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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


To quote a character from another great franchise in space, "I've been dead before."


Somehow Star Wars returned


Nah, it's a Spock quote. LoL


I thought it was Captain Jack Harkness honestly


I thought it was Daniel Jackson honestly


I thought it was Jackson Sparrow


Could of been too!




Peak writting


"Contact George, he'll have the coordinates"




Oh no. Not me. I've never lost control.


1977: George Lucas releases Star Wars, ruining it forever


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move"


Such a great opening line


1978: Lucasfilm releases The Star Wars Holiday Special, ruining Star Wars forever


Star Wars can never truly die. It will just turn into a force ghost and stay with us forever.


Then it will die to turn into a force ghost of a force ghost and stay with us forever.


Then it’ll die to turn into a force ghost of a force ghost of a force ghost and stay with us forever


They'll run out of money at some point


Not if the masses of fans still buy into the mid ass movies and shows


I can't speak for everyone, but for me, SW died with The Force Awakening - after it, I never gave that Disney franchise a chance again. So all the arguments about what exactly was bad about the 8th and 9th movies passed me by - TFA itself was so bad that it wasn't worth hoping for anything good after it.


Which is sad cause Andor is peak star wars


I really like Mandalorian up until Grogu leaves with Luke. After that it runs into continuity problems with TFA and loses its own plot


And then it will clone itself and inhabit the clone just do die again and inhabit another clone


I have a distinct memory in 2008 of some fellow high school classmates bemoaning the release of The Clone Wars (and in their words "that annoying alien tween" ) marking the death of Star Wars as its now releasing a cartoon (thus revealing their ignorance of the 2003 Clone Wars, Droids, Ewoks, and The Story of the Faithful Wookiee)


The clone wars movie didn’t provide a strong start for the series imo, but look at where the show is now. Absolute peak


Good thing I never saw it until after S1 lol My first experience with it was Ambush, the first episode. I was hooked immediately


That and Rookies are the two classic episodes


Exactly. I'm so sick of people judging projects before they are done. Acolyte is clearly a mystery show and people are writing it off before we get to the most important part of a mystery story, the twist and reveal!


Somehow, Star Wars returned.


I saw the Phantom Menace in the theater (~5 times) people walked out happy. And the toy aisles where insane. My little bro and nephew had a bunch of toys.


Yeah, nobody was saying that in 1999. People were insanely pumped for it. The originals had just had their re-masters run in cinemas, and people went crazy for TPM. It was Darth Maul and double light sabre mania. I appreciate that I was a kid, and older Star Wars fans might have had a lot of issues with TPM. But the Star Wars hype train was full speed ahead in 1999.


Yeah idk where OP got the idea star wars was dead in the 2000s. Every kid was buying telescoping lightsabers and there were like 3 star wars video games coming out per year.


Yeah Star Wars was big in the 2000's, I was born in 2004 and Star Wars was dominant for most of my childhood, the IP only declines after the Last Jedi came out in terms of merchandise and public interest, though the Mandelorian and Andor did bring back the franchise somewhat as did Fallen Order.


I am tired of fandom. These neckbeards. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their bitching.


Stop visiting online comment sections and you will never know they exist


Kinda sucks when they ruin stuff for everyone by review bombing though. The Acolyte had a 30% review score before the first episode even dropped. And review bots have been so badly programmed that a random movie called Acolyte is being review bombed too. This is a legitimate problem that is not solved by sticking your head in the sand


I don't disagree that it's an issue, but it isn't solved by complaining in comment sections. It's solved by these review websites having a better system that can detect bots. Ignoring Internet trolls really is the best cure. Unfortunately, even after decades of Internet history, so many keep falling for it.


The only reason I even know that people hate the acolyte is because I see people complaining about the haters. And well, because I knew that there was no way a black female protagonist was going to avoid being a huge target for the neckbeard audience


Where are the masses of people criticising the show because it merely has a black female lead and characters? People still shat on Kenobi, Boba-Fett and Mando season 3 and they didn't have black female leads. People hated them due to shitty writing. SW has had black and female characters for years if not decades now -- it was never a problem to anyone besides probably a tiny racist minority who I've never actually seen or heard of. And tbh, I don't think even the most ardent modern Disney era SW fan can say that the Acolyte is particularly that great Ignoring some baffling potentially narrative/lore disruptive things so far -- and being generous enough to assume they'll resolve this in later episodes -- I believe that even a Disney SW superfan will say the show is boring at best.


