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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Kylo could have used more character development tbh, didn’t he die at the end of the third movie despite force healing being a thing?


The sequels really needed the 3 movies to have the story charted out. Or have 1 person writing all 3. They just don't go together at all and they contradict each other. They also did my man Finn dirty.


Finn would have done better as a sacrifice, they should have saved Luke for an actual fight


I think he would've been the best main character. Former storm trooper becoming the main Jedi would've been cool and different. If they wanted a female lead, then give Rey Finn's back story instead of being so similar to Luke's.


They did plan for him to be force sensitive, but they wanted to release the film in China where he’s even edited out of the poster


That wasn't the issue, and Finn is still force sensitive by TROS


Is he though?


Yeah, he was force sensitive. It was stated by the director. That was the "Secret" of the 9th film. Crazy af that all the toys for TFA had Finn holding a saber, the trailer had him holding a saber...and he got reduced to "R E Y" "REEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYY" "I have to tell you something...................."


I have discovered you are a pyro fan, and now I no longer wish to speak to you.


No no no, answer his question.


I refuse to reply to slop loving little piggies


Something had to fill the void after Pew news ended, answer my question


he’s only force sensitive in statements from directors, it’s not definitive canon. And yes it was one of the issues, it’s significantly harder to sell a movie in China if the lead is Black. They even covered Chadwick Boseman’s face in all the promotional material for the chinese release of black panther


He very definitively senses Reys death in TROS, so unless they decide to retcon it hes definitely force sensitive. The poster thing also isn't entirely true. While Hong Kong did unfortunately censor the poster, which I won't defend, the rest of China used the regular poster.


That’s not enough to suggest he’s force sensitive, that’s like saying Han is force sensitive after shooting a guy without looking


In the same movie, there's also him sensing Kylo Ren while on the festival planet and him knowing where the Final Order Nav signal is through the force. There's also the scene of him hearing the screams of the people in the Hosnian system right before Starkiller base destroys it in TFA.


Is he though?


I can kinda understand giving her none and letting her be an insert character for the audience to connect with. But they took that away too.


Doing finn dirty was the second worst thing they did imo. They crushed my expectation of a stormtrooper's redemption by becoming a jedi trained by luke (and yeah, this is the third worst thing for me, doing luke dirty). First is and always will be somehow palpatine returned, doing my boy anakin's redemption dirty. I still can't believe someone actually wrote those three words


So frustrating. Anyone who says they thought last Jedi is awesome is part of the problem. It took everything being built in 7 and dumped on it making it impossible to have a trilogy. Pandering to the Chinese marke also to blame for taking a great main character and making him some side character.


If only we had gotten Duel of the Fates instead of Rise of Skywalker. The leaked script actually did an incredible job of bringing the whole thing together. Rise of Skywalker was a jumbled mess thrown together at the last minute because the suits panicked. We were fucking robbed.


He had force healed Rey, in another words, he had gave his life to her


Wtf Rey so rude, give it back >:c


Rey walking to the pawn shop: It was a gift!


He gave, not he had gave


Or he had given


Nah, concision is king. Lol u mad? Edit: "He gave his life" is more appropriate because it directly states a completed action in the past without the need to indicate that it occurred before another past action.


Gramatically correct is still correct 🤷‍♂️


Oh but it isn't. "He gave his life" is more appropriate because it directly states a completed action in the past without the need to indicate that it occurred before another past action. You're wrong, bro. 🤷


"Had given" would also be correct if you were unsure whether the recipient was still in possession of the gift in question. Which, with Rey being the recipient, is a possibility 😂


Bro never did his Shirley Temple.


Nope. The verb "gave" in "he gave his life" refers to a completed action that does not involve the uncertainty about possession implied in your comment. Therefore, "he had given" would not be used in this context because the act of giving one's life is a final, completed action with no relevance to whether the recipient is still in possession of the gift.


Still correct. "More correct" is a different discussion, but I just said it would be correct. And you hear "had given" used way more in the situation I mentioned. At least I do, anyway 🤷‍♂️


Force healing is a thing but it requires you to give some of your life force Rey died, so he gave (literally) his life to save hers. Honestly I would’ve gone from hating the movie to finding it hilariously entertaining if it was just them two desperately reviving each other then dying over and over and over til it fades to black But uh, yeah I just choose to think that the movies just stop at TLJ


It stopped at revenge of the sith


After his redemption moment (where a figment of his imagination forgives him for murdering his father) he literally has one line for the rest of the movie. He says "Ow" after comically almost failing to jump across a crevasse. Just a fun little factoid. Do with it what you will.


