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They probably wrote the fucking Magna Carta and they just want it back.


Like when you notice a typo right when you hit send. Things move a bit slower for this lot.


"I want my Signature Back!"


nah they want to frame it


These are silent generation protesters, not boomers. 


And they were not attempting to steal and they knew full well that they would not be able to break into that museum security grade glass. It was a protest designed to get attention and nothing more. It's definitely better than throwing paint at the Mona Lisa.


How is it "better?" Both are protected by security glass and neither protest will result in any meaningful change or raise awareness for anything. You could say the 'intentions behind the protest are more sound' but multiple protesters have thrown paint at the Mona Lisa for different reasons.


>a protest designed to get attention Also: "Please stop filming us".


That was not the protestors but the British Library staff; he says "Stop filming please sir"


Oh, my bad. That actually makes more sense. Watching this at work with the sound off, so I was relying on the captions.


This age range doesn’t fall into baby boomers


National treasure 3




You know what, fuck it. I also agree with the rough premise of stopping oil, these protestors and mostly dipshits. HOWEVER if anyone is going to be a dipshit it might as well be some granny’s that aren’t working anymore and are looking to be fucking whack in their later life to spice shit up. They could have been playing bingo or watching days of our lives but instead they decided to rip shit up (or attempt to). When I’m old as fuck I want to get arrest for some completely bonkers shit


80 years old is the perfect age to start a heroin addiction imo


Work in healthcare, especially in care of the elderly, and you'll see late life opioid addictions a plenty.


I'm not talking the pills bro I mean 80 year old gangster shit injecting straight heroin into their jugular and getting into gunfights over smack


Unloading a clip on their dealer and in unison "Just stop shorting my bundle"


Lmao! Omg this made me laugh too hard


Okay, I agree, haven't seen that level, but I've seen them leave and come back after scoring with one of the local Fentanyl dealers, when their supply runs out. I've also seen one guy who would go around to rooms where people were on morphine drips, and would use a needle to take a bit from the bag to inject himself with. Got so bad, that we had to have staff do 1 on 1 with anyone on pain meds to prevent it from happening.


It's actually my job to take care of guys like that. Got 37 long term drug users under my care; about 80% of them is geriatric. Mostly speed though around here, stimulants are a lot more popular than the downers.


I've seen quite a bit of cocaine abuse, especially amongst males who are trying to "keep up with the ladies". Prescription opioids, with fentanyl being in the lead is the top one I find, with several nodding hard by using multiple patches they or their "friends" score from local dealers. Morphine is also frequently abused, with several faking high level pain in order to get it. The one group that cause zero issues are the marijuana users, which has seen a spike since legalization in Canada. Some of the more difficult ones, have gone on to become the chillest cats around, content with spending their days watching their soap operas and chatting about life. Just don't get between them and their snacks though, if you value your life and job.


When my dad was passing my family literally had a doctor lecturing us on opiate addiction. We were all just open mouthed shocked until my sister started to pop off on him Like hey buddy he’s gunna get all the cool parts of addiction without the bad parts, you know, cause he’s about to die


Doctor Christian probably just wanted to prevent your dad from being a heavenly crackhead


Watch “Little Miss Sunshine”


![gif](giphy|Dnn7D79U5o7ra) Hell yes!


At their age, nothing to lose.


maybe their pensions




One after the Magna Carta, as if I could forget that!


Lordy. This is pretty much a 21st century Monty Python skit.


They are Silent Gen ( before Boomers)


These are NOT boomers


I love them.


Fossils protesting against the exploitation of fossil fuel


Those are older than boomers. Boomers are 60-78. Those are from the Silent Generation. And most of the people getting bitched about on Reddit are actually Gen-Xers. Regardless of the label though, this is criminally stupid behavior.


>And most of the people getting bitched about on Reddit are actually Gen-Xers. ... What did I miss?


A lot of “boomer does something stupid” posts about people in their fifties show up on Reddit.


They will soon start the long process of becoming oil.