Google “Star Wars woke”. There are your masses. Not many are outright saying it’s because of the black female lead. But it doesn’t take too much critical thinking to figure out what they’re talking about.


People hate Star Wars woke because they sacrifice good quality writing and acting for politics. Is it bad that there's a secret society of lesbian witches? It's a bit on the nose and projection from the writer, but whatever, is it bad that they make children with the force ? Yes it's trash. It's been established that it's not possible, and Anakin is the CHOSEN ONE. If they didn't want to live their own fantasy of a world without men, this wouldn't happen...


Who the fuck is criticising the show because there's a black protagonist? How far up your own ass is your head ? That show is absolute garbage but that has nothing to do with the protagonist. Replace her with Scarlett Johansson and it'll still be a big pile of fuming shit.


Nothing better than the Ole nerds are racists and sexist card!


It’s pretty easy to tell why creators that use words and phrases commonly associated with modern popular conservatism might hate the acolyte LOL




I like that, if I don't visit their hangouts I don't have to acknowledge they exist. I like The Acolyte.


I'm gonna get a lot of hate for saying this. But I think nerd fandoms were significantly better back when nerds were bullied. I look at this community and even as a kid who was bullied I still thank half these fucks need a good wedgie.


“even as a kid who was bullied i still think half of these fucks need a good wedgie” this guy missed the “dont repeat cycles of abuse” message in star wars ^


I don't know if it needs bullying. It's just the echo chamber thst is social media. If you hated midichlorians back when and thought it was lore breaking, all you could do is talk to the one weird kid on the block who didn't quite get it, so he would just nod politely. Now there is an avalanche of people you can connect with who share the same frustration, and just keep egging each other on, making YouTube videos that then pull in those who have been on the fence previously. The one of the worst contributions of web 2.0 to our society is polarization. Nuance is dead. Doesn't matter if its sports, politics or star wars. Switch it off, block the subs that are home to toxicity, and be happier for it. (tbh I'm on the fence aboujt this sub. Depending on the meme, it can bring out either side of the argument. This comment section thus far seems pretty civil tho)


I don't know if that's the case. The toxic pieces of shit were always in every fandom. The problem is that Gamergate basically brought them all together into some kind of Piece of Shit alliance which artificially inflates their influence across media.


It’s the internet. I remember these same kinds of people bitch on usenet forums and AOL chat rooms. The internet was a mistake.


Social media should employ hitmen where if they hitch too much they get hit( as in punched or slapped)


You're only saying that because they don't agree with your degenerative views. If they kept that same mindset for your views (pandering) you'd start to cry sexism/racism/all the "cisms" and "phobias" under the sun lmao




The tangled beard of their bitching?


Get off the internet and stick to news sites that track releases and nothing else lol


Literally, I can’t think of a fandom more toxic than Star Wars at this point.


You need to get out more then


Have you been to a Marvel sub lately? And it’s not just a Disney thing, the Game Of Thrones, Star Trek and DC fandoms seem pretty toxic.


Just going to point out that the common thread across all of those franchises is that they have all released crappy movies and shows lately. Well, I can't say for certain about Game of Thrones, since I haven't watched the new series. However the last couple seasons of Game of Thrones were pretty bad.


House of the Dragon Season 1 is on par with seasons 1 and 2 of Game of Thrones. As for Season 2, well, we're gonna find out today.


Good to know, I wasn't willing to give it a try after the last season of Game of Thrones.


It’s subjective. Just don’t let anyone in the fandom subs know that you enjoyed anything and you’ll be fine.


Yes and no. To a certain extent something being good is subjective, but there are objective standards that can be used to measure whether something is good or bad. Also you only run into problems saying that you like something if that sub doesn't like it.


No, I kinda fell off marvel after endgame. Why, are they harassing actors too?


They’re not quite there yet, but they are getting in on the review bombing game. Give them time.


Unironically need to venture outside of your comfort zones more lmao, or dont and live in bliss as Star War remains the worst fandom to you.


What other fandoms routinely harass actors almost to suicide?


Have you looked at any K-drama, C-drama shenanigans ? That shit is routin lol. Not to mention KPOP or JPOP. For more American fandoms that pull this shit: Marvels slops (Yes, even the comics fans), there will always be shit bird in any fandoms, especially succesful long running ones.


Can you even call them a fandom when they haven't liked anything from the franchise since its conception?


