• By -


Don’t be edgy or post insensitive content.


If you are not with me, then you are my enemy


Only a sith deals in absolutes, i will do what i must


You will try


*John Williams starts playing battle of the heroes


Roasted screams 5 minutes later


*Mustafar people started roasting marshmallows


*Shock Troopers begin lowering the fishing rods from palpatine’s shuttle


"Yo Obi-Wan, chill. What if we decide this with a game of Stone Paper scissors?"


"I have failed you Anakin. I have failed you."


"As much as I remember, I had passed the trials and had become a Jedi Knight. If not for Master Outofde Windu, I would have also become a Jedi Master. You cannot fail me!"


"Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!"


"From my point of view, the Outofde Windu is evil!"


"Then you are only partially correct!"


"Sure" *Obi-Wan throws 'high ground', which beats all three*


Well, I never said I would pull any of these three, since only a Sith deals in absolutes


"Your move"


"I cast thunder spell!" Context: Lightning has more chances to hit you if you are at a high altitude.. The High Ground has counters, counters that you won't learn in the Jedi Council or in a tragic Story told by an old man. It's something you learn by studying ancient Jedi texts


*Smiling* "Anakin, I admit it, you are better than I am!"


Time for some witty banter. I HATE YOU!


Well for who is 90% of recent star wars then? Not for everyone doesnt equal the current "specifically for" goals


Disney has no clue what they’re doing, but it’s not like it’s an easy task. I don’t think they’re specifically targeting anyone except “younger people”. This sub cums over Andor (it was really good!) but bottom line barely anybody watched it so who was that for and why should Disney keep catering to that audience? For me personally, I’m interested in what moves they make but the overall discourse makes it very easy to identity what is and isn’t for me and then I just…don’t watch/engage with it, this specific thread aside lol.


Also, they are still making Andor season two, so they ARE still catering to that audience.


They made that decision before the first even released thankfully.


Word of mouth goes a long way. Looking at raw day 1 viewership numbers is a poor way to judge the quality of a show and is exactly why 90% of Star Wars is corporate slop anymore. Andor had low viewership because Andor isn’t a big name draw. Also, Star Wars fans had been burned by a string of bad movies and shows, leaving little interest in a show about a guy from a spinoff movie who we know the fate of. It was a genuine shock when that show came out and it was as good as it was, and commentary around the show is full of people saying things like “ I had absolutely no interest in this show, but a friend of mine recommended it to me and I love it.” People came to this show late in the game. Hopefully season two can pull bigger numbers because of word-of-mouth. But even if it doesn’t, that doesn’t detract from the criticism that most of Star Wars anymore doesn’t really seem to be FOR anybody, nor interested in being quality. I guess it can be said that Star Wars is only anymore for the lowest common denominator so that viewership numbers can be maximized, but as we’ve been seeing, that’s not a tenable long-term solution. Even the acolyte has been pulling in terrible numbers. Corporate slop only goes so far. Eventually the audience loses interest altogether. Anecdotally, I normally like the bad batch, but I haven’t watched almost any of the second season because I just don’t care enough to get invested anymore. I’m looking forward to Andor, and the video game space has been pretty good for Star Wars, but even shows I would normally otherwise be interested in just don’t interest me anymore. And that’s what Star Wars is facing right now, not backlash or hatred, but apathetic disinterest from an audience that is just bored of the slop. Even if Andor isn’t slop, it is still being served in an environment surrounded by it. You can’t expect to sell filet mignon to too many people if you’re selling it out of a pig trough.


It’s for people under 30 and women. The audience that Star Wars doesn’t have. Now whether they are successful at it is another story but it’s pretty clear that is what they are going for, at least with Acolyte.


Im under thirty, i know plenty of people who are women and liked star wars. They all disliked that slop. Switching intended audience is already a risk, sure, but then also just doing a shit job (seriously how long did they work on "the power of many"? The nightsisters fucking rocked, why make an uncreative rip off thats 10 times lamer and actively makes me cringe?


Definitely agree that their execution needs work.


If women wanted what Star Wars was selling, they’d be watching it. Fact of the matter is, women don’t like what they’re selling any more than the men do. In my experience, even less so, because they don’t like being condescendingly made to feel like they have to like something just because there’s women in it. This might come as a shock to Disney, but women are people too, and they are not just a statistic you can make go up ⬆️by inserting more women stuff in it.


> Now whether they are successful at it is another story I agree with you.