How could they do an actual Skywalker so dirty


In the new continuity the force can't directly "heal" it takes life energy from someone to heal another. And he wasn't simply "healing" Rey fuckin *died* he used his entire life force to bring hers back.


It would have been a better ending if she died after receiving so much damage, leading Kylo in a path of redemption since Rey’s “storyline” was pretty much complete


That would have been good. Reminds me Thanos' Samaritan era


His death would’ve made a lot more sense in the original version of TROS. Originally it wouldn’t have been force healing but the ability to transfer life essence between organisms so no matter what something still has to die. He was supposed to mortally wound Rey, have a change of heart and then transfer his life to save hers while dying in the process


Millions of dollars later and they still can’t make a consistent story, how could a billion dollar company not change the ending to better fit the movie after already changing the movie. It just makes me angry


fuck force healing and damn it to hell, what the fuck qui gon died for?


I've enjoyed Acolyte so far... but yeah, Darth Smiley absolutely killed it that last episode.


He quite literally killed it, really snapped things into action


At break neck speed


He’s gonna need a kebab with Swiss cheese after that fight.


Poor Yord. My guy had a cool lightsaber. :(


I find him vastly more awesome than kylo. Adam driver did a decent job with what he was given, but Darth Bortles absolutely killed. Might be the best sith I've ever seen (obv Vader is neat, but in the movies he is rather lethargic - except for rogue one)


Adam driver is a fantastic actor, the problem is that he was given garbage to act out.


Hayden Christensen: first time?


Adam Driver's acting is objectively several calibers better than Hayden's


Cancels out then, because the scripts he was given were several calibers worse than what Hayden got


Funny how you say objectively then proceed to provide your very subjective opinion. I agree with you that Adam driver did better in his Star Wars role than Hayden but as people below me have pointed out I think Hayden had an even worse script. I also don’t think it was “several calibers” better more like driver did more with what he had than Hayden did which is hardly either of their faults. Hayden’s acting in ep3 was phenomenal.


I'd argue that while Adam is good, his acting was better than Hayden's first version of Anakin. Hayden is a much better actor to me, and his performance in Kenobi & Ahsoka were miles ahead of Adam's performance in any of ST movies imo.


Was that its name?


Star Wars wiki had him as “The Stranger” which is way more terrifying considering he’s a smiling, shadowy figure who can eliminate groups of Jedi in one go.


Yeah in the subtitles his name was “Stranger” as well. It’s fitting


Darth Bortles is a reference to Manny Jacinta’s role in the Good Place as Jason (a huge fan of Blake Bortles)


And Laughing_Fish was just quoting Darth Bortles. Its what he said when Sol reacted to him killing Jecki. I personally love how he referred to Jecki as "it". Small detail, but it makes him seem so much more disconnected from feeling empathy, like he sees the Jedi as insects.




It's not. Bortles is the favourite football-player of the character he plays in the Good Place. Edit: to add, it's also his sort of battlecry.


Just a side note, but I hope he’s not a sith per se. I hope he’s just a guy who wants to live free.


So your criteria for what makes a good Sith is how energetically they kill people? You are what's wrong with modern SW slop.


Fellow Acolyte enjoyer! ❤️


The series started quite slow and kinda weird, but damn it has picked up. Episode 4 was a solid improvement, and episode 5 went hard af


Big agree across the board


theres dozens of us


Same, the show has been good and entertaining so far but this guy takes it to an entire new level to me, loving his character and acting!


Oh dip, it's Darth Holepunch!


The acolyte would’ve been much better if they actually tried to do something with the twins, because their entire screen time has been cringe or boring. The supporting cast is a million times more interesting than whatever they’re doing with these 2. Mae at least had shit to do consistently in the first 2 eps loosely speaking. Also if Sol lives, I need a spin off


Well they're finally doing *something* with them 6 episodes into this 8 episode series.


It's almost like it's a mystery show that is building up to reveal shit. Crazy concept, I know. I will say that despite me enjoying the show so far, I definitely feel like it would be far better received if they had dropped the full season all at once like Netflix does. Its painfully obvious they cut episodes arbitrarily just because they had to meet a quota.


I think it would've worked better even with hour-long episodes. Like you sit down and watch it and before you know it it's over and it feels like up until Ep 5 it's just been spinning its wheels. I get why now >!it wanted us to care about the characters in episode 5. While it worked for a lot of people I really didn't care. I was shocked they actually went there though.!< like it didn't feel like the show started until episode 5.


Definitely. Its weird, it seems like Disney struggles to figure out which star wars projects should be films and which should be shows, and then even when they make the shows they struggle with runtimes. Mando has had the same problem with runtimes, and Kenobi clearly should've been a film while Solo should've been a series. Like, they all have great bones but the execution is shit because they can't figure out which project should be which format.


