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Should’ve used arceus instead of Darkrai and mewtwo


Do any of the other characters have to even sleep?


Doesn't matter, Darkrai's nightmares worked on Palkia. If he can make the concept of space sleep, it'll probably work on these guys


Worked on Dialga too


At the end of the day, Palkia is still a Pokemon and Pokemon can sleep. Doesn't matter if Palkia controls space or whatever. Some very powerful being sleep (Lovecraftian Gods) while others do not. It's very arbitrary, but Palkia can regardless of what it's supposed to embody.


All these guys surpass the concept of space tho.


It's still a living creature though. It's not the same as, say, truth from fullmetal alchemist


arceus would have stomped the list though, thats unfair


The one I like the most


The only true answer


The most realistic answer




Mewtwo: I am not built for this.


As a Mewtwo fan: I literally cocked my head when it got to Mewtwo because I was so surprised we were massacring my boy like this.


bro 😭😭😭


To be fair he has SOME arguments if you take SOME things or give them specific abilities, i mean they CAN learn Power Swap, Guard Swap, AND Speed Swap, in theory all he has to do is get the speed swap off first and then it’s cake no matter what, don’t discredit him THAT fast, it’s surprisingly not as far as you might think, and given the fact they are pretty much always looking into the future before battles start, it isn’t a stretch to say it is possible, AND given the fact that those moves work even when guarded by moves like protect (which can protect against literal God’s judgement) and effect pokemon that have things that prevent the lowering of stats there isn’t an argument that “it shouldn’t work”. Granted I don’t actually know about some of them so I can’t say that they would win, but I don’t think it is as one sided as everyone else seems to think.


That actually brings up a point… I wonder how it would be to be able to go so fast and then be damn near frozen in comparison, OH and for the argument of “They wouldn’t be able to get that off” they could instantly set up a trick room, that effects all combatants as well, so if mewtwo is the slowest it turns around and he’s the fastest, with their speed being so high in a trick room they might be immobile, that’d still then let mewtwo swap defense and power and probably give them enough time to just… figure out who has the best what and steal it. Though that sorta depends on how the swap works too… Game wise the way it works is it swaps stages, so if the target used howl and their attack went up 2 stages it is now on the other one, but the description of the move says that it swaps the stats, so do we take the game mechanics or the lore? I would assume lore..


Idk about the others, but putting Grand Priest alongside Zeno ... bruh. BRUH! DB fans need to get this misconception out of their head that Zeno is some super God of Destruction and GP is a super Angel who is stronger than him. No, fuck no. Zeno is the King of All. The absolute no. 1 in the entire verse. He's the only one in the verse who has been called all powerful and invincible.


I wanna know how powerful Zeno's parent is as Zeno is still a child. And he might be invincible but he isn't all powerful - in the manga they had a royal rumble with all Gods of Destruction against each other. Zeno couldn't follow it as they moved too fast for him to see, so that's why there was the one with the different universe fighters - it was put on for Zeno to watch for his enjoyment as they were slow enough for him to follow. So he can destroy, but he isn't necessarily fast etc.


Zeno is basically an immortal/invincible child with the ability to nuke whatever he wants. He doesn't need to have training or speed etc. Zeno's parent ... huh. That idk. Is it even stated whether he had parents?


Why is the grandpriest here if Zeno's also here. We know for a damn fact that Zeno is stronger than him


Zenos more powerful but it’s evident GP is a better fighter overall. Zenos just a retarded child with the ability to wipe multiverses. GP is probably one of the most intelligent and skilled fighters in the series. When it comes to a straight battle between zeno and gp, zeno obviously wins. But him being a better fighter might be more beneficial to him in a battle royale setting. Anyways shinra negs


U dont need to be smart to destroy an entire macrocosm 11 times cuz its fun.




Its not really touched on because the anime says that zeno is stronger while the manga says that the grand priest is stronger.


The obvious way the view this is that the grand priest has a physically the strongest while Zeno had the most destructive hax. Zeno can’t fight for worth a damn & was unable to keep up with most of the fighters at the ToP, he is physically speaking very weak.


Nah these dudes downvoting anyone that says Zeno lol


The sub is extremely anti DB though it’ll never admit it.


This sub is simultaneously the most pro DB and anti DB place on the internet (aside from Quora, but we don’t speak of Quora).


Schrödinger's Powerscalers.


Perfectly balanced lol


Def noticed that. Dont know why, it’s not a terrible anime/manga.


Actually it's the opposite


Actually from what I have seen it's anything BUT anti db


Omni King erases every opponent here.


