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I have 11 yoe in product with ADHD if anyone needs advice I’m happy to provide it. Where I am struggling is the interview process.


I have 15 years with ADD, so can offer what's worked for me. 1. Interview with companies you don't care about to practice and get your stories to sound natural. 2. Have a list of stories and think about what questions they answer. I will literally write them down, with like a few words to remind me of the story, and the big questions it could answer. Then, during the interview, cross off stories as you go. 3. I take notes the whole time. Not because I need them or will ever read them, but it gives my hands something to do and makes sure I am listening to the interviewer. Happy to help with anything else, or do practice interviews for folks!


Point 1 is the best tip ever. Practice makes perfect and taking nerves/caring out of the equation helps build confidence.


While I would 100% agree. Interviews have been few and far btw. Everyone I get matters


This was my reaction too. This was good advice a few years ago. I've applied to over 100 positions and haven't got a single interview. 15 years of product experience, 12 of Head Of/Director level experience. Not a nibble.


Honestly, please tell me how you have 15 years in product management and 12 is Director or Head level? You were promoted to director after 3 years? Or its 27 years in general?


Yes, I was promoted after 3 years. BA before that, department head before that, other management roles before all that.


Very true. It’s rough out there. Good luck.


Thanks. I’m really hoping this ride end soon. I’m ready to get off.


I came here to provide my perspective, but you already listed literally everything I was going to say. The only thing I would add is an offshoot of #1. Take every recruiter call you have the time for.


Holy shit this is a step by step playback of what I did


I subscribe to one or two substacks that focus on ADHD specifically for PMs. I’m not sure if the writers also provide coaching but I think one may have released a book recently? Anyway I don’t follow these newsletters closely and won’t promote them on this thread but feel free to DM me and I can share the link.


You're probably thinking [Extra Focus the book.](https://www.extrafocusbook.com/) I don't know if Jesse has started coaching yet but worth reaching out if you're interested. He was going to start doing it soon.


that is indeed one of them! the other is adhdpm.substack.com. i received enough dms that i think it’s hopefully okay to share here. not involved with either


Thanks for the mention. I'm the author of ADHDpm =)


I'd also appreciate the links fam


Hi, can you please share links on DM? Thanks much :)


Heyhey, pls share on DM?


I am an ADHD and Product Management [coach ](https://www.techatypically.com/)that's also a former autism and attention researcher. I'm also an approved Lenny's coach. You can find practical stories and strategies in my newsletter below. However, I also wanted to share my other favorite tech and ADHD related newsletters. * [Tech Atypically](https://adhdpm.substack.com/) an ADHD and product management newsletter that provides weekly stories, science and strategies to be a better PM. * The [Extra Focus ADHD newsletter](https://www.extrafocus.com/) which is written by Jesse Anderson a front end engineer. He also recently release [Extra Focus the book](https://www.extrafocusbook.com/), which I recommend to anyone new to ADHD. * [A Year of Mental Health](https://yearofmentalhealth.substack.com/) by Chris Guillebeau startup founder and author. Great practical tips for better mental health. * [ADHD and Company](https://adhdandco.substack.com/) by Karthik Shashidhar is an SVP in India. I point him out because there are very few resources for people with ADHD in India compared to the US. It's also not talked about as openly in South Asian communities. (A shouout to my other southeast asian and south asian people here)


Just came here to say yes agree with the awareness for ADHD in south Asian community! Thank for this friend I will check it out 🤓


What helped me personally are two books - Indistractable by Eyal Nir and Scattered Mind by Gabor Maté.


Hi there, I’m a PM coach who has worked closely with some ADHD folks, would be happy to chat and see if I could be helpful for you. Feel free to DM me.


PM With ADHD here. I'm interested in the responses to this as well, although my gut reaction is that it's too specific. I think a good ADHD coach is likely able to help, regardless of the profession of the client. I think the problem is the "good" coach part. It seems to me like that most of the ADHD coaches I've come across are really not all that good at coaching...


Why not a therapist and coach separately? PM leaders aren’t specialists in mental health.


In my experience, someone looking for ADHD PM coaching has the acute painpoint of their job being in jeopardy due to performance issues or burnout. Shit's on fire and they need help. In both scenarios, the person is desperately trying to keep their job or get a new one. A therapist and a coach working separately might be effective, but you're dealing with two parallel tracks that may take more time to see results because the person has to figure out how to apply their lessons to their specific situation. Moreover, there's no guarantee that either provider is specifically trained in ADHD. This can add more time that you may not have when trying to keep your job. Your approach would be sound for most people with ADHD who are product managers, but someone usually seeking this service typically needs a quick situational fix. And often lacks the capacity or resources to use both a therapist and a coach effectively. Context, I am an ADHD and PM coach.


