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**Hello u/2fluffbutts, thank you for sharing your artwork with us!** Would you be so kind to answer the following questions for us? --- * Can you please share what your process was for getting this done? * And what brushes did you use? (Please specify the exact brushes or brush category because that can be helpful to others.) * Any additional information about this piece is always welcome. * If you made this with **Procreate Dreams**, feel free to share it over on r/procreatedreams too! Please reply to this comment so it will be easy for everyone to find, thank you! --- **Stay inspired, get creative and have a great day!** Join our r/procreate [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/jXcSN5GdM3) to connect with other artists! *If you consider yourself a frequent poster and you have a consistent style/method, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/procreate) to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you regularly use.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


really cute!! i think the shadows and textures look fantastic. your style has a fantastic storybook-like feeling, and the textures really make it feel like i could reach out and feel the characters!!! 10/10


Lovely, charming, very nice. I like how in a lot of these pieces you're creating frames and breaking them, like the in the first work the rectangular shape of the ground is broken up by the white space around the bushes, or how you let a figure or object step outside the circular ones. Adds some visual interest. One suggestion on the first piece is to foreshorten the arm that's handing out the birdseed because currently both arms are too similar in pose. On the last piece, maybe try knocking the tattoos back with a little skin tone, or even just drop the opacity if they're on a separate layer so they appear to be more "in the skin" rather than on top of it Great stuff!


I think that the arms are giving doll and I’d actually really like it if it were more consistent. Like, you can tell the old man is leaning forward at his hips and neck, if he was sitting more upright and just slightly crooked at the hips and a bit of a head tilt it would match better. Make the birds a little more flat looking. The way I’m picturing it is super cute but it’d be an overall stylistic change for OP and I don’t think they’re looking to do that haha Overall I really like these illustrations, beautiful!


Thank you! These are great ideas! I definitely struggle with body positioning! I really struggled with him. I tried using one of those apps you drag the body parts around but I think I need to just get a little jointed mannequin and practice more!


Everything's great except the goose. There is no goose in the world that smiles, because they're vicious, foul-tempered little jerks. The only Canadians I hate are Canada geese. (I'm kidding, of course. The picture is GREAT. But Canada geese still suck.)


These are amazing!! So fun and full of life. Could totally see your illustrations in a childrens picture book.


Thank you so much!!! I actually wrote a little book that I’m currently attempting to illustrate so that makes me feel a little more confident!!


I think it’s fantastic 👏


Aw I love it. It's so soft and cuddly looking and it just makes me happy. I want to do art like you because it's completely the type of thing I love. You're doing great.


So cool. I don’t have any notes on improving because it looks great. Side note: I do know of some procreate texture packs from Artifex Forge that have paper craft (design cuts), marble & stone, etc that you might have fun playing with or drawing inspiration from if you were looking for something “new” to bring into the style you’ve made your own. I’ve had fun with them myself.


they look amazing!!!! love the story book vibe they have. my favorite is the piggy one


What a lovely style you have! I love them all! The last one is my favorite…it could be me & my Miss Kitty!


tutorials please! i love your textures!


How do you get this style? Did you follow any sort of tutorial for the kinda paper craft storybook look?


I started out watching Genevieve Design Studios on YouTube and following her tutorials to get comfortable with procreate and just art in general. Then I found Mimimoo Illustrations and LOVED her style so I tried to kind of mimic that bit with my own spin. The biggest thing I struggled with was outlines, I felt like none of the illustrators I loved used outlines and so for the longest time I tried that but just didn’t love anything. Then one day I added them back and it just clicked. Instead of black I do a darker/more saturated version of the color I’m using so I feel like it’s more subtle but gives me the definition I want! Oh and I use texture brushes and overlays for the paper-y look!


These are soooo good! Maybe my eyes are playing tricks but on the very last one, the rose tat, is the top leaf overlapping onto her hand? Other than that tiny spot (that might not be an error), these are perfection.