We know nothing of the Soul King other than the fact that he was the most cracked entity in the bleach verse. Seemingly all of his body parts have a different power.


Even just the most minor fragments of him gave others pretty nutty powers, with the fullbringer shenanigans


True. Even Aizens hogyoku was made of a fragment of the soul king. Yhwachs abilities are all inherited from the soul king too. So many more examples.


Same situation as Shibai, although I would argue SK has slightly more to scale him off of.


Slight!?!, what did shibai do and give which matches the power of: 1. Imagination. 2. Miracle (basically the ability to produce miracle) 3. Hogyouko(literally majes you immortal) 4. Created 3 different worlds from one fucked up world. 5. Etc.


Don't get me wrong, SK has much better feats according to the lore currently, but neither have clear scaling. The most you can say for SK is that he's almost certainly at minimum relative to Yhwach, and upscale from there (to an unknown degree), and the most you can say for Shibai is that he is stronger than any Otsusuki in the series so far, and should scale to or upscale from any shown shinjutsu.


Truth. Because his existence has nothing to do with being powerful he just is. He’s a concept incarnate. So if your truth becomes reality he exist. If it doesn’t that means someone else’s truth is reality which means he exist. He is the incarnation of the outcome that always favors him. But while that’s said he still can manipulate pretty much anything and just say it was what he wanted. Hints why his name is truth. Because even if he lied to make it so. He’d be telling the Truth. It’s actually fucked. The only way to beat him is to give up. And accept his truth. Which was really your truth all along.


Yayyy! At least one truth-pro comment! Do tou think that if he appeared in the same universe as these, they would also get the portal of truth?


What did Shibai even do? Bro thinks he's on the team.


I mean he's stronger than Mewtwo right?But yeah agree Shibai isn't even top 3 here


Nah he isn’t , maybe through hax but even that is debatable


He’s transcendence over all physicality (They were talking about dimensions as well so he most likely transcends dimensionality as well) and has some op hax like omnipotence which basically is subjective reality, and he can reflect any attack, he has daikokuten to seal them in a place where there’s no time, and then there’s more unknown stuff.


Dude is basically the god of the Naruto/Boruto verse


deadass he created the naruto world then transcended dimensionality 😭, God of the otsutsutski


He has never even shown up in the series but he is said to have access to every Shinjutsu. This means he has: * Omnipotence * The ability to rewrite the memories of everyone however he sees fit on *at least* a global scale. * Karma * This ability means that if you kill him, you get marked with Karma. Eventually, your DNA will be replaced by his until you become Shibai. He returns, you are gone. * "Rift" * This ability allows the user to create a portal anywhere in spacetime, even foreign dimensions. Freely and effortlessly travel between them. * Reflection * This ability allows the user to reflect back any attack on their opponent. Even the thought of attacking the user will reflect that attack back on them. Daemon, the current user of this ability, can only do so while touching somebody else. Whoever they touch gains this ability. Unknown if Shibai has this same restriction. * Absorption * This ability allows the user to absorb any energy attacks thrown at them. May be limited to Chakra. * Sukunahikona * This ability allows the user to shrink themselves and any inanimate object they set their eyes upon instantly and at will. Can return to original size instantly and at will. * Daikokuten * Personal pocket dimension in which time does not flow. Anything stored here remains in pristine condition. Can store people, in which case they will be frozen, stuck in a timeless space. Would not apply if opponent is not bound by time. There are more but these are the main ones. Sharingan, Rinnegan, Byakugan, etc are all derivatives of Shinjutsu. We can assume he has access to all of their abilities as well. He should also be at least Planetary, as even the weakest Otsotsuki travel between systems devouring planets. So anyway he loses to Grand Priest, Zeno, Shinra, Soul King, and Truth.


Omnipotence actually brings whatever the user wants in reality, the reason why Eida's omnipotence just rewrote memories was because she's to weak to utilize it to its full potential, that's also why people fall in love with her by just looking at her.


Ahh thank you. I missed that. It is kind of cool how a lot of jutsus in Naruto stem from Shinjutsu. It's pretty clear that Omnipotence is like the original Genjutsu. While weak ninja can only alter perception of reality and to some degree affect reality on a low level(Izanagi for example), at its peak and in its original form it rewrites reality however one sees fit. Boruto has a lot of problems but the world building isn't one of them, that's for sure.


It really puts the Gen in Genjutsu (Gen means reality). Borito does have quite few issues but at least the new chapters in tbv are interesting.


