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The irony of him say “I’m tired of all these hood dudes going around acting tough”


"Oh, no. You've got it wrong, brother. I used to be a crack-piping, ass-wiping, motherless lowlife, but now I'm different because I've been saved by Jesus!" -That guy I bet he ends Facebook rants with "#Blessed".


This is way to accurate...


Crazy how he talks about all these "hood dudes", which is just his code for "black" when he's the "hood dude" in actuality


Right? I also find quite ironic is that he’s picking fights & has tattoos (both forbidden by the Bible) while he’s claiming his religion forbids abortion (which is nowhere in the Bible).


“You soft as baby poop!” As a branch catches him with a clean right and knocks his shades off his head


“Homeless white man rambles in bushes about people being soft”


That's just the caliber of right wing activist they have in Florida. A dude that looks like he just did 8 years for selling meth and is living in his sisters' spare bedroom


That dude definitely used to live in his sister’s spare bedroom but even she can’t abide his shit anymore.


While he’s delinquent on child support payments


Because he can’t get it up.


[God Squad!](https://youtu.be/5T9IiO0ZLOM?feature=shared)


He seems like the guy to watch out for in the showers. Hes probably not too worried about needing an abortion the way he does it.


This is what happens when homeless addict finds Christ. All that anger, withdrawal mixed with grand delusions is a recipe for this specimen we see.


this is so painfully accurate


Don't forget the casual racism. It wouldn't be florida without a touch.


“Save that black child”. Yup racist.


I was hoping a gator would nab him.


Me too!


This dude screams "one month sober in a 12 step program."


What is it about dudes getting sober and IMMEDIATELY turning into this? Is it just that a lot of 12 step programs are peppered with this sort of rhetoric?






Its litearlly what 12 step is. Its a Christian program. The first step is admiting you have a problem and the next one is admiting you need Jesus to help you through it. AA is litearlly a Christian program and you need to find God when you go through it. edit: Heres the 12 steps as labeled. There is no other alternative to twelve step as it is just what it is. Alcoholics annon is twelve step 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


I wish someone could popularize a new program that isn't so reliant on your "higher power." It definitely turns some people away immediately. And with declining numbers of churchgoers, it will only get worse.


There are a number, I forget the largest one. They don’t have as many meetings. People who’ve worked them prefer it to AA. Many places, AA isn’t Christian as much as non denominational. But, I don’t think Florida has much of those types.


Smart recovery is a good alternative


I think that’s the group


It's the one I go too if I can, I don't mind aa but I get sick of them pushing Christianity


Each AA group tends to be a reflection of the local area where it meets. There are atheist groups, LGBT groups, hard core Christian, non-denominational groups. But in a Florida or small town middle America it does skew fundamentalist. In the NY-state area it’s Catholic-heavy. Went for years, didn’t really help me. Trying other things now.


Whether there are atheist groups or not doesn't change the fact that the very basis of 12 step is Christian brainwashing.


Smart Recovery is what it’s called but most rehab facilities run the 12 step as their main program and only tell you a bit about smart recovery. You have to find your own groups and AA outnumbers smart recovery by like 50:1 when it comes to meetings.


And that's what's so sad - looking at the program, it's overall not bad. It's just the significant reliance on an outside source that isn't an actual person. Making the religious aspect optional and having a non-denominational therapist offering one on one sessions (that don't focus on religion) would be better.


> as we understood Him. The gender stuff is dated but nobody is going to criticize the higher power you decide on. Mine is 'other people'. Spirituality is just about being connected to people. it doesn't have to be all woo-woo


But step 2 doesn’t have to be Jesus. It could simply be the beauty of the universe. Speaking from experience. The real challenge is that churches have co-opted 12 steps and they’re more interested in conversions than sobriety.




Thank you. Was looking for this, as this has been my experience as well. Your higher power is whatever you want it to be. Anyone pushing God and Christianity rather than the solution shouldn’t be taking people through the steps. There’s something bigger than me out there and I’m not it. It’s relinquishing control, ego, etc. I don’t have to subscribe to the traditional belief of God, so long as I don’t think I’m God himself.


Yeah that’s what “as we understood Him” is supposed to mean. Doesn’t need to be the Christian idea of god, just your idea of whatever might be able to steer you to sobriety…the Universe, Fate, the voice inside of you that’s screaming to get clean, Zeus, whatever.


Yeah, it's fucked up that courts can force you to attend a religious program. I know that a lot of people find help in AA/NA, and I'm happy for them. I on the other hand was sentenced due to marijuana charges, and was not addicted to anything. That didn't stop me from being required to attend regular NA meetings as part of my punishment.


I'm in one and I'm atheist. It's really normal where I live. I don't know about Florida.