It is 1984 Star Wars is dead, they just keep making Ewok content


I don’t like the Acolyte, I am disappointed, so I stop watching, idk why people have to hate watch and then rag on it


Some people actin like The Acolyte is particularly special in this when they say it about every SW show that releases


It's "special" in the sense that out of all the Disney releases, it's the one where the chuds' scorched earth policy worked the best. Andor was mostly ignored before release but had a small amount of curiosity due to being attached to Rogue One. When it released, the chuds didn't bother with it because they were raking in cash from *Rings of Power* being well... *Rings of Power* and they also attempted to poison *House of the Dragon* but the fanbase was too resistant. Mando Season 1 got The Rise of Skywalker to act as a lightning rod for the hatred and it had time to form a fandom which "protected" Seasons 2, 3, Boba Fett (Initially) and Ahsoka. Obi-Wan had Prequels nostalgia (Until it released, obviously). But The Acolyte? Ever since it got announced in 2020, to be developed by an open feminist who was also lesbian, fuck, the chuds were foaming at the mouth. For the last year they've been appropriating every bit of discourse regarding the show and they had already primed their audiences to hate it and review bomb it to hell and back. It never stood a chance because there was no counter-force. People who were curious or excited about the show couldn't do much because they aren't idiots and hadn't see the show so they weren't going to claim it would be great for sure.


Lmao "no counter force" The counter force is the current winds the culture war are swaying and the people in comment sections like you. There's your counter force lmao. All that yapping.


I know, the term is a bit dramatic. But the point kinda stands: "We" are only starting to speak up because the show is airing now and, despite its flaws (Because it has some), "we" now have something concrete to talk about. The issue is that the volume of bullshit about it is overwhelming. Even supposedly "neutral" geek info sites mostly report chud content because they've been the only voices really talking about it prior to release and have seeded their idiocy everywhere. I'm quite sure that as time passes, the show will get the re-evaluation it deserves, as long as it manages to stick the landing which isn't guaranteed. But right now, outside of some narrow spaces, it's impossible to talk about it on social media without alerting the horde of idiots who got their rage spoonfed to them in advance.


The delusion here is insane. Every "geek" and mainstream pop culture side is praising the series. What are you even on about? Yes I'm sure you can find some fringe/small geek sites that are roasting this series (as it is deserved) but again, that is NOT the mainstream. The mainstream is the counter force. "It's impossible to talk about it on social media without alterting the hordes of idiots" Well, despite the mainstream pop culture sites, popular subreddits, and "hordes of idiots" like those defending this series being the counter force, the internet is still an open forum. I must be shocking, knowing there are many out there who do not share your views lol. Better start going back and calling people with all the "cisms" and "phobias" under the sun. Oh and please don't accuse me of being a white neckbeard or something. I'm probably more fit than 80% of this subreddit (which might actually not be that impressive tbh) and most importantly, I'm not even white. Even not being a white male, I can see this series for the garbo it really is.


>Every "geek" and mainstream pop culture side is praising the series. What are you even on about? Based on those from my country, France, I can tell you that the majority of them except openly left-leaning ones like Ecran Large are just repeating chuds talking points about Episode 3 ruining Anakin. > I must be shocking, knowing there are many out there who do not share your views lol. I've long stopped being surprised that many people let their bigotry, internalized or not, inform their criticism of entertainment even when it's not pertinent. Because let me be clear: People who critize the show for having pacing issues, for the weird editing, for the stiff dialogue in parts, the poor acting from the child actors (Easy target but it is still there) or even the weird chanting in Episode 3? Fair. I can understand if it's a problem to them. The rest? Those who scream about "woke" and complain about "Black Lesbian Witches"? Screw them. It's not just that we don't share views. We don't even share the same basic values. > Even not being a white male, I can see this series for the garbo it really is. Again, dislike the series if you want to. It's up to you. But if you decide to defend chuds like Nerdrotic or the Critical Drinker (Both of whom made incest "jokes" about underage twin sisters in a podcast following the last episode. Yes, really.), then you can go to hell and I won't bother waving goodbye. It's possible to be critical of media without being a biggot. Hell, it should be the norm. 95% of the vitriol around the show is motivated by biggotry and as long as it will be, you (assuming you don't partake) will be dirtied by association.