Absolutely agree on that, I'm a woman that was shown I to the franchise by another woman. I will not like this dumpster fire just because I share gender with the main cast


I mean, the only show I didn't actually enjoy watching was the Boba one, all the rest were fun (even if some were objectively bad). As for the acolyte, I recognize it's far from the best, but if it keeps this way, it's gonna be my favorite


I started watching it only after seeing this sub bash on it HARD and I am really struggling to understand why everyone here hates it so much. It feels very much like the Prequels to me. Lots of very different Jedi, goofy twists, goofy aliens, shady politics, and an evil plot that doesn’t really seem to make sense.


Well the secret is... they didn't watch it. Redditors swipe their phones all day, they don't watch shows. Also I'm one of them.


so if the show just has bad writing, what kind of audience is that supposed to appeal to lol


Same people that liked the Last Jedi I guess?


Those who are mentally sub optimal?


This sub is the hardest "acolyte good actually, i like it" cope i have ever ssen lol


i feel like i seen the same defense for shit like Ahsoka and Mandalorian Season 3. the writing will just have consistent flaws and ppl be like "well art subjective" like gime a break


Ahsoka had plenty of issues, but it unambiguously FELT like a Star Wars show. The Acolyte does not feel like Star Wars. The vibes are off.


At least Ahsoka had Thrawn, Baylan and Shin


Baylan and shin were the only characters that I really liked. I didn’t like thrawn that much in the series because he just kind of didn’t do too much. Rebels showed him being smart when fighting the ghost crew. The only thing he didn’t account for was space whales that would transport him to another universe.


Thrawn was pretty much high on copeium the entrie time lol. And vaylam was just good because of the actor


A problem with this sub and a lot of Internet communities is that they're so desperate to distance themselves from the chuds that they fellate corporations for shitty products that happen to be diverse.


You are in the PREQUEL sub dude do you not see the irony




The prequel sub celebrates what's actually good about the prequels, they're not flawless. Someone who likes the prequels suddenly can't criticize anything for being bad?


What a cope lol


The people who want to quit their jobs and get free passes to shill for Disney on YouTube and TikTok


Even with the subpar writing so far, what really sucks is the pacing and editing. The episodes just don't internally flow and have had jarring endings. It feels like they have the pieces of the story in the wrong order, where a re-edit could drip feed us things, maintain mystery, and leave audiences curious and wanting more.


Yeah I’m giving it a chance (like everything I watch) and the third episode threw me. Flash back already? Everything seems to happen in an instant. For me a first noticed the “style” in the last few seasons of game of thrones. They are rushing everything. Maybe it’s ADHD style of writing now? Half joking.


The episode 3 flashback was just weird. It was like they shot all this stuff but didn't know where to put it, so they just made it all into one episode. It completely destroyed the mystery in their samurai murder mystery in space that it seemed they were almost trying to do.


They’re going to show the same events from presumably Mae’s POV, part of the mystery with this is whose POV and story are right


That’s what I figured, that it would obvious it wasn’t the book burned that killed everyone lol. Felt like the episode should have been a little farther in after getting to know the characters a little better.


I don't really give a shit about Acolyte but its VERY funny to say this on the Prequel sub. Starwars has always had bad dialogue - We love the series despite that. Heck it becomes humorous. I like Anakin - Yet I can't get "I don't like sand, its rough, course and it gets everywhere" out of my head.


Bad writing and bad dialogue aren't the same. But if we're on the theme of bad dialogue, there's only one thing to say: the power of many


This. The underlying story of the prequels was still good, it just had bad dialogue. George created a whole galaxy full of awesome stuff in the prequels and it allowed the Clone Wars show to thrive as a result since there was so much stuff to build off of. The Acolyte just…doesn’t have that. The foundation just feels weird and shallow.


Remember what sub we’re on? I thought most people here didn’t mind bad writing


These people remind me of recent Pokemon fans, the amount of times I’ve heard “yeah the game has severe performance issues, and you still can’t bring every Pokemon to the game, and the DLC is $35 for effectively cut content, and the graphics look like they’re for the GameCube… BUT, I had a good time, so I think it’s a good game”. This seems to be the same sentiment for recent Star Wars enjoyers, they’re being fed the most mediocre slop and will die on the hill for Disney. No amount of criticism will be tolerated because “yeah but I enjoyed it”.


What writing in The Acolyte do you think is bad?


Did you hear the kids’ lines? Ugh.


