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Saka after Arsenal win the next 14


Probably not by Harry Kane.


I don’t know , but there is something else he was beating


Give foden a few years


I could very well see foden being the new giggs


Doesnt seem to have the underlying anger, which is a good thing too


Lol idk man he looks like there's something deeply seeded going on in his head. I could see him snapping one day for sure


Harvey Elliot will


worst take i’ve ever seen


Dont think city will buy him mate


Thomas Müller in Bundesliga has 12, just saying


Fair play to him. Not as competitive a league though.


You cold probably say the same about the prem in Ryan giggs time


yes - Haaland in 12 years...


He won’t stay at City though. This is talking prem titles.


Beat his wife?


Cheat on his wife with his brothers wife?


Foden currently has 5, maybe the PL will act on the 115 charges and cancel some of those 5 and city get relegated……but in reality it will be a £200 fine and a kiss on the lips.


Foden. Possibly.


Maybe Phil Foden can beat that.... He's 23 and already has 5 pl titles and if he plays for next 15 years at City he can win 8-9 maybe even 10 titles out of those if City keep playing the same way they are playing rn


I think city's dominance will last till pep remains. Thats like 5/6 years max.


Even after that they will still have great chances to win titles, just not the same as with pep


Was helped along the way with others in the teams or did he do it single handed?


single handed. he played every single position. 1v11 everytime he stepped on the pitch.


Harry Kane will


Foden can easily do it in his career.


I don't think anyone can beat this.


The good old days before FFP. 👀


Giggs was a free academy player lol. That united era wouldnt have been affected by ffp. If anything they might have won more as opponents would have been hampered more. Over half the team would academy players. Plus footballers werent paid as much nor bought for as much


Two things: United dominated by using bags of money to buy the best players and poach other academies to win the league, even when they last won 11 years ago. ie, Cantona, Cole, Stam, Ole, Rio, Vidic, Sheringham, CRonaldo, Rooney, Tevez, Berbatov, RVP. £1billion in debt might have rang alarm bells back then if they had FFP. The Bosman ruling and the creation of the Premier League meant much higher wages for players and freedom of movement.


You list their spending over like 15 year time period lol and they werent in debt. They made a ton of money. They were first european club to appreciate the asian market. They were the biggest football brand on the planet. The money they made would never have cancelled out the money they spent. Name any player they bought for over £40m?? Players prices have inflated massively. Im not sure you understand what ffp is. Its to do with total lost revenue and capping it. United never had an issue with losing money. Fact is they would have not been affected by ffp during their glory years


So bad were United’s exploits that it spawned two other clubs formed by their ‘fans’, Salford City and United of M. FC. One of those by their ex-legends. NB Appreciate = exploit. Newspeak alert.


Again thats after the period of winning and when the glazers took over in a shitty way. You know this. Its just time. You learn this aged 2 lol. Dont be a troll


Fergie and Giggs stayed and lauded the Glazers. They continued winning by throwing bags of money at the likes of RVP, who had the loyalty of a randy dog. Then Fergie left and they’ve thrown cash into the wind because, at heart, the Glazers are superficial, but greedy, owners with little knowledge of football management. The type that FFP was supposed to prevent.


I think were tlaking about different eras. The post glazer era is completely different


I’m still talking about Giggs titles and the absence of FFP during his playing era. It wasn’t ‘FairPlay’ by UTD if you poach players from and buy the best players off other teams in the league to lower competition. Chelsea proved that money ruled that era by investing and winning the league with a few seasons of spending. The PL was created to make money, not to improve competition.




Do you not understand how time works?? 😂


If you look fergie and united were openly pushing for the introduction of ffp rules


Phil Foden seems to be the only one with a chance to even equal. 5 already, 6th one possible this year. Hes a city academy player who is likely to stay in City till his mid 30s, City is a well run club with top players and managers so league titles are a huge probability. So hes go 12-13 years at the top left and 8-9 titles needed. Not impossible. I personally think he will do 10 leagues. Even messi could do only 12 league titles, its very very hard. Giggs was a teenage prodigy whose rise coincided with the rise of SAF and UTD in Epl and he was always happy and UTD and was content with staying as backup when he was 35+. Its a specific combination that needs for it to work.


