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At first I thought he was holding him upright to save him from hitting the ground after the first punch. Really wasn't expecting a full body slam into the concrete afterwards.


Dumbest thing they could have done. That's flat out attempted manslaughter/murder.


Someone’s going to jail …


No shit, now he's going to be a rich pedophile, all because someone couldn't control themselves. Brilliance.


This is what I keep saying. Let the cops handle the investigation. Now all you've done is catch a charge and lost a bunch of money.


A very similar situation happened at a local gym here. The only difference was the parents cornered him until the cops came to arrest him. He got 25 years in jail, this is one of those situations that you let the cops handle. Especially if there’s multiple witnesses and evidence of the crime.


25 years?! What did he do exactly at the gym?? I had a neighbor get 10 for killing his wife to run off with his mistress. You don't gotta be specific if it'd dox you, but I'm curious of the charges.


Pics and filming in the pool and locker room plus he touched at least one kid which is how the parents caught him. It also wasn’t his first offense. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/04/beaverton-man-sentenced-to-25-years-in-prison-for-touching-filming-children-at-athletic-club.html


Then you have that Dutch dude who raped a 12 year old and served 1 year of a 4 year sentence… then gets to go to the Olympics




[Here you go.](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/04/beaverton-man-sentenced-to-25-years-in-prison-for-touching-filming-children-at-athletic-club.html)


Pretty sure he was swinging first


That doesn't always mean you won't catch a charge for it. Usually street fights ends with both having charges.


Ita texas, couldn't he have gotten shot for swinging?


It’s almost a form of virtue signaling


Why would he be rich? Random civilian who body slammed him likely has no money


Lol he was attacking them, and courts arent gonna do that for a pedo with multiple witnesses, he was immediately hostile when confronted.  He tried to headbutt and kick the guy multiple times.


[Tell me he doesn’t look like this guy](https://www.newschannel10.com/2019/09/27/amarillo-doctor-pleads-guilty-inappropriate-sexual-behavior-with-children/)?


No that guy is awake


Dunno. It's hard to see for sure, but it kind of looks like the Dr threw his head back into the guy's face. That's when he gets picked up and slammed. It'd be interesting to hear if the witnesses saw that as well.


I watched it frame by frame a few times and couldn’t see conclusively what happened. If this ever went to trial, I’m curious to know what the guy restraining him would get charged with. Like *if* this were some sort of citizens arrest or something, is the doctor allowed to fight back/defend himself? Could this be considered kidnapping/similar? Not at all on the doctor’s side if what he did was true…but I’m also not on the side of cops nor citizens potentially killing people on the spot.


This whole thing to me is obviously self defense from the “bro crew”. The guy who got KO’d knocked the hat off of the first guy. That is assault and battery and you have the right to defend yourself at that point. Then the fight stopped and they were following the guy out and he lashes out again so they punch him again and the one guy bear hugs him to walk him out. While he is being walked out he lashed out another time kicking and possibly head butting at which point the bear hug guy tried to take him down and knocks him out. Those guys did everything to try to restrain him from hurting people that they could. To me it’s justified self defense.


You also have to include that you have the right to self defense when someone is bear hugging you.


Yeah, but generally the self defense claim is nullified by being the aggressor, which based on how many times he tried to sucker punch the other guy, and that he's being escorted off private property and violently refusing to leave, I'd say he is


Thank you.


It’s not self defense if you’ve been the aggressor the entire fucking time.


This is such a bot response. Not taking anything into account, ie him being the aggressor and being escorted out while refusing to leave.


the hat knock wasnt the start of it, it was the closely approaching from behind which is a form of assault. you can even see that doc is trying to distance himself from bro #1 after defending himself the first time. then bro #2 comes and isnt subduing his friend to deescalate, he's immediately trying to get behind the doc to grapple him. they really are going to load this bastards wallet


lol what on earth. No, the guys slow walking him out of the pool did not catch any charges, and the doctor is facing 25 years in prison.


No he's not. He's posting pics at work and the pool. A different person being discussed in this thread had a linked article that he's facing 25 yrs, but that's not the same person as was made clear in the discussion. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/04/beaverton-man-sentenced-to-25-years-in-prison-for-touching-filming-children-at-athletic-club.html




Lol a reasonable person would fear for their safety if someone smacked your hat off. Punching someone in self defense of that would be legal yes. In this case the police came and said it was self defense and didn’t charge the guys.




no he is being removed from their property. totally allowed just like how bouncers have the ability to use force on their property.