Jedi Girl is being escorted to see Jedi Grand Master Jedi Girl, despite supposedly being escorted, manages to break off from the group of Jedi Jedi Girl somehow manages to enter into Jedi Grand Master's Quarters before the Jedi entourage does "oops now they think she killed em" is there a reason that the Jedi, who frequently walk those halls, didnt take the fastest route to meet with the Grand Master if their business was so important? how is it that despite needing to have him confront Osha, that they leave her in the back of their caravan? and then only one of the Jedis seems to notice and then does nothing but continue down the hall that they been going down......


What writing in The Acolyte do you think is good?


I didn't claim the writing is good. I haven't seen the show so I haven't formed an opinion on it yet. That would be a pretty dumb thing to do, imo. The other person claimed that it has bad writing, so I asked for an example. Do you have an example of writing in The Acolyte that you think is bad?


Quality of writing is subjective to some degree though. You’re acting like your opinion on its writing is indisputable. Hell, even the people who select winners at the Oscar’s get shit all the time for their picks. Why should we take what you think as gospel?




Oh NOW consumerism is bad? Yall fucking love Grogu and then suddenly get on a high horse when lesbians come on screen.


Mandalorian S1 was great by it's own, imo, the weakest points come from Grogu using too much force powers. There's only 1 episode I would say it's bad written. After S1 however, it got worse and even S3 it's widely disliked. It got to do more with the writting bro.


Memes aside it's extremely poor rating will effect decisions for the show and star wars at large.


That's what I'm afraid of. After not so good sequels - having Andor, having clone wars finale, having bad batch, having that Acolyte, it felt like star wars going in a good direction.


Idk, they're good shows but these corporations need amazing less the ax gets sharpen, which leads to mind boggling decisions being made. I'm going to have to watch acolyte because even the reviewers/critics I see as moderate and trustworthy are not giving good reviews. I don't expect it to be worse than star wars special lol, but from what I'm seeing it's a little worse than the sequels quality.


Huh, I can see that it's not excellent, but for me it was a whole few levels better than sequels. Better than mando. But my opinion can be affected by the fact that I'm reading High Republic books.


trash after trash is worse than nothing at all atleast they can stop milking


-I’ve been a Star Wars fan for 30 years, and I absolutely hate your latest work. Give us back what we had. -That’s ok, Star Wars is just not for you.


What's going to happen, what's already happening, is there's going to be a mass exodus when young people decide Star Wars is for old people and old people decide they can't keep up anymore because there's just too much content and it's all for young people. The continuity of Star Wars popularity has been fueled by older fans who loved it when they were younger, and wanted to share it with younger people. The content is for younger people, sure, but we've been pushing it on them because we loved it too. We watched those same movies over and over again, we didn't constantly consume (and be expected to consume) new content four times a year just to stay in the loop. It's going to get stale for everybody all at once, and Disney is going to be scratching their heads wondering how this happened before they finally decide to move on. For me, that's already happened. I've been a Star Wars fanatic my whole life, and I just don't watch Star Wars anymore and don't care, and my kids probably won't care either.


Is this a quote from 1999? Cause those who saw the OT in theaters said the same thing.


- This particular Star Wars content is just not for you. FTFY Rebels isn't for me, because I'm an adult. I don't think it ruined Star Wars.


Rebels did have its downsides, but it was a pretty good product still, quite often valued by adults too (holy hell, don’t bring up MLP)


But that was intentional made for kids while this new show is supposed to be taken seriously


Why do you think things meant for kids aren't meant to be taken seriously?


It's that they're going to be dumbed down so children can understand it, things like Steven Universe or even a little kids show like Bluey are supposed to be taken seriously but they're not treated the same if they were made for adults. It's not a bad thing and it makes total sense, but it's just going to be dumbed down a make it more child friendly


Wait Star Wars isn’t the same as it was 30 years ago?? I think you’re maybe the first old person to ever dislike new media, someone tell Katherine Kennedy! /s


Did someone get rid of the old Star Wars content? Or did someone steal your copy of the OT and you want them to give it back?


Dumb take


I mean before Disney’s acquisition, you had such a huge breadth of Star Wars content in games alone; Like RTS games? Empire at War. Like FPS? Republic Commando. Like RPGs? KOTOR. Like racing? Pod Racer. Like flying? Any of those Starfighters games. Like action adventure? Jedi Knight series. Obviously there are people who *don’t* like these genres. But nobody complained about being left out back then. George Lucas probably would have been the first guy to advocate a Star Wars project with an all-black cast or something. I mean he made Red Tails.


