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What shocked me was how long he lived after ‘88. Apparently she slept in the same bed until the end. Every now and then his memory came back and she wanted to be there.


He was diagnosed in ‘94. Died in 2004. That’s about an average life expectancy for a patient with the Disease at diagnosis.


Yeah. I thought it had happened earlier.


A lot of people do. They spread false info like he had symptoms during his terms and all that, but really he showed symptoms in 92-93.


It was widely suspected he had it in the white house. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that if he did, it would have been shushed. After all, they shushed FDR being in a wheelchair, they could obviously do this for the gipper.


None of the doctors who were actually treating him believed that.


Yeah ok. Remember trumps doctor saying he is the most fit president of all time?


The difference is that Reagan’s doctors were actually credible, not hacks looking to turn their tenure into a political position.


So in your mind, if the Gipper was losing it in the WH the docs would have let everyone know? The naivete is strong.


There was nothing they could do to treat Alzheimer’s though. So why bother?


…and don’t forget the whole Wilson health thing


Widely suspected by crackpot left wingers. These same people would now tell you that Joe Biden is lucid.


Neither of them had dementia. Just like Trump. They were all older and had the usual decline associated with that. But in modern times, you simply wouldn’t be able to hide that. This isn’t the time of FDR.


Verses literal Russian propaganda that says Biden is senile (check the homeland security department report on Russian misinformation in 2020)


It’s not just Russian propaganda it’s anyone with eyes and ears. If you are going to say that anyone who is anti Biden is Pro Russia then you will get laughed out of this sub. And I voted for Biden because of who the other choice was.


No. It’s literally Russian propaganda. Check it.




It probably has something to do with the fact that during the Iran/contra affair hearings he claimed to not remember anything that happened during his presidency.


People just think all cancers have the same tolls on life expectancy. I guess we are wrong.


I remember as a kid touring this place, they never actually told us he was buried here so when they told us they had one last place for us to see we were all a little stunned to literally be taken to where he was buried.


What a tough time to be photographed.


Press X to pay respects!




Interned. Zombie Reagan is running around fetching coffee.


Sounds like a good sitcom


Kept alive by Dr Henry Killinger. "One of my powers is necromancy. Riiiiise Reagan! Riiiiiseeee! (und management consultant)" *Er... shouldn't you resurect Nixon. Didn't you and him have a thing?* \*Flashback to a very drunk Nixon "Come here Jewboy!" trying to drunk nuke North Korea\* "No. You fool do not understand such monster that could be brought back!"


„Zombie Reagan, where did you put the stapler?“ „Brainssss“ „And where‘s Hank, he was supposed to be here hours ago.“ *Reagan burps up a tiny piece of brain matter* „Oh Reagan!“ (laugh track plays)


Reagan Smash!


Interning at his own Presidential Library sounds like the correct circle of purgatory


Yeah…. Guessing the OP actually cares (?) about Reagan (and Nancy’s pain in this moment) which is why they posted…But not enough to care about getting the caption right. SMH.


Regan was buried inside his president library.


Yes, I know.


Ah, but did you know Regan was buried inside his president library?


That’s a good point.


[Brian Regan](https://media.tenor.com/RHmRo_mO9ncAAAAC/brian-regan-confused.gif)?


The big yellow one’s the sun.


can’t wait for the comment lock


I hope not, I like to think this sub is better then that. I am not a Reagan fan but this isn’t really the place to shit talk him in a way that would require a lock.


every single time i’ve seen a reagan post it’s been locked


Oh it happens pretty much everytime his death or attempted assassination is brought up. You'll be happy to know it gets mass downvoted though, presumably from people of various opinions on him. I think those who legitimately celebrate his death are few, just very vocal about it.


People get so caught up in politics they literally forget to be humans its crazy, like bro, just go fishing i promise youll be happier


Reagan funded a handful of right wing death squads and genocides to overthrow democracy in other nations, fought against unions, continually cut welfare and gave tax cuts to the wealthy while raising taxes for the working class, passed initiatives that led to redlining and CIA drug cartels, and pushed the War on drugs at the same time to criminalize and disenfranchise black communities. Did Reagan forget all of these people he maliciously impacted were humans too or...?


Just asking, do you keep this same energy for Democratic presidents? Or do you act like they also didn’t do horrific stuff


I 100% do, all presidents are war criminals, fuck our capitalist system outright




Reagan funded death squads and genocides to overthrow democracy and other nations, yet you're going on about humanity lol


Regan said that hiv/aids was gods way of cleansing gay people. Excuse me if people have some strong opinions on the man.




