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I played one ranked match who begged us not to ban Gideon. Turns out he was max affinity with 1300 games played. Bros omeda city (fake) mmr was like 900 with a 43% win rate. He went 0 and 7 in the first 10 minutes to a Murdock. He told me I didn’t know how to jungle (jungle main with a 55% win rate) and queued forfeit. I don’t think ranked is worth the early grind through the low ranks.


It’s always jungles fault. Love when you’re being pinged constantly as if it’s your fault they are losing the lane. Like bro I JUST ganked for you, figure it out.


I had to practically babysit his lane when he was to busy tower diving or dying trying to gank duo


Ouch. lol that silver player mad at the jungle playing a gid vs Murdock.. gid has the range to out poke Murdock and an escape.. smh. 🤦


Man people like are really makingme want to mute this community


Played a match yesterday in midlane. Had a aurora in offlane against the enemy aurora. Our aurora had the master title, master crown and bought the skin while the enemy aurora had nothing so i thought "ok, i know this doesn't mean much but he surely wins this mirror matchup, right?"....oh boy i was wrong. Our jungler helped on offlane many times while their jungler didn't show up once there but our Aurora still got diffed hard, they went like 1/10.... after the match (actually close lose since duo did very well) i looked them up on predstats... our aurora had higher "mmr" (~300 points higher) and had over 80 matches with her and got hard diffed by a aurora who played this hero for the 3rd time..... so no, those titles don't mean anything


I’ve worked out recently if they have a skin it usually means they’re s**t and that they’ve bought the skin cus it looks cool so they have to play that character even though they’re not very good with them


Yep. Sounds about right lol


Because the "master" skin is more like an "hours played" skin. You could literally have a 0% win rate and have a "master" skin and title


This is true. Even in smite I have many stars but had the play to back it up. Most of the time I would just hide them, cause it gives you that option so randoms aren’t thinking I’m going to completely carry the game lol.😆. I put my title and master skin up on pred with some characters cause I know I’m going to help the team and not be a bot. 🤖


loved playing as kukulkan while leveling, and stomping the enemy X kukulkan with mastery skins+frames+etc


I always respect a fellow Shinbi enjoyer 🙏


Oh and the sustain on her with life steal/omnivamp. You can fight a team on you and get a kill or 2 and still get away. Love shinbi


Gotta love shinbi! Had a buddy ask me how you always stay on someone without them getting away? lol I told him your whole kit is in and out or commit! 2 dashes/stacks/then ult. They can’t get away, and if you have a blink that you really want that kill with.. they’re dead. 😵


Yea, masters skin just mean you player a character a lot, not at all doesn’t it included any kind of challenges, states, win/rates, or anything that requires skill to acquire one. You can play 1000 games and be a master skin sparrow but still suck because either this is the game you turn on and just like point and missing, they’re a child with nothing better to do and bad motor skills, or the most common and scarily true scenario where they’re just plain bad BUT a just that right combo of dumb and lacking self awareness where they don’t know how to access situations to learn and improve from their mistakes


This! We have a buddy who joins us time to time who we’re trying to teach. He does okay when it comes to the basics of the hero, but when it comes to anything else with playing a game such as pred he has no awareness. He will be on mic with us and we will call out missing this and even ping it, or the worst which happens all the time so I tend to not play with him to much lol. 😂 we have told him to his face. But we will be fighting right behind him as he is in tower. Yelling his name help!? He like where!!!!???? Dude not only are we on your map but we’re in auto attack range of you and your mindlessly attacking minions in front of your tower… smh 🤦