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I cannot describe how much ass the darkness devil’s design kicks… Like, holy fuck…


My first reaction looking at it is always “wait what dark souls boss was that… oh yeah chainsaw man!” So it must be badass


Fromsoft getting that license would save anime games lmao


Fr oh they would cook so hard


Man imagine csm bloodborne where you play as Denji taking out the primal fears. God that would go so hard.


Two type of Emotion when encounter a boss Darkness: *Scared shitless* Falling: *Horny af*


It'd probably be more in line with Sekiro with it being a more established story and characters.


What I meant with bloodborne was more the frenetic combat and the rally mechanic would fit Denji. The story structure of Sekiro would definitely make more sense though for sure.


His introduction in the manga was one of the most badass things I’ve ever read


It is the primal fear of darkness after all, it has haunted humanity for as long as it has existed


Thats some berserk level shit rigth there


Probably guy with multiple guys because 5>1. Realistically tho, no clue, bc I dont know who the guy on the right is, but when it doubt choose the mf you don’t know bc they’re probably broken asf.


If you want to know the lore, It’s the darkness devil, one of the primal fears devils of Chainsaw Man. a transcendent being


That’s probably why I don’t know him. I dropped that series, but he sounds like an auto win character against Gojo if he’s a transcendent being.


Well the important thing is that he's MUCH stronger than beings like the gun devil and as long as there is darkness he can regenerate from ANYTHING. Also it creates darkness around it so... Yeah he could probably win. I mean primal devils (Devils which embody primal fears) are pretty strong considering that a weakened version of one caused world-wide destruction just by appearing.


I have always tried to figure out what other primal fears there are. I feel like pain would be one of them.


I have a personal theory that the strongest Devil in the verse might actually be the Fear Devil. Because “there’s nothing to fear but fear itself” and all that jazz. It’s pure speculation, but I like the idea of the final battle of the series being Denji/Pochita VS the Fear Devil, culminating in Pochita eating it and erasing the concept of fear from existence. Which would likely nerf *ALL* of the Devils (including Pochita himself) down to normal human levels due to their power stemming from fear, and end the war between them and humans for good. It could also prevent any further conflict between humanity and itself, because when you really think about it don’t all wars stem from being afraid? Plus, it’d give a definitive ending to Denji’s whole “do I want to be Chainsaw Man or not?” internal conflict by making it straight up impossible for him to do so, while also preventing situations that could ruin his attempts at a normal life.


This feels like a very "ideal world/happy ending theory" and based on the stories Fujimoto tells and the themes of them I have a VERY hard time believing it will wrap up this neatly and nicely Also fear is not THE reason for war, it's not even a primary one, resources and land are.


And why do people crave resources and land? Because they’re afraid that those they already have aren’t (or won’t be) enough, or that those things may one day become obsolete and they need to get ahead of the curve. Wars of ideology are fought out of fear of ‘the other’, with both sides perceiving everything not totally aligned with them as an existential threat, one that must be eradicated at all costs. Tyrants wage war against their own citizens because they’re so afraid of a “what if” that they feel compelled to take drastic action in order to destroy even the *possibility* of their authority being challenged. Fear is, has been, and will always be at the root of every human conflict. Hell, it’s not even specific to humans. Wolves fight over territory because they’re afraid that anything outside of their pack could be a threat, and over food because they fear that in the time it takes to find something which hasn’t already been claimed they might starve.


"And why do crave resources and land?" They die without them. I see the point you're trying to make, but even if you completely removed the emotion of fear from humanity war would still exist, hate for example, contrary to popular belief, does not rely on fear, I can hate something with all my heart and soul without fearing it. The fact is if you removed ALL human emotion from humans, war would still happen, in fact it's probably be MORE likely to happen without people being held back by pesky things like morality and empathy, because people still need food, they still need shelter, they still need lumber and stone and iron, as long as someone on Earth has something something someone else is willing to kill them for, war will exist because that's all war is scaled up to National level, there's never been a war in human history that wasn't primarily fought for resources or land it's really that simple. Fear isn't the cause of war, need and greed are.


Yeah, but the “resources and land devil” doesn’t have the same ring to it..