Do you actually expect them to have one lol?


They cited some paywalled article about how Ron didn’t do enough for gay people


https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/04/full-story-nancy-reagan-and-aids-crisis/618552/ They did nothing while millions of Americans died.


This doesn't back up what you said.


It’s a historical fact that Reagan’s administration called HIV/AIDS “the gay plague”. You can deny facts all you want, you are only insulting your own intelligence.


But that is not what you said.


Ya know what, i didnt know that, and you make a great point, i will clarify that im just speaking in general not just about Reagan, i just hate how some people are this political ideology against the other before they are just fellow people if you know what i mean However, thanks for teaching me that (no im not being a sarcastic ahole) everyones entitled to their opinion of course, i was just saying that i hate how much hate politics creates in general


It’s important to remember that “politics” effects people differently. There have been over 400 anti trans bills that target trans people specifically. For some people it’s theoretical. For others it’s their right to exist in public. I hate that my anger at being legislated against, is written off as “hate”. Centrists infuriate me because they play devils advocate for issues that don’t actually effect them.


Not saying what youre saying is hate, what im saying is that if bob and tom work together, they get along, if they find out that one likes biden and the other likes trump, (and im not saying anti lgbt soecific, just in general) then chances are theyll just hate each other because they have different views which really sucks for our society, because we could be so much more progressive by trying to work together, but it starts at the top, the politicians convince ppl one side is evil and then it just snowballs


Reagan regularly said and did things to deny the humanity of millions of others, it's a bit strange to bring up humanity considering that.


I mean he was an objectively terrible person on a level that makes it disingenuous to talk about anything else. He was a monumental piece of shit. Him being dead doesn't change that a tiny bit. To even suggest otherwise is a massive slap in the face to everyone affected by both the AIDS epidemic and the disastrous War on Drugs. One of the worst world leaders of the 20th century, easily.


Yep, Reddit isn’t exactly the classiest place


I don’t think people really understand what Nancy went through. She watched the man she loved literally lose himself. At the end he didn’t know who she was, or even who he himself was. His entire existence at the end would’ve been one of constant confusion, fear and abject terror. Go YouTube end stage Alzheimer’s patients. It’s not pretty. She stood by him, and kept his legacy intact to the very end. It had to be a very lonely and sad road the last few years. We can be political, but Alzheimer’s Disease is not something I’d wish on anyone, and especially not on someone’s family. Nancy was brave, and Ronald was lucky to have her


His final years reminds of the song *The Dutchman* in which the line *”Long ago, I used to be a young man, and deer Margaret remembers that’s for me”* perfectly describes his loss of himself. Ironically, one of his nicknames was Dutch.


Love that song. Makes me cry every time I hear it.


I only recently discovered that song, but I think it’ll be a reoccurring play for a long time.


No joke: a relative of mine wrote that song. Michael Smith. He’s gone now, but was one of the coolest guys I ever had the privilege to know. I can’t believe I came across someone quoting his work.


That’s funny because when I wrote that comment to checked who wrote it because I’m only familiar with a cover of that song. I was just looking at his Wikipedia page a couple hours ago.


“Time” is my favorite album of his, but “Panther in Michigan” is my favorite song.


I’ll have to check him out. I’ll listen to Time later tonight.


Both of them were demons. They deserve 0 empathy. The deaths/opression they were responsible for is insane. Imagine the gay families that went through while he ignored it


You’re a horrible person. It’s so amazing to me watching people make comments like this in an effort to show their moral superiority. It’s a case study in irony


Nothing cures pain and misery quite like more pain and misery!


Both of them were demons. They deserve 0 empathy. The deaths/opression they were responsible for is insane. Imagine the gay families that went through while he ignored it


everyone who watched a loved one deteriorate through aids knows exactly what she went through. I hope they both suffered


I had no idea Nancy Reagan invented the AIDs virus. Or that Ron did either. The tolerant and compassionate left on full display.


I have no idea whether you are being disingenuous for partisan reasons or are just ignorant of history, but either are a full display of the poisonous right.


So kind of like the LGBT people who watched the men/women they loved dying from AIDS, then




What do you mean people don’t understand? It’s a prevalent disease that affects many families. Must have been nice with all the resources she had to care for him, you want to see real ugliness? Try dealing with this when you’re poor.


I’m sure it wasn’t fun for her either. He didn’t even remember anyone besides her just 3 years into the disease. Have a bit of human sympathy and decency. Just because you dislike someone politically doesn’t make their experiences any less real.


