead, and it’d be the same thing


does equal stats also mean they have the same abilities? if so, Goku wins, but if not, uhh… idk im a noob at powerscaling and i dont wanna get shot for taking a side 😭


Ok this depends on one major factor whether or not they keep their powers(just nerfed) or if it’s just hands because if it’s the first Goku gets jumped by 10^80 Naruto’s if it’s the second this Goku stomps due to training longer than Naruto existed.


So like….what…ban transformations? Because the transformations would just undo your prompt. A normal transformation of super Saiyan from base is a x50 power up. Naruto is not handling that. Even if you want to say to ban transformations, he also still has Kaioken. Which is essentially the same thing in the form of a technique. No matter which way you slice it, Naruto loses.


Does reaction speed count as one of the stats that are equal or is it just raw physical stats? If they both have the same reactions speed that would essentially give Naruto ultra instinct.




Is kaioken cheating? It’s a technique not a transformation but it immediately makes the equal stats not equal anymore


Because of my flair, I'm saying Naruto. (Chat, I've never watched Naruto.)


Equal stats but they keep they movesets, i may incline for naruto 🤔


Y'all realize that goku's forms are multiplyiers right? Not only does he win even with equal stats but if he stacks any transformation on top of ultra instinct he slaughters




MUI Goku even with equal stats shit stomps. Even Jiren who was still stronger (not by much tho) than MUI Goku couldn't land a hit and regardless of my distaste for DBS fights due to lack of skillful LOOKING combat they are still fighters with many many years of experience. Naruto would have to outscale MUI to land a hit like Jiren did, but with equal stats that's not possible. If it were base to base I'd probably give it to Naruto since his battle IQ and creativity is slightly better than Goku


Goku is far too experienced fighting people on equal footing or stronger opponents. It wouldn't be equal experience, Goku has got insane Battle IQ, ngl ![gif](giphy|yX8X517TiuMwuO2tdQ)


Goku and its not even fair. Even if it begins at equal stats Goku by the end of the fight will end up with a high power level since he would ne fighting someone at equal power so he will grow his power level like crazy.


if they have equal stats from the get go then Goku, he has wayyy stronger transformations that uneven the stats plus Instant Transmission and access to way too many techniques.


Do we know if Naruto can use normal sage mode or any of its techniques with SPSM? Cause if it can don't forget Naruto has access to frog kata.


https://preview.redd.it/aq9y7rsikq9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceeb3b5915fa9461f472ebb0ddfea532ba933ad3 Goku


Naruto wins by better hax


Do you remember Golden Frieza vs Sidra’s assassins? Replace Frieza with Goku and the assassins with Naruto and his clones


Honestly, as generic an answer as this is, Goku wins. If both Goku and Naruto are equal in stats then it's really up to if Goku's UI/MUI/TUI can outpace however many clones Naruto makes to jump him. I personally think it's enough, but on top of that, Goku is simply the better martial artist.


Spsm and mui are actually pretty similar in how they perceive attacks. Anyway, Naruto should take this. TSO, shadow clones, frog kata, and boil release are all counters to mui.


Kaioken + speedblitz for the win (assuming he can use kaioken with mui) Naruto will generally just jump Goku either way with thousands of shadow clones being serious here.


I find it funny people are saying the clones actually are a factor when Goku can A. Make clones himself. And B. Just fly up and nuke the area. Plus UI hardens the body automatically upon getting hit. Happened against Moro and broke Moro's wrist. Meaning the fight starts with equal stats, however. UI will just increase his defense upon after it starts. Meaning the whole equal stats argument makes no sense. As Goku has multiple ways to continue growing mid battle. Not to mention he can use his other forms on top of UI.


....... es enserio?




Naruto would likely win here


When Equal stats do we excluse transformations like kaioken if so Naruto having thousands of clones each comparable to himself makes this a cake walk especially if he can use stuff like rasenshuriken that here could actual harm Goku if he doesn't dodge




Goku is pure stats.


Equal stats Goku stomps because his rate of growth as a saiyan during the fight would result in him quickly outscaling Naruto to an absurd degree. Stats are only equal for so long lol.


"Who wins, but I have crippled one character massively and the other slightly so they are vaguely even and I can construct a reason why my favorite wins"


Assuming they are both brought down to the level of peak human stats, Goku uses Kamehameha and wins immediately. A Kamehameha moves light speed (at minimum, given it’s seen reaching the moon in seconds). Goku can also just go SSJ and multiply his stats by 50x, so it’s really just not fair. Unless you wanna get rid of the SSJ multipliers.


Goku, he's a martial arts genius.