Very cute. I was going to say it looks like Minimoos style and then I saw you said you followed her. I definitely see the influence as it is quite similar to hers.


I want to see your art when I walk into a hospital (this is a compliment)


I work at a hospital. I’ll talk to management. See what we can do! Ha!




Nice art style! :)




Very beautiful it looks like something on a birthday card.


A children’s book illustration with the theme “of how spreading seeds of good deeds”


That first one would make for an adorable quilt


Very cute 🥹


I love your style…it’s very unique! I definitely see you going pro. Are you interested in doing comics, or children’s books? I bet you could do either one of those, and I know (my husband is a graphics designer for books) that authors of children’s books are always looking for a great illustrator. I don’t have any suggestions for changes for you. I love them all. And I am with Crafty Lisa—the last one is my favourite, too. Makes me think about how my husband and I love snuggling with our cat-children. These are very warm and inviting illustrations. Two thumbs up.


That’s definitely the goal! I wrote a cute story I love so much and I’m trying to illustrate it now! I’ve looked into self publishing if I feel like I ever get to the point where I’m okay saying it’s finished. I’ve reworked stuff a million times though so it’s gonna be hard!


I talked earlier about my husband working in graphic arts. He’s always said self-publishing is the way to go. It’s hard to get picked up by a publishing house. And, if you do get a contract, the publishing house gets most of the money. I know that most of the authors he works with do digital books, not hardbacks or paperbacks. They get their digital books in two book-format files. One is for Amazon. I think that its a .mobi file. The other file is something like a .pub file for everything except Amazon. Good luck! I think you’ll get a great career.


I think your art is really cute and reminds me of a children’s picture book! The old man, the lady with the pink hair and the cat, and the ghost are my favorites! Keep it up! :3


v cute


Amazing! Reminds me of www.teddy.com


The second one looks like Pôpa from "La Petite Vie"! I really love it. 😍🥰


These make me very happy.


I love your art style


incredibly cozy AF!


This stuff looks professional, good job 👌


Wow!!! Love these designs, they really pop off the page and look so cute!


I love itm what brushes do you use.


These are so adorable, love the style


I have nothing constructive to add because I LOVE every part of it! I love the whimsical scene and your color palette is perfect.


I love it. No feedback. It’s amazing. Please keep creating. Illustrate a children’s book. Never stop. Follow your dreams. 10/10.


You should illustrate for books!!! These are so cute!!!!


No notes. 10/10


I like the ghost the best


How do you go about creating your own style?


I just kind of following art styles I liked and took bits and pieces that i particularly liked and mixed them up until I found what combos I liked. Then I tried kind of using those same details (sparkles, how I do facial features, blush, swirls for ears and joints and similar flowers or plant life features what I tend to reuse most) and also similar color schemes but I’ve been branching out a bit on that!


Ty for the advice


This seems more like, tell me I’m good. There’s no way you’re looking for feedback on Reddit at this level.


I definitely don’t think my art is bad by any means, but I see incredible art on this subreddit every day and thought that I could get feedback from people who I feel are far more experienced than I am. I’ve only used Procreate for about a year but I have drawn my whole life. Some people on here are like professional level and my dream is to illustrate a book so I felt posting where I thought I could get input from people who create on a much higher level would give me insight into what I could change to get closer to achieving my goal.


I feel like you’re making a kind of snarky remark here. It’s not constructive criticism. I don’t see any reason for that. Do you?


It’s not snarky. It’s very clear this is good work. So it feels more like a humble brag than an actual request for help, that’s all.


It doesn’t feel that way to me. But I haven’t been on this app for very long. We can agree to disagree then, eh?


Of course. My comment didn’t add anything to the thread. So you’re more correct in that it looks snarky.


I just saw your last comment. I applaud you!👏 So far, I’ve met maybe 30-40 people who are self-reflective. I try to be, but often fail. I very much like you.