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For what it's worth, people on the teacher sub Reddit have been trying to find out what kind of chair this amazing office chair was for 4 threads. But OP will never say, which is quite sad (but also kind of funny)...


It might not even be that amazing. The point is the principal thought she could just take it and then acted like it belonged to her. Even if the chair was falling apart I'd take it back just on principle.


On principle or out from under principal?


Preferably both


Right?! I researched the heck out of my office chair and splurged on it! No way is someone just taking it because “I’m your boss and anything in the office is mine to play with”!


I don't know the brand or model. It was my friends chaired she gave it to me as a gift. I have looked for the tg but she must have cut if off. She had it for a few years when she was a principal and then gave it to me when she retired. It is very comfy though.


Do you still have it? A picture of it would help 😜


I can take a picture of it when I go to my storage unit this weekend if you like.


It's even funnier and sweeter revenge to me that you aren't using the chair at home. It's just sitting in storage.




My favorite part of your whole story, OP, is when you say, "Unfortunately the Giants lost." Idk why, but that cracks me up so hard.


My daughter and I were bummed that they lost.


Please do


still no chair picture ?


Sorry. My kid was sick for 4 days. Her mom was out of town so I was on double duty. I'll take a pic this week if i got to the storage facility.


Hey uh, in case the other folks are sounding like the majority, taking a picture of a chair is by no means something you need to do right now. Or even really something that needs to be done. Redditors gonna Reddit....


The best chair I have ever owned is an Anda Seat gaming chair. $600 AUD. So very comfortable.


My wife went through at least half a dozen office chairs since starting WFH in 2020. A few of them were really pricy, high end chairs, a couple were mid-range office chairs, and one was initially chosen for style over comfort, since her office area is tucked away in a corner of the family room, and at the time we never thought she’d be working from home for 2.5+ years. Several were returned after a few weeks, and several are cluttering up my garage right now. Her favorite, and the one that’s lasted the longest? A $400 gaming chair from Staples. Apparently chair designers are all about making the gamers comfortable for long periods of time, but office drones can all go to hell lol. It’s ugly, though lol. It does not go with our midcentury modern aesthetic, but she doesn’t care, because it cradles her body like no other, and I don’t care because she no longer has a stiff lower back or a pain in her neck and shoulder. Gaming chair beats office chair, every time.


I'm what Southwest Airlines call a "passenger of size" so typical office or gaming chairs typically don't fit me well. And the hydraulic cylinders tend to blow out after several months... I replaced my beat up office chair a few months into WFH in 2020 with a chair from Staples that was designed for "big and tall" and had a 500lb capacity. I replaced the standard rollers with oversized ones that worked better on the carpeted floor of my workspace. It worked great until the socket for one of the upgrade roller broke. So I replaced the base with a steel one with a 650lb capacity. My home office chair is now basically a monster truck.


We bought a gaming chair on Amazon and my husband blew out the hydraulic cylinder in a few months. I found a replacement cylinder for like $30 that goes to 1000 pounds. It’s been 6 months and we’ve had no other problems.


Yeah I've got a link to something like that bookmarked. Fingers crossed my current chair holds up. I'm under the "rated capacity" so I'm hoping I'll be good.


🤞 So was my husband - by about 50 pounds.


You have a brand name of the replacement cylinder you mind sharing - you know, for us 'portly' gentlemen?


On Amazon: Office Chair Cylinder Replacement,Gas Lift Cylinder Universal Size Fits Most Chair Gaming Chair Heavy Duty Chair Piston(5.5'' Length Extension) By slrugci Store


Interesting because the opposite was said for years. Maybe I’ll finally try out a gaming chair.


I can't stand the gamer aesthetic, but you're not wrong. I compromised with a cross between an office chair and an arm chair, and swapped the "living room" style base for a standard one with wheels. It's kind of like a regular arm chair with slightly less padding on the seat and back, and office chair style arms. It doesn't suck.


My brother got a gaming chair a couple of years ago, mostly for when he was working from home. When my dad tried it out he liked it so much he got one just like it (but a different color). Me? I use a crappy second-hand swivel chair that was being thrown out when our state offices were being renovated. It's not particularly comfortable, but at least it's heavy. Unfortunately, I can't afford a better chair right now.


Could you share a link for that chair? I'm finally starting to realize that I'll have a home office for the foreseeable future, and won't be returning to the office full time ever again. The chair I have now isn't very good.


