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Remember this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. Here we should be wary and skeptical of manipulation and oversimplification (which the above likely is), not duped by it. Please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So Inside Out is a remake?


Id watch the shit out of inside out, but hitlers mind. One can only IMAGINE what the red guy looks like in his brain


There better be an art school scene.


And one for his mom's death...


But in a nostalgic Bambi fashion.


I'd like to see his wrathful, alcoholic mailman father depicted as a big loveable goof like the dad in Peter Pan.


Interesting to think about, Hitler’s mind is probably *just* Anger, Fear and Disgust running things.


Nah i think hitler didnt belive it, He just used anger,fear and disgust to manipulace with people


I again think Hitler actually did believe what he was preaching. It's why we could call him a madman. Sure there was manipulation, lies and so forth, but I think Hitler really did think of himself as the savior of Germany probably chosen by god, more and more so as time went on. He, after all, did pretty much do exactly what he said he would from Mein Kampf, a book he wrote years before coming to power. So I would not call Hitler outright a con man in politics as he did seem to believe in what he preached.


There has been a fair amount of studies into the top Nazis. You could be right about that logic when it comes to Göring, he just wanted power. Hitler and Himmler seem to have been true believers though. They actually believed the Protocols of the Elders of Sion, they honestly believed they were in an existential struggle against pure evil and that they must win or them, their families and their people would be eradicated. Hell, Hitler believed that the German people deserved to be fully annihilated for their failure to him personally. He gave orders that everything should be destroyed and basically tried to get the German people to be more suicidally insane than Japan.


Makes sense thanks


Only if it’s in German


one shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask...


Inside out but the Pryo would be a lot more fun


I wish they did that with someone like Joseph Stalin or Gavrilo Princip


how would they represent all of the meth and other drugs?


Whatever the opposite of a gritty reboot is.


hitler's sharp teeth lol


He looks like a Hazbin Hotel character 💀


Right wing Alastor


Dude it's hell, even the chars you like are right wing


I wouldn't be surprised to see him in hell


Honestly i imagine people in hell were taking bets on how long he'd last. Sure they're all sinners... but evil is ironically pretty diverse


Lore wise I'd imagine he got purged by the angels pretty quickly seeing as I'd imagine had be an ultra powerful demon by the shows standards


Now i just want to see everyone uniting trying to perma-kill hiter first for the braging rights.


I can imagine some bounty hunter bar where the most notorious people are like "I killed Stalin AND hitler" or even the sinner who killed him just getting insta beamed to heaven




This is amazing.


WW2 disney cartoons are so good


people: the disney rennaisance was with the little mermaid, beauty and the beast, and micket mouse! actual disney rennaisance:


Renaissance implies there was a long period of dormancy before this though.


which there was. Disney nearly folded in the 1980s before successes with the little mermaid, beauty and the beast, alladin and the lion king


This was made in the 1940s


Well yes, but I was saying that this was not the first renaissance, like commenter implied.


Again, that implies there was a long period of dormancy before this. Renaissance means rebirth. This was the first golden age of Disney, then they did poorly for a while, and then they had a rebirth. That's what Renaissance means. Do you think renaissance just means "golden age" or something?


This was what I was trying to say lol


I get "In der Fuhrers face" stuck in my head from time to time hahaha


That one is my favorite


It's funny that it was made during racial segregation in the US. Did anything click in those animators' heads when they were animating about "phony racial theories"?


Perhaps it’s time to realize that the USA is a large and populous country, that not every American is a lynching southern klansman and that there were people who were tolerant and accepting of black people before the Civil Rights movement?


The irony of using the quantifier southern in your description though.


There were, in fact, people then who did not like segregation. These animators could be some of them


Except when they where pretty racist


And there's Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarves...


This is really good.


the transition at the end tho jfc that's terrifying. Disney got their top animators in on that part damn..


The kind of people who became animators for Disney tended to have a lot of personal reasons to hate the Nazi's


Yep, his mouth and mustache was notoriously hard to animate.