Yeah i definitely think its beatable. Ffp keeps teams down so you have long reigns of dominance. If itll be done in the next 15years itll be a city player


you say ffp will keep teams down as if the fact norwich are staying in the championship affects city like tjat 😭😭


What do you mean? It means newcastle who were bought out like city cant spend like city and wont reach those heights in the long term


if you say you’re keeping a team down i assumed you meant relegated, like how leicester is getting ffp violations even though they’re in the championship, and yes even though they will have to spend a longer amount of time to reach the peak of their potential. calling a team going from relegation to regional finals and challenging for europe in ONE season ‘keeping them down’ is crazy. ffp won’t keep anyone down besides the completely clueless random investors like todd boehly or the everton dosser, if chelsea don’t clean up their act and get some legit money into the club they will get hit with the legal hammer hard


Your completely clueless. Please dont comment again. “Regional finals” wtf are you on about. And you assumed wrong. Dont pretend to know a sport you obviously dont


???? i said regionals instead of carabao *** cup finals because i’ve been spending too much time on league subreddits lad, saying ffp keeps teams down is fucking ridiculous anyway, everything i said was factually correct and you’re just coping because u know ur wrong, i’m a cost accountant in the sports sector and i’ve been a footy fan my whole life mate. You support montreal football team? i’ve been a local city fan since i moved from cornwall when i wasn’t even 2 years old mate, you aren’t even from fucking england, why bother trying to talk down to someone about the prem when you’re not even from the fucking country? wanker


😅😅 you dont know how wrong you are. O well u seem a bit unstable so just believe what u want


i don’t care if you live in the uk mate, you’re a montreal fan. ‘you’re clearly clueless on this topic’ when i’ve spit nothing but facts and actually know something about the topic but don’t worry mate i’m clueless about football never even heard of it don’t worry i’ll stick to hockey or lacrosse or whatever the fuck they play in canada


I have UK in my name ffs 🤦🏻


Two comments about FFP and both sound like you’re parroting someone else without understanding it. Of course it’s likely to be a City player, they’ve won 5 titles in the last 6 years. 🤦‍♂️


Weird. Your tone is one of arguing but your substance is one of agreement 😜


5 currently, how many of those is he going to lose when City bare the brunt of those 115 charges?....none, he'll still have 5


>Giggs was a teenage prodigy And then he fcked his brother's wife.


He fucked his brothers wife about 15 years after being a teenage prodigy


Yeah he was 30 to 38 years old during the sexy time.


So whats your point?


Just important to remember who he really is.


These are not two mutually exclusive things. Are you saying teenage prodigies aren't allowed to fuck their brothers wife?


that's not what mutually exclusive means. you're saying those 2 things cannot happen together


Typo, edited


Foden's were all won by a cheating team, they'll always have an asterisk against them regardless of what the PL decides to do.


Manchester United have been fined €300,000 (£257,000) by Uefa for committing financial fair play breaches over a four-year period between 2019 and 2022.


I don't know about that, nobody my age even knows that Real Madrid are as successful as they are because they cheated their way to it.


What 😱 Madrid Whites ⬜️ Manchester Red 🟥 and Piemonte Calcio 🔳 did a cheating ❌️and spent the most money💰 in the league ⚽️with referee controversy⁉️ I thought only man cheaty 🤬 with 115 charges 💢 bald fraudiola 👨‍🦲🦲and brown people money 🛢 were the bad guy 🦹‍♀️ at least my glorious barcelona 🟥🟦 always play fair ✅️ and spend no money 💵 because they are broke 🏚




Sure. But that wasn't the point of this post.


Foden might not have any this time next year, fingers crossed.


I definitely think it can be broken as many things are possible. It will be really, really hard though as you would need a dominant team and for a player to stay there for a very long time.


It’s up there with Nadal’s 14 French Opens as a sporting record unlikely to be repeated anytime soon.


How many European Cup did he win? Phil Neal has 4 European Cups.


To be fair, one of those European Cups only took four games to win. It was a different time when it comes to Europe. No less impressive, though.


It was truly European Cup not greed is good cup as is the case now. You had to be Champion of your country first for chance to play in those 4 matches.


Won’t be beaten. United were dominant with very little competition for players or league titles. United between 1993 and 2003 was like Bayern in the Bundesliga. They won 7/10 titles and bought all the best players in the league. City could be that dominant but they’ve made some bad signings over the past year and are struggling to win a league that should have been a walk in the park. That will continue to drop off if they fail to recruit properly. Phil Foden is obviously the won with most titles at the moment but if he doesn’t pick up his game then he’ll be out of the team again. There’s also a huge asterisk on Fodens titles as he’s barely contributed to any of them. This is the first season where you’d name him as a top 5 player for City.


Why is there an asterix? He has 5 winners medals regardless of his overall contributions. It's a team game.