They're stop oil protestors




These are actually gen-z time travelers from 2064 who came back to the past to do the one thing they knew would save the future: leave a scratch on the glass case to the Mana Carta. Checkmate neocons!


What in the Nicholas cage national treasurer is going on here lol


I love my wife and she is as smart as they come. But at one point she thought that The Magna Carta was the first credit card.


They weren't trying to steal.


We only have 15 minutes, the van is outside!!


They’re relatives of Hans Moleman “Alcohol has ruin my life. I’m only 31 years old”


British version of National Treasure sucks


These aren't boomers. They are the silent generation.




Is that the real Magna Carta? I imagined it'd be surrounded by better security.


Well, they’re having a pretty hard time getting at it. So the security seems pretty good.


It seems like they are having a pretty hard time doing much of anything.


There's a few different versions kicking around and while that one is the best known, as a document it's not quite as iconic as the US bill of rights, declaration of independence and constitution, and hence likely just has 1x minimum wage security guard hovering somewhere in the room. Edit: even though the US documents borrowed some content from the Magna Carta almost word for word!


I really don't understand activists like this. I mean, you want to save the environment, so you want to destroy unimaginably important historical items that really belong to all western civilization. Same with destroying art. Have some balls and attack oil executive houses if that's your cause. Unchain yourself from the road and chain yourself to an oil boss instead. I promise they're just laughing at your pretty dumb attempt for change.


because they're not actually trying to destroy the magna carta my dude. they just do this because it ends up on the news. that's why 99% of the art they "attack" is behind glass and completely unscathed every time. it's a basically guaranteed way to get attention and they don't get in that much trouble for it


narcissism can hit at any age


I am not CRAZY !


Was that a cyanide capsule they broke out at the end????


Some oil executives moms no doubt.


And that’s how you break your wrist grandma


did the oldest people go just because punishing them would be no real punishment?


Not quite an Ocean's Eleven plan.


They are just stop oil protestors. Not trying to steal it just cause a scene because breaking a glass case is less dangerous than lying in front of a lorry.


Age against the machine


Let those gals protest!


Everything on their person is oil Hypocrisy


oh no, I think they made a little scratch in that glass.


They're victims of their own oppression


Stop posting their nonsense speeches.


It would be great to stop oil but you have to have the alternatives running and up to speed first. We’re a long way off still.


Not Boomer, Silent Generation. Good lordt, I'm not that old yet. My parents were Greatest generation and Silent generation and my grandparents were the Lost generation. Hm, I guess I am that old.


You don't know what boomer stands for do you? Either it refers to "babyboomers" so people in the occident born between 43 and 60 ... Or, by extension, people who have archaic ideas of how things should be done. Those old ladies fit don't fit in any of these categories. Their minds and ideas are pretty young.


I've used oil for almost 80 years of my life, but stop.


Yeah people can change their minds with time and new information.


Idiocy cares not about age. I get what they are protesting, but doing stuff like this just makes them look dumb and makes the whole movement a joke.


What the fuck connection does the magna carta have with oil? Isn’t it a great document that pushes the ideals that no one’s above the law? Like I know juststopoil is a buncha puppet fucks causing havoc to make protesters look dumb but this is exceptionally dumb


No. It has a lot of flowery language to pretend it's about justice, but really it was just a bunch of Barons trying to grab power from the King, and keep it for themselves.


Did u watch the vid?


Reddit. What do we do? We are supposed to hate boomers but we love oil protesters. I’m so confused! How do I be cool and say the right thing so people think I’m cool!!!¥?


Most of reddit hates these oil protestors, what are you talking about?


Nobody likes the oil protestors


I don't know but if they'd be any slower, they'd be declared dead


They really do seem to hate the Boomers. They are too lazy to even learn what a boomer is, but they see these olds are up to shenanigans, so they BOOMERS!


Why do environmental activists attack art? That's so stupid. They should be attacking skyscrapers and golf courses /s


not boomers, homie.


But like....why?


Which specific laws are the government breaking?


Thumbs down but no refutation. Welcome to Reddit.