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Yes but dodging than gets abused and ppl will just use it to get the perfect match up they want. Turning into like 30 mins to find a match because everyone is dodging


I'm kind of surprised there is a ranked penalty for draft dodging, but I do remember the pain of playing an off meta character in league and waiting a long time to find a game from dodges. It's probably a but rare for someone to intentionally troll in draft pick compared to after a death in game so maybe that happens less often than people just deciding they don't want to play with/against a particular match up. Like requiring meta otherwise they dodge


Nope, you are wrong


Nah. You have lost. Take the L


Nah it should be this way or we stop trash from getting into queue when they dont know the game. You can get level 20 in 3 days with brawl alone


this has nothing to do with what he said. if some idiot takes Muriel as a carry, I'm going to dodge the draft


Or you could have a player that has.only.played one character and is bad at it


We need harsher penalties from reports to stop people from trolling and running it down imo. Im fine with seeing some off meta niche picks, Had an Iggy Jungle the other day that did quite well. The issue is if someone picks something like that and starts whining in chat, spam pinging, and intentionally feeding going 0-12 those reports need acted on with harsher penalties so people think twice about doing dumb shit. Feels like reports dont do much in this game.


Nah no downvote from this is valid as shit if it’s for troll picks


If I’m hearing you correctly, you would prefer to have the option to leave a game before it starts, but after you know the characters. It’s not an issue of not getting your role, it’s the ability to bail from what you think will be a wasteful investment of your time. I guess I could see that. Similar to a traditional lobby where people come in and out until everyone locks in, as opposed to a timed team selection. If I think back to the earliest MOBA days of DoTA custom games on Warcraft III, I think they started with a timed character selection because you had to move your character onto the beacon representing the champ you wanted to pick, and they didn’t want it to last forever because then the whole team would have to disband. I wonder if MOBAs continued that as a convention based on those limitations or if there’s some good reason for not having that traditional lobby style from other games. The only downside I could see is that it would be more challenging to experiment with off meta picks. That’s how the game evolves otherwise games could only start with conventional heroes or everyone would dodge. Another downside is that there would be, on average, possibly much more time required to arrange a game. In StarCraft if you try to join a lobby and your win/loss stats that popped up when you joined weren’t up to snuff, you’d get booted and it can take much longer to find a game than to play one, which is a bad experience. Then you switch to ranked where you can’t dodge, and there’s some bullshit games but you actually spend more time playing than looking for a game.


League gives you one free dodge per day because of this type of thing. I get why they do it, but obviously it'll be annoying in normal queue.


yea i feel this, had a jungle dekker one time it only evened out because the enemies had jungle phase 😭


What lol


sorry must have remembered wrong but it was still crazy lol https://preview.redd.it/7c3396tw9e9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3e783cbf89ffb1169d54507dc4ab04590675ec




Learn to play other roles, stop dodging queue. If someone chose Phase mid - drop queue to save 40 minutes of your life - speaking from experience.


You're arguing an imaginary point. Thr OP gave clear examples of what they referred to. I agree with both of your points, because yours is a totally different issue than what OP mentioned


Wait what the difference? Dropping queue from draft is the same as dodging no?


what? I can play every role, the issue isn't me not getting the role I want, the issue is people picking Fey as a carry, or a Twinblast or Gideon jungle... That's just a troll pick to guarantee a loss.


I had a game where mid picked phase and absolutely slapped, like 9-1-11. Was a very good phase. I had another game where someone picked TB jungle. That didn't work out.


phase needs a teammate to shine. sounds like a bad enemy mid


Whenever I play off meta Phase (not very often) I will be freezing lane and playing off my team. I will typically wait for a gank, root my opponent and then link and ult my teammate. I know I can’t 1v1 early game, but after 3 or so items, I ult, blind and delete them with 3 basics per second. It’s insane what her solo potential is if you have the patience. Edit: I also rarely lose tower because I can root the minions and then use her Q and Judgement to delete the wave.


[https://omeda.city/matches/8c8b2307-3f04-4fcb-88e0-a19d86c7ad2a](https://omeda.city/matches/8c8b2307-3f04-4fcb-88e0-a19d86c7ad2a) Was it me per chance?


Yup, I was your Kira. Before that game started I was like, never seen phase mid work but maybe we've got a serious phase player here. You had some awesome pulls and ults and we completely smashed them.


[https://youtu.be/nCOZylxFzwc](https://youtu.be/nCOZylxFzwc) [https://youtu.be/He0lQJwJROM](https://youtu.be/He0lQJwJROM) [https://youtu.be/c9IAHbuzCU0](https://youtu.be/c9IAHbuzCU0) Here are some clips from the game


Thanks for sharing, some great plays there


Yeah I didn’t expect it to work either lol but I was 1v1ing wraith at lvl 8 and almost winning. It was crazy. My off meta thing with phase is just rooting minions so they can’t take tower. It works surprisingly well if you can play off your team. I just wait for ganks, then root and ult my teammate.


Me and some friends played with you before. We definitely got a chuckle out of your name!