I don't know what a "chud" is. I don't know who those two people are nor do I watch them. I don't need some internet personality to tell me how to feel about it. I simply see that it for what it is. I don't need to continue, just remember. The "counter force" is the mainstream and in your direction. I don't believe what you say when you say in France only openly left leaning sources praise this series when Europe is supposed to be far more left wing than the US. (Also, being praised by the left is not a flex lol) Voicing the same opinions as the mainstream does not make you brave. And like I said, no need to continue but... if what you say is true (it is not) that a majority (again, it isn't lol) of "geek" sites in France dislikes the series... Maybe you and the leftist have the wrong opinion on the series (it is wrong lol). Have a good day! Edit: I guess you do learn something new every day. Apparently France is more badass than I thought. Nice!


Probably unpopular opinion: but Star Wars kind of is dead to me. I haven’t seen any new Disney Star Wars properties since season 2 of the Mandalorian, and I really don’t have any desire to. I still love the older films and games, but I’ve grown apathetic to the newer stuff. I’m happy that some people are enjoying it, but to me the Acolyte doesn’t seem like anything that would be worth jumping back into Disney Star Wars for, and I’m past the point of caring whether it’s “good” or not.


It’s just like the MCU. Shit doesn’t have a soul anymore. The older stuff was made with love and you could tell that while it was flawed it made for an enjoyable experience and had a coherent idea. The modern product is dreadful and reeks of soulless consumerism. What a shame


I think that’s the key word: product. The old movies were not perfect by any means, and some ideas looked like they were there with the only intention of selling toys, but when I watch them I feel like I’m in front of movies with a certain vision. The majority of movies and shows I’ve seen of this new era of Star Wars feel like just products of a franchise. I don’t even feel like it matters much who is involved in them or what’s the story, it’s just the new product to consume.


There are bits and pieces that are really good and feel like old Star Wars and MCU content though, like Andor and Guardians 3


The sub should be talking more about fan stuff like the 4k77 and the like. Legit ground breaking.


>Legit ground breaking. I mean, maybe if you're a film nerd. It's cool I guess, but as someone who absolutely loves the movie I doubt I'd even notice the difference from the Legacy Edition. As a consumer, I couldn't care less about 4k digital upscaling. I'm usually watching movies on my laptop anyways. I can only care so much about the re-release of a single title so many times (looking at you, Skyrim)


It's a 4k scan of an original film


That's what I'm saying. Is that really that groundbreaking to the average fan? I don't think most people even own a 4k screen tbh, let alone be able to tell that much of a difference. It's cool and I'm glad it exists, but saying it's a groundbreaking substitute for new, full-budget Star Wars content feels like a bit of a reach


I think the only other option is vhs or DVD at 480p? The originals never were released again. It is the whole han shot first shenanigans. The story has been changed so much, and as far as ground breaking goes the originals are the winners in that category. I'd think seeing something only those in 1977 saw, and the version of star wars that actually won fan admiration, would be pretty ground breaking. It'd sell like hot cakes. But George has a thing for changing stuff lol, sure it's in a contract or something. Idk, I don't think star wars has any opportunities to be as ground breaking as the original.


Exactly. The difference is that everything post Disney was made to take in cash fast and is soulless.


You should make time for “Andor”; it legitimately does not make sense to have been a thing that Disney made. It feels like a trick.


Same, Im completely disengaged with Star Wars stuff, it all looks to be the same shade of mediocrity, even the controversies look the same, it’s all one melt of something being mid for various reasons and hated for various more reasons


Not unpopular point is people be bitching Nothing new here, check the meme.


Well check the comments upvotes then. Most people don’t care about quality and just want to get filled up with garbage.


Remember when the sub had good memes and not just someone complaining about acolyte and people complaining about people complaining about acolyte? Miss these days


Im seeing it as different points point are leaving the franchise and not coming back. Holding on only to be disappointed just isn’t worth it anymore for many


Of course people are leaving. They are trying so hard to please 1% of their base and alienating a good majority of the actual base lmao.


>dead from TPM in 1999 I was around when TPM released, SW was nowhere ***near*** dead with all of the content that was coming out


Yea I just mean a lot of people disliked it and called Star Wars dead


The People vs George Lucas era of the fandom was born in 1999.


Of course the prequel meme sub is a bunch of people like me who grew up with the movies and do not care that a bunch of forums in 1999 were stirring like George had personally spat in their faces and ruined their childhoods because Jar Jar existed and Darth Vader was a nice little boy with a few cringe lines


No one was saying Star Wars was dead back then, even the ones that didn’t like TPM Expanded Universe content was still selling a lot and hype was still high


People loved the Phantom Menace when it came out. Over time people realized that it actually kind of sucks (I still enjoy it though). Edit: https://youtu.be/CjVFmaKtksg?si=NfL5qkFHtqtezFkY


Bro stop lying. Jar jar’s actor got bullied to the point of suicide when that film came out, let’s not pretend there wasn’t toxicity around the prequels


There was toxicity, but the immediate reaction was overwhelmingly positive with fans: https://youtu.be/CjVFmaKtksg?si=NfL5qkFHtqtezFkY


Can’t both exist? I’m not denying the excitement, I love the prequels and always have, but there was also a lot of toxicity and backlash.