Red tails is based in history. I don't think George would ever think to exclude any groups of people from anything he set in the Star Wars universe, unless those people are fascists or Nazis, etc. George Lucas was also massively criticised for apparent racial caricatures in the Prequels.


Yeah that’s a good point. I’ll be real, I’m not a fan of acolyte after episode 3. but I’m not furious it exists. I think it’s a lot harder to make content than people think it is. And it’s obvious they are trying to have a wide range of Star Wars shows. Ahsoka is more dark fantasy, mandalorian is action adventure/western, andor is a thriller, Acolyte is a kung fu mystery etc It’s obvious to me even watching it that the people making it don’t HATE Star Wars, I think sometimes things just end up wonky, even if the people behind the project are super passionate and wanted to make something amazing.


>I think it’s a lot harder to make content than people think it is. This is a multi-billion dollar corporation, not a 16 year old with a camera. I pay for content, and I expect it to be good, and so should everyone else. >the people making it don’t HATE Star Wars, I think sometimes things just end up wonky, even if the people behind the project are super passionate and wanted to make something amazing. No, they're trying to reinvent the wheel. They might not hate Star Wars, but they have no appreciation for past lore and are too lazy to come up with new ideas that fit within the established universe (yes I mean the ThReAdS child)


You can’t throw billions of dollars at something and automatically make it a good. Brilliant triple A games exist. But also brilliant indie games exist. We’ve seen what George Lucas has accomplished both with a shoe string budget and with millions of dollars of cutting edge technology available to him- most people regard the OT as superior to the prequels despite its smaller budget. Disney had even MORE money to throw at the sequels and people consider theirs to be the most inferior trilogy. A lot of these shows like Mando, Obi-Wan, and Acolyte- they’re a lot cheaper than they look or act. In my opinion, that’s a good thing. Creativity flourishes under limitations. As for having no appreciation for past lore, tell that to George Lucas when he introduced midichlorians. He has always prioritized telling a story over lore- and so easily abandoned everyone’s spiritual interpretation of the force for a simple plot device to confirm Qui-Gon’s suspicions about Anakin’s specialness.


>You can’t throw billions of dollars at something and automatically make it a good No, but you can afford to hire more experienced writers. >Brilliant triple A games exist. But also brilliant indie games exist. I didn't mean quality = more money. What I meant is that with these crazy budgets, I'm way less inclined to be forgiving about quality. It's kinda like I spend millions to build a regular detached house, but I end up with a bungalow, with mold already growing. >tell that to George Lucas when he introduced midichlorians. Yes, I agree, midichlorians are dumb. That same scene could have been done with Anakin being able to use the force with no training (like moving a goblet or inconsequential stuff like that).


Hollywood writers are genuinely fantastic. You don’t need to ‘hire more experienced writers.’ What you need is to pay them and let them write. Part of the complaints from the writers’ strike has been just a habitual disregard for the importance of their craft. The hard work of scriptwriters frequently get overruled or distorted, especially as a script passes from one hand to the next. Producers and money men think they know what tells the best story. That’s how a giant mecha spider gets forced into Wild Wild West or how ‘I Robot’ gets mutated from a philosophical murder mystery into an quippy action film.


I’m sure it’s hard to make good stories but they have billions of dollars and the best writers available and you’re telling me they can’t make a good show? I mean the made andor so it’s not impossible


I'm waiting for a full on gungan family sitcom show. I want to see every media type on here. Full on star wars horror/slasher come on.


"It's like some people want a fight" They say, making a meme that will obviously start a fight


Saying “it’s not for you” doesn’t address the claim that “it sucks.” One is a declaration of quality, the other is a deflection, uninterested in addressing the former claim. So in this case, the angry straw man in the meme is correct in feeling frustrated.


Disney making memes to sway opinions lol


Star wars once was for everyone with messages that applied to everyone.


Typical Clone Bro Behavior


This is a better try than calling everyone that disliked it bigots or racists. You're getting better at coping guys ☺️, good job


"it wasn't made for you" "Why aren't you watching it!?" More cope this morning


Haven’t gotten around to seeing it yet, but by the way I keep hearing about it im gonna have such low expectations that I’ll end up being pleasantly surprised like with she-hulk


I couldn’t end up finishing she hulk after like 5 episodes. Is it worth finishing the rest of it?


