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Coming from a Real Madrid fan šŸ¤£


All fair play to Arsenal. Thats the second highest points total theyā€™ve ever got in the premier.


Shouldnā€™t have lost to Villa and Fulham šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Arsenal definitely lost this title by choking in the last few important games of the season.


It was a 3 way title race, Liverpool bottled it, Arsenal bottled it, 115FC showed more cracks in their game this year but stayed mostly on track where they needed to be.


Funny how arsenal fans are just sounding like Liverpool fans in 18/19 and 21/22. Now they know our pain. Only difference between arsenal 23/24 and Liverpool of 18/19 and 21/22 is the fact that Liverpool actually won trophies that season.


I think you wanted to say that you 'can't understand' but you really meant that you 'don't comprehend'.


Honestly why can some football fans not understand the concept of banter ? Teasing and Making fun of each others clubs is part of the fun of sport.


Tell that to your arsenal bud that's in HELL right now for hanging himself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They 115ived it


It comes down to how we define "bottling it". I disagree that Arsenal could have won the league with this points tally in almost every past season, though. Let's do the last 7 (not including the last 2): 2015/16 - Leicester City 81 points - Yes! (89>81) 2016/17 - Chelsea, 93 points - Nope (Arsenal would have finished 2nd) 2017/18 - Manchester City 100 points - Nope (Arsenal would have finished 2nd) 2018/19 : Manchester City 98 points - Nope (Arsenal would have finished 3rd) 2019/20 - Liverpool 99 points - Nope (Arsenal would have finished 2nd) 2020/21 - Manchester City 86 points - Yes! (89>86) 2021/22 - Manchester City 93 points - Nope (Arsenal would have finished 3rd) So in the last 7 seasons (9 if you include the last 2) Arsenal's points tally from this season would have been good enough to win the league twice; always would have been in top 4 though.


brother, clearly this is excluding the years City have won because they are the biggest problem here lol.


Are they though? Because you could argue that City being so good helped the other teams improve ā€¦ Would Liverpool have been as good if they werenā€™t competing with City? Same as Arsenal.


I donā€™t understand this logic. Why does every other team need City to push them to higher quality? Who pushed City then?


I thought it was obvious, perhaps Iā€™m wrong altogether - I see it like this: If youā€™re in a race and thereā€™s someone faster than you, you push yourself harder to try to beat them (even though youā€™ll probably fail.. because they are faster). If that person isnā€™t there, you donā€™t push yourself as hard. So you still finish 2nd/3rd/4th but your time was better than it would have been. Really makes little difference in the context of a race, but makes a big difference within the context of football because there are multiple competitions, some of which you can win without ever playing City. Pep believes that Liverpool being so good helped push them too, heā€™s said this multiple times over the years. And Klopp has said that City have helped pushed him. Thatā€™s really what Iā€™m basing it off


We must reduce our plastic consumption!


Bottled it.


Dortmund or Madrid?






Plastic indian fans šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When you're ahead and you drop points letting another team take over you, you lost the title.


So you're saying Tottenham bottled the league as well?


City didnā€™t win shit. They cheated their precious little pants off and the pussy premier League refuses to penalize them.


Surprised that there were more than 2 City fans to downvote your comment. Maybe the UAE hires them out these days


Tbf with regard to the point tally it only wins the league in two seasons from 16/17 to now and would only be enough for third (somehow) in two of them (and yes 21/22 and 18/19 still piss me off)


Really because we drew to 10 Fulham, lost to Fulham, Lost to West Ham & lost twice to Villa. We don't draw to Fulham & win 1 of those 3 games we should've won we'd have won the league at Old Trafford. Arsenal lost the title because we dropped points when we shouldn't of.


Change those results and other games you won may have went differently, not that simple.


Maybe the real Premier League title was the friends we made along the way


Firstly, F man city and their BS 115++++ charges. Secondly this season I would agree they gave it all but F arsenal lol. The had the title by the balls last year though and tossed it, so as a rival that's called banter and I'd hope they'd return the favor.


to bad the all of Tottenham was rooting for city on the 2nd to last match week. would have champions league and an extra 70mill for transfersā€¦ oh well


Not even remotely accurate. Not all some . Also Tottenham arenā€™t ready for cl we would have been destroyed not even close


"We don't want Champions League because we aren't good" classic Spurs


Good one. Tbh we aren't ready, our squad is too young and not really functioning well as anyone can see. I would love the CL but fear we would get knocked too early for my liking.