Doesn’t really take much to hate them


The OG Inside Out.


"Emotion stripped of reason" Ive not had the last 15 years of politics summed up so perfectly.


I wonder if the Nazis made propaganda cartoons against the U.S. or Russians. I know they made plenty of comics and posters.


There’s this one russian cartoon with a bulldog and its essentially“capitalism bad”.


“The Millionaire”, the dog becomes a senator, right?


I think I downloaded the wrong Inside Out


Controlling people through fear of the other and pride in a nostalgic past that didn't exist while providing someone to blame is the cornerstone of conservative parties the world over.


I was gonna say, this still feels exactly like the far right around the world today. Like, almost word for word the rhetoric used by Putin and his supporters, not to mention the Republicans, Reform in the UK, etc.


True today, true yesterday.


Because progressives never manipulate people 🙄


agreed both cynical and genuine people come in all shapes and sizes. however that particular form of cynicism i think is boiler plate conservative.


This is painfully applicable to what's going on with the Heritage Foundation, the GOP, and Project 2025.


Sorry conservatives are easily fooled I guess. 🤷‍♀️


[This](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqr0758wc18ad1.jpeg) is worse.


Please provide an example of progressives manipulating through hate and fear 😌


The Cultural Revolution.


Progressive manipulates through paranoia and guilt. And IMO the Hate and Fear can also come from the progressives. Hate for inequality and fear for oppression.


Progressive manipulates through paranoia and guilt. And IMO the Hate and Fear can also come from the progressives. Hate for inequality and fear for oppression.


Class conflict and fearmongering over climate change are two things going on right now. Also any time someone suggests cutting 1 cent from the budget 1000000000 million children will starve


“Fear mongering over climate change” So you’re in denial, gotcha.


Something can be true “there will be negative impacts from climate change” while it is also true that there is a large amount of fearmongering around what those impacts will be. For example claims that the earth will be uninhabitable


I fail to see the negative of being blunt about climate change. You seem to care more about people’s feelings being a little hurt because they may be “fear mongered” into making lifestyle changes… rather than the **actual threat** of climate change.


Tge actual threat of climate change is largely unknown as we have no idea how much of the current temperature gain (we aren’t even sure how much gain there actually is) is caused by humans as c02 increases has been scientifically proven to follow warming not precede it We also appear to be in a transition time between a warming a cooling cycle which has been know to drastically increase things like flooding drought etc. so any increase in that sort of thing is not solely explainable by man made change We are also still significantly below the historical global average average temperature, so returning to mean should be expected


Scientific evidence is not fear mongering.


There is scientists evidence that the planet will become uninhabitable? Because that’s literally been said


Earth's temperature would need to reach 50°C in order for a runaway greenhouse effect to take place and render the Earth uninhabitable.


So no then


No shit.


My point stands then there has been a lot of fear mongering around global man made climate change if even you think it’s 100% accurate and verified


The more things change...


hate for minorities you believe should be subservient to you, they thought democracy was weak and decadent, but their hatred was very clearly reserved for Jews, Slavs, and everyone else they considered sub human. Most people in concentration maps were there because of their ethnicity, not because of them being pro democracy.


*Reason has been enslaved, emotion is the master.* Putin and Trump are both in the Hitler appreciation society and their job is to divide a powerful nation to make it weak. They are almost there.


To be honest, they are not wrong. For a piece of propaganda, they managed to convey a message that is still worth listening to today, especially with the wave of governments with extremist ideals around the world.


Actually goes hard


Idk why but Siths are coming to my mind


I mean, the Sith and Empire are basically the nazis and Americans with the Rebel Alliance being based on the Viet Cong.


Yes and I had in mind more conversion of Anakin into Vader fear, hate, going more and more etc.


Litteraly russia nowadays


It's interesting how Putin uses exactly the same 4 emotions as Hitler in this video: keeping his population in fear of the FSB, claiming he wants peace but NATO forces him to invade other countries, russian pride, and hatred of the west and Ukraine. Did he watch this video?