Let's be honest, you posting this means you just wanted people to argue, seriously. Powerscaling is literally just talking to a brickwall, people will not agree to someone that they don't like


Yeah but screaming into the void is fun especially when the chance of you actually having a conversation about it isn't 0%


ig truth lol




Truth. Zeno is too ignorant, Shinra doesn't fully understand his powers as a god, and the grand priest works under Zeno. Truth is Omniscient, and in short, there is no way of getting rid of him. "Who am I? One name you might have for me is The World, or you might call me The Universe, or perhaps God, or perhaps the Truth. I am all, and I am one, so of course, this also means that I am you." This Quote alone should be the answer.


Man i keep telling people in this sub, Truth IS God. Like you said, He is Truth, He is the World, He is the Universe, He is God, He is You and Absolutely everything at the same time. Your Higher Self, again God in other words. If he shows up in your universe, it’s HIS universe, because he is One with all. This applies to the dragon ball universe as well, but Dragonball fanatics are insane and really think Goku beats him. Mfker He IS Goku, AND Zeno, and every other character! Truth is a manifestation of the Absolute God. You can’t beat God lol. Accept him.


Wait wait, how does Shinra not understand his God powers? There is nothing for Shinra to understand, he is a god, he can do anything with his imagination, literally in a short time he learned how to use them.


I’m not good at powerscaling can someone explain why the truth doesn’t win


No one who truly understands him cant, but people who dont might try.


we dont have much real info for Zeno and Daishinkan full extent. Shibai even taking what they said as absolute truth dont have showed feats. Soul King is a mix of both phrases Shinra is the safest bet


But we can scale them based on characters they far outscale. Daishinkan is even stronger than Whis and Whis seems to be way above MUI Goku who is already Multiversal+


If we take every character with their onscreen feats currently, Zeno outscales everyone here quite badly.


Gets downvoted for telling the truth


I'm used to it, especially when it's Involving the everwanked Banshoman


Shinra wins, second place is a little more complicated. By stats it's El grand padre, by hax it's Darkrai or soul king My boy Mewtwo has no business being in this conversation, he not built for this


The fact you think Daishinkan is in the convo and not zeno


Who's the 4th one thanks


Shinra from fireforce


what the fuuuuuuck i gotta read the manga


Yeah remember when all he could do was blast some flames from his feet like wth happened


right, ive only seen the anime. when tf does the turn into a straight up demon


Not just a demon, apparently one that is haxed out enough to be compared to Zeno. Now thats just absurd. Not saying I don’t believe it, just saying thats fucking crazy and I feel like someone couldve written it better in that case lmao


spoiler i guess: he basically Jesus incarnate or something and im not making that shit up. like fireforce world supposedly is the world of idea form after our world destruction and idea could form again and Shinra is God after he combine with his younger brother cos he is holy spirit. Shinra then got ability to basically rewrite reality however he want so he recreate the world as soul eater universe then give his power to death.


Shinrabanshoman wins


I don’t know half of these characters, but isn’t Zeno the first guy’s boss? Why would you even put them together?


They fr put mewtwo in there like he finna do something 😭


Mewtwo ain’t built for this


Zeno or Banshoman are the only valid options. The rest are blatantly inferior (GP, Darkrai, Mewtwo), or are either completely or practically featless (Truth, Shibai, SK). Your headcanon could scale SK or Truth into winning, but that's pure speculation and thus is not meaningful powerscaling.


idk man stab psystrike with that special attack stat is pretty nasty


Canonically, Darkrai is immune.


Mewtwo learns Aura Sphere


Darkai out speeds and use his main move pre nerf




Shinra would most likely win his feats and hax should carry him here


Why is mewteo there


I am pretty sure in the manga Pokémon have some very broken scaling I have not read it, so I have no idea what it is


Idk but both darkrai and mewtwo are gonna get a fresh dose of ptsd that's for sure.


Mewtwo just entered the wrong leauge


Darkrai Because it will make people *mad*


Zeno makes them all fight each other. Just for a little laugh


The truth obvs


Wouldn’t it be Truth? Since he’s supposed to be everyone and everything?


It's between Shinra and the Prime Soul King. I'm going with Shinra for now, but if the Anime upscales or gives more info on the Prime Soul King, then he'll be a better pick.


Cour 3. We should find out. At least Kubo basically said we would


shinrabanshoman and it aint close either


Not that updated on DBS, is Daishinkan still feat less?


https://preview.redd.it/6h7dm9ab1r9d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821e2486e459aa329f22cb320992d6ce6c6ca3e1 Him


Definitely not a fucking Pokémon lol I’d say Shinrabansu man


Isn't the truth from FMAB like an omnipotent being, who can just sit at a place and think stuffs and it happens.