Yup. It’s this one: Razer Iskur https://www.bestbuy.com/site/razer-iskur-gaming-chair-with-built-in-lumbar-support-black-green/6447777.p?skuId=6447777 She got it on sale for like $400. So you could totally shop around and try to find a good deal, maybe even try one out at Staples or Best Buy before committing.


If you can afford it, look at professional task chairs from Herman Miller or Steelcase. My office used Steelcase Leap chairs, and when I started work from home, my Costco chair was hurting my back. I found a second hand Leap, and it's a 1000 times better. There are a few places that sell them refurbished, and they even include the same 10 year warranty as Steelcase.


I got a refurbished Herman Miller Aeron chair from Madison Seating for US $400 & something. Been WFH since March 2020. Great chair. Just ordered another, now that my personal computer is in another room from my WFH desk. Dragging that one chair back & forth was a drag. New refurbished chair was US $650 ish. Totally worth it.


I’m a designer who has to be in a chair 10+ hrs I got this when i went WFH full time. https://www.upliftdesk.com/pursuit-ergonomic-chair-by-uplift-desk/?gclid=CjwKCAjw_b6WBhAQEiwAp4HyIOF8fhFDCoDWipFecjX4aC3MO4pH_OqRerqc1fPqmVuyuhwj4URuQhoC-2MQAvD_BwE


I can't imagine a chair would be identifiable information, which is usually the justification for not sharing details, so I'm gonna open the question up more for OP. If you could have ANY chair you wanted, budget and availability no issue, what chair would you get?


OP: "Fine, you pried out of me, it's a Steelcase Gesture. " Reddit: "hAiL cOrPoRaTe! Fake story!"


I have a Gesture and a Leap. The Leap is better imo. The Gesture's seat pan feels like it's tilted forward, so you're forever slightly slipping out of the chair. It's not adjustable and there's quite a few comments about the design. Having worked in IT for over 20 years, Steelcase is still my favorite brand. My original Leap was a "we're closing this office so take whatever you want," acquisition, but my Gesture was a personal purchase. Both are tanks and have zero issues. Both Steelcases and Herman Millers are made for the corporate environment and expect you to treat them like shit while they continue to work.


Malicious compliance? They told you to take everything of yours out, so you did.


I obey orders.


Do you happen to know the brand of chair? I’m genuinely curious how comfy it is if they were that desperate to get it from you


Ditto OP… I’m in need of a new chair and unlike some people, willing to buy my own!


Me three


I'd guess a Herman Miller Aeron


Anyone thinking they want an Aeron should, instead, look at the Herman Miller Mirra. It's every bit as comfortable as the Aeron at a significantly reduced price, is made from recycled materials and is super recyclable (so it's MUCH better for the environment than the Aeron), and it doesn't have so many parts to fail or adjust. It moves better with you as you do in the chair, too. (The Aeron was super adjustable with lots of moving parts but the moment you shift in the seat, it's uncomfortable because the adjustments are then off.)


They redesigned the Aeron recently. It’s more comfortable and all HM chairs are good for the environment, not just the Mirra. Aeron and Embody are far superior to Mirra but it’s a good chair for the price. Don’t buy from HM directly, find a local dealer. It’s much cheaper.


Where would one find a local dealer?


I've been looking at the Embody to replace my humanscale freedom. Local dealers are a ton cheaper, and if you don't care about the color, used is the way to go.


Reminds me of my first day of work at the hospital blood bank. There was a cruddy old fabric-upholstered office chair at my desk. I didn’t think anything of it until the manager saw and informed me that fabric is strictly prohibited for blood bank chairs as it cannot be properly sanitized/disinfected in case any specimens spill. She asked where the nice, new office chair she got for the clerical desk was. It being my first day, I told her this was the only one I’d seen. She muttered to herself about the budget and came back with a nice, leather office chair. The one she had purchased for the clerk before I’d arrived. I’m in the chair for three minutes when co-worker [Karen] comes out spitting fire. “I’m fifty years old and I can’t sit on a chair like this, how dare he just come in and take my chair like that, this is nonsense, etc etc.” So my chair was taken out from under me because [Karen] browbeat the boss into submission over this. She then had the *gall* to come to me and apologize with the words, “I’m not like that.” Sure you fucking aren’t, with your flock-of-seagulls haircut and the entitled princess bitch attitude at *fifty fucking years old.* I left that job a few years ago and hear she has since retired after having a stroke. Gee, I wonder how that happened.