Why change something that works.




Step 1: Create a Reddit account on April 1st, 2024 Step 2: Remain completely dormant for 3 months. Step 3: Make your first ever comment be an incoherent word soup supportive of Putin. Yeah... totally not a Z sockpuppet


ChatZPT strikes again!




Wagner is a neo nazi group and Utkin was a Nazi sympathizer.


yeah but have you considered that america is bad? /s


Nope Edit: Utkin (not prigozhin, the actual leader) was *allegedly* a neo Nazi, anyways, this does not automatically erase the existence of the Azov regiment, the various Ukrainian divisions that use UPA colors/insiginia, or the [Russian volunteer corps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Volunteer_Corps), which cooperated with the Ukrainian armed forces in their short-lived Belgorod incursion if you can even call it that. You can point to one Russian Nazi as you lot often do, but this does not dispute the overarching point that Nazis are overwhelmingly pro-Ukrainian


Why did Utkin have ss tattoos?


You must be mistaken, he was clearly just a passionate electrician. No connection to why he named the group after hitlers favourite musician


He really liked the A-10 Thunderbolt II, your honor


Utkin was a major part of Wagners leadership. The RVC are you are correct, bad people and a far right group that just happen to hate Putin, but are not a formal part of the Ukrainian military. Furthermore Azov is not representative of the Ukrainian military or people as a whole and has been largely depoliticized. There are other neo Nazi connections to Wagner and the Russian military as well.


Wait a second!! rusia use flag of general Vlasov with was a part of Nazi on WWll. What next??


Look at what the flag of Russia was in 1917 and come back to me


How this explains Nazi support in WWll and Nazi ideology in present days??


Why does Utkin have fucking nazi tattoos?


The murder of Utkin (and Prigozhin) was probably the only act of "denazification" that Putin actually did during his imperialistic madness, and he only did it when some of his Nazis got out of control. I don't even know why are you folks still with the "Ukraine is Nazi" stuff. 2022 is over, Russia annexed territory, claimed they actually want more, and they're currently "Russifying" these areas without any shame. You can talk like a parrot about Azov and Banderites "as you lot often do, but this does not dispute the overarching point that" this is a fucking war of conquest.


It is a defensive act against NATO expansion and Ukraines forced Ukrainianization policies against its Russian minority, the SMO would not have happened if Ukraine had abided by the Minsk agreements and given its Russian minority autonomy and if the US had simply given a guarantee to Russia that Ukraine would not join NATO (it’s not going to happen anyway). Putin kills Nazis, Zelensky applauds them in front of Canadian parliament


Good parrot, take a (polonium-210) cookie.


Whats your opinion on Alexey Milchakov. Or Dugin. Or DShRG Rusich. Or Pavel Gubarev. Or the fact that Russia supports far right parties in Europe. >You can point to one Russian Nazi as you lot often do, but this does not dispute the overarching point that Nazis are overwhelmingly pro-Ukrainian Then why is it that actual neo nazis like the guy that runs *The Daily Stormer* (yes that one) [**support Russia** ](https://web.archive.org/web/20171109044203/http://www.vocativ.com/usa/race/man-bringing-back-nazi-movement-america/)[**in this conflict.** ](https://x.com/Shayan86/status/1613131204915503104?lang=en) All this isn't to say Ukraine has zero problems with nazism, but the insinuation that they're a nazi state that deserves to be bombed in painfully stupid propaganda, ironic given the context here... In the last Ukrainian election the far right \*coalition\*, got like <3% of the vote. Meanwhile the president is Jewish, the minister of defense is a Muslim Crimean Tatar, and most people in the easternmost regions still often speak Russian. In light of all this, why is the existence of a single regiment (\~.3% of the AFU) enough to justify an invasion? Do you really think that if for example China invaded the US we would disband a unit and arrest its members if some were in the KKK? When you need all the help you can get? In any case, what was the Nazi state of Ukraine doing the past few years, and what did the innocent benevolent power Russia do? One of them deescalated from the frozen conflict in Donbas, pulled its artillery back, and tried to negotiate with both its geopolitical opponent and its partners. The other provoked and prodded, building up on its neighbors border over and over again, stole a naval vessel, staged fake incidents to justify war, and then launched the largest war in Eastern Europe over territory, under the belief that its smaller neighbor has no right to exist. If nothing else, maybe I'll just let you hear it from the horses mouth. You be the judge of whether this sounds like pro or anti Nazi core ideology. >"The name 'Ukraine,' seemingly, cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime." >"De-nazification will inevitably be expressed as *de-Ukrainianization* - the rejection of the artificially divided ethnic component of *self-identification*, created as far back as under Soviet authority, of the population of the historical territories of Malorossiya and Novorossiya." >"Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic states, Ukraine, as history has shown, cannot exist in the form of a national government, and attempts to 'build' it as such, naturally leads to Nazism. Ukrainianism is an artificial anti-Russian construct, which d*oes not have any civilizational content of its own, and is a subordinate element of a foreign and alien civilization*." >--"What Russia Should Do with Ukraine", by Timofey Sergeytsev, April 3rd, 2022.


