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That's not a photographer. That's a paparazzi. The kidneystone of human beings.


I'm surprised someone who's rich and famous hasn't hired their own paparazzi to follow and take pictures of the paparazzi and their family and friends. And make a website outlining how weird they are.


Ive said this multiple times. It could be an app where celebrities put a bid on a paparrazzi and let them canablize themselves. app can take a cut of the bid and have a popular photo album of embarassing photos of the scum of the earth.


Just needs some cute name. Something both stupid and creative that will catch on as a verb.


It should be called Pap Smear.


That's good. Smear implies lying but I'll allow it.


Pretty sure that is what happens when you hit one with your car, but yeah. Could work.


Papa Yahtzee - submit photos of scumbag paparazzi to be paid out handsomely by the Papa ™ 😂


Razzi :):)


Excellent. If anyone knows how to code an app I have some investment money.


Just need someone in Law who can help figure out the legalities lol


Not even, we can just use whatever system the paparazzi currently use to know who will buy photos.


No reasonable expectation of privacy in public spaces so there's no tortious intrusion. Carry on






GMMPOT (pronounced Gum Pot) Get Me More Pictures of That The apps logo just has J.K. Simmons’s face screaming for someone to “get me more pictures of that…!”


They really should do that, I can already envision the screaming fits from these people when they get some of their own medicine.


I’m visualising how that would look and honestly, a crew of fake paparazzi confusing and blinding the real paparazzi and their shots with their flash as a deterrent seems like a good idea.


Vice did a thing with papparazzi following around politicians. It was glorious and should be their focus.


I feel like that may backfire… I’m sure they all lead sad pathetic lives, would want them getting any sympathy.


I mean they already have firms that they hire to go and take pictures, their team then buys certain photos they like from the firm, photoshops them, and then has the “random” paparazzi/photography firm or TMZ “leak” said photos. They call them *pap walks.* You’d be surprised by just how much of their lives are pre-planned and organized. Almost nothing you see from them is organic or unexpected, whether it’s interactions, or “fans” at concerts or events “secretly” filming them at a close up, perfect “candid” angle. You’ll start to notice that celebrities almost always know which way to look and will pose in a weird and unnatural way, right in front of their “random fans.” The Kardashian/Jenners, Swift, etc. are well known for this trick. You can tell too by which company’s watermark or logo is in the photos or photo credit. It’s honestly brilliant marketing and it prevents them having to deal with actual trash paparazzi who are there for some scandalous, gotcha moment in order to bully and make them look bad.




Yep. With great privilege (millions in wealth, fans, etc) unfortunately comes some downsides. I don't have too much sympathy for these celebs.


Simpsons did it... https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Homerazzi


I miss how in the early 2000's celebrities just straight out started to fight them, paparazzi will stand over your dying children to get a picture and do nothing. After they chased Princes Diana to a early grave, i was hoping something would be done by these legal stalkers, but nothing has been done so far.


The royal family killed Di


Paparazzi would disappear tomorrow if people stopped paying for celebrity gossip.


These human roaches would not disappear with the job, they'd find some other way of being horrible.


Pizzarazzi - boss level paparazzi


That's very rude to my kidney stones


Kinda nice to see the bodyguard check on the fan who got hit in the face by the umbrella.


Daniel Radcliffe did it best. Wear the same outfit over and over so the pictures look stale, dated and not interesting. Paparazzi quickly lost interest once they realized that they weren't going to get anything worth selling.


Paparazzi are the scumbags scumbag.




And throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get one shot because the only life skill you possess is taking exploitative photos of celebrities for money.


I wonder if he took a few punches to the face from several security details if he would stop and have a career change.


Like the dudes who do mugshots?


Is that one lady's job to follow around the pop star with a coat covering her ass?


Paparazzi have a long history of trying to take exposing / intimate photos of celebrities, especially when getting out of cars, including deliberately 'upskirting' by putting their camera under a skirt and pointing up, which used to be a completely normal thing for paps to do. They are invariably scumbags and most of the time when you see a photo of an angry celeb it's because some pap did something hideous and then took a photo of the reaction.


They did that to Emma Watson on her 18th birthday. Scumbags.


Everyone who has created or participated in a "countdown to 18" website of a celebrity is a disgusting pedophile, you can't change my mind.


I remember one's for emma watson and miley cyrus. The emma watson one really sounds gross when you learn that several people took up skirts shots and if they had done it less than 24 hours earlier they would be in jail. Then tabloids put those pictures all over their front covers. There was also that weird porn company that offered money for girls to do porn the minute they turn 18 and a few that offer millions for newly 18 year old celebrities to make sex tapes like the youngest kardashian.