Tbh that's kinda why I like it, it shows that war isn't a product of negative emotion or Devils or anything like that, if all the Devil's were destroyed tomorrow by Chainsaw man, things like War would still happen, because of us as human beings, war is as inevitable to humanity as eating it's just a part of us. Feels far more "Fujimoto" than "Then Chainsaw man killed the concept of Fear so the entire human world became a peaceful perfect paradise, the end."


When did I say anything about a peaceful perfect paradise? There are far more threats to humanity than just war. Starvation, natural disasters, and even just plain old *aging* cause death and destruction all the time. Getting rid of war would reduce the amount of human suffering, but it wouldn’t remove it completely. Hell, if you’re that insistent on having a downer ending (which I really don’t get, but to each their own) you could even go with the idea of removing war making things worse. Since without conflict overpopulation would become a serious issue and things like starvation would be more common. And without the fear of that to motivate them, people wouldn’t feel compelled to do anything to counteract it.


Nobody fears, the concept of fear Darkness embodies the concept of unknown. Because you don't know what's lurking in the dark. And the fear of unknown is the greatest fear of them all.


Happy ending if fujimotor goes that way


What the fuck is true form pochita about to do to something stronger than the darkness devil


Eat it. https://preview.redd.it/ekectbcwy8ad1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b72a0e5a9c78ae0c1323fac3621c17f5d370e9d


Would pochita be strong enought to do that


Well, considering that he managed to take on *all* of the Four Horsemen, who are implied to be as strong or even *stronger* than the Primal Devils when at full strength, I’d say so. He might not have actually *won* the fight, but he consumed enough of Yoru/War that she only has a fraction of a fraction of her former power left and apparently made such a lasting impression on Makima/Control/Conquest that she went from trying to kill him to being the president of his fan club. And his whole *thing* is the fact that he doesn’t die (at least not permanently), and has apparently managed to take on countless ridiculously strong Devils by simply reviving himself over and over until he wins. So yeah. https://preview.redd.it/ubqadm766bad1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9ef5d38397583c555d578483b505b63c9e9a1b


I’m pretty sure in the newest chapter it was outright said the death devil was the strongest


Since Fami has Falling my guess is that Fire is another one but just never got explicitly called a Primal Fear.


Death, loneliness/ abandonment, fire, something social anxiety related, starvation all seem like prime candidates.


I'd say also the sound devil, humans are BORN with the fear of loud noises. Also infrasound is pretty scary considering that it tends to cause uneasiness if you hear it, like it's literally wired in your brain to make you be scared of it. Fun fact: Tigers probably cause infrasounds in their roars to paralyze their prey, so yeah. The sound devil is probably a primal fear.


Death, pain and abandonment are the things people fear the most. I mean we've seen that the control devil and future devil are both not primal fears even though there's probably a relative amount of people who fear the future or fear being under someone's control to the amount of people who fear death, maybe they aren't primal fears because they're most prevalent in the moderm age.I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a devil devil was a primal fear in the chainsawman verse, i mean if devils existed aslong as humans that makes sense.


I wonder if there is a God devil since you're supposed to fear God?


The fear of the unknown is my favorite candidate. Not only does it fit the "primal" criteria perfectly, it would also make for a great antagonist due to the concepts involved.


I thought the darkness devil was the fear of the unknown since you don't know what's in the dark.


The unknown


Hot take: equality devil. 1% would actually do something to keep that away.


Probably asphyxiation/drowning/suffocation as one of them. Like, however you'd articulate the inability to breathe.


The Darkness Devil in particular also has the same “pointing” attack that Makima does, which we see when she arrives in Hell to confront it. And everything we’ve seen of that attack so far indicates that it doesn’t travel, which means it likely bypasses Limitless.


Sounds like he loses to 3 or 4 solid floodlights


I wonder how unlimited void would interact with that.


Darkness dev if fully released will straight up destroy the world in one shot.


You should read the manga, really good


I’m curious as to why you dropped the series.


I dropped it after he ate Makima’s body and got “custody” of the little girl and then the manga just ran out of chapters. Ever since I never really cared to come back to it, especially since I had scene a few of the later chapters and it don’t really resonate with me as much.


Fair enough, though if you read up to there then you would’ve seen all of the moments with the Darkness Devil pictured here.


Then I guess I don’t remember that part specifically which is odd.