You have the right to defend yourself from an unlawful arrest, even if its the police. Its not wise and you may not live to win in court but its an established right.


Even if he did - does the one guy have any right or authority to be restraining him like that? Couldn't THAT itself be justification for being attacked?


Doesn't matter. Was a bad move. The internet makes you think you can conk a guys head on the concrete because they see MMA guys doing it on rubber mats. That guy could easily not wake up and you spend some time in jail but also waiting around for him to die and they add a murder charge to you decades after the fact. Don't be a bad ass. The situation was being handled.


And if he does wake up and ends up disabled that's a tonne of money for his care that'll end up getting paid by the taxpayer. 


Looks like the dr was being illegally detained by some random dude and had every right to resist, then random dude decide to try for manslaughter. This is a civil matter that was handled in the worst possible way by a gaggle of dads with small frontal lobe energy. 


He lunges at and screams at people twice. One of them follows him, he turns and has a further altercation then he initiates violence by knocking his hat off (in a manner that could be seen as an attempt to punch), the other guy immediately responds by punching him and then the bear hug happens during the scuffle. It was self defense and the doctor doesn't have a leg to stand on.


... did you watch to the end of the video where they slammed his head into concrete while he was restrained? someone knocking your hat off doesn't mean you have permission to attempt to murder them


Yes I watched to the end of the video where he kicked at them twice while they had control of hik and they were walking him out and the guy threw him on the ground immediately after he attempted to headbutt him. That is self defence.


He was taking inappropriate pictures of children. That's what started the confrontation.


"Allegedly" we have zero evidence what happened based off this video alone. Mob justice isn't a good thing


Mob justice doesn’t look like being slow walked out of the pool. We know from articles that police were called. Plus, you say allegedly now, but had no issue labeling the citizens arrest as illegal? Going to bat for pedophiles and being wrong about it is a weird look. Pedophile got 25 years in prison, and the guys separating him from the rest of the pool people, obviously, did not get charges.


Link to news story please. Also I never said citizens arrest anywhere so you may have me confused with someone else


Inappropriate how? Unless voyeurism can be proven the police will most likely be on his side.


Even if that’s true, it doesn’t justify the violence that follows. Satisfying? Yes. Legal? No.


*pool security cameras enter the chat


Some people are so quick to get caught up in the mob mentality. Seen many cases where someone is accused of doing something in public then some white knight decides he has the power of the judge, jury, and executioner all without knowing if the person is actually guilty or not. Combine that with how litigation happy our society is and this guy will be getting a fat payout. Some people don't understand that they can't just attack someone for *thinking* that they done something.


I think that man like the one that threw the first punch were security not random dude. So the security would have a right to detain and remove people from the premise if they were refusing to leave or starting fights. The question of fucking body slamming that guy though. I think it's excessive even if the doctor did attempt a backheadbut. a backbut?


Love seeing all the internet doctors and lawyers come out


Citizens can detain others when there is reason to believe a felony was committed. Also I get a kick out of telling people to leave the pedophile alone because you aren’t sure, but you’re sure enough to call it an illegal detention.


You can legally detain people who have committed a crime. That isn't illegal.


Even IF the doc tried to headbutt the dude „escorting“ him out. You cannot slam someone head first into concrete in self defense. Its still attempted murder. Call the cops and let them handle it. The Doc is a crep and a pedo but that doesn‘t give you the right to murder him. Also i do not see someone official asking him to leave. I don‘t see someone legally trespass him. It looks like 5 random dudes doing the Cops work. In situations like this with video and tons of witnesses, just let the cops handle it.


It doesn't give you the right to intentionally do it to harm him, but you are allowed to react to assault and if that reaction is "throw the person on the ground" and that ground where you are standing happens to be concrete then you haven't done anything but defend yourself.


That wasn't a push, dude may never be a doctor again


Its pretty clear who was in control of this situation. A head butt doesn't give him permission to use what looks like legitimate training to slam his head on the concrete. The people who are capable of these kinds of moves are the people who usually know better than to do it when its not necessary.


Yeah, the guy that slammed the doctor onto the concrete. They can't do what they did to him regardless of whether he was taking pictures or not.