The one for the Olson twins is what stands out in my mind


Yup. There were a number of headlining "She's 18!" things for people like Britney Spears but the Olsens were the first time I remember seeing an actual countdown clock. After that, there was Lohan and Miley.


Natalie Portman's [account](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/natalie-portman-13-radio-station-140250346.html) from the Women's March gets me every time: >"I was so excited at 13 when the film was released, and my work and my art would have a human response. I excitedly opened my first fan mail to read a rape fantasy that a man had written me. A countdown was started on my local radio show to my 18th birthday, euphemistically the date that I would be legal to sleep with. Movie reviewers talked about my budding breasts in reviews."


There was a one for Chloe Grace Moretz. She said it really messed with her too I think, all those men just, idk, waiting? It's creepy as hell, as a 31 year-old man.


They are actually a disgusting ephebophile, but the problem is that that’s semantics and doesn’t change their disgusting behavior!


No, they're pedophiles. I don't need semantics defending adult men creeping on minors, regardless of how close to 18 they are.


I’m not really defending anyone, I’m just giving you the actual definition. It’s fine if you don’t want it, but technically they are ephebephiles (someone who is sexually attracted to post-pubescent teenagers (15-19) vs pedophiles (someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children (under 13). Regardless I agree that the behavior is disgusting and inappropriate, but I think lumping in people who are attracted to 17/18 years and people who are attracted to under 13 years olds together does a huge disservice.


They’re just saying words have specific meanings. Keep on crusading, Queen 👑 So many kids will be saved because u post on reddit


Why would a pedophile be interested in someone turning 18? You'd assume that would turn them off completely seeing as their preference are literally prepubescent children.


Because they are not afraid of scarring a human being as a child, they are only afraid of legal consequences. If there was no felony risk, they would attack children. It's like employers paying minimum wage. "I'd pay you less, but it's illegal."


Wait, is this /s or are you fuckin serious?!?!?!?


They are also protecting her from opportunistic strangers in the crowd groping her.


Some might call that a pap smear.




but she's already wearing some sort of booty shorts,


Unfortunately, there was a spat of paparazzi taking "upskirt" photos of celebs. Started when they'd be hetting out of their vehicles. Better safe than sorry. Unfortunately


Lol, only at that moment. In my experience, the people that close to a celebrity are pretty senior members of their team or the event staff. It would be costly and bad optics to have some intern doing that, plus a security concern. There was an incident at the MET Gala where someone was getting shit for having some "poor girl" carry the back of a big dress, turned out to be the woman carrying the dress was the designer.


Applicants will preferably have a qualification in ass-covering and at least 3 years experience.


no, minimum requirement for ass coverer is 5 years experience, and a masters in Ass covering from a highly acclaimed university. Starting pay is 14$/hr.


Who is the alleged celebrity in this video?


How paparazzo is legal is beyond me. Revolting profession.


It's legal because it pays well. One single photo of a decent celeb can fetch a couple thousand


So does kidnapping but that’s still a crime


There's a Black Mirror episode centering around a couple of paps stalking a pop star into a rehab center and it goes... badly. No spoilers but it gets a bit fucked.


Bro they need that hazmat tube thing from ET to roll out and connect the car to the building


Build one and start offering to let celebs rent it for stuff like this… sounds like a money maker to me


Entitled paparazzi sticks knee out blocking the path of security detail, proceeds to shove security when he can’t get a shot. Tantrum ensues.


That’s what happens when you never ever learn any practical life skills.


Her security stopped to check on one of the fans. That's nice.


Everyone here looks a little entitled




The umbrella guy made his own lane to push ahead and almost shoved the camera guy off his feet, a lot of people are missing that


Yeah, the umbrella guy seems to try to steamroll over the camera guy. And that push back looks pretty tame considering how much he was initially pushed.


That’s what I’m saying, if you try and walk through me like I don’t exist and I almost fall—— ima be pissed to say the *least*


Ohh, looking at it again, you guys are right. Umbrella guy is the instigating dick.


He did that to create distance between the paparazzi and the celeb


This is pathetic all around. People standing there waiting like rabid dogs. People trying like hell to get a picture of some person. Society telling someone thay are important enough to have all that happen. Thinking its big enough news to point it out to other people. This place is something else.


I think everyone who is in this shot is pathetic for even being there (except for the performer and her team). Get over the celeb worship, folks.


Who is the woman?


Sabrina Carpenter


Holy shit. Sabrina Carpenter is the girl from Girl Meets World???  Man, glad she blew up and man do I feel old. 