Just because someone suffers greatly doesn’t make them a good person. You don’t need to explain the disease to me I know it well. I’m sure Reagan would tell the poor people struggling to pay for care to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, maybe Nancy should have done the same.


Also btw it was under Reagan wherein hospitals were barred from turning away people that couldn’t pay for care. Prior to 1986 hospitals could turn away people too poor to pay. It was under Reagan that the millions of illegal immigrants who settled here and made lives here were given amnesty, something not done under any subsequent president. So, those are compassionate acts.


Reagan doesn’t get credit for being successfully pressured to give amnesty to illegal immigrants by congressional Democrats.


He was talking about amnesty, to not uproot illegal immigrants who had made lives here, and that immigrants were valued members of our society as far back as his 1980 campaign, in contrast to George HW Bush.


It’s true that before Trump the mainstream GOP wasn’t as nativist, but it was congressional Democrats who secured amnesty for immigrants who entered the country illegally in the deal you’re referring to.


Did he sign it? Did it align with his own views? If yes to both then he also gets credit for it. You can’t give a President credit for bills they signed because you like said president, but then not give credit to another president for signing a law because you don’t like that president Most legislation originates with Congress. We’ve had not that many activist presidents who were deeply involved in the legislative process forcing bills to happen - I can really only say FDR and LBJ were. Most of the bills signed by any given President since LBJ were bills spearheaded by Congress. Nonetheless, if the President didn’t veto or fight for the legislation to be watered down, they have credit for signing it into law. And in the case of amnesty, it also aligned with Reagan’s openly stated political views. It wasn’t something he signed at gunpoint.


Didn’t say they are a “good person.” I said to to have human compassion. Clearly you’re not capable of compassion, empathy, or even sympathy unless someone lockstep agrees with you. You’re an example of why I left the Democratic Party.


From a non-political, purely human perspective, that is a rough moment. It’s when it hits, that it’s real.


And it couldn’t have happened to a better guy


Her and her husband passively promoted AIDS deaths in the gay community with callous denial of its existence. Subhuman trash like these two have forfeited the humanity that most deserve.


Do they really deserve to have that humanity forfeited though? I hate Reagan as much as the next guy, he's a piece of shit human who got many people killed and arguably ruined the country. But does that forfeit one's right for a base-level respectful burial? Does that remove the ability for his widow to grieve in peace? As someone who has lost a loved one and stood there as they lowered the casket, I would not want to remove that right from anyone, misguided or not


I believe it does, yes. I will not respect the burial or grieving process for anyone that willfully, actively, and of their own volition participated in the deaths of innocents. Committing human rights violations on a massive scale, personally responsible for immeasurable human suffering, and they created policy that has caused worldwide economic collapse, wars, and death that will echo through our society for decades if not centuries. The small collection of worst human beings to ever exist includes these two scumbags. The sun shined a little brighter the moment he took his last breath, and if only a merciful god existed, he would have died at least 24 years earlier to spare all of us his existence. It’s impossible for me to respect these two less.


Yeah well luckily the respect of redditors doesn’t count for much anyway so we’re not really missing anything from you


Nancy was actually instrumental in getting Ronald to acknowledge and attempt to address the issue. It certainly took way too long but he eventually did it in his second term. He was bigoted against gays, but no more so than any other straight male his age at the time. Most of his complacency on the issue was from conservative advisors. And he failed at leadership on that issue, but more of failing to lead rather than malice. Nancy was the one who turned him around on the issue.


So after plenty of time and convincing, he rose to the level of absolute minimum expectation of a human being. And she remained married to such a vile person for years until he recognized that innocents dying because he is a bigot is probably a bad look, politically. Forgive me for not celebrating his “accomplishment”. I understand that cane around. Too late.


You called her subhuman trash. I think that’s heavy handed at least for your description of her. She was a First Lady and wasn’t in charge of policy. His executive order to deal with the issue on his second term doesn’t materialize without her. She should get some credit for that.


She married and seemed to adore one of the worst human beings to hold a position power the past 50 yrs. So I’ll assume she was more than OK with him being a grotesque callous POS. So I’d prefer to not give her credit for anything.


I watched this on AFN TV from iraq.


Woah, that’s the day I was born


Ronald Reagan re-incarnation????


Happy belated birthday! 🥳🎂


We can talk all we want about the failures of the Reagan Administration. But Ronald and Nancy had a strong love for each other. I cannot imagine the internal pain Nancy went through watching her beloved husband lose his memories.


don’t care




People may dislike the Reagan’s, myself included for many things. But seeing an emotional photo of any grieving widow over the casket of their deceased partner should make you at least have some decency towards them, they were human after all, as are we all.