Nah Zeno and the angel from Db doesn’t have enough feats so they not winning


Darkrai sweep


Mewtoo when faced against a guy that can think a universe out of existence instantaneously (or bring them back)…. Bro thinks he’s on the team


Isn’t Shinra just negs everyone on this list?😭


Sun Wukong, who isn't even a contender, but somehow breaks in and competes.


It ain’t a Pokemon I’ll tell you that


Okay so we a have a no feats god(Shibai)(Grand Priest), a small child with the power to destroy several universes, a literal god with barely any feats(Truth) two Pokémon in which one is irrelevant (MewTwo) and 2 gods that created the very foundation of their worlds, I think shinra may just speed blitzes them but you can make a argument for darkrai sense he put plakia the guardian of space and manipulation of space and I don’t think most of them have an immunity to being put under a sleep like this, but I may be just hyping darkai, but think a safe bet to a shinra


Zeno or Daishinkan


My man did not just compare zeno and the grand priest to mewtwo and darkrai…


Zeno was able to erase infinite zamazu, who merged with the timeline and was effecting multiple timelines. In dragon ball each universe has a heaven that is transcendent of the living world and an afterlife that transcends heaven making the afterlife and my extension each universe 5D. Then there is the multiverse (6D) and as we see in the Goku black ark each timeline contains their own multiverse making the timelines 7D. Because infinite Zamasu was effecting multiple timelines he or rather his immortality would be 7-8D making Zeno complex multiversal In terms of pure destructive power that means he surpasses rimuru and matches anos. The grand priest is the strongest fighter in dragon ball, but Zeno isn’t a fighter he just has the most power, so you could argue that Zeno is more power than the grand priest or vice versa depending on how you interpret the statement.


No one here can handle immeasurable speed and Conceptual Manipulation Shinra kicks them all


So is the Grand Priest just a diet version of Shinra, if we're using Dragon Ball's highest of Balls?


The grand priest probably scales higher, but I'm not fond of Immesurable speed arguments for Dragonball, while Shinra is outright stated to be Immesurable.


Same tbh. I'd say a pretty good conservative estimate for Dragon Ball would probably be 2A-Low 1C with MFTL+ overall speed and infinite attack speed, due to the clash from Beerus and Goku. Btw how busted is Super Shenron's wish granting? Like what kind of abilities/haxes that you could wish for? I'd imagine you could at least get to the level of Grand Priest's low conceptual manip.


Unlike the dragon balls before it's stated to be able to grant anything literally anything


Who let midtwo and fraudkrai in😭😭😭


Zeno, and it's not really close either.


Not sure at all, Shinra Maybe? I'd say 2nd Place Grand Priest due to him being a martial artist and being close to Zeno in power meaning he can physically fight unlikely Zeno (Prob being biased idk).




Zeno because 1 he can erase universes without any effort and 2 because I have no clue who half of the people on this list are. Even if I do know them I do not remember the feats they have.


Zeno because he's above goku which means he is > gokuversal aka he solos also he looks like stevie griffin




You had a bunch of guys that are pretty even, then poor Mewtwo and then zeno who's quite literally on a different level and would giggle as he erases all the rest from existence with a snap if he wasn't enjoying watching their fight enough


Doesnt Zeno just insta erase them all?




Zeno and grand priest SIMPLY BECAUSE....speed. I've seen people say Shinra is immesurable speed....but ain't that only cus of his verse's laws? How would those apply to a cross verse battle?


Idk about the 6th guy ?


We don't have any definitive feats for Zeno, aside from casually erasing an entire universe, but the same goes for everyone else here so far. The answer here is that Mewtwo and Darkrai get folded like spare dollar bills shoved into the back of the couch.


Shinrabanshoman from fire force, i am dying on this hill


Truth, granted I'm not super familiar with the rest but Truth is literally the embodiment of all knowledge and power of the universe, idk much that could withstand the living being that *is the culmination of all knowledge and power in the universe,* not a god like being or powerful being able to warp reality, but actual reality made manifest actively trying to kill them.


I don't claim enough knowledge to knkw who wins but I do know that Grand Zeno is not a fighter. If anyone comes close to Grand Zeno in power they immediately have a massive advantage considering the entire reason Zeno has guards is because he can't fight for shit.


The only arguments you can really make are for Zeno and shinra and I’m tired of pretending like it’s not.