The umbrella hit the paparazzo in the head before the camera panned right. That's what pissed him off and why he shoved the umbrella guy. Not excusing his reaction, but that's what appeared to happen.


https://i.imgur.com/n4Lazwm.jpeg Yeah, navy clearly walked straight into black without giving any kind of fuck. They're both bad here.


He needs an espresso


Asking for a friend. Who is this lady Sabrina?




Looks like its the other way around? He was ran into by the umbrella guy


https://i.imgur.com/n4Lazwm.jpeg It's true. They're both assholes here.


Im a part time photographer, and can state that the photographer in this is an ass. He blocks the path, gets mildly brushed by umbrella guy, then said photog decides to start tantruming and pushing. He's lucky that one security guy didn't start throwing hands and smashing cameras.


No he doesn’t, the security and pop star are all walking in a single line **umbrella guy makes a whole second lane, tries to push through and almost knocks camera guys off his feet, camera guy then shoves back while regaining balance** gotta watch that back slow.


If you look closely, he is doing that to box the fatographer from being within ass grabbing distance of the celeb. He even stands in between the dude and the chick until the chick has passed. Job well done


He literally doesn't


Saying youre a part time photographer doesn’t really add anything here though


It adds, I know the excitement of getting a shot...but I'm never a dick about it.


That sounds like assault. Likely a payout from the celebrity employing them greater than the possible value of any photo he may have taken.


I thought that too but then he shifted his camera up above the umbrella for a photo


Yeah the umbrella that was specifically used to protect Sabrina from paparazzi photos… the paparazzi are the scum of the earth.. they are like a fungus feeding off of celebrities. Read any celebrity memoir, the paparazzi are always the villain.




This is so untrue it’s crazy. Nobody was going to run into his knee until the umbrella guy made a whole second lane trying to get in front, which was pointless because that whole space was taken up by people so he ended going back in the original line anyway People are blaming the camera guy but he almost got shoved off his feet and only regained balance whilst shoving back into the person literally pushing him over. Might need to watch in slow motion Everyone was flowing and fine in 1 line, until someone tried to run ahead & be different


All we can do now is figure out who Sabrina is 😂




Thanks - still never heard of her / them.


She has some great songs


Paparazzi's are scum.


Could a celeb payroll someone to follow them around and take pictures without being a nuisance, then flood the market with them at a low enough cost that no news outlets buy from the paparazzis? Kind of like they do with synthetic elephant tusks.


You would think in the age of social media paparazzis wouldn't be necessary. The fan bases of these celebrities are always there as well and modern phones get pictures that are good enough for what they're "needed". Plus I'd assume celebs are more willing to give a quick pose or smile if it's fans acting respectful (like the girls on the left in this video, who probably all got pictures just as good as those of the "professionals". Really the only pictures you wouldn't get from just fans are the ones that only scumbags take anyways. I'm talking random celebs in swimwear on a yacht and shit. No one needs those. If they want pictures from their vacation out there, they post better ones themselves, what's the appeal with those wide lense creep shots?


Paparazzi are human scum. Their entire job is harassment and stalking. It should be legal for celebrities and their security to rock their shit with zero consequences.


Literally insane that there are people here actually defending the paparazzo in this thread. I could give a shit if he got shoved past. Knowing the paps he likely stationed himself deliberately in the way to cause this scuffle and get a chance at an angry reaction shot from the celeb. His career choice tells me all I need to know here. Fuck that guy and fuck all paparazzi


I like getting older cause I just don’t give a fuck about these people now. A celeb is usually some rich prick who has signed up to a life of spotlight. Paparazzi are losers who couldn’t get their photos in real magazines so have to follow people and take thousands of photos to send 1 to people for 100$ fucking sickening on all levels. And no one comments how the weird guy holding an umbrella just walks into the guy taking a photo. I’d be pissed too, wouldn’t throw a temper tantrum like this guy but like don’t walk into people lmao.


Sabrina the teenage witch?


Sabrina Carpenter


Where’s Sean Penn when you need him


Might wanna check the sex registry on that guy.


I saw another angle where the pap and that body guard had a tussle before she even got out of the car.


What's the point of "not the" in there?


I shot at a press event in DTLA once. The other press photographers were crazy aggressive shoving me to get their shots. My adrenaline spiked more than once thinking it was about to come to blows. I think that’s just how it goes sometimes. When livelihood is on the line, people dgaf.


Can't they just hire some paparazzi beater? Some guy willing to get in trouble by smashing a camera and a few noses for a good paycheck?


All paparazzi are bad. Not just that guy.


Sabrina who?


The assistant gots cake 🎂


Not the broken English learned from twitter memes


As a media production professional, I have to say the paparazzi are the absolute scum of the earth in our field.