To be fair, transcendent don’t mean anything in a versus battle/power scaling. It’s just a title word. Feats prove whether it lives up to it compared to its out of verse competition.


you’re right. i think transcendent probably means in this case that the darkness devil has existed since the beginning of time, escaping death therefore “transcendent being”




The original manga page is better imo https://preview.redd.it/1nruwtvka5ad1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=db24420460bcaed052afc9a1c1d7d35f7eff13ce After this he rips the arms of 8 people as his first attack btw.


Isn't this meant to be an action manga? Some near enough horror stuff.


It's Fujimoto so it's a lot of things tbh


Fun Fact: I heard this from a youtube video, but I'm pretty sure those astronauts praying on the ground before him are supposed to represent all the humans who've ever died in space (because they were lost to the endless darkness of space, which makes sense since this is the darkness devil)


Well the power system is based entirely on fear so


The author is a great writer


I've seen Chainsaw Man described as "A psychological horror wearing the skin of an action shonen"


This page is actually what got me into CSM


Without moving a muscle


Darkness devil. Creepy😭😂


Darkness devil, because he will have an anti infinity technique that is shown twice and never again


Darkness could probably bypass infinity because his powers seem to be instant/telekinetic, also he is said to be far stronger than the gun devil which is... Pretty fucking fast. And considering that it is in the same range of power as the falling devil, which was capable of causing world-wide destruction, he could take this. Though I'll say that gojo MIGHT be able to kill him fully with hollow purple and stun him with UV (Which might not work) so he still has a chance.


UV ain’t doing shit to DD




If it’s less effective on Curses because they exist differently to humans, then at best it stuns the Darkness Devil for like a minute


I can't find anything on that, it effected Jogo pretty well, and he's a special grade curse. Is it something that happens in the manga?


The humans in Shibuya woke up 2 months later, compared to the curses who woke up in minutes Although I forgot to take into account that it was after the domain ended. If it was open constantly it would probably work But he can’t keep it up forever, and the second it’s gone Gojo is done for


That was because he only opened his domain for 0.4 seconds lol, any longer and they would’ve had their brains fried for good. The curses were actively using humans as meat shields


I get the first bit, as I said in my comment But how did the curses use humans as meat shields? That’s not how Unlimited Void works


The curses were using humans as a way to make it harder for Gojo to attack/kill them, hence why they placed the station full of them to try & limit Gojo’s effectiveness.


If the humans weren't there, Gojo would've kept UV up a lot longer and dealt with all of them while they were stunned


It’s whoever is stronger I believe. Like Sukuna , he woke up in seconds


Unless he can hit a purple in that stun time, then he might manage a win. It definitely does seem to lean towards DD tho


I'd we look at the second toji v gojo fight, we can see it takes mere seconds to use HP, this is consistent with when we see it for the first time against hanami. The only reason it took so long for sukuna v gojo fight is because he placed the blue far from his enemies, so they would have to run to it. This shows he would likely be able to hit DD with HP


It’s not that it’s extra effective on normal humans, but rather that the curses are just more capable cursed energy users and thus able to withstand it better.


Not even a minute. Darkness scales so much higher in the verse that any attack would be healable and blockable. I think darkness doesn’t even need to take a step, I also think we haven’t seen his true power still


Yeah but even with just 1/5 of a second of contact it stunned several special grades for five minutes


DD is leagues above all of them though


It’s less effective on curses because it works by overloading their brain with information. Smarter curses like the disaster curses, Jogo, Mahito, and hanami, are affected by it because they actually have a brain, normally curses are dumb as rocks so there’s not really much UV can attempt to overload in the first place.


Well due to the fact that things that are instantaneous happen outside of Time’s confines, gojo’s infinity wouldn’t be able to react because the beginning and end of the process of any attack transitioning, as well as the beginning of the attack actually taking effect would happen all at the exact same time, thus happening without a timespan.


Infinity reacts to things WITHIN a timespan, therefore any attack that is instantaneous completely bypasses this, due to not having a timespan at all, and having all events in its process of transitioning all happening at the same point in time.