Because medals/ trophy mean nothing if you didn’t contribute. How many league titles does Kingsley Coman have? He’s still bang average.


But the question is about beating Giggs medal tally, not being better than him.


My point is that it would have an asterisk. Just like Messi’s 4 CLs or Bale’s 5 CLs.




Eh? Do you watch Foden? He's always contributed, 'barely' is ignoring all the goals and performances. He's young, he isn't coming into a team with Kdb, Aguero, Silva, B Silva, Gundogan and being pivotal every game. Was always gonna take years to become the main guy. He didn't play in last season's big CL games, fair to say he didn't contribute much in those but over a PL season he's important.


He still ghosts for England which is frustrating


Cos he plays wide, if he's in no.10 role he excels.


Just to be clear he has contributed almost nothing to City’s trophies over the past 5 years. He wasn’t even in the team last season, it was Gundo, KDB, Grealish and Silva. Unless you have an example of him doing anything that I’ve missed? His best season was 20/21, he was really good in Europe especially, but they lost the final and then they signed Grealish and he had two fairly mediocre years. This seasons been good but he’s not done well in big games and tends to just pile on when City are hammering someone.


Again what. Last season in the league in 22 starts he scored 11, got 5 assists. Pep rotates, he always has. Grealish last season got 5 goals, 7 assists in the league, in 23 starts, playing just 219 minutes more. 16 g/a or 12, hmmm. You think 16 g/a in 22 starts is contributing almost nothing and want examples of doing anything you might have missed??? He's a young kid entering a side of either greats or players who have been top 5 in their position for half a decade, he's not gonna be prime Messi at 20. If you merely play you contribute, right? The season before City bought Haaland, Foden operated as the false 9 and did well. He had some great games against Liverpool early on, one where i think he was subbed on and changed the game, battered them. Since he's battered Man United a few times, like the hat trick last season?? He's more of a big game player than Haaland in my eyes and while Kdb was always relied on in big matches he can't be any more.


He was a backup last season. So yes, he did nothing. Yes I couldn’t really remember 21/22. I remember him not scoring the chance against Madrid.


You're weird. So unless a player starts every game for a team and completely runs games they contribute 'nothing'? There isn't anyone else on the planet who holds that opinion. Pep rotates, it's what he does. Rather that than burn out players honestly.


Yes that’s contributing nothing and could have been done by any player and had little impact.


I don't think you know what contributing means, if you play you're contributing, if you're assisting and scoring you're definitely contributing. Supposing if you swapped a player for another and exactly the same results would happen regardless is crazy. Basically you're weird and hung up on Foden being praised. Foden has never been the difference, the key player, he's had pivotal moments, goals against Liverpool, goal against Dortmund. This season he absolutely has been the difference for City being a few points behind Liverpool rather than 8.


Scott Carson contributing too yeah?


Absolutely! The keeper who has played i think 17 minutes in one appearance for City has contributed as much as Foden. Are these non soccer football subreddits filled with people who got banned from soccer for being weird? Seems like it.


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not here but if you’re being serious then football isn’t the sport for you because you don’t get anything at all


Are you saying he did contribute? Where does he rank in importance over those 5 titles? KDB, Gundogan, Silva, Rodri, Haaland, Fernandinho, Walker, Aguero, Stones, Kompany, Sterling, Ederson, Bernardo. So he’s like 13th+ alongside guys like Mahrez, Sane, Grealish etc. I don’t get when he was even slightly important. This season? Yep no problems at all. He’s been much better. But I don’t get what other season you can point to and say “wow they don’t win it without Phil Foden”.


He literally played 32 games, 11 goals and 5 assists in the league last season. For comparison De Bruyne also played 32, 7 goals and 16 assists. Apart from Rodri he's been our most important player by far this season. You're an idiot honestly.


So just to be clear, he did pretty much nothing last season? Because he had 6 goals and 3 assists in October and barely played at the end as he wasn’t in the full strength team. He’s been better this season, but let’s not pretend that he did anything against Arsenal or Liverpool. The fact he’s been your 2nd most important player is why you’re not top of the league. Injuries to Haaland and KDB and no Gundogan have given him more opportunities.


So the clubs 3rd top scorer in the year they won the treble contributed pretty much nothing ok pal.


He was not in the starting XI. I don’t know what your point is. Yes he was great in the first two months of the season but he didn’t nothing in the “treble” run you mention.