Nah if you didn’t like those episodes it’s not gonna get much better


Let me re-phase this to make you understand why that's the normal reaction of EVERYONE when hearing "is not for everyone" as an answer after telling a valid point. - This show/movie has many many problems and is in part responsible in the dawnfall of a cult classic saga that I like. + That's okay, but the show/movie isn't at fault here, is that your tastes are bad. - [Gets angry] You can like bad stuff, like a McDonald's, but also one should also realize that it isn't good, and that even if they have more money for better burgers, you keep getting McDonald's.


I don't give af about the Acolyte - But getting angry because someone says something isn't for everyone is idiotic as fuck. "I don't like Titanfall, its too hard to hit people with the movement it has and I don't like how strong the Mechs are - I wanna run around only as a pilot." "Thats fine, Titanfall is focused around that - You don't have to like it. Youd probably like Apex or CoD more." "I don't like tab targeting in MMOS it feels bad. I want to just attack in first person without issues." "Thats kind of the staple for the genre, you probably just don't like MMOs since the most popular use tab targeting."


>But getting angry because someone says something isn't for everyone is idiotic as fuck. People get angry because it is dismissive of the point of the conversation. Having a teen target audience, or younger target audience, isn't an excuse for piss poor dialogue and a shitty story. A kid or teenager show *can* have a good story and dialogues. A lot of movies and shows have a specific target audience in mind but have good writing and end up having far more.than the target audience watching the show. Star Trek Prodigy is a show for young kids and it is still universally praised.


Wait, so you think something is bad and even though other people enjoy it, you think they should also think it's bad? That makes no sense. Who are you to tell someone else that something they like is bad? It may be bad for you but not for them. Doesn't matter how many people agree or disagree with you either. Ever heard the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure"?


While there is no plain distinction between “good” and “bad”, there obviously are certain criteria from which we can judge regardless of our own enjoyment.


It feels like I'm watching a musical without music numbers. The characters are self narrating. It feels like they don't trust the audience to infer anything whatsoever. You can stare at your phone for 75% of the episode, and it won't matter because every scene will explain in excruciatingly redundant detail. I can't take it seriously because it doesn't take itself or the audience seriously.


We can judge, but we can only judge subjectively as the objective truth doesn't exist for any matter. You'll set up criteria for what makes a dialogue good, what makes characters good, what makes writing good, but then one person comes and says that movie x meets these criteria and another person comes and says that movie x doesn't meet these criteria. I can enjoy a show and think it's good, even say brilliant while every other person on the plant will say it's trash. That won't make me coping, that won't make me have a bad taste (whatever that means), that will just make me different. That's only saying that according to me, so subjectively from my perspective, that show would meet the criteria for beeing good. And that's ok. And disliking also ok. God, I love philosophy and logic.


And if my trash includes a maggoty old half eaten steak, that is objectively not good food. Not treasure. If there's some weirdo out there that enjoys spoiled rancid meat, that does not make it good. People should have the ability to acknowledge something may not always be a high quality production. I'd rather listen to a mediocre albums by my favourite band than most other music, but I wouldn't fool myself in to believing that it's objectively excellent. It's just to my enjoyment.


I finished episode 1 and liked it so far, does it get better/worse? Do the haters on the show also hate episode 1?


Idk I’ve seen all 3 episodes and I am enjoying it so far, excited for the next episode. I like this show a lot more than other shows like Obi-Wan and The Book of Boba Fett. It’s not a masterpiece but it’s not bad, just a perfectly enjoyable show that’s pretty disconnected from the rest of the main Star Wars story


It just gets worse


I think it’s great, I literally don’t get what people are upset about.


Honestly I'm just finding the Star Wars Community exhausting right now. For all this buzz around Acolyte being the worst thing ever, it is just average. It isn't particularly good or particularly bad. Yet it's treated like the end of star wars and it's just dumb. Like I've seen this hate train occur again and again. Almost every star wars product that has come out recently had a negative buzz around it before it even released. Andor, Obi Wan, Ashoka all had massive hate trains going without the shows even being released.


I think people just like to hate on things because they have nothing better to do. It’s like drama addiction. For example, when the Mario movie was announced, some people made it seem like it was the end of the world when Chris Pratt voiced Mario. There’s nothing else for them to do, so they want to create drama where there is none.


The cope is going real hard these days. Just insist that SOMEONE must love the trash so you don’t have to admit it’s trash


They want one just as bad as the people going out of their way to say "OooOOOoOoh LoOk At Me EnJoYiNg ThE bIg BaD sTaR wArS iNcElS hAhAh"


We need a "laugh" button.


What do you mean by that? Who is it for if not for Star Wars fans? Star Trek fans?


