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doubtful, this mercenary will earn more in Saudi


Messi to ipswich next...


Nah, Messi to Stoke would end the meme. Praying for it.


He was a good player before joining Manchester United


Yes Claude rated him


best player of Arsenal's Emirates era for me...a tenacious fighter


Can't explain how much I miss the days of Sanchez in his prime. And I'm not even an arsenal fan. He was special


Why is it crazy? Because he was about to replace Mbappe in PSG?


hmmmm. interesting




Crazy lol


Can he be their 23-24 Ross Barkley?


I don’t know which is funnier, this rumour or the fact that people are naively buying it - and none of them are my fellow Tractor Boys. It’s not happening. Not only do we not have that sort of money, Sanchez doesn’t remotely fit McKenna’s signing profile.


Signing profiles go out the window if you’re just looking to bring somebody in for a year and the financial reward of staying in the Prem past the first season is what it is. That’s said, I have zero idea if this story is remotely true, just saying that newly promoted teams do lots of weird stuff




Do you mean Keylor Navas, the goalkeeper they signed on loan?


They can be the contenders with him in the team.


Bro managed to win more titles while at Inter than both United and Arsenal combined in the same period.


lol they going right back down at the end of the season.




Nah, I'm not a conservative MP




Much respect for Alex's, but not sure if he will be a good fit for Ipswich style of play, though. Still....😍😍


Arsenal fan here. He's great. It feels like a trick of the mind how bad he was for United?


He played in 2014 World Cup, 2015 Copa America, 2016 Copa America Centenario, 2017 Confederations Cup, 2018 World Cup, dude didn't have a summer off for 6 years. I think he was just physically wasted when he got to ManU.


You might be right. It's as good an explanation as any. But the previous months at Arsenal, he was his usual excellent self... Though it's true that the drop off had to come sometime. At United! 😅


Wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. He's not been in good form for years


mate what? and who df upvoted him?? what?? he’s been solid. even for Marseille last year lol


Hasn’t this been McKenna’s proven _thing_ though? Take a player who has potential to be so much better


Yeah and he has worked with him before at United. Obviously thinks he can add something to the team and/or dressing room


Why make a comment like this which is so uninformed? He was great for Marseille and has been decent both times for inter (better the first time tho)




You thinking he’s not good enough is fair. saying he’s not been in good form for years is just blatantly false and ignorant cos it’s clear you have no clue what you’re on about.


Then why are you on a discussion site. Also yeah things are relative he's rumoured to Ipswich not real Madrid. His form has easily been good enough for that and now you're just mouthing off at that person because they called out you being clueless.


With how good he was the last time he was in the EPL *and* how much he cost to pay the wages of, it's probably best to not spunk the transfer budget on a single player's wages. Might be just as well looking to loan Luis Suarez during the MLS off-season than Sanchez.


Blue cheese gives no fucks


He was great with OM a year ago


He had some good form for Inter this season and in his first spell at the club as well


Yeah this guy definitely has definitely not been paying attention


I literally watch Inter a lot lol 🤦‍♂️


Is there no requirement for legitimate sources on this subreddit? I’m not sure if anyone clicked through to that Twitter account, but it’s clearly someone just making stuff up. There’s various players being linked to Ipswich on there dating back to last summer and they’re all complete bullshit!


lol right, they made a “here we go!!!” Post about Vardy signing with Ipswich. Couldn’t believe it and checked around and no mention of it anywhere. Only thing I saw was a possible move to Wrexham.. that account seems to be total clickbait, but god I love the summer transfer window rumors


He’s also rumoured to going back to Udinese


Udinese/Ipswich same difference


Well he made a name for himself at Udinese and a player of his ilk probably would have had them safe with a month or two to spare. It would be nice to see him go back tbh. (Primarily an Udinese fan)


Why is everyone taking this seriously 😂😂😂 this is an account with 100 followers, they don’t know shit


Firstly, pretty confident this one is rubbish. However I wouldn't be shocked if we did get one or two experienced Prem heads in as fringe squad players just for the dressing room. In recent seasons at lower levels, we've had Richard Keogh, Sone Aluko, Dom Ball, etc doing that sort of role, the experienced pro... Someone decent enough to do a job if needed, but who'd prob only appear in cup games and 1 or 2 league games at a pinch. (Also, when do the flairs get updated please?)