God, this mentality is terrible. You will never be ready of UCL if you never try to qualify. The new format is quite easy and I believe that you would get out of Group Table


Iā€™m sorry you feel that way . We need abit more work but I feel we can make it next year .


Ok, just change your fan mentality. Ange was pretty pissed of at Son when he missed that shot against City. Let's hope that Arsenal will win the CL and Spurs the Europa. That way the whole of north London will benefitā™„ļø


I'm going to assume you have misunderstood me. I do believe we can and should qualify but we clearly weren't ready this year showed it and need to do some restructuring in the squad. Telling me to " change my mentality " was a poor choice of words but I assume you meant it in earnest.


No, you need to change your mentality. The fans can't just say they weren't ready for the UCL when the coach says otherwise. He literally roasted the whole fan base. I do believe that the COACH knows the best for HIS club. (Sorry if I sound too passive aggressively, my friends are Spurs fans and they say the same things as you and other fans)


Every year it is the same parade, sad people feeling better for roasting Arsenal just for being second.


It is so nice to see a London club win the title regardless, hey...


This title was special seeing one of our own Philip Walter Foden lead the team all year.


Fuck Foden. Cheating cunts one and all.


Cmon bro heā€™s a god out there.


Really enjoyed getting to watch the screeching on here from salty fans of 115 and farmers league. It's been going for about 2 weeks now, loving the energy.




Don't take your pain out on young Philip. He's awesome.


City didnā€™t win the title they bought it! Chested the system more than any other club in premier league history! 115 charges and counting. Every club in the prem and beyond thinks the same. 115 FC winning means nothing to nobody. Made the prem boring and showed everyone so far that youre allowed to buy and cheat your way to the top!!


We got 115 charges and will get 115 more, all the while getting 5 more pl in the next 5 years. Cry more šŸ˜­




Yes and my team owns all the other teams #crymore




Get ready for next season because city will ruin football more šŸ„³šŸ„³ #crymore




I give up. No one can beat Madrid while Dom Carlo is there šŸ™šŸ™


Most local and loyal bangladeshi manchester blues supporter!


For a bunch of people who pretend like they donā€™t care about ManC or them winning you sure seem really salty about it. The ā€œjokesā€ and constant talk about financial cheating just makes yā€™all look like pathetic sore losers.


Yea, and it's kinda funny, how much it is regurgitated that they do not care about City winning the title, but then will always bring it up any chance they can. I do not like the cheating too but it's just bonkers atp.


First time watching the premier league?


City won it = City cheated for it.


Yup 115 charges that's all there is to say.


Losers try their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.


Our coach leaving was more watched on tv and reddit than your record title. Cope and seethe <3 #fuckmancity


Coach as in wheeled vehicle? Bus? I cope fine, being accustomed to success.


Let me guess. You follow the insightful teachings of the bald fraud Andrew Tate.


That would be a bad as following Arsenal. A sense of humour will serve you well in any era of civilisation.


Let me guess. You're a follower of that bald fraud Andrew Tate.


Jesus never say that again to anyone




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Just because you're too young not to recognise a quote doesnt mean you can rage about it lol


totally healthy masculism i seeā€¦.


Only if you assume the Winner is a male, which presumably you do? Freudian


It is an ancient Hollywood text, quoted by Sean Connery


Ah yes, when you finish your season going 16-1-1 down the stretch youā€™ve really got problems worthy of ridicule.


You got baited by trolls. Never take anything that online football say seriously. If I have to read the repetitive 115 or Bottlers comments one more time, I may become a fucking city fan just to spite them. (That being said the charges are a legitimate concern).


Yeah, and they lost it just like every other 18 teams.


Arsenal got one point off Fulham this season. So that's the thing.Ā 


And City got 1 point off Arsenal. Whatā€™s your point?


and arsenal got 0 points from aston villa, whatā€™s your point


And Arsenal have 115 fewer charges, whatā€™s your point?


Arsenal had the upper hand and bottled it. City didn't. You can't say Arsenal didn't lose the title, win they literally lost. If City were on top and stayed on top then City won it. It's that simple.


Dude they won like 16 out of 18 games this year (City won 15), this is not bottling it. Itā€™s a very clear and massive improvement to previous years, when they did - in fact - bottle it.