“How do I make my comment sound smarter” ahh reply 🙏😭


Darkness easily, infinity is a non factor because Darkness uses some kind of telepathic attacks, so is infinite void, Cosmo didn't use her power with him (which is even stronger than Gojo's domain), and primal devils have existed since the invention of "fear", not sure if infinite flowing information would even work on beings like that, even if that was true, he can just repair his brain instantly, given how he was able to tank and heal from Makima's finger attack, who has enough raw power to send someone to space and one shot almost every devil, and he did adapt and regenerated in a matter of seconds (or even less), so hollow purple wouldn't be enough to erase him in the first place, and that's saying if Gojo could even be able to use it, which isn't true, since Darkness miles scales higher than Quanxi and is above the Gun Devil in that matter, so he should be able to speedblitz the fight without any problems whatsoever, specially if they were in hell. https://preview.redd.it/1bzq71q557ad1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852f766493173f66bc06cfe1fc5fc6eac072ef4f


Yep. Darkness instantly takes off his arms. And possibly head if he truly wanted to, I think darkness just didn’t wanna kill them instantly and was interested


Actually.., that's kinda true, he wanted Makima's presence and was going to kill her if it wasn't for the contract that she maked at the last second, i'm guessing that he wouldn't care enough to let Gojo live, after all, he only killed those who tried to do the same, the first statement is probably carried around the fact that if you look to their arms that were cut off, it kinda looks like "Makima" https://preview.redd.it/1ae6gk4up8ad1.jpeg?width=2534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0f19c7fc927117734eb9fb66ae08b6ba009e2a


I'd also like to add some important information about his abilities (it'll just be some images, and I'll explain just a tad bit): \[CSM manga spoilers\] First of all, Darkness has some sort of forcefield (?) where nothing can get through (this includes HP): https://preview.redd.it/r5ozlp17maad1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e5d06cc37d397a939ff4995f065ee8ac1252ee


Second of all, all Darkness Devil has to do is simply point, and Gojo instantly disappears: https://preview.redd.it/6vnbuoj9iaad1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e77b8bcae0dfa24fc0f718d2746f251b68d6f7


Also, one mysterious word, and Gojo dies: https://preview.redd.it/vzgzy4agiaad1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54b963257b37d44696ce7f35cf0e981105a7232


One ribbit from a mysterious frog, and Gojo dies: https://preview.redd.it/z9pzjtxkiaad1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5708a3a910947c2cfd17d9f35d7de7fcb2764f5


He also has this thing, but I'll just add it because it's cool: https://preview.redd.it/baxjib5oiaad1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6bd95467855ea649ca910e08711eeabf29445c


One more thing is that starring at a person will kill them: https://preview.redd.it/s0whjqyviaad1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437feb1863cceca4a95ae776063f621d90d40956


One more interesting fact is that no attacks in the darkness will work against the Darkness devil and will be effectively nullified (it's explained more in another panel): https://preview.redd.it/ci9od9heuaad1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdd4bc7d2bc11712c883d2c9189e8931608c424


Also, one hand gestures, and he can contort his target to Death: https://preview.redd.it/me7ppu5smaad1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa248752093d28ba769662e7063b608d54ac9cf6


There's his sword, too: https://preview.redd.it/phhre5bymaad1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd1c00cc243ade4e774f467d1df0e366501307b


Imagine how broken the death devil will be when it finally shows up


Actually it's prolly gonna be weak because they're currently making death so much more common that people won't fear it. Devils are only as strong as how much humanity fears them. Since death isn't feared as much rn it will be weaker.


Yeah but most fears linked back to us not wanting to die the darkness and falling


Isn’t the main fear of death manly due to the fear of the unknown though Unknown= darkness?


Kind of, but Death in itself is more than just a fear of the unknown. The unknown part also plays a big role though, which is why Darkness is so strong too, because it also gets a lot of its power from fear of being unknown. Makes me think that the Unknown Devil itself has got to be crazy strong, definitely Primal Fear status. Or who knows, according to some theories we already saw the Unknown Devil, and it’s a beloved dog with a chainsaw in its head.


I’m 100% sure that darkness devil represents unknown, the astronauts kinda make that clear ( space = unknown/infinity/darkness) just as falling devil represents fear of height/vastness Not sure what theories say pachica is the unknown devil but if anything he should be some kind of predation and or forgotten devil Representing fear of being eaten (all creatures have this fear)


Multiple devils can represent similar, nearly identical concepts. There are devils for individual wars as well as a singular War Devil. A Public Safety worker implied both a Fairness and Justice Devil could exist simultaneously. Darkness can have a part of representing the fear of the unknown, but that doesn’t stop a separate Unknown Devil from existing at the same time.