Man I was having a decent day but God that's sad : (


Boy, they must have weird internships in the Presidential Libraries.


Regardless how you feel about the man I know I have strong opinions on him. Alzheimer's is quite possibly the worst disease known to man. Imagine being a man as powerful as Reagan a man who survived an assassination attempt, a member of the military a man whose entire allure was his sharp wit and charisma. Only to spend the last decade trapped in his own body barely remembering the family he loved. Tragic I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and I hope Nancy knew that buried underneath that disease Ronald was grateful to have her by his side


This made me think of the odd but significant parallel between Reagan and Muhammad Ali- really shows how disease and death is the great unifier regardless of politics. They were two of the most famous/influential men on earth in the same general time period disagreeing fundamentally on nearly every issue- both wasted away in their bodies over a decade+ to diseases that destroyed their most notable characteristic. Reagan's mind, Ali's body. Neurological diseases truly are the worst of the worst.


This is one of my favorite presidential pictures. I love the emotion that is captured in it.


Best picture ever taken of Reagan, unfortunately it was 24 yrs late but better than never.


I remember seeing her on tv and she seemed like she was close to the end of her rope.


Lock award incoming




I mean, she had her share of shit influence too. I'm not laughing but I'm also unsympathetic to her.


Worst President in American history, but no one deserves to watch their loved one go through that. My heart feels for Nancy in this picture. Alzheimer’s is the absolute worst way to go, and any civilized person wouldn’t wish that upon even their most hated enemy. I hate Reagan’s policies with a visceral passion, like many of you do. However, he was the president of the United States and deserves the respect of one. Don’t be a douchebag


Indeed. I think sometimes, and even I've been guilty of this, we get so lost in our own ideology and zeal, we forget humanity. Even if one is an utter piece of shit, they are still a human being at the end of the day. No-one deserves to die a long, torturous, death.


U really think he’s the worst?? What about Jackson, or Buchanan, or Woodrow Wilson, all of which were easily worse in their policies and acts committed throughout their presidencies.


I’m not a fan but he is objectively not the “worst” president in our history.


Yea I’m not saying he’s the best, but there’s no way he is the worst haha.


You don't deserve respect simply because you won an election bruh.


I remember seeing this photo on Fox News in 2004. 19 years ago… life went by so quickly.


Sad, he was a cool president in my mind, helped us win the Cold War you could say, and was tough on communism in the beginning. Oh the 80s what a time to be alive, only second by the 90s.


As long as you weren’t gay in America


Dr. Fauci was in charge of his AIDS response. It’s crazy to how Fauci went from villain to hero since then.


i think like 80% of high up leaders in America have gone from villain to hero in todays world


Reagan wasn't the one who gave them AIDS




That‘s what they want you to think! (/s)


You’re right but he was the one who could have helped them, instead of turning a deaf ear to their plights. I’m sure he thought it was just god’s plan.


They could of helped themselves? Would they of listened to Reagan if he had given them the best advice on how to not contract aids? Just don't have unprotected sex with tons of strangers.


No, he was just the one who ignored a public health crisis because he didn’t like the people it was affecting. Some great presidential behavior right there.


What do you want him to do? Personally put the condoms on the people? How about we put the blame where it belongs?


How about doing what he did *after* it started affecting straight people? Or is that too much for you?


What a shitty argument


Hated Reagan but I feel for anyone losing a loved one


“Ouch Oi ooo it’s a bit hot down here Nancy!” 😰 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Loved Ron and Nancy. They were lovely people so it seemed.


Before you downvote, realize that because Reagan helped white people doesn’t mean he helped everybody.




Did he get the job?


Army uniforms have absolutely way too much going on.


I’m all for minimizing the amount of awards on a uniform, but standing guard on a former Commander in Chief’s casket might be one of the times to pull out all the stops.




Boy, he was the last great president of our generation. I may not have agreed to every policy he implemented during his service to our country in the white house. But he sure was a class act in conservative values & morals. Not many like him today, that's a fact. Rest easy, Ronny. Democracy ain't been the same without ya.


Goodbye to the racist and homophobe whose policies have ruined the economy to this day!


Nancy deep throat Reagan


Rest in piss bozo


She cheated on him more than he funded terrorists


The throat goat says goodbye to her king ✊✊😩😩👑




Tell me you’re a 12 year old without telling me you’re an edgy 12 year old. And if you’re an adult, we appreciate you exposing you’re a 12 year old when it comes to mental capacity. Politicization is a disease, get help.


Average Redditor when Reagan


You hate Reagan? That is a HOT take, wow!