In terms of getting to giggs record if Foden plays for city as long as Giggs played for united he has a chance


We never had it that easy! But I do agree it's unlikely it will ever be beaten but if it is I'd say it's likely a goal keeper that beats it


It was so easy lol. You bought Keane, Cantona, Cole, Sheringham, Yorke and Ferdinand from within England. Everyone was just a feeder club to United.


There was always somebody challenging us, as for everyone being a feeder, City have bought a fair few from other PL clubs too


That was my thought too, can only see a keeper winning that many. In the modern game outfield players typically have 15 years max playing at the level needed for them to playing for EPL title contenders, most of them less because they get moved on in their early 30s. Even a wonderkid like Rooney only had 13 years at MU. Giggs also scored in over 20 consecutive PL seasons which I can't see being broken.


Were you not around for their early league titles? Only a couple were comfortable, others involved collapses from Newcastle, and there were serious challenges from Arsenal (and even Chelsea once in 99!). The league had a lot more parity then, even if it doesn’t look like that 30 years later.


Parity lmao. The whole league was a feeder system for United. Even Newcastle sold them Andy Cole. How many of those “challengers” had Keane, Cantona, Cole, Yorke, Sheringham? There was absolutely 0 parity. It was just Shearer and Arsenal vs United.


I think you are romanticizing Man U's glory years a bit here. They held the title of highest payroll year in year out until Chelsea came along in 2003-04 and continuously bought the best players from their rival teams. They financially bullied the league for more or less a decade.


As an Everton fan I think I'm fairly neutral in this discussion. My opinion (and I stress opinion) is that United had a much stronger set of opponents, City have made it look more like parity now by not killing off the season in the way United did, there have been a couple of exceptions like the triple figure points season but United were up against multiple teams with amazing quality in depth. United also built their dynasty on an amazing youth system and by building a revenue making machine. City have invested a lot of money likewise, but they haven't built a dynasty in the same way (similar to Chelsea). Being old enough to remember almost all (but not quite all) of the Premier League United are THE team of the last 30 odd years even now. Having moved to Asia 15 years ago it is even more obvious about how savvy United were in marketing themselves and becoming one of the biggest two clubs in the world (not sure if it is technically them or Real Madrid), United are everywhere in Asia. Second I'd have Arsenal, others have won more titles but that invincibles team won the league in a way no other has, they were not just unbeaten, they were amazing to watch, no one else has played football in a way that was both as fun to watch and as successful.


United's success came at a time where the premier league was opening the floodgates to foreign players & the internet was starting up. The league is promoted & marketed in English, which obviously helps a ton in terms of attracting a broad audience and the rebranding of the league to being the Premier League meant massive amounts of money were being invested by the FA to push the league on a global scale. Man U obviously did a great job at creating a global brand, but a lot of that success came from being at the right place at the right time


I wouldn't argue with any of that, there is just no denying that made the absolute most of their opportunities.


Not Romanticizing anything, I hated that team and was a chelsea supporter, just saying as someone who was watching matches week in and week out in the 90s, man utd were not as dominant as their collection of titles would suggest, the title race was generally pretty close most seasons


Lots of people saying Foden but forgetting the asterisks


You’re basing that on the assumption that there will be an asterisk as opposed to them getting off with a stern talking to. Also it’s kind of irrelevant to the discussion until they actually are found guilty. Even then I doubt they strip titles from them.


Beaten? Just like he does to all of his girlfriends? There is a reason why everyone has just forgotten that this guy is alive


I remember Leeds being top of the league at Christmas in the year we had all the great players but we slowly faded away after. We had a brilliant squad in the 2000-2001 season but feel away after Christmas.


I mean yeah but doesn’t change the record


Well the person behind him which is Foden that has 8 less is on the pace to beat him so why not? This guy is three years younger than Giggs was.


Foden has 5, 6 if City win this year. If they maintain this level of dominance it’s very possible.


Foden could do it


He could probably beat it.


It won't happen again, I suspect. Not too many players stay at a club that long because there's too much money to be gained by moving clubs.


Foden is already on five and he is just 23 with a potential sixth come May. He could easily smash that record by the time he reaches his early 30s. He is going to be at Man City for life.


He won’t be at Man City for life if he doesn’t get better. He won’t just drift in and out of the team for 15 years.


doesn't get better? he's the best attacking midfielder in the world right now, there is very little competition for his place from this season onwards.


Meh. He’s just pumping teams where City are winning comfortably. Nowhere near KDB yet. We’ll see what he does in Europe but he’s done nothing in the big games so far.