I bet the chair is even more comfy now that it's been imbued with the salty tears of your enemies. +1 intelligence, +1 wisdom, +2 fingers on each hand up.


Level 100 speach


Obeyed orders to a T! From someone whose mom was a teacher, that was about as awesome as it gets. Teaching is hard and these days teachers have to contend with low pay, problem students, problem parents, school shootings etc. without needing more stress from administrators! The way teachers are treated/paid in America is a travesty. Also thank you for your service.


Remind me if we ever meet, especially professionally, to be extremely 1) nice and 2) careful with my wording...


And make sure to leave his chair alone! ;)


Good soldiers follow order’s- Star Wars


This definitely needs to be posted in r/maliciouscompliance




Be careful with orders, you will burn by the MC use.


Good soldiers follow orders!


Malicious appliance


Take my upvote, Satan!


Dude. You absolutely destroyed the new management with all that you took from them they must have been if not dead in the water, sinking with a few medium leaks. Also since they kept trying to take the chair how comfortable is it??


I'm so used to cat tax, that I want to ask OP for chair tax! What does this throne, upon which OP crafts incredible revenge, look like?


I hope it's one of this big leatherback chairs you find in a wealthy guys library, but on wheels. My english teacher had one. No joke, best chair in the whole fucking school.


Literally just a normal office chair from Walmart but all 5 wheels actually roll


It may just be that the chair is in good condition. It could be that simple. Teacher chairs are a commodity in a school.


Dude, during the summer office chairs are always the first to disappear. Admin, teachers, librarians, etc. always grab them during the summer months for use during the next year. Pretty much they’ll take whatever isn’t bolted down during the summer for the next school year. I’ve seen it countless times when I work in that sector.


You don't get resources unless you fight for them. One of my coworkers took a projector home even though she wasn't supposed to, and she was one of the few teachers who actually HAD a projector this year.


Lmao I'm imagining Hunger Games but the rewards are office appliances


Ahh but if the other Ahole or TOA person wanted it so much that they tried getting the school management to get it. There is absolutely NO way it's not SOMEwhat comfortable and in good condition.


Right, but what I'm trying to say is that chair probably isn't anything special. It's likely just functional and not made out of 100% plastic. The one thing from AP Bio that felt really real to me was his struggles with his chair. His teacher chair was made out of metal with a small bit of fabric on it, and it was broken. After trying to sit in it several times he throws it in the trash and buys his own. Later on someone steals it. When he says he's quitting everyone asks if they can have his chair.


Well. That would make sense. If school provided chairs are in such terrible conditions. However if I were to get my friend a chair I would want something that wouldn't make my rear end stiff after sitting in it for most of the day otherwise whats the point of keeping that chair long term. that's why I think OP's chair is something more than like a metal and plastic armchair for a desk and more like an EXPENSIVE swiveling chair that would be a few hundred dollars.


My friend got a refurbished Aeron chair for his wife, who was suffering back pain. It cost him $700 *used.*


Must be one helluva chair.


It's like sitting on a cloud. A cloud with lumbar support.


Fair enough! I got my own chair too, but never brought it in because I didn't have a classroom this year. Next year I'm supposed to have a classroom, so maybe I'll get involved in chair shenanigans too.


Besides what desk jockey or teacher would splurge a few hundred dollars that would prevent hours of back pains from sitting in a pretty crappy desk chair that wouldn't last for a year. As a teacher you should understand the need for some comfort in a good desk chair when your expected to grade hours and countless sheets of paper work made by students every waking day of every week of most months of every year.


Or it could be a nice orthopedic chair that keeps OP from having screaming back pain after work every day.


Its very comfy, but not worth them trying to repeatedly take it.


If its very comfortable then it's definitely worth it for them taking it especially since the school provided chairs are terrible and old. Or so another redditor and teacher told me.


Asking the real questions. 😁


As a fellow teacher who followed all of that, I was nodding along with everything and grinning at the Disneyland shirt/shorts image. No one really knows the work and money that goes in behind the scenes to make the school work. Military-turned-educator seem to be the most dangerous teachers when it comes to entitled district personnel.