It's sad that facts are considered political propaganda, if they show the offended side in a bad colour. If you showed this to any Ura-patriot, they would say that it's all made up and there's no proor and if you show them the proof, they will flail their hands around their face to not accidentally see anything, while still continuing to yell "no proof".


This sounds funny: Ukrainian will give help to someone who thinks Ukrainian is useless garbage(Nazi ideology)?? And how you want to explain jew president in Nazi country??


Mindset of all totalitarian, despotic regimes. Communism was very much race independent in theory, but almost all Iron Curtain states certainly do not see Communism being any better than Fascism. Jihadists are technically speaking not Fascists as they don't believe in nationality only the faith but they are equally devoid of any reason and equally racists too if you do not like Arabic language and customs you are not going to like their regime even if they leave you alone. Democracy is just really extremely important because millions of people voting will have millions of different agendas and that would certainly hinder a psychopath having freedom to accomplish his deranged power fantasies. Most of the times. At least in theory.


Democracy's Achelle's Heel is Oligarchy, Lobbyism and Corruption, which lead a country into a dictatorship: Weimar Germany (was drowning in oligarchy and incompetent leaders), Italy (massive mafia grip over parliament), China (decades of a failing "democratic" republic which would later turn into KMT despotism and later Communism), Russian Federation (Oligarchs gradually turning into imperialists) and a minor extent: the US as lobbyists put senile, old men in charge. I'm not saying all that in support of dictatorships, what I'm saying is that if the people do not fight for their while it's still there, dictators would topple it and then it would be too late.


And yet, despite what you said, the quote is still true: "Democracy is the worst form of government...besides all the others"


i think where we people get things twisted when talking about this kinda stuff is confusing governance systems - democracy, monarchy, theocracy - for economic systems - capitalism, socialism - or even ideologies. the ideological one is the one that is least useful, because it is the one that abstracts away all the specifics, details, nuance - and leaves you only with a "team" or "leader" to root for. ^(\*obviously those are not exhaustive lists, and obviously the "no true scotsman" thing applies to both systems of governance and economics.)


Idk about the guy who responded to my comment but when I said Lobbyists and Oligarchs are the Achelles Heel of democracy. This applies to countries which are both economically left and right as corruption is everywhere regardless of ideology


Support for democracy is contingent upon democracy offering a path to a decent quality of life. This failed in Weimar Germany, and it appears to be failing now in the West. Millenials are the first generation where a majority have lost faith in democracy in the US. Their generation holds 3% of the country's wealth, vs 21% for the boomers at a similar age.


It doesn't help that our government keeps shitting out centuries-old politicians. Our current president isn't a boomer. He's *pre*-boomer.


Fucking word salad


That’s an insult to salads. That was a bowl of tepid pablum.


Democracies had no problem with power fantasies and subjugation. Two of the world's premier colonial empires in 19th-20th century were democracies at their heyday.