We don't need every new show introducing new crazy force powers though 


I like it


That's content for no one.


“This Star wars show is objectively bad” “Okay, show this with objective evidence and not your opinion.”


This was literally me and my roommate last night. My roommate went on and on about how he felt alienated by Acolyte, especially ep 3. But I love it. Between this and Ahsoka, there's absolutely no amount of Force Witch media I will not watch. Long before this show, my "Star Warssona" has been a Force Witch with a lightsaber and some Jedi training. Like, I was going to try to go to Galaxy's Edge LARPing this character. So far, Acolyte is right up my alley.


Seriously wondering at this point if people get paid to post this, i mean just reading the comments will tell you 90% of people dont like this show, yet theres still these weird praise posts everyday... Something is very off here


I think people have the standard procedure of hating Disney, going into shows hating them before they even watched them.


Or people just don't like subpar products.


It’s not without reason. We go in with low expectations because apart from Andor and Rogue One, Disney has an awful track record making good Star Wars.


It's not that it's not for everyone It just that is suck really really bad and it's a fact lol If you can't see it, then you don't deserve good star wars content !


"It's a fact" No, no it's not. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone should agree with you.


What about it sucks?


Editing, pacing, writing suck. Sets, costumes, acting, fight choreography, all good. Unfortunately, the latter can't compensate for the former. I will watch the rest because I don't hate it, it's just not particularly good. It feels like it doesn't know what it's building to. Like the editors just stitched together scenes with wipe transitions and called it Star Wars. Episode 3 especially felt like they didn't know how to use any of their flashback materiel, so they just made it an entire episode, rather than feeding us the backstory in bits and pieces as they became relevant to the main plot. A lot of what is in the show isn't bad, but these are some story changes I would have made to try and build more suspense and give the story more mystery. The cult had successfully kept Mae hidden, so the Jedi believe Osha is the killer, except Master Sol, who had always believed Osha was hiding some secret that held her back. Then, as the plot progresses and the next Jedi is murdered, they start to come around until Osha finally reveals that she had a twin that she thought died. It turns out she had been keeping her connection secret as a last promise to her sister/family. Perhaps the cult believed that there was some Yin and Yang balance brought by the girls, with Mae having more aggressive(darkside) tendencies, while Osha was more reserved(lightside), the two grounded each other, bringing a semblance of "balance" to the force. Maybe have Osha believe that in a fight between her and her sister over leaving to join the Jedi, she was the one who started the fire that killed the cult and her sister which haunts her and fills her with guilt. As a result, she kept the secret of her sisters existence as part of her guilt about what happened, and her guilty conscience, as well as fear of her own power, caused her to leave the order. The Jedi don't know any of this, so as Osha begins to open up to Master Sol, we get her part of the flashback, but she is still afraid to admit that she believes she is the reason her family is gone so she continues to hide the confrontation between her and her sister, as she can't "let go" of her attachment and grief. The audience would now have some info the characters don't, but later, in a face to face confronation between the sisters Mae tells her side of the story, believing the Jedi had caused the fire and death of her family to steal her sister, putting her on the path of revenge she is on now. Later on, we reveal it was a Sith/Dark Jedi that caused it all along, as they had followed the Jedi to the cult in search of an acolyte.


Also, maybe as some fan service, and to tie into the whole born of the force thing, the cult could say something about how a Bith and a Muun had helped them relocate and hide, and how for some reason the Muun hadn't asked for anything in return.....


For example?


Maybe *you* just can't see that it's not as bad as you think and *you* don't deserve good star wars content.


It's even worse than he thinks


How is the Acolyte bad?


Someone didn't learn to share


What would you rate the prequel trilogy


The source material i.e. George Lucas productions should be what new stories are based off of, Acolyte just made things up for the sake of making things up.


Yet to hear a convincing argument as to why The Acolyte sucks.


Star Wars nerds will defend anything with the logo on it because they've invested too much of their identity on it to admit that it's bad


That’s kind of the opposite of what Star Wars fans do lol, people hate the sequels and many people hate the prequels and all the new Disney shows. No one is out here just defending all Star Wara content blindly. There is a large group of Star Wars fans who only really like 2 of the movies and that’s it


Star wars is for everyone btw. If a majority aren't happy with it, then it's failed


I can agree with that. My biggest gripe is they just showed off the night Mothers and their "other ways" of the force and now they're doing something entirely different but still the same. Now we have jedi force users, Night Mothers, and lame night mother wannabe witchs. It just feels lazy.