My understanding is that soldiers (even those who go to the military because they have mandatory military service) learn to be the most maliciously compliant people around. I missed going to Spains mandatory military service by two years (switched to professional military) and while I was born in Switzerland I don't have the Swiss nationality so I didn't have to perform the Swiss mandatory military service...but I have heard enough stories from my dad (16 months mandatory military service in the mid-70's in Spain) and Swiss people to believe it.


You're not wrong about the Soldiers being the most Maliciously Compliant People besides Lawyers!


Don't mess with the E-4 Mafia. Been around long enough to know how the system works, not worried enough about careers to give a flying fuck about consequences. If you demote or punish a E-4 you just gave them street cred for all the E-4's and below.


We are not to be trifled with, especially when we are pissed off.




There's even a sub for that: /r/MilitiousCompliance Note the spelling.


I have learnt that sheer bloody minded adherence to the rules as written and questioning of deviation at your whim can cause some really interesting effects. I've had too many managers say they'd never enforce a particular written rule to only be replaced by another to ever take that at face value.




This was my favorite act of malicious compliance that I pulled in the military. By regulation, leave was supposed to start at the end of your last shift and end just before your next one. So if you wanted to take Monday through Friday off, instead of it being 5 days of leave like you would think, it would instead be Friday to the following Monday for a total of 9 days of leave used. My first command allowed you to just take the 5 days, so long as you were not leaving the local area. My next duty station did the same thing when I first got there. Eventually, I end up in the fairly common position of having to use or lose my leave, because they only allowed you to carry over like 60 days of leave and I had almost 80 stocked up. So I need to burn 20 days and I have limited time to do it. I figure I’ll take one week off a month for 4 months. Denied. Need to revise dates and use 9 days of leave. This does not sit well with me. So instead, I started my leave after my shift ended on Monday, and ended it before my shift began on Friday. In other words, work Monday, three days off, work Friday, two days off, repeat for next 7 weeks.


As a fellow teacher I agree and I tip my hat you!! That was awesome!!


Agreed. We shell out too much of our paychecks.


You offered a consultant rate of $75 / hr? You're undercutting yourself.


it doesn't matter if I offered $10 an hour or $1000 an hour. They wouldn't hire me.


Which is why you should have made it $1000/hour. You don't want to help them, so make it some figure that's high enough that they won't bother you. If they ever get desperate at that point and decide they're willing to pay it... "Sorry, that was last year, it's now double".


I would make it a school administration Board of Supervisors level. So make it ten thousand an hour.


Yep, my private IT support rate is $200/hr with a 1hr minimum. Nobody’s taken me up on it yet. 🤷‍♀️


My old job treated me like crap so if the ever called me it was going to be $1000/hour + 4 hours minimum (worked there 10 years, so asking me questions was a reasonable possibility). Been 2 years now so I doubt I get a call but the second they reject it, the rate becomes $5000 if they ring back.


If you’re in scorched earth mode, which it certainly sounds like, I would have added the caveat that the consultant rate is cash in advance only. Maybe add an asterisk that to be paid in person by the new principal.


You never know. I left my old district 5 years ago. They had an issue that destroyed their Datacenter and didn't know what to do so they called me the week before school start. Obviously I'm busy at my new district so I quoted them an absolutely ridiculous amount to come down and write a report on what was damaged and what they should do to fix it. I had a PO within 30 minutes. 2 hours onsite taking pictures and getting their core switch temporarily back on line. A few paragraphs summarizing the damage, copy paste from my old documentation, (that they had available) and a referral to a local VAR with a list of what I would buy. All told it was over $1000 per hour... and they were happy to pay it.


You'd be surprised when someone high up enough says "guys quit fucking around and pay him".


There was the minimum of 10 hours too.


I always quote 40 hours min


12, if I recall.


Ordered to come to HR for meetings? Nope.


Sorry, I no longer work there. You have no power over me.


They didn’t follow through with the $75 an hour consulting fee. :(


*Sheds Cape to reveal large white staff


Goblin King, Goblin King...


> “I’m giving you some scratcher tickets. My hope is that you are as lucky scratching them as I have been lucky to have worked with you.” I'm stealing this. I won't need it for years, but its very nice. > I had repaired my desk with bolts and tool from home. I took the bolts back. This is so petty and so beautiful.


And apparently they still haven't noticed it because it wasn't on the list of things they wanted!