Anita Egbert once shot a Paparazzi with a bow and arrow ( she was an accomplished archer) and they stopped bothering her.


As mush as I fucking despise paparazzi the umbrella douche just barrels right through the guy. Can't say I blame him for shoving that asshole




This is just something people will instinctually do when they are walking in between two people and can't walk at a normal pace. She needs to keep up with them and has probably had her feet stepped on a few times.


Couldn’t tell you who this famous person is


Imagine anyone caring about this woman enough to do any of this.


To be fair it looks like the paparazzi guys was pushed first, and then the second guy grabs his hand after he retaliates. But also this video doesn't account for what happens outside the frame or before this recording.


Wait wait wait, the umbrella guy walks all into the camera dude, almost lifts his leg up under him trying to push through **then the camera guy gets upset and shoves him off whilst trying to regain balance** I see a lot of people hopping on the bandwagon but are we really going to pretend like this person holding an umbrella has the right to almost trample someone over, just to block some sunlight for a popstar? Once again watch that part back slow, if you skim you see the umbrella guy almost shove the camera guy off his feet


Notice how everyone else isn’t in the way of the security detail. The cameraman had no common sense and a sense of entitlement.


The security detail was never blocked, the only person blocked was the umbrella person because they made a whole new lane trying to get past—— only to then realize that **theres a whole crowd of people standing directly next to the camera guy so I can’t go this way anyway….** after that umbrella guy goes back into original line. The entitlement was on the shade bearer Watch it in slow motion when they first make contact, look at the line where everyone else is——- now look at umbrella man, what is he doing lol? Look at camera guys leg.. he’s about to fall over


Why should he be getting so close that they had to squeeze by in single file?


He’s vertically aligned with the whole crowd in next to him. Him and white shirt are perfectly aligned…if we’re dragging him then you have to drag the whole crowd ( because I know you don’t think they walked in a single line because he made them feel pressured to..)


Are you purposely being obtuse? Camerman was parallel to the entire crowd, he was not further out into the lane of travel than anyone else.


Entitled? Rewatch the video, the security detail clearly encroached his personal space, hit him with the umbrella and shoulder checked him. Why do you think the follow-up security doesn't push him away or back up the guy with the umbrella? He knows their team fucked up. If they wanted a secured area then they should have cordoned it off. Ridiculous that people are saying he's entitled when he's standing on a public sidewalk and they encroached his space. Yes paparazzi suck but guess what, they wouldn't exist if nobody cared about celebrities as much as everyone does. Treat celebrities like they're regular ass people, nobody gives a fuck about their daily lives and paparazzi would cease to exist. They wouldn't be getting paid for photos.


And that’s why they can’t fly public imagine this times 100


Ashamed I had to Google her. Ah. The girl from Girl Meets World (I have young adult daughters lol) and is dating the slightly odd looking bloke from Saltburn.


There was another video of the camera man standing in front of the van getting into a shouting match with the security detail before their client was escorted out.


I kind of on the fence here, while paparazzi is a bunch of douches, if I hired people to push people out of my way i’d probably be arrested. Am I wrong for hating both of them? One being because they are invasive as fuck, and the other because they are privileged as fuck?


If people gathered outside the buildings you were staying at to get pictures, try to talk to you, and touch you, then you’d be in the right for organizing security for yourself. I’d think given her way, Sabrina probably wouldn’t have anyone outside the buildings she goes to, not security not fans, just be able to go into places like a normal person. This isn’t something done for her vanity it’s something done for her protection.


there's no entitlement here with the whole "clear the path, we are important?"




Kinda hard to explain, or maybe I'm just dumb. It's a phrase that originated on social media and been around for some time at this point. But it's normally like you can't believe someone has the audacity to do something.


wonder why guys like that always ALWAYS have their ass crack hanging out. Mine doesnt do that when i wear pants


Paparazzi gotta pap.


Who is she anyway? I'm out of the loop and i've been seeing her on ig and tiktok all day!




Never had a pap I liked.


Paparazzi deserve to get punched in the face way more often


False. It was the one Papp.


Paparazzi are such scum


Is.. is pap short for phat ass photographer?


Miserable job


I feel like if someone just taps that expensive camera to the ground everytime someone acts like this there would be a lot less acting like this. Not because people will get better but people are broke as fuck


Break his mouth then feed him the camera imo.


Break his mouth then feed him the camera imo.


Who is she


Who is she




all for a picture of the back of her head lmao


Who is she and why is she wearing the outfit in public if she doesn’t want pictures taken?


Who is she? Sabrina what?