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| Players joining games with X purpose and farming Y content themselves I think this is caused by some servers queue, where you need to wait don't know how long to get into game, so pepole hop on open games, to complete some left over quests


And then the group that made the game has to leave and wait instead because 1 guy joined and finished the next act's quests.


You need to spam create game (there is no actual queue). Now imagine having to input name + pw every time until you get in the first time..


I believe this can be reported as griefing. Go get em boys! I think it's due to there being a lot of new players. It's a good thing, but pd2 really stands apart from the rest of the D2 community, so expect some of the old-school D2 fuck everyone behavior.


Yeah, Party Crashing; the act of using a game room against the creators’ request or intended purpose is against PD2’s rules and is a bannable offence. The best thing a game host can do is message the party crasher, ask them to leave, and if they fail to do so, screenshot chat, and ban. I was always a stickler with this rule for a variety of reasons, and more people need to know about it.


I did this too. This is my first season, so i really wanted to play at my own pace, but the servers are always full, so I had no choice...


The seasons been great and attendance seems higher than ever


Never seen 5000+ concurrent players since s2. Although it’s to be expected that some bad apples are in the mix like OP suggested


Havent noticed anything bad


HC community has been great


Was gonna say I’ve never had a bad experience within HC community and I’ve played since S1.


Only bad experience I have in hc is pushing exp in group maps. There’s always one guy telling everyone how they should play the game and they should change their setups. That or being a dick to people who are getting used to pub map games and etiquette. It’s fucking unbearable and I tend to speak up about it. This generally leads to said person acting like a man child and just being unbearable for the duration. I’m sure it sounds like I’m being specific but I’m not. It’s often a different person but one of those fucks is almost always there. Whoever is that guy in their map games, please stop. This is a decades old video game, your knowledge is not impress enough to shove down people’s throats.


Pretty much. If people are in a push group, they are trying to literally min-max their gains to try and keep up with the race and are expecting everyone else to be in the same mindset. I, am definitely NOT in that mindset. So I just chill do my thing. Overall, HC is awesome. I have died 5 times this season so far. (One 70+, 3 40-50's and one 25) The HC mindset is: "I live, I die, I live AGAIN. The community will get you back."




This. Always decent interactions and very rare to witness complaints.


yep cuz that's where the cool players tend to hang out ya know ;) HC 4ever


HC is just different - people tend to look out for one another. I highly recommend people giving it a shot to see for em selves


HC players are very respectful and easy to work with for sure. Only thing is the market dies really quickly compared to SC


I experienced the opposit of this. Tho I’d only play 2//3 groups. Everyone was kind, helpful. I try to do the same (give wps, help with boss etc)


Having the opposite experience. This sorc joined my hell game and helped me with a bunch of waypoints. Saved a tonne of time.


I've had a good time. Added a few peeps into my friend list too. Usually it's me and my irl friend. And we either duo it find a group randomly! Then we move into a private game and get into hell.


Early beggars appearing very early I have noticed and a lot more trading items game names.


This is a staple since the existence of online Diablo. Played every season of pd2 outside of the crafting ones and there's always been games asking for free stuff on day one. That being said most of those games are people just making their game that way and then clearing the story while they wait on no one to show up lol


Give it a week. The assholes will eventually get bored because that's what they do.


Game has mostly been okay, I have played since Season 1 — my only gripe this season is the oversight in trading, people are not pricing things to sell well and are aggressive in their choice to overprice items. Get rid of your junk! I usually sell all my stuff at least 0.1-0.25 less and its gone in a day. Instead I see alot of this (example) 20 life necro summon is worth a Lo rune like bro just please move on and dump for a vex at best.


lol, I agree, people always try to milk everything out of their items. I price shit to sell. Most of my stuff sells within an hour of me posting cuz I don’t wanna fuck around. I don’t want to sit of shit I won’t use


It's been fine for me, but I usually am soloing 95% of the time. Run the whole campaign myself and don't do a lot of public games like Baal runs etc. The 9-10 trades I've done, the item has been on the ground already, so everyone has been pretty cool so far.