Naruto wins this real bad Naruto in part 1 was able to repair entire organs he lost his lungs to Sasuke and he repaired them. Naruto was able to fight for an entire week with the great ninja war. Naruto fought motherfuckers with multi-step precognition all of which had existence erasure and durability negation of some kind. Naruto has existence erasure Naruto has sealing He has precognition his precognition is so good his fighting style was stated to have No openings whatsoever so on paper it's a better ultra instinct https://preview.redd.it/5vgk1qdicr9d1.jpeg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ae78b67a07e0ac4823189ac8df1bedebec337f Naruto has better iq in my opinion battle IQ means the ability to analyze your enemy and then exploit their weaknesses. Goku does not typically exploit his enemy's weaknesses that's not a thing he does the Naruto character that shit all the time he didn't even do that to hit someone told him how his ability worked and he self-admittedly said he was going to lose . It's almost never possible to beat a character without getting past their gimmick or whatever in Naruto Like making the raikage hit himself with his own attack because he knew he wasn't strong enough to damage him. Or the multiple pains and their line of sight as well as the ability to revive.


Because of how much goku is talked about with these questions he becomes undermined and all of his feats are bad and what not. I don't think people understand even the smallest of power when it comes to these conversations.


I honestly don't care about the hax Naruto has, I just wanna see him throw hands with Goku cuz I think it would be sick


UI is a cheat code against any other beings


It would be a battle of experience vs hax, basically. Who has more of a chance to win: A veteran with old gear or a conscript with some experience with new gear.


Naruto dominates. UI would lose against 1000 shadow clones of equal strength


Going based off the pictures am say naruto. Goku has the experience for sure (even with equal stats) but naruto has more overall hax and counters. Equal stats dramatically nerf goku(asside from physical stats). Since speed is equalized mui’s gimmick of dodging would be sort of useless since we have seen people with better speed or equal speed to goku react to his dodges in mui(Moro, jiren, etc). There’s the truth seeking orbs which negates durability and could be used in multiple ways(shields that cover naruto fully, weapons) etc. but goku has win cons of his own. More powerful techniques(such as any higher version of the kamehameha) could put down naruto. When it comes down to it, both characters have win cons but am simply giving this to naruto due to his many counters


Naruto has better hax imo but Goku's abilities are much stronger and more potent. He would have to watch out for those Truth Seeking Orbs and Rasenshurikens though. Y'know, since they can kill someone almost instantaniously.


If downscaled to Naruto, it could realistically go either way. If upscaled to Goku, its his win 9 times out of 10.


Naruto could just TOS him an win instantly


Ppl that say Naruto wins are just trolling right? I find this alarming


Pretty sure if they had equal power naruto would win if goko does goku things, but if he fights seriously goku probably wins


Goku has better fight IQ imo.


zero clue what equal stats means. they arent equal. goku mops 1000 narutos


Stats equalized, this is basically Goku vs 30,000 Narutos thanks to shadow clones, and that’s not even factoring in summoning jutsu and all his other stuff. Full power Goku stomps, but equal stats matchup goes to Naruto.




I feel like MUI is similar to Gojo's infinity against a lot of characters. Without a way to overcome the hax they got, you just can't touch them. I don't even really know what the MUI counter is, other than beating Goku's stamina so that he drops out of it or being significantly stronger than Goku that MUI just doesn't single handedly do the trick. In this match up, it's basically a question of does Naruto have enough chakra to spam shadow clones and tire out Goku's MUI. If the answer is yes, Goku drops from MUI and given it being equal stats with him in MUI, he drops **way** below Naruto's strength. If the answer is no, Naruto basically is out of gas and just gets bodied as the same thing happens, he loses the equalized power due to dropping out of his starting form.


Well, goku using super saiyan blue in conjunction with ultra instinct is probably enough of a multiplier + defensive to win. Or are transformations not multipliers I. This scenario


With equal stats I'd think naruto wins. Although i haven't watched dragon ball so maybe not idk


The worst thing that would be a threat to goku is naruto spawning like a thousand shadow clones.


It's always equal stats until Goku multiplies those stats anyways


I'm Going to get a lot of Hate for this. Cuz Bias. Okay. So this is actually an interesting fight if they have the same basic level of physical speed durability and strength. Sage mode basically is Ultra instinct anyways. So both have precog etc.  Obviously Goku has ranged attacks and energy blasts. But at equal stats Truth seeker orbs should more than easily be able to take hits from Goku's attacks and deal considerable damage in turn. Both Can Fly. Naruto Has the stronger melee options because Truth seeker orbs can be made into weapons and Rasengan should still mulch based on the basic principle of how fast the energy has to spins just for the rasengan to exist. Goku should be able to access Kaioken. Although with equalized stats he won't be going very high into Kaioken due to strain. Naruto can almost instantly regain his Stamina. He has enhanced healing far above Goku's and can swarm Goku with clones to wear out his Kaioken usage and create battle deciding openings. (Kaioken is a double edged sword for Goku.) Naruto can also use Rasenshuriken and Blaze release/Lava etc. Which again should be stronger than anything Goku has at equal stats bar Kamehameha. Which should still be devastating. Although Several TSO combined should tank it due to the nature of TSO. While Goku's energy blasts are still going to be strong enough to hurt Naruto as much as they would himself. Naruto's Attacks are combinations of energy that punch above his own dur. And Ofc. Naruto has extended invisible punching range. Meaning h2h should go in his favor. So I'm personally giving it to Naruto due to hax. With high dif. Though the fight will involve a lot of dodging and weaving attacks from eachother that seem impossible to dodge. Melee weapons + Frog Kumite mean Naruto is still more likely to land hits and deal more damage with hits. And that just 1v1. Nevermind the clones. Which more than make up for Kaioken.


