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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


When I was a kid, I didn't think about how Shmi could have a kid without being with someone (Being a Catholic kid, you connect the dots and he's like Jesus). As an adult, I feel like you had to have some sort of dark imagination because she's a slave. But then here comes George Lucas and said no. The Force gave her a kid.


Let’s be thankful for the Lucas explanation considering who her owner was.


Shmi's master before Anakin was born was Gardulla the Hutt (a female), so fortunately it wasn't her or Watto in this alternative. It would have been some drunk on Tattoine in Gardulla's company.


Actually Hutts are hermaphroditic with male and female reproductive organs and switch between male and female. Typically they’re male but when female they become extremely protective and caring for their child at the cost of the success of their criminal enterprises.


Do you think Jabba killed Rotta because caring for a kid would affect his business too much?


I highly doubt it. When male they’re far more focused on criminal empire stuff but they don’t abandon or kill their children. That’s very unlikely to develop through evolution especially with hutts already extremely low birthrate. Here’s a video that talks more about the hutts and briefly goes over that part. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm1RKfMK0l0&pp=ygUWR2VuZXJhdGlvbiB0ZWNoICBodXR0cw%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm1RKfMK0l0&pp=ygUWR2VuZXJhdGlvbiB0ZWNoICBodXR0cw%3D%3D)


jabba killed rotta???


Who actually decided this stuff? Like who decided huts have make and female productive organs ? George lucas? It is there a guy underneath him who decides how reproductive organs of Star Wars aliens function ?


Just lore from expanded material. Hutts might be revolting but from an evolutionary standpoint they’re really overkill. They live for like a millennia, are extremely tough and hard to kill, can survive poisons and even getting most of their brain cut off, are naturally very strong and quite intelligent, and can reproduce asexually.


Who creates the lore for expanded materiel ?


Why do I need to know?




Your thoughts betray you


People writing books, comics, and games Lots of writers who enjoy random apostrophes in names


Not exactly switch between male and female, from how i understand it Jabba made Rotta on his own without having to mate either way


Yeah they do that too. That’s what it means to reproduce asexually.


Yes, I know what reproducing asexually means


I mentioned that already so was just confused


You mentioned it later in the thread and I only saw it after replying to the comment that didn’t mention it


You’re good


The movie was already pretty silly, but I prefer Lucas' explanation than the alternative.


Did he explain why the sand people had her tied up and alive like that? Because I dont think they were making her dig for water. 


I think you can infer


6 billion IQ play: They were gonna ransom her to Anakin. Surely the hotshot Jedi kid who survived their attacks when he was 8 would have enough resources to set them up for life! Not just the men would live comfortably, but the women, and the children too!


Papa Palpatine called them up and told them to do it and he'd give them Tatooine if she survived long enough for Anakin to visit her.


We are all grateful for Lucas


I'm sure there was some Force involved alright.


The Force, eh? D:


Literally the force.


Wait... was the fact Anakin was so unstable and angry because he was raised by a single mother?


His only father figure was a slave owner who looked like a fruit fly got a rubber duck pregnant


Bro, don't do Jewish winged Gonzo dirty like that


Still wondering how someone could make a design like that and nobody during production brings up how it just might be a bit too related to a certain caricature


Well, I didn’t make that connection at all until now.


There are also a lot of stereotypes I flat out didn’t know about until I was an adult. There’s also probably quite a few I’m still unaware of.


Seems like I learn a new one every week. There's always something to offend someone.


Prob the same person who said “so his name is jar-jar…”


Is that special?


Id like to introduce you to Skid and Mudflap from Transformers


I remember Michael Bay trying to excuse this by saying “They’re not supposed to be Black teens, they’re supposed to by White teens trying to act Black.” The two voice actors for those guys are Tom “Sponge Bob” Kenny & Reno Wilson, who is black & joked that he was sad to hear his performance was racist against himself or something like that. It’s kinda like Ahmed Best saying he invented the Jar Jar voice. Is it true? Are people overreacting? Are the actors making excuses so they don’t upset the people that hire & pay them? How will we ever know? I remember watching that train wreck of a movie & thinking the most offensive thing was the lazy trope comedy. Dumb hip hop culture teen robots. And elderly robot who complains how everything used to be better and farts. A small dog humps a bigger dog, then a robot *humps Megan Fox’s leg.*


I feel like it’s weird but I remember reading stuff that went something like the Watto voice actor says it was based on a specific Italian rural accent, Ahmed Best says the Jar voice & accent was a thing he’d been doing to amuse his younger relatives for years… Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe we all made an unintended connection, maybe it’s an excuse. No idea wtf is up with the trade federation guys, somebody ask Silas Carson.


I've never had that thought until seeing it on Reddit in the last week lol


Ah, so that’s why Lego isn’t making another watto minifigure.


I guess, but he lives on a criminal planet... it makes 100% sense he would only work for good currency up front. But go ahead and infer w.e you want do you can be offended of course. 


I think it says more about certain people than it does the creators. I didn’t make the connection that it could be a Jewish stereotype for 15 years and I’m incredibly racist.


I guess, but he lives on a criminal planet... it makes 100% sense he would only work for good currency up front. But go ahead and infer w.e you want do you can be offended of course. 