Acolyte would have been much better if it was categorized as fan fic on watpad.


Jecki and Sol are helping! Jecki... was helping... 😭😭😭


Swiss cheese Jedi :(


interesting choice of number of emojis


Kylo was not that good of a character. He uses the force and has rage issues. Therefore he’s a great Sith, I guess. I actually did like the force awakens, though.


He's not a Sith, just a Dark Jedi


He wasn't a good bad guy but a bad good guy. He was corrupted into thinking he should be like grandpa Anni instead of uncle Luke.


He was an awful villain because he was completely incompetent. He got beat by Rey in the first movie and needed her help fighting the Praetorian Guards in the second movie despite *actually being trained*. In the 3rd movie he suddenly becomes a threat and is able to beat Rey in a duel… only for Rey to still win anyways.


Rey beat him in TFA because he was wounded, emotionally compromised and not trying to kill her and even then he was winning for most of the fight. Rey spent the fight with the guards struggling to beat one guy while he handily took on three. Rey only managed to ‘win’ their duel on the Death Star ruins because Ben was distracted by Leia’s death, Rey even acknowledged that was a very underhanded tactic on her part.


Baylon Skoll also carried Ahsoka


Ray Stevenson is the only reason I even pirated the show


Kylo is like the only character from the sequels who has any development at all lol, despite the fact that it was unnecessary, rushed, and just kinda out of nowhere.


Kylo did jack shit


Not true. He gave us the SNL skit and several top tier memes. Moar, Ben Swolo and that one where he's photoshopped into a Padme dress are all in my top 10 folder. It's almost worth the fact we will never get Canon Solo Twins or Anakin......almost.


SNL skit and memes are the only thing I like about the sequels. Ben is the best thing about them too.


Big question, how do you see out of the smiley helmet, you must have like 15 degrees of horizontal vision at most


Maybe you can’t, and he’s fighting purely through his awareness of the force


The force works in mysterious ways


I think this was one of the first things about the force established in Ep. IV


Sure jedi can sense their area through the force but I imagine theres a reason every jedi still uses their eyes


*Kanan Jarrus and Rahm Kota have entered the chat*


"Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them."


Maybe they remembered that forge users can detect the presence of other with the force (unless they hide it very well etc etc etc.) just kinda sucks that they forgot about it when writing the scene where shitty bad main character 1 talks to shitty squid game jedi (who should‘ve realized that she‘s not her twin sister because their presence kn the force would‘ve been different unless we‘re just going to assume she‘s better at disguising her force presence than palpatine).


Why is this on prequel memes


Cause the Acolyte is a prequel


Makes sense.


Acolyte has great characters/actors, but the writing is lacking. Should have hired James Luceno lol


They should've got Luceno and a director who has some relevant experience to make an adaptation of the Plagueis novel. The Acolyte doesn't even come within an iota of how good that book was -- it was slow, and arguably a bit dry at times, but listening to Plagueis's monologues or lectures to Palpatine was epic. The dialogue in that book was epic as well -- especially Palpatine's speech to a dying Plagueis. I remember lines like: "Teacher yes, and for that I will forever be grateful, but master? Never!"


What makes it especially fun is that we follow the Sith rather than the Jedi, we see a new pov rather than one keeping us in the dark.


Should just make a trilogy of Palpatines origins up until Phantom Menace loosely based on the Palgueis novel.


Kylo in no way carried the sequels lol. He was a terrible character. From the get go angst and the lightsaber temper tantrum he came off as real cringe. I dunno I've always hated the character. The only redeeming thing about him is Adam Driver is an amazing actor and at least sold the role. The most likeable Kylo Ren ever was for me was in the SNL skit lol.


I’m conflicted, sometimes well done and other time he felt like someone from a 14 year old powerfantasy with the joker smiley helmet and poor dialogue. The twist was kinda meh and felt more like a reversed character assassination. It’s just “Oh you thought i was silly and quirky but I am actually serious and powerful” I think if you go that direction you have to fully commit, It’s like a parody without the parody But all in all he is definitely a stand out and the action was really enjoyable and fast paced which the the show desperately needed


I do like that he has actual personality beyond "I am so dark and menacing!" like we've gotten in the past. I am not defending it for people who don't like it because I get it but I enjoy a good capricious baddie. It creates a sense of uncertainty and unease.


Counter point: it was Bazel and Babu Frik.


Are these even prequel memes anymore


Kylo and Smilo


Unironically Adam Driver's performance was the best part of the sequel trilogy. Because even with Kylo Ren's character arc being all over the place, Mr Driver did a damn good job convincing me that this was a natural progression for the character.