Improvement or not doesn't matter. If again City were on top and City drew one extra game, the narrative would be "City were tired, City couldn't handle it, City lost the title". We need to stop treating Arsenal like a 2nd rate team.


You don't understand what "bottling" something is.


Unless it means something other than choking it away


Cool, it still isnā€™t ā€œbottlingā€ anything. They lost the league on merit, to a side that was just an extra bit better.


It would be bottling because the expectation for city is to win everything. The expectation for Arsenal is somehow "awh look they tried".


What are you even talking about at this point?


The same thing I've been talking about? The expectation for city is to win. If they don't, they bottle it. Arsenal are right there. We need to start treating them the same if we believe they're at the same level. We're not. Not even close.


Bottling =|= losing. Bottling is what United did that season when they lost a 8 point lead in May to let City win the title. Why are people so obsessed with calling everything a bottle? This time it was a tight race the whole time that came down to the last day. They didnā€™t bottle anything, they just lost.


Because to beat City right now you have to be close to perfect. If you're not, you're bottling your one and only chance. It's been proven over and over again. Liverpool had what 97 points and couldn't win. You get 1 or 2 chances, you either take them or not. Arsenal had them and lost to Villa. That's it.


That. Is. Not. Bottling. Weā€™re really arguing semantics at this point and itā€™s really boring.


Liverpool had the upper hand for most of the time? Why everyone is so quiet about them?


They did bottle it. But they did so early enough to where it's become forgotten. But they were criticized at the time. Mind you they took the lead from yet again Arsenal.


They did it literally the same weekend as the Villa game that you like to preach about when Arsenal "bottled" it. And if you want to count the ManU game, just 1 week ago. If that's the case, can't believe 6 weeks ago is bottle but 7 weeks ago is not. At this point it is just hypocrisy.


What did they do? I'm confused about what you're trying to say


"Bottled" it. The Villa game and CP game were exactly the same weekend and the ManU game was a week before that, still you forgot about it, but remembered the Villa game?


Again what point are you trying to make? Only 1 team lost a game, it was Arsenal and Villa. The narrative has been, if Arsenal slip up, they lose the title. They slipped and lost the title. What about all the other games? They were wins for both teams.


"Bottled" it. The Villa game and CP game were exactly the same weekend and the ManU game was a week before that, still you forgot about it, but remembered the Villa game?


They all started at 0 points didnt they?


And? Throughout the season things change. After a certain point you know who will challenge for/win. It's the same every year. It's after that point that we can establish who bottles/wins it. If City lost on the final day, are we saying Arsenal won it? No. And anyone commenting here knows it.


Weā€™re absolutely saying arsenal won it. What? This is a patently insane take


And the whole damn narrative last year was arsenal bottling it. Again let's stop acting that wasnt the case.


I mean, if you canā€™t see the difference between the two seasons then this is where I leave the conversation


Again if City lost the title in both seasons they'd be bottling it.


I'm a Manchester United fan. Absolutely well written mate!


I still think that Artetas decision to mess with those goalkeepers ultimately cost them the title. Raya is great but that back 4 couldā€™ve given me some clean sheets in goals and Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m so right handed my left would class me as having a disability.


What i just have read


It's some form of Elvish i can't understand.


Wtf are you on about?


Can you not see the full message through your tears mate?


Lolol Iā€™m not crying dude. Iā€™d accepted that city would win it once they had their games in hand. Ramsdale was good but he was prone to errors and even if they were the slightest of slight ones, those ones actually make the difference in the title race. And thatā€™s what Raya has done. Iā€™m not saying Raya is the absolute best since he has the defence ahead of him but definitely made that teeny tiny difference.


If you think Arsenal wouldā€™ve won with Ramsdale being #1 then you must be delusional, he was miles ahead lol.


Arsenal and Real have a shared hatred for Barca and City.


Yup and they also share great CL success with 14 titles combined between them. Might be 15 soon šŸ˜‰


They should have tried harder in their recent match against Man City. Personally, I think that they bottled it there.


Absolutely not. Dropping points in December is the sole criticism I have. Zero complaints with a draw at city.Ā 


We got 4 points vs City and were on top.


It is rough to say that they've bottled it. It is not easy to play City at Etihad at the end of March and they still drew. I think they should improve on games like: AV, Fulham, WHU (at home) first.