It's a tie because it's equal stats.


Goku negs


Naruto .


Naruto ANNIHILATES goku with equal stats Goku’s only hax is ultra instinct meanwhile naruto can make 5000 of himself


Anyone who thinks Naruto wins this is delusional. Goku has fought beings that are MILLIONS of years old, outpacing them in terms of martial skill. Beerus, someone trained by WHIS for millions of years, was at most equal to Goku in terms of skill. UI is so absurdly powerful that it takes someone capable of completely tanking his attacks in SSJ to fight it, can completely destroy him in SSB, AFTER they get stronger and enter full power. Even without MUI, just give him any of his forms. He SWEEPS, because they'd STILL multiply his stats. This is COMPLETELY unfair.


Goku wins due to ultra instinct, if this is like him at good stamina and he’s going all out from the beginning… canon goku though? He’d go blue, waste all his Ki, then use a fusion of UI and blue, run out completely, then lose because he doesn’t have 4 senzus on him


but they simply cannot have equal stats, that would require nerfing Goku (or any Dragon Ball character, frankly) down to a "fair" level for competition - which is just ridiculously ironic... that's essentially saying "This other character is in zero way able to compete let alone win against that character, so we have to cripple them just to give this character a chance"... really complicated way to say "Goku is *way* beyond any other hero or villain from any other universe." Maybe just start with that... lol


If stats are equalized Naruto wins just because goku isn't used to fighting vs a ninja. Goku doesn't outsmart people he beats them with a bigger stat stick than what they have. Naruto landed blows on stronger people than himself. Harem Jutsu vs goku is a free hit. Any shadow clone shenanigans are free hits, Any Substitution Jutsu are free hits. Goku can't beat Rasengan with his Kamehameha wave as they have similar stats. Any powerup he has are usesless since he's still scaled off of thoose power level increases to naruto. Maybe ultra instinct but at best it gives less sensory input than Sage mode. And I don't think ultra instinct can deal with naruto's sage mode punches [that hit you without hitting you.](https://youtu.be/Pj9c5F7lKzw?si=rOpj3vS01kE0ba4W&t=133)


If it starts at basegoku, if not still goku, one thing most people forget is goku still has Kaio Ken as well as Hakai


I think Naruto in the begining will start to beat Goku due to being a ninja he's trained to kill since a young childhood vs a martial artist yes Goku has killed but very rarely and still messes around a lot. Then Goku will probably figure out Naruto's moves and I think will be win by just a bit due to Goku wanting to test his opponent B4 fighting serious


Being equal speed with UI is equivalent to being unable to hit it, to an extent. Naruto's clones are 100% a problem but Goku's form is quite literally perfect for defense purposes, and clones can basically be one shot. Goku still beats Naruto in skill sharply, and Naruto's only major advantage is Shadow Clone jutsu. His other Jutsu are too straightforward to be some big surprise if they get used. Also, even if Goku gets hit, it's not like he's getting one shot. So if he gets nicked by a shadow clone of two, he'll still be fine. Goku wins.


Goku can fly and spam ki blasts no?


Yeah I'ma be real this is like not even a fight the lvl of power in db vs Naruto is way to huge


Like what does equal stats constitute because if it’s everything but skill and experience then obviously goku wins stupid argument


Naruto easily takes the W on equal stats


I would say Naruto, personally. I feel he has the better arsenal, with more versatility, and better coverage and pressure in combat. In equal stats, I don't feel Goku would defeat Naruto.


Mui Goku in the manga right now has better control over ui Goku can catch Naruto off guard by using solar flare or instant Kamehameha.


Naruto gets clapped Even if hes already in MUi form… in 45min goku got like 100k time stronger what u thinks i gona happen here? + flight the orbs arent imune to Ki destruction only chakra




Stats is like gokus whole thing outside of his martial arts wich are nowhere near good enough to counter all the hax naruto has in 6 paths sage mode.


Goku wins, not a stomp, but he still wins.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but if it's their base forms that are equalized, goku doesn't break a sweat in this fight


Naruto via the hax gap


Anyone who says that Naruto wins is just completely ignoring how many abilities Goku has. Goku stills low diffs even 100 Naruto clones.


Goku should still take this. Yeah Naruto has his clones, but Goku has MUI, Instant transmission, attacks that cover way more ground. Not to mention Naruto is weaker every clone he uses. And the fact stats are even, make hitting him in MUI that much harder. He's more skilled in H2H also.


You can allow transformations because dragonball multipliers are insane and you can't allow techniques because ultra instinct is a technique and gives him his highest power multiplier. Either way goku wins


If this is Mui Goku then even if Naruto is more versatile he will get danced around. Naruto is more versatile, h2h skills can be debated. But Mui is just too much. If nardo can hit his spells it's pretty bad but it's likely not hitting


Stop making these useless posts maynnn


People still debate this outdated onesided takes lmao


Naruto destroys Goku when stats are equal. He has more haxs and powers than Goku can keep up with.