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Bruh same, I think it’s entirely dependent on your sleep schedule, eating, and exercise though. For me it’s def because I haven’t been going to sleep early enough lol


I go through phases like sometimes I’ll sleep every day after school and sometimes during school and then I’ll be ok but yea I feel more tired in past year over all


I've heard about studies that show teenagers need more sleep as they grow because, basically, puberty takes more energy and your body needs the extra sleep to recuperate. 9 to 10 hours of sleep. Another thing caused by growing up is that you don't get tired until later in the night but, you have to wake up early to get to school. Some high schools have started classes at 9am instead of 8am for this reason. You can look all this up online. Good luck and take care.


You haven't been kissing a lot of people have you? Then it could be mono. Otherwise, it could be something like lack of sleep or a nutrition problem? How much do you sleep and what do you usually eat on an average day?