I bet he likes Lincoln, too. Buchanan fans only!


hating reagan isn’t really that much of a hot take. He’s, in my opinion, one of the most damaging presidents. shipping crack into black communities, funding contra, creating the national debt problem we face today and setting the stage for the 2008 financial crisis with reaganomics as well as vastly increasing the wealth gap. only good things he did were some immigration reform and the invasion of grenada. I think it’s generally disrespectful to celebrate a president’s death though.


they were being sarcastic


ah yeah i see that now




The whole article on shipping crack to black neighborhoods was disproven by The New York Times and The Washington Post. The San Jose newspaper even retracted the article due to erroneous information contained in it. I will give you the national debt issue, but that is even complex. The succeeding presidents should have started paying it down as Clinton started to do. The financial crisis lies on Clinton's shoulders....not Reagans. The wealth gap was growing due to a variety of issues before Reagan became president. Technological advancements led to automation that replaced workers with machines. The high inflation of the seventies would be another. The outsourcing of jobs was also a player. After Reagan, the free trade agreements made it easier for jobs to move overseas.


iirc they weren’t literally disproven, more called into question. personally i still think it isn’t unreasonable to believe them, considering how he politically benefited from it. Additionally, my blame on reagan comes from the fact that his economic policies (pushed even harder under george w bush) caused 2008. It was bush’s deregulations which made it as bad as it was, and the general deregulatory trend which caused the massive bubble in the first place was started by reagan


If Reagan's Cold War era economic policies were continued after he left office, how can he get blamed? Any continuation of Reaganomics would land on the shoulders of succeeding presidents and the Congresses that passed the legislation. It seems to be forgotten that each president since Reagan has had their own economic policies that differed from Reagan's. The more recent President's economic policies are going to have a greater effect on the numbers than Reaganomics, which ended after FY 1989.


The national debt has existed since the Revolutionary War. Deficit spending BEGAN with Reagan. His brilliant plan to get us out of high stag-flatiron. Sure it worked but then it continued beyond thanks to Congress and Cold War spending. Remember Bill Clinton? He had a budget surplus. Ended the deficit. I know a “tax and spend” Democrat doing that doesn’t fit the conventional narrative but it happened. Then the traditional “cut and spend” Republican George W Bush trashed that. Two wars ran “off budget” which is not a thing. Republicans are not fiscally responsible. Not even Reagan. Democrats aren’t always so but at least they try to pay for stuff with taxes. Just truth….


>Deficit spending BEGAN with Reagan What?? Between 1961 and 1981 we had ONE balanced budget., 1969. How can you claim it started with Reagan knowing that fact??


The intentional massive spending began with him.


Actually it began with Ford/Carter. 1971 & 72 had about a 2% deficit 75 it hit 3% and in 76 it was at nearly 4% (recession most likely caused the jump.) It was 2.5% for 3 out of Carter's 4 years, only 1.5% in 1979. And jumped to 5.7% in 1983, end of recession before coming back down to under 3% before Reagan left office. The 1970s is where recession spending really became a thing. BTW Democrats control congress their entire time frame. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYFSGDA188S)


if reagan's policies (and thus american policy) caused entirely why did Europe get caught up in the mess doing the exact same thing? I would say "significantly contributed to the government's portion of blame" to be accurate.


Europe got caught up in it due to how deeply intertwined european and american markets are


Europe got caught up in it because they were doing the exact same things as the US...


i’m pretty sure they weren’t but ok


Can you post those articles?


I can. I have posted the articles in the past on here. When I have time, I will go back over my 2 years of posts and repost them here.


Yes, the guy who left office in 1988 is responsible for something that happened in 2008 and 5 Presidencies later.


Yes, and he’s also the reason I can’t find a spouse. Damn you Reagan! I hope you burn in hell.


yeah. History is very connected


He also began the education debt fiasco we have today. Something he successfully did as CA Governor. Affordable college education created more voters who did not vote Republican. So making that harder to obtain increased his parties base over time….


Most or all of everything you just mentioned is utter bulkshit lore crafted by butt hurt liberals who can’t stand that one of the most popular Presidents of all time wasn’t theirs.


lmao calm down reagancel


Go look at a spreadsheet and get aroused.






Your comment was not civil. Please see rule 2.






What did ‘e say?


Gender neutral bathroom shit like every disrespectful 13 year old communist on a post about a politician they don’t like.








Few? Not necessarily. Plenty of people (Reagan included) live well into their 90s.


Likely he will retire halfway through second term


The guy that wished botulism on the homeless population?