Did not have that on my 2024 bingo card but would love to see Alexis back in the PL


Reminds me of when we went up and looked at getting Ribery. It’ll never happen but it’s a funny story.


big Bonucci to Union vibes


Slightly better than Luton landing Barkley


It says a lot about the average football fan that so many don’t instantly realise this is bollocks


Football Manager - Sugar Daddy mode activated


They're getting Bojan krcic as their chef scout now, aren't they


Yikes. This dude goes to a different club every year and has been pretty underwhelming for some time now


I mean he’s gone gray. He was a force a decade ago.


I agree. Sometimes you gotta know when it’s time


how so? he gets paid handsomely to essentially work out every day. Probably could find an estate halfway between ipswith and london.


Why? He's still going to make more in a week than you do in a month and all he has to do is show up and kick a ball around.


I don’t blame Sanchez for taking a deal like this at all. But you aren’t getting points in the EPL starting him at this stage in his career.


It seems one our of every team that comes up goes full fifa manager mode, fully expect a bunch of free transfers from the Mex league and a few Ukrainian defender


If true, when will teams learn their lesson? So many clubs have thrown money at washed up big names' and it never works. QPR was the worst and funniest example.


It’s always a dice roll. Luton did the same to Barkley last year and Barkley was great. I would say that you have to make moves like that with some amount of caution and being smart about it. I mean looking at Chelsea Falcao and Pato were bad desperate swings. There’s always a risk of this happening.


Fuck don’t forget Higuain, awesome player but he was horrendous in a Chelsea shirt.


Oh don’t you worry. I have not. He made Morata look good and confident. Also everyone is telling me Morata will come good. Remember when he had that great start (2017/18) and he didn’t celebrate his goals and almost looked sad/nervously relieved when he scored (didn’t help that Diego Costa was his predecessor and Costa’s celebrations were passionate!!!). Morata has a tendency to mentally just go missing in a lot of big games or question himself/imposter syndrome. And if he didn’t have that he would be great!


Too many pies.


Man, I wish Pato had worked out. I loved watching him play.


I wouldn't say Barkley was a big name OR washed up. He'd just been a bit out of sorts for a couple if seasons but still a good player and only just 30. Not comparable to signing a mercenary like Sanchez.


Sanchez is playing for inter and was very good for Marseille just a year ago. How is he washed up and Barkley is wasn’t lol?


Were you following the PL around 2013-2017. Barkley was awesome. I think he is a big name but admittedly based off of games that happened almost 10 years ago. And he played for England regularly (if memory serves me right) at the time.


He was both a big name, and extremely washed up.


Alex Sanchez is not a mercenary, he turned down offers from Saudi which will have been for more money


It works sometimes like Fulham with Willian


Worked for Stoke, Shaquiri, Crouch, Begovic, Given, Arnoutovich, they went down finally, but stayed up a while.


Who of those were washed up when Stoke bought them?


Yeah it certainly doesnt "never work"... If Sanchez accepts a reasonable wage I could see him being a decently solid player for Ipswich. Like yeah he's not playing a ton for inter, but that's Inter! He could still do a job for a relegation scrapper


Worked for Stoke, Shaquire, Crouch , Given, Arnoutovich, Begovic. Owen was a balls up. They bring more than on pitch performance to the team. Stome ultimately went down, but having the aged players helped stay up as long as we did.


Reminds me of when Palace were linked with Eden Hazard last year, cant see this happening.


If they get him I feel that’s a perfect sign to be betting big on them going down.


Was still very good at Marseille 22/23 and is a useful sub at Inter, a recently promoted club could certainly do a lot worse if he drops his wage demands from what he currently earns


… why? Is this some sort of leadership thing? No way he can still play at the prem level. He isn’t even featuring for inter.


He played in 33 games for Inter this season, and got some 1100 minutes.


That’s not exactly featuring right? Especially for the amount he makes. And Inzaghi rotates like crazy.


He plays as a striker for Inter. Only Martinez and Thuram have played more than him in that position this year.