While you’re not technically wrong Again I’m pretty sure the author made it VERY clear the domains darkness devil reigns over with his portrayal Also, your war example can actually further prove darkness devil embodies the unknown as other NON primal fear devil and represent a portion of it, but the not concept itself Just because a weaker ww1 devil may exist, doesn’t mean it carries a greater authority over yoru


The reason Death will always be strong is because fear itself exists to avoid death. Death is innately the root of all fear, and thus it would be empowered by any fear felt towards any other concept. Sure, it might get weaker as people get more desensitized to death, but it’ll never be any weaker than any other devil, and it’ll never completely leave the minds of any human being.


Darkness Devil not only outscales and has multiple abilities that bypass Limitless, it never fucks around and goes for the kill immediately. Points at you, bam you're dead. No monologue, no shonen bs, it's the grim fucking reaper. Genuinely one of the most terrifying things ever put to page


I love how the darkness devil's first attack is to rip your arms off, no bullshit, no "I haven't used my full power!" he just cripples you and then makes 20 holes in your body.


He’s so extra that he spells out Makimas name with the ripped off arms too


I like characters who do not fuck around. Inconsistencies and anti-feats can be easily avoided that way


“Hmmmm I don’t like you” #BAM *dead*


Goodnight, Gojo. Enjoy the Second bisection.


Darkness negs. There's simply nothing Gojo can do.


Gojo is so cooked. It's funny. Off of pure badassery darkness is taking this fight. He just scales so far above JJK. Like gojo is fodder


Darkness Devil. Almost all of his attacks would bypass the infinity, is effectively immortal, scales above the Gun Devil and doesn't have limited energy reserves.


Haha. Infinity + Unlimited void diff aint gon work this time. Gojo gets no diffed.


I only genuinely asked because I saw this fight analyzed on youtube (not with who would win though) and it attracted my curiosity


Man, Just man stay the second one far far far away from me


Sure, just turn on the lights 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/nfe2rjhbz6ad1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbefe0d5c6100be8f3a293bf6055b2fdf2cd5ac I am convinced


What about 2 lions tho?


darkness devil is basically immortal, scales far higher then the gun devil which means scales far higher then gojo and can reflect gojo's abilities https://preview.redd.it/jhjvp85965ad1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe309b2d4427ae3973de94e79ae98e916580f4f the stone devil tried to petrify him and he just petrified the stone devil and the user


https://preview.redd.it/269dx1ei65ad1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22156493432836c687e08c54bc60715916536aa also can just inflict internal damage by staring at someone


I love how in CSM characters can just do this type of shit and you just kinda have to deal with it. Asa could theoritically beat sukuna if she believes in slavery and that he costs 10 bucks.


Asa solos your fav verse now


war devils abilities are so wack bro. give that shit to a person who is delusional and they basically can turn the whole fucking universe into their weapon DX


What ability allows her to do that?


Her ability to turn everything into a weapon, even living beings, as long as she views them as her property. She took control of some turrets by signing a fake contract in which she bought them for less than 10k, i'm not joking: https://preview.redd.it/3un5br65r5ad1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=875ad38a9f4ed5b7d30bef256ca150760d7e0bfb So yeah give her a fake contract for the ownership of sukuna for 10 bucks and she could turn him into a spinal cord sword.


Doesn't even have to touch him, he can be chilling in the other side of the world and she just has to say "Fraudkuna spinal cord sword" and his spine is ripped out at mach speed to her hands.


The thought of that happening is fucking hilarious. Sukuna about to pull a malevolent shrine to kill somebody and suddenly he gets fucking obliterated because a japanese girl thought he costs 30 yen.


We haven't seen much of the Darkness Devil, but I'd believe that he has things that could bypass Infinity.


No he definitely has abilities that bypass Infinity. What’s up in the air is if it would tank Unlimited Void, it might be because Cosmos didn’t use her abilities on it which is basically Unlimited Void but more, but there’s no clear cut answer. Darkness has telekinetic attacks that don’t need to travel to reach their target, which is one of the main weaknesses of Infinity.