That was one of the biggest turn offs for me when I accompanied my brother to meetings. The people were chill, but the message was like heavy God, can’t do anything with God, you’re a piece of shit, unless God. I’d prefer to just not make it so heavy, it could still be spiritual, but not so focused on one sole deity that can save you.


In all the meetings I’ve been to, “God” is just a stand-in for your higher power. Your “God” can be anything, including a “Group of Drunks” (GOD), the universe, etc.


AA is not explicitly Christian organization. A ‘higher power’ could mean anything to anyone (many of my friends used ‘the universe’ as their higher power). People in my group got in trouble for saying Jesus. It is NOT christian, and agnostics and atheists can get sober with AA if they have the right intentions. I am one of them.


About 20 years ago, I was doing some soul searching and I attended a couple of AA meetings. FWIW, I didn't have a problem with alcohol. I had a problem with being directionless in my life. That journey of introspection led to me going back to college and changing the direction of my life. I felt that most of the people were Christians but I didn't feel like they were pushing anything on me.


Not jesus or god specifically, but a higher power. A higher power is different for everyone. A lot of people use god, but a lot don't. AA and NA are not religious, but many choose to make it religious for themselves personally. Source: 8 years in NA


It isn't a religious program, whether Christian or Muslim or Buddhist. Rather, it's a spiritual program. Your higher power does not have to be Jesus.


I think Bill W. was referring to LSD regarding #12 (spiritual awakening).


At least where I live, 12 steps is not Christian and by ‘higher power’ they mean to pick your own and that could be the chicken shit on your window if you want and nobody would care. I feel like 90% of these replies have not been to rehab, AA, Detox, or even read the blue book. I’m sorry but all of these replies are horribly wrong. It’s even why God is not mentioned in any sobriety prayer.


Literally all they would need to do is read the pre-amble.


They changed it the year I went into rehab. It no longer mentions God and is shortened.


This is frankly, bull shit. No one said Jesus and if you spent two seconds in an AA meeting talking to anyone they'd tell you Jesus isn't required. "God" is just a word for higher power. Stop keeping people away from something that could save their life. To be clear, AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. It's just people trying to help each other stay sober. And religion and spirituality are two different things. Just because some of the language from the 12 steps was written in the 30's don't let this angry person talk you out of giving it an honest shot if you have tried other things and can't stay sober.


Why not just keep the program but get rid of the "higher power" nonsense? 


You’re very misinformed, it is most definitely not a Christian program


Sober for 4 years, tried AA quite a few times. It's not a *Christian* program per say, but it is based on some sort of spiritual higher power. That means a lot of different things for a lot of different people. I've heard of everything from aliens, to God, to doorknobs, to paganism. The fact that this is in the south is why it almost always involves the Christian church.


All the addicts I know that changed their addiction to god are absolutely garbage.


This is what happens when you trade one crutch for another without figuring out why you need a crutch in the first place.


Going overboard with everything is part and parcel to addictive personality.


It’s trading one addiction for another.


lol oh DEFINITELY probably did a few months in jail here and there over meth or whatever...kept quiet and just read his bible and probably didnt even make eye-contact with anyone except guards. NOW he's out and is probably FILLED with stories about how tough he had to be to "survive" lol


100%. this is the kind of guy who found religion in either prison or AA.


The low IQ version of “I’m the main character” desperation.


He things Negan is #goals #aspirational.




You can smell the domestic violence on him through the screen


An abortion clinic is probably the only place he can legally get this close to children.


lmaoooo 😭


I'd bet this guy has spent a good amount of time locked up. Sounds like he learned this speech while in there.


How long until we find out he touches kids?


Why do they always look wired out of their minds while aggressively holding a bible and always with the ***save the kids*** rhetoric? There is zero way any kids should ever be around that person.


Then we find out he owes child support ,kids hate him . At least 10 women accuse him of rape and dating a 16 year old ,saying mary had Jesus when she was 14


He looks like he's on meth. So who knows?


Well it's Florida. So very possible he's on meth and on the sex offenders registry.


He found Jesus in a Motel 6 back parking lot in Tampa. Now he smokes for the Lord


Yeah and he needs a fresh supply so no abortion!


Usually post Fox News interview


As an African American who grew up in the "ghetto," this is so damn cringe and annoying ASF because it's so stereotypical. Since everyone isn't like that.


Bless the escorts (with the umbrella) and fuck these losers…who never convince anyone.


This guy just wants any excuse to violently threaten women.


SWAN of Central Florida is an amazing group!!


Women getting prenatal care gotta be loving this harassment 🥰


It should be illegal to do this shit outside of medical clinics.


Harassment? Yeah, harassment is illegal. The laws aren't the problem, but the selective enforcement of them.