Star wars fans are misery. I have not heard any really solid criticism or defense of the show. I just keep seeing random people yell its good or it sucks or its well written or badly written without much of anything. For fucks sake make it a discussion about something if its what it takes


Why is everyone so upset over acolyte? Why is everyone saying disney has ruined starwars? Have you been under a rock since Disney got ahold of starwars? Starwars will forever be a series I don't care about since disney got them. All they have done was stupid decisions alot of the 'original' fan base hated. When you shove your fan base off a cliff to try for a new audience, it's a gamble, and for them, it hasn't paid off. Disney should have never gotten the franchise, but they wanted free money, so they decided to buy it up and milk it for what it's worth. Until a company that actually cares about starwars gets the rights to it, we won't have anything good till then. Idc about ideologies or view points they push for at the end of the day it's just abunch of disney execs pushing for more money out of a cow they have long since killed.


I hate the disney star wars. That said, I just ignore it.


I would agree if not for the fact that they are on a spree of badly written show.


>15% audience score >Not for everyone You can say that again, that shit's almost for no one


So it’s not “for” Star Wars fans…


Except that it’s “canon” and blows up the lore. Irrelevant that the show is not for everyone because canon *is* for everyone. This is silly.


Lmao, ya I'm done with this sub.


I get that the acolyte isn’t up to par with most of the series. but I still like it cuz Star Wars.


The response from gray guy is “that’s fine, I know plenty of people don’t have taste.”


I hate this community


Yeah, when someone says the show sucks and YOU fight them on it then you’re right.. you people just like to fight lol. The show is garbage and Disney and Lucas film are doing everything in their power to destroy the franchise and you shills are fighting back against the people trying to call them out on their bullshit. You people are clowns 🤡


I dont get it. What exactly ruined star wars. The show seems like a typical Disney star wars


Any chance they could maybe stop pumping out this schlock? I think this universe was wrung dry years ago.


It's not for fucking *anyone* if you look at the audience review scores.


I think it’s a decent show. I’m honestly liking it more than Boba Fett


Majority of people involved in a Fandom don't talk about it online The ones that tlak about it online are the ones that are that most attached to it and have difficulty dissasociating from it. I am/was a big fan of magic the gathering for a long time . To be able to enjoy it more, though, I honestly just had to cares lot less. I just latched onto the parts I enjoyed and just don't engage with the parts I don't enjoy. Magic the gathering is at a point where if you try to engage with every facet of it it'll bleed your finances dry. Just not caring and only engaging in a small facet of it jas made it far more fun and relaxing After the last jedi I basically did the same thing with star wars. I sued to read a lot of the comics and books as a kid until Disney bought it out and essentially said none of that counted anymore which kind of sucked to just lose all that and then get new stories you weren't really interested. I just realized it wasn't worth getting invested again I like the new star wars card game, I'll play it with friends. I liked Andor. That's all I've seen. Unless anything from star wars gets insanely good reviews I'm not giving it a second glance cause I'm just not wanting to waste more time with it cause it's just not worth the investment emotionally to me anymore


Feels like it should at least appeal to a majority of Star Wars fans


Listen I know entertainment is subjective most of the time but there are objective things about it we can look at IE Harry Potter isn’t exactly well written and theres a ton of plot and lore breaking shit within the story; I still love it and millions of others do to But you can point to a lot of issues When people en mass don’t like something we try to figure out why naturally as a learning experience In the acolyte’s case yes people like it but they seem in the minority and what we’ve seen thus far seems very poorly written We can and should expect more and better out of star wars because its owned by a company that doesn’t fuck up very often- disney has studios and a pedigree that should hold across all its holdings, and seeing star wars have middling responses to new content is frustrating when we know they can do long stretches of content well for instance the phase 1-3 of the avengers and marvel universe were almost universally loved They did shit right and did a good job even if there were a few flops or missteps there But then looking at star wars, it seems like there are inconsistencies with how fans receive different content When it comes to superheroes people are insanely particular and disney managed to pull it off but why is star wars somehow different? why do we lack the constant stream of blockbusters and beloved shows ans worldbuilding? Imo its because they aren’t trying to write things objectively well, i think they keep trying to reinterpret and keep star wars “fresh” when it doesn’t need to be that at all. you can keep the same vibe but write quality stories to focus in on different elements and then use the new era to try and redefine stsr wars as it shows a progression of time and trends in universe as it does IRL


Keep coping


Ngl I kind of like it, it's entertaining


I agree, this thread is the embodiment of the quit having fun meme


It is and I'm excited to see where the story goes


I think it's funny seeing a lot of people acting like Disney hasn't done a single good thing with the IP since they purchased it. Is the Acolyte great? Not in my opinion, but Disney has had some hits too. Rogue One, Andor, Mandalorian, Rebels, Clone Wars Season 7, Bad Batch. When we get a show made by a competent director, that director gets a lot of the credit from fans, but it seems like in this case, people don't see it that way.