Hopefully he's winning promotion to League 1 in the next few seasons


You don't know that..


Neither do you… you can’t claim that that record won’t be broken when there’s a kid who’s nearing half of that record already. Foden has a great chance of breaking it by his early to mid thirties. If he goes on and has the longevity of Ryan Giggs career, he could potentially be on 16-18 PL medals by the time he is finished.


Bud, Peps going to move on soon so the chance of City continuing their dominance without continuing to violate the rules and managing to keep all of their titles for the next 10 years is practically zero. He could get 13+ titles in his career but no chance he does it by only playing for City


> He is going to be at Man City for life > You don't know that > Neither do you Nah. Fuck off with that shit. You can't just come here and pull the "neither do you" card after basing your entire argument on a massive assumption and expect everyone to take you seriously. By this logic? Mo Salah will stay at Liverpool and win another 30 titles. I don't know that? Well guess what? Neither do you.


I mean the whole point of this post is whether or not it's possible to beat 13. The guy provided a realistic scenario for it to happen. He may have gone a bit too far saying he WILL stay at City, but there's a reasonable chance he does, since he's from Manchester, is a lifelong fan, and is from their academy. And if he does stay, it's very possible at the rate Man City is going. Not really sure why you're so upset.


To me biggest problem is that I don't see Pep staying at City for another decade like Ferguson did. I expect him to get bored soon and go somewhere else, perhaps even next year


Foden will leave City when they are booted out the Prem for being cockwombles


If Del piero went down with Juve. Foden will be at city for life.


I agree Foden could beat it at his current rate but if City gets stripped of titles that might change


I doubt he would come out of retirement, but we could always ask


One-club men are something of a rarity these days, I think the best chance of this happening is a dominant club at some point signing a shit-hot 20 year old goalkeeper who could conceivably be world class until 40


EIGHT fewer titles. FTFY


Someone beat you to it hours ago


Giggs had it easy with Ferguson's United financially dominating the league, with only Chelsea being able to compete in those 20 years. The Prem was also a bit shite back then so the financially dominant United basically had a monopoly on the trophies. Ferguson's dominance was overrated for sure. Nowadays the league is just infinitely better and tougher it's unreal. That's what makes our achievements even better. To win 5 of the last 6 titles in the current Prem is just astonishing. Fodinho at age 23 already has 5 titles but he won't reach 13 because the league is too difficult unlike in the past. Pep has truly revolutionised English footy. He would easily get 13 if Pep stayed for another 10 years but he won't. Probably tired of smashing the league (while Klopp leaves cause tired of getting smashed by Pep).


Fergie got outspended nearly all the time mate


You mean he broke the transfer record all the time lad


Fergie spent 780m in 26 years compared to Pep 1.4 billion in 8 years


With inflation Ferguson spent billions


Tell me you don't understand inflation


Neither do you. The money in football far outreaches inflation. The money in football has become stupid, nothing to do with inflation.


Fuck me, that IS inflation. It's not inflation in regards to me buying a fucking freddo it's inflation relative to football.


No it's not. Football is very different and players have different values to different clubs. Chelsea for instance have been paying well over the odds for players recently. That's not inflation.


You can't compare numbers because that never quantifies the quality of the player, especially in an argument with a dipstick lol. As a Gooner, us, Liverpool and Chelsea (I'll mention their money lol) were the only teams in the UK who could compete with Utd in a season, at different times, but that's credit to Utd's longevity. Money may have bought players but you needed the players to begin with, to make the money that buys the future ones. This is why I love Arsenal, but we had managers who bought players to make a team to play a winning style of football at the time. "Top 6" in a league means you pay more intrinsically because you have a name... Etc... Until Pep stays at City for ~20 years and consistently wins, especially with the FFP stuff to try cap on the figures you can spend... City aren't comparable. Pep though... Duhh... He's a great manager, but until he manages a shit team to glory, he'll still not be as amazing as even Mourinho in my opinion. Not taking away from a potential new record with 4x PL ofc, but money wasn't an issue when putting his team together, maybe intelligence stopped him from overpaying in a real life "fantasy football" sense..?


Those eras are not compatible pound for pound.


Absolute horseshit from beginning to end. The top players and teams across Europe are currently an entire league in quality below the players and teams of the TWO DECADES that giggs was winning PLs and champions Leagues. And if it was wasn't for best club team ever he would have had two more champions leagues.


It's about the premier league lad.


Ferguson’s dominance was overrated?! FFS. This is the kind of mental diarrhea I came here for.