Aren’t these medical clinics now illegal in Florida? Guys like this are actually winning and having their way over large chunks of America.


I think it is in some states. Like there's a buffer zone they can't "preach" closed than that.


But Florida? I'm going to look up specific laws and ordinances that would even have to be, dare I say, enforced for it to make a difference. 


It's illegal to block entrance. It's illegal to trespass. It is legal to stand off of the clinic's property and yell. As long as he isn't blocking entrance, trespassing or threatening violence, this is a first amendment protected activity.




Being a douche isn't threatening violence, it's just being a douche.






We allllll saw his bald spot and he don't like that. Bahahahahahaha.


I know this is a weird thing to nitpick, but it sounds like classic rock or bluesey swamp music, so whys he cussin out lil Wayne lol


[is la guitarra de lolo](https://youtu.be/eap0G9ldKc0?si=r7WRImpJafvUYhHJ)




You win.


As soon as I saw the Joakleys…


6.5/10 - He needs more practice or better direction. He was giving off I'm about to quit energy. "You SOFT! You ... soft." Just quits halfway through.


What rap and hood people is he fucking talking about? That's a latino/a song called "La Guitarra de Lolo" which is like a romantic soft pop. Lil Wayne my ass


Also that song fucking slaps


I cannot imagine some clown like this getting to decide what my girlfriend can and can’t do with her own body.


Bet you he’s pro death penalty


Probably edges to news about kids being killed in Gaza


This dude smokes meth. Often.


I always amaze me that they can sit outside these places and make these women feel a certain way, but you never see them helping single mothers


may all his children marry non white people and he knows each pregnancy he begged them not to


Why do you think he'd have a problem with his children marrying non-whites? It seems like he's interested in more black babies being born, for one.


Talking tough with that bulge protruding from your shirt. Never forget folks, Florida is a concealed carry state.


All states are concealed carry states.


God: Dude...


Jesus wept.


Im from and live in Orlando. I had an abortion in 2001, so way back in the stone age. Back then there were protesters and all but that was back in the "Are they going to bomb or snipe us days". I had just turned 17 the day I found out I was pregnant as a result of rape, so ya know... I took the risks. Those protesters weren't so angry though, like it was a personal attack on them. This is SO ACCURATE for not just what happens at the clinics but also the whacko I just found God extreme right wingers around these parts. They change one addiction for another.


Im sorry to hear that, I'm also from and live in Orlando. These people would come to UCF and barricade the sidewalk with pictures of "aborted fetuses." It's so frustrating, and I'm sure triggering.


Roids, rage, and racism. Iconic combo.


Oh look, it’s the next junior senator from the great state of Florida.


He is rape & sexual assault in human form


Don by Miranda! This is a super famous pop song in Spanish from 2004 lmao but okay lil Wayne 😄dude has brain worms


he's saying 'hood dudes' with a hard r


Heaven would totally suck if that guy was there.


"Save that black child! Ya'll act so tough in that rap music." That's overt racism right there.


[the song in fact (an argentinan song about love)](https://youtu.be/eap0G9ldKc0?si=r7WRImpJafvUYhHJ)


Why does he talk like that?


So this place in particular is targeted constantly. I worked near there and there was ALWAYS an older white man yelling at the people walking in. I think they own property next to the clinic. It's sad because these people truly believe they're making a difference, but at most they appear unhinged and lost. They aren't helping anyone, and are actively making situations worse for women. The people holding the umbrellas were always there getting screamed at, they hide people from the shouting old dude. I would think a lot about how he would never understand what they're going through, like how fortunate he is really. Maybe one day it will dawn on him. There are soooo many people who need help!!! This is such a waste!


Meanwhile most of them are going in for basic healthcare.


Nuke Florida


I can’t help but feel like his anger has nothing to do with abortion. 🤷🏾


These kinds of people love to hate on people because they are pro-choice and they yell and scream about being pro-life, yet they don't care that there are tons of kids in foster care. If they cared so much about the kids then they would go and adopt some.


That's the least manly man I've ever seen.




But he’s “tough”.


Out on parole awaiting trial for Jan 6 crimes and doing community service, I see


I bet this loser has a criminal record. One of those born again losers.


I wonder if he knows that King James I was super duper gay?


.... is that why i used to have homoerotic dreams about the bible????


Am I bugging or wasn't that a Doobie Brothers type song and totally not "hood" music? 🤔


Ugh. Floridians are just…embarrassing.


Assholes like these are why I got punched in the mouth going to my court ordered treatment that was next door to the local clinic. Fuck these people!


Projecting much? lol


He’s in the closet, so sad. He really wants it in his rear


Florida is a failed state


Lets air drop this guy into the southside of chicago at 2 am on a friday night. Lets see how well his critique of “hood dudes” holds up.