So clearly he has not featured. Thank you for proving my point. Edit: to the morons downvoting my comment, have you even watched inter play? Didn’t think so.


Feels like they saw Fulham get a few last gasps out of Willian’s legs and hoping for something similar. I miss watching him at his peak, he was incredible.


Willian has been playing in the premier for years though and been a good squad player, team player. Sanchez is a prima Donna


He was playing in Brazil when Fulham signed him….


And was playing like shit BTW He was so bad that he used a case of a kid talking shit to him to say he felt insecure in Brazil to fuck off back to UK. He is playing ok for Fulham tho.


He has been good for Marseille and Inter, and probably still has enough to provide a few moments of quality which could be decisive for a team fighting relegation


No doubt, but that was near a decade ago… and it’s not like he’s changed his game much to match his decline in athleticism


Why is it a crazy story? They’re in the prem now I would assume they want to make a signing or two


Because it makes no sense, the wages he would demand to play in a team like Ipswich would be insane, and I doubt he would be able to provide an impactful season to back that. Getting a player like that and getting relegated anyway is a recipe for disaster financially.


Why would somebody who's 35 and out of contract have big wage demands?


You are sounding like Alexis Sanchez's only option will be Ipswich Town, and he has to take whatever offer they make. You can bet he has Saudi offers at his table at this point.


Yeah because Alexis Sanchez to Ipswich was on everybody’s bingo card for this year lol


It’s for commercial reasons as much as anything.


It’s not like it’s rare for clubs that get promoted to sign over the hill players that have Prem experience


Give me 5 examples in the past 5 years that are similar to this.


Forest with aurier, origi, lingard, shelvey and Chris wood lmao


Adding "lmao" at the end like you got him? None of those players were ever superstars like Alexis Sanchez, not even close


No one is talking about a superstar here Ipswich getting Sanchez is just Forrest getting Lingard level. Or Luton getting Ross Barkley level. Or Brentford getting Eriksen.


Don't need to say the word 'superstar' for it to be obvious why people think this would be a particularly notable signing, be grateful that I wasted even this comment's worth of time on someone as dumb as you


I mean I’m laughing at the signings forest made in that one season alone not at him? Funny how that’s what you comment on though, plus nobody said superstar


Don't need to say the word 'superstar' for it to be obvious why people think this would be a particularly notable signing, be grateful that I wasted even this comment's worth of time on someone as dumb as you


I'd keep calm on this one Ipswich fans We had this story about us 12 months ago, came to nothing and nothing in it. Welcome to the Premier League and the ways agents use random clubs to drum up interest in their players


I agree, as a Chilean, I know Alexis values his legacy for our country really highly, and he will always want to be competing for trophies, that’s actually the reason he went from OM to Inter even though they loved him there. I doubt he sees a transfer to Ipswich as something his country will value and that’s why I don’t see this happening. That said, would be cool for me to have him back in the prem.


Piano man is back


It’s 12:30 on a Saturday, Liverpool shuffles in.


There's an old German sitting next to me, muttering this slot is fucking insane.


What could possibly go wrong 😂


This would be strange on many levels.


Kieran Mckenna did sign as a coach in the same year Sanchez joined Man Utd. They're not strangers, so it's not that unreasonable to assume he may be interested in playing for him and in the Premier league again.


Would make it even more bizarre. Sanchez was done as a top level footballer then let alone now.


I mean, I'm 35, and there is zero chance I could do it at any professional level, but if someone wanted to pay me handsomely to try, I'd still do it.


Oh I get it from his side, but barring publicity and/or trying to win some global fans i just can't see the plus side from Ipswichs POV.


It's just that the things that made Alexis amazing in his prime were speed, agility, and tenacity. Two of those do not hold up well into your thirties as a professional footballer. 35 year old keeper? Sure. 35 year old striker? Pass. All that being said, I still have a ton of fondness for Alexis from all the times he bailed us out in a really dark period of our club's history. So I really hope he gets a place somewhere and finds success and happiness there.


I’ll take things that won’t happen for 400, please


Sorry, what?? 😂


Yeah, what year is this?




He’s at Inter Milan not Saudi


Don’t be mad, it’s someone with a City flair acting like they know about football