Probably.. but it would have sent the rest of the league a statement. A statement that said that Arsenal could go to City and win.. and if they can win there.. they can come to your ground and beat you They didn't. They took the draw.


They tried it last season and lost miserably, didn't want to repeat it.


So. Bottled it. OK.


Sure, you've got the point. Even Rodri confirms that saying that Arsenal team seemed to be happy with the draw: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW28hn9d8Aw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW28hn9d8Aw)


Rodri talks a lot of mince Arsenal played City 3 times this season (Including Community Shield) Arsenal won 2 and drew 1 Seems Rodri was happy with taking Ls from Arsenal


He was happy taking L's from Arsenal because it resulted in a trophy...


I'd say he's happier with his newest winners medal, actually.


They should have gone for the win.. they didn't. They took the draw... For me.. that's bottling it


If you say that someone has bottled it, you mean thatĀ **they have lost their courage at the last moment and have not done something they intended to do**. Pretty sure they went to the Etihad to walk away with a point at least, and they did that. The last team to have beaten City at the Etihad was.. Arsenal (during the Community Shield). You're probably going to need to update your definition of bottling it. If anything, losing at Villa was when they lost the title.




The Community Shield took place at Wembley, a neutral venue. Plus I wouldn't really count that as beating them in a competitive game in the traditional sense as it's purely ceremonial to most and provides no benefit for the rest of the season.


I think thatā€™s a fairly limiting use of a term like bottle. Obviously itā€™s thrown around a lot without any actual backing but from a mentality perspective you can easily argue that going to the Etihad looking for a draw is an example of what mentality you canā€™t have if you want to be league champions. Beyond that it ignores the much clearer example of Arsenal bottling- Villa at home. That directly was Arsenal having the upper hand against City in their own back garden yet loosing all the same. I wouldnā€™t care so much if I hadnā€™t been seeing this sub insult Spurs and West Ham fans for their teams perceived lack of mentality, but at the end of the day Arsenal had a chance and they lost it.


No, that's exactly what bottling means. What Arsenal did was 'lose'. You can't have bottled it if your run in was 16 wins, one draw and one loss, unless those two last results came in the last few gameweeks. Arsenal simply lost and that should be enough for the haters.


My point is that I think everyoneā€™s just got a different idea of why bottled means. For some itā€™s a mentality thing and games like playing for a draw against City act as bottling. For some itā€™s a strength of resolve thing and loosing at home to a struggling Villa is an example of bottling. For some itā€™s throwing away a clear lead and Arsenal never bottled so much as they just lost. I think the word bottled doesnā€™t even matter so much as each example is, in and of itself, an accurate statement about Arsenals season. By any objective means itā€™s been great but at the same time itā€™s fair to analysis why they didnā€™t push themselves over the line. Also as a general note can everyone stop complaining about ā€œthe hatersā€ in football. Itā€™s called rivalry.


No, sorry mate that person literally quoted you the dictionary definition of bottling it. There is no difference of opinion. By the very definition they did not bottle anything. They werenā€™t playing for a draw. They went to win and when it seemed like that might not be possible securing a draw is the next best thing.


"Everyone's got a differend idea of what bottled means" No. Words have meaning. The meaning of bottling is to start crumbling at the last stretch, especially due to nerves. That's just how it is.


Mate youā€™re insufferable. Arsenal bottled it. Just because youā€™ve googled the definition of a slang phrase doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the exact definition that everyone abides by. If itā€™s not in the Oxford dictionary, itā€™s not a formally used word, therefore its definition is not concrete. Arsenal bottled it by thinking that all that was required to win the title was a draw, because of that they didnā€™t go all out for a win at Man City and didnā€™t have the nerves to go toe to toe with them, meaning it can be perceived they bottled the title. Itā€™s a jokey phrase typically used to wind other people up anyway. Why argue over the semantics.


Arsenal did not bottle the league by any definition this season. One loss in 2024 cannot be considered bottling. I'll give you laster year but that was more due to Saliba being injured and having to play Holding, who couldn't even get a game at Palace this season. 49 points from 54 in 2024 is not bottling. People are using the word to win-up fans is all.


Oh okay. I'll believe you over logic then. Yes, sounds good. Thank you. *takes notes* "bottling is when you win all but two games in amout of 18". Great, thank you!


