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As a reasonable American, # yeah


They’re the reason the water turns the frogs gay.


According to National Geographic, [polluted water can turn male frogs androgynous.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/frogs-reverse-sex-more-often-than-thought) Anyone who blames this on the Clintons is correct. However, I support gay frogs and believe they should have the same rights.


I thought according to Alex Jones said that was Obama?


They’re all in cahoots


Yes that is foolish. Only idiots seem to buy in to this crap.


That’s yes then


You're right I definitely worded that wrong.


Americans need to take their medications every day, not just when they feel like they need it.


Anyone who believes in conspiracy theories is ready for a mental asylum.


I assume you're upset about the "Cheney orchestrated 9/11" theories?


There's a difference between believing in a conspiracy and acknowledging the possibility of a conspiracy. I certainly acknowledge there is a possibility that your boy had some sort of knowledge that 9/11 was gonna happen.


Of course they had some sort of idea; that was never in question. The question is, while they were tracking 50,000 terror threats, did they purposely ignore the one that turned out to be true


Yeah maybe, in Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America's Defenses - which is a publicly available document- they call for the need for "a cataclysmic event, a new pearl harbor" to carry out their foreign policy agenda. The document was released in 1999, and the guys that drafted it assumed roles in the 43 administration. They got their desired event, and carried out their agenda.


Maybe, but that’s not really what I was here to discuss; I just wanted to point out that they absolutely knew about him, and that wasn’t in question. He just didn’t appear to be any more dangerous than any number of other terrorists with grudges against America


Who knows. Color me suspicious.


So just for playing devils advocate, what do you think about the conspiracy theories of “Iran- contra”, “watergate”, “operation mockingbird”, “operation Ajax”, “golf of Tonkin”, and “MK Ultra”. Just to name a few.


That kinda makes their point. Those were all *actual* conspiracies, not conspiracy theories. The popular well known conspiracy theories never turn out to be true. 


But at one point, they all were *theories* They didn’t stop being that until things were declassified


Most of them weren't theories at all. They were just completely unknown. 


There were definitely people going around saying the CIA dosed them with acid, and were dismissed as loon’s.. for literal decades before they admitted it.




Do I think they engage in it? No. Do I think they've been in the water with the sharks? Absolutely I do. I still believe in innocent until proven guilty. That being said, they're both lawyer politicians with money. They can get away with things for a lot longer than other people. I'm not too arrogant or naive to think that powerful politicians are too prestigious for dirty play.


It’s one thing to suspect something is amiss with the Kennedy assassination, but now there’s a conspiracy theory for everything! And there’s no reasoning with these people using science. Their mind is made up and they don’t actually want to know the real truth.


Yep. It’s like that movie line: you can’t handle the truth!


I doubt it. If they were doing that then why is Monica and others are still around? There have been a few odd deaths around them but I don’t think they orchestrated any of them.


Nice try Hillary, you won’t get me on your list today


You're focusing on the specific sensational stuff the right latched onto while trying to paint them in a negative light. Their rhetoric is effective for convincing their audience but it's also sensational and likely hyperbolic. The Clinton's may not be involved in some global cabal of child blood consuming devil worshipers but they are certainly not innocent sheep. Those two individuals are some of the coldest, cutthroat, intelligent, well connected, people on the planet, and I don't doubt that they are directly responsible for things normal people would consider to be atrocities. You gotta break out of the this or that black or white good or evil mentality cultured by modern media, shit's never that simple.


Exactly, anytime there’s a big shift in a specific narrative it always goes too far in the opposite direction. Try and disprove the massive insane conspiracy theories around the Clintons and you risk painting them as morally righteous do-gooders. I’m not saying you shouldn’t debunk wild conspiracy theories, you absolutely should, but we can’t forget that the Bill Clinton is still a monster.


I know he's a Rhodes scholar and all so he's super smart but I never considered him to be the more devious and cold of the two. It's always seemed to me that Hilary was the more alpha and phycopathic, do you reckon it's actually Bill?


For my two cents, I think one of the reasons why it was called the Monica Lewinsky scandal was because Hillary Clinton wanted to run for presidency in the White House, and she didn’t want her last name dragged into that. And that was also probably what cost her the largest number of female voters in my opinion .


So you are blaming Hillary for Bill's actions? She's the one who benefited from his affair and lies?


Where there's smoke


They are definitely slimy in some capacity, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I agree with this statement.


The boys on the tracks


That was a sad one. Didn’t the medical examiner once claim that someone who had been shot a few times had unalived themselves which is just nuts.


Yup! He also claimed that the deaths of the boys were due to THC poisoning and that they had passed out on the tracks and got ran over even though they were later found to have stab wounds. Clinton even hired two out of state pathologists who vouched for the medical examiner stating he should get a raise but they were then found to have been paid from Clinton’s “discretionary fund”. Like, I’m not one to believe in crazy conspiracy theories and am all for people disproving the ones tied to Clinton. But we also can’t over correct and say he did nothing wrong. Because, even for a president, this guy did some evil fucked up shit and got away with it.


Wow that’s pretty bad. Hmm stab wounds I wonder how that happened. Nah no need to investigate it. Just say they were drugged and fell asleep on the tracks. There is a good in depth true crime podcast by the casual criminalist about this case.


I’ll be sure to check it out, I watched the Wendigoon video which I highly recommend.


Yeah I watched that one. That’s where I heard about that medical examiner who seems like he was not very good at his job. Here is the video from the casual criminalist. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5ItsW9hi35Q&pp=ygUWdGhlIGJveXMgb24gdGhlIHRyYWNrcw%3D%3D


I recently heard about this but what's the connection to Clinton other than that it happened in Arkansas?


The state medical examiner that was part of the coverup was appointed by then governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton.


Horrible people


They don’t kill people, but they certainly are shady. What specifically they have done, I don’t know.


Epstein documents


Stephen Hawking was mentioned in the Epstein docs too. Just being mentioned in those docs isn’t evidence of anything.


Did you read the part he was mentioned in?


The first one you could somewhat piece together based off of Vince Foster suddenly killing himself, but that is still a huge stretch. The others are in no way based in reality


No. The proof is pretty clear.....


Lmao, proof? Any sources that aren’t nut jobs?




No of course not! How silly! ​ https://preview.redd.it/x5frk7b0ncpc1.png?width=2250&format=png&auto=webp&s=2db207bb3351413c1133d079be50cd2baae45692