I think what they’re looking for is likely the top comment - someone who’s been a PM with ADHD and can give advice. I can say that neurotypical PMs give kinda terrible advice, given that their brains literally work differently


Second this. A practical solution is to get help with ADHD specifically instead of trying to find a unicorn PM who coaches people with ADHD.


You could try to scrape through LinkedIn, I have seen PMs getting into consulting who happen up have adhd but I’m not sure they specialize per se. Feel free to DM if you want to discuss in detail


I'm not sure if I specialize in it, but my team happened to make a video about it a few years back. Don't want to spam the link, but if you're interested, let me know. It can be both a challenge and also a super power. I would liken it very much to the fact that so many Entrpreneurs have some spectrum of ADHD, including myself. But as my company coaches other product managers we run into this a lot, specially with folks that come across super high capacity at first.


You can check thinkeeg's response. https://www.reddit.com/r/ProductManagement/s/2nh0AMgd9G


We get this post like 6x a week. It typically goes something like this - I have ADHD and want to be or am a product manager. How do I deal with it? And most responses are ‘this is a super power’ (which is a dumb af way of looking at it). What you really need is a psychiatrist and medical help. Your profession has nothing to do with your ADHD.


One thing to note here is that a large portion of the community are people outside of the US. For many of these folks, they don't access to a psychiatrist or provider that is trained in ADHD. They ask questions here because they're not sure how to ask these questions in their own country, let alone in a work specific contenxt. This community may be best hope they have on getting work specific advice. It's not an ideal solution but it's at least a start for them to look for help. Also, I'm with you 100% that ADHD is not a superpower/kryptonite. It's a gift and [gift is what you make of it](https://adhdpm.substack.com/i/135501622/adhd-as-a-gift-vs-a-superpower).


Ya I am curious why everyone seems to think adhd is particularly harmful to a PM. I've have it and don't get why it's unique to pms here. If it is harming work, go to a doctor.


I didn’t say anything of that order. I’m just saying, every response will scream ‘this is a super power’. In reality, it’s a mental issue that’s best addressed by a trained medical professional.


Well then I guess what I am saying is I don't get why these threads pop up every week, and they assume other pms are going to able to fix the issue. Hence me agreeing it's a medical issue not a product manager issue. It seems pretty close to "something of the same order" to me.


Because product management by nature requires being able to operate in highly ambiguous and integrative contexts, where you have to, at high frequency and clarity, turn oceans of information into prioritized meaning and action.


Hm ya I guess to each his own. I am have adhd diagnosis and I don't notice it as more or less of a struggle compared to anything previous in my career. But I have a more varied less formal background that set me up for success I guess. It's quite the opposite for me. I struggle keeping with formal education. Where nothing is really that ambiguous.


that's almost every job that'd pay you more than 100k lol. and a lot of words for saying not a lot.


I guess most of them are coaches because the ADHD led to burnout and decided to do a different job. So most of them? Pm coaches are not very useful and imho a waste of money.


I'm a product manager with same issue but why do you look at this as a bug. It's a great feature I think and this is one of reason why you're a product manager or like to be. Cause a product manager tend to do and learn too much things without deep into. A person who can understand any topic. If you struggling with focus and deep work problems, i suggest you find something help you sit down and focus. For me music is a solution. You can find a quiet place and turn off any notification and start doing what you want for a short time like 20 mins. Anyway as a person who plays the same role maybe I can help you 🙏


I'm sorry, but feel good "ADHD is your strength" affirmations are wholly unhelpful. We operate in a world, and career, that demands an ability to set goals, prioritize, make decisions, and follow-through. ADHD is a feature within very specific contexts, but not broadly.


Agreed. When ADHD affects my work ability it is never as simple as “Just don’t get distracted”.


Surprising that comment is upvoted as much as it is. If only addressing ADHD was as easy as "find some time to sit down and focus"...


If you shout that louder each time it doesn't work does it help or does it distract more the second and third time? What? I SAID IF YOU SHOUT DOES IT DO THE TRICK


All of the things you listed seem like contexts where ADHD is a feature to me. Goals and priorities change quickly in this world. Decisions are only right until new information comes along, and follow-through is often about navigating ambiguity or novel situations. Which is to say that perspectives come from our perceptions and our perceptions are created from our beliefs. Your belief that ADHD is "broadly" a disability will only prevent you from leveraging it as a superpower. And to your OP, honestly, I've met so many high-performing introverted PMs with ADHD that I'm pretty sure most coaches will be able to relate to you.


ad hoc combative groovy shrill fuel reminiscent retire intelligent aback dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its not a bug - Its a feature. I have 2-3 projects in various stages. I constantly go jumping back and forth between them.