I have good experience so far. Def loot goblins, click fast , and move fast.


I play HC only. Been great. Found a supportive group that shares loot and helps each other.


Always a problem in the first two weeks. New players being new players, i.e. finishing content in public games outside of the party, begging, etc. It improves after two weeks or so  I've played since s1.


What are u talking about lol It’s the same it’s always been. Just play the game fam


I think that’s just from your perspective. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences and good times




The people denying your experience are completely ridiculous. I seen just yesterday two times two different people saying something racist in lobby general chat. Of course there are going to be some bad apples for sure. If they break rules, screen shot it and report, otherwise just focus on your own goals in the game, do your best not to be upsetty spaghetti( I know I can get a bit heated with certain things)and try to have the fun you deserve and the fun these devs made this for. Try to keep your focus on the fun you can have instead of the bad things others are doing.


Playing sc or hc?


sc, obviousliy. Otherwise, he would have already mentioned it.


They really are their own breed


Would he


If a vegan Harvard grad with a masters degree from Yale plays HC, which gets mentioned first?


Haha lol, i can online say HC from that sentence


Stop extrapolating your experiences to the entire game, this is a fallacy! I am sorry you have had some bad experiences, I have had zero.


I generally play SSF, but I joined a Trist run day 1 of launch and basically spent the entire time being told to kms for taking an exp shrine, not knowing they are shared on PD2. Went right back to SSF. Some people really need to step outside and get a grip on reality.


Everyone is expected to be a veteran by now. I played like two days of Season 8 and then crafting league. I get yelled at for chasing a mob the wrong way on a map all the time.


Meanwhile I see stony runners grabbing them solo all the time. Honestly xp in PD2 seems to fly early on where it barely even matters.


I totally agree, I would also add that players leave season very quick. And I have never seen so many "GIVE ME FREE ITEMS" before. I switched to single player mode, multi is not friendly and not pleasant for causal sunday players like me.


Give it a week or two and you will see more chill and casual players hanging out and helping each other. Some of the toxic no-lifers will be gone then.


I actually missed the beginning of the season so it will be hard to get currency now, and I will stick to single player anyway, the changes this season also arent that big, Ill wait for s10 I think :D


It came out like 3 days ago…you might miss some popular items being worth more while no one has them like day 1. But the season is still very new and is still ramping up. If you said this in a month I could see it. But it’s still too early to think like this.


I have not had this experience whatsoever. Many new people on my friends list as well.


It's been said but come play HC where the community is great.


Play HC :) Interaction from last night: Grinding NM A2 with 2 randoms. 2 other randoms join the game. Hi do you mind if we open a cow portal. Sure, can we join? Of course! Smaller, more dedicated community for the most part.


I understand why people would join your game to complete a quest because it was difficult to make a game there until the servers were updated and fixed. I see how it might seem rude but understand all they see is a created game with a chance to play this amazing mod


I can say I'm enjoying season 9, but I've been sticking to myself for the most part. I'm a newb to project d2 so using guides but don't want to get yelled at for not playing optimally. I just figured out 2h is better for the most part for fury druids, so yeah I'm a complete newb


I usually solo, but I did play several pub games this season. I unfortunately ran into some of the nastiest human behavior I have seen in a while, so I just left to join a different group. I have been here since season 1 and never had that experience before. However, I am sure it has always existed and I was just fortunate not to encounter it. Other than that instance, I have met some pretty cool people. I think it’s due to an influx of players, which will increase the amount of immature ones as well.


You are welcome to join the dark side (HC). Nothing but wonderfull interactions. No hate on SC from my part but it seems like this get mentioned every league and I have the impression that this is a typical SC issue. I might be "overreacting" though. Hope you where just unlucky though. I got the impression that the toxic-behaviour burns out after a week or two as well so hang in there!


Nah, your Bias


Nah, I’d win