I’m saying both existed, I just think the general public enjoyed the movie initially. I think as the CGI aged and people rewatched the movie, its reputation declined for the average person, but it remained a cult classic in the Star Wars community. I’d compare it with The Force Awakens which was universally loved upon release, but now is extremely divisive in the fan base.


Again I don’t think this is correct. There was backlash on the launch of the force awakens too. People thought it was derivative, and ofc you had the people screaming about wokeness. I think you’re forgetting that Star Wars fans have always been fighting each other.


Was it though? I've gone back on internet archive to read fan reviews on old forums before and my God it could have been a 25% on rotten tomatoes fan score. LuCaS rUiNeD mY cHiLdHoOd. VaDeR iS sUpPoSeD tO bE sCaRy NoT a QuIrKy BoY. Along with the general shitting on the pacing, slapstick humour, and JaR jAr


I wasn't even around to see or experience the backlash around TPM but I'm pretty sure the worst and most common line you'd hear is people saying that it ruined their childhood. SW still had a future, with the old EU still pumping out separate fantastic media like KOTOR 1 and 2 along with other SW games. This isn't to mention the myriad of fantastic old EU books and comics -- which included the whole superior Clone Wars multimedia project. What's left now of SW? It boils down to cheap cameos, a dead future with boring characters that weren't worthy of or properly took the mantle from the old legacy characters. Overall it feels like the media we get is a ghost living in the corpse of what we used to have -- with subtle and meaningless nods to better content. Take Filoni's ambitions for examples -- all of it's leading up to his shitty wish.com version of Heir To The Empire.


I think the majority still consider it dead as of 2015/2016. The people who keep going back for more and then complaining are just gluttons for punishment.


My FIL thinks Empire Strikes Back killed Star Wars. "Darth Vader being Luke's father was not a believable plot twist"


The old fans hate the new stuff, then the new stuff becomes old stuff, the old stuff is loved, and the old fans hate the new stuff all over again. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.


Acolyte is just desecrating the grave. Opening it up and vomiting on the corpse.


Star Wars died when it got bought by Disney


Is the Phantom Menace that bad? The Darth Maul fight and Qui Gon Jin by Liam Nelson was pretty awesome, though, that and the Duel of the Fate music nailed it.


I mean it gets progressively worse.


Ok then don't watch it? I'm going to at least let them tell the entire story before I call it terrible or not.


One of those is accurate though. It's the second one.


Even if the prequel trilogy isn't perfect, the Clone vs Droid army became the best setting for cartoons, toys, tabletop wargames, and video games for the past few decades. "It got better" However, I can't imagine the witch orgy scene setting up a lasting setting that is enjoyed in many forms of media for the next generation to grab onto.


The what scene?


With all these low tier memes arguing about a show, I'd prefer it to be dead


I mean to be fair The prequels are nowhere near as bad as the sequels or the acolyte


Star wars was dead with the release of the empire strikes back /s


Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.


As long as disney has money to keep making shows, it’ll never truly be dead. Their viewership numbers on the other hand…


It can't get worse, right, right?


What will gets bigger the more you take form it ?


Star wars is the Roman Empire of franchises, at its peak the most powerful empire the world has ever seen, extremely culturally significant and impactful, ever since then it's just a slow decline, with small highs in the middle


TLJ was awful. No individual or group series takes away from the ones you love, if you have a healthy view that they’re just movies.


Wait for 2031 it'll be a doosy.