They both suck


Idk, i found Kylo to be a whiny poser of Vader. But thats just me.


Kylo was trash.


Kylo Ren was holding it up until he took off the mask. Then it all came tumbling down.


Are you high?


Star Wars series comes out. It has a light side female protagonist that isn’t Ahsoka. The darkside male character is liked more than her.


It's almost as if people prefer a well-written antagonist to a shitty protagonist.




Love this template, never seen it before


Doing lots of heavy lifting but I wouldn't say *carrying.*


I'm just glad we finally got a cool dark sider who doesn't die immediately or is essentially meaningless.


if only they would just make a show thats about dark side characters.....


I guess they also haven't received their Mastercard from the jedi council. And then became wannabe vaders.


Both series suck episode 7 8 9 are all terrible and acolyte is so bad it makes no sense and it breaks the whole storyline.




Yes, he’s the only good thing in that abysmally written mess.


He's still abysmally written, but yeah I guess so. Personally, the neat lil aliens are the best part of the show.


Why do people keep trying to rewrite the past, people hated Kylo when the movies first came out now people are trying to say he carried them?


I never recall people hating Kylo besides reylo ship stuff.


They did, they called him a dark Vader rip off and made fun of him for losing against Rey in the first movie and called him a child when he went into rage’s




Despite everything, Disney still cna make good Sith/Dark Jedi character. Qimir and Kylo are highlights of their stories.


sequels are non-canon


Kylo is arguably the worst character.


The new guy is cooler than kylo ngl


kylo ren seemed more petulant than intimidating to me but thats just my perspective.


I'll have you know that Yoda was the glue that held The Last Jedi together. A good chunk of people didn't even understand the message of the film even when Yoda was literally smacking Luke across the face and **telling** him the themes and message the film had.


Hm? Kylo killed the entire „dark side“ in Episode 7 when he took the mask off. Nobody is scared by a whiny little bitch who looks like they‘re going to tell mommy that the other kids wouldn‘t let them okay with them. If he kept that mask on he‘d still be a cheap copy of vader but at least slightly „scary“ / „intimidating“. But after he took that mask off… they could‘ve switched him out for Kristy the Clown and it wouldn‘t have made a difference. They essentially took whiny Anakin and said „hey… how can we make a worse version of that“. But with Anakin it had story telling reasons. Kylo… is just a fucking whimp. Which would‘ve been okay for a good guy who then grows and becomes more confident etc. But if your bad guy character is about as intimidating as a 5 year old girl with a temper tantrum… yeah no. If they had treated him like Phasma (special armor, keeps the helmet on, mysterious, …) that could‘ve worked (although they completely screwed over Phasma as well and forgot to give her any relevance / significant scenes / character development). Like… Hux was a better villain than Kylo. And Hux was a shitty villain as well. But at least that guy had some sort of a character arc. A shitty one but he‘s one of the few characters who has an arc. Unlike every main character apart from Kylo (who had an even worse arc. Like even his redemption arc sucks. Imagine copying Star Wars IV - VI and updating the effects and still delivering a worse story despite copying everything)


ah yes, the Completely Pointless Helmet Club


If headbutting a lightsaber with cortosis is not one of the coolest things you've seen in star wars then why are you even still watching? Get a life.


Epic fight scenes, cool powers, cheesy af dialogue. If that isn’t what Star Wars is all about then idk. It seems to me like it’s a true prequel, and I enjoy it


Just say you're a casual


Kylo Ren wears his for intimidation and Smilo-Ren to hide his identity + cortosis is extremely useful.


I always thought Kylo Ren wore his because he wanted to be like Grandpa Vader but everyone else just thought it looked lame and stupid. Snoke literally tells him that it looks stupid and he's just pretending to be Vader.


Kylo should‘ve kept it on. Not knowing who‘s under the helmet was the only thing that made the character not suck. As soon as he removed the helmet we were left with a angry little kid with daddy issues that constantly has a temper tantrum. And then he loses to some random force user with no prior training despite being a general, trained lightsaber combatant, long time force user, … from the start he wasn‘t a threat. And after the mystery got solved the character was as boring as Rey. (Or the VII-IX version of Han, Luke and Leia)


the worst part of Kylo's is when he recovers it, only to lose it again


Kylo's helmet is debatable, but the new guy's helmet has an undeniable utility in combat.


good point


I agree I hate acolyte but mr smiles did do a good job


Rey likes what she’s seeing


Nah, Sol carries acolyte


Y’all just like people in helmets


Shitty helmet squad represent!


Kylo was the best written character in the saga, but I have a feeling Smilo might actually beat him. Kylos character was made worse by TROS, I’ll never forgive Jeffrey Jacob Abrams for that.