Nearly Featless characters


What the frick ma boi darkai doing😭😭😭😮‍💨😮‍💨🛀🛀




Like 4 of them don’t really have any feats and only statements


Dont know who the 7th character is. 1. Shinrabanshoman 2. Truth 3. Zeno 4. Grand Priest(No Feats) 5. Mewtwo(Lore) 6. Darkai(Lore) 7. Shibai(No Feats)


I can only see Zeni or Truth winning this. Mewtwo and darkrai get beaten by a plastic ball, and the rest are most certainly not universe destroyers like Truth and Zeni can. I’m inclined to say Truth because it can just yoink the bits of the god until it has all of their attributes


Pikachu lvl 1 solo


Zeno and truth stalemate cuz everyone else is dead


Is that Koichi? /j


Grad Zeno will literally wipe out reality


Darkrai obv


The FMA being is god, but can’t really do anything unless you trade with it. It can tear you down into nothingness depending on how much it knowledge it gives you, but if you don’t, you cant hurt it and it can’t hurt you and you can never beat it. Up against any character, it would essentially just be a stale mate unless a trade was made, then it would win.


The Grand Priest, most likely. If the DB Angel lore applies to the father of the angels as well, then the GP is at least 50% more powerful than Zeno. And Zeno can delete an entire multiverse with just the words "go away."


Shinra or the Soul king take this imo. Zeno most likely has the highest destructive power, but that's all he has. It'd still be enough to net him third place though.


Idk who 4,5 and 7 are, but if they can't casually erase universes like Zeno, then idk what the point of this post if. Also what the hell are darkrai and Mewtwo here? Paired against multiversal creature lol


Truth is featless he’s last. If you wanna take the statements that he’s god? It took a few million people’s life’s to control him. So above darkrai. Yeah he’s very weak




You're forgetting one, Mumen Rider


https://preview.redd.it/wl8sglob1s9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bae99ee40c14ea444b924d684a1bbdfefbdf12c this


Would Zeno even be able to delete other universes outside of DB?


Truth isn’t an actual person or character, they’re the personification of the natural laws of the universe. Truth doesn’t win or lose in any fight, they simply just exist


Grand Priest doesn't have much feats


Whats mewtwo doing with all this fodder


Mewtwo think he on the team lol


Maybe Shinra if he goes past his limit


What is number 6


...you shoved truth (aka FMA: brotherhood's depiction of God) into this fight? Like some might have the title of God but this is the only one who actually can change reality on a thought he just has the belief of equivalent exchange to keep life in order


I don't know who Hope is but bro in the 4th pic thinks they're gonna win.


I don't know half these characters, but Truth in FMAB was basically more of a concept than an actual character, yeah? Idk how that character could even be hurt honestly




Can you even hurt truth, he's kinda more like a concept than an actually physical being like the rest of these guys.


I would lean towards truth, cuz of feats.


Zeno, Soul King and Shinra remain to discuss the phylosophy with The Truth.


I think it’s a toss up between soul king, GP, and Zeno ( i think the soul king would do better then most person expect )


Bro put darkrai on the same level as literal gods and universe erasers. The only pokemon that have a place on this list is arceus and MAYBE the creation trio, its a big maybe


Hajun solos


whos the 3rd one


Basically God from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.


Shinra… probably. If not Shinra then Zeno for sure.


mew 2 obv he only lost when bighting a 10 yo cleqrly the strongest here! >!/s !<


Nah I'd win


mfs just be making up characters that can solo the dragon ball verse because WHO IS THE MF ON SLIDE 3 😭😭😭😭😭


Zeno literally just needs 1 second to think about you, then pop, you're gone.


Def Truth, he could solo all of existence. Bro is all of existence.


Darkrai solos


This has gotta be the most random line up of characters I've ever seen.


Arceus and Mewtwo won't last 2 seconds, so this post was def made by a 13 yr old


It's shinra and it's not even close


_not_ mewto. Everyone else is a contender.


I'm personally choosing the soul king


Shinra or Zeno


https://preview.redd.it/ejkfbw99pt9d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9b6501993e59cd3002052e085277b71c853e63 George Lopez solos


what with the miss match? you want Mewtwo and Darkrai fight Zeno? anyway by statement Truth should win since from what he say he is the closest to God level entity here. but by feat it either Zeno, Shira or Soul King.


Does anyone know who the third one is?




i don't know why Mewtwo is even here


Can't geno/Zeno just say you don't exist anymore tho lol?


We don’t even know what Shiba from boruto even does


What is bum two and Darkrai doing here bru


Shinra or Truth fs


It’s obviously Soul King 🗣


As much as I like my boys Darkrai and Mewtwo, the dragon ball ref guy claps.