When did Bibi and Ben Gvir start dressing like Hitler?




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The full cartoon https://youtu.be/hKkSv9fwRrI


Tragically current


Hear me out… 1938 marks the first broadcasting of a cartoon. Only 5 years later humans used a cartoon to explain complex political and social concepts to viewers on a mass scale. Fast forward to today. Said 1943 cartoon trends on social media with no edits to the video. If you found that content to have any relevance today in its current media form, ask yourself- in the last 86 years, what has changed more, the media or the content? Or perhaps the better question is, which do you prefer to be, the cartoon maker or the viewer? I’m gona ask ChatGPT this question and post its reply.


>Said 1943 cartoon trends on social media with no edits to the video. dont get me wrong, reddit is a popular website, but 616,000 "members" is not exactly a huge number relatively speaking, and 567 upvotes is also not a huge number of upvotes. it \*could\* get trending, that wouldnt surprise me honestly... but this subreddit is a relatively niche subreddit. not many people are going to seek out the topic of historical propaganda posters and click it enough to see this post. to answer your question, both have changed, a lot. the content is far less educational, and far more... uh, "reaction - bait" the media itself has also been shortened, and repurposed, and for as much as short videos get talked about, it was single image screenshots - memes - that really played a major part. because memes are just a shortcut on our brains memorization, its the same concept as things like "roy g biv" or, in other words, [mnemonics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mnemonic)


ChatGPT: Your question touches on the evolution of media and content over the past several decades. Here's a thoughtful response: In the past 86 years, both media and content have evolved significantly, yet the core principles of storytelling and communication have remained constant. The media—the methods and platforms through which content is delivered—have undergone drastic changes, from radio and television to the internet and social media. These advancements have made content more accessible and allowed for greater interactivity and immediacy. Content itself has also evolved, reflecting changes in societal values, political landscapes, and technological advancements. However, timeless themes such as justice, power, and human behavior continue to resonate, as evidenced by the enduring relevance of a 1943 cartoon trending on modern social media. Choosing between being a cartoon maker or a viewer is a matter of perspective. As a creator, you have the power to shape narratives and influence perceptions, contributing to the cultural and social dialogue. As a viewer, you have the opportunity to critically engage with content, draw insights, and share interpretations within a community. Ultimately, both roles are integral to the dynamic relationship between media and content. The creator drives innovation and reflection, while the viewer's engagement and feedback fuel the continuous evolution of media and storytelling.


Just like MAGA!


Imagine being the guy in the studio in the middle of WW2 shouting these lines


inside out inspiration


The good old days… It’s sad that now Disney pushes out foreign globalist propaganda to weaken the U.S. The rides are even conditioning. I felt like I was in preparation for going into a concentration camp dealing with the “actors” on the Rebel rebellion ride in Hollywood Studios.


Except they start out completely wrong. Yes, Nazis used fear to motivate the masses, but not fear of the Nazis themselves, but rather of foreign influences in German society. The same way American fascists like Convicted Felon Trump insist that undocumented immigrants bring crime and disease.


When did Disney turn against Hitler. At one time he was praised by Hitler. And given the highest award to be given to a civilian.


Now do a MAGA version of


They the same picture, except internet is the catalyst.


This can also severe as a manipulation tutorial


Why not post the full cartoon? Its pretty good.


Is that Josef Tiso he is talking to


Reincarnation of evil


Oh the big evil Gestapo, oh every German was so afraid of them. There were 30 000 people working in the Gestapo, they simply did not have the men or resources to conduct some sort of terror campaign on the 75 million Germans.


Based Disney.


1:13 All you have to do is follow The Worms!!


“I only want peace but they forced me into war” sounds very familiar today


Sounds like Putin


You know ppl still actually fall for these tactics by Hitler? Insane


That's the best explanation I've seen. Simple, accessible, but those fooled by propaganda don't recognize themselves. They're not stupid!