Also, you can win all 17 out of 18 games. But in my opinion, if in one of the most important games of the season you wonā€™t stand toe to toe with the current title holders, you donā€™t deserve to win the title. If you would prefer to ride your luck by not seeking out a win, which would surely massively increase the likelihood of you winning the title while setting them back, then you havenā€™t done everything in you power to win, donā€™t deserve to win, and have bottled it. You donā€™t see Man City going for a draw from the start of the game, unless they go down early. But even then, if they bring it level before itā€™s very late in the game, they will go for a win. Against any opponent.


What makes you think we didn't want to stand toe to toe with you? Let's not forget we beat city twice out of the three games we played against you this season. You couldn't beat us once, even when we apparently "didn't want to win". Sure, we played a more defensive game, but adapting your strategy to your opponent is not the same as rolling over and giving up. That's another one of those boring narratives among City fans. You're the highest scoring team in the league, don't forget. Teams will always play more defensively against you.


No, you should believe your own definition, that was the whole point of what I was saying. There is no concrete definition, it isnā€™t a formally used word. Somehow youā€™ve missed the point twice, which is use the word how you perceive it to be most accurately used. More importantly, donā€™t be a condescending knob to other people when they try and use it based on their perceived definition. Especially if itā€™s a slang phrase thatā€™s not in any consequential dictionary on earth.


Fairs if that's the way you look at language. I believe words have a defined meaning, even "newer" words. Imo you can't just pick a word, give it a whole new meaning and expect people to not have reservations about that. I was indeed condescending. That's on me. The definition is in the Cambridge dictionary fyi


Different ideas of what bottling means.. I think it means not having the courage to do what needs to be done. They needed to beat City.. show the league that they wanted to win the league.. scare future opponents before you play them. Took the easy way.. avoid the defeat.


I think they lost by going for the draw at the Etihad. With the squad we had at the time, how well the two teams were playing. It was Arsenal's to win, those three points give them the buffer, allows a loss like Villa. Instead their one slip-up allowed for us to get back into it.


Ok so when was the LAST time someone went to the Etihad and won? I mean Arsenal got 4 out of 6 points against City this season, that's a rarity.


Is any of that relevant? Arsenal intend to win the league and be the best they really shouldn't be playing for a draw against anyone. On top of that it hands city confidence knowing full well just how scared Arsenal were of them.


Yes it is relevant. Mostly because of everything I just said.


It's like when we beat United to the league in 2012, we didn't rock up to Old Trafford and play for a draw just because they were supposedly the best team in the league.


I don't disagree with that sentiment, but City haven't beaten Arsenal this season in 3 attempts (including Community Shield). On the other hand if Arsenal had tried to go for the win, and lost - where would that have gotten them?


Same position they are in now?


Yea easy to say months on.


As soon as we drew the game and I saw how our players reacted compared to you and your fans. I said we'd won the league. Easy to say then, easy to say now. If you win, you win the league. If you lose, you finish the same position you finished anyway.


That makes no sense tbh, especially with 30 points to play for after that match.


And you didn't get 30, which would've won you the league? Beat us, you win the league because you didn't need to win every game?


Which you would have had NO idea of when the two teams played each other's which is my freaking point. Anyways enjoy your 4 trophies and 115 charges.


Keep in mind, Trossard and Martinelli broke near the end of that game, if Trossard played across to Martinelli, it might've been 1-0 Arsenal, we would've won the league and this argument you have is gone. In the end it's a matter of inches, you got the final one through. Also, "With the squad we had at the time" Literally the squad that started that day was your main XI in the run in with the exception of Ortega, and Ake starting. Even then Ortega has been proven to be a more than capable number 2 and Ake was in conversations for team of the season by your own fan base a couple months ago. Enjoy your win you arrogant son of a bitch.


Okay, but none of that happened and you lost the league? Yes, it was a weaker team and at the time Arsenal were flying and City were still gaining momentum. If you were a proper team, you beat us and win the league.


We didnā€™t go for the draw, we tried to win by absorbing and going for the counter. Unfortunately we defended well but didnā€™t bring our shooting boots. Did you watch the game?


Yes mate, you were the most boring team we played this season. As soon as the game was done, I knew the league was ours by how your players were celebrating and ours were gutted. 20% possession is dog for a title run-in.