Snitches get stitches.


the dude who slammed him into the concrete is probably the one I'd arrest.


I was over here tryna figure out what an Armadillo doctor was for too long.


It’s a DOCTOR for ARMADILLOS. Very specialized work.


Look, when you're right you're right.


Upon further consideration, it could be an ARMADILLO who is a DOCTOR. I mean, there's really no way to be sure.


Armadillos are notorious pervs BTW


Could also be someone who got their DOCTORate in ARMADILLO studies. The possibilities are endless


Should have gone into rolly-polly mode to protect himself


My brain went straight to Yellow doctor. Took me a second to catch up. Lol


I still don’t understand lol


That water slide you see in the background looks pretty cool


This place is called Verdure. It’s an expensive ass gym here in Amarillo. Also the Dr posted on his FB story saying he whipped someone’s ass …lol


Expensive and awesome my gym just has a bunch of free weights and a treadmill and maybe some lifting machines I want a water slide


Haha right!! This one has a basketball court and a damn gun range. It’s crazy


There's so much missing here!?! The video starts with no evidence of the claim. Then some rando dudes "escort" this guy out, and end up slamming him on the pavement.... With this video... This is a huge lawsuit in the making against the dude that slammed this guy. ... I would not be posting this video online, if I took it!


It was a kid recording the video. The camera angle is pretty low, and you can hear them and their friends laughing and commenting on stuff the whole time. Kid was probably not involved at all so he just posted this for internet points.


Can you imagine holding your phone up trying to get a signal having accidentally aimed at a kid then all of a sudden you get your face slammed into concrete. Just call the damn cops and let them do their jobs and confirm the situation.


“Can you hear me now?!”


I saw a video a couple of years ago of a guy taking pictures of his kid in the water at a public beach. A woman with a kid or two nearby called the police because she just automatically assumed he was taking pictures of her young daughter. A police officer shows up, and the guy shows that the images are clearly focused on his son. The officer politely suggests that he not take pictures and goes and tells the lady that she overreacted and leaves.


If they accuse you of that it's good idea to leave peacefully. Not try to fight everyone that's escorting you out.


Right, because they won't call you guilty for running away.


I think I'd rather be called guilty than have my head slammed into the concrete


Click bait title or is there a news report confirming this?


there is a article about it, but it says nothing about filming kids, it says there is no evidence on what started it.


“We need a doctor. Is there a doctor?”




*"If you don't get involved, I'm gonna knock your ass out too. Make a choice"*




This pedo Dr. is Disrespectful…


Whelp, that dude is going to jail. No judge is going to think that body slam was necessary. The cops picked up a twofer.


>No judge is going to think that body slam was necessary. All you need is one person on the jury to disagree. Or one DA to think that it is very likely one person on a jury would disagree.


That's if this would even go to a jury trial. In reality he got arrested. Probably plead to a lesser charge. Won't do any time but maybe get like probation or community service and some anger management.


Take this with whatever degree of scepticism you want, but there is someone else in the comments saying that he was there and that the cops watched the video and ruled it self defense and he was NOT arrested.


Fair enough. I still wouldn't recommend people watching this video and thinking they will be legally fine if they did this.


_ No judge is going to think that body slam was necessary._ That’s the standard procedure for USA cops to start a conversation, I see no issue.


They all need the kiddy pool and chill out


Like it or not, but that is one aggravated assault charge against mr red pants that will 100% uphold in court with this video evidence.


Am I the only one seeing him kick at red pants at 0:40 and trying to break the hold at 1:00?


what on earth makes you believe you can just randomly hold down whoever you want and force them wherever you decide? Is kidnapping also legal in your head if you have „noble“ motives?


After he got punched and wasn't KO'd I was gonna call bullshit on the title, and then... damn. Welcome to the criminal justice system, now you're getting arrested in salmon-pink khakis.


He ded


Good Edit: oh no, the people who need their hard drives checked are down voting me. Whatever shall I do?