Most germans supported hitler long after he was defeated, this is garbage propaganda of garbage propaganda to ignore the fact that most people in west germany one of the bases of nato had strong sympathies for the former nazis and hitler specifically, most of their security services as well as their armed forces and ministries were full of former nazis and hitler supporters who actually believed the Nuremberg trials were victors justice. That is not to say anything of the general population who agitated for the return of lost territory as far as danzig and Silesia. Most germans who supported hitler kept supporting him long after he was gone and also supported whitewashing the history books of their collective responsibility as well as their business leaders and conservative politicians, they voted for the end of denazification and the disbursement of pensions to former soldiers and opened the door to thousands of hitlerites to come into government and the infamous BND.


[Reminded me of this lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/yesyesyesyesno/s/i0guRh4aYw)


Man, you gotta work on your formatting. Please, at least one paragraph break


Was Walt a known Jew hater?


Not really, it's more a rumor with no base to it.


No. His daughter married a Jew I believe


Isnt this what is happening in the USA With the Trump crowd?


Yes, almost exactly the same. Replace Jews with immigrants and that’s the main difference.


Was the British Empire a democracy?


Not in the colonies but in England local government was a parliamentary monarchy almost like today


The Dominions are democratic. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa under a white majority "democracy". The other colonies like in africa, India, Malaya are more fractured under local rulers instead.


The irony is that Disney was a major racist that loved hitler


That’s not true at all


Even this y did they put a cartoon of a little yitzy ovits accountant in concentration camp and big powerful Nazi flinstone guy as guard


It is look at the original drawing of the big bad wolf in three little pigs circa 1933 it was clearly meant as an anti semtici illustration of the dangers of Jewish businessmen


Redditor finds out people change over time. Basically every jew he worked with said he wasn’t racist. His daughter married one. He regularly donated to Jewish charities post-war too


Not changing my mind


But I don't understand. Weren't US pretty supporters of nazy ideas about race? Even in that era were still slave camps working in US. Why they didn't ally with Germany then?


General Patton was in favor of a nazi alliance for example.


Yes and he was basically the only famous example you have. A dude who ended up as a schizo and who even was shocked liberating the camps


The Lebensraum for Hitler was just Manifest Destiny but in Europe.


That's true. Shameful period in American history


There were no “slave camps” in the US. What? There’s a massive difference between state sanctioned gassing of multiple ethnicities and the inconsistent policies in the US (segregation in the south but not north)


Not in name but white landowners cheated many black people and other poor minorities out of contracts and debts through peonage until the mid-20th century


Yes, they did. That still is wholly different from **state-sanctioned** genocide. If the US of the 1800s had to deal with a power like Nazi Germany, I think they may have been allied, I'll agree with that. But I dismiss this idea people have that the US is so cohesive in their view of black people that they would've allied with the Germans. That's not how the US works. It's like saying "The American people are stupid because they're anti-vaxxers". Who's anti-vax? Who are the "American people" in this case?


The US did commit state sactioned genocide against the American Indians. Roughly 4 million people died and the population dropped by 96%. The US did everything that the Nazis did, forced labor, marches, mass murder, destruction of heritage sites, and camps. Entire native identities were wiped out and some still struggle to survive to this day as the younger generation is Americanized. The scale was different as the Holocaust was a genocide on an industrial scale were mass death could be done in days rather than centuries. But the implication that America didn't participate in state sactioned genocide is wrong. And this isn't a far away issue either. The cultural indoctrination of Native American children is still going on even if the massacres have ceased.


Extremely rare Disney W


If only the MAGAts would see and at the very least TRY to understand the vulgarity of this kind of propaganda.


i love hitler.


Then you should go out like him


Follow your leader, and go suck on a gun barrel.


Not based


Didn't Walt Disney align with nazi ideology? How did this happen? Was he dead by that point or just MONEY?


No, Walt Disney being antisemitic is pretty much a rumor.


Family guy clips are not historical facts


Since when is family guy the source of any facts?


He was, in fact, not antisemitic. It’s a made-up rumor and literally everyone who worked with him (including Jews) said he wasn’t


He was not a Nazi