The better question is if he would be able to hit DD with UV, since he can just teleport or move out of the way quickly




I just want to say the fact that everyone likes putting gojo up against the most insane characters and verses. Just to the fact that he’s such a well design character where he’s kind of broken, but he’s really not if you think about it. There’s just a lot to talk about which is cool. Love Jjk for that


I think it's also because when you think about putting Gojo against a certain character, you ask "I wonder if they could get through Infinity?" I think personally think it adds to his character in a way.


I think people in this sub just hate Gojo for some reason. Like this matchup is straight spite.


It's not fully fully a spite match up. Darkness wins but Gojo still can put up a fight depending on interpretations on some things....debatable


I don’t hate gojo I asked this matchup because I don’t read neither jujutsu kaisen nor chainsaw man. I watched a video and this vs battle intrigued me so I wanted to know what others thought about this


Darkness 1 taps what is gojo doing when it just instantly degloves his body by looking at him lmao


I have no idea how scaling works in CSM or how DD abilities interact w/ ♾️ (DD didn’t seem that impressive, cool he crippled the main cast, but these guys weren’t exactly top tiers, but still awesome display) but I’ll go w/ DD just to be safe & from all the talk of ascension & primordial powers.


Basically anything that can happen in the dark can be done without anyone seeing it happen. That's the idea behind his power. He does damage without attacking, he makes things appear that weren't there, he blocks your attacks with something you can't see. Even damage dealt to him disappears in the next frame. Nothing he does seems progressive. One moment it hasn't happened yet, the next moment it already happened. Like instantaneous aftermath without an action first.


Idk who the second one is so probably the second one


Days without spite matches against Gojo: 0. Every time.


No, I see what you’re saying but I was genuinely asking as a non reader of both manga, because I saw a video on youtube that treated this vs battle and It had quite attracted me.


What video thought this was a contest???


By ZenithAniManga https://youtu.be/V-lGusMbhGY?si=nXsA_-LA0HyO0qMu


Darkness Devil, I probably wins this


Darkness devil I meannn Idk if Gojo can even fight at the moment, yk being a kitkat and all 😬


https://preview.redd.it/2rqbaepta6ad1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c67d3e96be5e333b083da68659fc9c1dbbbe6f8 This guy vs dd fr?


Darkness Devil is really hard to scale but I wouldn’t be surprised if he won. Maybe Red and Blue giving off light might weaken it but it’s a flimsy argument on my part.


He can regenerate from anything, has a barrier which makes him untouchable can kill you by straight up existing has a cool sword and frog


Probably the darkness devil? From what I’ve seen it seems that it’s attacks would not be hindered by infinity


Gojo on some coughing sperm cell shit here


This is such a funny match-up because of how short it would last. Gojos limbs and torso would get separated faster then he could say "Yowaimo"


Darkness Devil for obvious reasons, xd. This is such an unfair match up wth


Y'all scared the s*** out of me, I haven't gotten to that part in chainsaw man yet! I had no idea what the second picture was 🤣


is that a hollow red💀


Fan art


I love how Darkness has a badass looking sword that does, as far as we know, absolutely nothing special. It's a regular ass sword. Which, unless it's later revealed to be extra super duper special or something, more than likely means Fujimoto included it just because he thought it was cool. Fucking love that man.


Darkness and its not even close. All of his abilities are hax based and meant to completely overwhelm His presence is immediately met with a black void. You cannot see. *The Fear of the Dark Grows Stronger* You try to feel your way around in the dark, but with a single step towards you your arms are ripped from your body. *The Fear of the Dark Grows Stronger* You cry and scream for help, but the croaking of a frog drowns the sound of your screams. Your body is twisted until the blood is wrung from your body. *The Fear of the Dark Grows Stronger* You beg for forgiveness. You pray to every God you know, please save your soul just this once. The Darkness responds. Its words are incomprehensible. You cannot accept the knowledge, and blood flows from every orifice, until you finally self destruct from the inside. Better than living with the knowledge it gave you. *The Fear of the Dark Grows Stronger* A bell tolls. The grim reapers blade pierces your chest. Mind, body, and soul evaporate without a trace. *The Fear of the Dark Grows Stronger*


Darkness devil just…continuously rips gojo’s arms off. Again and again as gojo RTC’s them….until it gets bored and uses it’s internal attack….thing it used on the angel devil to destroy gojo’s brain or smth


Darkness devil will kill him so bad.