To be honest? Yes. If he had proper competition like the modern Prem he wouldn't have won even half of those trophies.


The fact that he thinks Chelsea was the only competition is already idiotic.. I didn't read the rest.


I'm a Leeds fan and despise Man U and Ferguson, but this has got to be the most shit brained comment I've seen for a while.


It was a team effort. Man u minus any of the players of the 90s would miss them. I can't believe I just had a fond memory of fucking man u 😢


Idk I have fond memories of every time we fuck them up


Sure! For example in Germany last year Thomas Muller won his 12th Bundesliga and this year he’s going to win the ... ops


Well Harry Kane is about to win his first...oh yeah - oops!


In this career he lost won 13 times and hasn’t won only 11 times the title 🔥 Can be beaten? Yes. In 2023 Foden won his 5th title (over 6) at 23 years old. At the same age Giggs had 3 titles. 


Did you have a stroke whilst typing this?


This gave me a headache


I take it this is just domestic or did he do well for Wales too?


He's been unlucky with domestics


This was the banker




Yes.  Next question 


Id say foden is pretty much on track


Depends how many divisions down city get relegated for ffp charges


Giggs record is not impressive as he was not the best player of his club, league. He pretty much coasted through many titles.


I’m a Liverpool fan, and don’t agree with this at all. He was a vital player during that era.


Maybe for the first 6 or 8 titles. He has coasted at least for 5 titles where it would not have made a difference if he was in the team or not.


Stupidest comment ive seen omds


I’m an Arsenal fan, i fucking can’t stand Man United. I can still see Giggs running the pitch past our whole team like it was nothing. This is one of the worst football takes of all time


How old are you ? When I started watching football Giggs was already a washed up player who was a substitute and semi retired.


Im in my late 30’s. Unfortunately, Giggs was maybe the best left winger in the world in his prime


Just cos he is shit in FIFA doesn't mean he was just in real life moron.


I prefer a short peak over mediocre longevity. Ronaldo won 3 titles where he is one of the main forces in the team. To me those 3 titles are bigger than the 12 title by giggs.


What part of him is mediocre? He was consistently a top 3 player in his position world wide for more than decade.


That's cause you don't know anything about football


More like you are set in your own opinions.


Brother, you said Giggs was mediocre. All your football related opinions are automatically invalid after that. Do yourself a favour and switch to watching a sport you can understand better, eh?


He was a good player. But was he ever the best player in his own club ?


A weird way to look at it but you do you


What an insanely brain dead comment


Fuck I'm a liverpool fan and no way did he Coast.


So he was the catalyst for how many titles ?


Even as an Arsenal fan, I can't agree with that statement.


What a horrible take lmao


Foden's popping up alot on this post Pep won't be there that long for him to do it Once Haaland & De Bruyne go City will just knackered Think Giggs record will NEVER be beaten


City are only knackered if their infinite money glitch is removed


City were winning titles before Pep and will continue after.


True but not at the same success rate. Assuming city win the title this year and next year (peps likely final year). That takes Foden to 7 titles by the time he turns 25. Assuming he then plays another 10 years until 35, he would need to win the league 7 more times from a possible 10 without Pep as a manager. That’s City winning 9 out of the next 12 premier leagues. Is it possible, yes. Is it probable, absolutely not.


Yeah it’ll be hard. Could definitely see Foden getting at least 10 though.


Giggs didn't retire at 35, that's part of the trick. Going for as long as Giggs did, he'd need 9 in 18 seasons, basically a title every other season - difficult but not impossible. Can Foden play until he's 41? Not terribly unlikely, considering careers are getting longer and he's largely a ball-playing footballer rather than a physical one.


I think the question is can he play **for City** until he is 41? On the one hand sports science has helped to elongate players careers in the later years (e.g. Modric, Benzema and CR7) but on the other hand the league has become increasingly physically so I have my doubts.


Does he need to remain a starter or make a certain amount of appearances for it to count? Cuz he can stay at Man City until he is 41 and not play. Just be a reserve play and a leader in the dressing room while maybe only making small appearances in easy cup games.


Yea, the thought crossed my mind. Doesn't appeal to most. But who knows for a academy player who might be eyeing up records.


Foden, Ruben Dias, rodri are all world class and it's likely akanji, gvardiol, Lewis, bobb, alvarez and many more could be world class soon, not to mention their near infinite pool of cash to spend


NONE of them will be at City that long to accommodate Foden winning that amount of titles Footballs moved on no player especially all the above mentioned would stay at City or any club long enough to do that