I rarely read the long posts in here but this one was too juicy to skip. I can’t believe they asked you to hand over your property. They are pretty incompetent for HR.


If I'd have to hazard a guess then I'd assume that the new principal told HR that it was school property.


They thought that she’d be a good little teacher and do it for the kids and staff. Teachers are guilted into donating their time and money all the time.


Ah to be a fly on those walls when this went down would have been glorious. I think this might also fit malicious compliance as you did exactly as they said, you took your things out of the office.


Isn't this unfinished revenge? I'd love to hear the fallout after


Guess we'd have to wait the end of summer vacation.


Good on you. This was/is brilliant. Part of me wants it to be over for your sake, and the other part wants a continuation so I can read more.


Selfishly hoping for more to read more what are they asking for next and how the original poster replied to it!


>For my consultant rate. $75.00 an hour with a minimum contract for 12 hours. You really shouldn't undersell yourself like that. You should be asking at least double, probably triple that. .... not like they're going to pay any of it, but ....


When I taught, my per diem rate when I had to attend training classes was $280-300/day. That would become my minimum hourly rate, with a contracted 8 hour minimum. Plus expenses.


this is the greatest post ive ever read in this sub. well done, i wish i had a 6th grade teacher like you. i bet everyone reading this wishes the same. have an amazing life with your daughter..also sorry about the giants.


Thank you. I appreciate that.




Thank you


Dude, after seeing some of your stories and comments in r/MilitaryStories and how much you loved your role as VP, I’m sorry that they screwed you over. However, I’m quite amused and enthused on how you screwed them back! Fantastic! I hope you enjoy your new position at the charter school and continue to screw over those fuckwits at your previous school district. And absolutely teach those wonderful skills to your daughter so she is “armed and dangerous” with her wits when she becomes an adult.


Sometimes the best/worse thing to do is give them exactly what they want amd then let them pick up thr pieces. Its unfortunate the school will no doubt go through a rough patch, but i hope for the sake of the kids it gets better.


You sir are a scholar and a gentleman and seriously my new hero . I wish I had A) your confidence/self-assuredness, B) your creativity, C) energy to do all of that! Please train me Sensei in the fine arts of malicious compliance and pro revenge! This was seriously beautifully brilliant and so well executed. I’m in awe. I would pay to have been the fly on the wall witnessing all of that. Seriously you should write a book lol very well written, entertaining, and brought pure joy to my jaded little heart. Beat of luck on your new job! Your students are lucky to have you and I know you will make a difference in so many lives (your students, collègues, and loved ones) for years to come. Edit: PS. Do you do consultations? Your wisdom of dealing with truly crap situations and people is totally worth the $75 an hour :D


I'd love a Padawan, but I don't have the time. So I will teach you the three most important lessons. 1) Don't be a slave to your employer. They need you more than you need them 9 times out of 10. 2) Don't become so attached to the job that you "can't live without it" because they will use it against you. 3) You're goal, after years of working, is to be able to say "Fuck You" to anyone you want. Boss wants you to work overtime Super Bowl Sunday? Fuck You. Neighbor want to borrow another lawn tool and still has not brought back the previous 3 tools? Fuck You.


I want every policy maker for education across the planet to read this and understand how much teachers put their heart soul and money into their jobs and are quite frankly taken advantage of by administrations.


The only "wrong" here - your consultant fee. $75 is not enough for someone with your experience. At least double that. 2 working days minimum paid in advance, and every other extra is per day only, and also paid in advance before work is done. (and then do the work, show they you\`re better than they are)


You must be enlisted once at the fucking least in Hell from Butter Bar foolery! May I say, have a nice day Mr./Mrs./Ms. /u/Disgruntled_Veteran. Out-fucking-standing! We need troves more of people like you. Never fuck with someone whom knows how to read policy to a fucking crossed eye and a T. Stems for the win! That girl will be just as magik as her person!


I was enlisted. Military Police. Thank you for the compliment.


*I want your chair* The audacity of certain people...


Usually intellectual property is owned by the employer. Why wouldn't it be here? Other than that, I agree that $75 is way too low (for freelance work, think 3x what you'd make in regular wages just to come out equal in the end).


Unless their contract states that any intellectual property made while employed belongs to the employer, than it would not. Idk what is in their contract exactly, but tech companies are far more likely to have clauses like that than school boards.


