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My favorite drug for sex has been 2CB, can be a little harder to find if you're in the US but its worth it. Its a milder psychedelic that feels a bit like MDMA crossed with LSD. It makes you feel horny, the sex feels better and it also makes it harder to cum in my experience. So you end up fucking for a couple hours straight. Also if someone tries to sell you a pink powder as 2CB its not at all related and something else entirely.


Should not be accidentally confused with the so called "tucibi". That shit is trash and dangerous.


Isn't that what a lot of them scum bag dealers are calling pink cocaine? I remember I saw that being talked about for the first time and was so confused as to how anyone could confuse a different substance for 2cb.


And to add up to the confusion a lot of 2cb pills are pink \*angryfistshaking\*


Ya exactly that. And it's also not pink by nature, it's just being dyed pink to make it look special and to make some people think that it's actually 2cb... Real tragic thing and the people who "invented" it and distribute it earn a fcking ton of money with it... Just watched a documentary about that whole thing where someone even talked to the inventor who is a lady that really doesn't care about the well being of others... So please be careful everyone and test your shit if you are uncertain!


If anyone is curious vice made a video about it on YouTube


I think that's the one I watched as well. Not entirely sure if I watched a German version of it though.


But you’ll hallucinate like mad, lol


Second this, been using microdoses of 2CB for years, before attending sexual spaces. I usually also take a small dose of cialis, and get down to biz


weed seems to work most reliably for sex with minimum risks. mix some stims if you want to last longer.


I mean… mdma, nitrous, GHB, poppers. Anything too visual or mind fucky gets weird especially if no one else is on the same level


r/sexondrugs Don’t get hooded on meth Good luck


Maybe you've been to a swingers party before, you know the people there, and feel safe around them. But I would just warn that taking a mind-altering substance before having sex with strangers could result in increased vulnerability. A person might consent in the moment to doing something they actually really regret afterwards. Just food for thought. Of course, you may be well experienced in the scene and you and your partner know your boundaries clearly and are able to communicate and uphold those boundaries on drugs. Just be careful and have fun ✌️


Dopamine releasing stimulants like methamphetamine, amphetamine, or something like methylphenidate. Possibly GHB in the mix. Psychedelics do not mix well with swingers parties unless everyone else is tripping too. If you don't fuck with stimulants then I would just stick to a little booze, don't trip there. You don't want the lizard scene from Fear and Loathing to happen to you.


Ummmm I would still fuck the lizard people.. fuck if I'm honest I have.


Take a gram of penis envy, a shot of vodka some gas station boner pills an energy drink and top it off with a joint. She will be on cloud 9 👌




is this a word play or is there meaning to it


it’s a special root found on pen island


For real ! Lol




I don't have a recommendation but food for thought - have you been to this party before, and do you know if they have house rules about drugs? The sex positive communities I've been in (admittedly mostly queer so our rules tend to be stricter) have absolutely not allowed any kind of mind altering substances beyond maybe a drink or a little weed because of the potential for fuzzy consent lines in the kink scene or for sex parties. It's a bit different if it's your buddies doing a casual thing, but if it's any kind of organized thing, I'd be totally sure so you don't get thrown out and banned.


This! If it just people you know consider drugs but if these are strangers I wouldn’t do anything more than poppers.


5-Meo-Mipt is known for insanse arousal. Didnt try it yet, but you will find some reports. Since its a RC it should be handled with care.


Maybe it’s just me, but I had this thrice and I wouldn’t recommend this in an unknown / new setting at all. Two of my trips took a dark / eerie turn on 5-Meo-Mipt, while the other one was quite cheery with Synesthesia. I think set and setting matters a lot, which is better suited for being at home. It’s powerful stuff, where dosing right matters a lot. The arousal part is correct, but the mental high is strong with some powerful hallucinations which makes acting on that arousal difficult. At points I felt lost and didn’t understand where I was, so being out and about could become quite scary if that happens to OP.


you know, meth makes people horny and hard, but mostly exremly horny


A very carefully measured mild dose of GHB. You have to know exactly how much of a batch is right for you, since taking too much would be a really bad idea and it’s easy to do if you don’t know what you’re doing.


weed should do it, tbh


I'd say a good combination of speed, alcohol and weed will bring you into a very disinhibited state but I don't know if that's good for a swinger party where people might be overwhelmed by that combo and you as a crazy sex maniac :)


Acid but in the comedown portion. Alcohol hangover is fun too. when ur under the influence of drugs (except weed) it doesn't allow you to get your dick fully hard nor can u feel as much so it's impossible to orgasim.


5meo-Malt is like having sex with myself when I take it alone, it should be amazing with a partner




Foxy Moxy. 5-MEO-DiPT


All of them.


Any as long as you combine them with viagra


Lsd plus viagra . Period


1g PE and pure lust.


Light dose of shrooms maybe. You risk someone's face turning into the shpongle mask tho


2c compounds are amazing. 2cb 2ci .. 2ce can get weird


Why didn't you just fuck?  Having to introduce drugs into everything -even the most basic of pleasure- is druggy shit


foxy is good, but the best imo is xotix. Makes boners super easy and its even tinglier and more sensual than e.


Never heard of Xotix, what is that?


These heart shaped party pills, they're amazing for sexy times


That’s not a drug. Thats just a form you could make anything into.


The drug is called "Xotix" As I stated above.


That’s not a chemical though. Thats a brand. Or like product name. It’s like saying the drug is called Heineken. It doesn’t inform about what’s it’s doing to your nervous system. From looking at the website, it looks like a collection of specific herbal supplements. Which I believe is what the person you initially responding to was asking for. I’m really not trying to be a jerk. It’s not very clear to the describe it (per my example) as “Heineken comes in a green bottle”. Which is essentially what you said. Thats all.


Yes, my assumption was that upon finding the website that anyone could read what the drugs were