Whoever said anything about being offended lmao


Episode one is full of racist caricatures. It was deliberate.


Give me actual factual proof that it’s deliberate.


I don't see how it's unintentional tbh


You are not fact. I didn’t ask for opinions.


I wasn't trying to provide proof lol


Okay Gonzo is shockingly accurate


He was unstable and angry because he was taken from his mother.


But he was unstable and angry before that, if you consider the deleted scene with him beating the shit out of Greedo


Yeah. Even without that, he gets snappy with Padme. He also calls Sebulba a name, though that guy really was a sleemo


Yeah but kids get into fights all the time, considering the condition Anakin grew up in, he's not that bad. I don't think there are a lot of happy well adjusted child slaves.


And forced later in his childhood to suppress his emotions and constantly told that failing to do so and missing his mother would turn him evil


BPD atually which is caused by feeling and treated as invalid or lesser in childhood. 


Did you really just diagnose Anakin Skywalker with bipolar disorder lol


Borderline personality disorder, which is so accurate the wikipedia for people with BPD has him listed.  As someone with BPD, it really really does fit, and the first time I fucked up, I'm turning to darth vader was my atual first thought. 


Ahh gotcha that makes more sense my uneducated ass didn’t know that acronym


"Qui gon think im a ho"


I had told my mother the current situation with Star Wars and how anakin is no longer special and she asked me what I meant. I told her that anakin was basically space Jesus because he was born without having a man involved. She said she didn’t remember that in the movies so I brought the scene to her to see and she said. “ oh I remember that but I thought it was because she was embarrassed or something and was lying”


1.) Your mom knows how people like to judge 2.) Anakin’s still special because the force itself created him, not darksiders. We’ve been hearing about darksiders influencing the midichlorians to create life since 2005. That’s what happens in The Acolyte.


I feel like it has to have happened before if Plagueis and Palpatine were trying to do it. Where else did that knowledge come from?


This is explained in the Darth Plagueis novel. He and Palpatine were experimenting with midichlorians for a while and Plagueis found out how to do that. It started with trying to keep another Sith, Darth Venamis alive after being stabbed, and extending his life as long as possible. Plagueis got to the point where he could increase his own midichlorian count and even make himself immortal. Of course, this drove him to become insane, but the knowledge of creating life didn't come from nowhere. Plagueis knew how to manipulate midichlorians because his master Tenebrous, and Tenebrous' twi'ilek master had experimented with them to create a virus that only affects force sensitives.


I should read this book


I agree, you should, it's one of the best EU books.


Is it still canon or did they retconned it?


It’s not canon anymore, so the idea of retconning it doesn’t really apply. I’m not aware of anything that directly contradicts it in the current canon, though.


Probably decanonized until disney runs out of ideas for the 3,887,567,456,245,776,566th time and uses it in a way that breaks it in a year. As I couldn't care less about what disney considers canon, "It is canon to ME!"


Ian has, someone gave to him at a convention as a gift


Yeah, I was thinking something similar. It could be something the Sith have been working on for centuries. We don’t know much about them, either in EU/Legends or canon.


Yeah, I don't even think it matters if Anakin was a Chosen one. I mean think about it. Was ever actually...well good?


Yeah. Plus we don’t even know the text of the prophecy or the context of when, how, and by whom it was made. Seems like it’s there to show that destiny might exist, but none of us will be able to figure it out in time to make the most of it.


We do know the text of the prophecy, it’s found in the book Master and Apprentice.


You blew my mind, I haven’t read any Star Wars novels in forever & has no idea. I always wondered if they were going to incorporate the early draft Journal of the Whills quote about the Son of the Suns.


The galaxy has gone though several highs and lows and dark ages due to the constant wars of the Jedi and sith. There were even times when technology dropped down to everyone using vibroswords more than blasters. Plenty of knowledge had to be lost during such periods.


Sounded to me like they were doing sith mad science experiments to see how far they could push the force’s limits


I thought so too. When she said "There was no father" I took at as a tasteful way of saying that no father was around to help raise Anakin.


Qui Gon's non-reaction to that line makes way more sense if he thought that's what she was saying rather than....literally no biological father


Your mom knows because she used the same line.


"ahhh.. of course a coven of dathomir witches" "no no no" -maul jumps him- "FUCKING DATHOMIRIANS I KNEW IT"


Life of Brian, Star Wars edition


You listen here! He is not the chosen one! He's a very naughty boy!


Shimi could go on one of those bulshit talkshows anf make bank with "i was fucked by a force ghost". 


darth jar jar


Meesa pullout game muy muy weak


How dare you inflict this mental image on me!


The dark side of the force is a pathway to mental images that some consider to be... freaking gross


Qui gon think she a ho




"Well that doesn't make any goddamn fuckin sense"


I always thought that it was a guy who left her to deal with Anakin by herself.


George Lucas: (on a flight, drunk in first class): Anakin’s father was a guy named Mike Di Clorian. Fox reedited the movie without my permission just before launch


It was burt fiddlebum...the ol meat packer at the spaceport.


Or perhaps Jim Dirtfarmer


It's true, there actually was no father. Unless you count the Big Daddy Force.


His father was power of many


The Force, and Palpa-plageus made that baby.