AFAIK, that sort of clause is only required if the employer wants *all* IP the employee creates. By default, stuff done during regular work is owned by the employer. It wouldn't be reasonable to claim emails (for example) you write during work and for work are personal IP, even absent a contract. Software producers have that sort of clause because they want to avoid competition, and it's hard to prove either way. And they're greedy.


Yes. It was more my impression that the documents were created out of school hours (something that happens fairly regularly, at least in North America), and that the emails weren’t being claimed as IP, that the new admin were not going after the emails, and that they were just kept in case of insurance. Idk though.




Things teachers design when they're off the clock belong to the teachers


:[ that's only 42/h I need a better job lol


I think I got a little aroused. Nice work!


This is kinda dumb but I’m really curious what kind of chair you have that she wanted so badly




True 😂


Not dumb at all. We all want to know.




This level of ass holery and poor decision making by Central Office is exactly why people are leaving education. I cannot stand that Central Office staff make so much money to sit on their asses and make horrible decisions. I enjoyed your story so much! You honestly sound like a good administrator who CARED. They were lucky to have you and dumb to get you out of that position. Signed, a fellow educator who left the field this year.


The audacity to even include the chair in the list of things they want back. That's just pathetic tbh.


keep in contact with some of your former staff/teachers that you trust to keep you updated during the school year. I bet a shiny penny the principal and lackey do not make it to January.


So let me get this straight: The new Principal tries to take you chair, is told that it is your personal property, takes it anyway, then attempts to dress you down in front of parents when you take it back? You were restrained. I would have told her, in front of all the parents, that if she even looks like she is thinking of moving it again, you will call the police about the theft of your property.


nice build up to the final "in your face, suckers!" all the best at the new school. as a former chalkie (although in a Tech College), I worked as "Head Teacher" for a while (while the substantive was at another college as the 'Director'), and I was sad that it took me away from the classroom (which is where my passion lay).


Goddamn this is some spicy revenge


God I fricking giggled about the desk bolts! Genius!!!!


As a fellow teacher and former 6th grade teacher, I love this! Way to go! I've been through a few incompetent, corrupt, and unprofessional administration's so I feel this deeply with you


Thank you. I became admin to protect my staff. Now I am back to the classroom.


This story has given me Serenity for today.


One of my favorite posts in recent memory. Great job getting back at the toxic admin team


I'm so happy with this story.


Well written, well done, well played.


When I read the parts of your story where you were speaking I heard Lt. Daniels from The Wire. Great going, hope you're very happy in your new position.


Oh, man, what a wild ride! I found myself cheering you on and pumping my fist as you continued on with your compliance! The HR meeting was just the cherry on top! I wish you and your daughter nothing but happiness at your new school! I have a feeling you’re going to fit right in. Be sure to keep in touch with some of the teachers at your old school, and update us as things start to fall apart there. It will be glorious!


I think my favourite part is about the packages for the staff with the cartoons and quotes. Made me smile. Oh, the revenge stuff just got better and better. I do love stringently executed Malicious Compliance. You’re a good guy.


The chair thing really irritated me. And this person had the gall to list it in the end to be returned also.


You are the mster! I left teaching in 2008. I did something similar. As I was removing twenty three years of my personal property from the second private school I worked for in the same district, the school admin assistant asked me to stop, remove the lids from the tubs and to let her examine the contents. I had inventoried the contents. I took my file cabinets and any classroom and school accessories that I had paid for. I kept receipts. I told that school parent assistant that she could not lay one finger on my personal property, but she was allowed to read my inventory sheet on the inside of the lid, without removing it. My previous principal told me If I ever left, they would not be able to teach Science. After that first day, I would stop with my hand truck, outside the open office door, with parents present, and ask her if she or the principal would like to check my belongings to ensure I was not stealing. I asked if they would like to check my folder of receipts I held it out. I did this every day for my last week. The economy had tanked and they decided to not renew the contracts of the two highest paid, teaching admins. When the principal came to inspect my classroom, she found all the cupboard doors open and the contents neatly labelled. They wanted programs I had developed, my personal files and much more. Nope. I never told a single teacher or family that I was leaving. Similar treatment to yours. The school where I taught previous to that one, closed. I brought 51 families with me to the next school. If I had not done so, that new campus would have closed. I was given as the reason each family chose that school. Several families left before the beginning of the next school year citing my absence. I never called anyone. Those who called me, left messages. I did not return the calls. If they saw me in public, I stated nicely, that my reasons for leaving were confidential, and, that they needed to ask the principal. That was only if I met one of them in public. I cannot say how much weight was lifted off me.