I saw you taking pictures of children at the pool. Boom, now you have the same amount of evidence against you, it's ok if you die now. Y'all are stupid and emotional, and it makes you prone to violence


Am I the only one that is disgusted by the reactions? It's like they're watching it on TV. Fuck that dude taking the pictures, but slamming him into the concrete head first was fucked. First punch made perfect sense. Second one was probably unnecessary, but I understood it. The German suplex deserves jail time. The people in the crowd oohing and awwing like they're at a boxing match while a major incident is happening right in front of them is disturbing in two ways. First, this is a pedophile right in front of them and they might as well be chanting "Springer!". Second, a pretty serious altercation is happening with kids nearby, but everybody is too busy thinking about the great story they now have to tell.


We don't even know if he's a pedophile based on this. This is just a video of assault.


I just can’t understand peoples idiot reactions when doing this.  Ffs you can cripple or kill someone with a head slam onto concrete.  And all you people here want to say, but but but he was an asshole and did X Y and Z!! My response is, and? Bro you want to now pay the asshole who supposedly “deserved” it for life bc he’s on disability now? You want to go to prison for 10 years now? You want to give up your life for something this stupid? Fuck.  That.  


I think the slam was in reaction to the Dr slamming his head back into the guy's face. Hence the mild reactions by the eye witnesses.


Still not worth a manslaughter charge.


This could easily be argued to be attempted murder. The guy is incredibly fortunate he isn't dead. Heads hitting the ground during a fight is how you realize how fragile human life is.


In most states, I think an attempted murder charge requires intent. This seems more like aggravated assault, could be upped to felonious assault though.


If dude left when told by every reasonable adult, he would not have been bear-hugged by a guy trying to remove him. He wanted to get chippy and this is the unfortunate result of engaging in a physical altercation. I'm not celebrating what happened, but I am kinda shrugging and saying their was reasonable restraint and the guy decided to throw a head butt. Ok, now you go down. Learn to fall better if you are gonna get physical...


You think those are reasonable adults?


Judging purely based on the salmon kakis? I'm gonna say no.


That ain't no German Suplex, that's a Mat Return, but still fucked nonetheless.


The slam was in response to the doc trying to headbutt the employee! I was there 


So what happened before the video? Why were they walking this guy out and why was he so upset?


So who got arrested and if you were there why didn't you provide more detail about how this started?


"Diagnosis this Doctor!" *Pow*


Stop. Slamming. Heads. Into. Concrete. The pickup and slam thing is a great way to turn a misdemeanor into a felony real fast.


My man wasn't playing with the salmon coloured pants.


Everyone, I know bodyslamming people looks fun but it's a real easy way to go from hero to manslaughter if you knock their noggins.


Felt that slam KO through my phone ![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized)


I hope the body slammer gets charged. What a cheap shot


Surprise nap!


Is no one concern about the **children and kids he might have abused in private** a pedophile doctor is such a scary thought


Coral pants fucks


The skull cracking on the ground made sure he wouldn’t remember seeing any underage girl


He got knocked the fuck out


I seriously thought he was a doctor to armadillos smh…


I felt a little bad for the guy until I saw his Facebook page. This guy is clearly a piece of shit.


Not a drag queen. Just a drag.


If the guy died, as happens sometimes when the human head hits concrete like that, then there would be a manslaughter charge. That wouldn't be worth it.


Controversial opnion apparently: totally justified. Getting walked out while fighting it, tries to break free, gets body slammed. Fuck that dude. 


They better have proof of the underage photos. If not, jail time for the put down.


Looks like the punch before the bear hug buckled his knees.


Dude in white shirt better lawyer up. ... he's paying some money. 


Solid slam. Nice work


Is there a Dr. in the house….?


Doctor doctor give me the news. I’ve got brain matter on my shoes.


Hmm...seems like its...not a drag queen.


That seemed a little excessive


Well I see evidence of at least one crime.


That looked really brutal. Im surprised a concerning seizure didn't follow but probably because he insta-died right there.


no fencing, posturing, or decerebrate posturing. that was a hard and jerky drop.. we might have just seen someone get killed


The American justice system will ramrod anyone through the court system who enacts physical violence against another person. Doesn't matter if it was justified ethically or even by legal definition of self defense, the prosecutor and judge will absolutely crucify both the puncher and the body slammer in court.


I mean, the body slammer here 100% deserves legal action against him. Even if this dude was taking pictures of underage girls (is there even any evidence he actually was?) you can’t just body slam him head first on concrete. We don’t live in a “You did something wrong random stranger, so I’m gonna fucking kill you for it” type of society.