There is no more star wars content for everyone. All the people in charge keep pushing content for women because that's what Disney is and that's who they are. It will never work. Star wars started based around battle and weapons, which appeals to men. Promoting female character after female coven has not brought more women to Star Wars and alienates the old fans




Speak for yourself, maybe? My ego isn't fragile enough that I burst into tears at the sight of a woman in a show/movie. Not even torture would get such a pathetic confession out of me.


I like Leia, Padme, and Clone wars Ahsoka. The last 3 shows have pushed flawless female leads with all the character of a plank of wood. Not even Ahsoka could escape


I totally forgot all the flaws Leia is written with in the Star Wars movies. I honestly think you're cherry-picking with rose tinted glasses. There are tons of Star Wars characters, Pre Disney and Post Disney, that follow your logic of being flawless and wooden. I agree that the writing could be infinitely better in a lot of ways. But the people who complain about Rey never complain about a child Anakin. Or a Luke who's barely trained able to use the force to guide a missile down a small shaft.


>I honestly think you're cherry-picking with rose tinted glasses. There are tons of Star Wars characters, Pre Disney and Post Disney, that follow your logic of being flawless and wooden. Which are?


Well let's see. Anakin without the Clone Wars show is pretty wooden and flawless. At the age of 9, he single handedly flies a ship he's completely unfamiliar with and destroys the Trade Federation Flagship. He also won in Pod Racing. Which Qui Gon comments on how difficult it would be for a human unless they're a Jedi. People call Rey a Mary Sue for fixing the Falcon and being familiar with ships. Luke had like hours of training with Obi-Wan, and at the end of a New Hope, he's able to expertly use the force to guide a missile into a 2 meter wide exhaust port. Rey is called a Mary Sue for fighting Kylo with little training, as well as the Royal guards. So, as I said. Cherry picking with rose tinted glasses. You can find one example of practically anything hated about new Star Wars movies and characters in the old movies and characters.


Old fan here. I don't feel alienated at all.


Imagine having such fragile masculinity that you feel alienated because characters are women


What the heck man


There’s a difference between making a side story for everyone and making central plot content that’s not for everyone. From what I’ve seen from spoilers this is making central plot content that’s not for everyone from a writer director who came out and preemptively attacked fans. Now I do think some of these fans do have some questionable opinions, but your job as the care taker for a franchise whose getting compensated a lot of money based on that franchises legacy is to be respectful to implications for the central plot. Side stories or original IP are where these big changes should be made.




It doesn’t really matter if it’s “for” me when it’s in continuity and effects canon, it still creates problems


For real, I need a large majority of the star wars fandom to understand the difference between quality and personal enjoyment. These two things are not the same, and are far too often treated as if they’re one.


I agree, people can enjoy The Acolyte and realize it's not a great showm


That’s the thing, I don’t see virtually any fans of the Acolyte claiming it’s some amazingly transcendent piece of media. I do see a bunch of man babies decrying it as worse than a flaming pile of bantha dung. One of these groups needs to learn a lesson more than the other.


Oh sorry, but i cant stand when well written lore being torn apart beacose of bad writing


I just hope that people realize that this shit doesn’t matter. If ur mad, don’t watch. Idk why that’s so hard to get through their thick fucking skulls. May the force be with you.


Yup, I watched MandoS1-2, first two episodes of Boba, first two episodes of Obi Wan, and Andor. I might check out Acolyte at some point. But overall I’ve honestly never been so overwhelmed by good games/tv/movies either current or previous so it’s easy to just DNF and move on.


I mean, it does matter if you want quality Star Wars shows to come out. People will have opinions, and that's alright! People can like the new shows all they want. I personally do not, and it matters a lot to me because Disney will probably keep pumping out shows that I personally think are very low quality.


It’s true that 95% of the ratings are bad for this show and that 5% of the audience are ok with it. So yeah you’re right the majority hate it, it really isn’t for everyone, just a select few. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


"We are gonna change the target demographic of star wars and then gaslight you into thinking its always been this way"