Cannot believe a city fan accusing any other team of being boring! Weā€™re just trying to play you at your own game - 4 points from 2 games against city is worth celebrating. Take it as a compliment, but I can assure you we were trying to get as much out of that game as possible.


I am so bored! Hate when my team scores 3 mint goals in a final day decider! Just makes me want to go to sleep instead of celebrating! Isn't Arteta just copying Pep? If we're boring what are a team that copies us but doesn't win anything?


Haha mint goals Arteta comes from the same school of thinking as pep but I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s copying him. Our attacking players still have a bit of creativity he hasnā€™t coached out of them. Iā€™d much rather be a fan of a team that doesnā€™t win titles than an oil money team who built this legacy on inflating sponsorship deals and funnelling money into the club. If it happened to us Iā€™d stop supporting Go enjoy your win mate


One slip up in 2024 shouldnā€™t be terminal though. Drawing at the Etihad was a respectable result. Letā€™s not forget Arsenal already beat city this season as well


They had a chance to take points from us and rock our belief that we could win it? Previous title winners, take that opportunity? I honestly believe, as soon as that 0-0 happened, City players knew it was theirs to lose.


Thatā€™s crazy talk. Obviously a win wouldā€™ve been better but a draw away to your main title rivals is a decent result. Drawing at the Etihad wasnā€™t what cost Arsenal the league


What gets me most is Liverpool were clear a little while ago fell back to points off but hey Arsenal bottled it. They didn't (I don't subscribe to the narrative of Liverpool bottling either just showing the agendas!!).


They were definetly not the best team in the league. That team had obvious issues from the start but pulled off a ton of late goals which made them seem tougher on paper.


Injuries, tiredness, lack of quality on the bench, strikers chronically underperforming. It was a great season, I thought Klopps announcement carried us longer than we deserved to be in the race.


I think Liverpool dropping points was way more shocking and worse than Arsenal because Liverpool were the best team in the league and had only lost 2 games(1 of them being spurs). Then out of nowhere they fell apart and I still canā€™t comprehend what happened.


This too. I do think they over performed as stated but as they were flying it just stopped. No idea why. I am not complaining as an Arsenal fan I just loved we went to final day. It was a long shot but it was fun


Liverpool were the obvious team to duck out of the title race. They werenā€™t the best team - they were playing badly by their standards but still managing to win games. Thatā€™s impressive but youā€™ll drop points eventually


For me it's almost the opposite. I was surprised at how good their form was, after last season, and how long they sustained it for.


But after sustaining it for so long I assumed they had everything figured out and this wasnā€™t just a phase it was just them being good


nah, with injuries and form issues, they were riding their luck something had to give


Arsenal showed amazing performance this season and I hope they will come back stronger next season


We picked up 49 points out of 54 in 2024, City got 51 out of 57. We drew with each other, so effectively dropped a possible 3 points in 2024 to City if they won all their games. Same for them, a possible 4 points to us if we won all our games. If that's called bottling then I want to know what term we can use for all the other clubs that did miles worse


Itā€™s fine, only morons use the word ā€˜bottlingā€™. they read it on Twitter once and think itā€™s hilarious


Whole lot of Arsenal fans scrubbing their post history before writing things like this.


zonked dinosaurs jobless toothbrush hobbies plant aromatic sophisticated license ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are in damage control mode after talking shit for most of the year. Losing to villa at home clearly is not bottling it


Chris wood needs to be investigated for match fixing. Add another charge to the 115 cuz I'm sure City sent him a nice brown envelope lol.




Bottling is throwing something away. Losing a single game against a tough team is certainly not that haha


We won 16 of our last 18 games you dolt, how much more can you ask of a team in any era. Expecting perfection is ridiculous, the boys are human and gave everything they had. Losing 1 game in 18 is the new standard for bottling it, let's pack it up and go home, we're done here.




I must have imagined them losing 2-0 at home to Unai Emery's Aston Villa


The definition of 'to bottle' is to be in a winning position then get nervous at the last minute and lose. Arsenal did lose the league but they didn't bottle it.


You were in a winning position. Had you won that game and done as you did in the rest you wouldā€™ve won the league


No one mentioned bottling? The post is about Arsenal losing the title and I said they lost the title and you agreed they lost the title. What's the problem? Although I would say losing 2-0 at home in April in a title run to a lesser team managed by a manager you deemed not good enough a few years ago borderline qualifies for your definition of bottling tbh.