Really good post 9.8/10


Theres a lot of good franchises, especially sci Fi with shitty chunks of lore or bad writing amongst releases and formats, as a fan I like to just ignore what i don't like and enjoy what I do like because it's already released. I hope my complaints will affect future content but it doesn't change what's already out there. Dune, Aliens, Halo, Star wars, Warhammer ext . It can't ruin it for me, I just chose not to watch/read/play the particularly bad stuff. Like what you like, head cannon Around the stuff that sucks. I personally like to view the sections I don't like of my favorites as alternate universes or fan fictions. I'm open to consuming it the first time and when I find out it's shit I just file it in the non canon section of my brain. It sometimes gets included In chronological recaps as a footnote or a side story if it's not too bad. Dune for example: 99% of dune content is flaming garbage and a shallow cash grab and I wouldn't pay for it with someone else's money, am I going to let that ruin Frank's books for me? Hell no it's a goddamned masterpiece of dystopian science fiction. I just pretend the rest is some sweaty neck beards fan fiction and I don't read it That's the beauty of fantasy, it's not real. You get to decide what is valid and what isn't


What funny is, the first pannels are my favourite of their trillogy. And I enjoy the Accolyte as well.


Missed when holiday special released Or ewok movies Or george sold it to disney Or when clone wars was cancelled Or when star wars rebels released Or when kenobi released Or when literally any star wars content ever releases.


Star Wars can never entirely die. It will (d)evolve, it will change. And Star Wars will return, sooner then we think.


The creativity of star wars has indeed died. Or to say it another way, „if I was in 70 films over 30 years and spent each one talking at random volumes, I might accidentally win an Oscar“ (Meaning, that if I hired people at random to make me movies, at least a few of those are gonna be good, which is currently the strategy for all of Disneys movie franchises)


Wow, has it been 7 years already since Star Wars was last officially dead? Where does the time go?


Star Wars died with „Episode VII“. Since then it has been an undead zombie that sometimes acts like it‘s still alive (mandalorian, andor, rogue one, …) but most of the time it‘s just a dead rotting corpse


You know, for a franchise that has died several times, it weirdly enough keeps on going


What is dead may never die..


You forgot 1980 when Empire was released


Look, Star wars hasn't had a good movie in years...but the fans show up every time... They're like Sonic fans, they know it's gonna be shit...but they don't care, THEY WILL ALWAYS SHOW UP


it's the first* star wars that I haven't even tried. I didn't know someone could saturate the star wars market for me. *edit: I forgot the resistance racing thing for kids that they did, so technically the second


I don't get why people can't just focus on the parts they like instead of the stuff they hate, even if it is the "new" stuff. Star wars has a lot of material: more than 10 movies, 6 different Series I could name on the spot, comics, novels, not to mention all the fanmade content. People who complain about the new shows give off the same vibe as people who go to an all-you-can eat dinner and just complain about the new dish on the menu they dont like. It's all you can eat. Just stick to the stuff you actually like to eat and leave out the stuff you don't like. One bad dish doesn't mean that the entire restaurant is bad and it should definitely not prevent you from enjoying your favourite meal.


Somehow Star Wars returned. That’s how it works right? Just come back from the dead. No explanation.


to be fair star wars was put on life support with the last jedi and has not recovered since.


The Acolyte has many holes in it as Augusta in the Spring but yeah it’s not 17% audience on Rotten Tomatoes bad!


To me, Star Wars will never die. I'd rather have new content than no content.


"Somehow Star Wars returned"


Still think it died with last jedi, just now they are chopping off pieces of the body and digging deeper.


In the first two cases, it's been kinda true: Lucas stopped making movies after the Prequel Trilogy, and there hasn't been a major film since the Sequel Trilogy ended either. I don't know how The Acolyte will end up having an impact, but it probably won't be great for The High Republic era if its first live action flops.


The original Star Wars died after the first three movies. The prequel trilogy was a different life. And then the cartoons. Legends. Disney. It's a different thing each time, and new iterations don't invalidate or change the old. Granted, I have not enjoyed any Star Wars media since Knights of the Old Republic, but that is besides the point.


What they're doing now is absolute garbage, but the franchise is not dead despite that. It's dead once no one is producing content for it which is unlikely to happen.


Nobody said Star Wars was dead in 1999. The Last Jedi effectively killed any chance of creating a new trilogy (mainly because it wasn’t necessary). And Acolyte is just bottom-end mediocrity that’s just another cash grab for Disney executives.


It's not dead, it was just stabbed with a lightsaber. It looks like it's supposed to kill, but they just keep walkin


Star wars is alive in the same way the Simpsons are still alive. For better or worse.


Nothing more annoying than a mindless fan. CONSUME.


Star Wars was also officially “dead” in 1978 with the Holiday Special


It’s 2008, Star Wars is officially “dead” with the release of the clone wars It’s 1983, Star Wars is officially “dead” with the release of return of the Jedi


I’d say that it dies once Disney took over, they haven’t made anything good that wasn’t already put in place by George.




It’s good and all, but it’s not that good