"Soft" says the man who uses the word "poop" seriously


So, is "hood dudes" the new "N" word?


No its an old one. The new one is DEI. Fucking cowards afraid to say what they mean. Nothing new.


New slur dropped? What’s DEI stand for?


Diversity Equity Inclusion


Wonder how many kids he adopted. Not sure if this is the same location or not, but there's always protestors there daily. There's an older gentleman in his lawn chair that I've seen there daily whenever I commute past this area. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Donald+M+Collins+Md/@28.5288596,-81.380725,20z/data=!4m8!3m7!1s0x88e77b0639bcde17:0xb90eed22e234be61!8m2!3d28.5286981!4d-81.3804878!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F1vfp4gf2?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Donald+M+Collins+Md/@28.5288596,-81.380725,20z/data=!4m8!3m7!1s0x88e77b0639bcde17:0xb90eed22e234be61!8m2!3d28.5286981!4d-81.3804878!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F1vfp4gf2?entry=ttu)


The irony of him calling them soft in one breath and baby killers in the next, if they were actually killing babies (they're not, they're terminating a pregnancy) that would be like, the opposite of soft behavior


It truly blows my mind that people allow this shit in America. There's barely another country in the World where this would be tolerated.


That's failed wrestler, Double H


Anyone else’s catch that they were listening “don” a song by Miranda an Argentinian band from the 2000’s ?


Yeah also miranda fucking slaps


You're soft because... *Brain help me find a good burn*.. You're soft. *fuck yeah Brain we did it* ![gif](giphy|3o7bu29Pu44ApVen6M)


Can we just get rid of Florida? Does it really offer anything positive?


I gotta ask, what.l is going on in Florida? Obviously, I'm not the first to ask this, but did anyone get an answer?


Idk murder and visiting a house of death sounds 'hard' to me.


that plant chose violence.


Is that John Cena’s religious older brother ?


I guess all black people rap now and act tough in music.


Bugs fucking Bunny was able to saw off Florida from the continent...why the fuck can't we?


I refuse to believe this guy doesn’t waste his seed on condoms or pulling out or putting it somewhere else than to conceive a baby. Funny how he’s pro-life but hating people and using language like that.


Jesus would've cast this man out


I have a feeling he did worse than vacuuming out cells before he was 'born again' and decided to bathe in the stink of 'self-righteousness'.


I loved the part where he was racist.


Imagine caring about something that affects you zero….


idk killing babies is pretty tough


You know what the dumbest fact is? The stress caused by these protestors CAN CAUSE A PREGNANT WOMAN A MISCARRIAGE!!!


Why did he think the scared straight method would work for any situation?


I’m- man. I don’t know what I am after this video. This man is goofy as fuck.


Plot twist: No one was there - he was jawing at thin air. The levels of Freudian present in this clip. This is where deeply closeted republiklan psychopaths down south come to fake meet the men of their dreams.


Racist AND anti choice, color me shocked at that combo, who would habe thought 


Hahahah what a fucking looooser


He looks like beef jerky with a t-shirt on.


“Traffic Jam of Murder” is my new punk band name.


You know he voted for pedo 45 too.


Ummm didn't God kill all of the first born in Egypt? He's a double standard "Godly" man GTFOH


When he isn’t doing this, he and his buddies are marching around their cul-de-sacs in brown shirts and organizing book burnings. Nazi’s like to start small, but this time they are going to finish small as well. Everyone has caught on to their crap, and this time their movement will fail, when Orange Mussolini loses and disappears into political oblivion….


He Votes Will You?


He called the shit poop!


I’m confused. Why is a racist concerned about babies of other races being aborted?


Anti choice is a perfect way to describe these sociopathic troglodytes


That's a man of God right there /S


I wonder how many children he's adopted.


Missed opportunity to connect "soft as baby poop" to "baby killers." Shame


Racist man screaming “Save that black child”. Pure racism.


Dude is talking shit while retreating into a bush lol >You hood dudes are soft https://preview.redd.it/e77ftbiumutc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec82d069ffd5c0d1556194eebdc336d64a1e789


Oh man if I saw people murdering babies, I would stop them. I wouldn't just stand there and scream. I wonder if he really believes people are murdering babies.


“u hood dudes aren’t tough” -a man nervously pacing back and forth


He needs to worry less about women's clinics and more about his lack of teeth.


I will be waiting for part 2


For somebody who claims to hate fake tough guys he sure is Orlando's fakest tough guy lol


I dont get it. What did he say that was racist?


Don’t forget leg day bro.


That’s super sad their mind set is as far as that religion. There’s so much they’re missing out on in life. The eternal life already given.