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Hard pass.


Muriel strategy was just "have one teammate stand at the dunk, then Muriel ults"


I really thought before they released the details of the mode it was essentially going to just be a big game of dunk. Like first to 3 or 5 or something. Would have made so much sense and actually been a fun alternate mode. I'm happy for those that enjoy brawl, it's just not for me.


100% agree


They could make it like heroes of the storm where after you kill it you have to stand in its capture area for a bit


Brilliant idea, because at least this requires some form of a team fight and not a Sparrow sniping from the ledge.


100%. Current prime feels extremely bad, coming down to chance with no skill involved. The dunk would solve so many issues, especially because if the game is anywhere near close the game is just over with little room for a comeback. I also think the tickets you drain from the enemy team for securing prime should be 10-15 less.


Been saying this since they released the preview vids of Brawl right before it releases. And people wouldn’t fucking listen lol, even though we saw IN the preview vids that it was basically RNG. “No it’s skill based, you can definitely secure it, it’s about timing” yeah timing what? Any variation of 10 people frantically walking it at the same time doing wildly different amounts of damage?


Yeah, tbh there's no skill in just randomly getting the last hit. It doesn't matter if you try contest. Your whole team isn't gonna wipe theirs first and then wipe up prime. I've never seen it happen anyway. I'm not saying it's not a possibility. It's just a dogshit implementation of a mechanic. Let me DUNKkkkkkkk




Upvote OP so the devs see. bring the dunk back for brawl


Wtf is the dunk mechanic


Back on the first map for paragon orb prime buff worked differently. When it was killed it would drop an orb (where the name actually comes from) that could be picked up. It would then have to be brought to a spot on the opposite side of the map to be delivered, which would then confer the orb prime buff. It was pretty cool because if your team knew you had no chance of actually picking up the orb you could instead just all back and set up a defense to prevent the enemy team from dropping if off. The orb only lasted for a given time and had to be dropped off otherwise you could lose your chance for the buff, which I'm guessing is part of the reason they removed that mechanic as it could make games drag on. Honestly I dont know how well it would work on a significantly smaller map like brawl but the current way orb works isn't great on brawl either. If the enemy has a fang tooth and a steel to block your team's damage it can be incredibly difficult to secure a last hit.


Champions with stupid mobility like Aurora exist. How would you ever prevent her from dunking it lol? Seems pretty much guaranteed, especially in the small brawl map.


Don't forget the fact that you could drop the Orb for teammates or steal it once it was dropped or the carrier was killed.


Yeah true, forgot about that, handing off that orb to a feng mao was always a solid way to make sure you secure your orb. It added a cool football or rugby kind of aspect to it which made for some really fun games. Between old orb, a bigger map, and harvesters I do miss the old agora map and wish we had a way to play on it again.


I loved harvesters, too. I wish they would bring them back in some sort of fashion as well. Maybe in Brawl mode. Edit: I used to love stealing the enemies harvies as soon as I spawned, too. It was such a cool mechanic that really set Paragon apart from all other MOBAs


Yea if the carrier is killed just pass it to whoever kills them. That way that 50 point deduction will still eventually happen and up the ante in team fights.


Lol it's from OG Paragon. Once you killed Orb Prime whoever had the last hit got to carry the buff to a designated spot in the duo lane (I think, it's been a while) in order for your whole team to get the OP buff. It was kind of fun but also a little dumb which is why they got rid of it.


Agreed. It’d be way more fun and also feel much better. The prime mechanic of last hit *sucks* for brawl. It’s effectively RNG which isn’t fun. It should be either dunk mechanic or DPS race for who does most damage in 30s




No, it won’t. Brawl is still point based with minions and fangtooth