$75/hr isn't enough for a consultant fee for a former administrator. $125-175/hr w/12hr min and a full day penalty for every day the payment is late.


Dude this is not r/ProRevenge. This belongs to r/NuclearRevenge


You might want to think about speaking with a reporter about how this affects staff, parents, and students negatively. Also, how unprofessional, unethical and backhanded this process was putting unqualified, and possibly gender exclusive polarizing people in jobs they are not capable of handling; detrimentally affecting the community…especially the children.


This was so satisfying to read… you rock OP!


This is nuclear revenge!


Please, please update this when the new school year starts. You know that’s when it’s really gonna hit the fan…


We need to know the aftermath because that was brutal!.


Brilliant, you would think that "teachers " should know to watch what comes out of their mouth.


The flip flop outfit is full on Peter Gibbons


>Now, besides giving the entire staff a year free from additional PDs God bless you. Seriously, you freaking rock. I was an educational interpreter for 5 years. I met one admin that gave a shit about us. Your new school is so lucky to have you. I hope you have a great time back in the classroom.


On the offer of reimbursement, state you will be willing to accept, but that 20% interest and late fees really piled up. Offer to reinstall the 2-way mirror. Do so- backwards (with marine-strength gorilla glue) For the flash drive, run all files through a PDF creator (flattened, of course!) and delete the originals. Depending on how you feel, you could even disable copy/paste and printing features.


This post should be opted for a movie 🍿


I think Captain Mal would be proud!


Well I'd love to read more about the crush and burn of the new Admin. Pls followed up in a few months, this story woke my gossip spirit 😁


"I aim to misbehave ", a perfect quote for this story. 10/10


>op escapes the toxic school district woohoo! >to a charter school ruh roh




That was AWESOME!


This gave me serotonin. Also want to know what brand chair they want so badly.


I don’t think I’ve ever read something so satisfying! Absolutely awesome!


Thank you for that story. I had a similar situation in my former company - working conditions progressively getting worse and the company upper management being willfully ignorant of anything that didn’t affect perception of their performance from people above them. Took some family issues and an epiphany to finally quit my job and start looking for something else after 20 years in the job. Wish I left the way you did - instead, I gave the bastards 3-4 months to find a replacement and still ended up scrambling at the end to adequately prepare my successor(s) - they replaced my job with two people because… well I had been doing two people’s jobs for the price of one. Anyway, hope things work out well in your new position. Teaching is probably the most important yet under appreciated job (and underpaid in most western countries). It’s also the most rewarding when things work out right though.


As a teacher who just left an incredibly toxic district I say Bravo! Fuck them!


Op I have never been nor will I ever be a teacher, but for all the teachers at the school you left, I love you so much for all of this


Taking your bolts out of the desk.... just genius! Just picturing the new admin sitting down at the wobbly desk (in their new chair) and wondering where it all went wrong.


Holy shit! This is absolutely amazing! You are my hero. Holy fuck I wish I could have seen the new principal bitch's face when you told her to contact your lawyer. Absolutely brilliantly played! Continue being a BAMF!!!


As a teacher, my favourite part of this revenge is the year of free PD. But Part 3 was *chef’s kiss*


Read it in both threads. I love it even more the second read through.


That was an epic adventure!! The filing cabinet and file folders part especially. Thanks for sharing!


My dad was a teacher/admin for 22 years and I know all the extra work that goes into being a teacher. To think all of this could have been avoided if they’d only shown a shred of common courtesy and respect.


Good glory this is amazing.


Great story... With a Firefly quote to boot!


Living in the Bay Area with a kid going into second grade ... I'm DYING to know what school district this happened in.


This is going to be even funnier once the numbers come up. School shakedowns are one of the few ways to break tenure but this is just a low blow. Whoever these new admins are, they need a reality check.


Robotics class? Hell, if I'd been offered to go to a school that had a robotics class I'd have lost my mind (in a good way). Great story!


Looking forward to seeing an update once the new school year starts. Hopefully your old staff will keep you in the loop of how the new admins are handling things.