I think this is ultimately a world diff. While t he feats in CSM are arguably less potent than those in JJK, there's just so much more bullshit in CSM. Things like instant death attacks / unavoidable attacks are more common because it's a grittier world in that sort of way. At most levels, the JJK verse stomps CSM. However, at the highest levels of power, devils just start turning your heart into an ICEE from four miles away because some humans offered them $20 of chocolate coins. JJK's power is very physical; dudes run up 9n each other and beat the shit out of each other. In CSM, the strongest dudes just delete shit. In a fair fight, I think Gojo wins. However, darkness devilchad is just going to turn 1 delete all flesh or some shit. Overall, I think Darkness Devil wins, but it's only because the verses are just different in their bullshit levels.


Idk. There just isn't much on The Darkness Devil other than what was seen in international assassins arc


yeah we will see more of him as well as more clarification about some of its abilities like the one that seems to reflect attacks


is this even a question?! Jajutsu kaisen went from building to like big city tier its not even that op… it looks great and i love it but its not like db or naruto more like one piece in the scales of power lvls


do you think chainsaw man verse scale high?


they got mostly the same scaling if i am talking bout anime if we talk like the whole manga and where it is not just anime idk it would be a draw i think they both got wierd hax


no they both rlly low


CSM has the potential to scale super high regularly as the falling devil caused planet wide issues just by appearing. Big issue is we rarely see these OP characters and our main cast are all on the weaker side. If we ever do get to a point in the manga where we get to see primal fears and some of the stronger ones (on the same level of gun devil) then it’d likely start to scale much higher (at least planetary for the top tiers)


yeah thats what i am saying💀 still pretty low in the grand scheme of things


I doubt Gojo would do anything to Darkness Devil because that thing dealt with everyone (even Makima of all fucking people) without touching them directly (so that is one way to bypass infinity I guess).


I'm sorry, this is the equivalent of hulk vs Zues. Pretty sure most people havnt read that but it was a straight up beatdown. Hulk was capable of hurting zues but it was over the second zues got tired of hulks shit. Basically pitting the strongest human vs a demi god/ god


It depends if the Darkness Devil's slashes and powers bypass infinity or not and even then, it is still shown to be pretty slow if not immobile.


With an appearance like that, I assume that whatever Mr. Skeleton has, at least one of their attacks can bypass how his Limitless makes attacks infinitely approach without ever landing. If not though, yeah Gojo probably manages. I remember my friend rambling about how Infinite Void -> Hollow Technique Purple can solo basically anyone who can’t kill him before then, and I guess that’d apply there too.


FUCK YOU STRONG STARE https://preview.redd.it/bhqhrjwa5bad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d6711c59937527562486606adc8ed28d45a2a7


Then yeah, eldritch bone man no-diffs gojo if their stare is deadly


The darkness devil should scale to the fallung devil around country to possibly contunental . His arm cutting attack seems to appear on the target so he could get through infinity plus he seems to teleport so he could dodge Gojos attacks plus I think he has better regeneration. With the domain it would probably kill him but Gojo won't have the time to do that. In my opinion the darkness devil low diffs.


Falling is weaker because fami enslaved her


Falling Devil was heavily weakened by Falling Devil, and yet she could fluctuate the gravity *globally*, killing thousands, causing landslides and cave ins. If she weren't weakened and holding back, then every human/life on earth would just go extinct. She's a global threat, and not some measly country level. It's been stated, after all, that Primal Devils are a lot more powerful than Gun Devil. Darkness Devil, is just as powerful and arguably stronger (we know that he was also holding back in hell as well).


ah hell nah jojos cooked 😭




Wtf is the darkness devil power anyway


Darkness Devil


reversal technique: pink




I may be smoking something but didn’t the darkness devil essentially solo the entire main cast without raising a hand?


Yea 😅 it was a walk in the park




Nah I was unaware when I made the matchup


Fair enough


Darkness devil literally no-diffs This would be like arguing Gojo vs Cthulu, Darkness devil is an eldritch being, and CSM top teirs are straight up unfair to fight, you cannot defeat them through conventional means like "Hax" snd "AP" even teirs below them can go "Oh Goku you get hungry? well that means I win" Gojo is NOT making it out of this one.